Module AqEquil.AqSpeciation
Expand source code
FIXED_SPECIES = ["H2O", "H+", "O2(g)", "water", "Cl-", "e-", "OH-", "O2", "H2O(g)"]
'name':'str', 'abbrv':'str', 'formula':'str',
'state':'str', 'ref1':'str', 'ref2':'str',
'date': 'str', 'E_units':'str',
'G':'float', 'H':'float', 'S':'float',
'Cp':'float', 'V':'float', 'a1.a':'float',
'a2.b':'float', 'a3.c':'float', 'a4.d':'float',
'c1.e':'float', 'c2.f':'float',
'omega.lambda':'float', 'z.T':'float',
'azero':'float', 'neutral_ion_type':'float',
'dissrxn':'str', 'tag':'str',
'formula_ox':'str', 'category_1':'str',
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import copy
import collections
import dill
import math
import itertools
from fractions import Fraction
import functools
from ipywidgets import IntProgress
from IPython.display import display
import time
from urllib.request import urlopen
from io import StringIO
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) # TEMPORARY! Disable this once FutureWarning issues have been solved.
import subprocess
import pkg_resources
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from chemparse import parse_formula
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
import periodictable
from collections import Counter
import pyCHNOSZ
from ._HKF_cgl import OBIGT2eos, calc_logK
# matplotlib for static plots
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import as px
import as pio
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# rpy2 for Python and R integration
import rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks
import logging
rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # will display errors, but not warnings
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
def load(filename, messages=True, hide_traceback=True):
Load a speciation file.
filename : str
Name of the speciation file.
messages : bool, default True
Print messages produced by this function?
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this function?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
An object of class `Speciation`.
err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
if len(filename) <= 12:
print("Attempting to load "+str(filename)+".speciation ...")
filename = filename+".speciation"
if 'speciation' in filename[-11:]:
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename):
err = "Cannot locate input file {}/{}".format(os.getcwd(), filename)
err = ("Input file {}".format(filename) + " "
"must be in {} format.".format(ext_dict[ext]))
if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
with open(filename, 'rb') as handle:
#speciation = dill.load(handle)
speciation = pd.compat.pickle_compat.load(handle)
if messages:
print("Loaded '{}'".format(filename))
return speciation
msg = "Cannot open " + str(filename) + " because the file is empty."
def _get_duplicates(array):
Return a list of duplicate elements in another list
c = Counter(array)
return [k for k in c if c[k] > 1]
def _float_to_fraction (x, error=0.000001):
Convert a float into a fraction. Works with floats like 2.66666666.
Solution from
n = int(math.floor(x))
x -= n
if x < error:
return (n, 1)
elif 1 - error < x:
return (n+1, 1)
# The lower fraction is 0/1
lower_n = 0
lower_d = 1
# The upper fraction is 1/1
upper_n = 1
upper_d = 1
while True:
# The middle fraction is (lower_n + upper_n) / (lower_d + upper_d)
middle_n = lower_n + upper_n
middle_d = lower_d + upper_d
# If x + error < middle
if middle_d * (x + error) < middle_n:
# middle is our new upper
upper_n = middle_n
upper_d = middle_d
# Else If middle < x - error
elif middle_n < (x - error) * middle_d:
# middle is our new lower
lower_n = middle_n
lower_d = middle_d
# Else middle is our best fraction
return (n * middle_d + middle_n, middle_d)
def _float_to_formatted_fraction(x, error=0.000001):
Format a fraction for html.
f = _float_to_fraction(x, error=error)
whole_number_float = int((f[0]-(f[0]%f[1]))/f[1])
remainder_tuple = (f[0]%f[1], f[1])
if remainder_tuple[0] == 0:
return str(whole_number_float)
if whole_number_float == 0:
whole_number_float = ""
return "{0}<sup>{1}</sup>⁄<sub>{2}</sub>".format(
whole_number_float, remainder_tuple[0], remainder_tuple[1])
def _format_coeff(coeff):
Format a reaction coefficient for html.
if coeff == 1 or coeff == -1:
coeff = ""
elif coeff.is_integer() and coeff < 0:
coeff = str(-int(coeff))
elif coeff.is_integer() and coeff > 0:
coeff = str(int(coeff))
if coeff < 0:
coeff = _float_to_formatted_fraction(-coeff)
coeff = _float_to_formatted_fraction(coeff)
if coeff != "":
coeff = coeff + " "
return coeff
def _convert_to_RVector(value, force_Rvec=True):
Convert a value or list into an R vector of the appropriate type.
value : numeric or str, or list of numeric or str
Value to be converted.
force_Rvec : bool, default True
If `value` is not a list, force conversion into a R vector?
False will return an int, float, or str if value is non-list.
True will always return an R vector.
int, float, str, or an rpy2 R vector
A value or R vector of an appropriate data type.
if not isinstance(value, list) and not force_Rvec:
return value
elif not isinstance(value, list) and force_Rvec:
value = [value]
if all(isinstance(x, bool) for x in value):
return ro.BoolVector(value)
elif all(isinstance(x, int) for x in value):
return ro.IntVector(value)
elif all(isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, int) for x in value):
return ro.FloatVector(value)
return ro.StrVector([str(v) for v in value])
def _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(
float_cols=["G", "H", "S", "Cp",
"V", "a1.a", "a2.b",
"a3.c", "a4.d", "c1.e",
"c2.f", "omega.lambda", "z.T",
"azero", "neutral_ion_type", "regenerate_dissrxn",
"logK1", "logK2", "logK3", "logK4",
"logK5", "logK6", "logK7", "logK8",
"T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6",
"T7", "T8"],
str_cols=["name", "abbrv", "state", "formula",
"ref1", "ref2", "date",
"E_units", "tag", "dissrxn", "formula_ox",
"formula_modded", "formula_ox_modded",
"P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6",
"P7", "P8"],
df.replace(NA_string, np.nan, inplace=True)
for col in float_cols:
if col in df.columns:
df[col] = df[col].astype(float)
for col in str_cols:
if col in df.columns:
df[col] = df[col].astype(str)
return df
def _get_colors(colormap, ncol, alpha=1.0, hide_traceback=True):
Get a list of rgb values for a matplotlib colormap
colormap : str
Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM",
"colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps.
The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view:
Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
ncol : int
Number of colors to return in the list.
alpha : float, default 1.0
An alpha value between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque).
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this function?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
colors : list
A list of rgb color tuples
err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
qualitative_cmaps = ['Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Paired', 'Accent',
'Dark2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3',
'tab10', 'tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c']
if colormap == "colorblind":
# colors from Wong B. 2011,
colors = [(0, 0, 0, alpha), # black
(230/255, 159/255, 0, alpha), # orange
(86/255, 180/255, 233/255, alpha), # sky blue
(0, 158/255, 115/255, alpha), # bluish green
(240/255, 228/255, 66/255, alpha), # yellow
(0, 114/255, 178/255, alpha), # blue
(213/255, 94/255, 0, alpha), # vermillion
(204/255, 121/255, 167/255, alpha)] # reddish purple
if ncol <= len(colors):
return colors[:ncol]
print("Switching from 'colorblind' colormap to 'viridis' because there are {} variables to plot.".format(ncol))
colormap = "viridis"
elif colormap == "WORM":
colors = [(0, 0, 0, alpha), # black
(22/255, 153/255, 211/255, alpha), # blue
(232/255, 86/255, 66/255, alpha), # red
(245/255, 171/255, 80/255, alpha), # orange
(115/255, 108/255, 168/255, alpha), # purple
(151/255, 208/255, 119/255, alpha), # green
(47/255, 91/255, 124/255, alpha), # dark blue
(119/255, 119/255, 119/255, alpha)] # gray
if ncol <= len(colors):
return colors[:ncol]
print("Switching from 'WORM' colormap to 'viridis' because there are {} variables to plot.".format(ncol))
colormap = "viridis"
if colormap in qualitative_cmaps:
# handle qualitative (non-continuous) colormaps
colors = [[i] for i in range(ncol)]
colors = [(c[0], c[1], c[2], alpha) for c in colors]
# handle sequential (continuous) colormaps
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=ncol-1)
cmap = cm.__getattribute__(colormap)
valid_colormaps = [cmap for cmap in dir(cm) if "_" not in cmap and cmap not in ["LUTSIZE", "MutableMapping", "ScalarMappable", "functools", "datad", "revcmap"]]
err_handler.raise_exception("'{}'".format(colormap)+" is not a recognized matplotlib colormap. "
"Try one of these: {}".format(valid_colormaps))
m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
colors = [m.to_rgba(i) for i in range(ncol)]
colors = [(c[0], c[1], c[2], alpha) for c in colors]
return colors
def _all_equal(iterable):
# check that all elements of a list are equal
g = itertools.groupby(iterable)
return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
def check_balance(formulas, stoich):
Check that a chemical reaction is balanced. If not, get missing composition.
formulas : list of str
A list of species formulas that match the order of
the stoichiometric reaction coefficients in the `stoich` parameter.
stoich : list of numeric
A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order of
the species formulas in the `formulas` parameter. Reactants are
A printed warning and a dictionary of the missing composition if the
reaction is unbalanced.
if len(formulas) != len(stoich):
raise Exception("The number of species formulas does not match the "
"number of stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction.")
# sum all elements, +, and - by their reaction coefficient
all_dict = {}
for i,s in enumerate(formulas):
s_dict = parse_formula(s)
s_dict = {key: stoich[i]*s_dict[key] for key in s_dict.keys()}
all_dict = {k: all_dict.get(k, 0) + s_dict.get(k, 0) for k in set(all_dict) | set(s_dict)}
# sum + and - as Z (charge)
if "+" not in list(all_dict.keys()):
all_dict["+"] = 0
if "-" not in list(all_dict.keys()):
all_dict["-"] = 0
all_dict["Z"] = all_dict["+"] - all_dict["-"]
del all_dict["+"]
del all_dict["-"]
# delete all elements with a value of 0 (balanced)
for key in list(all_dict.keys()):
if all_dict[key] == 0:
del all_dict[key]
# print warnings, prepare missing composition dictionary
if len(list(all_dict.keys())) > 0:
missing_composition_dict = {k:[-all_dict[k]] for k in all_dict.keys()}
print("Warning! The reaction is unbalanced. It is missing this composition:")
missing_composition_dict = {}
return missing_composition_dict
def chemlabel(name, charge_sign_at_end=False):
Format a chemical formula to display subscripts and superscripts in HTML
(e.g., Plotly plots)
Example, "CH3COO-" becomes "CH<sub>3</sub>COO<sup>-</sup>"
name : str
A chemical formula.
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
A formatted chemical formula string.
# format only the first part of the name if it has "_(input)"
if len(name.split("_(input)"))==2:
if name.split("_(input)")[1] == '':
name = name.split("_(input)")[0]
input_flag = False
name = _html_chemname_format(name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
# add " (input)" to the end of the name
if input_flag:
name = name+" (input)"
def format_equation(species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=False):
Format a chemical equation to display in HTML
(e.g., Plotly plots)
species : list of str
List of species in the reaction
stoich : list of numeric
List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative)
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
A formatted chemical formula string.
reactants_list = []
products_list = []
for i,s in enumerate(species):
s_f = chemlabel(s, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
if stoich[i] < 0:
if stoich[i] != -1:
entry = str(abs(stoich[i])) + " " + s_f
entry = s_f
elif stoich[i] > 0:
if stoich[i] != 1:
entry = str(stoich[i]) + " " + s_f
entry = s_f
reactants_together = " + ".join(reactants_list)
products_together = " + ".join(products_list)
equation_str = " → ".join([reactants_together, products_together])
return equation_str
def _html_chemname_format(name, charge_sign_at_end=False):
Function duplicated from pyCHNOSZ
p = re.compile(r'(?P<sp>[-+]\d*?$)')
name = p.sub(r'<sup>\g<sp></sup>', name)
charge ='<.*$', name)
name_no_charge = re.match(r'(?:(?!<|$).)*', name).group(0)
mapping = {"0": "<sub>0</sub>", "1": "<sub>1</sub>", "2": "<sub>2</sub>",
"3": "<sub>3</sub>", "4": "<sub>4</sub>", "5": "<sub>5</sub>",
"6": "<sub>6</sub>", "7": "<sub>7</sub>", "8": "<sub>8</sub>",
"9": "<sub>9</sub>", ".":"<sub>.</sub>"}
name_no_charge_formatted = "".join([mapping.get(x) or x
for x in list(name_no_charge)])
if charge != None:
name = name_no_charge_formatted +
name = name_no_charge_formatted
if charge_sign_at_end:
if "<sup>-" in name:
name = name.replace("<sup>-", "<sup>")
name = name.replace("</sup>", "-</sup>")
if "<sup>+" in name:
name = name.replace("<sup>+", "<sup>")
name = name.replace("</sup>", "+</sup>")
def _isnotebook():
Check if this code is running in a Jupyter notebook
shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
elif shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell':
return False # Terminal running IPython
return False # Other type (?)
except NameError:
return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
class Error_Handler:
Handles how errors are printed in Jupyter notebooks. By default, errors that
are handled by AqEquil are printed with an error message, but no traceback.
Errors that are not handled by AqEquil, such as those thrown if the user
encounters a bug, will display a full traceback.
If the error handler prints an error message without traceback, all future
errors regardless of origin will be shown without traceback until the
notebook kernel is restarted.
clean : bool
Report exceptions without traceback? If True, only the error message is
shown. If False, the entire error message, including traceback, is
shown. Ignored if AqEquil is not being run in a Jupyter notebook.
def __init__(self, clean=True):
self.clean = clean # bool: hide traceback?
def hide_traceback(exc_tuple=None, filename=None, tb_offset=None,
exception_only=False, running_compiled_code=False):
Return a modified ipython showtraceback function that does not display
traceback when encountering an error.
ipython = get_ipython()
etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
value.__cause__ = None # suppress chained exceptions
return ipython._showtraceback(etype, value, ipython.InteractiveTB.get_exception_only(etype, value))
def raise_exception(self, msg):
Raise an exception that displays the error message without traceback. This
happens only when the exception is predicted by the AqEquil package
(e.g., for common user errors).
if self.clean and _isnotebook():
ipython = get_ipython()
ipython.showtraceback = self.hide_traceback
raise Exception(msg)
class AqEquil(object):
Class containing functions to speciate aqueous water chemistry data using
existing or custom thermodynamic datasets.
eq36da : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA
Path to directory where data1 files are stored.
eq36co : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO
Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored.
db : str, default "WORM"
Determines which thermodynamic database is used in the speciation
calculation. There are several options available:
- "WORM" will load the default WORM thermodynamic database,
solid solution database, and logK database. These files are retrieved
from to ensure they are
- Three letter file extension for the desired data1 database, e.g.,
"wrm". This will use a data1 file with this file extension, e.g.,
"data1.wrm" located in the path stored in the 'EQ36DA' environment
variable used by EQ3NR.
- The name of a data0 file located in the current working directory,
e.g., "data0.wrm". This data0 file will be compiled by EQPT
automatically during the speciation calculation.
- The name of a CSV file containing thermodynamic data located in
the current working directory, e.g., "wrm_data.csv". The CSV file
will be used to generate a data0 file for each sample (using
additional arguments from `db_args` if desired).
- The URL of a data0 file, e.g.,
- The URL of a CSV file containing thermodynamic data, e.g.,
solid_solutions : str
Filepath of a CSV file containing parameters for solid solutions, e.g.,
"my_solid_solutions.csv". If `db` is set to "WORM" and `solid_solutions`
is not defined, then parameters for solid solutions will be retrieved
from "Solid_solutions.csv" at
logK : str
Filepath of a CSV file containing equilibrium constants for chemical
species, e.g., "my_logK_entries.csv". If `db` is set to "WORM" and `logK`
is not defined, then equilibrium constants will be retrieved from
"wrm_data_logK.csv" at
logK_S : str
Filepath of a CSV file containing equilibrium constants for chemical
species, e.g., "my_logK_S_entries.csv". If `db` is set to "WORM" and `logK_S`
is not defined, then equilibrium constants will be retrieved from
"wrm_data_logK_S.csv" at
logK_extrapolate : str, default "none"
What method should be used to extrapolate equilibrium constants in the
logK database (defined by parameter `logK`) as a function of
temperature? Can be either "none", "flat", "poly", or "linear".
download_csv_files : bool, default False
Download copies of database CSV files to your current working directory?
exclude_organics : bool, default False
Exclude organic molecules from thermodynamic database? Organic species
are excluded from the main thermodynamic database CSV and the
equilibrium constant (logK) CSV database. This parameter has no effect
if the thermodynamic database is a data0 or data1 file.
Requires that the databases have a 'category_1' column that designates
organic molecules.
The purpose of this parameter is to quickly toggle:
`exclude_category={'category_1':["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}`
exclude_category : dict
Exclude species from thermodynamic databases based on column values.
For instance,
`exclude_category={'category_1':["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}`
will exclude all species that have "organic_aq" or "organic_cr" in
the column "category_1".
Species are excluded from the main thermodynamic database CSV and the
equilibrium constant (logK) CSV database. This parameter has no effect
if the thermodynamic database is a data0 or data1 file.
suppress_redox : list of str, default []
Suppress equilibrium between oxidation states of listed elements
(Cl, H, and O cannot be included).
input_template : str, default "none"
Can be either "strict", "basis", "all", or "none" (default). If any
option other than "none" is chosen, a sample input file template CSV
file customized to this thermodynamic dataset called
"sample_input_template.csv" will be generated in the current directory.
This template can be populated with water sample data to be speciated by
the `speciate` function. The "strict" option is highly recommended for
most users. This is because strict basis species speciate into auxiliary
and non-basis species, but not the other way around.
Columns in the template include 'Sample', 'Temperature', 'logfO2', and
others, depending on the chosen option. If "strict", columns for strict
basis species will be included. If "basis", columns for both strict and
auxiliary basis species will be included. If "all", then columns for all
aqueous species will be included.
water_model : str, default "SUPCRT92"
This is an experimental feature that is not yet fully supported.
Desired water model. Can be either "SUPCRT92", "IAPWS95", or "DEW".
These models are described here:
exceed_Ttr : bool, default True
Calculate Gibbs energies of mineral phases and other species
beyond their transition temperatures?
verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1
Level determining how many messages are returned during a
calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only,
0 for silent.
load_thermo : bool, default True
Load thermodynamic database(s) when instantiating this class?
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
eq36da : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA
Path to directory where data1 files are stored.
eq36co : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO
Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored.
df_input_processed : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing user-supplied sample chemistry data that has
been processed by `speciate`.
half_cell_reactions : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing half cell reactions that can be combined
into redox reactions for calculating chemical affinity and energy supply
values during speciation.
def __init__(self,
if not isinstance(eq36da, str):
eq36da = os.environ.get('EQ36DA')
if not isinstance(eq36co, str):
eq36co = os.environ.get('EQ36CO')
self.eq36da = eq36da
self.eq36co = eq36co
self.df_input_processed = None
self.water_model = water_model
if not isinstance(suppress_redox, list):
suppress_redox = []
half_rxn_data = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "half_cell_reactions.csv")
self.half_cell_reactions = pd.read_csv(half_rxn_data) #define the input file (dataframe of redox pairs)
self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy = copy.deepcopy(self.half_cell_reactions)
self.verbose = verbose
self.hide_traceback = hide_traceback
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=self.hide_traceback)
self.raw_3_input_dict = {}
self.raw_3_output_dict = {}
self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom = {}
self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top = {}
self.batch_T = []
self.batch_P = []
self.logK_models = {}
if load_thermo:
# attributes to add to AqEquil class
self.db = db
self.elements = elements
self.solid_solutions = solid_solutions
if exclude_category is None:
exclude_category = dict()
if isinstance(exclude_organics_except, str):
exclude_organics_except = [exclude_organics_except]
if exclude_organics and not isinstance(exclude_organics_except, list):
if not isinstance(exclude_category.get("category_1"), list):
exclude_category["category_1"] = ["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]
if "organic_aq" not in exclude_category["category_1"]:
exclude_category["category_1"] = exclude_category["category_1"].append("organic_aq")
if "organic_cr" not in exclude_category["category_1"]:
exclude_category["category_1"] = exclude_category["category_1"].append("organic_cr")
elif isinstance(exclude_organics_except, list):
# exclude all organics except what is specified by the user in exclude_organics_except
# and species in associated speciation group
sp = Speciation({})
reactant_dict_scalar = copy.deepcopy(sp.reactant_dict_scalar)
sp_dict_unpacked = copy.deepcopy(sp.speciation_group_dict_unpacked)
sp_dict_groups = copy.deepcopy(sp.sp_dict_groups)
self.reactant_dict_scalar = reactant_dict_scalar
self.sp_dict_unpacked = sp_dict_unpacked
self.sp_dict_groups = sp_dict_groups
del sp
exclude_organics_except_orig = copy.copy(exclude_organics_except)
for org in exclude_organics_except_orig:
for group in self.sp_dict_groups:
if org in self.sp_dict_groups[group]:
exclude_organics_except += self.sp_dict_groups[group]
exclude_organics_except = list(set(exclude_organics_except))
self.exclude_category = exclude_category
self.exclude_organics_except = exclude_organics_except
self.logK = logK
self.logK_S = logK_S
self.logK_extrapolate = logK_extrapolate
self.download_csv_files = download_csv_files
self.suppress_redox = suppress_redox
self.exceed_Ttr = exceed_Ttr
self.input_template = input_template
self.thermo = AqEquil.Thermodata(AqEquil_instance=self) # outer instance passed to inner instance
self.data1 = self.thermo.data1
def _capture_r_output(self):
Capture and create a list of R console messages
# Record output #
self.stdout = []
self.stderr = []
# If DEBUGGING_R==False, uses python to print R lines after executing an R block
# If DEBUGGING_R==True, will ugly print from R directly. Allows printing from R to troubleshoot errors.
# Dummy functions #
def add_to_stdout(line): self.stdout.append(line)
def add_to_stderr(line): self.stderr.append(line)
# Keep the old functions #
self.stdout_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print
self.stderr_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror
# Set the call backs #
rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print = add_to_stdout
rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror = add_to_stderr
def _print_captured_r_output(self):
printable_lines = [line for line in self.stdout if line not in ['[1]', '\n']]
printable_lines = [line for line in printable_lines if"^\s*\[[0-9]+\]$", line) is None]
printable_lines = [re.sub(r' \\n\"', "", line) for line in printable_lines]
[print(line[2:-1]) for line in printable_lines]
def _report_3o_6o_errors(self, lines, samplename):
recording = False
start_index = 0
end_index = -1
error_list = []
normal_exit = False
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
if "* Error" in line:
recording = True
start_index = i
if (recording and line == "") or (recording and i == len(lines)-1):
end_index = i
recording = False
error_lines = lines[start_index:end_index+1]
error_lines = "\n".join(error_lines)
if "Normal exit" in line:
normal_exit = True
if not normal_exit and len(error_list)==0:
error_list.append("\n * Error - (EQ3/6) The calculation did not terminate normally.")
error_lines = "\n".join(error_list)
if len(error_lines) > 0:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("\nThe sample '"+samplename+"' experienced errors during the reaction:")
return True
return False
def __file_exists(self, filename, ext='.csv'):
Check that a file exists and that it has the correct extension.
Returns True if so, raises exception if not.
ext_dict = {
".csv" : "comma separated values (.csv)",
".txt" : "standard text (.txt)",
".rds" : "R Data (.rds)",
if ext in filename[-4:]:
if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename):
return True
err = "Cannot locate input file {}/{}".format(os.getcwd(), filename)
err = ("Input file {}".format(filename) + " "
"must be in {} format.".format(ext_dict[ext]))
return False
def _check_sample_input_file(self, input_filename, exclude, db,
dynamic_db, charge_balance_on,
Check for problems in sample input file.
# does the input file exist? Is it a CSV?
if self.__file_exists(input_filename):
df_in = pd.read_csv(input_filename, header=None) # no headers for now so colname dupes can be checked
self.err_handler.raise_exception("_check_sample_input() error!")
# are there any samples?
if df_in.shape[0] <= 2:
err_no_samples = ("The file {}".format(input_filename) + " "
"must contain at least three rows: the "
"first for column names, the second for column subheaders, "
"followed by one or more rows for sample data.")
err_list = [] # for appending errors found in the sample input file
# get header list
col_list = list(df_in.iloc[0, 1:])
# are there blank headers?
if True in [isinstance(x, float) and x != x for x in col_list]:
# isinstance(x, float) and x != x is a typesafe way to check for nan
err_blank_header = ("One or more columns in the sample input "
"file have blank headers. These might be empty columns. "
"Only the first column may have a blank header. Remove any "
"empty columns and/or give each header a name.")
# are there duplicate headers?
dupe_cols = list(set([x for x in col_list if col_list.count(x) > 1]))
if len(dupe_cols) > 0:
err_dupe_cols = ("Duplicate column names are not allowed. "
"Duplicate column names were found for:\n"
df_in.columns = df_in.iloc[0] # set column names
df_in = df_in.drop(df_in.index[0], axis=0) # drop column name row
df_in_headercheck = copy.deepcopy(df_in.iloc[:,1:]) # drop first column. Deepcopy slice because drop() doesn't work well with unnamed columns.
# drop excluded headers
for exc in exclude:
if exc == df_in.columns[0]: # skip if 'sample' column is excluded
df_in_headercheck = df_in_headercheck.drop(exc, axis=1) # drop excluded columns
err_bad_exclude = (
"Could not exclude the header '{}'".format(exc)+". "
"This header could not be found in "
# get row list
row_list = list(df_in.iloc[1:, 0])
# are there blank rows?
if True in [isinstance(x, float) and x != x for x in row_list]:
# isinstance(x, float) and x != x is a typesafe way to check for nan
err_blank_row = ("One or more rows in the sample input "
"file have blank sample names. These might be empty rows. "
"Remove any empty rows and/or give each sample a name. Sample "
"names go in the first column.")
# are there duplicate rows?
dupe_rows = list(set([x for x in row_list if row_list.count(x) > 1]))
if len(dupe_rows) > 0:
err_dupe_rows = ("Duplicate sample names are not allowed. "
"Duplicate sample names were found for:\n"
# are there any leading or trailing spaces in sample names?
invalid_sample_names = [n for n in list(df_in.iloc[1:, 0])
if str(n[0])==" " or str(n[-1])==" "]
if len(invalid_sample_names) > 0:
err_sample_leading_trailing_spaces = ("The following sample names "
"have leading or trailing spaces. Remove spaces and try again: "
# are column names valid entries in the database?
if self.thermo.custom_data0:
if "data0" in db:
data_path = db
data_path = "data0." + db
elif self.thermo.dynamic_db:
data_path = self.thermo.thermo_db_filename
data_path = self.eq36da + "/data0." + db
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0" and self.thermo.thermo_db_source == "URL":
data_path = "data0." + self.thermo.data0_lettercode
if not (os.path.exists(data_path) or os.path.isfile(data_path)) and self.thermo.thermo_db_source=="file":
warn_no_data0 = ("Warning: Could not locate {}.".format(data_path) + " "
"Unable to determine if column headers included in "
"{} ".format(input_filename) + "match entries for species "
"in the requested thermodynamic database '{}'.".format(db))
if self.verbose > 0:
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0":
data0_lines = self.thermo.thermo_db.split("\n")
recording_species = False
for i,s in enumerate(data0_lines):
if recording_species and "+---" in s:
end_index = i-1
if '* species name' in s:
start_index = i+1
db_species = [i.split()[0] for i in data0_lines[start_index:end_index]]
elif self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "CSV":
df_OBIGT = self.thermo.thermo_db
db_species = list(df_OBIGT["name"])
if charge_balance_on == 'pH':
err_charge_balance_on_pH = ("To balance charge on pH, use "
elif charge_balance_on in ['Temperature', 'logfO2']:
err_charge_balance_invalid_type = ("Cannot balance charge "
"on {}.".format(charge_balance_on))
elif charge_balance_on != "none" and charge_balance_on not in list(set(df_in_headercheck.columns)):
err_charge_balance_invalid_sp = ("The species chosen for charge balance"
" '{}'".format(charge_balance_on)+""
" was not found among the headers of the sample input file.")
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type in ["data0", "CSV"]:
for species in list(dict.fromkeys(df_in_headercheck.columns)):
if species not in db_species and species not in ['Temperature', 'logfO2', 'pH', 'Pressure', 'Eh', 'pe']+FIXED_SPECIES:
err_species_not_in_db = ("The column '{}'".format(species) + " in the input file "
"was not found in the currently loaded chemical species from {}".format(data_path) + ". "
"If the column '"+format(species)+"' contains data that should not be "
"included in the speciation calculation (such as sample metadata), add the "
"column name to the 'exclude' parameter. Otherwise, the "
"species might not be loaded because it is not in the thermodynamic database, "
"or it was excluded via the 'exclude_category', 'exclude_organics', or 'exclude_organics_except' "
"parameters when the database was loaded. Species may also be excluded when "
"element redox states are isolated with the parameter 'suppress_redox' and "
"appropriate basis species cannot be found to represent them.")
elif species == 'pH':
err_species_pH = ("Please rename the 'pH' column in "
"the sample input file to 'H+' with the subheader "
"unit 'pH'.")
# are subheader units valid?
subheaders = df_in_headercheck.iloc[0,]
valid_subheaders = ["degC", "ppm", "ppb", "Suppressed", "Molality",
"Molarity", "mg/L", "mg/kg.sol", "Alk., eq/kg.H2O",
"Alk., eq/L", "Alk., eq/kg.sol", "Alk., mg/L CaCO3",
"Alk., mg/L HCO3-", "Log activity", "Log act combo",
"Log mean act", "pX", "pH", "pHCl", "pmH", "pmX",
"Hetero. equil.", "Homo. equil.", "Make non-basis",
"logfO2", "Mineral", "bar", "volts"]
for i, subheader in enumerate(subheaders):
if subheader not in valid_subheaders:
err_valid_sub = ("The subheader '{}'".format(subheader) + " "
"for the column '{}'".format(df_in_headercheck.columns[i]) + " "
"is not recognized. Valid subheaders are {}".format(str(valid_subheaders)) + ". "
"If the column {}".format(df_in_headercheck.columns[i]) + " "
"contains data that is not meant for the "
"speciation calculation, add the column name "
"to the 'exclude' argument. Try help(AqEquil.AqEquil.speciate) "
"for more information about 'exclude'.")
# is a 'Temperature' column present?
if "Temperature" not in df_in_headercheck.columns and "Temperature" not in exclude:
err_temp = ("The column 'Temperature' was not found in the input file. "
"Please include a column with 'Temperature' in the first row, "
"'degC' in the second row, and a temperature value for each "
"sample in degrees Celsius.")
# raise an exception that summarizes all errors found
if len(err_list) > 0:
errs = "\n\n*".join(err_list)
errs = ("The input file {}".format(input_filename)+" encountered"
" errors:\n\n*" + errs)
# warn about "suppress_redox" in db_args if "Hetero. equil." among subheaders.
# Redox suppression won't work for an element constrained by heterogeneous equilibrium
if redox_suppression and "Hetero. equil." in list(subheaders):
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Warning: 'suppress_redox' does not currently work with the "
"heterogeneous equilibrium option if the mineral or gas "
"contains a redox-suppressed element.")
sample_temps = [float(t) for t in list(df_in["Temperature"])[1:]]
if "Pressure" in df_in.columns:
sample_press = [float(p) if p.lower() != 'psat' else 'psat' for p in list(df_in["Pressure"])[1:]]
sample_press = ['psat']*len(sample_temps)
return sample_temps, sample_press
def __move_eqpt_extra_output(self):
Moves all EQPT output and data0 into the eqpt_files folder
if os.path.exists("eqpt_log.txt") and os.path.isfile("eqpt_log.txt"):
shutil.move("eqpt_log.txt", "eqpt_files/eqpt_log.txt")
if os.path.exists("data1f.txt") and os.path.isfile("data1f.txt"):
shutil.move("data1f.txt", "eqpt_files/data1f.txt")
if os.path.exists("slist.txt") and os.path.isfile("slist.txt"):
shutil.move("slist.txt", "eqpt_files/slist.txt")
def runeqpt(self, db, dynamic_db=False):
Convert a data0 into a data1 file with EQPT.
db : str
Three letter code of database.
if os.path.exists("data0."+db) and os.path.isfile("data0."+db):
self.err_handler.raise_exception(" ".join(["Error: could not locate custom database",
"data0.{} in {}.".format(db, os.getcwd())]))
if os.path.exists("data1."+db) and os.path.isfile("data1."+db):
args = ["cd", os.getcwd(), ";", self.eq36co+'/eqpt', "'"+os.getcwd()+"/data0."+db+"'"]
args = " ".join(args)
self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQPT
"Error: EQPT failed to run on {}.".format("data0."+db))
if os.path.exists("data1") and os.path.isfile("data1"):
os.rename("data1", "data1."+db)
if os.path.exists("data0.d1") and os.path.isfile("data0.d1"):
os.rename("data0.d1", "data1."+db)
if os.path.exists("data0.po") and os.path.isfile("data0.po"):
os.rename("data0.po", "eqpt_log.txt")
if os.path.exists("data0.d1f") and os.path.isfile("data0.d1f"):
os.rename("data0.d1f", "data1f.txt")
if os.path.exists("data0.s") and os.path.isfile("data0.s"):
os.rename("data0.s", "slist.txt")
if os.path.exists("data1."+db) and os.path.isfile("data1."+db):
if self.verbose > 0:
if not dynamic_db:
print("Successfully created a data1."+db+" from data0."+db)
if dynamic_db:
msg = ("EQPT has encounted a problem processing the database "
"for this sample. Check eqpt_log.txt for details.")
msg = ("EQPT could not create data1."+db+" from "
"data0."+db+". Check eqpt_log.txt for details.")
def runeq3(self,
Call EQ3 on a .3i input file.
filename_3i : str
Name of 3i input file.
db : str
Three letter code of database.
path_3i : path str, default current working directory
Path of .3i input files.
path_3o : path str, default current working directory
Path of .3o output files.
path_3p : path str, default current working directory
Path of .3p pickup files.
data1_path : str, default None
File path of data1 file.
dynamic_db_name : str
Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used.
This parameter is for internal use.
# get current working dir
cwd = os.getcwd()
cwdd = cwd + "/"
if samplename == None:
samplename = filename_3i[:-3]
if self.verbose > 0 and dynamic_db_name == None:
print('Using ' + db + ' to speciate ' + samplename)
elif self.verbose > 0 and isinstance(dynamic_db_name, str):
print('Using ' + dynamic_db_name + ' to speciate ' + samplename)
args = ["cd", "'" + cwdd+path_3i+"'", ";", # change directory to where 3i files are stored
self.eq36co + '/eq3nr', # path to EQ3NR executable
"'" + data1_path + "/data1." + db+"'", # path to data1 file
"'"+cwdd + path_3i +"/"+ filename_3i+"'"] # path to 3i file
args = " ".join(args)
self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQ3
filename_3o = filename_3i[:-1] + 'o'
filename_3p = filename_3i[:-1] + 'p'
# The new eq36 build truncates names, e.g., MLS.Source.3i creates MLS.3o
# Correct for this here:
files_3o = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd + path_3i) if ".3o" in file]
files_3p = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd + path_3i) if ".3p" in file]
if len(files_3o) == 0:
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Error: EQ3 failed to produce output for ' + filename_3i)
elif len(files_3o) == 1:
file_3o = files_3o[0]
# move output
shutil.move(cwdd + path_3i+"/"+file_3o, cwdd + path_3o+"/"+filename_3o)
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not move", path_3i+"/"+file_3o, "to", path_3o+"/"+filename_3o)
# multiple 3o output files are present in the directory
# this might happen when using runeq3() by itself in a directory with 3o files
if len(files_3p) == 0:
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Error: EQ3 failed to produce output for ' + filename_3i)
elif len(files_3p) == 1:
file_3p = files_3p[0]
# move output
shutil.move(cwdd + path_3i+"/"+file_3p, cwdd + path_3p+"/"+filename_3p)
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not move", path_3i+"/"+file_3p, "to", path_3p+"/"+filename_3p)
# multiple 3p output files are present in the directory
# this might happen when using runeq3() by itself in a directory with 3p files
def runeq6(self,
Call EQ6 on a .6i input file.
filename_6i : str
Name of 6i input file.
db : str
Three letter code of database.
samplename : str
The name of the sample, used to announce which sample is being run.
path_6i : path str, default current working directory
Path of directory containing .6i input files.
data1_path : path str, default current working directory
Path of directory where the data1 thermodynamic database file is
stored. The data1 file will be called from this location to
perform the speciation. The data1 file must be named, where xyz matches `db`, the three letter code of your
chosen database.
dynamic_db_name : str
Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used.
This parameter is for internal use.
if data1_path == None:
data1_path = self.eq36da
# get current working dir
cwd = os.getcwd()
cwdd = cwd + "/"
if samplename == None:
samplename = filename_6i[:-3]
if self.verbose > 0 and dynamic_db_name == None:
print('Using ' + db + ' to react ' + samplename)
elif self.verbose > 0 and isinstance(dynamic_db_name, str):
print('Using ' + dynamic_db_name + ' to react ' + samplename)
args = ["cd", "'" + cwdd+path_6i+"'", ";", # change directory to 6i folder
self.eq36co+'/eq6', # path of EQ6 executable
"'" + data1_path + "/data1." + db+"'", # path to data1 file
"'"+cwdd+path_6i + filename_6i+"'"] # path of 6i file
args = " ".join(args)
self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQ6
def __mk_check_del_directory(self, path):
Checks for the dir being created. If it is already present, delete it
before recreating it.
if not os.path.exists(path):
def __run_script_and_wait(self, args):
Runs shell commands.
# DEVNULL and STDOUT needed to suppress all warnings
subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).wait()
def _delete_rxn_folders(self):
Deletes folders storing raw EQ3/6 input and output.
if os.path.exists('rxn_3i') and os.path.isdir('rxn_3i'):
if os.path.exists('rxn_3o') and os.path.isdir('rxn_3o'):
if os.path.exists('rxn_3p') and os.path.isdir('rxn_3p'):
if os.path.exists('rxn_6i') and os.path.isdir('rxn_6i'):
if os.path.exists('rxn_6o') and os.path.isdir('rxn_6o'):
if os.path.exists('rxn_6p') and os.path.isdir('rxn_6p'):
if os.path.exists('eqpt_files') and os.path.isdir('eqpt_files'):
if os.path.exists('rxn_data0') and os.path.isdir('rxn_data0'):
def __f(x, poly_coeffs):
# return values from a polynomial fit
value = 0
for i in range(0,len(poly_coeffs)):
value += poly_coeffs[i]*x**i
return value
def __plot_TP_grid_polyfit(self, xvals, yvals, poly_coeffs_1, poly_coeffs_2,
res=500, width=600, height=300):
# print("R COEFFS")
# print(poly_coeffs_1)
# print(poly_coeffs_2)
if (len(xvals) % 2) == 0:
# if xvals has an even length
n_mid1 = math.floor(len(xvals)/2)-1
n_mid2 = n_mid1+1
# if xvals has an odd length
n_mid1 = math.floor(len(xvals)/2)
n_mid2 = n_mid1+1
f1_x = np.linspace(xvals[0], xvals[n_mid1], num=res)
f2_x = np.linspace(xvals[n_mid1], xvals[len(xvals)-1], num=res)
f1_y = [self.__f(x, poly_coeffs_1) for x in f1_x]
f2_y = [self.__f(x, poly_coeffs_2) for x in f2_x]
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=f1_x, y=f1_y,
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=f2_x, y=f2_y,
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xvals, y=yvals,
name='TP points'))
title={'text':"TP grid polyfit"}, autosize=False,
width=width, height=height,
margin={"t": 40}, xaxis={'fixedrange':True},
yaxis={'fixedrange':True}, template="simple_white")
fig['layout']['xaxis']['title']='Temperature, °C'
fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']='Pressure, bar'
config = {'displaylogo': False,
'modeBarButtonsToRemove': [],
'toImageButtonOptions': {
'format': 'png', # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
'filename': "TP_grid_fit",
'height': height,
'width': width,
'scale': 1,
def _interpolate_logK(self, T, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate="none"):
logK_grid_trunc = [t for t in logK_grid if not math.isnan(t)]
grid_len = len(logK_grid_trunc)
logK_grid = logK_grid_trunc
T_grid = T_grid[0:grid_len]
if logK_extrapolate=="none" and (T > max(T_grid) or T < min(T_grid)):
return np.nan, "no fit"
elif logK_extrapolate=="no fit":
return np.nan, "no fit"
# turns off poor polyfit warning
# TODO: restore polyfit warning setting afterward
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning)
if len(T_grid) >= 4:
if (len(T_grid) % 2) == 0:
# if T_grid has an even length
n_mid1 = math.floor(len(T_grid)/2)-1
n_mid2 = n_mid1+1
# if T_grid has an odd length
n_mid1 = math.floor(len(T_grid)/2)
n_mid2 = n_mid1+1
poly_coeffs_1 = np.polyfit(T_grid[:n_mid2], logK_grid[:n_mid2], len(T_grid[:n_mid2])-1)
poly_coeffs_2 = np.polyfit(T_grid[n_mid1:], logK_grid[n_mid1:], len(T_grid[n_mid1:])-1)
model_1 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_1)
model_2 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_2)
if T >= T_grid[0] and T <= T_grid[n_mid1]:
logK = model_1(T)
model = "model 1"
elif T > T_grid[n_mid1] and T <= T_grid[-1]:
logK = model_2(T)
model = "model 2"
# dependent on extrapolation option
if logK_extrapolate=="none":
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
elif logK_extrapolate=="poly":
if T < T_grid[0]:
logK = model_1(T)
model = "model 1"
elif T > T_grid[-1]:
logK = model_2(T)
model = "model 2"
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
elif logK_extrapolate=="linear":
poly_coeffs_1 = np.polyfit(T_grid[0:2], logK_grid[0:2], 1)
linear_model_1 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_1)
poly_coeffs_2 = np.polyfit(T_grid[-2:], logK_grid[-2:], 1)
linear_model_2 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_2)
if T < T_grid[0]:
logK = linear_model_1(T)
model = "linear model 1"
elif T > T_grid[-1]:
logK = linear_model_2(T)
model = "linear model 2"
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
elif logK_extrapolate=="flat":
if T < T_grid[0]:
logK = logK_grid[0]
model = "flat extrap. 1"
elif T > T_grid[-1]:
logK = logK_grid[-1]
model = "flat extrap. 2"
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
elif len(T_grid) >= 2:
poly_coeffs = np.polyfit(T_grid, logK_grid, len(T_grid)-1)
model_fit = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs)
if T >= T_grid[0] and T <= T_grid[-1]:
logK = model_fit(T)
model = "model 1"
# dependent on extrapolation option
if logK_extrapolate=="none":
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
elif logK_extrapolate in ["poly", "linear"]:
logK = model_fit(T)
model = "model 1"
elif logK_extrapolate=="flat":
if T < T_grid[0]:
logK = logK_grid[0]
model = "flat extrap."
elif T > T_grid[-1]:
logK = logK_grid[-1]
model = "flat extrap."
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
# only one T_grid value
if T == T_grid[0]:
logK = logK_grid[0]
model = "single point extrap."
# dependent on extrapolation option
if logK_extrapolate=="none":
logK = np.nan
model = "no fit"
elif logK_extrapolate!="none":
logK = logK_grid[0]
model = "single point extrap."
# ### TEST
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# plt.plot(T_grid, logK_grid, 'o')
# T_m1 = np.linspace(min(T_grid[:n_mid2]), max(T_grid[:n_mid2]), 100)
# T_m2 = np.linspace(min(T_grid[n_mid1:]), max(T_grid[n_mid1:]), 100)
# plt.plot(T_m1, model_1(T_m1))
# plt.plot(T_m2, model_2(T_m2))
# ###
return logK, model
def speciate(self,
Calculate the equilibrium distribution of chemical species in solution.
Additionally, calculate chemical affinities and energy supplies for
user-specified reactions.
input_filename : str
User-supplied utf8-encoded comma separated value (csv) file
containing sample data intended for speciation. The file must
follow this format:
- the first row is a header row that must contain the names of the
species to be included in the speciation calculation. There
cannot be duplicate headers.
- the second row must contain subheaders for each species in the
header row. These subheaders must be taken from the following:
Alk., eq/kg.H2O
Alk., eq/L
Alk., eq/kg.sol
Alk., mg/L CaCO3
Alk., mg/L HCO3-
Log activity
Log act combo
Log mean act
Hetero. equil.
Homo. equil.
Make non-basis
- 'Temperature' must be included as a header, with 'degC' as its
- The first column must contain sample names. There cannot be
duplicate sample names.
db : None
Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...).
db_solid_solution : None
Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...).
db_logK : None
Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...).
activity_model : str, default "b-dot"
Activity model to use for speciation. Can be either "b-dot",
or "davies". NOTE: the "pitzer" model is not yet implemented.
redox_flag : str, default "O2(g)"
Determines which column in the sample input file sets the overall
redox state of the samples. Options for redox_flag include 'O2(g)',
'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', and 'redox aux'. The code will search your
sample spreadsheet file (see `filename`) for a column corresponding
to the option you chose:
* 'O2(g)' with a valid subheader for a gas
* 'pe' with subheader pe
* 'Eh' with subheader volts
* 'logfO2' with subheader logfO2
* 'redox aux' will search for a column corresponding to the
auxilliary basis species selected to form a redox couple with its
linked strict basis species (see `redox_aux`). For example, the
redox couple Fe+2/Fe+3 would require a column named Fe+3
If an appropriate header or redox data cannot be found to define
redox state, `default_logfO2` is used to set sample logfO2.
There is a special case where dissolved oxygen can be used to impose
sample redox state if `redox_flag` is set to logfO2 and a column named
logfO2 does not appear in your sample spreadsheet. If there is a
column corresponding to dissolved oxygen measurements, logfO2 is
calculated from the equilibrium reaction O2(aq) = O2(g) at the
temperature and pressure of the sample using the revised Helgeson-
Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state (JC Tanger IV and HC
Helgeson, Am. J. Sci., 1988, 288, 19).
redox_aux : default "Fe+3", optional
Ignored unless `redox_flag` equals 1. Name of the auxilliary species
whose reaction links it to a basis species (or another auxilliary
species) such that they form a redox couple that controls sample
fO2. For instance, Fe+3 is linked to Fe+2 in many supporting data
files, so selecting `redox_flag` = 1 and `redox_aux` = "Fe+3" will
set sample fO2 based on the Fe+2/Fe+3 redox couple.
default_logfO2 : float, default -6
Default value for sample logfO2 in case redox data cannot be found
in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet.
exclude : list of str, default []
Names of columns in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet that should
not be considered aqueous species. Useful for excluding columns
containing sample metatadata, such as "Year" and "Location".
suppress : list of str, default []
Names of chemical species that will be prevented from forming in the
speciation calculation.
alter_options : list, default []
A list of lists, e.g.,
[["CaOH+", "Suppress"], ["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1]]
The first element of each interior list is the name of a species.
The second element is an option to alter the species, and can be:
- Suppress : suppress the formation of the species. (See also:
- Replace : replace the species' log K value with a desired value.
- AugmentLogK : augment the value of the species' log K.
- AugmentG : augment the Gibbs free energy of the species by a
desired value, in kcal/mol.
The third element is a numeric value corresponding to the chosen
option. A third element is not required for Suppress.
charge_balance_on : str, default "none"
If "none", will not balance electrical charge between cations and
anions in the speciation calculation. If a name of a species is
supplied instead, the activity of that species will be allowed to
change until charge balance is obtained. For example,
charge_balance_on = "H+" will calculate what pH a sample must have
to have zero net charge.
suppress_missing : bool, default True
Suppress the formation of an aqueous species if it is missing a
value in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet?
blanks_are_0 : bool, default False
Assume all blank values in the water chemistry input file are 0?
strict_minimum_pressure : bool, default True
Ensure that the minimum pressure in the speciation calculation does
not go below the minimum pressure in the TP grid of the data0 file?
aq_scale : float, default 1
Scale factor for the mass of the aqueous phase. By default, the
aqueous phase is 1 kg of solvent.
verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1
Level determining how many messages are returned during a
calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only,
0 for silent.
report_filename : str, optional
Name of the comma separated values (csv) report file generated when
the calculation is complete. If this argument is not defined, a
report file is not generated.
get_aq_dist : bool, default True
Calculate distributions of aqueous species?
aq_dist_type : str, default "log_activity"
Desired units of measurement for reported distributions of aqueous
species. Can be "molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", or
"log_activity". Ignored if `get_aq_dist` is False.
get_mass_contribution : bool, default True
Calculate basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous
mass_contribution_other : bool, default True
Include an "other" species for the sake of summing percents of basis
species contributions to 100%? Ignored if `get_mass_contribution` is
get_mineral_sat : bool, default True
Calculate saturation states of pure solids?
mineral_sat_type : str, default "affinity"
Desired units of measurement for reported saturation states of pure
solids. Can be "logQoverK" or "affinity". Ignored if
`get_mineral_sat` is False.
get_redox : bool, default True
Calculate potentials of redox couples?
redox_type : str, default "Eh"
Desired units of measurement for reported redox potentials. Can be
"Eh", "pe", "logfO2", or "Ah". Ignored if `get_redox` is False.
get_ion_activity_ratios : bool, default True
Calculate ion/H+ activity ratios and neutral species activities?
get_fugacity : bool, default True
Calculate gas fugacities?
get_basis_totals : bool, default True
Report total compositions of basis aqueous species?
get_solid_solutions : bool, default True
Permit the calculation of solid solutions and include them in the
speciation report?
mineral_reactant_energy_supplies : bool, default False
Report energy supplies for reactions with mineral reactants? This
option is False by default because mineral reactants are considered
to be unlimited. As a result, energy supplies from reactions with
reactant minerals tend to be artificially high, especially in
systems where the reactant minerals are unstable.
rxn_filename : str, optional
Name of .txt file containing reactions used to calculate affinities
and energy supplies. Ignored if `get_affinity_energy` is False.
get_charge_balance : bool, default True
Calculate charge balance and ionic strength?
batch_3o_filename : str, optional
Name of rds (R object) file exported after the speciation
calculation? No file will be generated if this argument is not
delete_generated_folders : bool, default False
Delete the 'rxn_3i', 'rxn_3o', 'rxn_3p', and 'eqpt_files' folders
containing raw EQ3NR input, output, pickup, and EQPT files once the
speciation calculation is complete?
db_args : dict, default {}
Dictionary of arguments to modify how the thermodynamic database is
processed. Only used when `db` points to thermodynamic data in a CSV
file. Ignored if `db` points to a data0 file (because a data0 file
is already ready for a speciation calculation). Options for
`db_args` are passed to the `create_data0` function, so refer to
`create_data0` for more information about what options are possible.
- Example of `db_args` where organics are excluded and redox is
suppressed for Fe and S:
db_args = {
"suppress_redox":["Fe", "S"],
speciation : object of class Speciation
Contains the results of the speciation calculation.
# deprecated!
if db is not None or db_solid_solution is not None or db_logK is not None:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameters db, db_solid_solution, and db_logK "
"are deprecated in the speciate() function. Databases are now loaded during "
"the AqEquil.AqEquil(...) step.")
self.batch_T = []
self.batch_P = []
self.verbose = verbose
if db != None:
# load new thermodynamic database
db = self.thermo.db
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]:
db_args["db"] = "dyn"
dynamic_db = self.thermo.dynamic_db
data0_lettercode = self.thermo.data0_lettercode # needs to be this way
if (self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0" or self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data1") and len(db_args) > 0:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Warning: Ignoring db_args because a premade data0 or data1 file is being used: '" + db + "'")
redox_suppression = False
if "suppress_redox" in db_args.keys() and self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data0" and self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1":
if len(db_args["suppress_redox"]) > 0:
redox_suppression = True
# check input sample file for errors
if activity_model != 'pitzer': # TODO: allow check_sample_input_file() to handle pitzer
sample_temps, sample_press = self._check_sample_input_file(
input_filename, exclude, db,
dynamic_db, charge_balance_on, suppress_missing,
if aq_dist_type not in ["molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", "log_activity"]:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized aq_dist_type. Valid "
"options are 'molality', 'log_molality', 'log_gamma', 'log_activity'")
if mineral_sat_type not in ["logQoverK", "affinity"]:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized mineral_sat_type. Valid "
"options are 'logQoverK' or 'affinity'")
if redox_type not in ["Eh", "pe", "logfO2", "Ah"]:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized redox_type. Valid "
"options are 'Eh', 'pe', 'logfO2', or 'Ah'")
if redox_flag == "O2(g)" or redox_flag == -3:
redox_flag = -3
elif redox_flag == "pe" or redox_flag == -2:
redox_flag = -2
elif redox_flag == "Eh" or redox_flag == -1:
redox_flag = -1
elif redox_flag == "logfO2" or redox_flag == 0:
redox_flag = 0
elif redox_flag == "redox aux" or redox_flag == 1:
redox_flag = 1
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized redox flag. Valid options are 'O2(g)'"
", 'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', 'redox aux'")
# handle batch_3o naming
if batch_3o_filename != None:
if ".rds" in batch_3o_filename[-4:]:
batch_3o_filename = batch_3o_filename
batch_3o_filename = "batch_3o_{}.rds".format(data0_lettercode)
batch_3o_filename = ro.r("NULL")
# reset logK_models whenever speciate() is called
# (prevents errors when speciations are run back-to-back)
self.logK_models = {}
# dynamic data0 creation per sample
if dynamic_db:
db_args["fill_data0"] = False
db_args["dynamic_db"] = True
db_args["verbose"] = self.verbose
db_args["dynamic_db_sample_temps"] = sample_temps
db_args["dynamic_db_sample_press"] = sample_press
if db_logK != None:
self.thermo._load_logK(db_logK, source="file")
if logK_extrapolate != None:
db_args["logK_extrapolate"] = logK_extrapolate
elif self.thermo.logK_active:
db_args["logK_extrapolate"] = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate
logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate
logK_extrapolate = "none"
if db_solid_solution != None:
if not (db_solid_solution[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db_solid_solution[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db_solid_solution[0:4].lower() == "www."):
if os.path.exists(db_solid_solution) and os.path.isfile(db_solid_solution):
db_args["filename_ss"] = db_solid_solution
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not locate " + str(db_solid_solution))
db_solid_solution_csv_name = db_solid_solution.split("/")[-1].lower()
# Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text.
with urlopen(db_solid_solution) as webpage:
content =
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(db_solid_solution)+" cannot"
" be reached at this time.")
# Save to CSV file.
with open(db_solid_solution_csv_name, 'w') as output:
db_args["filename_ss"] = db_solid_solution_csv_name
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Getting", self.thermo.thermo_db_filename, "ready. This will take a moment...")
thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, data0_lettercode, water_model, P1, plot_poly_fit = self.create_data0(**db_args)
if self.thermo.custom_data0 and not dynamic_db:
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1":
if os.path.exists("data1."+data0_lettercode) and os.path.isfile("data1."+data0_lettercode):
# store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object
with open("data1."+data0_lettercode, mode='rb') as data1:
self.data1["all_samples"] =
# move or copy data1
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1":
shutil.move("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode)
shutil.copyfile("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode)
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Error: Could not move', "data1."+data0_lettercode, "to eqpt_files")
data1_path = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # creating a folder name without spaces to store the data1 overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA
data0_path = "data0." + data0_lettercode
elif dynamic_db:
data0_path = self.eq36da + "/data0." + data0_lettercode
# gather information from data0 file and perform checks
if not dynamic_db:
if os.path.exists(data0_path) and os.path.isfile(data0_path):
with open(data0_path) as data0:
data0_lines = data0.readlines()
data0_lines = [line.rstrip()+"\n" for line in data0_lines]
start_index = [i+1 for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'temperatures\n']
if activity_model == 'davies' or activity_model == 'b-dot':
end_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'debye huckel a (adh)\n']
elif activity_model == 'pitzer':
end_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'debye huckel aphi\n']
db_grids_unformatted = [i.split("pressures")[0] for i in data0_lines[start_index[0]:end_index[0]]]
db_grids = [" ".join(i.split()) for i in db_grids_unformatted if i != '']
grid_temps = db_grids[0] + " " + db_grids[1]
grid_press = db_grids[2] + " " + db_grids[3]
grid_temps = grid_temps.split(" ")
grid_press = grid_press.split(" ")
n_TP_points = data0_lines[2].split("points: ")[1] # extract number of TP points from the third line of data0 file
n_TP_points = n_TP_points.replace("\n", "")
n_TP_points = int(n_TP_points)
n_TP_points = 8
if n_TP_points == 1:
grid_temps = grid_temps[0]
grid_press = grid_press[0]
water_model = data0_lines[1].split("model: ")[1] # extract water model from the second line of data0 file
water_model = water_model.replace("\n", "")
water_model = "SUPCRT92"
# print("Water model could not be referenced from {}".format(data0_path)+""
# ". Defaulting to SUPCRT92 water model...")
if(water_model not in ["SUPCRT92", "IAPWS95", "DEW"]):
water_model = "SUPCRT92" # the default for EQ3/6
print("Water model given in {}".format(data0_path)+" was not "
"recognized. Defaulting to SUPCRT92 water model...")
else: # if a data0 file can't be found, assume default water model, 0-350 C and PSAT
water_model = "SUPCRT92"
grid_temps = ["0.0100", "50.0000", "100.0000", "150.0000",
"200.0000", "250.0000", "300.0000", "350.0000"]
grid_press = ["1.0000", "1.0000", "1.0132", "4.7572",
"15.5365", "39.7365", "85.8378", "165.2113"]
grid_press_numeric = [float(n) for n in grid_press]
if min(grid_press_numeric) == 1:
r_check_TP_grid = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'check_TP_grid.r').decode("utf-8")
list_tp = ro.r.check_TP_grid(grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps),
grid_temps = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_temps"))
grid_press = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_press"))
poly_coeffs_1 = list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_1")
poly_coeffs_2 = list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_2")
grid_temps = ro.r("NULL")
grid_press = ro.r("NULL")
poly_coeffs_1 = ro.r("NULL")
poly_coeffs_2 = ro.r("NULL")
# handle Alter/Suppress options
# e.g. [["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1], ["CaOH+", "Suppress"]]
alter_options_dict = {}
if len(alter_options) > 0:
for ao in alter_options:
if not isinstance(ao, list):
err = ("alter_options must be a list of lists, e.g.,\n"
"[['CaCl+', 'AugmentLogK', -1], ['CaOH+', 'Suppress']]"
"\nor\n[['CaHCO3+', 'Suppress']]")
key = ao[0]
if ao[1] == "Suppress" and len(ao) == 2:
ao += ["0"]
alter_options_dict[key] = _convert_to_RVector(list(ao[1:]))
alter_options = ro.ListVector(alter_options_dict)
input_dir = "rxn_3i"
output_dir = "rxn_3o"
pickup_dir = "rxn_3p"
# preprocess for EQ3 using R scripts
r_prescript = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'preprocess_for_EQ3.r').decode("utf-8")
input_processed_list = ro.r.preprocess(input_filename=input_filename,
self.df_input_processed = ro.conversion.rpy2py(input_processed_list.rx2("df"))
if blanks_are_0:
self.df_input_processed = self.df_input_processed.fillna(1E-18)
if dynamic_db:
# Has the user been warned about redox column during write_3i_file()?
# Prevents repeated warnings.
warned_about_redox_column = False
self.batch_T = list(input_processed_list.rx2("temp_degC"))
self.batch_P = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))
# create and run a 3i file for each sample
for sample_row_index in range(0, self.df_input_processed.shape[0]):
temp_degC = list(input_processed_list.rx2("temp_degC"))[sample_row_index]
pressure_bar = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))[sample_row_index]
df = self.df_input_processed.iloc[[sample_row_index]] # double brackets to keep as df row instead of series
samplename = str(df.index[0])
# handle dynamic data0 creation
if dynamic_db:
if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1":
self.runeqpt(data0_lettercode, dynamic_db=True)
if os.path.exists("data1."+data0_lettercode) and os.path.isfile("data1."+data0_lettercode):
# store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object
with open("data1."+data0_lettercode, mode='rb') as data1:
self.data1[samplename] =
# move data1
shutil.move("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode)
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Error: Could not move', "data1."+data0_lettercode, "to eqpt_files")
data1_path = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # creating a folder name without spaces to store the data1 overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA
data0_path = "data0." + data0_lettercode
pressure_bar = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))[sample_row_index]
data1_path = self.thermo.eq36da
# allowed aq block species are left after any category exclusion in db_args
allowed_aq_block_species = ["all"]
if dynamic_db:
allowed_aq_block_species = list(thermo_df["name"]) + FIXED_SPECIES
# write 3i files
warned_about_redox_column = ro.r.write_3i_file(df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(df),
# run EQ3 on each 3i file
samplename = self.df_input_processed.iloc[sample_row_index, self.df_input_processed.columns.get_loc("Sample")]
filename_3i = self.df_input_processed.index[sample_row_index]+".3i"
filename_3o = filename_3i[:-1] + 'o'
filename_3p = filename_3i[:-1] + 'p'
if dynamic_db:
dynamic_db_name = self.thermo.thermo_db_filename
dynamic_db_name = None
# store input, output, and pickup as dicts in AqEquil object
with open(input_dir + "/" + filename_3i, "r") as f:
self.raw_3_input_dict[samplename] = lines
with open(output_dir + "/" + filename_3o, "r") as f:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()]
self.raw_3_output_dict[samplename] = lines
EQ3_errors_found = self._report_3o_6o_errors(lines, samplename)
with open(pickup_dir + "/" + filename_3p, "r") as f:
# capture everything after "start of the bottom half" of 3p
top_half = []
bottom_half = []
capture = False
for line in lines:
if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line:
capture = True
if capture:
self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top[samplename] = top_half # top half of the 3p file, including header for mixing calcs
self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom[samplename] = bottom_half # the bottom half
if dynamic_db:
shutil.move("data0.dyn", "rxn_data0/"+filename_3i[0:-3]+"_data0.dat")
if self.thermo.custom_data0:
# delete straggling data1 files generated after running eq3
if os.path.exists("data1") and os.path.isfile("data1"):
files_3o = [file+".3o" for file in self.df_input_processed.index]
df_input_processed_names = _convert_to_RVector(list(self.df_input_processed.columns))
# mine output
r_3o_mine = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, '3o_mine.r').decode("utf-8")
batch_3o = ro.r.main_3o_mine(
if len(batch_3o) == 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not compile a speciation report. This is "
"likely because errors occurred during "
"the speciation calculation.")
if get_mass_contribution:
mass_contribution = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('mass_contribution'))
df_report = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('report'))
#df_input = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('input'))
report_divs = batch_3o.rx2('report_divs')
input_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('input'))
df_input = df_report[input_cols].copy()
# add a pressure column to df_input
df_input["Pressure_bar"] = pd.Series(dtype='float')
sample_data = batch_3o.rx2('sample_data')
for sample in sample_data:
df_input.loc[str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "Pressure_bar"] = float(sample.rx2('pressure')[0])
report_divs[0] = _convert_to_RVector(input_cols + ["Pressure_bar"])
# handle headers and subheaders of input section
headers = [col.split("_")[0] for col in list(df_input.columns)]
headers = ["pH" if header == "H+" else header for header in headers]
headers = [header+"_(input)" if header not in ["Temperature", "logfO2", "Pressure"]+exclude else header for header in headers]
report_divs[0] = _convert_to_RVector(headers) # modify headers in the 'input' section, report_divs[0]
subheaders = [subheader[1] if len(subheader) > 1 else "" for subheader in [
col.split("_") for col in list(df_input.columns)]]
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_input.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_input
if get_aq_dist:
aq_distribution_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('aq_distribution'))
df_aq_distribution = df_report[aq_distribution_cols]
df_aq_distribution = df_aq_distribution.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# create a pH column from H+
df_aq_distribution["pH"] = np.nan # pH values are assigned when sample data is assembled later
# handle headers of aq_distribution section
headers = df_aq_distribution.columns
subheaders = [aq_dist_type]*(len(headers)-1) # -1 because the last column will have subheader pH (see next line)
subheaders = subheaders + ["pH"]
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_aq_distribution.columns = multicolumns
# ensure final pH column is included in report_divs aq_distribution section
aq_dist_indx = list(report_divs.names).index("aq_distribution")
report_divs[aq_dist_indx] = _convert_to_RVector(list(headers))
df_join = df_join.join(df_aq_distribution)
if get_mineral_sat:
mineral_sat_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('mineral_sat'))
mineral_sat_cols = [col for col in mineral_sat_cols if col != "df"] # TO DO: why is df appearing in mineral sat cols and redox sections?
df_mineral_sat = df_report[mineral_sat_cols]
df_mineral_sat = df_mineral_sat.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# handle headers of df_mineral_sat section
if mineral_sat_type == "affinity":
mineral_sat_unit = "affinity_kcal"
elif mineral_sat_type == "logQoverK":
mineral_sat_unit = "logQ/K"
"mineral_sat_type must be either 'affinity' or 'logQoverK'")
headers = df_mineral_sat.columns
subheaders = [mineral_sat_unit]*len(headers)
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_mineral_sat.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_join.join(df_mineral_sat)
if get_redox:
redox_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('redox'))
redox_cols = [col for col in redox_cols if col != "df"] # TO DO: why is df appearing in mineral sat cols and redox sections?
df_redox = df_report[redox_cols]
df_redox = df_redox.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# handle headers of df_redox section
if redox_type == "Eh":
redox_unit = "Eh_volts"
elif redox_type == "pe":
redox_unit = "pe"
elif redox_type == "logfO2":
redox_unit = "logfO2"
elif redox_type == "Ah":
redox_unit = "Ah_kcal"
"redox_type must be either 'Eh', 'pe', 'logfO2', or 'Ah'")
headers = df_redox.columns
subheaders = [redox_unit]*len(headers)
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_redox.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_join.join(df_redox)
if get_charge_balance:
charge_balance_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('charge_balance'))
df_charge_balance = df_report[charge_balance_cols]
df_charge_balance = df_charge_balance.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# handle headers of df_charge_balance section
headers = df_charge_balance.columns
subheaders = ["%"]*2 + ['eq/kg.H2O', 'molality'] + \
['eq/kg.H2O']*4 + ['molality']
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_charge_balance.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_join.join(df_charge_balance)
if get_ion_activity_ratios:
if type(report_divs.rx2('ion_activity_ratios')) != rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType:
ion_activity_ratio_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('ion_activity_ratios'))
df_ion_activity_ratios = df_report[ion_activity_ratio_cols]
df_ion_activity_ratios = df_ion_activity_ratios.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# handle headers of df_ion_activity_ratios section
headers = df_ion_activity_ratios.columns
subheaders = ["Log ion-H+ activity ratio"]*len(headers)
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_ion_activity_ratios.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_join.join(df_ion_activity_ratios)
if get_fugacity:
fugacity_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('fugacity'))
df_fugacity = df_report[fugacity_cols]
df_fugacity = df_fugacity.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# handle headers of fugacity section
headers = df_fugacity.columns
subheaders = ["log_fugacity"]*len(headers)
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_fugacity.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_join.join(df_fugacity)
if get_basis_totals:
sc_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('basis_totals'))
df_sc = df_report[sc_cols]
df_sc = df_sc.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# handle headers of basis_totals section
headers = df_sc.columns
subheaders = ["molality"]*(len(headers))
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_sc.columns = multicolumns
df_join = df_join.join(df_sc)
out_dict = {'sample_data': {},
'report': df_join,
'input': df_input,
'report_divs': report_divs}
if get_mass_contribution:
out_dict['mass_contribution'] = mass_contribution
sample_data = batch_3o.rx2('sample_data')
# assemble sample data
for i, sample in enumerate(sample_data):
dict_sample_data = {
"filename": str(sample.rx2('filename')[0]),
"name": str(sample.rx2('name')[0]),
"temperature": float(sample.rx2('temperature')[0]),
"pressure": float(sample.rx2('pressure')[0]),
"logact_H2O": float(sample.rx2('logact_H2O')[0]),
"H2O_density": float(sample.rx2('H2O_density')[0]),
"H2O_molality": float(sample.rx2('H2O_molality')[0]),
"H2O_log_molality": float(sample.rx2('H2O_log_molality')[0]),
if get_aq_dist:
sample_aq_dist = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('aq_distribution'))
sample_aq_dist = sample_aq_dist.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
sample_pH = -sample_aq_dist.loc["H+", "log_activity"]
out_dict["report"].loc[str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "pH"] = sample_pH
dict_sample_data.update({"aq_distribution": sample_aq_dist})
if get_mass_contribution:
sample_mass_contribution = mass_contribution[mass_contribution["sample"] == sample.rx2('name')[0]]
{"mass_contribution": sample_mass_contribution})
if get_mineral_sat:
{"mineral_sat": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('mineral_sat')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')})
# replace sample mineral_sat entry with None if there is no mineral saturation data.
if(len(dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'].index) == 1 and dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'].index[0] == 'None'):
dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'] = None
if get_redox:
{"redox": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('redox')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')})
if get_charge_balance:
dict_sample_data.update({"charge_balance": df_charge_balance.loc[sample.rx2('name')[0], :]})
if get_ion_activity_ratios:
{"ion_activity_ratios": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('ion_activity_ratios'))})
dict_sample_data['ion_activity_ratios'] = None
if get_fugacity:
{"fugacity": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('fugacity')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')})
# replace sample fugacity entry with None if there is no fugacity data.
if(len(dict_sample_data['fugacity'].index) == 1 and dict_sample_data['fugacity'].index[0] == 'None'):
dict_sample_data['fugacity'] = None
dict_sample_data["fugacity"]["fugacity"] = 10**dict_sample_data["fugacity"]["log_fugacity"]
if get_basis_totals:
sc_dist = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('basis_totals'))
sc_dist = sc_dist.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
dict_sample_data.update({"basis_totals": sc_dist})
if get_solid_solutions:
sample_solid_solutions = batch_3o.rx2["sample_data"].rx2[str(sample.rx2('name')[0])].rx2["solid_solutions"]
if not type(sample_solid_solutions.names) == rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType:
ss_df_list = []
for ss in list(sample_solid_solutions.names):
df_ss_ideal = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample_solid_solutions.rx2[str(ss)].rx2["ideal solution"])
df_ss_mineral = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample_solid_solutions.rx2[str(ss)].rx2["mineral"])
df_merged = pd.merge(df_ss_mineral, df_ss_ideal, left_on='mineral', right_on='component', how='left')
df_merged.insert(0, 'solid solution', ss)
del df_merged['component']
{"solid_solutions": pd.concat(ss_df_list)})
{sample_data.names[i]: dict_sample_data})
out_dict.update({"batch_3o": batch_3o})
out_dict.update({"water_model":water_model, "grid_temps":grid_temps, "grid_press":grid_press})
speciation = Speciation(out_dict, hide_traceback=self.hide_traceback)
speciation.half_cell_reactions = self.half_cell_reactions
speciation._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy = self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy
if report_filename != None:
if ".csv" in report_filename[-4:]:
if delete_generated_folders:
# delete straggler data1 file
if self.verbose > 0:
speciation.raw_3_input_dict = self.raw_3_input_dict
speciation.raw_3_output_dict = self.raw_3_output_dict
speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top
speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom
speciation.raw_6_input_dict = {}
speciation.raw_6_output_dict = {}
speciation.raw_6_pickup_dict = {}
speciation.thermo = self.thermo
speciation.data1 = self.data1
speciation.verbose = self.verbose
speciation.logK_models = self.logK_models
speciation.batch_T = self.batch_T
speciation.batch_P = self.batch_P
return speciation
def __s_d(x, k):
# specify how many decimals are printed
# e.g. 12.433 becomes "12.4330" if k=4
kstr = '{:.'+str(k)+'f}'
return kstr.format(round(x, k)).strip()
def __fill_data0(self, thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, db,
water_model, activity_model, P1, plot_poly_fit, logK_extrapolate,
dynamic_db, verbose):
r_check_TP_grid = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'check_TP_grid.r').decode("utf-8")
list_tp = ro.r.check_TP_grid(grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps),
grid_temps = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_temps"))
grid_press = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_press"))
if plot_poly_fit and len(grid_temps) >= 8:
# calculate logK at each T and P for every species
out_dfs = []
for i,Tc in enumerate(grid_temps):
out_dfs.append(calc_logK(thermo_df, Tc=Tc, P=grid_press[i], TP_i=i, water_model=water_model))
dissrxn_logK_dict = {'name': out_dfs[0]["name"],
'logK_0': out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]}
if len(grid_temps) >= 8:
for i in range(1, len(grid_temps)):
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_'+str(i)] = out_dfs[i]["dissrxn_logK_"+str(i)]
if len(grid_temps) == 1:
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_1'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_2'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_3'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_4'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_5'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_6'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_7'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]
dissrxn_logK = pd.DataFrame(dissrxn_logK_dict)
# remove duplicate rows (e.g., for mineral polymorphs)
dissrxn_logK = dissrxn_logK.drop_duplicates("name")
# handle free logK values
free_logK_names = []
if "logK1" in thermo_df.columns:
free_logK_df = thermo_df.dropna(subset=['logK1'])
free_logK_names = list(free_logK_df["name"])
sp_dupes = []
for i,sp in enumerate(free_logK_names):
logK_grid = list(free_logK_df[["logK1", "logK2", "logK3",
"logK4", "logK5", "logK6",
"logK7", "logK8"]].iloc[i]) # logK at T and P in datasheet
T_grid = list(free_logK_df[["T1", "T2", "T3",
"T4", "T5", "T6",
"T7", "T8"]].iloc[i]) # T for free logK grid
P_grid = list(free_logK_df[["P1", "P2", "P3",
"P4", "P5", "P6",
"P7", "P8"]].iloc[i]) # P for free logK grid
for ii,T in enumerate(grid_temps):
logK, model = self._interpolate_logK(T, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate)
dissrxn_logK.loc[( == sp), "logK_"+str(ii)] = logK
self.logK_models[sp] = {"logK_grid":logK_grid,
"type":"free logK values",
# check that there aren't duplicates between OBIGT-style datasheet and
# the 'free logK' datasheet
if sp in dissrxn_logK["name"]:
if len(sp_dupes) > 0:
msg = ("The following species are duplicated between the "
"thermodynamic datafiles used: " + ",".join(sp_errs))
# calculate and process logK values of species in the OBIGT-style datasheet
for idx in range(0, dissrxn_logK.shape[0]):
name = dissrxn_logK.iloc[idx, dissrxn_logK.columns.get_loc('name')]
# format the logK reaction block of this species' data0 entry
logK_grid = list(dissrxn_logK.iloc[idx, 1:len(dissrxn_logK)+1])
if not dynamic_db:
if name not in self.logK_models.keys() and name not in free_logK_names:
self.logK_models[name] = {"logK_grid":logK_grid,
"type":"calculated logK values",
elif dynamic_db:
if name not in self.logK_models.keys() and name not in free_logK_names:
self.logK_models[name] = {"logK_grid":[logK_grid[0]],
"logK_extrapolate":"no fit",
"type":"calculated logK values",
elif name not in free_logK_names:
self.logK_models[name]["logK_grid"] += [logK_grid[0]]
self.logK_models[name]["T_grid"] += [grid_temps[0]]
self.logK_models[name]["P_grid"] += [grid_press[0]]
# filter out strict basis species
# TODO: do this by species tag, not just whether it has a logK grid of all 0s
if len(set(logK_grid)) == 1:
if set(logK_grid) == set([0]):
# loop through logK values and format for data0
logK_list = []
for i in range(0, len(logK_grid)):
logK_val = self.__s_d(logK_grid[i], 4)
# conditional formatting based on position
if (i+1) == 1 or (i+1) % 7 == 0: # first entry of a line
max_length = 11
end_char = ""
elif (i+1) % 6 == 0 and (i+1) != len(logK_grid): # last entry of a line
max_length = 6
end_char = "\n"
max_length = 6
end_char = ""
# get decimal position and format spaces accordingly
decimal_position = logK_val.find(".")
logK_val = "".join([" "]*(max_length-decimal_position)) + logK_val + end_char
# append to logk list
logK_list = "".join(logK_list)
# todo: make this more robust to catch any potential logK_grid skips
if "logK_grid_"+name in data0_file_lines:
data0_file_lines[data0_file_lines.index("logK_grid_"+name)] = logK_list
# handle data0 header section
r_fill_data0_header = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'fill_data0_header.r').decode("utf-8")
data0_file_lines = ro.r.fill_data0_head(data0_template=data0_file_lines,
with open("data0."+db, 'w') as f:
for item in data0_file_lines:
f.write("%s" % item)
def plot_logK_fit(self, name, plot_out=False, res=200, internal=True, logK_extrapolate=None, T_vals=[]):
Plot the fit of logK values used in the speciation.
name : str
Name of the chemical species.
plot_out : bool, default False
Return a Plotly figure object? If False, a figure is simply shown.
If True, the function returns a Plotly figure object and does
not show the plot.
res : int
Resolution of the fit line. Higher resolutions will be smoother.
internal : bool, default True
Reuse calculated fits if they already exist?
logK_extrapolate : str, optional
Option for extrapolating logK values in the plot. Possible values
for this parameter include 'poly', 'linear', 'flat', or 'none'.
This is for planning and visualization only and does not affect
results in `speciate()` or `create_data0()`. Those functions have
their own parameters for setting logK extrapolation options.
T_vals : list, optional
Option for visualizing how the fit of logK values will be
used to estimate the logK values at the temperatures specified in
the list given to this parameter. This is useful for visualizing
logK extrapolation options defined by `logK_extrapolate`.
fig : a Plotly figure object
Returned if `plot_out` is True.
if internal and len(self.logK_models.keys()) > 0:
# use internally calculated logK models already stored...
if name not in self.logK_models.keys():
if name not in list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species["name"]):
msg = "The chemical species " + str(name) + " is not recognized."
reject_reason = list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species.loc[self.thermo.df_rejected_species['name'] == name, 'reason for rejection'])[0]
msg = ("The chemical species " + str(name) + " cannot be "
"plotted because it was rejected from the "
"speciation:\n" + str(reject_reason))
logK_grid = self.logK_models[name]["logK_grid"]
T_grid = self.logK_models[name]["T_grid"]
P_grid = self.logK_models[name]["P_grid"]
# load logK models from Thermodata class's logK_db
df_logK = self.thermo.logK_db
i = list(df_logK["name"]).index(name)
logK_grid = list(df_logK[["logK1", "logK2", "logK3",
"logK4", "logK5", "logK6",
"logK7", "logK8"]].iloc[i]) # logK at T and P in datasheet
T_grid = list(df_logK[["T1", "T2", "T3",
"T4", "T5", "T6",
"T7", "T8"]].iloc[i]) # T for free logK grid
P_grid = list(df_logK[["P1", "P2", "P3",
"P4", "P5", "P6",
"P7", "P8"]].iloc[i]) # P for free logK grid
if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str):
logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate
if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str):
logK_extrapolate = self.logK_models[name]["logK_extrapolate"]
if len(T_vals) == 0:
grid_temps = self.batch_T
grid_temps = T_vals
grid_press = self.batch_P
T_grid = [t for t in T_grid if not pd.isna(t)]
P_grid = [p for p in P_grid if not pd.isna(p)]
logK_grid = [k for k in logK_grid if not pd.isna(k)]
if len(logK_grid) == 0 or len(T_grid) == 0 or len(P_grid) == 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("This species has no valid logK "
"values, temperature values, or pressure values. It is "
"possible that this is a strict basis species with no "
"dissociation reaction for which to calculate logK values.")
fig = px.scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid)
if len(grid_temps) > 0:
if min(grid_temps) <= min(T_grid):
plot_T_min = min(grid_temps)
plot_T_min = min(T_grid)
if max(grid_temps) >= max(T_grid):
plot_T_max = max(grid_temps)
plot_T_max = max(T_grid)
plot_T_min = min(T_grid)
plot_T_max = max(T_grid)
plot_temps = np.linspace(plot_T_min, plot_T_max, res)
pred_logK = []
pred_model = []
for t in plot_temps:
logK, model = self._interpolate_logK(t, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate)
df_plot = pd.DataFrame({"T":plot_temps, "logK":pred_logK, "model":pred_model})
if logK_extrapolate != "no fit":
fig = px.line(df_plot, x='T', y='logK', color='model', title=name, template="simple_white")
fig = px.line(x=[0], y=[0], title=name, template="simple_white") # dummy figure
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>Predicted logK = %{y}<extra></extra>")
fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=[min(plot_temps) - 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps)),
max(plot_temps) + 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps))],
xaxis_title="T,°C", yaxis_title="logK")
logK_label = "fitted logK value(s)"
annotation = ""
if len(grid_temps) > 0:
for i,gt in enumerate(grid_temps):
# make vertical lines representing batch temperatures
if i==0:
if isinstance(grid_press, str):
ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = PSAT<extra></extra>"
if len(grid_press) > 0:
ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = " + str(grid_press[i]) + " bar(s)<extra></extra>"
ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<extra></extra>"
if len(T_grid) > 1:
if logK_extrapolate == "none" and (gt > max(T_grid) or gt < min(T_grid)):
viz_logK = max(logK_grid)
viz_logK, _ = self._interpolate_logK(gt, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate)
vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), viz_logK]
if logK_extrapolate == "no fit":
vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), logK_grid[i]]
logK_label = "calculated LogK value(s)"
annotation = ("LogK values are calculated from<br>ΔG of dissociation into basis species"
"<br>at the T and P of the speciated samples<br>and do not require a fit.")
if _all_equal(logK_grid):
# if a flat horizontal logK fit line...
# then fix the y-axis range to prevent zoomed-in steppy wierdness
vline_y_vals = [logK_grid[0]-1, logK_grid[0]]
go.Scatter(x=[gt, gt],
line=dict(color='rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)', width=3, dash="dot"),
legendgroup='batch temperatures',
name='batch temperatures',
# add fitted logK points
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid, name=logK_label,
mode='markers', marker=dict(color="black"),
text = P_grid,
hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>P = %{text} bar(s)<br>logK = %{y}<extra></extra>",
fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0, xref="paper", yref="paper", align='left',
text=annotation, bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
if plot_out:
return fig
def __get_i_of_valid_free_logK_sp(self, free_logK_df, grid_temps,
grid_press, dynamic_db,
logK_extrapolate, db_sp_names):
Check for species in the free logK database with pressure values that
are permitted in the context of grid_temps and grid_press, then
return their indices.
if not isinstance(grid_press, list):
# "Psat" to ["psat"]
grid_press_list = [grid_press.lower()]
grid_press_list = grid_press
valid_sp_i = []
rejected_sp_i_dict = {}
for i,sp in enumerate(list(free_logK_df["name"])):
sp_temps_grid = [free_logK_df.iloc[i]["T"+str(ii)] for ii in range(1,9) if not math.isnan(free_logK_df.iloc[i]["T"+str(ii)])]
sp_press_grid_init = [float(free_logK_df.iloc[i]["P"+str(ii)]) if free_logK_df.iloc[i]["P"+str(ii)] not in ["Psat", "psat"] else 'psat' for ii in range(1,9)]
sp_grid_len = len(sp_temps_grid)
sp_press_grid = []
for p in sp_press_grid_init:
if isinstance(p, str):
elif not math.isnan(p):
if sp_press_grid == grid_press_list and sp_temps_grid == grid_temps:
# If pressures and temperature grid exactly matches that of the sp...
# need to test this!
elif (logK_extrapolate != "none" or (min(grid_temps) >= min(sp_temps_grid) and max(grid_temps) <= max(sp_temps_grid))) and _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list):
# If all grid temperatures are within minimum and maximum file temperatures,
# and all pressures in file for the sp are equal, and all grid pressures match
# file pressure, then the species is valid
# species is invalid. Define reasons.
reject_reason_list = []
if min(grid_temps) < min(sp_temps_grid) and _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list) and logK_extrapolate == "none":
min_sp = str(min(sp_temps_grid))
min_grid = str(min(grid_temps))
if dynamic_db:
reject_reason_list.append("Minimum temperature in this batch of samples is "+min_grid+"°C, which is below the minimum applicability temperature of this species is "+min_sp+"°C.")
reject_reason_list.append("Minimum temperature in this data0 file is "+min_grid+"°C, which is below the minimum applicability temperature of this species is "+min_sp+"°C.")
if max(grid_temps) > max(sp_temps_grid) and _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list) and logK_extrapolate == "none":
max_sp = str(max(sp_temps_grid))
max_grid = str(max(grid_temps))
if dynamic_db:
reject_reason_list.append("Maximum temperature in this batch of samples is "+max_grid+"°C, which is above the maximum applicability temperature of this species is "+max_sp+"°C.")
reject_reason_list.append("Maximum temperature in this data0 file is "+max_grid+"°C, which is above the maximum applicability temperature of this species is "+max_sp+"°C.")
if not _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list):
if dynamic_db:
reject_reason_list.append("Mismatch between pressures of samples in this batch and the applicable pressures for "+str(sp)+" given in the logK thermodynamic database.")
reject_reason_list.append("Mismatch between desired pressure grid of data0 file and the applicable pressures for "+str(sp)+" given in the logK thermodynamic database.")
if len(reject_reason_list) == 0:
rejected_sp_i_dict[i] = "\n".join(reject_reason_list)
# loop through valid species and reject them if their dissociation reactions
# contain species that have been rejected.
valid_sp_i = list(dict.fromkeys(valid_sp_i))
while True:
valid_sp_i_before = copy.deepcopy(valid_sp_i)
valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict = self._check_valid_free_logK_sp_dissrxn(valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict, free_logK_df, db_sp_names)
if valid_sp_i_before == valid_sp_i:
reject_indices = list(rejected_sp_i_dict.keys())
reject_names = list(free_logK_df.iloc[reject_indices]["name"])
reject_states = list(free_logK_df.iloc[reject_indices]["state"])
reject_reasons =list(rejected_sp_i_dict.values())
for i,n in enumerate(reject_names):
self.thermo._reject_species(name=n, reason=reject_reasons[i])
return valid_sp_i
def _check_valid_free_logK_sp_dissrxn(self, valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict, free_logK_df, db_sp_names):
valid_sp_names = list(free_logK_df.iloc[valid_sp_i]["name"])
rejected_sp_names = list(free_logK_df.iloc[list(rejected_sp_i_dict.keys())]["name"])
for i in valid_sp_i:
dissrxn_i = free_logK_df.iloc[i]["dissrxn"]
dissrxn_sp = dissrxn_i.split(" ")[1::2] # get species names from dissrxn
dissrxn_sp = dissrxn_sp[1:] # ignore the species itself
for sp in dissrxn_sp:
if sp in rejected_sp_names and sp not in valid_sp_names and sp not in db_sp_names:
rejected_sp_i_dict[i] = "Dissociation reaction contains the species " + sp + ", which has been rejected."
return valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict
return valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict
def create_data0(self,
grid_temps=[0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000,
200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000],
Create a data0 file from a custom thermodynamic dataset.
db : str
Desired three letter code of data0 output.
filename_ss : str, optional
Name of file containing solid solution parameters.
grid_temps : list of eight float, default [0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000, 200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000]
Eight temperature values that make up the T-P grid.
grid_press : list of float, default "Psat"
Eight pressure values that make up the T-P grid. "Psat" for
calculations along the liquid-vapor saturation curve.
P1 : bool, default True,
Use pressure of 1 bar below 100 degrees C instead of calculated
values of Psat? Ignored if `grid_press` is not "Psat".
plot_poly_fit : bool, default False
Plot the polynomial fit of the temperature pressure grid?
dynamic_db : bool, default False
Are data0 files being created dynamically? If unsure, use False.
Used by `speciate` to display valid messages.
verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1
Level determining how many messages are returned during a
calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only,
0 for silent.
thermo_df = self.thermo.thermo_db
db_logK = self.thermo.logK_db
water_model = self.thermo.water_model
self.verbose = verbose
self.batch_T = grid_temps
self.batch_P = grid_press
if not dynamic_db:
if self.verbose >= 1:
print("Creating data0.{}...".format(db), flush=True)
# if len(grid_temps) not in [1, 8]:
# self.err_handler.raise_exception("'grid_temps' must have either one or eight values.")
# if isinstance(grid_press, list):
# if len(grid_press) not in [1, 8]:
# self.err_handler.raise_exception("'grid_press' must have either one or eight values.")
if sum([T >= 10000 for T in grid_temps]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Grid temperatures must be below 10k °C.")
if isinstance(grid_press, list):
if sum([P >= 10000 for P in grid_press]) and water_model != "DEW":
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Grid pressures must be below 10 kilobars.")
if water_model == "SUPCRT92":
min_T = 0
max_T = 2250
min_P = 0
max_P = 30000
elif water_model == "IAPWS95":
min_T = 0
max_T = 1000
min_P = 0
max_P = 10000
elif water_model == "DEW":
min_T = 0
max_T = 1000
min_P = 1000
max_P = 60000
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The water model '{}' ".format(water_model)+"is not "
"recognized. Try 'SUPCRT92', 'IAPWS95', or 'DEW'.")
# check that T and P are above minimum values
if sum([T <= min_T for T in grid_temps]):
print("WARNING: one or more temperatures in 'grid_temps' is below "
"or equal to {} °C".format(min_T)+" and is outside the valid "
"temperature range for the {} water model.".format(water_model))
if isinstance(grid_press, list):
if sum([P < min_P for P in grid_press]):
print("WARNING: one or more pressures in 'grid_press' is below "
"{} bar".format(min_P)+", the minimum valid "
"pressure for the {} water model.".format(water_model))
# check that T and P are below maximum values
if sum([T > max_T for T in grid_temps]):
print("WARNING: one or more temperatures in 'grid_temps' is above "
"{} °C".format(max_T)+", the maximum valid "
"temperature for the {} water model.".format(water_model))
if isinstance(grid_press, list):
if sum([P > max_P for P in grid_press]):
print("WARNING: one or more pressures in 'grid_press' is above "
"{} bar".format(max_P)+", the maximum valid "
"pressure for the {} water model.".format(water_model))
if water_model != "SUPCRT92":
print("WARNING: water models other than SUPCRT92 are not yet fully supported.")
# reset logK_models whenever create_data0() is called
# (prevents errors when create_data0() functions are run back-to-back)
self.logK_models = {}
# interpolate logK values from "free logK" datasheet at T and P
if isinstance(db_logK, pd.DataFrame):
if len(dynamic_db_sample_temps) > 0:
grid_or_sample_temps = dynamic_db_sample_temps
grid_or_sample_temps = grid_temps
if len(dynamic_db_sample_press) > 0:
grid_or_sample_press = dynamic_db_sample_press
grid_or_sample_press = grid_press
free_logK_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(self.thermo.logK_db)
valid_i = self.__get_i_of_valid_free_logK_sp(
free_logK_df_valid = copy.deepcopy(free_logK_df.iloc[valid_i])
thermo_df = pd.concat([thermo_df, free_logK_df_valid], ignore_index=True)
thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df)
if self.thermo.solid_solutions_active:
solid_solution_df = ro.conversion.py2rpy(self.thermo.solid_solution_db)
solid_solution_df = ro.r("NULL")
template = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'data0.min').decode("utf-8")
out_list = self.thermo.out_list
r_create_data0 = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'create_data0.r').decode("utf-8")
# assemble data0 file
data0_file_lines = ro.r.create_data0(
data0_file_lines = data0_file_lines[0].split("\n")
if fill_data0:
# begin TP-dependent processes
return thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, db, water_model, P1, plot_poly_fit
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Finished creating data0.{}.".format(db))
class Thermodata(object):
Metaclass to store and load thermodynamic databases.
Inherits attributes from its outer class, AqEquil.
def __init__(self, AqEquil_instance):
self.AqEquil_instance = AqEquil_instance
# attributes to add to AqEquil class
self.db = self.AqEquil_instance.db
self.elements = self.AqEquil_instance.elements
solid_solutions = self.AqEquil_instance.solid_solutions
self.exclude_category = self.AqEquil_instance.exclude_category
self.exclude_organics_except = self.AqEquil_instance.exclude_organics_except
self.water_model = self.AqEquil_instance.water_model
self.elements = self.AqEquil_instance.elements
logK = self.AqEquil_instance.logK
logK_S = self.AqEquil_instance.logK_S
download_csv_files = self.AqEquil_instance.download_csv_files
suppress_redox = self.AqEquil_instance.suppress_redox
exceed_Ttr = self.AqEquil_instance.exceed_Ttr
input_template = self.AqEquil_instance.input_template
verbose = self.AqEquil_instance.verbose
self.hide_traceback = self.AqEquil_instance.hide_traceback
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=self.hide_traceback)
self.eq36da = self.AqEquil_instance.eq36da
self.eq36co = self.AqEquil_instance.eq36co
self.df_rejected_species = pd.DataFrame({'database name':[],
'database index':[],
"reason for rejection":[]})
# active thermo db attributes
self.thermo_db = None
self.thermo_db_type = None
self.thermo_db_source = None
self.thermo_db_filename = None
self.custom_data0 = None
self.data0_lettercode = None
self.dynamic_db = None
self.db_csv_name = None
# data1 attributes
self.data1 = {}
# data0 attributes
self.data0_db = None
self.data0_db_type = None
self.data0_db_source = None
self.data0_db_filename = None
# csv attributes
self.csv_db = None
self.csv_db_type = None
self.csv_db_source = None
self.csv_db_filename = None
# element attributes
self.element_db = None
self.element_db_source = None
self.element_db_filename = None
self.element_active = None
# solid solution attributes
self.solid_solutions_active = False
self.solid_solution_db = None
self.solid_solution_db_source = None
self.solid_solution_db_filename = None
# logK attributes
self.logK_active = False
self.logK_extrapolate = self.AqEquil_instance.logK_extrapolate
self.logK_db = None
self.logK_db_source = None
self.logK_db_filename = None
# logK attributes
self.logK_S_active = False
self.logK_S_db = None
self.logK_S_db_source = None
self.logK_S_db_filename = None
if isinstance(self.db, str):
if self.db == "WORM":
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Loading Water-Organic-Rock-Microbe (WORM) thermodynamic databases...")
self.db = ""
self._set_active_db(db=self.db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if self.elements == None:
self._load_elements("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if solid_solutions == None:
self._load_solid_solutions("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if logK == None:
self._load_logK("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if logK_S == None:
self._load_logK_S("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Loading a user-supplied thermodynamic database...")
self._set_active_db(db=self.db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
elif isinstance(self.db, pd.DataFrame):
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Loading a user-supplied Pandas DataFrame thermodynamic database...")
self._set_active_db(db=self.db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]:
# elements must be loaded if thermo_db_type is a CSV
if self.elements != None:
self._load_elements(self.elements, source="file")
if not self.element_active and self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]:
self._load_elements("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
if solid_solutions != None:
self._load_solid_solutions(solid_solutions, source="file")
if logK != None:
self._load_logK(logK, source="file")
# must be loaded after the logK database
if logK_S != None:
self._load_logK_S(logK_S, source="file")
if self.logK_active:
self.thermo_db = pd.concat([self.thermo_db, self.logK_db], ignore_index=True)
# process dissociation reactions
if self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]:
elif len(suppress_redox) > 0 and self.verbose > 0:
print("Warning: redox suppression option is not recognized if a data0 or data1 database is used.")
if self.logK_active:
self.logK_db = self.thermo_db[~self.thermo_db["logK1"].isnull()]
self.thermo_db = self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["logK1"].isnull()]
# generate input file template
# (after species have been excluded)
if input_template != "none":
if input_template == 'strict':
template_names = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["tag"]=="basis"]["name"])
elif input_template == 'basis':
template_names = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["tag"].isin(["basis", "aux"])]["name"])
elif input_template == 'all':
template_names = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"]=="aq"]["name"])
template_names = sorted(template_names)
input_template = pd.DataFrame({"Sample":["id"], "H+":["pH"], "Temperature":["degC"], "logfO2":["logfO2"]})
input_template_2 = pd.DataFrame({name:["Molality"] for name in template_names})
input_template = pd.concat([input_template, input_template_2], axis=1)
input_template.to_csv("sample_input_template.csv", index=False)
def _validate_thermodynamic_database(self):
# check that the df has all required columns
missing_cols = [col for col in req_cols if col not in list(self.thermo_db.columns)]
if len(missing_cols) > 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The following required columns are not present "
"in the loaded thermodynamic database: " + str(missing_cols))
self.thermo_db = self.thermo_db.astype(WORM_THERMODYNAMIC_DATABASE_COLUMN_TYPE_DICT)
# check that all aq and gas species have unique names
dupe_list_aq = _get_duplicates(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"] == "aq"]["name"])
dupe_list_gas = _get_duplicates(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"] == "gas"]["name"])
dupe_list_liq = _get_duplicates(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"] == "liq"]["name"])
if len(dupe_list_aq) > 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The loaded thermodynamic database "
"contains duplicate entries for aqueous species: " + str(dupe_list_aq))
elif len(dupe_list_gas) > 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The loaded thermodynamic database "
"contains duplicate entries for gaseous species: " + str(dupe_list_gas))
elif len(dupe_list_liq) > 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The loaded thermodynamic database "
"contains duplicate entries for liquid species: " + str(dupe_list_liq))
def _reject_species(self, name, reason):
dbs_to_search = ["csv_db", "logK_db", "logK_S_db"]
db_filename = None
for db_name in dbs_to_search:
if isinstance(self.__getattribute__(db_name), pd.DataFrame):
if name in list(self.__getattribute__(db_name)["name"]):
idx_list = [i for i,n in enumerate(self.__getattribute__(db_name)["name"]) if n==name]
state_list = [self.__getattribute__(db_name)["state"].iloc[idx] for i,idx in enumerate(idx_list)]
for i,idx in enumerate(idx_list):
if name not in list(self.df_rejected_species["name"]) or i not in list(self.df_rejected_species.loc[self.df_rejected_species["name"]==name, "database index"]):
d = pd.DataFrame({'database name': [self.__getattribute__(db_name+"_filename")], 'database index': [int(idx)], 'name': [name], 'state': [state_list[i]], 'reason for rejection': [reason]})
self.df_rejected_species = pd.concat([self.df_rejected_species, d], ignore_index=True)
def _remove_missing_G_species(self):
# remove species that are missing a gibbs free energy value.
# handle minerals first. Reject any that have missing G in any polymorph.
mineral_name_reject = list(set(self.csv_db[(self.csv_db["G"].isnull()) & (self.csv_db['state'].str.contains('cr'))]["name"]))
idx = list(self.csv_db[self.csv_db["name"].isin(mineral_name_reject)].index)
names = self.csv_db["name"].loc[idx]
for name in names:
self._reject_species(name=name, reason="missing Gibbs free energy for at least one polymorph")
self.csv_db = self.csv_db[~self.csv_db["name"].isin(mineral_name_reject)]
# TODO: other states besides minerals
def _set_active_db(self, db=None, download_csv_files=False):
Set the main active thermodynamic database to a Pandas DataFrame,
CSV file, data0 file, a data1 file on the server, a local file,
or from a URL address.
if isinstance(db, pd.DataFrame):
self.thermo_db = copy.deepcopy(self.db)
self.db = "custom"
self.thermo_db_type = "Pandas DataFrame"
self.thermo_db_source = "user-supplied"
self.thermo_db_filename = "User-supplied Pandas DataFrame thermodynamic database"
self.dynamic_db = True
self.custom_data0 = False
self.data0_lettercode = None
elif isinstance(db, str):
if len(db) == 3:
# e.g., "wrm"
self.data0_lettercode = db
self.dynamic_db = False
# search for a data1 file in the eq36da directory
if os.path.exists(self.eq36da + "/data1." + db) and os.path.isfile(self.eq36da + "/data1." + db):
self.thermo_db = None
self.thermo_db_type = "data1"
self.thermo_db_source = "file"
self.thermo_db_filename = "data1."+db
# store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object
with open(self.eq36da + "/data1." + db, mode='rb') as data1_file:
self.data1["all_samples"] =
elif os.path.exists("data0." + db) and os.path.isfile("data0." + db):
if self.verbose > 0:
print("data1." + db + " was not found in the EQ36DA directory "
"but a data0."+db+" was found in the current working "
"directory. Using it...")
self._load_data0("data0." + db, source="file")
self.thermo_db = self.data0_db
self.thermo_db_filename = self.data0_db_filename
self.thermo_db_type = "data0"
self.thermo_db_source = "file"
self.custom_data0 = True
self.data0_lettercode = db[-3:].lower()
self.eq36da = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files"
elif os.path.exists("data1." + db) and os.path.isfile("data1." + db):
if self.verbose > 0:
print("data1." + db + " was not found in the EQ36DA directory "
"but a data1."+db+" was found in the current working "
"directory. Using it...")
self.custom_data0 = True
self.thermo_db = None
self.eq36da = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files"
# search for a data1 locally
# store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object
with open("data1." + db, mode='rb') as data1_file:
self.data1["all_samples"] =
self.thermo_db_type = "data1"
self.thermo_db_source = "file"
self.thermo_db_filename = "data1."+db
msg = ("Could not locate a 'data1."+db+"' file in the EQ36DA "
"directory, nor a 'data0."+db+"' or 'data1."+db+"' file in "
"the current working directory.")
elif "data0." in db[-9:].lower() and db[-4:].lower() != ".csv" and (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."):
# e.g., ""
self._load_data0(db, source="URL")
self.thermo_db = self.data0_db
self.thermo_db_filename = self.data0_db_filename
self.thermo_db_type = "data0"
self.thermo_db_source = "URL"
self.custom_data0 = True
self.data0_lettercode = db[-3:]
self.dynamic_db = False
elif db[0:-4].lower() == "data0" and not (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."):
# e.g., "data0.wrm"
self._load_data0(db, source="file")
self.thermo_db = self.data0_db
self.thermo_db_filename = self.data0_db_filename
self.thermo_db_type = "data0"
self.thermo_db_source = "file"
self.custom_data0 = True
self.data0_lettercode = db[-3:].lower()
self.dynamic_db = False
elif db[-4:].lower() == ".csv" and not (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."):
# e.g., "wrm_data.csv"
self._load_csv(db, source="file")
self.thermo_db = self.csv_db
self.thermo_db_filename = self.csv_db_filename
self.thermo_db_type = "CSV"
self.thermo_db_source = "file"
self.dynamic_db = True
self.custom_data0 = False
self.data0_lettercode = None
elif db[-4:].lower() == ".csv" and (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."):
# e.g., "
self._load_csv(db, source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
self.thermo_db = self.csv_db
self.thermo_db_filename = self.csv_db_filename
self.thermo_db_type = "CSV"
self.thermo_db_source = "URL"
self.dynamic_db = True
self.custom_data0 = False
self.data0_lettercode = None
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized thermodynamic "
"database '{}'".format(db)+" specified for db. A database can specified as:"
"\n - a three letter code designating a data0 file. e.g., db='wrm'"
"\n - a data0 file in your working directory. e.g., db='data0.wrm'"
"\n - a csv file in your working directory. e.g., db='wrm_data.csv'"
"\n - a URL directing to a data0 file. e.g.,"
"\n\t db=''"
"\n\t (note the data0 file in the URL must have 'data0.' followed by a three letter code)"
"\n - a URL directing to a valid csv file. e.g.,"
"\n\t db=''")
self.db = db
if self.verbose > 0:
print(self.thermo_db_filename, "is now set as the active thermodynamic database.")
if self.thermo_db_filename in ['data0.wrm', 'data1.wrm']:
print("This database is meant for rapid calculations between 0 and 350 °C at water saturation pressure.")
elif self.thermo_db_filename == "wrm_data.csv":
print("This database is meant for calculations between 0 and 1000 °C and up to 5 kb pressure.")
def __df_from_url(self, url, download_csv_files=False):
Get a filename and dataframe from a URL pointing to a CSV file.
filename = url.split("/")[-1].lower()
# Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text.
with urlopen(url) as webpage:
content =
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(url)+" cannot"
" be reached at this time.")
if download_csv_files:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Downloading", filename, "from", url)
with open(filename, 'w') as output:
return filename, pd.read_csv(StringIO(content), sep=",")
def __str_from_url(self, url):
Get a filename and contents from a URL pointing to a txt file.
filename = url.split("/")[-1].lower()
# Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text.
with urlopen(url) as webpage:
txt_content =
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(url)+" cannot"
" be reached at this time.")
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Downloading", filename, "from", url)
with open(filename, 'w') as output:
return filename, txt_content
def _load_elements(self, db, source="url", download_csv_files=False):
Load an element database CSV file from a file or URL.
if source == "file":
# e.g., "elements.csv"
if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db):
self.element_db = pd.read_csv(db)
self.element_db_source = "file"
self.element_db_filename = db
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'")
elif source == "URL":
# e.g., ""
self.element_db_filename, self.element_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
self.element_db_source = "URL"
if self.verbose > 0:
print("No element database loaded.")
if self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Element database", self.element_db_filename, "is active.")
self.element_active = True
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Element database is not active because the active thermodynamic database is a", self.thermo_db_type, "and not a CSV.")
def _load_solid_solutions(self, db, source="url", download_csv_files=False):
Load a solid solution database CSV file from a file or URL.
if source == "file":
# e.g., "solid_solutions.csv"
if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db):
self.solid_solution_db = pd.read_csv(db)
self.solid_solution_db_source = "file"
self.solid_solution_db_filename = db
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'")
elif source == "URL":
# e.g., ""
self.solid_solution_db_filename, self.solid_solution_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
self.solid_solution_db_source = "URL"
if self.verbose > 0:
print("No solid solution database loaded.")
if self.thermo_db_type == "CSV":
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Solid solution database", self.solid_solution_db_filename, "is active.")
self.solid_solutions_active = True
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Solid solution database is not active because the active thermodynamic database is a", self.thermo_db_type, "and not a CSV.")
def _load_logK(self, db, source="URL", download_csv_files=False):
Load a logK database CSV file from a file or URL.
if source == "file":
# e.g., "logK.csv"
if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db):
self.logK_db = pd.read_csv(db)
self.logK_db_source = "file"
self.logK_db_filename = db
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'")
elif source == "URL":
# e.g., ""
self.logK_db_filename, self.logK_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
self.logK_db_source = "URL"
if self.verbose > 0:
print("No logK database loaded.")
if self.thermo_db_type == "CSV":
if self.verbose > 0:
print("LogK database", self.logK_db_filename, "is active.")
self.logK_active = True
if self.verbose > 0:
print("LogK database is not active because the active thermodynamic database is a", self.thermo_db_type, "and not a CSV.")
self.logK_db = self._exclude_category(df=self.logK_db, df_name=self.logK_db_filename)
def _load_logK_S(self, db, source="URL", download_csv_files=False):
Load a logK_S database CSV file from a file or URL.
if source == "file":
# e.g., "logK_S.csv"
if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db):
self.logK_S_db = pd.read_csv(db)
self.logK_S_db_source = "file"
self.logK_S_db_filename = db
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'")
elif source == "URL":
# e.g., ""
self.logK_S_db_filename, self.logK_S_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
self.logK_S_db_source = "URL"
if self.verbose > 0:
print("No logK_S database loaded.")
if self.logK_active and self.element_active:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("LogK_S database", self.logK_S_db_filename, "is active.")
self.logK_S_active = True
if self.verbose > 0:
print("LogK_S database is not active because there is no active logK database.")
self.logK_S_db = self._exclude_category(df=self.logK_S_db, df_name=self.logK_S_db_filename)
if self.logK_S_active:
for i,sp in enumerate(self.logK_S_db["name"]):
i = self.logK_S_db.index[i]
logK_25C = float(self.logK_S_db["logK_25"][i])
if "logK_25_IS" in self.logK_S_db.columns:
IS_ref = float(self.logK_S_db["logK_25_IS"][i])
IS_ref = 0
T_list = self.logK_S_db["T_vals"][i].split(" ")
T_list = [float(T) for T in T_list]
Delta_S = float(self.logK_S_db["DeltaS"][i])
if IS_ref > 0:
# extrapolate to ionic strength 0
# collect azero values for metal, ligand, and complex
metal_name = self.logK_S_db["metal_name"][i]
if self.thermo_db["name"].isin([metal_name]).any():
metal_azero = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == metal_name]["azero"])[0]
metal_charge = float(list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == metal_name]["z.T"])[0])
# elif:
# # todo: get metal azero and charge from other databases, e.g., logK db
# pass
# todo: throw error
ligand_name = self.logK_S_db["ligand_name"][i]
if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_azero"][i], float):
ligand_azero = float(self.logK_S_db["ligand_azero"][i])
elif self.thermo_db["name"].isin([ligand_name]).any():
ligand_azero = float(list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == ligand_name]["azero"])[0])
# todo: elif ligand_name in logK database names, get azero from there...
# or maybe this is not necessary if logK is merged with thermo_db at this point
if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_charge"][i], float):
ligand_charge = float(self.logK_S_db["ligand_charge"][i])
elif self.thermo_db["name"].isin([ligand_name]).any():
ligand_charge = float(list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == ligand_name]["z.T"])[0])
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The ligand '"+ligand_name+"' was not found in the "
"currently loaded databases. Is this ligand present in the database? Was this "
"ligand excluded (e.g., exclude_organics=True)?")
dissrxn = self.logK_S_db["dissrxn"][i].split(" ")
n_metal = float(dissrxn[dissrxn.index(metal_name)-1])
n_ligand = float(dissrxn[dissrxn.index(ligand_name)-1])
n_complex = -float(dissrxn[dissrxn.index(sp)-1])
complex_charge = n_metal*metal_charge + n_ligand*ligand_charge
complex_azero = self.logK_S_db["azero"][i]
If = 0 # what ionic strength to extrapolate to
ari=[metal_azero, ligand_azero]
vri=[n_metal, n_ligand]
zri=[metal_charge, ligand_charge]
def loggamma(vparam, zparam, aparam, I):
x=[v*((-1*A*z**2*I**0.5)/(1+a*B*I**0.5)+Bdot*I) for v,z,a in zip(vparam, zparam, aparam)]
return x
def f(vparam, zparam, aparam, I):
return sum(loggamma(vparam, zparam, aparam, I))
logK_25C = -(-logK_25C+(f(vpi,zpi,api,IS_ref)-f(vri,zri,ari,IS_ref))-(f(vpi,zpi,api,If)-f(vri,zri,ari,If)))
logK_list = self._est_logK_S(T_list, logK_25C, Delta_S)
if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_element"][i], str):
# modify element database with pseudoelements
pseudoelement = self.logK_S_db["ligand_element"][i]
if pseudoelement not in self.element_db["element"]:
e_df = pd.DataFrame(
self.element_db = pd.concat([self.element_db, e_df], ignore_index=True)
if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_basis"][i], str):
# add a basis species representing the pseudoelement
basis = self.logK_S_db["ligand_basis"][i]
if basis not in self.thermo_db["name"]:
b_df = pd.DataFrame(
'G':[0], 'H':[0], 'S':[0],
'Cp':[0], 'V':[0], 'a1.a':[0],
'a2.b':[0], 'a3.c':[0], 'a4.d':[0],
'c1.e':[0], 'c2.f':[0],
self.thermo_db = pd.concat([self.thermo_db, b_df], ignore_index=True)
if self.logK_S_db["name"][i] not in self.thermo_db["name"] and self.logK_S_db["name"][i] not in self.logK_db["name"]:
s_df = pd.DataFrame(
self.logK_db = pd.concat([self.logK_db, s_df], ignore_index=True)
for ti in range(0, len(T_list)):
if ti+1 > 8:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Species ", sp, "in",
self.logK_S_db_filename, "may only have up to",
"eight temperature values in column T_vals")
self.logK_db.loc[self.logK_db.index[-1], "logK"+str(ti+1)] = logK_list[ti]
self.logK_db.loc[self.logK_db.index[-1], "T"+str(ti+1)] = T_list[ti]
self.logK_db.loc[self.logK_db.index[-1], "P"+str(ti+1)] = 'psat'
def _est_logK_S(self, T_list, logK_25C, Delta_S):
R = 8.31446261815324/4.184 # cal/(mol K)
# solve for G of reaction:
# ∆_r G°= -2.303RT logK
G_25 = -2.303*R*298.15*logK_25C # in cal/mol
# solve for H of reaction:
# ∆_r G°= ∆_r H°-T∆_r S°
H = G_25 + 298.15*Delta_S # in cal/mol
logK_list = []
for T_C in T_list:
T_K = T_C+273.15 # convert C to Kelvin
# estimate G at temperature
G_T = H - T_K*Delta_S
# convert G to logK
logK_T = G_T/(-2.303*R*T_K)
return logK_list
def _load_data0(self, db, source="URL"):
Load a data0 file from a file or URL.
if source == "URL":
# e.g., ""
self.data0_db_filename, self.data0_db = self.__str_from_url(db)
self.data0_db_type = "data0"
self.data0_db_source = "URL"
elif source == "file":
# e.g., "data0.wrm"
if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db):
with open(db) as data0_content:
self.data0_db =
self.data0_db_type = "data0"
self.data0_db_source = "file"
self.data0_db_filename = db
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the data0 file '"+db+"'")
def _load_csv(self, db, source="URL", download_csv_files=False):
Load a WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV from a file or URL.
if source == "file":
# e.g., "wrm_data.csv"
if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db):
self.csv_db = pd.read_csv(db)
self.csv_db_type = "CSV"
self.csv_db_source = "file"
self.csv_db_filename = db
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'")
elif source == "URL":
# e.g., ""
self.csv_db_filename, self.csv_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files)
self.csv_db_type = "CSV"
self.csv_db_source = "URL"
self.csv_db = self.csv_db.astype(WORM_THERMODYNAMIC_DATABASE_COLUMN_TYPE_DICT)
# Check that thermodynamic database input files exist and are formatted correctly.
self.csv_db = self._exclude_category(df=self.csv_db, df_name=self.csv_db_filename)
def _exclude_category(self, df, df_name):
Exclude entries from a df based on values in columns.
e.g., {"category_1":["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}
if isinstance(self.exclude_organics_except, list):
organics_to_exclude = []
for i,name in enumerate(df["name"]):
if df["category_1"].iloc[i] in ["organic_aq", "organic_cr"] and name not in self.exclude_organics_except:
if not isinstance(self.exclude_category.get("name"), list) or "name" not in list(self.exclude_category.keys()):
self.exclude_category["name"] = organics_to_exclude
self.exclude_category["name"] += organics_to_exclude
self.exclude_category["name"] = list(set(self.exclude_category["name"]))
exclude_keys = list(self.exclude_category.keys())
if len(exclude_keys) > 0:
for key in exclude_keys:
if self.verbose > 0:
if len(self.exclude_category[key]) <= 10:
print("Excluding", str(self.exclude_category[key]), "from column '" + str(key) + "'in", df_name)
print("Excluding", len(self.exclude_category[key]), "different chemical species from column '" + str(key) + "' in", df_name)
if isinstance(self.exclude_category[key], list):
idx = list(df[df[key].isin(self.exclude_category[key])].index)
names = df["name"].loc[idx]
for name in names:
self._reject_species(name=name, reason="excluded by user")
df = df[~df[key].isin(self.exclude_category[key])]
elif isinstance(self.exclude_category[key], str):
idx = list(df[df[key] != self.exclude_category[key]].index)
names = df["name"].loc[idx]
for name in names:
self._reject_species(name=name, reason="excluded by user")
df = df[~df[key] != self.exclude_category[key]]
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter exclude_category must either be a string or a list.")
return df
def _check_csv_db(self):
Check for problems in the thermodynamic database CSV.
thermo_df = self.csv_db
# does this file have the proper headers?
required_headers = ["name", "abbrv", "formula", "state",
"ref1", "ref2", "date", "E_units",
"G", "H", "S", "Cp", "V",
"a1.a", "a2.b", "a3.c", "a4.d", "c1.e", "c2.f",
"omega.lambda", "z.T",
"azero", "neutral_ion_type",
"dissrxn", "tag", "formula_ox"]
missing_headers = []
for header in required_headers:
if header not in thermo_df.columns:
if len(missing_headers) > 0:
msg = ("The thermodynamic database file "
"is missing one or more required columns: "
"{}".format(", ".join(missing_headers))+". "
"Are these headers spelled correctly in the file?")
# does Cl-, O2(g), and O2 exist in the file?
required_species = ["Cl-", "O2", "O2(g)"]
missing_species = []
for species in required_species:
if species not in list(thermo_df["name"]):
if len(missing_species) > 0:
msg = ("The thermodynamic database file "
"is missing required species:"
"{}".format(missing_species)+". Default thermodynamic values"
" will be used.")
def _suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns(self,
thermo_df = self.thermo_db
suppress_redox = _convert_to_RVector(suppress_redox)
# if elements are being redox-suppressed, exclude all species with a
# formula containing one or more of the redox-suppressed elements if the
# species does not have a formula_ox.
# e.g., if "methionine" does not have a formula_ox, ensure it is excluded
# if sulfur is redox-suppressed.
if len(suppress_redox) > 0:
thermo_db_no_formula_ox = thermo_df[thermo_df["formula_ox"].isnull()]
if thermo_db_no_formula_ox.shape[0] > 0:
sp_names_to_exclude = []
for i,sp in enumerate(thermo_db_no_formula_ox["name"]):
f = thermo_db_no_formula_ox.iloc[i, thermo_db_no_formula_ox.columns.get_loc("formula")]
f_elems = list(parse_formula(f).keys())
for elem in suppress_redox:
if elem in f_elems:
self.exclude_category["name"] = sp_names_to_exclude
if self.verbose > 0 and len(sp_names_to_exclude) > 0:
print("Excluding the following chemical species because "
"they contain redox-suppressed elements but do not "
"have element oxidation states given in the "
"'formula_ox' column of the thermodynamic database: "
if len(self.exclude_category) > 0:
exclude_category_R = {k:_convert_to_RVector(l) for k,l in zip(self.exclude_category.keys(), self.exclude_category.values())}
exclude_category_R = {}
exclude_category_R = ro.ListVector(exclude_category_R)
r_redox_dissrxns = pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'redox_and_dissrxns.r').decode("utf-8")
thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df)
self.out_list = ro.r.suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns(
thermo_df = self.out_list.rx2("thermo_df")
# Currently, species rejected by r.suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns()
# are rejected because they cannot be written with valid basis species.
# e.g., the mineral "iron" would be rejected when Fe is redox-isolated because
# there is no aqueous basis species representing Fe with an oxidation state of 0.
rejected_species = self.out_list.rx2("dissrxns").rx2("rejected_species")
if type(rejected_species) != rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType:
for i,sp in enumerate(rejected_species):
self._reject_species(sp, "A dissociation reaction could not be written with valid basis species.")
thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df)
# convert E units and calculate missing GHS values
self.thermo_db = OBIGT2eos(thermo_df, fixGHS=True, tocal=True)
def compare(*args):
Combine two or more speciations into a single speciation object for
comparison. The speciation object returned by this function can produce
scatterplots, barplots, and mass contribution plots, and contains a report
that can be browsed with `lookup`. See documentation for the functions in
the `Speciation` class for more detail.
*args : two or more objects of class `Speciation` to compare
An object of class `Speciation`.
if all(["mass_contribution" in a.__dict__.keys() for a in args]):
allow_mass_contribution = True
mass_contribution_breaks = []
allow_mass_contribution = False
for i,sp in enumerate(args):
if i == 0:
sp_total = copy.deepcopy(sp)
sp_total.sample_data_combined = {}
sp_total.sample_data_combined[i] = sp_total.sample_data
sp_total.sample_data = {}
if allow_mass_contribution:
sp_i = copy.deepcopy(sp)
sp_total.sample_data_combined[i] = sp_i.sample_data
if allow_mass_contribution:
mass_contribution_breaks.append([0]) = pd.concat([,], axis=0, sort=False) = + ("_"'_0','')
# restore sample data and rename samples if necessary
for i in sp_total.sample_data_combined.keys():
for sample in sp_total.sample_data_combined[i].keys():
if sample not in sp_total.sample_data.keys():
sp_total.sample_data[sample] = sp_total.sample_data_combined[i][sample]
prev_sample_name = copy.deepcopy(sample)
ii = 0
while sample in sp_total.sample_data.keys():
sample = prev_sample_name+"_"+str(ii)
if sample not in sp_total.sample_data.keys():
sp_total.sample_data[sample] = sp_total.sample_data_combined[i][prev_sample_name]
if allow_mass_contribution:
mc_sample_names_with_suffixes = list(
for i,sp in enumerate(args):
mc_i = copy.deepcopy(sp.mass_contribution)
new_sample_names = copy.copy(mc_sample_names_with_suffixes[mass_contribution_breaks[i]:mass_contribution_breaks[i+1]])
old_sample_names = list(args[i].sample_data.keys())
old_new_sample_name_dict = {old:new for old,new in zip(old_sample_names, new_sample_names)}
newsample = [old_new_sample_name_dict[old] for old in mc_i["sample"]]
mc_i["sample"] = newsample
if i == 0:
mc_total = mc_i
mc_total = pd.concat([mc_total, mc_i], axis=0, sort=False)
sp_total.mass_contribution = mc_total
def no_mass_contrib_message(*args, **kwargs):
print("Mass contributions cannot be compared between these speciations "
"because one or more calculations lack mass contribution data.")
sp_total.plot_mass_contribution = no_mass_contrib_message
return sp_total
class Speciation(object):
Stores the output of a speciation calculation.
args : dict
Arguments inherited from class AqEquil.
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
input : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing user-supplied sample chemistry data.
mass_contribution : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing basis species contributions to mass balance
of aqueous species.
batch_3o : rpy2 ListVector
An rpy2 ListVector (R object) containing speciation results, in case
analysis in R is preferred.
report : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe reporting major results of speciation calculation in
across all samples.
report_divs : rpy2 ListVector
An rpy2 ListVector of column names within the different sections of the
speciation report.
sample_data : dict
Dictionary with sample names as keys and speciation results as values.
# get functions from the AqEquil class
_interpolate_logK = AqEquil._interpolate_logK
plot_logK_fit = AqEquil.plot_logK_fit
def __init__(self, args, hide_traceback=True):
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
self.reactions_for_plotting = None # stores formatted reactions for plotting results of affinity and energy supply calculations
self.apply_redox_columns = None # stores a list of column names for output from apply_redox_reactions()
self.redox_formatted_reactions = None # stores a dataframe of formatted affinity/energy supply reactions
self.redox_reactions_table = None
# stores a dictionary of speciation groups (e.g., "CO2", "HCO3-", "CO3-2"...)
self.custom_grouping_filepath = None
self.reactant_dict_scalar = None
self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked = None
for k in args:
setattr(self, k, args[k])
if 'report_divs' in list(self.__dict__.keys()):
# create a dict of report categories and their child columns
self.report_category_dict = {}
for cat in [str(s) for s in list(self.report_divs.names)]:
self.report_category_dict[cat] = list(self.report_divs.rx2(cat))
if 'verbose' not in list(self.__dict__.keys()):
self.verbose = 1
def __getitem__(self, item):
return getattr(self, item)
def _make_speciation_group_dict(self):
if isinstance(self.custom_grouping_filepath, str):
with open(self.custom_grouping_filepath) as file:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
stream = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "speciation_groups_WORM.txt")
with stream as s:
content =
content = content.split("\n")
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in content]
lines = [l for l in lines if l != ""] # remove blank lines
# Creates a dictionary with this format:
# {...
# "sulfide 1": ["H2S", "HS-"],
# "sulfide 2": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"],
# "sulfide 3": ["Pb(HS)3-"],
# "iron(II) 1": [...],
# ...
# }
# Used by calculate_energy() to calculate concentrations of limiting reactants.
reactant_dict_scalar = {l.split(":")[0]:l.split(":")[1].strip() for l in lines}
bad_line_indices = []
bad_lines = []
for i,l in enumerate(lines):
if ":" not in l:
bad_line_indices = [i+1 for i in bad_line_indices]
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Line(s) in the speciation group file do not contain a colon ':'. Fix the formatting on line(s):\n"+str(bad_line_indices)+"\nLines to blame:\n"+str(bad_lines))
self.reactant_dict_scalar = {k:v.split(" ") for k,v in zip(reactant_dict_scalar.keys(), reactant_dict_scalar.values())}
# Creates a dictionary with this format:
# {...
# "H2S": ["H2S", "HS-"],
# "HS-": ["H2S", "HS-"],
# "Pb(HS)2": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"],
# "Ag(HS)2-": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"],
# "Au(HS)2-": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"],
# ...
# }
# Used to switch a user-specified limiting reactant to one within the same scalar group.
speciation_group_dict = {}
speciation_group_dict_all_like_categories = {}
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
line = line.strip().split(":")
assert len(line) == 2 # will fail if : in species names
group_name = line[0].strip()
group_species = line[1].strip().split(" ")
group_species = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(group_species)) # remove duplicates
speciation_group_dict[group_name] = group_species
speciation_group_dict_unpacked = {}
for key in list(speciation_group_dict.keys()):
for sp in speciation_group_dict[key]:
speciation_group_dict_unpacked[sp] = speciation_group_dict[key]
self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked = speciation_group_dict_unpacked
# Creates a dictionary with this format:
# {...
# "sulfate": ['SO4-2','HSO4-','PdSO4','RhSO4', ..., 'Ru(SO4)3-4'],
# "formate": ['formic-acid', 'formate', 'Am(For)+2', ..., 'Zn(For)2'],
# ...
# }
# Used when the user wants to exclude all organics except for acetate (e.g.)
# and all species in the acetate speciation group
group_categories = []
for group_name in self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys():
group_name_no_number = group_name.split(" ")
group_name_no_number = " ".join(group_name_no_number[:-1])
group_categories = list(set(group_categories))
sp_dict_groups = {}
for g1 in group_categories:
for i,g2 in enumerate(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys()):
g2_cat_name = g2.split(" ")
g2_cat_name = " ".join(g2_cat_name[:-1])
if g1 == g2_cat_name:
if g1 not in sp_dict_groups.keys():
sp_dict_groups[g1] = copy.deepcopy(self.reactant_dict_scalar[list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys())[i]])
sp_dict_groups[g1] += copy.deepcopy(self.reactant_dict_scalar[list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys())[i]])
self.sp_dict_groups = sp_dict_groups
def __switch_limiting(self, limiting, stoich, species, lenient=False):
if limiting != None:
reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich]
reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1]
if limiting not in reactants and limiting in list(self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked.keys()):
# if the user specifies a limiting reactant like "HCO3-" but the
# reaction has "CO2" as a reactant, check the dict that
# contains speciated groups and switch the limiting reactant to
# the relevant limiting reactant to appear in reports,
# e.g., "HCO3-" -> "CO2"
lim_species_group_list = self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked[limiting]
for s in lim_species_group_list:
if s in reactants:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("The specified limiting reactant", str(limiting),
"has been switched to", str(s), "because the latter",
"appears as a reactant in the reaction:")
if _isnotebook():
_ = self.format_reaction(coeffs=stoich,
l = stoich + species
l[::2] = stoich
l[1::2] = species
l = [str(v) for v in l]
print(" ".join(l))
limiting = s
if limiting not in reactants and lenient:
# if the user specifies "CO2" as the limiting reactant during a
# batch calculation of many different reactions, some reactions
# won't actually have "CO2" as a reactant. In this case, set
# limiting to None so that CO2 will be limiting when applicable.
limiting = None
return limiting
def add_new_half_reaction(self, oxidant, reductant, redox_couple=None):
Add a new half reaction to the bottom of the table of available half
reactions that can be combined using `make_redox_reactions`.
oxidant, reductant : str
Names of the oxidant and reductant as they appear in the
thermodynamic database. It does not matter what speciated form of an
oxidant or reductant is chosen. For example, choosing "acetate" as
the oxidant is the same as choosing "acetic-acid" because they
belong to the same speciation group.
redox_couple : str, optional
Desired name of the half reaction. This name is arbitrary and can be
anything you'd like. If no name is provided, a name will be
automatically generated based on the oxidant and reductant.
Appends a new row to the half_cell_reactions table.
if not isinstance(self.thermo.thermo_db, pd.DataFrame):
# check to see if user is using a thermodynamic database CSV
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Did not add a new half reaction because a WORM-style thermodynamic database CSV is not available "
"to check the validity of the user-supplied oxidant and reductant or perform energy calculations. Perhaps you "
"are getting this message because you are using a calibrated database or data0 file (e.g. db='wrm' in AqEquil() ) "
"instead of a more complete CSV database (e.g. db='WORM' or db='wrm_data.csv' in AqEquil() ).")
# check to see if the oxidant and reductant are actually in the thermodynamic database
if oxidant in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]) and reductant in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]):
if oxidant not in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]):
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Did not add a new half reaction because the oxidant '"+str(oxidant)+"' "
"was not found amongst the currently loaded chemical species.")
print("Did not add a new half reaction because the reductant '"+str(reductant)+"' "
"was not found amongst the currently loaded chemical species.")
# check to see if this half reaction already exists
add_new_row = True
dup_index = None
for i in self.half_cell_reactions.index:
if self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[i]["Oxidant"] == oxidant and self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[i]["Reductant"] == reductant:
add_new_row = False
dup_index = i
if add_new_row:
if not isinstance(redox_couple, str):
redox_couple = str(oxidant) + " to " + str(reductant)
new_row = [redox_couple, oxidant, reductant]
self.half_cell_reactions.loc[len(self.half_cell_reactions.index)] = new_row
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Added new half reaction to half_cell_reactions.")
if self.verbose > 0:
print("A row with this oxidant and reductant already exists with index", i)
def delete_half_reaction(self, index):
Delete a half reaction from the half_cell_reactions table. Useful for
removing unwanted or mistaken half reactions. This will reset the
indices in the table to prevent a gap from the deleted row.
index : int or list of int
Index or list of indices of the row in the half_cell_reactions table
to be deleted.
if not isinstance(index, list):
index = [index]
self.half_cell_reactions.drop(index, inplace=True)
self.half_cell_reactions.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Rows", index, "have been deleted and indices have "
"been reset in the half_cell_reactions table.")
def reset_half_reactions(self):
Reset the half_cell_reactions table back to its original default. Takes
no parameters.
self.half_cell_reactions = copy.deepcopy(self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy)
if self.verbose > 0:
print("The table of half reactions half_cell_reactions has been reset.")
def apply_redox_reactions(self, y_type="E", y_units="cal", limiting=None,
Calculate chemical affinities, energy supplies, and more in samples
using the redox reactions generated by the function
grams_minerals : float or dict, default 0
Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating
the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This
parameter is only used when `y_type="E"`.
For example, in the reaction
4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O
setting `grams_minerals = 0.001` would mean 0.001 grams of goethite
is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify
individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can
be provided. For example:
`grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},`
negative_energy_supplies : bool, default False
Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies
are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are
reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of
depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not
always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is
set to False by default.
y_type : str, default "A"
The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical
affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log
of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction
quotient), or 'E' for energy supply.
y_units : str, default "kcal"
The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or
per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ).
Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'.
limiting : str, optional
Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating
energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a
limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on
concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless
`y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply).
append_report : bool, default True
Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report
custom_grouping_filepath : str, optional
Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use
to override the built-in speciation group file.
raise_nonlimiting_exception : bool, default True
This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an
exception when there are no available limiting reactants?
The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message
interruptions when this function is called by
`apply_redox_reactions`, which can test many different reactions at
once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would
otherwise be interrupted by errors.
Pandas dataframe
Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results.
If `append_report` is True, then the report attribute of the
speciation object will be appended/updated.
self.custom_grouping_filepath = custom_grouping_filepath
y_name_list = []
val_list_list = []
result_dict = {}
result_lim_dict = {}
if not isinstance(self.redox_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Redox reactions cannot be applied "
"because they have not yet been generated. Generate redox "
"reactions with the function make_redox_reactions() and then "
"try again.")
coeff_colnames = [c for c in list(self.redox_reactions_table.columns) if "coeff_" in c]
species_colnames = [c for c in list(self.redox_reactions_table.columns) if "species_" in c]
# handle the progress bar
max_count = len(list(self.redox_reactions_table.index))
f = IntProgress(min=0, max=max_count) # instantiate the bar
display(f) # display the bar
df_rxn_list = []
for i,rxn in enumerate(list(self.redox_reactions_table.index)):
coeff_list = list(self.redox_reactions_table[coeff_colnames].loc[rxn])
coeff_list = [v for v in coeff_list if not math.isnan(v)]
coeff_list = [float(v) for v in coeff_list]
species_list = list(self.redox_reactions_table[species_colnames].loc[rxn])
species_list = [v for v in species_list if isinstance(v, str)]
if len(coeff_list) != len(species_list):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("There is a mismatch between "
"the number of coefficients and number of species in "
"the reaction. Coefficients: "+str(coeff_list)+" "
"Species: "+str(species_list))
if y_type in ["A", "G"]:
divisor = self.redox_reactions_table["mol_e-_transferred_per_mol_rxn"].loc[rxn]
divisor = float(divisor)
divisor = 1
redox_pair = self.redox_reactions_table["redox_pairs"].loc[rxn]
if y_type == "E":
limiting_input = self.__switch_limiting(limiting,
limiting_input = None
df_rxn = self.calculate_energy(
f.value += 1 # tick the counter
df = pd.concat(df_rxn_list, axis=1)
return df
def show_redox_reactions(self, formatted=True,
Show a table of redox reactions generated with the function
formatted : bool, default True
Should reactions be formatted for html output?
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if
`formatted` is False.
show : bool, default False
Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter
A pandas dataframe containing balanced redox reactions written in full.
if isinstance(self.redox_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame):
self.redox_formatted_reactions = copy.copy(self.redox_reactions_table.iloc[:, 0:1])
self.err_handler.raise_exception("There are no redox reactions to display. "
"Try running make_redox_reactions() first.")
df = copy.copy(self.redox_reactions_table)
reactions = []
for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]):
redox_pair = df.loc[self.redox_reactions_table.index[irow], "redox_pairs"]
oxidant = redox_pair[0]
reductant = redox_pair[1]
rxn_row = df.iloc[irow, 2:]
rxn = rxn_row[rxn_row.notna()]
coeffs = copy.copy(rxn[::2]).tolist()
names = copy.copy(rxn[1::2]).tolist()
reaction = self.format_reaction(coeffs=coeffs,
self.redox_formatted_reactions["reaction"] = reactions
df_out = copy.copy(self.redox_formatted_reactions)
if _isnotebook() and show:
return df_out
def format_reaction(coeffs, names, formatted=True,
charge_sign_at_end=True, show=True):
react_grid = pd.DataFrame({"coeff":coeffs, "name":names})
react_grid["coeff"] = pd.to_numeric(react_grid["coeff"])
react_grid = react_grid.astype({'coeff': 'float'})
reactants = " + ".join([(str(-int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if react_grid["coeff"][i].is_integer() else -react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if -react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + react_grid["name"][i] for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0])
products = " + ".join([(str(int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if react_grid["coeff"][i].is_integer() else react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + react_grid["name"][i] for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0])
if formatted:
reactants = " + ".join([_format_coeff(react_grid["coeff"][i]) + chemlabel(react_grid["name"][i], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0])
products = " + ".join([_format_coeff(react_grid["coeff"][i]) + chemlabel(react_grid["name"][i], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0])
reaction = reactants + " = " + products
if _isnotebook() and show:
return reaction
def make_redox_reactions(self,
Generate an organized collection of redox reactions for calculating
chemical affinity and energy supply values during speciation.
idx_list : list of int or "all", default "all"
List of indices of half reactions in the half cell reaction table
to be combined when generating full redox reactions.
E.g. [0, 1, 4] will combine half reactions with indices 0, 1, and 4
in the table stored in the `half_cell_reactions` attribute of the
`Speciation` class.
If "all", generate all possible redox reactions from available half
cell reactions.
show : bool, default True
Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter
formatted : bool, default True
Should reactions be formatted for html output? Ignored if `show` is
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default True
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if
`formatted` is False.
Output is stored in the `redox_reactions_table` and
`redox_formatted_reactions` attributes of the `Speciation` class.
# reset all redox variables stored in the AqEquil class
self.redox_reactions_table = None
self.redox_formatted_reactions = None
if isinstance(idx_list, str):
if idx_list == "all":
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter idx_list must "
"either be a list of indices corresponding to desired "
"half reactions in the half_cell_reactions table, or "
"'all' for all half reaction combinations.")
elif isinstance(idx_list, list):
if len(idx_list) == 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The list of desired half "
"reactions is empty. Please define the indices of at "
"least two half reactions to combine into a full redox "
"reaction. These indices correspond to rows in the "
"half_cell_reactions table.")
if len(idx_list) == 1:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Only one half reaction index "
"was provided. At least two must be provided in order "
"to create a full redox reaction.")
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter idx_list must "
"either be a list of indices corresponding to desired "
"half reactions in the half_cell_reactions table, or "
"'all' for all half reaction combinations.")
if self.verbose > 1:
print("Generating redox reactions...")
err_msg = ("redox_pairs can either be 'all' or a list of integers "
"indicating the indices of half cell reactions in "
"the half_cell_reactions table that should be combined into "
"full redox reactions. For example, redox_pairs=[0, 1, 2, 6] "
"will combine half cell reactions with indices 0, 1, 2, and 6 in "
"the half_cell_reactions table. This table is an attribute in the "
"class AqEquil.")
if isinstance(idx_list, str):
if idx_list == "all":
idx_list = list(range(0, self.half_cell_reactions.shape[0]))
elif isinstance(idx_list, list):
if not all([isinstance(i, int) for i in idx_list]):
self.idx_list = idx_list
half_reaction_dict = {}
bad_idx_list = []
for idx in idx_list:
if idx not in self.half_cell_reactions.index:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The index " + str(idx) + " was not "
"found in the half_cell_reactions table.")
oxidant = self.half_cell_reactions["Oxidant"].iloc[idx]
reductant = self.half_cell_reactions["Reductant"].iloc[idx]
if oxidant == "O2" and reductant == "H2O":
half_reaction_dict[idx] = {'O2': -1.0, 'e-': -4.0, 'H+': -4.0, 'H2O': 2.0}
elif oxidant == "H2O" and reductant == "H2":
half_reaction_dict[idx] = {'H2O': -2.0, 'e-': -2.0, 'H2': 1.0, 'OH-': 2.0}
db_sp_names = list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"])
if oxidant not in db_sp_names or reductant not in db_sp_names:
if oxidant not in db_sp_names:
problem_sp = oxidant
problem_sp = reductant
if self.verbose > 0:
print("The species '"+str(problem_sp)+"' found in half cell reaction",
self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[idx][0], "( index", idx, ")",
"was not found in the thermodynamic database",
"used by the speciation. Check whether this species has",
"been excluded from the thermodynamic database prior to",
"the speciation step. Skipping this half reaction...")
# comparing common elements
# requires "formula" and not "formula_modded" columns of thermo_db
ox_formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0])
ox_formula_ox = self.thermo.thermo_db["formula_ox"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0]
ox_dissrxn = self.thermo.thermo_db["dissrxn"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0]
red_formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0])
red_formula_ox = self.thermo.thermo_db["formula_ox"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0]
red_dissrxn = self.thermo.thermo_db["dissrxn"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0]
common_keys = []
for key in list(ox_formula_dict.keys()):
if key in list(red_formula_dict.keys()):
ZOH_list = ["+", "-", "O", "H"]
common_elems = [k for k in common_keys if k not in ZOH_list]
elems_unique_to_oxidant = [k for k in list(ox_formula_dict.keys()) if k not in list(red_formula_dict.keys())+ZOH_list]
elems_unique_to_reductant = [k for k in list(red_formula_dict.keys()) if k not in list(ox_formula_dict.keys())+ZOH_list]
# print("common_elems")
# print(common_elems)
# print("unique to oxidant")
# print(elems_unique_to_oxidant)
# print("unique to reductant")
# print(elems_unique_to_reductant)
ox_red_formula_ox_dict = {}
for i,ro in enumerate([ox_formula_ox, red_formula_ox]):
ox_red_formula_ox_dict[[oxidant, reductant][i]] = self._formula_ox_to_dict(ro)
common_elem_electron_dict = {}
for ce in common_elems:
ox_ce = ox_red_formula_ox_dict[list(ox_red_formula_ox_dict.keys())[0]][ce]
red_ce = ox_red_formula_ox_dict[list(ox_red_formula_ox_dict.keys())[1]][ce]
ox_ce_n = sum([v for v in list(ox_ce.values())])
red_ce_n = sum([v for v in list(red_ce.values())])
if ox_ce_n/red_ce_n < 1:
ox_coeff = red_ce_n/ox_ce_n
red_coeff = 1.0
elif ox_ce_n/red_ce_n > 1:
ox_coeff = 1.0
red_coeff = ox_ce_n/red_ce_n
# oxidant and reductant have the same number of common element
ox_coeff = 1.0
red_coeff = 1.0
total_ox_ce_oxstate = sum([k*v for k,v in zip(list(ox_ce.keys()), list(ox_ce.values()))])
total_red_ce_oxstate = sum([k*v for k,v in zip(list(red_ce.keys()), list(red_ce.values()))])
electron_coeff = red_coeff*total_red_ce_oxstate - ox_coeff*total_ox_ce_oxstate
if electron_coeff > 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The oxidant '"+oxidant+"' is more reduced than the "
"reductant '"+reductant+"' in the half reaction corresponding to index " + str(idx) + " "
"in the half_cell_reactions table. Please flip the species so that "
"the oxidant is in the Oxidant column.")
# TODO: automatically flip it for the user...
# if e- transfer for this common elem is negative (e- is transferred)
# or zero (e.g., if K, Na, or Ca is a common element)
common_elem_electron_dict[ce] = {
# print("common_elem_electron_dict")
# print(common_elem_electron_dict)
if len(common_elem_electron_dict.keys()) > 1:
# TODO: figure out what to do if there is more than one common element that
# participates in electron transfer...
if isinstance(ox_dissrxn, str):
sp_diss_ox = ox_dissrxn.strip().split(" ")[1::2]
sp_diss_ox = sp_diss_ox[1:]
sp_diss_ox = [s if s != "O2(g)" else "O2" for s in sp_diss_ox]
sp_diss_ox = [oxidant]
sp_diss_ox = [s for s in sp_diss_ox if s not in ["H+", "H2O"]]
basis_candidates = []
basis_candidate_elems = []
for f in sp_diss_ox:
formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==f].values[0])
elems = [k for k in list(formula_dict.keys()) if k not in ["+", "-", "H", "O"]]
if len(elems) == 1:
if (elems[0] in common_elems or elems[0] in elems_unique_to_oxidant) and elems[0] not in basis_candidate_elems:
if isinstance(red_dissrxn, str):
sp_diss_red = red_dissrxn.strip().split(" ")[1::2]
sp_diss_red = sp_diss_red[1:]
sp_diss_res = [s if s != "O2(g)" else "O2" for s in sp_diss_red]
sp_diss_red = [reductant]
sp_diss_red = [s for s in sp_diss_red if s not in ["H+", "H2O"]]
for f in sp_diss_red:
formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==f].values[0])
elems = [k for k in list(formula_dict.keys()) if k not in ["+", "-", "H", "O"]]
if len(elems) == 1:
if elems[0] in elems_unique_to_reductant and elems[0] not in basis_candidate_elems:
if len(common_elem_electron_dict) == 0:
# no common elements between oxidant and reductant
self.err_handler.raise_exception("A common element could not be found between "
"the oxidant " + str(oxidant) + " and the reductant " + str(reductant))
unpacked_dict = common_elem_electron_dict[list(common_elem_electron_dict.keys())[0]]
e_coeff = unpacked_dict["electron_coeff"]
ox_coeff = unpacked_dict["ox_coeff"]
red_coeff = unpacked_dict["red_coeff"]
# print(basis_candidates+["H2O", "e-", "H+"])
pyCHNOSZ.basis(basis_candidates+["H2O", "e-", "H+"],
sout = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt(species=[oxidant, reductant, "e-"],
coeff=[ox_coeff, red_coeff, e_coeff],
property="logK", T=25,
messages=False, show=False).reaction
half_reaction_dict[idx] = self._create_sp_dict(sout)
# print(half_reaction_dict)
# find all possible combinations of idx pairs (but not reverse rxns to save time)
good_idx_list = [idx for idx in idx_list if idx not in bad_idx_list]
redox_pair_list = [list(p) for p in list(itertools.combinations(good_idx_list, 2))]
# Weed out redox pairs that would have the same
# electron-donating/accepting species as a product and reactant. E.g.
# 'CO2': -1.0, 'CH4': 1.0, 'e-': -8.0, 'H2O': 2.0, 'H+': -8.0
# 'CO': -1.0, 'CH4': 1.0, 'e-': -6.0, 'H2O': 1.0, 'H+': -6.0
# In this example, CH4 would be both a product and reactant in the resulting
# full redox reaction. Get rid of these pairs because they cause erroneous
# calculation of electrons transferred when half reactions are summed.
bad_redox_pair_index_list = []
for i,p in enumerate(redox_pair_list):
half_rxn_idx_1 = p[0]
half_rxn_idx_2 = p[1]
reactant_1 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].values()) if v<0]
reactant_2 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].values()) if v<0]
product_1 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].values()) if v>0]
product_2 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].values()) if v>0]
reactant_1 = [r for r in reactant_1 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]]
reactant_2 = [r for r in reactant_2 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]]
product_1 = [r for r in product_1 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]]
product_2 = [r for r in product_2 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]]
if len([ii for ii in reactant_1 if ii in reactant_2]) != 0:
if len([ii for ii in product_1 if ii in product_2]) != 0:
redox_pair_list = [i for j, i in enumerate(redox_pair_list) if j not in bad_redox_pair_index_list]
if len(redox_pair_list) == 0:
if self.verbose > 0:
msg = ("No valid redox reactions could be made with these half reactions. "
"This is likely because a species appears as both an oxidant and a "
"reductant in the full redox reaction. For example, "
"combining the half reactions 'CO2 to CH4' and 'CO to CH4' "
"would produce a full redox reaction with CH4 as both a product "
"and a reactant. If you would like to model a "
"comproportionation or disproportionation reaction, be sure "
"to select half reactions that do not share reactants and products. "
"For example, 'CO2 to CO' and 'CO to CH4' is a valid combination that "
"would represent the comproportionation or disproportionation of CO in "
"the forward and backward redox reactions.")
self.redox_pair_list = redox_pair_list
# create 'reaction_dict': a dictionary of reactions keyed by their idx pairs
reaction_dict = {}
e_dict = {}
for pair in redox_pair_list:
# print("Pair:", str(pair))
half_reaction_dict_1 = copy.deepcopy(half_reaction_dict[pair[0]])
half_reaction_dict_2 = copy.deepcopy(half_reaction_dict[pair[1]])
# print("half reactions")
# print(half_reaction_dict_1)
# print(half_reaction_dict_2)
# find the lowest common multiple of e-
# ensure e- is an integer value or else lcm() won't work
assert int(half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]) == half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]
assert int(half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]) == half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]
# find lowest common multiple (lcm) of the electrons in the two half reactions
e_lcm = math.lcm(int(half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]), int(half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]))
# use the lcm to multiply half reaction coefficients to get the
# same number of electrons transferred in each half reaction
mult_1 = abs(e_lcm/half_reaction_dict_1["e-"])
mult_2 = abs(e_lcm/half_reaction_dict_2["e-"])
for k in list(half_reaction_dict_1.keys()):
half_reaction_dict_1[k] = half_reaction_dict_1[k]*mult_1
for k in list(half_reaction_dict_2.keys()):
half_reaction_dict_2[k] = -half_reaction_dict_2[k]*mult_2
# print("lcm multiplied")
# print(half_reaction_dict_1)
# print(half_reaction_dict_2)
# sum the half reaction dicts to write the full balanced redox reaction
full_rxn_dict = {k: half_reaction_dict_1.get(k, 0) + half_reaction_dict_2.get(k, 0) for k in set(half_reaction_dict_1) | set(half_reaction_dict_2)}
# sum H+ and OH- to make H2O, and modify the full rxn dict appropriately
if "OH-" in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()) and "H+" in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()):
if ((full_rxn_dict["H+"]== full_rxn_dict["OH-"]) & (full_rxn_dict["H+"]==0)) or (full_rxn_dict["H+"]*full_rxn_dict["OH-"]>0):
# check if the coefficients of OH- and H+ have the same sign
water_dict = {}
if abs(full_rxn_dict["H+"]) == abs(full_rxn_dict["OH-"]):
water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["H+"]}
elif abs(full_rxn_dict["H+"]) > abs(full_rxn_dict["OH-"]):
water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["OH-"],
"H+":full_rxn_dict["H+"] - full_rxn_dict["OH-"]}
water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["H+"],
"OH-":full_rxn_dict["OH-"] - full_rxn_dict["H+"]}
del full_rxn_dict["H+"]
del full_rxn_dict["OH-"]
# sum the full_rxn_dict and the water_dict to ensure OH- and H+ make H2O
full_rxn_dict = {k: full_rxn_dict.get(k, 0) + water_dict.get(k, 0) for k in set(full_rxn_dict) | set(water_dict)}
for k in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()):
if full_rxn_dict[k] == 0:
del full_rxn_dict[k]
# print("full_rxn_dict before")
# print(full_rxn_dict)
# multiply all coefficients by their least common multiple
denoms = [Fraction(x).limit_denominator().denominator for x in list(full_rxn_dict.values())]
coeff_lcm = functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a*b//math.gcd(a,b), denoms)
full_rxn_dict = {k:full_rxn_dict[k]*coeff_lcm for k in full_rxn_dict.keys()}
# print("full_rxn_dict after")
# print(full_rxn_dict)
e_transferred = half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]*coeff_lcm
e_dict[str(pair[0])+"_"+str(pair[1])] = abs(e_transferred)
e_dict[str(pair[1])+"_"+str(pair[0])] = abs(e_transferred)
# print("e_transferred")
# print(e_transferred)
reaction_dict[str(pair[0])+"_"+str(pair[1])] = full_rxn_dict
reaction_dict[str(pair[1])+"_"+str(pair[0])] = {k:-v for k,v in zip(full_rxn_dict.keys(), full_rxn_dict.values())}
# print("reaction_dict")
# print(reaction_dict)
for i,key in enumerate(list(reaction_dict.keys())):
redox_pair = key.split("_")
redox_pair = [int(v) for v in redox_pair]
name = "rxn_"+str(key)
species_dict_formatted = {"species_"+str(i+1):[k] for i,k in enumerate(reaction_dict[key].keys())}
coeff_dict_formatted = {"coeff_"+str(i+1):[reaction_dict[key][k]] for i,k in enumerate(reaction_dict[key].keys())}
reaction_dict[key] = {"reaction_name":[name],
self.reaction_dict = reaction_dict
# make the affinity_energy_reactions_table
for i,key in enumerate(list(self.reaction_dict.keys())):
if i == 0:
affinity_energy_reactions_table = pd.DataFrame(self.reaction_dict[key])
affinity_energy_reactions_table = pd.concat([affinity_energy_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame(self.reaction_dict[key])])
self.redox_reactions_table = affinity_energy_reactions_table.set_index("reaction_name")
# rearrange column order
non_coeff_non_sp_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "coeff_" not in c and "species_" not in c]
coeff_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "coeff_" in c]
species_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "species_" in c]
coeff_sp_cols = [None]*(len(coeff_cols)+len(species_cols))
coeff_sp_cols[::2] = coeff_cols
coeff_sp_cols[1::2] = species_cols
new_col_order = non_coeff_non_sp_cols + coeff_sp_cols
self.redox_reactions_table = self.redox_reactions_table[new_col_order]
reverse_pair_list = [[v[1], v[0]] for v in self.redox_pair_list]
pair_list_interleave = self.redox_pair_list + reverse_pair_list
pair_list_interleave[::2] = self.redox_pair_list
pair_list_interleave[1::2] = reverse_pair_list
self.redox_pair_list = pair_list_interleave
# sort by forward then backward reaction, e.g., [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0]...
sort_order = ["rxn_"+str(v[0])+"_"+str(v[1]) for v in self.redox_pair_list]
# # sort rows by ascending redox pairs
# self.redox_reactions_table = self.redox_reactions_table.sort_values('redox_pairs', key=lambda col: x: [x[0], x[1]]))
if isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame):
self.reactions_for_plotting = self.show_redox_reactions(
self.reactions_for_plotting = self.show_redox_reactions(
def _create_sp_dict(sout):
coeffs = list(sout["coeff"])
species = list(sout["name"])
species = [sp if sp != "water" else "H2O" for sp in species] # replace "water" with "H2O"
sp_dict = {}
for i,sp in enumerate(species):
if sp in list(sp_dict.keys()):
sp_dict[sp] = sp_dict[sp] + coeffs[i]
sp_dict[sp] = coeffs[i]
for sp in list(sp_dict.keys()):
if sp_dict[sp] == 0:
del sp_dict[sp]
return sp_dict
def _formula_ox_to_dict(f):
f_split = f.strip().split(" ")
out_dict = {}
for f in f_split:
num_elem_split = re.sub( r"([A-Z])", r" \1", f).split()
if len(num_elem_split) == 1:
# element has no coeff e.g., "S+6"
n_elem = 1.0
elem_ox = num_elem_split[0]
split_pos = elem_ox.strip().split("+")
split_neg = elem_ox.strip().split("-")
# element has a coeff e.g., "4O-2"
n_elem = float(num_elem_split[0])
elem_ox = num_elem_split[1]
split_pos = elem_ox.strip().split("+")
split_neg = elem_ox.strip().split("-")
if len(split_pos) != len([elem_ox]):
# element has positive ox state
elem = split_pos[0]
if split_pos[1] == "":
split_pos[1] = 1.0
ox_state = float(split_pos[1])
elif len(split_neg) != len([elem_ox]):
# element has negative ox state
elem = split_neg[0]
if split_neg[1] == "":
split_neg[1] = 1.0
ox_state = -float(split_neg[1])
# element has ox state of 0
elem = elem_ox
ox_state = 0.0
# print("RESULTS")
# print(f)
# print(n_elem)
# print(elem)
# print(ox_state)
if elem not in list(out_dict.keys()):
out_dict[elem] = {ox_state:n_elem}
out_dict[elem][ox_state] = n_elem
return out_dict
def __match_grouped_species(self, s):
Match whether a species is in a speciation group, and get a list of relevant groups and their scalars.
self.reactant_dict_scalar = {...
"sulfides 1": ["H2S", "HS-"],
"sulfides 2": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"],
"sulfides 3": ["Pb(HS)3-"],
"ferrous iron 1": [...],
If `s` = "Ag(HS)2-"
then `scalars` = [1, 2, 3]
and `groups` = ["sulfides 1", "sulfides 2", "sulfides 3"]
scalars = []
groups = []
for i,grp_list in enumerate(list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.values())):
if s in grp_list:
s_key = list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys())[i] #e.g., s_key can be "sulfates 1"
s_key_split = s_key.split(" ")
s_key_grp = " ".join(s_key_split[:-1])
possible_scalars = [k.split(s_key_grp)[-1].strip() for k in list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys()) if s_key_grp in k]
for k in possible_scalars:
float(k) # test whether the scalar is a number. If so, append.
groups = [s_key_grp+" "+str(s) for s in scalars]
scalars = [float(s) for s in scalars]
# prevent duplicate groups and scalars from appearing
scalars_final = []
groups_final = []
for i,group in enumerate(groups):
if group not in groups_final:
groups_final = [self.reactant_dict_scalar[g] for g in groups_final]
return scalars_final, groups_final
def calculate_energy(self, species, stoich,
divisor=1, per_electron=False,
rxn_name="custom reaction",
y_type="A", y_units="kcal",
limiting=None, charge_sign_at_end=False,
Calculate Gibbs free energy, logK, logQ, chemical affinity, or energy
supply for a user-defined reaction across all samples in a speciation.
species : list of str
List of species in the reaction
stoich : list of numeric
List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative)
divisor : numeric, default 1, or list of numeric
If a single numeric value is provided, divide all calculated values
(Gibbs free energies, affinities, etc.) by that value. Synergizes
with the parameter `per_electron` when normalizing calculated values
to a per electron basis. See `per_electron` for more information.
per_electron : bool, default False
If False, values calculated by this function will be treated as
'per mole of reaction'. If set to True, then the calculation will
assume that `divisor` is normalizing calculated values to a per
electron basis. For example, sulfide oxidation to sulfate has the
following reaction: [2 O2 + H2S = SO4-2 + 2 H+]. The oxidation state
of sulfur changes from S-2 in sulfide to S+6 in sulfate, a
difference of 8 electrons. If you use `calculate_energy` to
calculate the Gibbs free energy per mole of electrons transferred,
you would set `divisor` to 8 and `per_electron` to True.
grams_minerals : float or dict, default 0
Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating
the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This
parameter is only used when `y_type="E"`.
For example, in the reaction
4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O
setting `grams_minerals = 0.001` would mean 0.001 grams of goethite
is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify
individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can
be provided. For example:
`grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},`
rxn_name : str, default "custom reaction"
Name for the reaction, e.g., "sulfide oxidation to sulfate".
negative_energy_supplies : bool, default False
Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies
are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are
reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of
depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not
always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is
set to False by default.
y_type : str, default "A"
The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical
affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log
of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction
quotient), or 'E' for energy supply.
y_units : str, default "kcal"
The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or
per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ).
Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'.
limiting : str, optional
Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating
energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a
limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on
concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless
`y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply).
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
as_written : bool, default False
If `as_written` is False, then built-in speciation groups
will be used to calculate limiting reactants. For example, if CaCO3
is a reactant, then the code tests whether the limiting reactant is
the sum of CaCO3, CO2, HCO3-, CO3-2, NaCO3-... everything in the
carbonate speciation group. If `as_written` is True, then speciation
groups will not be used; only the species defined as reactants
will be used to test whether a reactant is limiting
(e.g., just CaCO3). This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set
to 'E' (energy supply).
simple_df_output : bool, default False
By default, the dataframe returned by this function is multiindexed;
i.e., there is a header column, a subheader defining the units,
and then columns of values. If `simple_df_output` is set to True,
then the dataframe returned will not be multiindexed; there will
only be one column header that includes units.
append_report : bool, default True
Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report
custom_grouping_filepath : str, optional
Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use
to override the built-in speciation group file.
print_logK_messages : bool, default False
Print additional messages related to calculating logK values for
each sample?
raise_nonlimiting_exception : bool, default True
This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an
exception when there are no available limiting reactants?
The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message
interruptions when this function is called by
`apply_redox_reactions`, which can test many different reactions at
once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would
otherwise be interrupted by errors.
Pandas dataframe
Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results.
If `append_report` is True, then the report attribute of the
speciation object will be appended/updated. If `simple_df_output` is
set to True, then the dataframe will not be multiindexed.
# check that y_type is recognized
if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ", "G", "A", "E"]:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid options for y_type include "
"'logK', 'logQ', 'G' (Gibbs free energy), 'A' "
"(chemical affinity), and 'E' (energy suppy.")
# check that a thermodynamic CSV is being used
if not isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The plot_energy() function requires "
"a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., "
"'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because "
"a data0 or data1 file was used.")
# check that the divisor is valid
if isinstance(divisor, list) or isinstance(divisor, pd.Series):
if len(divisor) != len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The length of the divisor is "
"not equal to the number of samples.")
# set the custom grouping filepath
if isinstance(custom_grouping_filepath, str):
self.custom_grouping_filepath = custom_grouping_filepath
# check that the reaction is balanced
formulas = []
for s in species:
if s == "H+":
elif s == "H2O":
if s in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data "
"was not found for species "+str(s)+"")
missing_composition = check_balance(formulas, stoich)
if y_type == "E":
if not isinstance(self.reactant_dict_scalar, dict):
# assign aq_distribution_logact table to Speciation
sample_dict = {}
for i,sample in enumerate(self.sample_data.keys()):
sample_data = self.sample_data[sample]["aq_distribution"]["log_activity"]
sample_dict[sample] = {name:logact for name, logact in zip(sample_data.index, sample_data)}
df_aq_distribution_logact = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict)
df_aq_distribution_logact = df_aq_distribution_logact.T
df_aq_distribution_logact.insert(0, "Xi", 0)
self.aq_distribution_logact = df_aq_distribution_logact
# assign aq_distribution_molal table to Speciation
sample_dict = {}
for i,sample in enumerate(self.sample_data.keys()):
sample_data = self.sample_data[sample]["aq_distribution"]["molality"]
sample_dict[sample] = {name:molal for name, molal in zip(sample_data.index, sample_data)}
df_aq_distribution_molal = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict)
df_aq_distribution_molal = df_aq_distribution_molal.T
df_aq_distribution_molal.insert(0, "Xi", 0)
self.aq_distribution_molal = df_aq_distribution_molal
# assign misc_params table to Speciation
df_misc_param_row_list = []
for sample in self.sample_data.keys():
"Temp(C)" : [self.sample_data[sample]['temperature']],
"Press(bars)" : [self.sample_data[sample]['pressure']],
"pH" : [-self.sample_data[sample]['aq_distribution']["log_activity"]['H+']],
"logfO2" : [self.sample_data[sample]["fugacity"]["log_fugacity"]["O2(g)"]],
df_misc_params = pd.concat(df_misc_param_row_list)
df_misc_params.insert(0, "Xi", 0)
df_misc_params.index = list(self.sample_data.keys())
self.misc_params = df_misc_params
# check that there are valid limiting reactants when calculating energy
# e.g., prevent issue when the only reactant is a mineral, etc.
reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich]
reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1]
invalid_limiting_reactants = []
for r in reactants:
if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]:
if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==r]["state"])[0] != "aq" and not isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)):
no_limiting_reactants = False
if reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E" and raise_nonlimiting_exception:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Energy supply for this reaction "
"cannot be calculated because none of the reactants are "
"limiting. A limiting reactant must be aqueous and cannot be H+ "
"or OH-.")
elif reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E" and not raise_nonlimiting_exception:
no_limiting_reactants = True
if limiting != None and y_type == "E":
limiting = self.__switch_limiting(limiting,
# check that the limiting reactant is in the thermodynamic database
if limiting not in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data was "
"not found for limiting reactant "+str(limiting)+"")
# check that the limiting reactant is aqueous or gaseous
if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==limiting]["state"])[0] != "aq":
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The limiting reactant must "
"be an aqueous species.")
# check that the limiting reactant is a reactant in the `species` parameter
if limiting not in reactants:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species specified as a "
"limiting reactant, '"+str(limiting)+"', is not a "
"reactant in this reaction.")
# format reaction equation
equation_to_display = format_equation(
# create a dictionary of species logacts across samples
s_logact_dict = {}
s_molal_dict = {}
for s in species:
if s == "H+":
s_logact_dict[s] = [v for v in list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"])]
s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"]))
elif s == "H2O":
s_logact_dict[s] = [v for v in list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H2O"])]
s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.aq_distribution_logact["H2O"])
elif list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]:
if s in self.aq_distribution_logact.columns:
# aqueous species
s_logact_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_logact[s])
if isinstance(self.reactant_dict_scalar, dict):
# check whether the species matches any of the groups in reactant_dict_scalar and retrieve scalars and groups
scalars, groups = self.__match_grouped_species(s)
if as_written:
# if energy supplies are to be calculated as written
# with no grouping or limiting reactant switching,
# then use the current species and its scalar
for i, sc in enumerate(scalars):
if s in groups[i]:
scalars = [sc]
groups = [[s]]
if len(scalars) > 0:
total_summed_scaled = [0]*self.aq_distribution_molal.shape[0]
for i,scalar in enumerate(scalars):
col_subset = [col for col in groups[i] if col in self.aq_distribution_molal.columns]
scaled_df = self.aq_distribution_molal[col_subset].apply(lambda x: x*scalar)
summed_scaled = list(scaled_df.sum(axis=1, numeric_only=True))
total_summed_scaled = [ii+iii for ii,iii in zip(total_summed_scaled, summed_scaled)]
s_molal_dict[s] = total_summed_scaled
s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s])
s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s])
s_logact_dict[s] = [float('NaN')]*self.aq_distribution_logact.shape[0]
s_molal_dict[s] = [float('NaN')]*self.aq_distribution_logact.shape[0]
# self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species "+str(s)+" is "
# "not among the distribution of aqueous species in "
# "this calculation.")
# liq and cr species
s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
sp_formula = list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0]
sp_mass = pyCHNOSZ.mass(sp_formula)
if isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)):
if isinstance(grams_minerals, pd.DataFrame):
if s in grams_minerals.columns:
sp_grams_list = list(grams_minerals[s])
s_molal_dict[s] = [sp_grams/sp_mass for sp_grams in sp_grams_list]
s_molal_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
sp_grams = grams_minerals
sp_moles = sp_grams/sp_mass
s_molal_dict[s] = [sp_moles]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
if y_type in ["logK", "logQ"]:
y_type_plain = copy.copy(y_type)
elif y_type == "A":
if per_electron:
y_type_plain = "affinity per mole e-"
y_type_plain = "affinity per mole rxn"
elif y_type == "G":
y_type_plain = "Gibbs free energy"
elif y_type == "E":
y_type_plain = "energy supply"
# this shouldn't happen and will be caught by the y_type check above
if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ"]:
if y_units in ["cal", "kcal"]:
r_div = 4.184
elif y_units in ["J", "kJ"]:
r_div = 1
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The specified y_unit '"+y_units+"' "
"is not recognized. Try 'cal', 'kcal', 'J', or 'kJ'.")
R = 8.314/r_div # gas constant, unit = [cal/mol/K]
if "k" in y_units:
k_div = 1000
k_div = 1
y_list = []
lr_name_list = []
for i,T in enumerate(list(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])):
if isinstance(divisor, list):
divisor_i = divisor[i]
divisor_i = divisor
if y_type != "logQ":
logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt(
logK = float(logK.iloc[0])
if y_type == "logK":
ylab_out = "log K"
y_list.append(round(logK/divisor_i, 4))
df_y_name = "logK"
# print("")
# print("stoich")
# print([st for st in stoich])
# print("species")
# print([sp for sp in species])
# print("logact")
# print([s_logact_dict[sp][i] for sp in species])
# print("result")
# print(sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)]))
logQ = sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)])
if y_type == "logQ":
ylab_out = "log Q"
y_list.append(round(logQ/divisor_i, 4))
df_y_name = "logQ"
A = 2.303 * R * (273.15+T) * (logK - logQ) # affinity, unit = [cal/mol]
A = A/k_div
if y_type=="G":
G = -A # gibbs free energy, unit = [cal/mol]
ylab_out="ΔG, {}/mol".format(y_units)
y_units_out = y_units+"/mol"
if per_electron:
y_units_out = y_units_out+" e-"
elif y_type=="A":
y_list.append(round(A/divisor_i, 4))
ylab_out="A, {}/mol".format(y_units)
y_units_out = y_units+"/mol"
if per_electron:
y_units_out = y_units_out+" e-"
elif y_type=="E":
y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid"
ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid")
if no_limiting_reactants:
df_y_name = y_type_plain+", "+y_units_out
if not isinstance(limiting, str):
lrc_dict = {}
for i_s,s in enumerate(species):
# identify valid limiting reactants and record concentrations
# 1. negative coefficient (reactant)
# 2. can't be OH-, H+, H2O
# 3. can't be cr or liq if grams_minerals == None
if not isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)):
if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"] and list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]:
lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s])
if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]:
lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s])
if not isinstance(limiting, str):
lr_name = min(lrc_dict, key=lrc_dict.get)
lr_val = lrc_dict[lr_name]
# handle situations where there might be multiple limiting reactants
lr_list = []
for k,v in zip(lrc_dict.keys(), lrc_dict.values()):
if v == lr_val:
lrc_dict = {}
lr_list = [limiting]
if len(lr_list) > 0 and sum([math.isnan(v) for v in list(lrc_dict.values())]) == 0:
# if there is a limiting reactant and no values of 'nan' for limiting reactant concentrations...
lr_list_formatted = [chemlabel(lr_name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for lr_name in lr_list]
if len(lr_list_formatted) > 1:
lr_reported = ", ".join(lr_list_formatted)
lr_reported = lr_list[0]
lr_name = lr_list[0] # doesn't matter which lr is used to calculate
lr_concentration = s_molal_dict[lr_name][i]
lr_stoich = -stoich[species.index(lr_name)]
E = A * (lr_concentration/lr_stoich)
df_y_name = y_type_plain+", "+y_units_out
if not negative_energy_supplies and y_type == "E":
for i,v in enumerate(y_list):
if v < 0:
y_list[i] = 0.0
if y_type == "E":
df_out = pd.DataFrame({df_y_name:y_list,
"limiting reactant":lr_name_list},
df_out = pd.DataFrame({df_y_name:y_list},
df_out_simple = copy.deepcopy(df_out)
if y_type in ["logK", "logQ"]:
headers = [rxn_name+" "+y_type]
subheaders = [y_type]
elif y_type in ["A", "G"]:
hs = df_out.columns[0].strip().split(", ")
headers = [rxn_name+" "+hs[0]]
subheaders = [hs[1]]
# energy supplies have an extra 'limiting reactant' column to deal with
hs = [h.strip().split(", ") for h in df_out.columns]
hs = [[""]+h if len(h) == 1 else h for h in hs]
hs = [[rxn_name+" "+h[0], h[1]] for h in hs]
hs = [hs[0], [hs[1][0]+"limiting reactant", hs[1][1]]]
headers = [hs[0][0], hs[1][0]]
subheaders = [hs[0][1], hs[1][1]]
multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', ''])
df_out.columns = multicolumns
if append_report:
col_order = [c[0] for c in] + headers # get order of columns in report and affinity/energy df
col_order = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(col_order)) # remove duplicates = df_out.combine_first( # update the report with affinity/energy results =, columns=col_order) # restore column order
# update the report category dictionary so y_type_plain appears as a category with relevant columns
if y_type_plain not in list(self.report_category_dict.keys()):
self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain] = headers
self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain] = self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]+headers
self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]= list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]))
# create a formatted reaction to add to self.reactions_for_plotting
# so that it can be invoked in a plot
formatted_rxn = reaction = self.format_reaction(
calc_energy_df = pd.DataFrame({"reaction_name":[rxn_name],
if isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame):
self.reactions_for_plotting = calc_energy_df.combine_first(self.reactions_for_plotting)
self.reactions_for_plotting = calc_energy_df
if simple_df_output:
return df_out_simple # simple dataframe
return df_out # multiindex
def __unique(seq):
Provide a sequence, get a list of non-repeating elements in the same order.
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
def save(self, filename, messages=True):
Save the speciation as a '.speciation' file to your current working
directory. This file can be loaded with `AqEquil.load(filename)`.
filename : str
The desired name of the file.
messages : str
Print a message confirming the save?
if filename[-11:] != '.speciation':
filename = filename + '.speciation'
with open(filename, 'wb') as handle:
dill.dump(self, handle, protocol=dill.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
if messages:
print("Saved as '{}'".format(filename))
def _save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi):
if isinstance(save_format, str) and save_format not in ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', 'html']:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("{}".format(save_format)+" is an unrecognized "
"save format. Supported formats include 'png', "
"'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', "
"'json', or 'html'")
if isinstance(save_format, str):
if not isinstance(save_as, str):
save_as = "newplot"
if save_format=="html":
print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+".html")
save_format = 'png'
elif save_format in ['pdf', 'eps', 'json']:
pio.full_figure_for_development(fig, warn=False)
pio.write_image(fig, save_as+"."+save_format, format=save_format, scale=save_scale,
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi)
print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+"."+save_format)
save_format = "png"
pio.write_image(fig, save_as+"."+save_format, format=save_format, scale=save_scale,
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi)
print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+"."+save_format)
save_format = "png"
return save_as, save_format
def __get_unit_info(subheader):
unit_name_dict = {
"pH" : ("", "pH"),
"ppm" : ("", "ppm"),
"ppb" : ("", "ppb"),
"mg/L" : ("", "mg/L"),
"degC" : ("temperature", "°C"),
"log_molality" : ("log molality", "log(mol/kg)"),
"Molality" : ("molality", "mol/kg"),
"molality" : ("molality", "mol/kg"),
"molal" : ("molality", "mol/kg"),
"log_activity" : ("log activity", ""),
"Log activity" : ("log activity", ""),
"mg/kg.sol" : ("", "mg solute per kg solution"),
"Alk., eq/kg.H2O" : ("alkalinity", "eq/kg"),
"Alk., eq/L" : ("alkalinity", "eq/L"),
"Alk., eq/kg.sol" : ("alkalinity", "eq/kg solution"),
"Alk., mg/L CaCO3" : ("alkalinity", "mg/L CaCO3"),
"Alk., mg/L HCO3-" : ("alkalinity", "mg/L HCO3-"),
"pX" : ("-(log activity)", "-log(mol/kg)"),
"activity" : ("activity", ""),
"log_gamma" : ("log gamma", ""),
"gamma" : ("gamma", ""),
"%" : ("", "%"),
"Eh_volts" : ("Eh", "volts"),
"eq/kg.H2O" : ("charge", "eq/kg"),
"logfO2" : ("", ""),
"cal/mol e-" : ("affinity", "cal/mol e-"),
"kcal/mol e-" : ("affinity", "kcal/mol e-"),
"J/mol e-" : ("affinity", "J/mol e-"),
"kJ/mol e-" : ("affinity", "kJ/mol e-"),
"cal/mol" : ("affinity", "cal/mol"),
"kcal/mol" : ("affinity", "kcal/mol"),
"J/mol" : ("affinity", "J/mol"),
"kJ/mol" : ("affinity", "kJ/mol"),
"cal/kg.H2O" : ("energy supply", "cal/kg fluid"), # deprecated
"cal/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "cal/kg fluid"),
"kcal/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "kcal/kg fluid"),
"J/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "J/kg fluid"),
"kJ/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "kJ/kg fluid"),
"Log ion-H+ activity ratio" : ("Log ion-H+ activity ratio", ""),
"log_fugacity" : ("log fugacity", "log(bar)"),
"fugacity" : ("fugacity", "bar"),
"bar" : ("", "bar"),
out = unit_name_dict.get(subheader)
return out[0], out[1]
def lookup(self, col=None):
Look up desired columns in the speciation report.
col : str or list of str
Leave blank to get a list of section names in the report:
Provide the name of a section to look up the names of columns in
that section of the report:
Provide a column name (or a list of column names) to retrieve the
column from the report:
```speciation.lookup(["Temperature", "O2"])```
Pandas dataframe or list of str
If a column name (or list of column names) is provided, returns the
speciation report with only the desired column(s). Otherwise returns
a list of section names (if no arguments are provided), or a list of
columns in a section (if a section name is provided).
names_length = len(self.report_category_dict.keys())
if col==None and names_length>0:
return list(self.report_category_dict.keys())
if names_length>0:
if col in list(self.report_category_dict.keys()):
return list(self.report_category_dict[col])
if isinstance(col, str):
col = [col]
col = list(dict.fromkeys(col)) # remove duplicate search terms while preserving order
df =[:,]
l = [c for c in col if c in df.columns]
nonexistant_col = [c for c in col if c not in df.columns]
if self.verbose > 0 and len(nonexistant_col) > 0:
print("Column(s) not found:", nonexistant_col)
return df[l]
def __convert_aq_units_to_log_friendly(self, species, rows):
col_data = self.lookup(species)
col_data = col_data.loc[rows]
if col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_activity':
y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()]
out_unit = 'activity'
elif col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_molality':
y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()]
out_unit = 'molality'
elif col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_gamma':
y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()]
out_unit = 'gamma'
elif col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_fugacity':
y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()]
out_unit = 'fugacity'
y = [float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()]
out_unit = col_data.columns.get_level_values(1)[0]
return y, out_unit
def plot_mineral_saturation(self, sample_name, title=None,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122,
colors=["blue", "orange"],
save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1,
interactive=True, plot_out=False):
Vizualize mineral saturation states in a sample as a bar plot.
sample_name : str
Name of the sample to plot.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
mineral_sat_type : str, default "affinity"
Metric for mineral saturation state to plot. Can be "affinity" or
colors : list of two str, default ["blue", "orange"]
Sets the color of the bars representing supersaturated
and undersaturated states, respectively.
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
interactive : bool, default True
Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
plot_out : bool, default False
Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as
it is generated.
if sample_name not in
msg = ("Could not find '{}'".format(sample_name)+" among sample "
"names in the speciation report. Sample names include "
if isinstance(self.sample_data[sample_name].get('mineral_sat', None), pd.DataFrame):
mineral_data = self.sample_data[sample_name]['mineral_sat'][mineral_sat_type].astype(float).sort_values(ascending=False)
x = mineral_data.index
msg = ("This sample does not have mineral saturation state data."
"To generate this data, ensure get_mineral_sat=True when "
"running speciate(), or ensure this sample has "
"mineral-forming basis species.")
color_list = [colors[0] if m >= 0 else colors[1] for m in mineral_data]
if mineral_sat_type == "affinity":
ylabel = 'affinity, kcal/mol'
if mineral_sat_type == "logQoverK":
ylabel = 'logQ/K'
if title==None:
title = sample_name + " mineral saturation index"
df = pd.DataFrame(mineral_data)
fig =, x=df.index, y=mineral_sat_type,
height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi,
labels={mineral_sat_type: ylabel}, template="simple_white")
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}",
fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None,
title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'},
yaxis={'fixedrange':True, 'exponentformat':'power'})
save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format,
save_scale, plot_width,
plot_height, ppi)
config = {'displaylogo': False,
'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d',
'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d',
'toImageButtonOptions': {
'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
'filename': save_as,
'height': plot_height*ppi,
'width': plot_width*ppi,
'scale': save_scale,
if not interactive:
config['staticPlot'] = True
if plot_out:
return fig
def barplot(self, y="pH", title=None, convert_log=True, plot_zero=True,
show_missing=True, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122,
colormap="WORM", save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1,
interactive=True, plot_out=False):
Show a bar plot to vizualize one or more variables across all samples.
y : str or list of str, default "pH"
Name (or list of names) of the variables to plot. Valid variables
are columns in the speciation report.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
convert_log : bool, default True
Convert units "log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", and
"log_fugacity" to "activity", "molality", "gamma", and "fugacity",
plot_zero : bool, default True
Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank)
values in the legend?
show_missing : bool, default True
Show samples that do not have bars?
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
colormap : str, default "WORM"
Name of the colormap to color plotted data. Accepts "WORM",
"colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps.
The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view:
Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
interactive : bool, default True
Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
plot_out : bool, default False
Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as
it is generated.
fig : Plotly figure object
A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a
figure is simply displayed.
if not isinstance(y, list):
y = [y]
colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(y))
# convert rgba to hex
colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors]
# map each species to its color, e.g.,
# {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'}
dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)}
# html format color dict key names
dict_species_color = {chemlabel(k):v for k,v in dict_species_color.items()}
y_cols = self.lookup(y)
if not show_missing:
y_cols = y_cols.dropna(how='all') # this df will keep subheaders
x = y_cols.index # names of samples
y = [yi for yi in y if "limiting reactant" not in yi]
if len(y) == 0:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("There are no numeric variables to plot.")
df = self.lookup(y).copy()
if not show_missing:
df = df.dropna(how='all') # this df will lose subheaders (flattened)
df.loc[:, "name"] = df.index
df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)
for i, yi in enumerate(y):
y_col = y_cols.iloc[:, y_cols.columns.get_level_values(0)==yi]
subheader = y_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0]
msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(yi)+"in the speciation "
"report. Available variables include "
unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(subheader)
unit_type = ""
unit = ""
y_vals = [float(y0[0]) if y0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for y0 in y_col.values.tolist()]
msg = ("One or more the values belonging to "
"'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(y_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0]))
if convert_log and [abs(y0) for y0 in y_vals] != y_vals: # convert to bar-friendly units if possible
if subheader in ["log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", "log_fugacity"]:
y_plot, out_unit = self.__convert_aq_units_to_log_friendly(yi, rows=x)
unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(out_unit)
y_plot = y_vals
y_plot = y_vals
if i == 0:
subheader_previous = subheader
unit_type_previous = unit_type
if unit_type != unit_type_previous and i != 0:
msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+""
"({}) than {} ({}). ".format(unit, yi_previous, unit_type_previous)+""
"Plotted variables must share units.")
elif "activity" in subheader.lower() and "molality" in subheader_previous.lower():
msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+""
"({}) than {} ({}). ".format("activity", yi_previous, "molality")+""
"Plotted variables must share units.")
elif "molality" in subheader.lower() and "activity" in subheader_previous.lower():
msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+""
"({}) than {} ({}). ".format("molality", yi_previous, "activity")+""
"Plotted variables must share units.")
yi_previous = copy.deepcopy(yi)
unit_type_previous = copy.deepcopy(unit_type)
subheader_previous = copy.deepcopy(subheader)
df.loc[:, yi] = y_plot
if len(y) > 1:
if unit != "":
ylabel = "{} [{}]".format(unit_type, unit)
ylabel = unit_type
if 'pH' in y:
ylabel = 'pH'
elif 'Temperature' in y:
ylabel = 'Temperature [°C]'
if unit != "":
ylabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y[0]), unit_type, unit)
ylabel = "{} {}".format(chemlabel(y[0]), unit_type)
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["name"], value_vars=y)
df = df.rename(columns={"Sample": "y_variable", "value": "y_value"})
df = df.rename(columns={"variable": "y_variable"})
df['y_variable'] = df['y_variable'].apply(chemlabel)
if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame):
y_find = [yi.replace(" energy supply", "").replace(" affinity", "").replace(" Gibbs free energy", "") for yi in y]
rxns = self.reactions_for_plotting.loc[y_find, :]["reaction"].tolist()
# get the formatted reactions in the right order, then add as a
# column in df
formatted_rxn_list = []
for rxn in rxns:
for i in range(0,len(x)):
df["formatted_rxns"] = formatted_rxn_list
if len(y) == 1:
ylabel = "{}<br>{} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y_find[0]), unit_type, unit)
if not plot_zero:
df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value'])
df = df[df.y_value != 0]
# customdata for displaying reactions has to be here instead of in update_traces
fig =, x="name", y="y_value",
height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi,
color='y_variable', barmode='group',
labels={'y_value': ylabel}, template="simple_white",
color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, custom_data=['formatted_rxns'])
hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>%{customdata}")
if not plot_zero:
df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value'])
df = df[df.y_value != 0]
fig =, x="name", y="y_value",
height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi,
color='y_variable', barmode='group',
labels={'y_value': ylabel}, template="simple_white",
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}")
fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None,
title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'},
legend_title=None, margin={"t": 40},
yaxis={'fixedrange':True, 'exponentformat':'power'})
if len(y) == 1:
save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format,
save_scale, plot_width,
plot_height, ppi)
config = {'displaylogo': False,
'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d',
'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d',
'toImageButtonOptions': {
'format': save_format,
'filename': save_as,
'height': plot_height*ppi,
'width': plot_width*ppi,
'scale': save_scale,
if not interactive:
config['staticPlot'] = True
if plot_out:
return fig
def scatterplot(self, x="pH", y="Temperature", samples=None, title=None,
log_x=False, log_y=False, plot_zero=True,
rxns_as_labels=True, charge_sign_at_end=False,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122,
fill_alpha=0.7, point_size=10,
ylab=None, lineplot=False, linemarkers=True,
colormap="WORM", save_as=None, save_format=None,
save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False):
Vizualize two or more sample variables with a scatterplot.
x, y : str, default for x is "pH", default for y is "Temperature"
Names of the variables to plot against each other. Valid variables
are columns in the speciation report. `y` can be a list of
of variable names for a multi-series scatterplot.
samples : list, optional
List of samples to plot. By default, all samples in the speciation
are plotted at once.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
log_x, log_y : bool, default False
Display the x_axis or y_axis in log scale?
plot_zero : bool, default True
Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank)
values in the legend?
rxns_as_labels : bool, default True
Display reactions as legend labels when plotting affinities and
energy supplies?
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
fill_alpha : numeric, default 0.7
Transparency of scatterpoint area fill.
point_size : numeric, default 10
Size of scatterpoints.
ylab : str, optional
Custom label for the y-axis.
lineplot : bool, default False
Display a line plot instead of a scatterplot?
linemarkers : bool, default True
If `lineplot=True`, also plot markers?
colormap : str, default "WORM"
Name of the colormap to color the plotted data. Accepts "WORM",
"colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps.
The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view:
Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
interactive : bool, default True
Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
plot_out : bool, default False
Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as
it is generated.
fig : Plotly figure object
A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a
figure is simply displayed.
if not isinstance(y, list):
y = [y]
if not isinstance(x, str):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("x must be a string.")
x_col = self.lookup(x)
xsubheader = x_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0]
msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(x)+"in the speciation "
"report. Available variables include "
x_plot = [float(x0[0]) if x0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for x0 in x_col.values.tolist()]
msg = ("One or more the values belonging to "
"'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(x_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0]))
xunit_type, xunit = self.__get_unit_info(xsubheader)
xunit_type = ""
xunit = ""
for i, yi in enumerate(y):
if "limiting reactant" in yi and len(y) > 1:
y_col = self.lookup(yi)
subheader = y_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0]
msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(yi)+"in the speciation "
"report. Available variables include "
unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(subheader)
unit_type = ""
unit = ""
y_plot = [float(y0[0]) if y0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for y0 in y_col.values.tolist()]
msg = ("One or more the values belonging to "
"'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(y_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0]))
if i == 0:
subheader_previous = subheader
unit_type_previous = unit_type
if unit_type != unit_type_previous and i != 0:
msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+""
"({}) than {} ({}). ".format(unit_type, yi_previous, unit_type_previous)+""
"Plotted variables must share units.")
elif "activity" in subheader.lower() and "molality" in subheader_previous.lower():
msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+""
"({}) than {} ({}). ".format("activity", yi_previous, "molality")+""
"Plotted variables must share units.")
elif "molality" in subheader.lower() and "activity" in subheader_previous.lower():
msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+""
"({}) than {} ({}). ".format("molality", yi_previous, "activity")+""
"Plotted variables must share units.")
yi_previous = copy.deepcopy(yi)
unit_type_previous = copy.deepcopy(unit_type)
subheader_previous = copy.deepcopy(subheader)
if len(y) > 1:
if unit != "":
ylabel = "{} [{}]".format(unit_type, unit)
ylabel = unit_type
if 'pH' in y:
ylabel = 'pH'
elif 'Temperature' in y:
ylabel = 'Temperature [°C]'
y_formatted = chemlabel(y[0], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
if unit != "":
ylabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(y_formatted, unit_type, unit)
ylabel = "{} {}".format(y_formatted, unit_type)
if x == 'pH':
xlabel = 'pH'
elif x == 'Temperature':
xlabel = 'Temperature [°C]'
x_formatted = chemlabel(x, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
if xunit != "":
xlabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(x_formatted, xunit_type, xunit)
xlabel = "{} {}".format(x_formatted, xunit_type)
y = [yi for yi in y if "limiting reactant" not in yi]
df = self.lookup([x]+y).copy() # TODO: is this where the "can't find name" message comes from?
df.loc[:, "name"] = df.index
df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)
if x in y:
df[str(x)+"_copy"] = df[str(x)]
df = df.melt(id_vars=["name", str(x)+"_copy"], value_vars=y).rename(columns={str(x)+'_copy': str(x)})
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["name", x], value_vars=y)
df = df.rename(columns={"Sample": "y_variable", "value": "y_value"})
if not plot_zero:
df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value'])
df = df[df.y_value != 0]
if isinstance(colormap, str):
# get colors
colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(y), alpha=fill_alpha)
# convert rgba to hex
colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors]
# map each species to its color, e.g.,
# {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'}
dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)}
# html format color dict key names
dict_species_color = {chemlabel(k, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end):v for k,v in dict_species_color.items()}
elif isinstance(colormap, list):
colors = colormap
dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)}
dict_species_color = {}
if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame):
y_find = [yi.replace(" energy supply", "").replace(" affinity per mole rxn", "").replace(" affinity per mole e-", "").replace(" Gibbs free energy", "") for yi in y]
y_find = [yi for yi in y_find if "limiting reactant" not in yi]
rxns = self.reactions_for_plotting.loc[y_find, :]["reaction"].tolist()
rxn_dict = {rxn_name:rxn for rxn_name,rxn in zip(y, rxns)}
if len(y) == 1:
ylabel = "{}<br>{} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y_find[0], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end), unit_type, unit)
df["formatted_rxn"] = df["y_variable"].map(rxn_dict)
df["formatted_rxn"] = ""
df['y_variable_original'] = df['y_variable']
df['y_variable'] = df['y_variable'].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
if ylab != None:
if "log" in xlabel and log_x and xlabel != "pH":
log_x = False
if "log" in ylabel and log_y and ylabel != "pH":
log_y = False
if isinstance(samples, list):
df = df.loc[df['name'].isin(samples)]
if lineplot:
df = df.sort_values(x).reset_index(drop=True)
fig = px.line(df, x=x, y="y_value", color="y_variable",
log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y,
hover_data=[x, "y_value", "y_variable", "name", "formatted_rxn"],
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
labels={x: xlabel, "y_value": ylabel},
category_orders={"species": y},
custom_data=['name', 'formatted_rxn', 'y_variable_original'],
template="simple_white", markers=linemarkers)
fig = px.scatter(df, x=x, y="y_value", color="y_variable",
log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y,
hover_data=[x, "y_value", "y_variable", "name", "formatted_rxn"],
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
labels={x: xlabel, "y_value": ylabel},
category_orders={"species": y},
custom_data=['name', 'formatted_rxn', 'y_variable_original'],
if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame):
if rxns_as_labels:
newnames = {y:r for y,r in zip(list(df["y_variable"]), list(df["formatted_rxn"]))}
fig.for_each_trace(lambda t: t.update(name = newnames[],
legendgroup = newnames[],
hovertemplate = t.hovertemplate.replace(, newnames[])
hovertemplate = "%{customdata[0]}<br>"+xlabel+": %{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>Reaction name: %{customdata[2]}<br>Reaction: %{customdata[1]}")
hovertemplate = "%{customdata[0]}<br>"+xlabel+": %{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>%{customdata[1]}")
title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'},
margin={"t": 40},
if len(y) == 1:
fig.update_xaxes(exponentformat = 'E')
fig.update_yaxes(exponentformat = 'E')
save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format,
save_scale, plot_width,
plot_height, ppi)
config = {'displaylogo': False, 'scrollZoom': True,
'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['select2d', 'lasso2d', 'toggleSpikelines', 'resetScale2d'],
'toImageButtonOptions': {
'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
'filename': save_as,
'height': plot_height*ppi,
'width': plot_width*ppi,
'scale': save_scale,
if not interactive:
config['staticPlot'] = True
if plot_out:
return fig
def plot_mass_contribution(self, basis, title=None, sort_by=None,
ascending=True, sort_y_by=None, width=0.9,
colormap="WORM", sample_label="sample",
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122,
save_as=None, save_format=None,
save_scale=1, interactive=True,
Plot basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species
across all samples.
basis : str
Name of the basis species.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
sort_by : str, optional
Name of the variable used to sort samples. Variable names must be
taken from the speciation report column names. No sorting is done by
ascending : bool, default True
Should sample sorting be in ascending order? Descending if False.
Ignored unless `sort_by` is defined.
sort_y_by : list of str or 'alphabetical', optional
List of species names in the order that they should be stacked, from
the bottom of the plot to the top. 'alphabetical' will sort species
width : float, default 0.9
Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0.
colormap : str, default "WORM"
Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM",
"colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps.
The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view:
Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
sample_label : str, default "sample"
Name of the label that appears when hovering over an element in the
interactive mass contribution plot. By default, this is "sample".
However, other words might be more appropriate to describe the
calculations you are performing. For instance, if you are comparing
reaction progress, `sample_label = "Xi"` might be more appropriate.
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
interactive : bool, default True
Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
plot_out : bool, default False
Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as
it is generated.
fig : Plotly figure object
A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a
figure is simply displayed.
msg = ("Results for basis species contributions to aqueous mass "
"balance could not be found. Ensure that "
"get_mass_contribution = True when running speciate().")
if basis not in set(self.mass_contribution['basis']):
msg = ("The basis species {} ".format(basis)+"could not be found "
"among available basis species: "
df_sp = copy.deepcopy(self.mass_contribution.loc[self.mass_contribution['basis'] == basis])
if isinstance(sort_y_by, list):
for species in sort_y_by:
if species not in df_sp["species"]:
for sample in set(df_sp["sample"]):
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'sample':[sample], 'basis':[basis], 'species':[species], 'factor':[None], 'molality':[None], 'percent':[0]})
df_sp = pd.concat([df_sp, df2], ignore_index=True)
if sort_by != None:
if sort_by in
sort_col = self.lookup(sort_by)
sort_by_unit = sort_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0]
sort_index = sort_col.sort_values([(sort_by, sort_by_unit)], ascending=ascending).index
df_list = []
for i in sort_index:
df_sp = pd.concat(df_list)
msg = ("Could not find {}".format(sort_by)+" in the "
"speciation report. Available variables include "
df_sp['percent'] = df_sp['percent'].astype(float)
unique_species = self.__unique(df_sp["species"])
if "Other" in unique_species:
labels = self.__unique(df_sp["sample"])
bottom = np.array([0]*len(labels))
if sort_y_by != None:
if isinstance(sort_y_by, list):
if len(unique_species) == len(sort_y_by):
if len([s for s in unique_species if s in sort_y_by]) == len(unique_species) and len([s for s in sort_y_by if s in unique_species]) == len(unique_species):
unique_species = sort_y_by
valid_needed = [s for s in unique_species if s not in sort_y_by]
invalid = [s for s in sort_y_by if s not in unique_species]
msg = ("sort_y_by is missing the following species: "
"{}".format(valid_needed)+" and was provided "
"these invalid species: {}".format(invalid))
elif len(sort_y_by) < len(unique_species):
msg = ("sort_y_by must have of all of the "
"following species: {}".format(unique_species)+". "
"You are missing {}".format([s for s in unique_species if s not in sort_y_by]))
# else:
# msg = ("sort_y_by can only have the "
# "following species: {}".format(unique_species)+".")
# self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg)
elif sort_y_by == "alphabetical":
if "Other" in unique_species:
unique_species_no_other = [sp for sp in unique_species if sp != "Other"]
unique_species_no_other = sorted(unique_species_no_other)
unique_species = unique_species_no_other + ["Other"]
unique_species = sorted(unique_species)
self.err_handler.raise_exception("sort_y_by must be either None, 'alphabetical', "
"or a list of species names.")
if isinstance(colors, list):
# get colormap
colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(unique_species))
# convert rgba to hex
colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors]
df_sp["species"] = df_sp["species"].apply(chemlabel)
unique_species = [chemlabel(sp) for sp in unique_species]
if title == None:
title = '<span style="font-size: 14px;">Species accounting for mass balance of {}</span>'.format(chemlabel(basis))
# map each species to its color, e.g.,
# {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'}
dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(unique_species, colors)}
category_orders = {"species": unique_species, "sample": labels}
fig =, x="sample", y="percent", color="species",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
labels={"sample": sample_label, "percent": "mole %", "species": "species"},
fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, legend_title=None,
title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'},
margin={"t": 40}, bargap=0, xaxis={'fixedrange':True},
fig.update_traces(width=width, marker_line_width=0)
save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format,
save_scale, plot_width,
plot_height, ppi)
config = {'displaylogo': False,
'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d',
'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d',
'toImageButtonOptions': {
'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
'filename': save_as,
'height': plot_height*ppi,
'width': plot_width*ppi,
'scale': save_scale,
if not interactive:
config['staticPlot'] = True
if plot_out:
return fig
def plot_solid_solutions(self, sample, title=None,
width=0.9, colormap="WORM",
affinity_plot_colors=["blue", "orange"],
plot_width=4, plot_height=4, ppi=122,
save_as=None, save_format=None,
save_scale=1, interactive=True,
Plot fractions of minerals of hypothetical solid solutions in a sample.
sample : str
Name of the sample.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
width : float, default 0.9
Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0.
colormap : str, default "WORM"
Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM",
"colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps.
The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view:
Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
affinity_plot : bool, default True
Include the affinity subplot?
affinity_plot_colors : list of two str, default ["blue", "orange"]
Colors indicating positive and negative values in the affinity
subplot, respectively.
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
interactive : bool, default True
Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
plot_out : bool, default False
Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as
it is generated.
fig : Plotly figure object
A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a
figure is simply displayed.
if sample not in self.sample_data.keys():
msg = ("The sample "+sample+" was not found in this speciation dataset."
" Samples with solid solutions in this dataset include:"+str([s for s in self.sample_data.keys() if "solid_solutions" in self.sample_data[s].keys()]))
msg = ("Results for solid solutions could not be found for this "
"sample. Samples with solid solutions in this speciation "
"dataset include:"+str([s for s in self.sample_data.keys() if "solid_solutions" in self.sample_data[s].keys()]))
if title == None:
title = "Hypothetical solid solutions in " + sample
df_full = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_data[sample]["solid_solutions"])
df = copy.deepcopy(df_full.dropna(subset=['x']))
df = df[df['x'] != 0]
unique_minerals = self.__unique(df["mineral"])
# get colormap
colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(unique_minerals))
# convert rgba to hex
colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors]
# map each species to its color, e.g.,
# {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'}
dict_minerals_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(unique_minerals, colors)}
solid_solutions = list(dict.fromkeys(df["solid solution"]))
df_ss_only = df_full[df_full["x"].isnull()]
mineral_dict = {m:[] for m in unique_minerals}
for ss in solid_solutions:
for m in unique_minerals:
df_sub = df.loc[df["solid solution"] == ss,]
frac = df_sub.loc[df_sub["mineral"] == m, "x"]
if len(frac) > 0:
mineral_dict[m] = mineral_dict[m] + list(frac)
if affinity_plot:
rows = 2
specs = [[{"type": "bar"}], [{"type": "bar"}]]
rows = 1
specs = [[{"type": "bar"}]]
fig = make_subplots(
rows=rows, cols=1,
vertical_spacing = 0.05
# subplot 1
for m in unique_minerals[::-1]:
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name=m, x=solid_solutions, y=mineral_dict[m], marker_color=dict_minerals_color[m]), row=1, col=1)
# subplot 2
if affinity_plot:
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name="ss", x=solid_solutions, y=df_ss_only["Aff, kcal"],
marker_color=[affinity_plot_colors[0] if val > 0 else affinity_plot_colors[1] for val in df_ss_only["Aff, kcal"]],
row=2, col=1)
fig.update_layout(barmode='stack', xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, legend_title=None,
title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, autosize=False,
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
margin={"t": 40}, bargap=0, xaxis={'fixedrange':True},
yaxis={'fixedrange':True}, template="simple_white")
fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']='Mole Fraction'
if affinity_plot:
fig['layout']['yaxis2']['title']='Affinity, kcal/mol'
fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False) # hide all the xticks
fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=2, col=1)
save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format,
save_scale, plot_width,
plot_height, ppi)
config = {'displaylogo': False,
'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d',
'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d',
'toImageButtonOptions': {
'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
'filename': save_as,
'height': plot_height*ppi,
'width': plot_width*ppi,
'scale': save_scale,
if not interactive:
config['staticPlot'] = True
if plot_out:
return fig
def join_6i_p(self, filepath_6i, chain_mt):
if not os.path.exists(path):
if chain_mt:
raw_p_dict_bottom = self.raw_6_pickup_dict
raw_p_dict_bottom = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom
for sample_name in raw_p_dict_bottom.keys():
sample_filename = self.sample_data[sample_name]['filename'][:-3]
if isinstance(filepath_6i, str):
# if a string (filepath) is given
with open(filepath_6i, "r") as f6i:
lines_6i = f6i.readlines()
# if a Prepare_Reaction object is given
all_lines = filepath_6i.formatted_reaction.split("\n")
lines_6i = [e+"\n" for e in all_lines if e]
# trim away any extra newlines at end of pre.6i, then add one.
while lines_6i[-1] == "\n":
lines_6i = lines_6i[:-1]
if lines_6i[-1][-1:] != "\n": # \n counts as 1 character, not 2
lines_6i[-1] = lines_6i[-1]+"\n"
lines_3p = raw_p_dict_bottom[sample_name]
lines_to_keep = []
for line in lines_6i:
if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line:
lines_to_keep += lines_3p
if "{tval}" in "".join(lines_to_keep):
# grab temperature
for line in lines_3p:
if "Original temperature" in line:
o_t = line.split("|")[2]
for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep):
if "{tval}" in line:
lines_to_keep[i] = line.format(tval=o_t)
if "{pval}" in "".join(lines_to_keep):
# grab temperature
for line in lines_3p:
if "Original pressure" in line:
o_p = line.split("|")[2]
for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep):
if "{pval}" in line:
lines_to_keep[i] = line.format(tval=o_p)
with open(path + "/" + sample_filename+".6i", "w") as f:
def mt(self, sample):
Retrieve mass transfer results for a sample.
sample : str
Name of the sample for which to retrieve mass transfer results.
An object of class `AqEquil.MassTransfer.Mass_Transfer`.
sample_data = getattr(self, "sample_data")
if sample not in sample_data.keys():
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The sample '"+str(sample)+"'"
" was not found amongst samples with mass transfer"
" results: "+str(list(sample_data.keys()))))
if "mass_transfer" in list(sample_data[sample].keys()):
if sample_data[sample]["mass_transfer"] != None:
return sample_data[sample]["mass_transfer"]
msg = ("Mass transfer results are not stored for sample '"+sample+"'. "
"This might be because the reaction calculation did not "
"finish successfully or because the thermodynamic database "
"is a data0 or data1 file without a supporting CSV file.")
def check_balance(formulas, stoich)
Check that a chemical reaction is balanced. If not, get missing composition.
- A list of species formulas that match the order of
the stoichiometric reaction coefficients in the
parameter. stoich
- A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order of
the species formulas in the
parameter. Reactants are negative.
A printed warning and a dictionary
ofthe missing composition if the
reaction is unbalanced.
Expand source code
def check_balance(formulas, stoich): """ Check that a chemical reaction is balanced. If not, get missing composition. Parameters ---------- formulas : list of str A list of species formulas that match the order of the stoichiometric reaction coefficients in the `stoich` parameter. stoich : list of numeric A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order of the species formulas in the `formulas` parameter. Reactants are negative. Returns ------- A printed warning and a dictionary of the missing composition if the reaction is unbalanced. """ if len(formulas) != len(stoich): raise Exception("The number of species formulas does not match the " "number of stoichiometric coefficients in the reaction.") # sum all elements, +, and - by their reaction coefficient all_dict = {} for i,s in enumerate(formulas): s_dict = parse_formula(s) s_dict = {key: stoich[i]*s_dict[key] for key in s_dict.keys()} all_dict = {k: all_dict.get(k, 0) + s_dict.get(k, 0) for k in set(all_dict) | set(s_dict)} # sum + and - as Z (charge) if "+" not in list(all_dict.keys()): all_dict["+"] = 0 if "-" not in list(all_dict.keys()): all_dict["-"] = 0 all_dict["Z"] = all_dict["+"] - all_dict["-"] del all_dict["+"] del all_dict["-"] # delete all elements with a value of 0 (balanced) for key in list(all_dict.keys()): if all_dict[key] == 0: del all_dict[key] # print warnings, prepare missing composition dictionary if len(list(all_dict.keys())) > 0: missing_composition_dict = {k:[-all_dict[k]] for k in all_dict.keys()} print("Warning! The reaction is unbalanced. It is missing this composition:") print(pd.DataFrame(missing_composition_dict).to_string(index=False)) else: missing_composition_dict = {} return missing_composition_dict
def chemlabel(name, charge_sign_at_end=False)
Format a chemical formula to display subscripts and superscripts in HTML (e.g., Plotly plots) Example, "CH3COO-" becomes "CH3COO-"
- A chemical formula.
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
A formatted chemical formula string.
Expand source code
def chemlabel(name, charge_sign_at_end=False): """ Format a chemical formula to display subscripts and superscripts in HTML (e.g., Plotly plots) Example, "CH3COO-" becomes "CH<sub>3</sub>COO<sup>-</sup>" Parameters ---------- name : str A chemical formula. charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Returns ------- A formatted chemical formula string. """ # format only the first part of the name if it has "_(input)" if len(name.split("_(input)"))==2: if name.split("_(input)")[1] == '': name = name.split("_(input)")[0] input_flag=True else: input_flag = False name = _html_chemname_format(name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) # add " (input)" to the end of the name if input_flag: name = name+" (input)" return(name)
def compare(*args)
Combine two or more speciations into a single speciation object for comparison. The speciation object returned by this function can produce scatterplots, barplots, and mass contribution plots, and contains a report that can be browsed with
. See documentation for the functions in theSpeciation
class for more detail.Parameters
ormore objects
Speciationto compare()
An object of class
.Expand source code
def compare(*args): """ Combine two or more speciations into a single speciation object for comparison. The speciation object returned by this function can produce scatterplots, barplots, and mass contribution plots, and contains a report that can be browsed with `lookup`. See documentation for the functions in the `Speciation` class for more detail. Parameters ---------- *args : two or more objects of class `Speciation` to compare Returns ---------- An object of class `Speciation`. """ if all(["mass_contribution" in a.__dict__.keys() for a in args]): allow_mass_contribution = True mass_contribution_breaks = [] else: allow_mass_contribution = False for i,sp in enumerate(args): if i == 0: sp_total = copy.deepcopy(sp) sp_total.sample_data_combined = {} sp_total.sample_data_combined[i] = sp_total.sample_data sp_total.sample_data = {} if allow_mass_contribution: mass_contribution_breaks.append(0) else: sp_i = copy.deepcopy(sp) sp_total.sample_data_combined[i] = sp_i.sample_data if allow_mass_contribution: mass_contribution_breaks.append([0]) = pd.concat([,], axis=0, sort=False) = + ("_"'_0','') # restore sample data and rename samples if necessary for i in sp_total.sample_data_combined.keys(): for sample in sp_total.sample_data_combined[i].keys(): if sample not in sp_total.sample_data.keys(): sp_total.sample_data[sample] = sp_total.sample_data_combined[i][sample] else: prev_sample_name = copy.deepcopy(sample) ii = 0 while sample in sp_total.sample_data.keys(): ii+=1 sample = prev_sample_name+"_"+str(ii) if sample not in sp_total.sample_data.keys(): sp_total.sample_data[sample] = sp_total.sample_data_combined[i][prev_sample_name] break if allow_mass_contribution: mass_contribution_breaks.append(len( mc_sample_names_with_suffixes = list( for i,sp in enumerate(args): mc_i = copy.deepcopy(sp.mass_contribution) new_sample_names = copy.copy(mc_sample_names_with_suffixes[mass_contribution_breaks[i]:mass_contribution_breaks[i+1]]) old_sample_names = list(args[i].sample_data.keys()) old_new_sample_name_dict = {old:new for old,new in zip(old_sample_names, new_sample_names)} newsample = [old_new_sample_name_dict[old] for old in mc_i["sample"]] mc_i["sample"] = newsample if i == 0: mc_total = mc_i else: mc_total = pd.concat([mc_total, mc_i], axis=0, sort=False) sp_total.mass_contribution = mc_total else: def no_mass_contrib_message(*args, **kwargs): print("Mass contributions cannot be compared between these speciations " "because one or more calculations lack mass contribution data.") sp_total.plot_mass_contribution = no_mass_contrib_message return sp_total
def format_equation(species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=False)
Format a chemical equation to display in HTML (e.g., Plotly plots)
- List of species in the reaction
- List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative)
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
A formatted chemical formula string.
Expand source code
def format_equation(species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=False): """ Format a chemical equation to display in HTML (e.g., Plotly plots) Parameters ---------- species : list of str List of species in the reaction stoich : list of numeric List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative) charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Returns ------- A formatted chemical formula string. """ reactants_list = [] products_list = [] for i,s in enumerate(species): s_f = chemlabel(s, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if stoich[i] < 0: if stoich[i] != -1: entry = str(abs(stoich[i])) + " " + s_f else: entry = s_f reactants_list.append(entry) elif stoich[i] > 0: if stoich[i] != 1: entry = str(stoich[i]) + " " + s_f else: entry = s_f products_list.append(entry) reactants_together = " + ".join(reactants_list) products_together = " + ".join(products_list) equation_str = " → ".join([reactants_together, products_together]) return equation_str
def load(filename, messages=True, hide_traceback=True)
Load a speciation file.
- Name of the speciation file.
, defaultTrue
- Print messages produced by this function?
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this function? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
An object of class
.Expand source code
def load(filename, messages=True, hide_traceback=True): """ Load a speciation file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the speciation file. messages : bool, default True Print messages produced by this function? hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this function? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. Returns ---------- An object of class `Speciation`. """ err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback) if len(filename) <= 12: print("Attempting to load "+str(filename)+".speciation ...") filename = filename+".speciation" if 'speciation' in filename[-11:]: if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename): pass else: err = "Cannot locate input file {}/{}".format(os.getcwd(), filename) err_handler.raise_exception(err) else: err = ("Input file {}".format(filename) + " " "must be in {} format.".format(ext_dict[ext])) err_handler.raise_exception(err) if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0: with open(filename, 'rb') as handle: #speciation = dill.load(handle) speciation = pd.compat.pickle_compat.load(handle) if messages: print("Loaded '{}'".format(filename)) return speciation else: msg = "Cannot open " + str(filename) + " because the file is empty." err_handler.raise_exception(msg)
class AqEquil (eq36da=None, eq36co=None, db='WORM', elements=None, solid_solutions=None, logK=None, logK_S=None, logK_extrapolate='none', download_csv_files=False, exclude_organics=False, exclude_organics_except=None, exclude_category=None, suppress_redox=None, input_template='none', water_model='SUPCRT92', exceed_Ttr=True, verbose=1, load_thermo=True, hide_traceback=True)
Class containing functions to speciate aqueous water chemistry data using existing or custom thermodynamic datasets.
:str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA
- Path to directory where data1 files are stored.
:str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO
- Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored.
, default"WORM"
Determines which thermodynamic database is used in the speciation calculation. There are several options available:
- "WORM" will load the default WORM thermodynamic database, solid solution database, and logK database. These files are retrieved from to ensure they are up-to-date.
- Three letter file extension for the desired data1 database, e.g., "wrm". This will use a data1 file with this file extension, e.g., "data1.wrm" located in the path stored in the 'EQ36DA' environment variable used by EQ3NR.
- The name of a data0 file located in the current working directory, e.g., "data0.wrm". This data0 file will be compiled by EQPT automatically during the speciation calculation.
- The name of a CSV file containing thermodynamic data located in
the current working directory, e.g., "wrm_data.csv". The CSV file
will be used to generate a data0 file for each sample (using
additional arguments from
if desired). - The URL of a data0 file, e.g., ""
- The URL of a CSV file containing thermodynamic data, e.g., ""
- Filepath of a CSV file containing parameters for solid solutions, e.g.,
"my_solid_solutions.csv". If
is set to "WORM" andsolid_solutions
is not defined, then parameters for solid solutions will be retrieved from "Solid_solutions.csv" at logK
- Filepath of a CSV file containing equilibrium constants for chemical
species, e.g., "my_logK_entries.csv". If
is set to "WORM" andlogK
is not defined, then equilibrium constants will be retrieved from "wrm_data_logK.csv" at logK_S
- Filepath of a CSV file containing equilibrium constants for chemical
species, e.g., "my_logK_S_entries.csv". If
is set to "WORM" andlogK_S
is not defined, then equilibrium constants will be retrieved from "wrm_data_logK_S.csv" at logK_extrapolate
, default"none"
- What method should be used to extrapolate equilibrium constants in the
logK database (defined by parameter
) as a function of temperature? Can be either "none", "flat", "poly", or "linear". download_csv_files
, defaultFalse
- Download copies of database CSV files to your current working directory?
, defaultFalse
- Exclude organic molecules from thermodynamic database? Organic species
are excluded from the main thermodynamic database CSV and the
equilibrium constant (logK) CSV database. This parameter has no effect
if the thermodynamic database is a data0 or data1 file.
Requires that the databases have a 'category_1' column that designates
organic molecules.
The purpose of this parameter is to quickly toggle:
exclude_category={'category_1':["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}
- Exclude species from thermodynamic databases based on column values.
For instance,
exclude_category={'category_1':["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}
will exclude all species that have "organic_aq" or "organic_cr" in the column "category_1". Species are excluded from the main thermodynamic database CSV and the equilibrium constant (logK) CSV database. This parameter has no effect if the thermodynamic database is a data0 or data1 file. suppress_redox
, default[]
- Suppress equilibrium between oxidation states of listed elements (Cl, H, and O cannot be included).
, default"none"
- Can be either "strict", "basis", "all", or "none" (default). If any
option other than "none" is chosen, a sample input file template CSV
file customized to this thermodynamic dataset called
"sample_input_template.csv" will be generated in the current directory.
This template can be populated with water sample data to be speciated by
function. The "strict" option is highly recommended for most users. This is because strict basis species speciate into auxiliary and non-basis species, but not the other way around. Columns in the template include 'Sample', 'Temperature', 'logfO2', and others, depending on the chosen option. If "strict", columns for strict basis species will be included. If "basis", columns for both strict and auxiliary basis species will be included. If "all", then columns for all aqueous species will be included. water_model
, default"SUPCRT92"
- This is an experimental feature that is not yet fully supported. Desired water model. Can be either "SUPCRT92", "IAPWS95", or "DEW". These models are described here:
, defaultTrue
- Calculate Gibbs energies of mineral phases and other species beyond their transition temperatures?
:int, 0, 1,
, default1
- Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent.
, defaultTrue
- Load thermodynamic database(s) when instantiating this class?
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
:str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA
- Path to directory where data1 files are stored.
:str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO
- Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored.
- Pandas dataframe containing user-supplied sample chemistry data that has
been processed by
. half_cell_reactions
- Pandas dataframe containing half cell reactions that can be combined into redox reactions for calculating chemical affinity and energy supply values during speciation.
Expand source code
class AqEquil(object): """ Class containing functions to speciate aqueous water chemistry data using existing or custom thermodynamic datasets. Parameters ---------- eq36da : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA Path to directory where data1 files are stored. eq36co : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored. db : str, default "WORM" Determines which thermodynamic database is used in the speciation calculation. There are several options available: - "WORM" will load the default WORM thermodynamic database, solid solution database, and logK database. These files are retrieved from to ensure they are up-to-date. - Three letter file extension for the desired data1 database, e.g., "wrm". This will use a data1 file with this file extension, e.g., "data1.wrm" located in the path stored in the 'EQ36DA' environment variable used by EQ3NR. - The name of a data0 file located in the current working directory, e.g., "data0.wrm". This data0 file will be compiled by EQPT automatically during the speciation calculation. - The name of a CSV file containing thermodynamic data located in the current working directory, e.g., "wrm_data.csv". The CSV file will be used to generate a data0 file for each sample (using additional arguments from `db_args` if desired). - The URL of a data0 file, e.g., "" - The URL of a CSV file containing thermodynamic data, e.g., "" solid_solutions : str Filepath of a CSV file containing parameters for solid solutions, e.g., "my_solid_solutions.csv". If `db` is set to "WORM" and `solid_solutions` is not defined, then parameters for solid solutions will be retrieved from "Solid_solutions.csv" at logK : str Filepath of a CSV file containing equilibrium constants for chemical species, e.g., "my_logK_entries.csv". If `db` is set to "WORM" and `logK` is not defined, then equilibrium constants will be retrieved from "wrm_data_logK.csv" at logK_S : str Filepath of a CSV file containing equilibrium constants for chemical species, e.g., "my_logK_S_entries.csv". If `db` is set to "WORM" and `logK_S` is not defined, then equilibrium constants will be retrieved from "wrm_data_logK_S.csv" at logK_extrapolate : str, default "none" What method should be used to extrapolate equilibrium constants in the logK database (defined by parameter `logK`) as a function of temperature? Can be either "none", "flat", "poly", or "linear". download_csv_files : bool, default False Download copies of database CSV files to your current working directory? exclude_organics : bool, default False Exclude organic molecules from thermodynamic database? Organic species are excluded from the main thermodynamic database CSV and the equilibrium constant (logK) CSV database. This parameter has no effect if the thermodynamic database is a data0 or data1 file. Requires that the databases have a 'category_1' column that designates organic molecules. The purpose of this parameter is to quickly toggle: `exclude_category={'category_1':["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}` exclude_category : dict Exclude species from thermodynamic databases based on column values. For instance, `exclude_category={'category_1':["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]}` will exclude all species that have "organic_aq" or "organic_cr" in the column "category_1". Species are excluded from the main thermodynamic database CSV and the equilibrium constant (logK) CSV database. This parameter has no effect if the thermodynamic database is a data0 or data1 file. suppress_redox : list of str, default [] Suppress equilibrium between oxidation states of listed elements (Cl, H, and O cannot be included). input_template : str, default "none" Can be either "strict", "basis", "all", or "none" (default). If any option other than "none" is chosen, a sample input file template CSV file customized to this thermodynamic dataset called "sample_input_template.csv" will be generated in the current directory. This template can be populated with water sample data to be speciated by the `speciate` function. The "strict" option is highly recommended for most users. This is because strict basis species speciate into auxiliary and non-basis species, but not the other way around. Columns in the template include 'Sample', 'Temperature', 'logfO2', and others, depending on the chosen option. If "strict", columns for strict basis species will be included. If "basis", columns for both strict and auxiliary basis species will be included. If "all", then columns for all aqueous species will be included. water_model : str, default "SUPCRT92" This is an experimental feature that is not yet fully supported. Desired water model. Can be either "SUPCRT92", "IAPWS95", or "DEW". These models are described here: exceed_Ttr : bool, default True Calculate Gibbs energies of mineral phases and other species beyond their transition temperatures? verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1 Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent. load_thermo : bool, default True Load thermodynamic database(s) when instantiating this class? hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. Attributes ---------- eq36da : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA Path to directory where data1 files are stored. eq36co : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored. df_input_processed : pd.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing user-supplied sample chemistry data that has been processed by `speciate`. half_cell_reactions : pd.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing half cell reactions that can be combined into redox reactions for calculating chemical affinity and energy supply values during speciation. """ def __init__(self, eq36da=None, eq36co=None, db="WORM", elements=None, solid_solutions=None, logK=None, logK_S=None, logK_extrapolate="none", download_csv_files=False, exclude_organics=False, exclude_organics_except=None, exclude_category=None, suppress_redox=None, input_template="none", water_model="SUPCRT92", exceed_Ttr=True, verbose=1, load_thermo=True, hide_traceback=True): if not isinstance(eq36da, str): eq36da = os.environ.get('EQ36DA') if not isinstance(eq36co, str): eq36co = os.environ.get('EQ36CO') self.eq36da = eq36da self.eq36co = eq36co self.df_input_processed = None self.water_model = water_model if not isinstance(suppress_redox, list): suppress_redox = [] half_rxn_data = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "half_cell_reactions.csv") self.half_cell_reactions = pd.read_csv(half_rxn_data) #define the input file (dataframe of redox pairs) self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy = copy.deepcopy(self.half_cell_reactions) self.verbose = verbose self.hide_traceback = hide_traceback self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=self.hide_traceback) self.raw_3_input_dict = {} self.raw_3_output_dict = {} self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom = {} self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top = {} self.batch_T = [] self.batch_P = [] self.logK_models = {} if load_thermo: # attributes to add to AqEquil class self.db = db self.elements = elements self.solid_solutions = solid_solutions if exclude_category is None: exclude_category = dict() if isinstance(exclude_organics_except, str): exclude_organics_except = [exclude_organics_except] if exclude_organics and not isinstance(exclude_organics_except, list): if not isinstance(exclude_category.get("category_1"), list): exclude_category["category_1"] = ["organic_aq", "organic_cr"] else: if "organic_aq" not in exclude_category["category_1"]: exclude_category["category_1"] = exclude_category["category_1"].append("organic_aq") if "organic_cr" not in exclude_category["category_1"]: exclude_category["category_1"] = exclude_category["category_1"].append("organic_cr") elif isinstance(exclude_organics_except, list): # exclude all organics except what is specified by the user in exclude_organics_except # and species in associated speciation group sp = Speciation({}) sp._make_speciation_group_dict() reactant_dict_scalar = copy.deepcopy(sp.reactant_dict_scalar) sp_dict_unpacked = copy.deepcopy(sp.speciation_group_dict_unpacked) sp_dict_groups = copy.deepcopy(sp.sp_dict_groups) self.reactant_dict_scalar = reactant_dict_scalar self.sp_dict_unpacked = sp_dict_unpacked self.sp_dict_groups = sp_dict_groups del sp exclude_organics_except_orig = copy.copy(exclude_organics_except) for org in exclude_organics_except_orig: for group in self.sp_dict_groups: if org in self.sp_dict_groups[group]: exclude_organics_except += self.sp_dict_groups[group] exclude_organics_except = list(set(exclude_organics_except)) self.exclude_category = exclude_category self.exclude_organics_except = exclude_organics_except self.logK = logK self.logK_S = logK_S self.logK_extrapolate = logK_extrapolate self.download_csv_files = download_csv_files self.suppress_redox = suppress_redox self.exceed_Ttr = exceed_Ttr self.input_template = input_template self.thermo = AqEquil.Thermodata(AqEquil_instance=self) # outer instance passed to inner instance self.data1 = self.thermo.data1 def _capture_r_output(self): """ Capture and create a list of R console messages """ # Record output # self.stdout = [] self.stderr = [] # If DEBUGGING_R==False, uses python to print R lines after executing an R block # If DEBUGGING_R==True, will ugly print from R directly. Allows printing from R to troubleshoot errors. if not DEBUGGING_R: # Dummy functions # def add_to_stdout(line): self.stdout.append(line) def add_to_stderr(line): self.stderr.append(line) # Keep the old functions # self.stdout_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print self.stderr_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror # Set the call backs # rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print = add_to_stdout rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror = add_to_stderr def _print_captured_r_output(self): printable_lines = [line for line in self.stdout if line not in ['[1]', '\n']] printable_lines = [line for line in printable_lines if"^\s*\[[0-9]+\]$", line) is None] printable_lines = [re.sub(r' \\n\"', "", line) for line in printable_lines] [print(line[2:-1]) for line in printable_lines] def _report_3o_6o_errors(self, lines, samplename): recording = False start_index = 0 end_index = -1 error_list = [] normal_exit = False for i,line in enumerate(lines): if "* Error" in line: recording = True start_index = i if (recording and line == "") or (recording and i == len(lines)-1): end_index = i recording = False error_lines = lines[start_index:end_index+1] error_lines = "\n".join(error_lines) error_list.append(error_lines) if "Normal exit" in line: normal_exit = True if not normal_exit and len(error_list)==0: error_list.append("\n * Error - (EQ3/6) The calculation did not terminate normally.") error_lines = "\n".join(error_list) if len(error_lines) > 0: if self.verbose > 0: print("\nThe sample '"+samplename+"' experienced errors during the reaction:") print(error_lines+"\n") return True else: return False def __file_exists(self, filename, ext='.csv'): """ Check that a file exists and that it has the correct extension. Returns True if so, raises exception if not. """ ext_dict = { ".csv" : "comma separated values (.csv)", ".txt" : "standard text (.txt)", ".rds" : "R Data (.rds)", } if ext in filename[-4:]: if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename): return True else: err = "Cannot locate input file {}/{}".format(os.getcwd(), filename) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) else: err = ("Input file {}".format(filename) + " " "must be in {} format.".format(ext_dict[ext])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) return False def _check_sample_input_file(self, input_filename, exclude, db, dynamic_db, charge_balance_on, suppress_missing, redox_suppression): """ Check for problems in sample input file. """ # does the input file exist? Is it a CSV? if self.__file_exists(input_filename): df_in = pd.read_csv(input_filename, header=None) # no headers for now so colname dupes can be checked else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("_check_sample_input() error!") # are there any samples? if df_in.shape[0] <= 2: err_no_samples = ("The file {}".format(input_filename) + " " "must contain at least three rows: the " "first for column names, the second for column subheaders, " "followed by one or more rows for sample data.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_no_samples) err_list = [] # for appending errors found in the sample input file # get header list col_list = list(df_in.iloc[0, 1:]) # are there blank headers? if True in [isinstance(x, float) and x != x for x in col_list]: # isinstance(x, float) and x != x is a typesafe way to check for nan err_blank_header = ("One or more columns in the sample input " "file have blank headers. These might be empty columns. " "Only the first column may have a blank header. Remove any " "empty columns and/or give each header a name.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_blank_header) # are there duplicate headers? dupe_cols = list(set([x for x in col_list if col_list.count(x) > 1])) if len(dupe_cols) > 0: err_dupe_cols = ("Duplicate column names are not allowed. " "Duplicate column names were found for:\n" "{}".format(str(dupe_cols))) err_list.append(err_dupe_cols) df_in.columns = df_in.iloc[0] # set column names df_in = df_in.drop(df_in.index[0], axis=0) # drop column name row df_in_headercheck = copy.deepcopy(df_in.iloc[:,1:]) # drop first column. Deepcopy slice because drop() doesn't work well with unnamed columns. # drop excluded headers for exc in exclude: if exc == df_in.columns[0]: # skip if 'sample' column is excluded continue try: df_in_headercheck = df_in_headercheck.drop(exc, axis=1) # drop excluded columns except: err_bad_exclude = ( "Could not exclude the header '{}'".format(exc)+". " "This header could not be found in " "{}".format(input_filename)+"") err_list.append(err_bad_exclude) # get row list row_list = list(df_in.iloc[1:, 0]) # are there blank rows? if True in [isinstance(x, float) and x != x for x in row_list]: # isinstance(x, float) and x != x is a typesafe way to check for nan err_blank_row = ("One or more rows in the sample input " "file have blank sample names. These might be empty rows. " "Remove any empty rows and/or give each sample a name. Sample " "names go in the first column.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_blank_row) # are there duplicate rows? dupe_rows = list(set([x for x in row_list if row_list.count(x) > 1])) if len(dupe_rows) > 0: err_dupe_rows = ("Duplicate sample names are not allowed. " "Duplicate sample names were found for:\n" "{}".format(str(dupe_rows))) err_list.append(err_dupe_rows) # are there any leading or trailing spaces in sample names? invalid_sample_names = [n for n in list(df_in.iloc[1:, 0]) if str(n[0])==" " or str(n[-1])==" "] if len(invalid_sample_names) > 0: err_sample_leading_trailing_spaces = ("The following sample names " "have leading or trailing spaces. Remove spaces and try again: " "{}".format(invalid_sample_names)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_sample_leading_trailing_spaces) # are column names valid entries in the database? if self.thermo.custom_data0: if "data0" in db: data_path = db else: data_path = "data0." + db elif self.thermo.dynamic_db: data_path = self.thermo.thermo_db_filename else: data_path = self.eq36da + "/data0." + db if self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0" and self.thermo.thermo_db_source == "URL": data_path = "data0." + self.thermo.data0_lettercode if not (os.path.exists(data_path) or os.path.isfile(data_path)) and self.thermo.thermo_db_source=="file": warn_no_data0 = ("Warning: Could not locate {}.".format(data_path) + " " "Unable to determine if column headers included in " "{} ".format(input_filename) + "match entries for species " "in the requested thermodynamic database '{}'.".format(db)) if self.verbose > 0: print(warn_no_data0) if self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0": data0_lines = self.thermo.thermo_db.split("\n") recording_species = False for i,s in enumerate(data0_lines): if recording_species and "+---" in s: end_index = i-1 recording_species=False break if '* species name' in s: start_index = i+1 recording_species=True db_species = [i.split()[0] for i in data0_lines[start_index:end_index]] elif self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "CSV": df_OBIGT = self.thermo.thermo_db db_species = list(df_OBIGT["name"]) if charge_balance_on == 'pH': err_charge_balance_on_pH = ("To balance charge on pH, use " "charge_balance_on='H+'") err_list.append(err_charge_balance_on_pH) elif charge_balance_on in ['Temperature', 'logfO2']: err_charge_balance_invalid_type = ("Cannot balance charge " "on {}.".format(charge_balance_on)) err_list.append(err_charge_balance_invalid_type) elif charge_balance_on != "none" and charge_balance_on not in list(set(df_in_headercheck.columns)): err_charge_balance_invalid_sp = ("The species chosen for charge balance" " '{}'".format(charge_balance_on)+"" " was not found among the headers of the sample input file.") err_list.append(err_charge_balance_invalid_sp) if self.thermo.thermo_db_type in ["data0", "CSV"]: for species in list(dict.fromkeys(df_in_headercheck.columns)): if species not in db_species and species not in ['Temperature', 'logfO2', 'pH', 'Pressure', 'Eh', 'pe']+FIXED_SPECIES: err_species_not_in_db = ("The column '{}'".format(species) + " in the input file " "was not found in the currently loaded chemical species from {}".format(data_path) + ". " "If the column '"+format(species)+"' contains data that should not be " "included in the speciation calculation (such as sample metadata), add the " "column name to the 'exclude' parameter. Otherwise, the " "species might not be loaded because it is not in the thermodynamic database, " "or it was excluded via the 'exclude_category', 'exclude_organics', or 'exclude_organics_except' " "parameters when the database was loaded. Species may also be excluded when " "element redox states are isolated with the parameter 'suppress_redox' and " "appropriate basis species cannot be found to represent them.") err_list.append(err_species_not_in_db) elif species == 'pH': err_species_pH = ("Please rename the 'pH' column in " "the sample input file to 'H+' with the subheader " "unit 'pH'.") err_list.append(err_species_pH) # are subheader units valid? subheaders = df_in_headercheck.iloc[0,] valid_subheaders = ["degC", "ppm", "ppb", "Suppressed", "Molality", "Molarity", "mg/L", "mg/kg.sol", "Alk., eq/kg.H2O", "Alk., eq/L", "Alk., eq/kg.sol", "Alk., mg/L CaCO3", "Alk., mg/L HCO3-", "Log activity", "Log act combo", "Log mean act", "pX", "pH", "pHCl", "pmH", "pmX", "Hetero. equil.", "Homo. equil.", "Make non-basis", "logfO2", "Mineral", "bar", "volts"] for i, subheader in enumerate(subheaders): if subheader not in valid_subheaders: err_valid_sub = ("The subheader '{}'".format(subheader) + " " "for the column '{}'".format(df_in_headercheck.columns[i]) + " " "is not recognized. Valid subheaders are {}".format(str(valid_subheaders)) + ". " "If the column {}".format(df_in_headercheck.columns[i]) + " " "contains data that is not meant for the " "speciation calculation, add the column name " "to the 'exclude' argument. Try help(AqEquil.AqEquil.speciate) " "for more information about 'exclude'.") err_list.append(err_valid_sub) # is a 'Temperature' column present? if "Temperature" not in df_in_headercheck.columns and "Temperature" not in exclude: err_temp = ("The column 'Temperature' was not found in the input file. " "Please include a column with 'Temperature' in the first row, " "'degC' in the second row, and a temperature value for each " "sample in degrees Celsius.") err_list.append(err_temp) # raise an exception that summarizes all errors found if len(err_list) > 0: errs = "\n\n*".join(err_list) errs = ("The input file {}".format(input_filename)+" encountered" " errors:\n\n*" + errs) self.err_handler.raise_exception(errs) # warn about "suppress_redox" in db_args if "Hetero. equil." among subheaders. # Redox suppression won't work for an element constrained by heterogeneous equilibrium if redox_suppression and "Hetero. equil." in list(subheaders): if self.verbose > 0: print("Warning: 'suppress_redox' does not currently work with the " "heterogeneous equilibrium option if the mineral or gas " "contains a redox-suppressed element.") sample_temps = [float(t) for t in list(df_in["Temperature"])[1:]] if "Pressure" in df_in.columns: sample_press = [float(p) if p.lower() != 'psat' else 'psat' for p in list(df_in["Pressure"])[1:]] else: sample_press = ['psat']*len(sample_temps) return sample_temps, sample_press def __move_eqpt_extra_output(self): """ Moves all EQPT output and data0 into the eqpt_files folder """ self.__mk_check_del_directory("eqpt_files") if os.path.exists("eqpt_log.txt") and os.path.isfile("eqpt_log.txt"): shutil.move("eqpt_log.txt", "eqpt_files/eqpt_log.txt") if os.path.exists("data1f.txt") and os.path.isfile("data1f.txt"): shutil.move("data1f.txt", "eqpt_files/data1f.txt") if os.path.exists("slist.txt") and os.path.isfile("slist.txt"): shutil.move("slist.txt", "eqpt_files/slist.txt") def runeqpt(self, db, dynamic_db=False): """ Convert a data0 into a data1 file with EQPT. Parameters ---------- db : str Three letter code of database. """ if os.path.exists("data0."+db) and os.path.isfile("data0."+db): pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(" ".join(["Error: could not locate custom database", "data0.{} in {}.".format(db, os.getcwd())])) if os.path.exists("data1."+db) and os.path.isfile("data1."+db): os.remove("data1."+db) self.__move_eqpt_extra_output() args = ["cd", os.getcwd(), ";", self.eq36co+'/eqpt', "'"+os.getcwd()+"/data0."+db+"'"] args = " ".join(args) try: self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQPT except: self.err_handler.raise_exception( "Error: EQPT failed to run on {}.".format("data0."+db)) if os.path.exists("data1") and os.path.isfile("data1"): os.rename("data1", "data1."+db) if os.path.exists("data0.d1") and os.path.isfile("data0.d1"): os.rename("data0.d1", "data1."+db) if os.path.exists("data0.po") and os.path.isfile("data0.po"): os.rename("data0.po", "eqpt_log.txt") if os.path.exists("data0.d1f") and os.path.isfile("data0.d1f"): os.rename("data0.d1f", "data1f.txt") if os.path.exists("data0.s") and os.path.isfile("data0.s"): os.rename("data0.s", "slist.txt") if os.path.exists("data1."+db) and os.path.isfile("data1."+db): if self.verbose > 0: if not dynamic_db: print("Successfully created a data1."+db+" from data0."+db) else: if dynamic_db: msg = ("EQPT has encounted a problem processing the database " "for this sample. Check eqpt_log.txt for details.") else: msg = ("EQPT could not create data1."+db+" from " "data0."+db+". Check eqpt_log.txt for details.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) self.__move_eqpt_extra_output() def runeq3(self, filename_3i, db, samplename=None, path_3i="", path_3o="", path_3p="", data1_path="", dynamic_db_name=None): """ Call EQ3 on a .3i input file. Parameters ---------- filename_3i : str Name of 3i input file. db : str Three letter code of database. path_3i : path str, default current working directory Path of .3i input files. path_3o : path str, default current working directory Path of .3o output files. path_3p : path str, default current working directory Path of .3p pickup files. data1_path : str, default None File path of data1 file. dynamic_db_name : str Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used. This parameter is for internal use. """ # get current working dir cwd = os.getcwd() cwdd = cwd + "/" if samplename == None: samplename = filename_3i[:-3] if self.verbose > 0 and dynamic_db_name == None: print('Using ' + db + ' to speciate ' + samplename) elif self.verbose > 0 and isinstance(dynamic_db_name, str): print('Using ' + dynamic_db_name + ' to speciate ' + samplename) args = ["cd", "'" + cwdd+path_3i+"'", ";", # change directory to where 3i files are stored self.eq36co + '/eq3nr', # path to EQ3NR executable "'" + data1_path + "/data1." + db+"'", # path to data1 file "'"+cwdd + path_3i +"/"+ filename_3i+"'"] # path to 3i file args = " ".join(args) self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQ3 filename_3o = filename_3i[:-1] + 'o' filename_3p = filename_3i[:-1] + 'p' # The new eq36 build truncates names, e.g., MLS.Source.3i creates MLS.3o # Correct for this here: files_3o = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd + path_3i) if ".3o" in file] files_3p = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd + path_3i) if ".3p" in file] if len(files_3o) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: EQ3 failed to produce output for ' + filename_3i) elif len(files_3o) == 1: file_3o = files_3o[0] try: # move output shutil.move(cwdd + path_3i+"/"+file_3o, cwdd + path_3o+"/"+filename_3o) except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not move", path_3i+"/"+file_3o, "to", path_3o+"/"+filename_3o) else: # multiple 3o output files are present in the directory # this might happen when using runeq3() by itself in a directory with 3o files pass if len(files_3p) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: EQ3 failed to produce output for ' + filename_3i) elif len(files_3p) == 1: file_3p = files_3p[0] try: # move output shutil.move(cwdd + path_3i+"/"+file_3p, cwdd + path_3p+"/"+filename_3p) except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not move", path_3i+"/"+file_3p, "to", path_3p+"/"+filename_3p) else: # multiple 3p output files are present in the directory # this might happen when using runeq3() by itself in a directory with 3p files pass def runeq6(self, filename_6i, db, samplename=None, path_6i="", data1_path=None, dynamic_db_name=None): """ Call EQ6 on a .6i input file. Parameters ---------- filename_6i : str Name of 6i input file. db : str Three letter code of database. samplename : str The name of the sample, used to announce which sample is being run. path_6i : path str, default current working directory Path of directory containing .6i input files. data1_path : path str, default current working directory Path of directory where the data1 thermodynamic database file is stored. The data1 file will be called from this location to perform the speciation. The data1 file must be named, where xyz matches `db`, the three letter code of your chosen database. dynamic_db_name : str Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used. This parameter is for internal use. """ if data1_path == None: data1_path = self.eq36da # get current working dir cwd = os.getcwd() cwdd = cwd + "/" if samplename == None: samplename = filename_6i[:-3] if self.verbose > 0 and dynamic_db_name == None: print('Using ' + db + ' to react ' + samplename) elif self.verbose > 0 and isinstance(dynamic_db_name, str): print('Using ' + dynamic_db_name + ' to react ' + samplename) args = ["cd", "'" + cwdd+path_6i+"'", ";", # change directory to 6i folder self.eq36co+'/eq6', # path of EQ6 executable "'" + data1_path + "/data1." + db+"'", # path to data1 file "'"+cwdd+path_6i + filename_6i+"'"] # path of 6i file args = " ".join(args) self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQ6 def __mk_check_del_directory(self, path): """ Checks for the dir being created. If it is already present, delete it before recreating it. """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) def __run_script_and_wait(self, args): """ Runs shell commands. """ # DEVNULL and STDOUT needed to suppress all warnings subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).wait() def _delete_rxn_folders(self): """ Deletes folders storing raw EQ3/6 input and output. """ if os.path.exists('rxn_3i') and os.path.isdir('rxn_3i'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_3i') if os.path.exists('rxn_3o') and os.path.isdir('rxn_3o'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_3o') if os.path.exists('rxn_3p') and os.path.isdir('rxn_3p'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_3p') if os.path.exists('rxn_6i') and os.path.isdir('rxn_6i'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_6i') if os.path.exists('rxn_6o') and os.path.isdir('rxn_6o'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_6o') if os.path.exists('rxn_6p') and os.path.isdir('rxn_6p'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_6p') if os.path.exists('eqpt_files') and os.path.isdir('eqpt_files'): shutil.rmtree('eqpt_files') if os.path.exists('rxn_data0') and os.path.isdir('rxn_data0'): shutil.rmtree('rxn_data0') @staticmethod def __f(x, poly_coeffs): # return values from a polynomial fit value = 0 for i in range(0,len(poly_coeffs)): value += poly_coeffs[i]*x**i return value def __plot_TP_grid_polyfit(self, xvals, yvals, poly_coeffs_1, poly_coeffs_2, res=500, width=600, height=300): # print("R COEFFS") # print(poly_coeffs_1) # print(poly_coeffs_2) if (len(xvals) % 2) == 0: # if xvals has an even length n_mid1 = math.floor(len(xvals)/2)-1 n_mid2 = n_mid1+1 else: # if xvals has an odd length n_mid1 = math.floor(len(xvals)/2) n_mid2 = n_mid1+1 f1_x = np.linspace(xvals[0], xvals[n_mid1], num=res) f2_x = np.linspace(xvals[n_mid1], xvals[len(xvals)-1], num=res) f1_y = [self.__f(x, poly_coeffs_1) for x in f1_x] f2_y = [self.__f(x, poly_coeffs_2) for x in f2_x] fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=f1_x, y=f1_y, mode='lines', name='f1')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=f2_x, y=f2_y, mode='lines', name='f2')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=xvals, y=yvals, mode='markers', name='TP points')) fig.update_layout(legend_title=None, title={'text':"TP grid polyfit"}, autosize=False, width=width, height=height, margin={"t": 40}, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True}, template="simple_white") fig['layout']['xaxis']['title']='Temperature, °C' fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']='Pressure, bar' config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': [], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': 'png', # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': "TP_grid_fit", 'height': height, 'width': width, 'scale': 1, }, } def _interpolate_logK(self, T, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate="none"): logK_grid_trunc = [t for t in logK_grid if not math.isnan(t)] grid_len = len(logK_grid_trunc) logK_grid = logK_grid_trunc T_grid = T_grid[0:grid_len] if logK_extrapolate=="none" and (T > max(T_grid) or T < min(T_grid)): return np.nan, "no fit" elif logK_extrapolate=="no fit": return np.nan, "no fit" # turns off poor polyfit warning # TODO: restore polyfit warning setting afterward warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning) if len(T_grid) >= 4: if (len(T_grid) % 2) == 0: # if T_grid has an even length n_mid1 = math.floor(len(T_grid)/2)-1 n_mid2 = n_mid1+1 else: # if T_grid has an odd length n_mid1 = math.floor(len(T_grid)/2) n_mid2 = n_mid1+1 poly_coeffs_1 = np.polyfit(T_grid[:n_mid2], logK_grid[:n_mid2], len(T_grid[:n_mid2])-1) poly_coeffs_2 = np.polyfit(T_grid[n_mid1:], logK_grid[n_mid1:], len(T_grid[n_mid1:])-1) model_1 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_1) model_2 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_2) if T >= T_grid[0] and T <= T_grid[n_mid1]: logK = model_1(T) model = "model 1" elif T > T_grid[n_mid1] and T <= T_grid[-1]: logK = model_2(T) model = "model 2" else: # dependent on extrapolation option if logK_extrapolate=="none": logK = np.nan model = "no fit" elif logK_extrapolate=="poly": if T < T_grid[0]: logK = model_1(T) model = "model 1" elif T > T_grid[-1]: logK = model_2(T) model = "model 2" else: logK = np.nan model = "no fit" elif logK_extrapolate=="linear": poly_coeffs_1 = np.polyfit(T_grid[0:2], logK_grid[0:2], 1) linear_model_1 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_1) poly_coeffs_2 = np.polyfit(T_grid[-2:], logK_grid[-2:], 1) linear_model_2 = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs_2) if T < T_grid[0]: logK = linear_model_1(T) model = "linear model 1" elif T > T_grid[-1]: logK = linear_model_2(T) model = "linear model 2" else: logK = np.nan model = "no fit" elif logK_extrapolate=="flat": if T < T_grid[0]: logK = logK_grid[0] model = "flat extrap. 1" elif T > T_grid[-1]: logK = logK_grid[-1] model = "flat extrap. 2" else: logK = np.nan model = "no fit" elif len(T_grid) >= 2: poly_coeffs = np.polyfit(T_grid, logK_grid, len(T_grid)-1) model_fit = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs) if T >= T_grid[0] and T <= T_grid[-1]: logK = model_fit(T) model = "model 1" else: # dependent on extrapolation option if logK_extrapolate=="none": logK = np.nan model = "no fit" elif logK_extrapolate in ["poly", "linear"]: logK = model_fit(T) model = "model 1" elif logK_extrapolate=="flat": if T < T_grid[0]: logK = logK_grid[0] model = "flat extrap." elif T > T_grid[-1]: logK = logK_grid[-1] model = "flat extrap." else: logK = np.nan model = "no fit" else: # only one T_grid value if T == T_grid[0]: logK = logK_grid[0] model = "single point extrap." else: # dependent on extrapolation option if logK_extrapolate=="none": logK = np.nan model = "no fit" elif logK_extrapolate!="none": logK = logK_grid[0] model = "single point extrap." # ### TEST # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # plt.plot(T_grid, logK_grid, 'o') # T_m1 = np.linspace(min(T_grid[:n_mid2]), max(T_grid[:n_mid2]), 100) # T_m2 = np.linspace(min(T_grid[n_mid1:]), max(T_grid[n_mid1:]), 100) # plt.plot(T_m1, model_1(T_m1)) # plt.plot(T_m2, model_2(T_m2)) # ### return logK, model def speciate(self, input_filename, db=None, db_solid_solution=None, db_logK=None, logK_extrapolate=None, activity_model="b-dot", redox_flag="logfO2", redox_aux="Fe+3", default_logfO2=-6, exclude=[], suppress=[], alter_options=[], charge_balance_on="none", suppress_missing=True, blanks_are_0=False, strict_minimum_pressure=True, aq_scale=1, verbose=1, report_filename=None, get_aq_dist=True, aq_dist_type="log_activity", get_mass_contribution=True, mass_contribution_other=True, get_mineral_sat=True, mineral_sat_type="affinity", get_redox=True, redox_type="Eh", get_ion_activity_ratios=True, get_fugacity=True, get_basis_totals=True, get_solid_solutions=True, mineral_reactant_energy_supplies=False, get_charge_balance=True, batch_3o_filename=None, delete_generated_folders=False, db_args={}): """ Calculate the equilibrium distribution of chemical species in solution. Additionally, calculate chemical affinities and energy supplies for user-specified reactions. Parameters ---------- input_filename : str User-supplied utf8-encoded comma separated value (csv) file containing sample data intended for speciation. The file must follow this format: - the first row is a header row that must contain the names of the species to be included in the speciation calculation. There cannot be duplicate headers. - the second row must contain subheaders for each species in the header row. These subheaders must be taken from the following: degC ppm ppb Suppressed Molality Molarity mg/L mg/kg.sol Alk., eq/kg.H2O Alk., eq/L Alk., eq/kg.sol Alk., mg/L CaCO3 Alk., mg/L HCO3- Log activity Log act combo Log mean act pX pH pHCl pmH pmX Hetero. equil. Homo. equil. Make non-basis - 'Temperature' must be included as a header, with 'degC' as its subheader. - The first column must contain sample names. There cannot be duplicate sample names. db : None Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...). db_solid_solution : None Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...). db_logK : None Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...). activity_model : str, default "b-dot" Activity model to use for speciation. Can be either "b-dot", or "davies". NOTE: the "pitzer" model is not yet implemented. redox_flag : str, default "O2(g)" Determines which column in the sample input file sets the overall redox state of the samples. Options for redox_flag include 'O2(g)', 'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', and 'redox aux'. The code will search your sample spreadsheet file (see `filename`) for a column corresponding to the option you chose: * 'O2(g)' with a valid subheader for a gas * 'pe' with subheader pe * 'Eh' with subheader volts * 'logfO2' with subheader logfO2 * 'redox aux' will search for a column corresponding to the auxilliary basis species selected to form a redox couple with its linked strict basis species (see `redox_aux`). For example, the redox couple Fe+2/Fe+3 would require a column named Fe+3 If an appropriate header or redox data cannot be found to define redox state, `default_logfO2` is used to set sample logfO2. There is a special case where dissolved oxygen can be used to impose sample redox state if `redox_flag` is set to logfO2 and a column named logfO2 does not appear in your sample spreadsheet. If there is a column corresponding to dissolved oxygen measurements, logfO2 is calculated from the equilibrium reaction O2(aq) = O2(g) at the temperature and pressure of the sample using the revised Helgeson- Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state (JC Tanger IV and HC Helgeson, Am. J. Sci., 1988, 288, 19). redox_aux : default "Fe+3", optional Ignored unless `redox_flag` equals 1. Name of the auxilliary species whose reaction links it to a basis species (or another auxilliary species) such that they form a redox couple that controls sample fO2. For instance, Fe+3 is linked to Fe+2 in many supporting data files, so selecting `redox_flag` = 1 and `redox_aux` = "Fe+3" will set sample fO2 based on the Fe+2/Fe+3 redox couple. default_logfO2 : float, default -6 Default value for sample logfO2 in case redox data cannot be found in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet. exclude : list of str, default [] Names of columns in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet that should not be considered aqueous species. Useful for excluding columns containing sample metatadata, such as "Year" and "Location". suppress : list of str, default [] Names of chemical species that will be prevented from forming in the speciation calculation. alter_options : list, default [] A list of lists, e.g., [["CaOH+", "Suppress"], ["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1]] The first element of each interior list is the name of a species. The second element is an option to alter the species, and can be: - Suppress : suppress the formation of the species. (See also: `suppress`). - Replace : replace the species' log K value with a desired value. - AugmentLogK : augment the value of the species' log K. - AugmentG : augment the Gibbs free energy of the species by a desired value, in kcal/mol. The third element is a numeric value corresponding to the chosen option. A third element is not required for Suppress. charge_balance_on : str, default "none" If "none", will not balance electrical charge between cations and anions in the speciation calculation. If a name of a species is supplied instead, the activity of that species will be allowed to change until charge balance is obtained. For example, charge_balance_on = "H+" will calculate what pH a sample must have to have zero net charge. suppress_missing : bool, default True Suppress the formation of an aqueous species if it is missing a value in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet? blanks_are_0 : bool, default False Assume all blank values in the water chemistry input file are 0? strict_minimum_pressure : bool, default True Ensure that the minimum pressure in the speciation calculation does not go below the minimum pressure in the TP grid of the data0 file? aq_scale : float, default 1 Scale factor for the mass of the aqueous phase. By default, the aqueous phase is 1 kg of solvent. verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1 Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent. report_filename : str, optional Name of the comma separated values (csv) report file generated when the calculation is complete. If this argument is not defined, a report file is not generated. get_aq_dist : bool, default True Calculate distributions of aqueous species? aq_dist_type : str, default "log_activity" Desired units of measurement for reported distributions of aqueous species. Can be "molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", or "log_activity". Ignored if `get_aq_dist` is False. get_mass_contribution : bool, default True Calculate basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species? mass_contribution_other : bool, default True Include an "other" species for the sake of summing percents of basis species contributions to 100%? Ignored if `get_mass_contribution` is False. get_mineral_sat : bool, default True Calculate saturation states of pure solids? mineral_sat_type : str, default "affinity" Desired units of measurement for reported saturation states of pure solids. Can be "logQoverK" or "affinity". Ignored if `get_mineral_sat` is False. get_redox : bool, default True Calculate potentials of redox couples? redox_type : str, default "Eh" Desired units of measurement for reported redox potentials. Can be "Eh", "pe", "logfO2", or "Ah". Ignored if `get_redox` is False. get_ion_activity_ratios : bool, default True Calculate ion/H+ activity ratios and neutral species activities? get_fugacity : bool, default True Calculate gas fugacities? get_basis_totals : bool, default True Report total compositions of basis aqueous species? get_solid_solutions : bool, default True Permit the calculation of solid solutions and include them in the speciation report? mineral_reactant_energy_supplies : bool, default False Report energy supplies for reactions with mineral reactants? This option is False by default because mineral reactants are considered to be unlimited. As a result, energy supplies from reactions with reactant minerals tend to be artificially high, especially in systems where the reactant minerals are unstable. rxn_filename : str, optional Name of .txt file containing reactions used to calculate affinities and energy supplies. Ignored if `get_affinity_energy` is False. get_charge_balance : bool, default True Calculate charge balance and ionic strength? batch_3o_filename : str, optional Name of rds (R object) file exported after the speciation calculation? No file will be generated if this argument is not defined. delete_generated_folders : bool, default False Delete the 'rxn_3i', 'rxn_3o', 'rxn_3p', and 'eqpt_files' folders containing raw EQ3NR input, output, pickup, and EQPT files once the speciation calculation is complete? db_args : dict, default {} Dictionary of arguments to modify how the thermodynamic database is processed. Only used when `db` points to thermodynamic data in a CSV file. Ignored if `db` points to a data0 file (because a data0 file is already ready for a speciation calculation). Options for `db_args` are passed to the `create_data0` function, so refer to `create_data0` for more information about what options are possible. - Example of `db_args` where organics are excluded and redox is suppressed for Fe and S: db_args = { "exclude_category":{"category_1":["organic_aq"]}, "suppress_redox":["Fe", "S"], } Returns ------- speciation : object of class Speciation Contains the results of the speciation calculation. """ # deprecated! if db is not None or db_solid_solution is not None or db_logK is not None: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameters db, db_solid_solution, and db_logK " "are deprecated in the speciate() function. Databases are now loaded during " "the AqEquil.AqEquil(...) step.") self.batch_T = [] self.batch_P = [] self.verbose = verbose if db != None: # load new thermodynamic database self.thermo._set_active_db(db) else: db = self.thermo.db if self.thermo.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]: db_args["db"] = "dyn" dynamic_db = self.thermo.dynamic_db data0_lettercode = self.thermo.data0_lettercode # needs to be this way if (self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0" or self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data1") and len(db_args) > 0: if self.verbose > 0: print("Warning: Ignoring db_args because a premade data0 or data1 file is being used: '" + db + "'") redox_suppression = False if "suppress_redox" in db_args.keys() and self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data0" and self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": if len(db_args["suppress_redox"]) > 0: redox_suppression = True # check input sample file for errors if activity_model != 'pitzer': # TODO: allow check_sample_input_file() to handle pitzer sample_temps, sample_press = self._check_sample_input_file( input_filename, exclude, db, dynamic_db, charge_balance_on, suppress_missing, redox_suppression) if aq_dist_type not in ["molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", "log_activity"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized aq_dist_type. Valid " "options are 'molality', 'log_molality', 'log_gamma', 'log_activity'") if mineral_sat_type not in ["logQoverK", "affinity"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized mineral_sat_type. Valid " "options are 'logQoverK' or 'affinity'") if redox_type not in ["Eh", "pe", "logfO2", "Ah"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized redox_type. Valid " "options are 'Eh', 'pe', 'logfO2', or 'Ah'") if redox_flag == "O2(g)" or redox_flag == -3: redox_flag = -3 elif redox_flag == "pe" or redox_flag == -2: redox_flag = -2 elif redox_flag == "Eh" or redox_flag == -1: redox_flag = -1 elif redox_flag == "logfO2" or redox_flag == 0: redox_flag = 0 elif redox_flag == "redox aux" or redox_flag == 1: redox_flag = 1 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized redox flag. Valid options are 'O2(g)'" ", 'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', 'redox aux'") # handle batch_3o naming if batch_3o_filename != None: if ".rds" in batch_3o_filename[-4:]: batch_3o_filename = batch_3o_filename else: batch_3o_filename = "batch_3o_{}.rds".format(data0_lettercode) else: batch_3o_filename = ro.r("NULL") # reset logK_models whenever speciate() is called # (prevents errors when speciations are run back-to-back) self.logK_models = {} # dynamic data0 creation per sample if dynamic_db: db_args["fill_data0"] = False db_args["dynamic_db"] = True db_args["verbose"] = self.verbose db_args["dynamic_db_sample_temps"] = sample_temps db_args["dynamic_db_sample_press"] = sample_press if db_logK != None: self.thermo._load_logK(db_logK, source="file") if logK_extrapolate != None: db_args["logK_extrapolate"] = logK_extrapolate elif self.thermo.logK_active: db_args["logK_extrapolate"] = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate else: logK_extrapolate = "none" if db_solid_solution != None: if not (db_solid_solution[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db_solid_solution[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db_solid_solution[0:4].lower() == "www."): if os.path.exists(db_solid_solution) and os.path.isfile(db_solid_solution): db_args["filename_ss"] = db_solid_solution else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not locate " + str(db_solid_solution)) else: db_solid_solution_csv_name = db_solid_solution.split("/")[-1].lower() try: # Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text. with urlopen(db_solid_solution) as webpage: content = except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(db_solid_solution)+" cannot" " be reached at this time.") # Save to CSV file. with open(db_solid_solution_csv_name, 'w') as output: output.write(content) db_args["filename_ss"] = db_solid_solution_csv_name if self.verbose > 0: print("Getting", self.thermo.thermo_db_filename, "ready. This will take a moment...") thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, data0_lettercode, water_model, P1, plot_poly_fit = self.create_data0(**db_args) if self.thermo.custom_data0 and not dynamic_db: self.__mk_check_del_directory('eqpt_files') if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": self.runeqpt(data0_lettercode) if os.path.exists("data1."+data0_lettercode) and os.path.isfile("data1."+data0_lettercode): try: # store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object with open("data1."+data0_lettercode, mode='rb') as data1: self.data1["all_samples"] = # move or copy data1 if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": shutil.move("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode) else: shutil.copyfile("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode) except: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: Could not move', "data1."+data0_lettercode, "to eqpt_files") data1_path = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # creating a folder name without spaces to store the data1 overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA data0_path = "data0." + data0_lettercode elif dynamic_db: self.__mk_check_del_directory('eqpt_files') else: data0_path = self.eq36da + "/data0." + data0_lettercode # gather information from data0 file and perform checks if not dynamic_db: if os.path.exists(data0_path) and os.path.isfile(data0_path): with open(data0_path) as data0: data0_lines = data0.readlines() data0_lines = [line.rstrip()+"\n" for line in data0_lines] start_index = [i+1 for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'temperatures\n'] if activity_model == 'davies' or activity_model == 'b-dot': end_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'debye huckel a (adh)\n'] elif activity_model == 'pitzer': end_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'debye huckel aphi\n'] db_grids_unformatted = [i.split("pressures")[0] for i in data0_lines[start_index[0]:end_index[0]]] db_grids = [" ".join(i.split()) for i in db_grids_unformatted if i != ''] grid_temps = db_grids[0] + " " + db_grids[1] grid_press = db_grids[2] + " " + db_grids[3] grid_temps = grid_temps.split(" ") grid_press = grid_press.split(" ") try: n_TP_points = data0_lines[2].split("points: ")[1] # extract number of TP points from the third line of data0 file n_TP_points = n_TP_points.replace("\n", "") n_TP_points = int(n_TP_points) except: n_TP_points = 8 if n_TP_points == 1: grid_temps = grid_temps[0] grid_press = grid_press[0] try: water_model = data0_lines[1].split("model: ")[1] # extract water model from the second line of data0 file water_model = water_model.replace("\n", "") except: water_model = "SUPCRT92" # print("Water model could not be referenced from {}".format(data0_path)+"" # ". Defaulting to SUPCRT92 water model...") if(water_model not in ["SUPCRT92", "IAPWS95", "DEW"]): water_model = "SUPCRT92" # the default for EQ3/6 print("Water model given in {}".format(data0_path)+" was not " "recognized. Defaulting to SUPCRT92 water model...") else: # if a data0 file can't be found, assume default water model, 0-350 C and PSAT water_model = "SUPCRT92" grid_temps = ["0.0100", "50.0000", "100.0000", "150.0000", "200.0000", "250.0000", "300.0000", "350.0000"] grid_press = ["1.0000", "1.0000", "1.0132", "4.7572", "15.5365", "39.7365", "85.8378", "165.2113"] grid_press_numeric = [float(n) for n in grid_press] if min(grid_press_numeric) == 1: P1=True else: P1=False self._capture_r_output() r_check_TP_grid = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'check_TP_grid.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_check_TP_grid) list_tp = ro.r.check_TP_grid(grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps), grid_press=_convert_to_RVector(grid_press), P1=P1, water_model=water_model, check_for_errors=False, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() grid_temps = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_temps")) grid_press = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_press")) poly_coeffs_1 = list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_1") poly_coeffs_2 = list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_2") else: grid_temps = ro.r("NULL") grid_press = ro.r("NULL") poly_coeffs_1 = ro.r("NULL") poly_coeffs_2 = ro.r("NULL") # handle Alter/Suppress options # e.g. [["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1], ["CaOH+", "Suppress"]] alter_options_dict = {} if len(alter_options) > 0: for ao in alter_options: if not isinstance(ao, list): err = ("alter_options must be a list of lists, e.g.,\n" "[['CaCl+', 'AugmentLogK', -1], ['CaOH+', 'Suppress']]" "\nor\n[['CaHCO3+', 'Suppress']]") self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) key = ao[0] if ao[1] == "Suppress" and len(ao) == 2: ao += ["0"] alter_options_dict[key] = _convert_to_RVector(list(ao[1:])) alter_options = ro.ListVector(alter_options_dict) input_dir = "rxn_3i" output_dir = "rxn_3o" pickup_dir = "rxn_3p" # preprocess for EQ3 using R scripts self._capture_r_output() r_prescript = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'preprocess_for_EQ3.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_prescript) input_processed_list = ro.r.preprocess(input_filename=input_filename, exclude=_convert_to_RVector(exclude), grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps), grid_press=_convert_to_RVector(grid_press), strict_minimum_pressure=strict_minimum_pressure, dynamic_db=dynamic_db, poly_coeffs_1=poly_coeffs_1, poly_coeffs_2=poly_coeffs_2, water_model=water_model, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() self.df_input_processed = ro.conversion.rpy2py(input_processed_list.rx2("df")) if blanks_are_0: self.df_input_processed = self.df_input_processed.fillna(1E-18) self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_3i') self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_3o') self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_3p') if dynamic_db: self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_data0') # Has the user been warned about redox column during write_3i_file()? # Prevents repeated warnings. warned_about_redox_column = False self.batch_T = list(input_processed_list.rx2("temp_degC")) self.batch_P = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar")) # create and run a 3i file for each sample for sample_row_index in range(0, self.df_input_processed.shape[0]): temp_degC = list(input_processed_list.rx2("temp_degC"))[sample_row_index] pressure_bar = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))[sample_row_index] df = self.df_input_processed.iloc[[sample_row_index]] # double brackets to keep as df row instead of series samplename = str(df.index[0]) # handle dynamic data0 creation if dynamic_db: self.__fill_data0(thermo_df=ro.conversion.rpy2py(thermo_df), data0_file_lines=copy.deepcopy(data0_file_lines), grid_temps=[temp_degC], grid_press=[pressure_bar], db=data0_lettercode, water_model=water_model, activity_model=activity_model, P1=P1, plot_poly_fit=plot_poly_fit, logK_extrapolate=logK_extrapolate, dynamic_db=dynamic_db, verbose=verbose) if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": self.runeqpt(data0_lettercode, dynamic_db=True) if os.path.exists("data1."+data0_lettercode) and os.path.isfile("data1."+data0_lettercode): # store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object with open("data1."+data0_lettercode, mode='rb') as data1: self.data1[samplename] = try: # move data1 shutil.move("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode) except: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: Could not move', "data1."+data0_lettercode, "to eqpt_files") data1_path = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # creating a folder name without spaces to store the data1 overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA data0_path = "data0." + data0_lettercode else: pressure_bar = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))[sample_row_index] data1_path = self.thermo.eq36da # allowed aq block species are left after any category exclusion in db_args allowed_aq_block_species = ["all"] if dynamic_db: allowed_aq_block_species = list(thermo_df["name"]) + FIXED_SPECIES # write 3i files self._capture_r_output() warned_about_redox_column = ro.r.write_3i_file(df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(df), temp_degC=temp_degC, pressure_bar=pressure_bar, minimum_pressure=input_processed_list.rx2("minimum_pressure"), strict_minimum_pressure=strict_minimum_pressure, pressure_override=dynamic_db, suppress_missing=suppress_missing, exclude=input_processed_list.rx2("exclude"), allowed_aq_block_species=_convert_to_RVector(allowed_aq_block_species), charge_balance_on=charge_balance_on, suppress=_convert_to_RVector(suppress), alter_options=alter_options, aq_scale=aq_scale, get_solid_solutions=get_solid_solutions, input_dir=input_dir, redox_flag=redox_flag, redox_aux=redox_aux, default_logfO2=default_logfO2, water_model=water_model, warned_about_redox_column=warned_about_redox_column, activity_model=activity_model, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() # run EQ3 on each 3i file samplename = self.df_input_processed.iloc[sample_row_index, self.df_input_processed.columns.get_loc("Sample")] filename_3i = self.df_input_processed.index[sample_row_index]+".3i" filename_3o = filename_3i[:-1] + 'o' filename_3p = filename_3i[:-1] + 'p' if dynamic_db: dynamic_db_name = self.thermo.thermo_db_filename else: dynamic_db_name = None self.runeq3(filename_3i=filename_3i, db=data0_lettercode, samplename=samplename, path_3i=input_dir, path_3o=output_dir, path_3p=pickup_dir, data1_path=data1_path, dynamic_db_name=dynamic_db_name) # store input, output, and pickup as dicts in AqEquil object try: with open(input_dir + "/" + filename_3i, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() self.raw_3_input_dict[samplename] = lines except: pass try: with open(output_dir + "/" + filename_3o, "r") as f: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()] self.raw_3_output_dict[samplename] = lines EQ3_errors_found = self._report_3o_6o_errors(lines, samplename) except: pass try: with open(pickup_dir + "/" + filename_3p, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() # capture everything after "start of the bottom half" of 3p top_half = [] bottom_half = [] capture = False for line in lines: if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line: capture = True if capture: bottom_half.append(line) else: top_half.append(line) self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top[samplename] = top_half # top half of the 3p file, including header for mixing calcs self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom[samplename] = bottom_half # the bottom half except: pass if dynamic_db: shutil.move("data0.dyn", "rxn_data0/"+filename_3i[0:-3]+"_data0.dat") if self.thermo.custom_data0: # delete straggling data1 files generated after running eq3 if os.path.exists("data1") and os.path.isfile("data1"): os.remove("data1") files_3o = [file+".3o" for file in self.df_input_processed.index] df_input_processed_names = _convert_to_RVector(list(self.df_input_processed.columns)) # mine output self._capture_r_output() r_3o_mine = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, '3o_mine.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_3o_mine) batch_3o = ro.r.main_3o_mine( files_3o=_convert_to_RVector(files_3o), input_filename=input_filename, input_pressures=_convert_to_RVector(list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))), get_aq_dist=get_aq_dist, aq_dist_type=aq_dist_type, get_mass_contribution=get_mass_contribution, mass_contribution_other=mass_contribution_other, get_mineral_sat=get_mineral_sat, mineral_sat_type=mineral_sat_type, get_redox=get_redox, redox_type=redox_type, get_charge_balance=get_charge_balance, get_ion_activity_ratios=get_ion_activity_ratios, get_fugacity=get_fugacity, get_basis_totals=get_basis_totals, get_solid_solutions=get_solid_solutions, batch_3o_filename=batch_3o_filename, df_input_processed=ro.conversion.py2rpy(self.df_input_processed), df_input_processed_names=df_input_processed_names, verbose=self.verbose, ) self._print_captured_r_output() if len(batch_3o) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not compile a speciation report. This is " "likely because errors occurred during " "the speciation calculation.") return if get_mass_contribution: mass_contribution = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('mass_contribution')) df_report = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('report')) #df_input = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('input')) report_divs = batch_3o.rx2('report_divs') input_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('input')) df_input = df_report[input_cols].copy() # add a pressure column to df_input df_input["Pressure_bar"] = pd.Series(dtype='float') sample_data = batch_3o.rx2('sample_data') for sample in sample_data: df_input.loc[str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "Pressure_bar"] = float(sample.rx2('pressure')[0]) report_divs[0] = _convert_to_RVector(input_cols + ["Pressure_bar"]) # handle headers and subheaders of input section headers = [col.split("_")[0] for col in list(df_input.columns)] headers = ["pH" if header == "H+" else header for header in headers] headers = [header+"_(input)" if header not in ["Temperature", "logfO2", "Pressure"]+exclude else header for header in headers] report_divs[0] = _convert_to_RVector(headers) # modify headers in the 'input' section, report_divs[0] subheaders = [subheader[1] if len(subheader) > 1 else "" for subheader in [ col.split("_") for col in list(df_input.columns)]] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_input.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_input if get_aq_dist: aq_distribution_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('aq_distribution')) df_aq_distribution = df_report[aq_distribution_cols] df_aq_distribution = df_aq_distribution.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # create a pH column from H+ df_aq_distribution["pH"] = np.nan # pH values are assigned when sample data is assembled later # handle headers of aq_distribution section headers = df_aq_distribution.columns subheaders = [aq_dist_type]*(len(headers)-1) # -1 because the last column will have subheader pH (see next line) subheaders = subheaders + ["pH"] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_aq_distribution.columns = multicolumns # ensure final pH column is included in report_divs aq_distribution section aq_dist_indx = list(report_divs.names).index("aq_distribution") report_divs[aq_dist_indx] = _convert_to_RVector(list(headers)) df_join = df_join.join(df_aq_distribution) if get_mineral_sat: mineral_sat_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('mineral_sat')) mineral_sat_cols = [col for col in mineral_sat_cols if col != "df"] # TO DO: why is df appearing in mineral sat cols and redox sections? df_mineral_sat = df_report[mineral_sat_cols] df_mineral_sat = df_mineral_sat.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_mineral_sat section if mineral_sat_type == "affinity": mineral_sat_unit = "affinity_kcal" elif mineral_sat_type == "logQoverK": mineral_sat_unit = "logQ/K" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception( "mineral_sat_type must be either 'affinity' or 'logQoverK'") headers = df_mineral_sat.columns subheaders = [mineral_sat_unit]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_mineral_sat.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_mineral_sat) if get_redox: redox_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('redox')) redox_cols = [col for col in redox_cols if col != "df"] # TO DO: why is df appearing in mineral sat cols and redox sections? df_redox = df_report[redox_cols] df_redox = df_redox.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_redox section if redox_type == "Eh": redox_unit = "Eh_volts" elif redox_type == "pe": redox_unit = "pe" elif redox_type == "logfO2": redox_unit = "logfO2" elif redox_type == "Ah": redox_unit = "Ah_kcal" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception( "redox_type must be either 'Eh', 'pe', 'logfO2', or 'Ah'") headers = df_redox.columns subheaders = [redox_unit]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_redox.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_redox) if get_charge_balance: charge_balance_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('charge_balance')) df_charge_balance = df_report[charge_balance_cols] df_charge_balance = df_charge_balance.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_charge_balance section headers = df_charge_balance.columns subheaders = ["%"]*2 + ['eq/kg.H2O', 'molality'] + \ ['eq/kg.H2O']*4 + ['molality'] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_charge_balance.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_charge_balance) if get_ion_activity_ratios: if type(report_divs.rx2('ion_activity_ratios')) != rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType: ion_activity_ratio_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('ion_activity_ratios')) df_ion_activity_ratios = df_report[ion_activity_ratio_cols] df_ion_activity_ratios = df_ion_activity_ratios.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_ion_activity_ratios section headers = df_ion_activity_ratios.columns subheaders = ["Log ion-H+ activity ratio"]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_ion_activity_ratios.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_ion_activity_ratios) if get_fugacity: fugacity_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('fugacity')) df_fugacity = df_report[fugacity_cols] df_fugacity = df_fugacity.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of fugacity section headers = df_fugacity.columns subheaders = ["log_fugacity"]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_fugacity.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_fugacity) if get_basis_totals: sc_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('basis_totals')) df_sc = df_report[sc_cols] df_sc = df_sc.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of basis_totals section headers = df_sc.columns subheaders = ["molality"]*(len(headers)) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_sc.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_sc) out_dict = {'sample_data': {}, 'report': df_join, 'input': df_input, 'report_divs': report_divs} if get_mass_contribution: out_dict['mass_contribution'] = mass_contribution sample_data = batch_3o.rx2('sample_data') # assemble sample data for i, sample in enumerate(sample_data): dict_sample_data = { "filename": str(sample.rx2('filename')[0]), "name": str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "temperature": float(sample.rx2('temperature')[0]), "pressure": float(sample.rx2('pressure')[0]), "logact_H2O": float(sample.rx2('logact_H2O')[0]), "H2O_density": float(sample.rx2('H2O_density')[0]), "H2O_molality": float(sample.rx2('H2O_molality')[0]), "H2O_log_molality": float(sample.rx2('H2O_log_molality')[0]), } if get_aq_dist: sample_aq_dist = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('aq_distribution')) sample_aq_dist = sample_aq_dist.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') sample_pH = -sample_aq_dist.loc["H+", "log_activity"] out_dict["report"].loc[str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "pH"] = sample_pH dict_sample_data.update({"aq_distribution": sample_aq_dist}) if get_mass_contribution: sample_mass_contribution = mass_contribution[mass_contribution["sample"] == sample.rx2('name')[0]] dict_sample_data.update( {"mass_contribution": sample_mass_contribution}) if get_mineral_sat: dict_sample_data.update( {"mineral_sat": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('mineral_sat')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')}) # replace sample mineral_sat entry with None if there is no mineral saturation data. if(len(dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'].index) == 1 and dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'].index[0] == 'None'): dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'] = None if get_redox: dict_sample_data.update( {"redox": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('redox')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')}) if get_charge_balance: dict_sample_data.update({"charge_balance": df_charge_balance.loc[sample.rx2('name')[0], :]}) if get_ion_activity_ratios: try: dict_sample_data.update( {"ion_activity_ratios": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('ion_activity_ratios'))}) except: dict_sample_data['ion_activity_ratios'] = None if get_fugacity: dict_sample_data.update( {"fugacity": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('fugacity')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')}) # replace sample fugacity entry with None if there is no fugacity data. if(len(dict_sample_data['fugacity'].index) == 1 and dict_sample_data['fugacity'].index[0] == 'None'): dict_sample_data['fugacity'] = None else: dict_sample_data["fugacity"]["fugacity"] = 10**dict_sample_data["fugacity"]["log_fugacity"] if get_basis_totals: sc_dist = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('basis_totals')) sc_dist = sc_dist.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') dict_sample_data.update({"basis_totals": sc_dist}) if get_solid_solutions: sample_solid_solutions = batch_3o.rx2["sample_data"].rx2[str(sample.rx2('name')[0])].rx2["solid_solutions"] if not type(sample_solid_solutions.names) == rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType: ss_df_list = [] for ss in list(sample_solid_solutions.names): df_ss_ideal = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample_solid_solutions.rx2[str(ss)].rx2["ideal solution"]) df_ss_mineral = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample_solid_solutions.rx2[str(ss)].rx2["mineral"]) df_merged = pd.merge(df_ss_mineral, df_ss_ideal, left_on='mineral', right_on='component', how='left') df_merged.insert(0, 'solid solution', ss) del df_merged['component'] ss_df_list.append(df_merged) dict_sample_data.update( {"solid_solutions": pd.concat(ss_df_list)}) out_dict["sample_data"].update( {sample_data.names[i]: dict_sample_data}) out_dict.update({"batch_3o": batch_3o}) out_dict.update({"water_model":water_model, "grid_temps":grid_temps, "grid_press":grid_press}) speciation = Speciation(out_dict, hide_traceback=self.hide_traceback) speciation.half_cell_reactions = self.half_cell_reactions speciation._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy = self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy if report_filename != None: if ".csv" in report_filename[-4:]: out_dict["report"].to_csv(report_filename) else: out_dict["report"].to_csv(report_filename+".csv") if delete_generated_folders: self._delete_rxn_folders() try: # delete straggler data1 file os.remove("data1") except: pass if self.verbose > 0: print("Finished!") speciation.raw_3_input_dict = self.raw_3_input_dict speciation.raw_3_output_dict = self.raw_3_output_dict speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom speciation.raw_6_input_dict = {} speciation.raw_6_output_dict = {} speciation.raw_6_pickup_dict = {} speciation.thermo = self.thermo speciation.data1 = self.data1 speciation.verbose = self.verbose speciation.logK_models = self.logK_models speciation.batch_T = self.batch_T speciation.batch_P = self.batch_P return speciation @staticmethod def __s_d(x, k): # specify how many decimals are printed # e.g. 12.433 becomes "12.4330" if k=4 kstr = '{:.'+str(k)+'f}' return kstr.format(round(x, k)).strip() def __fill_data0(self, thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, db, water_model, activity_model, P1, plot_poly_fit, logK_extrapolate, dynamic_db, verbose): self._capture_r_output() r_check_TP_grid = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'check_TP_grid.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_check_TP_grid) list_tp = ro.r.check_TP_grid(grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps), grid_press=_convert_to_RVector(grid_press), P1=P1, water_model=water_model, check_for_errors=True, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() grid_temps = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_temps")) grid_press = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_press")) if plot_poly_fit and len(grid_temps) >= 8: self.__plot_TP_grid_polyfit(xvals=grid_temps, yvals=grid_press, poly_coeffs_1=list(list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_1")), poly_coeffs_2=list(list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_2")), res=500) self._print_captured_r_output() # calculate logK at each T and P for every species out_dfs = [] for i,Tc in enumerate(grid_temps): out_dfs.append(calc_logK(thermo_df, Tc=Tc, P=grid_press[i], TP_i=i, water_model=water_model)) dissrxn_logK_dict = {'name': out_dfs[0]["name"], 'logK_0': out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"]} if len(grid_temps) >= 8: for i in range(1, len(grid_temps)): dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_'+str(i)] = out_dfs[i]["dissrxn_logK_"+str(i)] if len(grid_temps) == 1: dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_1'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_2'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_3'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_4'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_5'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_6'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK_dict['logK_7'] = float('nan') #out_dfs[0]["dissrxn_logK_0"] dissrxn_logK = pd.DataFrame(dissrxn_logK_dict) # remove duplicate rows (e.g., for mineral polymorphs) dissrxn_logK = dissrxn_logK.drop_duplicates("name") # handle free logK values free_logK_names = [] if "logK1" in thermo_df.columns: free_logK_df = thermo_df.dropna(subset=['logK1']) free_logK_names = list(free_logK_df["name"]) sp_dupes = [] for i,sp in enumerate(free_logK_names): logK_grid = list(free_logK_df[["logK1", "logK2", "logK3", "logK4", "logK5", "logK6", "logK7", "logK8"]].iloc[i]) # logK at T and P in datasheet T_grid = list(free_logK_df[["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8"]].iloc[i]) # T for free logK grid P_grid = list(free_logK_df[["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8"]].iloc[i]) # P for free logK grid for ii,T in enumerate(grid_temps): logK, model = self._interpolate_logK(T, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) dissrxn_logK.loc[( == sp), "logK_"+str(ii)] = logK self.logK_models[sp] = {"logK_grid":logK_grid, "T_grid":T_grid, "P_grid":P_grid, "logK_extrapolate":logK_extrapolate, "type":"free logK values", } # check that there aren't duplicates between OBIGT-style datasheet and # the 'free logK' datasheet if sp in dissrxn_logK["name"]: sp_errs.append(sp) if len(sp_dupes) > 0: msg = ("The following species are duplicated between the " "thermodynamic datafiles used: " + ",".join(sp_errs)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) # calculate and process logK values of species in the OBIGT-style datasheet for idx in range(0, dissrxn_logK.shape[0]): name = dissrxn_logK.iloc[idx, dissrxn_logK.columns.get_loc('name')] # format the logK reaction block of this species' data0 entry logK_grid = list(dissrxn_logK.iloc[idx, 1:len(dissrxn_logK)+1]) if not dynamic_db: if name not in self.logK_models.keys() and name not in free_logK_names: self.logK_models[name] = {"logK_grid":logK_grid, "T_grid":grid_temps, "P_grid":grid_press, "logK_extrapolate":logK_extrapolate, "type":"calculated logK values", } elif dynamic_db: if name not in self.logK_models.keys() and name not in free_logK_names: self.logK_models[name] = {"logK_grid":[logK_grid[0]], "T_grid":[grid_temps[0]], "P_grid":[grid_press[0]], "logK_extrapolate":"no fit", "type":"calculated logK values", } elif name not in free_logK_names: self.logK_models[name]["logK_grid"] += [logK_grid[0]] self.logK_models[name]["T_grid"] += [grid_temps[0]] self.logK_models[name]["P_grid"] += [grid_press[0]] # filter out strict basis species # TODO: do this by species tag, not just whether it has a logK grid of all 0s if len(set(logK_grid)) == 1: if set(logK_grid) == set([0]): continue # loop through logK values and format for data0 logK_list = [] for i in range(0, len(logK_grid)): logK_val = self.__s_d(logK_grid[i], 4) # conditional formatting based on position if (i+1) == 1 or (i+1) % 7 == 0: # first entry of a line max_length = 11 end_char = "" elif (i+1) % 6 == 0 and (i+1) != len(logK_grid): # last entry of a line max_length = 6 end_char = "\n" else: max_length = 6 end_char = "" # get decimal position and format spaces accordingly decimal_position = logK_val.find(".") logK_val = "".join([" "]*(max_length-decimal_position)) + logK_val + end_char # append to logk list logK_list.append(logK_val) logK_list = "".join(logK_list) # todo: make this more robust to catch any potential logK_grid skips if "logK_grid_"+name in data0_file_lines: data0_file_lines[data0_file_lines.index("logK_grid_"+name)] = logK_list # handle data0 header section self._capture_r_output() r_fill_data0_header = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'fill_data0_header.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_fill_data0_header) data0_file_lines = ro.r.fill_data0_head(data0_template=data0_file_lines, db=db, grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps), grid_press=_convert_to_RVector(grid_press), water_model=water_model, activity_model=activity_model) self._print_captured_r_output() with open("data0."+db, 'w') as f: for item in data0_file_lines: f.write("%s" % item) def plot_logK_fit(self, name, plot_out=False, res=200, internal=True, logK_extrapolate=None, T_vals=[]): """ Plot the fit of logK values used in the speciation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the chemical species. plot_out : bool, default False Return a Plotly figure object? If False, a figure is simply shown. If True, the function returns a Plotly figure object and does not show the plot. res : int Resolution of the fit line. Higher resolutions will be smoother. internal : bool, default True Reuse calculated fits if they already exist? logK_extrapolate : str, optional Option for extrapolating logK values in the plot. Possible values for this parameter include 'poly', 'linear', 'flat', or 'none'. This is for planning and visualization only and does not affect results in `speciate()` or `create_data0()`. Those functions have their own parameters for setting logK extrapolation options. T_vals : list, optional Option for visualizing how the fit of logK values will be used to estimate the logK values at the temperatures specified in the list given to this parameter. This is useful for visualizing logK extrapolation options defined by `logK_extrapolate`. Returns ---------- fig : a Plotly figure object Returned if `plot_out` is True. """ if internal and len(self.logK_models.keys()) > 0: # use internally calculated logK models already stored... if name not in self.logK_models.keys(): if name not in list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species["name"]): msg = "The chemical species " + str(name) + " is not recognized." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) else: reject_reason = list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species.loc[self.thermo.df_rejected_species['name'] == name, 'reason for rejection'])[0] msg = ("The chemical species " + str(name) + " cannot be " "plotted because it was rejected from the " "speciation:\n" + str(reject_reason)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) logK_grid = self.logK_models[name]["logK_grid"] T_grid = self.logK_models[name]["T_grid"] P_grid = self.logK_models[name]["P_grid"] else: # load logK models from Thermodata class's logK_db df_logK = self.thermo.logK_db i = list(df_logK["name"]).index(name) logK_grid = list(df_logK[["logK1", "logK2", "logK3", "logK4", "logK5", "logK6", "logK7", "logK8"]].iloc[i]) # logK at T and P in datasheet T_grid = list(df_logK[["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8"]].iloc[i]) # T for free logK grid P_grid = list(df_logK[["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8"]].iloc[i]) # P for free logK grid if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str): logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str): logK_extrapolate = self.logK_models[name]["logK_extrapolate"] if len(T_vals) == 0: grid_temps = self.batch_T else: grid_temps = T_vals grid_press = self.batch_P T_grid = [t for t in T_grid if not pd.isna(t)] P_grid = [p for p in P_grid if not pd.isna(p)] logK_grid = [k for k in logK_grid if not pd.isna(k)] if len(logK_grid) == 0 or len(T_grid) == 0 or len(P_grid) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("This species has no valid logK " "values, temperature values, or pressure values. It is " "possible that this is a strict basis species with no " "dissociation reaction for which to calculate logK values.") fig = px.scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid) if len(grid_temps) > 0: if min(grid_temps) <= min(T_grid): plot_T_min = min(grid_temps) else: plot_T_min = min(T_grid) if max(grid_temps) >= max(T_grid): plot_T_max = max(grid_temps) else: plot_T_max = max(T_grid) else: plot_T_min = min(T_grid) plot_T_max = max(T_grid) plot_temps = np.linspace(plot_T_min, plot_T_max, res) pred_logK = [] pred_model = [] for t in plot_temps: logK, model = self._interpolate_logK(t, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) pred_logK.append(logK) pred_model.append(model) df_plot = pd.DataFrame({"T":plot_temps, "logK":pred_logK, "model":pred_model}) if logK_extrapolate != "no fit": fig = px.line(df_plot, x='T', y='logK', color='model', title=name, template="simple_white") else: fig = px.line(x=[0], y=[0], title=name, template="simple_white") # dummy figure fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>Predicted logK = %{y}<extra></extra>") fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=[min(plot_temps) - 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps)), max(plot_temps) + 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps))], xaxis_title="T,°C", yaxis_title="logK") logK_label = "fitted logK value(s)" annotation = "" if len(grid_temps) > 0: for i,gt in enumerate(grid_temps): # make vertical lines representing batch temperatures if i==0: showlegend=True else: showlegend=False if isinstance(grid_press, str): ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = PSAT<extra></extra>" else: if len(grid_press) > 0: ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = " + str(grid_press[i]) + " bar(s)<extra></extra>" else: ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<extra></extra>" if len(T_grid) > 1: if logK_extrapolate == "none" and (gt > max(T_grid) or gt < min(T_grid)): viz_logK = max(logK_grid) else: viz_logK, _ = self._interpolate_logK(gt, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), viz_logK] if logK_extrapolate == "no fit": vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), logK_grid[i]] logK_label = "calculated LogK value(s)" annotation = ("LogK values are calculated from<br>ΔG of dissociation into basis species" "<br>at the T and P of the speciated samples<br>and do not require a fit.") if _all_equal(logK_grid): # if a flat horizontal logK fit line... # then fix the y-axis range to prevent zoomed-in steppy wierdness fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=[logK_grid[0]-1,logK_grid[0]+1]) vline_y_vals = [logK_grid[0]-1, logK_grid[0]] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[gt, gt], y=vline_y_vals, mode="lines", line=dict(color='rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)', width=3, dash="dot"), legendgroup='batch temperatures', name='batch temperatures', showlegend=showlegend, hovertemplate=ht_samples, ), ) # add fitted logK points fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid, name=logK_label, mode='markers', marker=dict(color="black"), text = P_grid, hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>P = %{text} bar(s)<br>logK = %{y}<extra></extra>", ), ) fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0, xref="paper", yref="paper", align='left', text=annotation, bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", showarrow=False) if plot_out: return fig else: def __get_i_of_valid_free_logK_sp(self, free_logK_df, grid_temps, grid_press, dynamic_db, logK_extrapolate, db_sp_names): """ Check for species in the free logK database with pressure values that are permitted in the context of grid_temps and grid_press, then return their indices. """ if not isinstance(grid_press, list): # "Psat" to ["psat"] grid_press_list = [grid_press.lower()] else: grid_press_list = grid_press valid_sp_i = [] rejected_sp_i_dict = {} for i,sp in enumerate(list(free_logK_df["name"])): sp_temps_grid = [free_logK_df.iloc[i]["T"+str(ii)] for ii in range(1,9) if not math.isnan(free_logK_df.iloc[i]["T"+str(ii)])] sp_press_grid_init = [float(free_logK_df.iloc[i]["P"+str(ii)]) if free_logK_df.iloc[i]["P"+str(ii)] not in ["Psat", "psat"] else 'psat' for ii in range(1,9)] sp_grid_len = len(sp_temps_grid) sp_press_grid = [] for p in sp_press_grid_init: if isinstance(p, str): sp_press_grid.append(p) elif not math.isnan(p): sp_press_grid.append(p) if sp_press_grid == grid_press_list and sp_temps_grid == grid_temps: # If pressures and temperature grid exactly matches that of the sp... # need to test this! valid_sp_i.append(i) elif (logK_extrapolate != "none" or (min(grid_temps) >= min(sp_temps_grid) and max(grid_temps) <= max(sp_temps_grid))) and _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list): # If all grid temperatures are within minimum and maximum file temperatures, # and all pressures in file for the sp are equal, and all grid pressures match # file pressure, then the species is valid valid_sp_i.append(i) else: # species is invalid. Define reasons. reject_reason_list = [] if min(grid_temps) < min(sp_temps_grid) and _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list) and logK_extrapolate == "none": min_sp = str(min(sp_temps_grid)) min_grid = str(min(grid_temps)) if dynamic_db: reject_reason_list.append("Minimum temperature in this batch of samples is "+min_grid+"°C, which is below the minimum applicability temperature of this species is "+min_sp+"°C.") else: reject_reason_list.append("Minimum temperature in this data0 file is "+min_grid+"°C, which is below the minimum applicability temperature of this species is "+min_sp+"°C.") if max(grid_temps) > max(sp_temps_grid) and _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list) and logK_extrapolate == "none": max_sp = str(max(sp_temps_grid)) max_grid = str(max(grid_temps)) if dynamic_db: reject_reason_list.append("Maximum temperature in this batch of samples is "+max_grid+"°C, which is above the maximum applicability temperature of this species is "+max_sp+"°C.") else: reject_reason_list.append("Maximum temperature in this data0 file is "+max_grid+"°C, which is above the maximum applicability temperature of this species is "+max_sp+"°C.") if not _all_equal(sp_press_grid + grid_press_list): if dynamic_db: reject_reason_list.append("Mismatch between pressures of samples in this batch and the applicable pressures for "+str(sp)+" given in the logK thermodynamic database.") else: reject_reason_list.append("Mismatch between desired pressure grid of data0 file and the applicable pressures for "+str(sp)+" given in the logK thermodynamic database.") if len(reject_reason_list) == 0: reject_reason_list.append("Unknown") rejected_sp_i_dict[i] = "\n".join(reject_reason_list) # loop through valid species and reject them if their dissociation reactions # contain species that have been rejected. valid_sp_i = list(dict.fromkeys(valid_sp_i)) while True: valid_sp_i_before = copy.deepcopy(valid_sp_i) valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict = self._check_valid_free_logK_sp_dissrxn(valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict, free_logK_df, db_sp_names) if valid_sp_i_before == valid_sp_i: break reject_indices = list(rejected_sp_i_dict.keys()) reject_names = list(free_logK_df.iloc[reject_indices]["name"]) reject_states = list(free_logK_df.iloc[reject_indices]["state"]) reject_reasons =list(rejected_sp_i_dict.values()) for i,n in enumerate(reject_names): self.thermo._reject_species(name=n, reason=reject_reasons[i]) return valid_sp_i def _check_valid_free_logK_sp_dissrxn(self, valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict, free_logK_df, db_sp_names): valid_sp_names = list(free_logK_df.iloc[valid_sp_i]["name"]) rejected_sp_names = list(free_logK_df.iloc[list(rejected_sp_i_dict.keys())]["name"]) for i in valid_sp_i: dissrxn_i = free_logK_df.iloc[i]["dissrxn"] dissrxn_sp = dissrxn_i.split(" ")[1::2] # get species names from dissrxn dissrxn_sp = dissrxn_sp[1:] # ignore the species itself for sp in dissrxn_sp: if sp in rejected_sp_names and sp not in valid_sp_names and sp not in db_sp_names: valid_sp_i.remove(i) rejected_sp_i_dict[i] = "Dissociation reaction contains the species " + sp + ", which has been rejected." return valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict return valid_sp_i, rejected_sp_i_dict def create_data0(self, db, filename_ss=None, activity_model="b-dot", exceed_Ttr=True, grid_temps=[0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000, 200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000], grid_press="Psat", P1=True, plot_poly_fit=False, logK_extrapolate="none", fill_data0=True, dynamic_db=False, dynamic_db_sample_temps=[], dynamic_db_sample_press=[], verbose=1): """ Create a data0 file from a custom thermodynamic dataset. Parameters ---------- db : str Desired three letter code of data0 output. filename_ss : str, optional Name of file containing solid solution parameters. grid_temps : list of eight float, default [0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000, 200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000] Eight temperature values that make up the T-P grid. grid_press : list of float, default "Psat" Eight pressure values that make up the T-P grid. "Psat" for calculations along the liquid-vapor saturation curve. P1 : bool, default True, Use pressure of 1 bar below 100 degrees C instead of calculated values of Psat? Ignored if `grid_press` is not "Psat". plot_poly_fit : bool, default False Plot the polynomial fit of the temperature pressure grid? dynamic_db : bool, default False Are data0 files being created dynamically? If unsure, use False. Used by `speciate` to display valid messages. verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1 Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent. """ thermo_df = self.thermo.thermo_db db_logK = self.thermo.logK_db water_model = self.thermo.water_model self.verbose = verbose self.batch_T = grid_temps self.batch_P = grid_press if not dynamic_db: if self.verbose >= 1: print("Creating data0.{}...".format(db), flush=True) # if len(grid_temps) not in [1, 8]: # self.err_handler.raise_exception("'grid_temps' must have either one or eight values.") # if isinstance(grid_press, list): # if len(grid_press) not in [1, 8]: # self.err_handler.raise_exception("'grid_press' must have either one or eight values.") if sum([T >= 10000 for T in grid_temps]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Grid temperatures must be below 10k °C.") if isinstance(grid_press, list): if sum([P >= 10000 for P in grid_press]) and water_model != "DEW": self.err_handler.raise_exception("Grid pressures must be below 10 kilobars.") if water_model == "SUPCRT92": min_T = 0 max_T = 2250 min_P = 0 max_P = 30000 elif water_model == "IAPWS95": min_T = 0 max_T = 1000 min_P = 0 max_P = 10000 elif water_model == "DEW": min_T = 0 max_T = 1000 min_P = 1000 max_P = 60000 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The water model '{}' ".format(water_model)+"is not " "recognized. Try 'SUPCRT92', 'IAPWS95', or 'DEW'.") # check that T and P are above minimum values if sum([T <= min_T for T in grid_temps]): print("WARNING: one or more temperatures in 'grid_temps' is below " "or equal to {} °C".format(min_T)+" and is outside the valid " "temperature range for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) if isinstance(grid_press, list): if sum([P < min_P for P in grid_press]): print("WARNING: one or more pressures in 'grid_press' is below " "{} bar".format(min_P)+", the minimum valid " "pressure for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) # check that T and P are below maximum values if sum([T > max_T for T in grid_temps]): print("WARNING: one or more temperatures in 'grid_temps' is above " "{} °C".format(max_T)+", the maximum valid " "temperature for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) if isinstance(grid_press, list): if sum([P > max_P for P in grid_press]): print("WARNING: one or more pressures in 'grid_press' is above " "{} bar".format(max_P)+", the maximum valid " "pressure for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) if water_model != "SUPCRT92": print("WARNING: water models other than SUPCRT92 are not yet fully supported.") # reset logK_models whenever create_data0() is called # (prevents errors when create_data0() functions are run back-to-back) self.logK_models = {} # interpolate logK values from "free logK" datasheet at T and P if isinstance(db_logK, pd.DataFrame): if len(dynamic_db_sample_temps) > 0: grid_or_sample_temps = dynamic_db_sample_temps else: grid_or_sample_temps = grid_temps if len(dynamic_db_sample_press) > 0: grid_or_sample_press = dynamic_db_sample_press else: grid_or_sample_press = grid_press free_logK_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(self.thermo.logK_db) valid_i = self.__get_i_of_valid_free_logK_sp( free_logK_df, grid_or_sample_temps, grid_or_sample_press, dynamic_db, logK_extrapolate, db_sp_names=thermo_df["name"], ) free_logK_df_valid = copy.deepcopy(free_logK_df.iloc[valid_i]) thermo_df = pd.concat([thermo_df, free_logK_df_valid], ignore_index=True) thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df) if self.thermo.solid_solutions_active: solid_solution_df = ro.conversion.py2rpy(self.thermo.solid_solution_db) else: solid_solution_df = ro.r("NULL") template = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'data0.min').decode("utf-8") out_list = self.thermo.out_list self._capture_r_output() r_create_data0 = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'create_data0.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_create_data0) # assemble data0 file data0_file_lines = ro.r.create_data0( thermo_df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(thermo_df), solid_solution_df=solid_solution_df, db=db, water_model=water_model, template=template, dissrxns=out_list.rx2("dissrxns"), basis_pref=out_list.rx2("basis_pref"), exceed_Ttr=exceed_Ttr, fixed_species=_convert_to_RVector(FIXED_SPECIES), verbose=self.verbose, ) self._print_captured_r_output() data0_file_lines = data0_file_lines[0].split("\n") if fill_data0: # begin TP-dependent processes self.__fill_data0(thermo_df=ro.conversion.rpy2py(thermo_df), data0_file_lines=copy.deepcopy(data0_file_lines), grid_temps=grid_temps, grid_press=grid_press, db=db, water_model=water_model, activity_model=activity_model, P1=P1, plot_poly_fit=plot_poly_fit, logK_extrapolate=logK_extrapolate, dynamic_db=dynamic_db, verbose=self.verbose) else: return thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, db, water_model, P1, plot_poly_fit if self.verbose > 0: print("Finished creating data0.{}.".format(db)) class Thermodata(object): """ Metaclass to store and load thermodynamic databases. Inherits attributes from its outer class, AqEquil. """ def __init__(self, AqEquil_instance): self.AqEquil_instance = AqEquil_instance # attributes to add to AqEquil class self.db = self.AqEquil_instance.db self.elements = self.AqEquil_instance.elements solid_solutions = self.AqEquil_instance.solid_solutions self.exclude_category = self.AqEquil_instance.exclude_category self.exclude_organics_except = self.AqEquil_instance.exclude_organics_except self.water_model = self.AqEquil_instance.water_model self.elements = self.AqEquil_instance.elements logK = self.AqEquil_instance.logK logK_S = self.AqEquil_instance.logK_S download_csv_files = self.AqEquil_instance.download_csv_files suppress_redox = self.AqEquil_instance.suppress_redox exceed_Ttr = self.AqEquil_instance.exceed_Ttr input_template = self.AqEquil_instance.input_template verbose = self.AqEquil_instance.verbose self.hide_traceback = self.AqEquil_instance.hide_traceback self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=self.hide_traceback) self.eq36da = self.AqEquil_instance.eq36da self.eq36co = self.AqEquil_instance.eq36co self.df_rejected_species = pd.DataFrame({'database name':[], 'database index':[], "name":[], "state":[], "reason for rejection":[]}) # active thermo db attributes self.thermo_db = None self.thermo_db_type = None self.thermo_db_source = None self.thermo_db_filename = None self.custom_data0 = None self.data0_lettercode = None self.dynamic_db = None self.db_csv_name = None # data1 attributes self.data1 = {} # data0 attributes self.data0_db = None self.data0_db_type = None self.data0_db_source = None self.data0_db_filename = None # csv attributes self.csv_db = None self.csv_db_type = None self.csv_db_source = None self.csv_db_filename = None # element attributes self.element_db = None self.element_db_source = None self.element_db_filename = None self.element_active = None # solid solution attributes self.solid_solutions_active = False self.solid_solution_db = None self.solid_solution_db_source = None self.solid_solution_db_filename = None # logK attributes self.logK_active = False self.logK_extrapolate = self.AqEquil_instance.logK_extrapolate self.logK_db = None self.logK_db_source = None self.logK_db_filename = None # logK attributes self.logK_S_active = False self.logK_S_db = None self.logK_S_db_source = None self.logK_S_db_filename = None self.verbose=verbose if isinstance(self.db, str): if self.db == "WORM": if self.verbose > 0: print("Loading Water-Organic-Rock-Microbe (WORM) thermodynamic databases...") self.db = "" self._set_active_db(db=self.db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) if self.elements == None: self._load_elements("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files) if solid_solutions == None: self._load_solid_solutions("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files) if logK == None: self._load_logK("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files) if logK_S == None: self._load_logK_S("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files) else: if self.verbose > 0: print("Loading a user-supplied thermodynamic database...") self._set_active_db(db=self.db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) elif isinstance(self.db, pd.DataFrame): if self.verbose > 0: print("Loading a user-supplied Pandas DataFrame thermodynamic database...") self._set_active_db(db=self.db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) if self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]: self._validate_thermodynamic_database() # elements must be loaded if thermo_db_type is a CSV if self.elements != None: self._load_elements(self.elements, source="file") if not self.element_active and self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]: self._load_elements("", source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files) if solid_solutions != None: self._load_solid_solutions(solid_solutions, source="file") if logK != None: self._load_logK(logK, source="file") # must be loaded after the logK database if logK_S != None: self._load_logK_S(logK_S, source="file") if self.logK_active: self.thermo_db = pd.concat([self.thermo_db, self.logK_db], ignore_index=True) # process dissociation reactions if self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]: self._suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns( suppress_redox=suppress_redox, exceed_Ttr=exceed_Ttr) elif len(suppress_redox) > 0 and self.verbose > 0: print("Warning: redox suppression option is not recognized if a data0 or data1 database is used.") if self.logK_active: self.logK_db = self.thermo_db[~self.thermo_db["logK1"].isnull()] self.thermo_db = self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["logK1"].isnull()] # generate input file template # (after species have been excluded) if input_template != "none": if input_template == 'strict': template_names = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["tag"]=="basis"]["name"]) elif input_template == 'basis': template_names = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["tag"].isin(["basis", "aux"])]["name"]) elif input_template == 'all': template_names = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"]=="aq"]["name"]) template_names = sorted(template_names) input_template = pd.DataFrame({"Sample":["id"], "H+":["pH"], "Temperature":["degC"], "logfO2":["logfO2"]}) input_template_2 = pd.DataFrame({name:["Molality"] for name in template_names}) input_template = pd.concat([input_template, input_template_2], axis=1) input_template.to_csv("sample_input_template.csv", index=False) def _validate_thermodynamic_database(self): # check that the df has all required columns req_cols = list(WORM_THERMODYNAMIC_DATABASE_COLUMN_TYPE_DICT.keys()) missing_cols = [col for col in req_cols if col not in list(self.thermo_db.columns)] if len(missing_cols) > 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The following required columns are not present " "in the loaded thermodynamic database: " + str(missing_cols)) self.thermo_db = self.thermo_db.astype(WORM_THERMODYNAMIC_DATABASE_COLUMN_TYPE_DICT) # check that all aq and gas species have unique names dupe_list_aq = _get_duplicates(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"] == "aq"]["name"]) dupe_list_gas = _get_duplicates(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"] == "gas"]["name"]) dupe_list_liq = _get_duplicates(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["state"] == "liq"]["name"]) if len(dupe_list_aq) > 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The loaded thermodynamic database " "contains duplicate entries for aqueous species: " + str(dupe_list_aq)) elif len(dupe_list_gas) > 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The loaded thermodynamic database " "contains duplicate entries for gaseous species: " + str(dupe_list_gas)) elif len(dupe_list_liq) > 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The loaded thermodynamic database " "contains duplicate entries for liquid species: " + str(dupe_list_liq)) def _reject_species(self, name, reason): dbs_to_search = ["csv_db", "logK_db", "logK_S_db"] db_filename = None for db_name in dbs_to_search: if isinstance(self.__getattribute__(db_name), pd.DataFrame): if name in list(self.__getattribute__(db_name)["name"]): idx_list = [i for i,n in enumerate(self.__getattribute__(db_name)["name"]) if n==name] state_list = [self.__getattribute__(db_name)["state"].iloc[idx] for i,idx in enumerate(idx_list)] for i,idx in enumerate(idx_list): if name not in list(self.df_rejected_species["name"]) or i not in list(self.df_rejected_species.loc[self.df_rejected_species["name"]==name, "database index"]): d = pd.DataFrame({'database name': [self.__getattribute__(db_name+"_filename")], 'database index': [int(idx)], 'name': [name], 'state': [state_list[i]], 'reason for rejection': [reason]}) self.df_rejected_species = pd.concat([self.df_rejected_species, d], ignore_index=True) break def _remove_missing_G_species(self): # remove species that are missing a gibbs free energy value. # handle minerals first. Reject any that have missing G in any polymorph. mineral_name_reject = list(set(self.csv_db[(self.csv_db["G"].isnull()) & (self.csv_db['state'].str.contains('cr'))]["name"])) idx = list(self.csv_db[self.csv_db["name"].isin(mineral_name_reject)].index) names = self.csv_db["name"].loc[idx] for name in names: self._reject_species(name=name, reason="missing Gibbs free energy for at least one polymorph") self.csv_db = self.csv_db[~self.csv_db["name"].isin(mineral_name_reject)] # TODO: other states besides minerals def _set_active_db(self, db=None, download_csv_files=False): """ Set the main active thermodynamic database to a Pandas DataFrame, CSV file, data0 file, a data1 file on the server, a local file, or from a URL address. """ if isinstance(db, pd.DataFrame): self.thermo_db = copy.deepcopy(self.db) self.db = "custom" self.thermo_db_type = "Pandas DataFrame" self.thermo_db_source = "user-supplied" self.thermo_db_filename = "User-supplied Pandas DataFrame thermodynamic database" self.dynamic_db = True self.custom_data0 = False self.data0_lettercode = None elif isinstance(db, str): if len(db) == 3: # e.g., "wrm" self.data0_lettercode = db self.dynamic_db = False # search for a data1 file in the eq36da directory if os.path.exists(self.eq36da + "/data1." + db) and os.path.isfile(self.eq36da + "/data1." + db): self.thermo_db = None self.thermo_db_type = "data1" self.thermo_db_source = "file" self.thermo_db_filename = "data1."+db # store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object with open(self.eq36da + "/data1." + db, mode='rb') as data1_file: self.data1["all_samples"] = elif os.path.exists("data0." + db) and os.path.isfile("data0." + db): if self.verbose > 0: print("data1." + db + " was not found in the EQ36DA directory " "but a data0."+db+" was found in the current working " "directory. Using it...") self._load_data0("data0." + db, source="file") self.thermo_db = self.data0_db self.thermo_db_filename = self.data0_db_filename self.thermo_db_type = "data0" self.thermo_db_source = "file" self.custom_data0 = True self.data0_lettercode = db[-3:].lower() self.eq36da = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" elif os.path.exists("data1." + db) and os.path.isfile("data1." + db): if self.verbose > 0: print("data1." + db + " was not found in the EQ36DA directory " "but a data1."+db+" was found in the current working " "directory. Using it...") self.custom_data0 = True self.thermo_db = None self.eq36da = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # search for a data1 locally # store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object with open("data1." + db, mode='rb') as data1_file: self.data1["all_samples"] = self.thermo_db_type = "data1" self.thermo_db_source = "file" self.thermo_db_filename = "data1."+db else: msg = ("Could not locate a 'data1."+db+"' file in the EQ36DA " "directory, nor a 'data0."+db+"' or 'data1."+db+"' file in " "the current working directory.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "data0." in db[-9:].lower() and db[-4:].lower() != ".csv" and (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."): # e.g., "" self._load_data0(db, source="URL") self.thermo_db = self.data0_db self.thermo_db_filename = self.data0_db_filename self.thermo_db_type = "data0" self.thermo_db_source = "URL" self.custom_data0 = True self.data0_lettercode = db[-3:] self.dynamic_db = False elif db[0:-4].lower() == "data0" and not (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."): # e.g., "data0.wrm" self._load_data0(db, source="file") self.thermo_db = self.data0_db self.thermo_db_filename = self.data0_db_filename self.thermo_db_type = "data0" self.thermo_db_source = "file" self.custom_data0 = True self.data0_lettercode = db[-3:].lower() self.dynamic_db = False elif db[-4:].lower() == ".csv" and not (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."): # e.g., "wrm_data.csv" self._load_csv(db, source="file") self.thermo_db = self.csv_db self.thermo_db_filename = self.csv_db_filename self.thermo_db_type = "CSV" self.thermo_db_source = "file" self.dynamic_db = True self.custom_data0 = False self.data0_lettercode = None elif db[-4:].lower() == ".csv" and (db[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db[0:4].lower() == "www."): # e.g., " self._load_csv(db, source="URL", download_csv_files=download_csv_files) self.thermo_db = self.csv_db self.thermo_db_filename = self.csv_db_filename self.thermo_db_type = "CSV" self.thermo_db_source = "URL" self.dynamic_db = True self.custom_data0 = False self.data0_lettercode = None else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized thermodynamic " "database '{}'".format(db)+" specified for db. A database can specified as:" "\n - a three letter code designating a data0 file. e.g., db='wrm'" "\n - a data0 file in your working directory. e.g., db='data0.wrm'" "\n - a csv file in your working directory. e.g., db='wrm_data.csv'" "\n - a URL directing to a data0 file. e.g.," "\n\t db=''" "\n\t (note the data0 file in the URL must have 'data0.' followed by a three letter code)" "\n - a URL directing to a valid csv file. e.g.," "\n\t db=''") self.db = db if self.verbose > 0: print(self.thermo_db_filename, "is now set as the active thermodynamic database.") if self.thermo_db_filename in ['data0.wrm', 'data1.wrm']: print("This database is meant for rapid calculations between 0 and 350 °C at water saturation pressure.") elif self.thermo_db_filename == "wrm_data.csv": print("This database is meant for calculations between 0 and 1000 °C and up to 5 kb pressure.") def __df_from_url(self, url, download_csv_files=False): """ Get a filename and dataframe from a URL pointing to a CSV file. """ filename = url.split("/")[-1].lower() try: # Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text. with urlopen(url) as webpage: content = except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(url)+" cannot" " be reached at this time.") if download_csv_files: if self.verbose > 0: print("Downloading", filename, "from", url) with open(filename, 'w') as output: output.write(content) return filename, pd.read_csv(StringIO(content), sep=",") def __str_from_url(self, url): """ Get a filename and contents from a URL pointing to a txt file. """ filename = url.split("/")[-1].lower() try: # Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text. with urlopen(url) as webpage: txt_content = except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(url)+" cannot" " be reached at this time.") if self.verbose > 0: print("Downloading", filename, "from", url) with open(filename, 'w') as output: output.write(txt_content) return filename, txt_content def _load_elements(self, db, source="url", download_csv_files=False): """ Load an element database CSV file from a file or URL. """ if source == "file": # e.g., "elements.csv" if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db): self.element_db = pd.read_csv(db) self.element_db_source = "file" self.element_db_filename = db else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'") elif source == "URL": # e.g., "" self.element_db_filename, self.element_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) self.element_db_source = "URL" else: if self.verbose > 0: print("No element database loaded.") if self.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]: if self.verbose > 0: print("Element database", self.element_db_filename, "is active.") self.element_active = True else: if self.verbose > 0: print("Element database is not active because the active thermodynamic database is a", self.thermo_db_type, "and not a CSV.") def _load_solid_solutions(self, db, source="url", download_csv_files=False): """ Load a solid solution database CSV file from a file or URL. """ if source == "file": # e.g., "solid_solutions.csv" if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db): self.solid_solution_db = pd.read_csv(db) self.solid_solution_db_source = "file" self.solid_solution_db_filename = db else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'") elif source == "URL": # e.g., "" self.solid_solution_db_filename, self.solid_solution_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) self.solid_solution_db_source = "URL" else: if self.verbose > 0: print("No solid solution database loaded.") if self.thermo_db_type == "CSV": if self.verbose > 0: print("Solid solution database", self.solid_solution_db_filename, "is active.") self.solid_solutions_active = True else: if self.verbose > 0: print("Solid solution database is not active because the active thermodynamic database is a", self.thermo_db_type, "and not a CSV.") def _load_logK(self, db, source="URL", download_csv_files=False): """ Load a logK database CSV file from a file or URL. """ if source == "file": # e.g., "logK.csv" if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db): self.logK_db = pd.read_csv(db) self.logK_db_source = "file" self.logK_db_filename = db else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'") elif source == "URL": # e.g., "" self.logK_db_filename, self.logK_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) self.logK_db_source = "URL" else: if self.verbose > 0: print("No logK database loaded.") if self.thermo_db_type == "CSV": if self.verbose > 0: print("LogK database", self.logK_db_filename, "is active.") self.logK_active = True else: if self.verbose > 0: print("LogK database is not active because the active thermodynamic database is a", self.thermo_db_type, "and not a CSV.") self.logK_db = self._exclude_category(df=self.logK_db, df_name=self.logK_db_filename) def _load_logK_S(self, db, source="URL", download_csv_files=False): """ Load a logK_S database CSV file from a file or URL. """ if source == "file": # e.g., "logK_S.csv" if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db): self.logK_S_db = pd.read_csv(db) self.logK_S_db_source = "file" self.logK_S_db_filename = db else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'") elif source == "URL": # e.g., "" self.logK_S_db_filename, self.logK_S_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) self.logK_S_db_source = "URL" else: if self.verbose > 0: print("No logK_S database loaded.") if self.logK_active and self.element_active: if self.verbose > 0: print("LogK_S database", self.logK_S_db_filename, "is active.") self.logK_S_active = True else: if self.verbose > 0: print("LogK_S database is not active because there is no active logK database.") self.logK_S_db = self._exclude_category(df=self.logK_S_db, df_name=self.logK_S_db_filename) if self.logK_S_active: for i,sp in enumerate(self.logK_S_db["name"]): i = self.logK_S_db.index[i] logK_25C = float(self.logK_S_db["logK_25"][i]) if "logK_25_IS" in self.logK_S_db.columns: IS_ref = float(self.logK_S_db["logK_25_IS"][i]) else: IS_ref = 0 T_list = self.logK_S_db["T_vals"][i].split(" ") T_list = [float(T) for T in T_list] Delta_S = float(self.logK_S_db["DeltaS"][i]) if IS_ref > 0: # extrapolate to ionic strength 0 # collect azero values for metal, ligand, and complex metal_name = self.logK_S_db["metal_name"][i] if self.thermo_db["name"].isin([metal_name]).any(): metal_azero = list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == metal_name]["azero"])[0] metal_charge = float(list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == metal_name]["z.T"])[0]) # elif: # # todo: get metal azero and charge from other databases, e.g., logK db # pass else: # todo: throw error pass ligand_name = self.logK_S_db["ligand_name"][i] if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_azero"][i], float): ligand_azero = float(self.logK_S_db["ligand_azero"][i]) elif self.thermo_db["name"].isin([ligand_name]).any(): ligand_azero = float(list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == ligand_name]["azero"])[0]) else: # todo: elif ligand_name in logK database names, get azero from there... # or maybe this is not necessary if logK is merged with thermo_db at this point pass if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_charge"][i], float): ligand_charge = float(self.logK_S_db["ligand_charge"][i]) elif self.thermo_db["name"].isin([ligand_name]).any(): ligand_charge = float(list(self.thermo_db[self.thermo_db["name"] == ligand_name]["z.T"])[0]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The ligand '"+ligand_name+"' was not found in the " "currently loaded databases. Is this ligand present in the database? Was this " "ligand excluded (e.g., exclude_organics=True)?") dissrxn = self.logK_S_db["dissrxn"][i].split(" ") n_metal = float(dissrxn[dissrxn.index(metal_name)-1]) n_ligand = float(dissrxn[dissrxn.index(ligand_name)-1]) n_complex = -float(dissrxn[dissrxn.index(sp)-1]) complex_charge = n_metal*metal_charge + n_ligand*ligand_charge complex_azero = self.logK_S_db["azero"][i] A=0.5114 B=0.3288 Bdot=0.041 If = 0 # what ionic strength to extrapolate to ari=[metal_azero, ligand_azero] api=[complex_azero] vri=[n_metal, n_ligand] vpi=[n_complex] zri=[metal_charge, ligand_charge] zpi=[complex_charge] def loggamma(vparam, zparam, aparam, I): x=[v*((-1*A*z**2*I**0.5)/(1+a*B*I**0.5)+Bdot*I) for v,z,a in zip(vparam, zparam, aparam)] return x def f(vparam, zparam, aparam, I): return sum(loggamma(vparam, zparam, aparam, I)) logK_25C = -(-logK_25C+(f(vpi,zpi,api,IS_ref)-f(vri,zri,ari,IS_ref))-(f(vpi,zpi,api,If)-f(vri,zri,ari,If))) logK_list = self._est_logK_S(T_list, logK_25C, Delta_S) if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_element"][i], str): # modify element database with pseudoelements pseudoelement = self.logK_S_db["ligand_element"][i] if pseudoelement not in self.element_db["element"]: e_df = pd.DataFrame( {'element':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_element"][i]], 'state':[self.logK_S_db["state"][i]], 'source':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_name"][i]], 'mass':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_mass"][i]], 's':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_entropy"][i]], 'n':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_n"][i]], }) self.element_db = pd.concat([self.element_db, e_df], ignore_index=True) if isinstance(self.logK_S_db["ligand_basis"][i], str): # add a basis species representing the pseudoelement basis = self.logK_S_db["ligand_basis"][i] if basis not in self.thermo_db["name"]: b_df = pd.DataFrame( {'name':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_basis"][i]], 'abbrv':[""], 'formula':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_formula"][i]], 'state':[self.logK_S_db["state"][i]], 'ref1':[self.logK_S_db["ref1"][i]], 'ref2':[self.logK_S_db["ref2"][i]], 'date':[self.logK_S_db["date"][i]], 'E_units':["cal"], 'G':[0], 'H':[0], 'S':[0], 'Cp':[0], 'V':[0], 'a1.a':[0], 'a2.b':[0], 'a3.c':[0], 'a4.d':[0], 'c1.e':[0], 'c2.f':[0], 'omega.lambda':[0], 'z.T':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_charge"][i]], 'azero':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_azero"][i]], 'neutral_ion_type':[0], 'dissrxn':[''], 'tag':['basis'], 'formula_ox':[self.logK_S_db["ligand_formula"][i]], 'category_1':[self.logK_S_db["category_1"][i]], }) self.thermo_db = pd.concat([self.thermo_db, b_df], ignore_index=True) if self.logK_S_db["name"][i] not in self.thermo_db["name"] and self.logK_S_db["name"][i] not in self.logK_db["name"]: s_df = pd.DataFrame( {'name':[self.logK_S_db["name"][i]], 'abbrv':[""], 'formula':[self.logK_S_db["formula"][i]], 'state':[self.logK_S_db["state"][i]], 'ref1':[self.logK_S_db["ref1"][i]], 'ref2':[self.logK_S_db["ref2"][i]], 'date':[self.logK_S_db["date"][i]], 'logK1':[np.nan],'logK2':[np.nan],'logK3':[np.nan],'logK4':[np.nan],'logK5':[np.nan],'logK6':[np.nan],'logK7':[np.nan],'logK8':[np.nan], 'T1':[np.nan],'T2':[np.nan],'T3':[np.nan],'T4':[np.nan],'T5':[np.nan],'T6':[np.nan],'T7':[np.nan],'T8':[np.nan], 'P1':[np.nan],'P2':[np.nan],'P3':[np.nan],'P4':[np.nan],'P5':[np.nan],'P6':[np.nan],'P7':[np.nan],'P8':[np.nan], 'azero':[self.logK_S_db["azero"][i]], 'dissrxn':[self.logK_S_db["dissrxn"][i]], 'tag':[''], 'formula_ox':[self.logK_S_db["formula_ox"][i]], 'category_1':[self.logK_S_db["category_1"][i]], }) self.logK_db = pd.concat([self.logK_db, s_df], ignore_index=True) for ti in range(0, len(T_list)): if ti+1 > 8: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Species ", sp, "in", self.logK_S_db_filename, "may only have up to", "eight temperature values in column T_vals") self.logK_db.loc[self.logK_db.index[-1], "logK"+str(ti+1)] = logK_list[ti] self.logK_db.loc[self.logK_db.index[-1], "T"+str(ti+1)] = T_list[ti] self.logK_db.loc[self.logK_db.index[-1], "P"+str(ti+1)] = 'psat' def _est_logK_S(self, T_list, logK_25C, Delta_S): R = 8.31446261815324/4.184 # cal/(mol K) # solve for G of reaction: # ∆_r G°= -2.303RT logK G_25 = -2.303*R*298.15*logK_25C # in cal/mol # solve for H of reaction: # ∆_r G°= ∆_r H°-T∆_r S° H = G_25 + 298.15*Delta_S # in cal/mol logK_list = [] for T_C in T_list: T_K = T_C+273.15 # convert C to Kelvin # estimate G at temperature G_T = H - T_K*Delta_S # convert G to logK logK_T = G_T/(-2.303*R*T_K) logK_list.append(logK_T) return logK_list def _load_data0(self, db, source="URL"): """ Load a data0 file from a file or URL. """ if source == "URL": # e.g., "" self.data0_db_filename, self.data0_db = self.__str_from_url(db) self.data0_db_type = "data0" self.data0_db_source = "URL" elif source == "file": # e.g., "data0.wrm" if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db): with open(db) as data0_content: self.data0_db = self.data0_db_type = "data0" self.data0_db_source = "file" self.data0_db_filename = db else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the data0 file '"+db+"'") def _load_csv(self, db, source="URL", download_csv_files=False): """ Load a WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV from a file or URL. """ if source == "file": # e.g., "wrm_data.csv" if os.path.exists(db) and os.path.isfile(db): self.csv_db = pd.read_csv(db) self.csv_db_type = "CSV" self.csv_db_source = "file" self.csv_db_filename = db else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not locate the CSV file '"+db+"'") elif source == "URL": # e.g., "" self.csv_db_filename, self.csv_db = self.__df_from_url(db, download_csv_files=download_csv_files) self.csv_db_type = "CSV" self.csv_db_source = "URL" self.csv_db = self.csv_db.astype(WORM_THERMODYNAMIC_DATABASE_COLUMN_TYPE_DICT) # Check that thermodynamic database input files exist and are formatted correctly. self._check_csv_db() self._remove_missing_G_species() self.csv_db = self._exclude_category(df=self.csv_db, df_name=self.csv_db_filename) def _exclude_category(self, df, df_name): """ Exclude entries from a df based on values in columns. e.g., {"category_1":["organic_aq", "organic_cr"]} """ if isinstance(self.exclude_organics_except, list): organics_to_exclude = [] for i,name in enumerate(df["name"]): if df["category_1"].iloc[i] in ["organic_aq", "organic_cr"] and name not in self.exclude_organics_except: organics_to_exclude.append(name) if not isinstance(self.exclude_category.get("name"), list) or "name" not in list(self.exclude_category.keys()): self.exclude_category["name"] = organics_to_exclude else: self.exclude_category["name"] += organics_to_exclude self.exclude_category["name"] = list(set(self.exclude_category["name"])) exclude_keys = list(self.exclude_category.keys()) if len(exclude_keys) > 0: for key in exclude_keys: if self.verbose > 0: if len(self.exclude_category[key]) <= 10: print("Excluding", str(self.exclude_category[key]), "from column '" + str(key) + "'in", df_name) else: print("Excluding", len(self.exclude_category[key]), "different chemical species from column '" + str(key) + "' in", df_name) if isinstance(self.exclude_category[key], list): idx = list(df[df[key].isin(self.exclude_category[key])].index) names = df["name"].loc[idx] for name in names: self._reject_species(name=name, reason="excluded by user") df = df[~df[key].isin(self.exclude_category[key])] elif isinstance(self.exclude_category[key], str): idx = list(df[df[key] != self.exclude_category[key]].index) names = df["name"].loc[idx] for name in names: self._reject_species(name=name, reason="excluded by user") df = df[~df[key] != self.exclude_category[key]] else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter exclude_category must either be a string or a list.") return df def _check_csv_db(self): """ Check for problems in the thermodynamic database CSV. """ thermo_df = self.csv_db # does this file have the proper headers? required_headers = ["name", "abbrv", "formula", "state", "ref1", "ref2", "date", "E_units", "G", "H", "S", "Cp", "V", "a1.a", "a2.b", "a3.c", "a4.d", "c1.e", "c2.f", "omega.lambda", "z.T", "azero", "neutral_ion_type", "dissrxn", "tag", "formula_ox"] missing_headers = [] for header in required_headers: if header not in thermo_df.columns: missing_headers.append(header) if len(missing_headers) > 0: msg = ("The thermodynamic database file " "is missing one or more required columns: " "{}".format(", ".join(missing_headers))+". " "Are these headers spelled correctly in the file?") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) # does Cl-, O2(g), and O2 exist in the file? required_species = ["Cl-", "O2", "O2(g)"] missing_species = [] for species in required_species: if species not in list(thermo_df["name"]): missing_species.append(species) if len(missing_species) > 0: msg = ("The thermodynamic database file " "is missing required species:" "{}".format(missing_species)+". Default thermodynamic values" " will be used.") warnings.warn(msg) return def _suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns(self, suppress_redox, exceed_Ttr=True): thermo_df = self.thermo_db suppress_redox = _convert_to_RVector(suppress_redox) # if elements are being redox-suppressed, exclude all species with a # formula containing one or more of the redox-suppressed elements if the # species does not have a formula_ox. # e.g., if "methionine" does not have a formula_ox, ensure it is excluded # if sulfur is redox-suppressed. if len(suppress_redox) > 0: thermo_db_no_formula_ox = thermo_df[thermo_df["formula_ox"].isnull()] if thermo_db_no_formula_ox.shape[0] > 0: sp_names_to_exclude = [] for i,sp in enumerate(thermo_db_no_formula_ox["name"]): f = thermo_db_no_formula_ox.iloc[i, thermo_db_no_formula_ox.columns.get_loc("formula")] f_elems = list(parse_formula(f).keys()) for elem in suppress_redox: if elem in f_elems: sp_names_to_exclude.append(sp) self.exclude_category["name"] = sp_names_to_exclude if self.verbose > 0 and len(sp_names_to_exclude) > 0: print("Excluding the following chemical species because " "they contain redox-suppressed elements but do not " "have element oxidation states given in the " "'formula_ox' column of the thermodynamic database: " ""+str(sp_names_to_exclude)) if len(self.exclude_category) > 0: exclude_category_R = {k:_convert_to_RVector(l) for k,l in zip(self.exclude_category.keys(), self.exclude_category.values())} else: exclude_category_R = {} exclude_category_R = ro.ListVector(exclude_category_R) self.AqEquil_instance._capture_r_output() r_redox_dissrxns = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'redox_and_dissrxns.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_redox_dissrxns) thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df) ro.conversion.py2rpy(thermo_df) self.out_list = ro.r.suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns( thermo_df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(thermo_df), water_model=self.water_model, exceed_Ttr=exceed_Ttr, suppress_redox=suppress_redox, exclude_category=exclude_category_R, element_df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(self.element_db), fixed_species=_convert_to_RVector(FIXED_SPECIES), verbose=self.verbose) self.AqEquil_instance._print_captured_r_output() thermo_df = self.out_list.rx2("thermo_df") thermo_df=ro.conversion.rpy2py(thermo_df) # Currently, species rejected by r.suppress_redox_and_generate_dissrxns() # are rejected because they cannot be written with valid basis species. # e.g., the mineral "iron" would be rejected when Fe is redox-isolated because # there is no aqueous basis species representing Fe with an oxidation state of 0. rejected_species = self.out_list.rx2("dissrxns").rx2("rejected_species") if type(rejected_species) != rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType: for i,sp in enumerate(rejected_species): self._reject_species(sp, "A dissociation reaction could not be written with valid basis species.") thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df) # convert E units and calculate missing GHS values self.thermo_db = OBIGT2eos(thermo_df, fixGHS=True, tocal=True)
Class variables
var Thermodata
Metaclass to store and load thermodynamic databases. Inherits attributes from its outer class, AqEquil.
def create_data0(self, db, filename_ss=None, activity_model='b-dot', exceed_Ttr=True, grid_temps=[0.01, 50.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0], grid_press='Psat', P1=True, plot_poly_fit=False, logK_extrapolate='none', fill_data0=True, dynamic_db=False, dynamic_db_sample_temps=[], dynamic_db_sample_press=[], verbose=1)
Create a data0 file from a custom thermodynamic dataset.
- Desired three letter code of data0 output.
, optional- Name of file containing solid solution parameters.
ofeight float
, default[0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000, 200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000]
- Eight temperature values that make up the T-P grid.
, default"Psat"
- Eight pressure values that make up the T-P grid. "Psat" for calculations along the liquid-vapor saturation curve.
, defaultTrue,
- Use pressure of 1 bar below 100 degrees C instead of calculated
values of Psat? Ignored if
is not "Psat". plot_poly_fit
, defaultFalse
- Plot the polynomial fit of the temperature pressure grid?
, defaultFalse
- Are data0 files being created dynamically? If unsure, use False.
Used by
to display valid messages. verbose
:int, 0, 1,
, default1
- Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent.
Expand source code
def create_data0(self, db, filename_ss=None, activity_model="b-dot", exceed_Ttr=True, grid_temps=[0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000, 200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000], grid_press="Psat", P1=True, plot_poly_fit=False, logK_extrapolate="none", fill_data0=True, dynamic_db=False, dynamic_db_sample_temps=[], dynamic_db_sample_press=[], verbose=1): """ Create a data0 file from a custom thermodynamic dataset. Parameters ---------- db : str Desired three letter code of data0 output. filename_ss : str, optional Name of file containing solid solution parameters. grid_temps : list of eight float, default [0.0100, 50.0000, 100.0000, 150.0000, 200.0000, 250.0000, 300.0000, 350.0000] Eight temperature values that make up the T-P grid. grid_press : list of float, default "Psat" Eight pressure values that make up the T-P grid. "Psat" for calculations along the liquid-vapor saturation curve. P1 : bool, default True, Use pressure of 1 bar below 100 degrees C instead of calculated values of Psat? Ignored if `grid_press` is not "Psat". plot_poly_fit : bool, default False Plot the polynomial fit of the temperature pressure grid? dynamic_db : bool, default False Are data0 files being created dynamically? If unsure, use False. Used by `speciate` to display valid messages. verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1 Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent. """ thermo_df = self.thermo.thermo_db db_logK = self.thermo.logK_db water_model = self.thermo.water_model self.verbose = verbose self.batch_T = grid_temps self.batch_P = grid_press if not dynamic_db: if self.verbose >= 1: print("Creating data0.{}...".format(db), flush=True) # if len(grid_temps) not in [1, 8]: # self.err_handler.raise_exception("'grid_temps' must have either one or eight values.") # if isinstance(grid_press, list): # if len(grid_press) not in [1, 8]: # self.err_handler.raise_exception("'grid_press' must have either one or eight values.") if sum([T >= 10000 for T in grid_temps]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Grid temperatures must be below 10k °C.") if isinstance(grid_press, list): if sum([P >= 10000 for P in grid_press]) and water_model != "DEW": self.err_handler.raise_exception("Grid pressures must be below 10 kilobars.") if water_model == "SUPCRT92": min_T = 0 max_T = 2250 min_P = 0 max_P = 30000 elif water_model == "IAPWS95": min_T = 0 max_T = 1000 min_P = 0 max_P = 10000 elif water_model == "DEW": min_T = 0 max_T = 1000 min_P = 1000 max_P = 60000 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The water model '{}' ".format(water_model)+"is not " "recognized. Try 'SUPCRT92', 'IAPWS95', or 'DEW'.") # check that T and P are above minimum values if sum([T <= min_T for T in grid_temps]): print("WARNING: one or more temperatures in 'grid_temps' is below " "or equal to {} °C".format(min_T)+" and is outside the valid " "temperature range for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) if isinstance(grid_press, list): if sum([P < min_P for P in grid_press]): print("WARNING: one or more pressures in 'grid_press' is below " "{} bar".format(min_P)+", the minimum valid " "pressure for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) # check that T and P are below maximum values if sum([T > max_T for T in grid_temps]): print("WARNING: one or more temperatures in 'grid_temps' is above " "{} °C".format(max_T)+", the maximum valid " "temperature for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) if isinstance(grid_press, list): if sum([P > max_P for P in grid_press]): print("WARNING: one or more pressures in 'grid_press' is above " "{} bar".format(max_P)+", the maximum valid " "pressure for the {} water model.".format(water_model)) if water_model != "SUPCRT92": print("WARNING: water models other than SUPCRT92 are not yet fully supported.") # reset logK_models whenever create_data0() is called # (prevents errors when create_data0() functions are run back-to-back) self.logK_models = {} # interpolate logK values from "free logK" datasheet at T and P if isinstance(db_logK, pd.DataFrame): if len(dynamic_db_sample_temps) > 0: grid_or_sample_temps = dynamic_db_sample_temps else: grid_or_sample_temps = grid_temps if len(dynamic_db_sample_press) > 0: grid_or_sample_press = dynamic_db_sample_press else: grid_or_sample_press = grid_press free_logK_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(self.thermo.logK_db) valid_i = self.__get_i_of_valid_free_logK_sp( free_logK_df, grid_or_sample_temps, grid_or_sample_press, dynamic_db, logK_extrapolate, db_sp_names=thermo_df["name"], ) free_logK_df_valid = copy.deepcopy(free_logK_df.iloc[valid_i]) thermo_df = pd.concat([thermo_df, free_logK_df_valid], ignore_index=True) thermo_df = _clean_rpy2_pandas_conversion(thermo_df) if self.thermo.solid_solutions_active: solid_solution_df = ro.conversion.py2rpy(self.thermo.solid_solution_db) else: solid_solution_df = ro.r("NULL") template = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'data0.min').decode("utf-8") out_list = self.thermo.out_list self._capture_r_output() r_create_data0 = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'create_data0.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_create_data0) # assemble data0 file data0_file_lines = ro.r.create_data0( thermo_df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(thermo_df), solid_solution_df=solid_solution_df, db=db, water_model=water_model, template=template, dissrxns=out_list.rx2("dissrxns"), basis_pref=out_list.rx2("basis_pref"), exceed_Ttr=exceed_Ttr, fixed_species=_convert_to_RVector(FIXED_SPECIES), verbose=self.verbose, ) self._print_captured_r_output() data0_file_lines = data0_file_lines[0].split("\n") if fill_data0: # begin TP-dependent processes self.__fill_data0(thermo_df=ro.conversion.rpy2py(thermo_df), data0_file_lines=copy.deepcopy(data0_file_lines), grid_temps=grid_temps, grid_press=grid_press, db=db, water_model=water_model, activity_model=activity_model, P1=P1, plot_poly_fit=plot_poly_fit, logK_extrapolate=logK_extrapolate, dynamic_db=dynamic_db, verbose=self.verbose) else: return thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, db, water_model, P1, plot_poly_fit if self.verbose > 0: print("Finished creating data0.{}.".format(db))
def plot_logK_fit(self, name, plot_out=False, res=200, internal=True, logK_extrapolate=None, T_vals=[])
Plot the fit of logK values used in the speciation.
- Name of the chemical species.
, defaultFalse
- Return a Plotly figure object? If False, a figure is simply shown. If True, the function returns a Plotly figure object and does not show the plot.
- Resolution of the fit line. Higher resolutions will be smoother.
, defaultTrue
- Reuse calculated fits if they already exist?
, optional- Option for extrapolating logK values in the plot. Possible values
for this parameter include 'poly', 'linear', 'flat', or 'none'.
This is for planning and visualization only and does not affect
results in
. Those functions have their own parameters for setting logK extrapolation options. T_vals
, optional- Option for visualizing how the fit of logK values will be
used to estimate the logK values at the temperatures specified in
the list given to this parameter. This is useful for visualizing
logK extrapolation options defined by
:a Plotly figure object
- Returned if
is True.
Expand source code
def plot_logK_fit(self, name, plot_out=False, res=200, internal=True, logK_extrapolate=None, T_vals=[]): """ Plot the fit of logK values used in the speciation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the chemical species. plot_out : bool, default False Return a Plotly figure object? If False, a figure is simply shown. If True, the function returns a Plotly figure object and does not show the plot. res : int Resolution of the fit line. Higher resolutions will be smoother. internal : bool, default True Reuse calculated fits if they already exist? logK_extrapolate : str, optional Option for extrapolating logK values in the plot. Possible values for this parameter include 'poly', 'linear', 'flat', or 'none'. This is for planning and visualization only and does not affect results in `speciate()` or `create_data0()`. Those functions have their own parameters for setting logK extrapolation options. T_vals : list, optional Option for visualizing how the fit of logK values will be used to estimate the logK values at the temperatures specified in the list given to this parameter. This is useful for visualizing logK extrapolation options defined by `logK_extrapolate`. Returns ---------- fig : a Plotly figure object Returned if `plot_out` is True. """ if internal and len(self.logK_models.keys()) > 0: # use internally calculated logK models already stored... if name not in self.logK_models.keys(): if name not in list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species["name"]): msg = "The chemical species " + str(name) + " is not recognized." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) else: reject_reason = list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species.loc[self.thermo.df_rejected_species['name'] == name, 'reason for rejection'])[0] msg = ("The chemical species " + str(name) + " cannot be " "plotted because it was rejected from the " "speciation:\n" + str(reject_reason)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) logK_grid = self.logK_models[name]["logK_grid"] T_grid = self.logK_models[name]["T_grid"] P_grid = self.logK_models[name]["P_grid"] else: # load logK models from Thermodata class's logK_db df_logK = self.thermo.logK_db i = list(df_logK["name"]).index(name) logK_grid = list(df_logK[["logK1", "logK2", "logK3", "logK4", "logK5", "logK6", "logK7", "logK8"]].iloc[i]) # logK at T and P in datasheet T_grid = list(df_logK[["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8"]].iloc[i]) # T for free logK grid P_grid = list(df_logK[["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8"]].iloc[i]) # P for free logK grid if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str): logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str): logK_extrapolate = self.logK_models[name]["logK_extrapolate"] if len(T_vals) == 0: grid_temps = self.batch_T else: grid_temps = T_vals grid_press = self.batch_P T_grid = [t for t in T_grid if not pd.isna(t)] P_grid = [p for p in P_grid if not pd.isna(p)] logK_grid = [k for k in logK_grid if not pd.isna(k)] if len(logK_grid) == 0 or len(T_grid) == 0 or len(P_grid) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("This species has no valid logK " "values, temperature values, or pressure values. It is " "possible that this is a strict basis species with no " "dissociation reaction for which to calculate logK values.") fig = px.scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid) if len(grid_temps) > 0: if min(grid_temps) <= min(T_grid): plot_T_min = min(grid_temps) else: plot_T_min = min(T_grid) if max(grid_temps) >= max(T_grid): plot_T_max = max(grid_temps) else: plot_T_max = max(T_grid) else: plot_T_min = min(T_grid) plot_T_max = max(T_grid) plot_temps = np.linspace(plot_T_min, plot_T_max, res) pred_logK = [] pred_model = [] for t in plot_temps: logK, model = self._interpolate_logK(t, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) pred_logK.append(logK) pred_model.append(model) df_plot = pd.DataFrame({"T":plot_temps, "logK":pred_logK, "model":pred_model}) if logK_extrapolate != "no fit": fig = px.line(df_plot, x='T', y='logK', color='model', title=name, template="simple_white") else: fig = px.line(x=[0], y=[0], title=name, template="simple_white") # dummy figure fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>Predicted logK = %{y}<extra></extra>") fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=[min(plot_temps) - 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps)), max(plot_temps) + 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps))], xaxis_title="T,°C", yaxis_title="logK") logK_label = "fitted logK value(s)" annotation = "" if len(grid_temps) > 0: for i,gt in enumerate(grid_temps): # make vertical lines representing batch temperatures if i==0: showlegend=True else: showlegend=False if isinstance(grid_press, str): ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = PSAT<extra></extra>" else: if len(grid_press) > 0: ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = " + str(grid_press[i]) + " bar(s)<extra></extra>" else: ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<extra></extra>" if len(T_grid) > 1: if logK_extrapolate == "none" and (gt > max(T_grid) or gt < min(T_grid)): viz_logK = max(logK_grid) else: viz_logK, _ = self._interpolate_logK(gt, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), viz_logK] if logK_extrapolate == "no fit": vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), logK_grid[i]] logK_label = "calculated LogK value(s)" annotation = ("LogK values are calculated from<br>ΔG of dissociation into basis species" "<br>at the T and P of the speciated samples<br>and do not require a fit.") if _all_equal(logK_grid): # if a flat horizontal logK fit line... # then fix the y-axis range to prevent zoomed-in steppy wierdness fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=[logK_grid[0]-1,logK_grid[0]+1]) vline_y_vals = [logK_grid[0]-1, logK_grid[0]] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[gt, gt], y=vline_y_vals, mode="lines", line=dict(color='rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)', width=3, dash="dot"), legendgroup='batch temperatures', name='batch temperatures', showlegend=showlegend, hovertemplate=ht_samples, ), ) # add fitted logK points fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid, name=logK_label, mode='markers', marker=dict(color="black"), text = P_grid, hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>P = %{text} bar(s)<br>logK = %{y}<extra></extra>", ), ) fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0, xref="paper", yref="paper", align='left', text=annotation, bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", showarrow=False) if plot_out: return fig else:
def runeq3(self, filename_3i, db, samplename=None, path_3i='', path_3o='', path_3p='', data1_path='', dynamic_db_name=None)
Call EQ3 on a .3i input file.
- Name of 3i input file.
- Three letter code of database.
:path str
, defaultcurrent working directory
- Path of .3i input files.
:path str
, defaultcurrent working directory
- Path of .3o output files.
:path str
, defaultcurrent working directory
- Path of .3p pickup files.
, defaultNone
- File path of data1 file.
- Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used. This parameter is for internal use.
Expand source code
def runeq3(self, filename_3i, db, samplename=None, path_3i="", path_3o="", path_3p="", data1_path="", dynamic_db_name=None): """ Call EQ3 on a .3i input file. Parameters ---------- filename_3i : str Name of 3i input file. db : str Three letter code of database. path_3i : path str, default current working directory Path of .3i input files. path_3o : path str, default current working directory Path of .3o output files. path_3p : path str, default current working directory Path of .3p pickup files. data1_path : str, default None File path of data1 file. dynamic_db_name : str Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used. This parameter is for internal use. """ # get current working dir cwd = os.getcwd() cwdd = cwd + "/" if samplename == None: samplename = filename_3i[:-3] if self.verbose > 0 and dynamic_db_name == None: print('Using ' + db + ' to speciate ' + samplename) elif self.verbose > 0 and isinstance(dynamic_db_name, str): print('Using ' + dynamic_db_name + ' to speciate ' + samplename) args = ["cd", "'" + cwdd+path_3i+"'", ";", # change directory to where 3i files are stored self.eq36co + '/eq3nr', # path to EQ3NR executable "'" + data1_path + "/data1." + db+"'", # path to data1 file "'"+cwdd + path_3i +"/"+ filename_3i+"'"] # path to 3i file args = " ".join(args) self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQ3 filename_3o = filename_3i[:-1] + 'o' filename_3p = filename_3i[:-1] + 'p' # The new eq36 build truncates names, e.g., MLS.Source.3i creates MLS.3o # Correct for this here: files_3o = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd + path_3i) if ".3o" in file] files_3p = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd + path_3i) if ".3p" in file] if len(files_3o) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: EQ3 failed to produce output for ' + filename_3i) elif len(files_3o) == 1: file_3o = files_3o[0] try: # move output shutil.move(cwdd + path_3i+"/"+file_3o, cwdd + path_3o+"/"+filename_3o) except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not move", path_3i+"/"+file_3o, "to", path_3o+"/"+filename_3o) else: # multiple 3o output files are present in the directory # this might happen when using runeq3() by itself in a directory with 3o files pass if len(files_3p) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: EQ3 failed to produce output for ' + filename_3i) elif len(files_3p) == 1: file_3p = files_3p[0] try: # move output shutil.move(cwdd + path_3i+"/"+file_3p, cwdd + path_3p+"/"+filename_3p) except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not move", path_3i+"/"+file_3p, "to", path_3p+"/"+filename_3p) else: # multiple 3p output files are present in the directory # this might happen when using runeq3() by itself in a directory with 3p files pass
def runeq6(self, filename_6i, db, samplename=None, path_6i='', data1_path=None, dynamic_db_name=None)
Call EQ6 on a .6i input file.
- Name of 6i input file.
- Three letter code of database.
- The name of the sample, used to announce which sample is being run.
:path str
, defaultcurrent working directory
- Path of directory containing .6i input files.
:path str
, defaultcurrent working directory
- Path of directory where the data1 thermodynamic database file is
stored. The data1 file will be called from this location to
perform the speciation. The data1 file must be named, where xyz matches
, the three letter code of your chosen database. dynamic_db_name
- Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used. This parameter is for internal use.
Expand source code
def runeq6(self, filename_6i, db, samplename=None, path_6i="", data1_path=None, dynamic_db_name=None): """ Call EQ6 on a .6i input file. Parameters ---------- filename_6i : str Name of 6i input file. db : str Three letter code of database. samplename : str The name of the sample, used to announce which sample is being run. path_6i : path str, default current working directory Path of directory containing .6i input files. data1_path : path str, default current working directory Path of directory where the data1 thermodynamic database file is stored. The data1 file will be called from this location to perform the speciation. The data1 file must be named, where xyz matches `db`, the three letter code of your chosen database. dynamic_db_name : str Database name to be printed if dynamic databases are being used. This parameter is for internal use. """ if data1_path == None: data1_path = self.eq36da # get current working dir cwd = os.getcwd() cwdd = cwd + "/" if samplename == None: samplename = filename_6i[:-3] if self.verbose > 0 and dynamic_db_name == None: print('Using ' + db + ' to react ' + samplename) elif self.verbose > 0 and isinstance(dynamic_db_name, str): print('Using ' + dynamic_db_name + ' to react ' + samplename) args = ["cd", "'" + cwdd+path_6i+"'", ";", # change directory to 6i folder self.eq36co+'/eq6', # path of EQ6 executable "'" + data1_path + "/data1." + db+"'", # path to data1 file "'"+cwdd+path_6i + filename_6i+"'"] # path of 6i file args = " ".join(args) self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQ6
def runeqpt(self, db, dynamic_db=False)
Convert a data0 into a data1 file with EQPT.
- Three letter code of database.
Expand source code
def runeqpt(self, db, dynamic_db=False): """ Convert a data0 into a data1 file with EQPT. Parameters ---------- db : str Three letter code of database. """ if os.path.exists("data0."+db) and os.path.isfile("data0."+db): pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(" ".join(["Error: could not locate custom database", "data0.{} in {}.".format(db, os.getcwd())])) if os.path.exists("data1."+db) and os.path.isfile("data1."+db): os.remove("data1."+db) self.__move_eqpt_extra_output() args = ["cd", os.getcwd(), ";", self.eq36co+'/eqpt', "'"+os.getcwd()+"/data0."+db+"'"] args = " ".join(args) try: self.__run_script_and_wait(args) # run EQPT except: self.err_handler.raise_exception( "Error: EQPT failed to run on {}.".format("data0."+db)) if os.path.exists("data1") and os.path.isfile("data1"): os.rename("data1", "data1."+db) if os.path.exists("data0.d1") and os.path.isfile("data0.d1"): os.rename("data0.d1", "data1."+db) if os.path.exists("data0.po") and os.path.isfile("data0.po"): os.rename("data0.po", "eqpt_log.txt") if os.path.exists("data0.d1f") and os.path.isfile("data0.d1f"): os.rename("data0.d1f", "data1f.txt") if os.path.exists("data0.s") and os.path.isfile("data0.s"): os.rename("data0.s", "slist.txt") if os.path.exists("data1."+db) and os.path.isfile("data1."+db): if self.verbose > 0: if not dynamic_db: print("Successfully created a data1."+db+" from data0."+db) else: if dynamic_db: msg = ("EQPT has encounted a problem processing the database " "for this sample. Check eqpt_log.txt for details.") else: msg = ("EQPT could not create data1."+db+" from " "data0."+db+". Check eqpt_log.txt for details.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) self.__move_eqpt_extra_output()
def speciate(self, input_filename, db=None, db_solid_solution=None, db_logK=None, logK_extrapolate=None, activity_model='b-dot', redox_flag='logfO2', redox_aux='Fe+3', default_logfO2=-6, exclude=[], suppress=[], alter_options=[], charge_balance_on='none', suppress_missing=True, blanks_are_0=False, strict_minimum_pressure=True, aq_scale=1, verbose=1, report_filename=None, get_aq_dist=True, aq_dist_type='log_activity', get_mass_contribution=True, mass_contribution_other=True, get_mineral_sat=True, mineral_sat_type='affinity', get_redox=True, redox_type='Eh', get_ion_activity_ratios=True, get_fugacity=True, get_basis_totals=True, get_solid_solutions=True, mineral_reactant_energy_supplies=False, get_charge_balance=True, batch_3o_filename=None, delete_generated_folders=False, db_args={})
Calculate the equilibrium distribution of chemical species in solution. Additionally, calculate chemical affinities and energy supplies for user-specified reactions.
User-supplied utf8-encoded comma separated value (csv) file containing sample data intended for speciation. The file must follow this format:
- the first row is a header row that must contain the names of the species to be included in the speciation calculation. There cannot be duplicate headers.
the second row must contain subheaders for each species in the header row. These subheaders must be taken from the following:
degC ppm ppb Suppressed Molality Molarity mg/L mg/kg.sol Alk., eq/kg.H2O Alk., eq/L Alk., eq/kg.sol Alk., mg/L CaCO3 Alk., mg/L HCO3- Log activity Log act combo Log mean act pX pH pHCl pmH pmX Hetero. equil. Homo. equil. Make non-basis
'Temperature' must be included as a header, with 'degC' as its subheader.
- The first column must contain sample names. There cannot be duplicate sample names.
- Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(…).
- Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(…).
- Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(…).
, default"b-dot"
- Activity model to use for speciation. Can be either "b-dot", or "davies". NOTE: the "pitzer" model is not yet implemented.
, default"O2(g)"
Determines which column in the sample input file sets the overall redox state of the samples. Options for redox_flag include 'O2(g)', 'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', and 'redox aux'. The code will search your sample spreadsheet file (see
) for a column corresponding to the option you chose:- 'O2(g)' with a valid subheader for a gas
- 'pe' with subheader pe
- 'Eh' with subheader volts
- 'logfO2' with subheader logfO2
- 'redox aux' will search for a column corresponding to the
auxilliary basis species selected to form a redox couple with its
linked strict basis species (see
). For example, the redox couple Fe+2/Fe+3 would require a column named Fe+3
If an appropriate header or redox data cannot be found to define redox state,
is used to set sample logfO2.There is a special case where dissolved oxygen can be used to impose sample redox state if
is set to logfO2 and a column named logfO2 does not appear in your sample spreadsheet. If there is a column corresponding to dissolved oxygen measurements, logfO2 is calculated from the equilibrium reaction O2(aq) = O2(g) at the temperature and pressure of the sample using the revised Helgeson- Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state (JC Tanger IV and HC Helgeson, Am. J. Sci., 1988, 288, 19). redox_aux
:default "Fe+3"
, optional- Ignored unless
equals 1. Name of the auxilliary species whose reaction links it to a basis species (or another auxilliary species) such that they form a redox couple that controls sample fO2. For instance, Fe+3 is linked to Fe+2 in many supporting data files, so selectingredox_flag
= 1 andredox_aux
= "Fe+3" will set sample fO2 based on the Fe+2/Fe+3 redox couple. default_logfO2
, default-6
- Default value for sample logfO2 in case redox data cannot be found in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet.
, default[]
- Names of columns in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet that should not be considered aqueous species. Useful for excluding columns containing sample metatadata, such as "Year" and "Location".
, default[]
- Names of chemical species that will be prevented from forming in the speciation calculation.
, default[]
A list of lists, e.g., [["CaOH+", "Suppress"], ["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1]] The first element of each interior list is the name of a species. The second element is an option to alter the species, and can be:
- Suppress : suppress the formation of the species. (See also:
). - Replace : replace the species' log K value with a desired value.
- AugmentLogK : augment the value of the species' log K.
- AugmentG : augment the Gibbs free energy of the species by a desired value, in kcal/mol.
The third element is a numeric value corresponding to the chosen option. A third element is not required for Suppress.
- Suppress : suppress the formation of the species. (See also:
, default"none"
- If "none", will not balance electrical charge between cations and anions in the speciation calculation. If a name of a species is supplied instead, the activity of that species will be allowed to change until charge balance is obtained. For example, charge_balance_on = "H+" will calculate what pH a sample must have to have zero net charge.
, defaultTrue
- Suppress the formation of an aqueous species if it is missing a value in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet?
, defaultFalse
- Assume all blank values in the water chemistry input file are 0?
, defaultTrue
- Ensure that the minimum pressure in the speciation calculation does not go below the minimum pressure in the TP grid of the data0 file?
, default1
- Scale factor for the mass of the aqueous phase. By default, the aqueous phase is 1 kg of solvent.
:int, 0, 1,
, default1
- Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent.
, optional- Name of the comma separated values (csv) report file generated when the calculation is complete. If this argument is not defined, a report file is not generated.
, defaultTrue
- Calculate distributions of aqueous species?
, default"log_activity"
- Desired units of measurement for reported distributions of aqueous
species. Can be "molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", or
"log_activity". Ignored if
is False. get_mass_contribution
, defaultTrue
- Calculate basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species?
, defaultTrue
- Include an "other" species for the sake of summing percents of basis
species contributions to 100%? Ignored if
is False. get_mineral_sat
, defaultTrue
- Calculate saturation states of pure solids?
, default"affinity"
- Desired units of measurement for reported saturation states of pure
solids. Can be "logQoverK" or "affinity". Ignored if
is False. get_redox
, defaultTrue
- Calculate potentials of redox couples?
, default"Eh"
- Desired units of measurement for reported redox potentials. Can be
"Eh", "pe", "logfO2", or "Ah". Ignored if
is False. get_ion_activity_ratios
, defaultTrue
- Calculate ion/H+ activity ratios and neutral species activities?
, defaultTrue
- Calculate gas fugacities?
, defaultTrue
- Report total compositions of basis aqueous species?
, defaultTrue
- Permit the calculation of solid solutions and include them in the speciation report?
, defaultFalse
- Report energy supplies for reactions with mineral reactants? This option is False by default because mineral reactants are considered to be unlimited. As a result, energy supplies from reactions with reactant minerals tend to be artificially high, especially in systems where the reactant minerals are unstable.
, optional- Name of .txt file containing reactions used to calculate affinities
and energy supplies. Ignored if
is False. get_charge_balance
, defaultTrue
- Calculate charge balance and ionic strength?
, optional- Name of rds (R object) file exported after the speciation calculation? No file will be generated if this argument is not defined.
, defaultFalse
- Delete the 'rxn_3i', 'rxn_3o', 'rxn_3p', and 'eqpt_files' folders containing raw EQ3NR input, output, pickup, and EQPT files once the speciation calculation is complete?
, default{}
Dictionary of arguments to modify how the thermodynamic database is processed. Only used when
points to thermodynamic data in a CSV file. Ignored ifdb
points to a data0 file (because a data0 file is already ready for a speciation calculation). Options fordb_args
are passed to thecreate_data0
function, so refer tocreate_data0
for more information about what options are possible.- Example of
where organics are excluded and redox is suppressed for Fe and S:
db_args = { "exclude_category":{"category_1":["organic_aq"]}, "suppress_redox":["Fe", "S"], }
- Example of
ofclass Speciation
- Contains the results of the speciation calculation.
Expand source code
def speciate(self, input_filename, db=None, db_solid_solution=None, db_logK=None, logK_extrapolate=None, activity_model="b-dot", redox_flag="logfO2", redox_aux="Fe+3", default_logfO2=-6, exclude=[], suppress=[], alter_options=[], charge_balance_on="none", suppress_missing=True, blanks_are_0=False, strict_minimum_pressure=True, aq_scale=1, verbose=1, report_filename=None, get_aq_dist=True, aq_dist_type="log_activity", get_mass_contribution=True, mass_contribution_other=True, get_mineral_sat=True, mineral_sat_type="affinity", get_redox=True, redox_type="Eh", get_ion_activity_ratios=True, get_fugacity=True, get_basis_totals=True, get_solid_solutions=True, mineral_reactant_energy_supplies=False, get_charge_balance=True, batch_3o_filename=None, delete_generated_folders=False, db_args={}): """ Calculate the equilibrium distribution of chemical species in solution. Additionally, calculate chemical affinities and energy supplies for user-specified reactions. Parameters ---------- input_filename : str User-supplied utf8-encoded comma separated value (csv) file containing sample data intended for speciation. The file must follow this format: - the first row is a header row that must contain the names of the species to be included in the speciation calculation. There cannot be duplicate headers. - the second row must contain subheaders for each species in the header row. These subheaders must be taken from the following: degC ppm ppb Suppressed Molality Molarity mg/L mg/kg.sol Alk., eq/kg.H2O Alk., eq/L Alk., eq/kg.sol Alk., mg/L CaCO3 Alk., mg/L HCO3- Log activity Log act combo Log mean act pX pH pHCl pmH pmX Hetero. equil. Homo. equil. Make non-basis - 'Temperature' must be included as a header, with 'degC' as its subheader. - The first column must contain sample names. There cannot be duplicate sample names. db : None Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...). db_solid_solution : None Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...). db_logK : None Deprecated. Databases are loaded during AqEquil.AqEquil(...). activity_model : str, default "b-dot" Activity model to use for speciation. Can be either "b-dot", or "davies". NOTE: the "pitzer" model is not yet implemented. redox_flag : str, default "O2(g)" Determines which column in the sample input file sets the overall redox state of the samples. Options for redox_flag include 'O2(g)', 'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', and 'redox aux'. The code will search your sample spreadsheet file (see `filename`) for a column corresponding to the option you chose: * 'O2(g)' with a valid subheader for a gas * 'pe' with subheader pe * 'Eh' with subheader volts * 'logfO2' with subheader logfO2 * 'redox aux' will search for a column corresponding to the auxilliary basis species selected to form a redox couple with its linked strict basis species (see `redox_aux`). For example, the redox couple Fe+2/Fe+3 would require a column named Fe+3 If an appropriate header or redox data cannot be found to define redox state, `default_logfO2` is used to set sample logfO2. There is a special case where dissolved oxygen can be used to impose sample redox state if `redox_flag` is set to logfO2 and a column named logfO2 does not appear in your sample spreadsheet. If there is a column corresponding to dissolved oxygen measurements, logfO2 is calculated from the equilibrium reaction O2(aq) = O2(g) at the temperature and pressure of the sample using the revised Helgeson- Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state (JC Tanger IV and HC Helgeson, Am. J. Sci., 1988, 288, 19). redox_aux : default "Fe+3", optional Ignored unless `redox_flag` equals 1. Name of the auxilliary species whose reaction links it to a basis species (or another auxilliary species) such that they form a redox couple that controls sample fO2. For instance, Fe+3 is linked to Fe+2 in many supporting data files, so selecting `redox_flag` = 1 and `redox_aux` = "Fe+3" will set sample fO2 based on the Fe+2/Fe+3 redox couple. default_logfO2 : float, default -6 Default value for sample logfO2 in case redox data cannot be found in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet. exclude : list of str, default [] Names of columns in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet that should not be considered aqueous species. Useful for excluding columns containing sample metatadata, such as "Year" and "Location". suppress : list of str, default [] Names of chemical species that will be prevented from forming in the speciation calculation. alter_options : list, default [] A list of lists, e.g., [["CaOH+", "Suppress"], ["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1]] The first element of each interior list is the name of a species. The second element is an option to alter the species, and can be: - Suppress : suppress the formation of the species. (See also: `suppress`). - Replace : replace the species' log K value with a desired value. - AugmentLogK : augment the value of the species' log K. - AugmentG : augment the Gibbs free energy of the species by a desired value, in kcal/mol. The third element is a numeric value corresponding to the chosen option. A third element is not required for Suppress. charge_balance_on : str, default "none" If "none", will not balance electrical charge between cations and anions in the speciation calculation. If a name of a species is supplied instead, the activity of that species will be allowed to change until charge balance is obtained. For example, charge_balance_on = "H+" will calculate what pH a sample must have to have zero net charge. suppress_missing : bool, default True Suppress the formation of an aqueous species if it is missing a value in the user-supplied sample spreadsheet? blanks_are_0 : bool, default False Assume all blank values in the water chemistry input file are 0? strict_minimum_pressure : bool, default True Ensure that the minimum pressure in the speciation calculation does not go below the minimum pressure in the TP grid of the data0 file? aq_scale : float, default 1 Scale factor for the mass of the aqueous phase. By default, the aqueous phase is 1 kg of solvent. verbose : int, 0, 1, or 2, default 1 Level determining how many messages are returned during a calculation. 2 for all messages, 1 for errors or warnings only, 0 for silent. report_filename : str, optional Name of the comma separated values (csv) report file generated when the calculation is complete. If this argument is not defined, a report file is not generated. get_aq_dist : bool, default True Calculate distributions of aqueous species? aq_dist_type : str, default "log_activity" Desired units of measurement for reported distributions of aqueous species. Can be "molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", or "log_activity". Ignored if `get_aq_dist` is False. get_mass_contribution : bool, default True Calculate basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species? mass_contribution_other : bool, default True Include an "other" species for the sake of summing percents of basis species contributions to 100%? Ignored if `get_mass_contribution` is False. get_mineral_sat : bool, default True Calculate saturation states of pure solids? mineral_sat_type : str, default "affinity" Desired units of measurement for reported saturation states of pure solids. Can be "logQoverK" or "affinity". Ignored if `get_mineral_sat` is False. get_redox : bool, default True Calculate potentials of redox couples? redox_type : str, default "Eh" Desired units of measurement for reported redox potentials. Can be "Eh", "pe", "logfO2", or "Ah". Ignored if `get_redox` is False. get_ion_activity_ratios : bool, default True Calculate ion/H+ activity ratios and neutral species activities? get_fugacity : bool, default True Calculate gas fugacities? get_basis_totals : bool, default True Report total compositions of basis aqueous species? get_solid_solutions : bool, default True Permit the calculation of solid solutions and include them in the speciation report? mineral_reactant_energy_supplies : bool, default False Report energy supplies for reactions with mineral reactants? This option is False by default because mineral reactants are considered to be unlimited. As a result, energy supplies from reactions with reactant minerals tend to be artificially high, especially in systems where the reactant minerals are unstable. rxn_filename : str, optional Name of .txt file containing reactions used to calculate affinities and energy supplies. Ignored if `get_affinity_energy` is False. get_charge_balance : bool, default True Calculate charge balance and ionic strength? batch_3o_filename : str, optional Name of rds (R object) file exported after the speciation calculation? No file will be generated if this argument is not defined. delete_generated_folders : bool, default False Delete the 'rxn_3i', 'rxn_3o', 'rxn_3p', and 'eqpt_files' folders containing raw EQ3NR input, output, pickup, and EQPT files once the speciation calculation is complete? db_args : dict, default {} Dictionary of arguments to modify how the thermodynamic database is processed. Only used when `db` points to thermodynamic data in a CSV file. Ignored if `db` points to a data0 file (because a data0 file is already ready for a speciation calculation). Options for `db_args` are passed to the `create_data0` function, so refer to `create_data0` for more information about what options are possible. - Example of `db_args` where organics are excluded and redox is suppressed for Fe and S: db_args = { "exclude_category":{"category_1":["organic_aq"]}, "suppress_redox":["Fe", "S"], } Returns ------- speciation : object of class Speciation Contains the results of the speciation calculation. """ # deprecated! if db is not None or db_solid_solution is not None or db_logK is not None: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameters db, db_solid_solution, and db_logK " "are deprecated in the speciate() function. Databases are now loaded during " "the AqEquil.AqEquil(...) step.") self.batch_T = [] self.batch_P = [] self.verbose = verbose if db != None: # load new thermodynamic database self.thermo._set_active_db(db) else: db = self.thermo.db if self.thermo.thermo_db_type in ["CSV", "Pandas DataFrame"]: db_args["db"] = "dyn" dynamic_db = self.thermo.dynamic_db data0_lettercode = self.thermo.data0_lettercode # needs to be this way if (self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data0" or self.thermo.thermo_db_type == "data1") and len(db_args) > 0: if self.verbose > 0: print("Warning: Ignoring db_args because a premade data0 or data1 file is being used: '" + db + "'") redox_suppression = False if "suppress_redox" in db_args.keys() and self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data0" and self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": if len(db_args["suppress_redox"]) > 0: redox_suppression = True # check input sample file for errors if activity_model != 'pitzer': # TODO: allow check_sample_input_file() to handle pitzer sample_temps, sample_press = self._check_sample_input_file( input_filename, exclude, db, dynamic_db, charge_balance_on, suppress_missing, redox_suppression) if aq_dist_type not in ["molality", "log_molality", "log_gamma", "log_activity"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized aq_dist_type. Valid " "options are 'molality', 'log_molality', 'log_gamma', 'log_activity'") if mineral_sat_type not in ["logQoverK", "affinity"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized mineral_sat_type. Valid " "options are 'logQoverK' or 'affinity'") if redox_type not in ["Eh", "pe", "logfO2", "Ah"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized redox_type. Valid " "options are 'Eh', 'pe', 'logfO2', or 'Ah'") if redox_flag == "O2(g)" or redox_flag == -3: redox_flag = -3 elif redox_flag == "pe" or redox_flag == -2: redox_flag = -2 elif redox_flag == "Eh" or redox_flag == -1: redox_flag = -1 elif redox_flag == "logfO2" or redox_flag == 0: redox_flag = 0 elif redox_flag == "redox aux" or redox_flag == 1: redox_flag = 1 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Unrecognized redox flag. Valid options are 'O2(g)'" ", 'pe', 'Eh', 'logfO2', 'redox aux'") # handle batch_3o naming if batch_3o_filename != None: if ".rds" in batch_3o_filename[-4:]: batch_3o_filename = batch_3o_filename else: batch_3o_filename = "batch_3o_{}.rds".format(data0_lettercode) else: batch_3o_filename = ro.r("NULL") # reset logK_models whenever speciate() is called # (prevents errors when speciations are run back-to-back) self.logK_models = {} # dynamic data0 creation per sample if dynamic_db: db_args["fill_data0"] = False db_args["dynamic_db"] = True db_args["verbose"] = self.verbose db_args["dynamic_db_sample_temps"] = sample_temps db_args["dynamic_db_sample_press"] = sample_press if db_logK != None: self.thermo._load_logK(db_logK, source="file") if logK_extrapolate != None: db_args["logK_extrapolate"] = logK_extrapolate elif self.thermo.logK_active: db_args["logK_extrapolate"] = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate else: logK_extrapolate = "none" if db_solid_solution != None: if not (db_solid_solution[0:8].lower() == "https://" or db_solid_solution[0:7].lower() == "http://" or db_solid_solution[0:4].lower() == "www."): if os.path.exists(db_solid_solution) and os.path.isfile(db_solid_solution): db_args["filename_ss"] = db_solid_solution else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: could not locate " + str(db_solid_solution)) else: db_solid_solution_csv_name = db_solid_solution.split("/")[-1].lower() try: # Download from URL and decode as UTF-8 text. with urlopen(db_solid_solution) as webpage: content = except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The webpage "+str(db_solid_solution)+" cannot" " be reached at this time.") # Save to CSV file. with open(db_solid_solution_csv_name, 'w') as output: output.write(content) db_args["filename_ss"] = db_solid_solution_csv_name if self.verbose > 0: print("Getting", self.thermo.thermo_db_filename, "ready. This will take a moment...") thermo_df, data0_file_lines, grid_temps, grid_press, data0_lettercode, water_model, P1, plot_poly_fit = self.create_data0(**db_args) if self.thermo.custom_data0 and not dynamic_db: self.__mk_check_del_directory('eqpt_files') if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": self.runeqpt(data0_lettercode) if os.path.exists("data1."+data0_lettercode) and os.path.isfile("data1."+data0_lettercode): try: # store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object with open("data1."+data0_lettercode, mode='rb') as data1: self.data1["all_samples"] = # move or copy data1 if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": shutil.move("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode) else: shutil.copyfile("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode) except: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: Could not move', "data1."+data0_lettercode, "to eqpt_files") data1_path = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # creating a folder name without spaces to store the data1 overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA data0_path = "data0." + data0_lettercode elif dynamic_db: self.__mk_check_del_directory('eqpt_files') else: data0_path = self.eq36da + "/data0." + data0_lettercode # gather information from data0 file and perform checks if not dynamic_db: if os.path.exists(data0_path) and os.path.isfile(data0_path): with open(data0_path) as data0: data0_lines = data0.readlines() data0_lines = [line.rstrip()+"\n" for line in data0_lines] start_index = [i+1 for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'temperatures\n'] if activity_model == 'davies' or activity_model == 'b-dot': end_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'debye huckel a (adh)\n'] elif activity_model == 'pitzer': end_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(data0_lines) if s == 'debye huckel aphi\n'] db_grids_unformatted = [i.split("pressures")[0] for i in data0_lines[start_index[0]:end_index[0]]] db_grids = [" ".join(i.split()) for i in db_grids_unformatted if i != ''] grid_temps = db_grids[0] + " " + db_grids[1] grid_press = db_grids[2] + " " + db_grids[3] grid_temps = grid_temps.split(" ") grid_press = grid_press.split(" ") try: n_TP_points = data0_lines[2].split("points: ")[1] # extract number of TP points from the third line of data0 file n_TP_points = n_TP_points.replace("\n", "") n_TP_points = int(n_TP_points) except: n_TP_points = 8 if n_TP_points == 1: grid_temps = grid_temps[0] grid_press = grid_press[0] try: water_model = data0_lines[1].split("model: ")[1] # extract water model from the second line of data0 file water_model = water_model.replace("\n", "") except: water_model = "SUPCRT92" # print("Water model could not be referenced from {}".format(data0_path)+"" # ". Defaulting to SUPCRT92 water model...") if(water_model not in ["SUPCRT92", "IAPWS95", "DEW"]): water_model = "SUPCRT92" # the default for EQ3/6 print("Water model given in {}".format(data0_path)+" was not " "recognized. Defaulting to SUPCRT92 water model...") else: # if a data0 file can't be found, assume default water model, 0-350 C and PSAT water_model = "SUPCRT92" grid_temps = ["0.0100", "50.0000", "100.0000", "150.0000", "200.0000", "250.0000", "300.0000", "350.0000"] grid_press = ["1.0000", "1.0000", "1.0132", "4.7572", "15.5365", "39.7365", "85.8378", "165.2113"] grid_press_numeric = [float(n) for n in grid_press] if min(grid_press_numeric) == 1: P1=True else: P1=False self._capture_r_output() r_check_TP_grid = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'check_TP_grid.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_check_TP_grid) list_tp = ro.r.check_TP_grid(grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps), grid_press=_convert_to_RVector(grid_press), P1=P1, water_model=water_model, check_for_errors=False, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() grid_temps = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_temps")) grid_press = list(list_tp.rx2("grid_press")) poly_coeffs_1 = list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_1") poly_coeffs_2 = list_tp.rx2("poly_coeffs_2") else: grid_temps = ro.r("NULL") grid_press = ro.r("NULL") poly_coeffs_1 = ro.r("NULL") poly_coeffs_2 = ro.r("NULL") # handle Alter/Suppress options # e.g. [["CaCl+", "AugmentLogK", -1], ["CaOH+", "Suppress"]] alter_options_dict = {} if len(alter_options) > 0: for ao in alter_options: if not isinstance(ao, list): err = ("alter_options must be a list of lists, e.g.,\n" "[['CaCl+', 'AugmentLogK', -1], ['CaOH+', 'Suppress']]" "\nor\n[['CaHCO3+', 'Suppress']]") self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) key = ao[0] if ao[1] == "Suppress" and len(ao) == 2: ao += ["0"] alter_options_dict[key] = _convert_to_RVector(list(ao[1:])) alter_options = ro.ListVector(alter_options_dict) input_dir = "rxn_3i" output_dir = "rxn_3o" pickup_dir = "rxn_3p" # preprocess for EQ3 using R scripts self._capture_r_output() r_prescript = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, 'preprocess_for_EQ3.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_prescript) input_processed_list = ro.r.preprocess(input_filename=input_filename, exclude=_convert_to_RVector(exclude), grid_temps=_convert_to_RVector(grid_temps), grid_press=_convert_to_RVector(grid_press), strict_minimum_pressure=strict_minimum_pressure, dynamic_db=dynamic_db, poly_coeffs_1=poly_coeffs_1, poly_coeffs_2=poly_coeffs_2, water_model=water_model, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() self.df_input_processed = ro.conversion.rpy2py(input_processed_list.rx2("df")) if blanks_are_0: self.df_input_processed = self.df_input_processed.fillna(1E-18) self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_3i') self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_3o') self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_3p') if dynamic_db: self.__mk_check_del_directory('rxn_data0') # Has the user been warned about redox column during write_3i_file()? # Prevents repeated warnings. warned_about_redox_column = False self.batch_T = list(input_processed_list.rx2("temp_degC")) self.batch_P = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar")) # create and run a 3i file for each sample for sample_row_index in range(0, self.df_input_processed.shape[0]): temp_degC = list(input_processed_list.rx2("temp_degC"))[sample_row_index] pressure_bar = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))[sample_row_index] df = self.df_input_processed.iloc[[sample_row_index]] # double brackets to keep as df row instead of series samplename = str(df.index[0]) # handle dynamic data0 creation if dynamic_db: self.__fill_data0(thermo_df=ro.conversion.rpy2py(thermo_df), data0_file_lines=copy.deepcopy(data0_file_lines), grid_temps=[temp_degC], grid_press=[pressure_bar], db=data0_lettercode, water_model=water_model, activity_model=activity_model, P1=P1, plot_poly_fit=plot_poly_fit, logK_extrapolate=logK_extrapolate, dynamic_db=dynamic_db, verbose=verbose) if self.thermo.thermo_db_type != "data1": self.runeqpt(data0_lettercode, dynamic_db=True) if os.path.exists("data1."+data0_lettercode) and os.path.isfile("data1."+data0_lettercode): # store contents of data1 file in AqEquil object with open("data1."+data0_lettercode, mode='rb') as data1: self.data1[samplename] = try: # move data1 shutil.move("data1."+data0_lettercode, "eqpt_files/data1."+data0_lettercode) except: if self.verbose > 0: print('Error: Could not move', "data1."+data0_lettercode, "to eqpt_files") data1_path = os.getcwd()+"/eqpt_files" # creating a folder name without spaces to store the data1 overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA data0_path = "data0." + data0_lettercode else: pressure_bar = list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))[sample_row_index] data1_path = self.thermo.eq36da # allowed aq block species are left after any category exclusion in db_args allowed_aq_block_species = ["all"] if dynamic_db: allowed_aq_block_species = list(thermo_df["name"]) + FIXED_SPECIES # write 3i files self._capture_r_output() warned_about_redox_column = ro.r.write_3i_file(df=ro.conversion.py2rpy(df), temp_degC=temp_degC, pressure_bar=pressure_bar, minimum_pressure=input_processed_list.rx2("minimum_pressure"), strict_minimum_pressure=strict_minimum_pressure, pressure_override=dynamic_db, suppress_missing=suppress_missing, exclude=input_processed_list.rx2("exclude"), allowed_aq_block_species=_convert_to_RVector(allowed_aq_block_species), charge_balance_on=charge_balance_on, suppress=_convert_to_RVector(suppress), alter_options=alter_options, aq_scale=aq_scale, get_solid_solutions=get_solid_solutions, input_dir=input_dir, redox_flag=redox_flag, redox_aux=redox_aux, default_logfO2=default_logfO2, water_model=water_model, warned_about_redox_column=warned_about_redox_column, activity_model=activity_model, verbose=self.verbose) self._print_captured_r_output() # run EQ3 on each 3i file samplename = self.df_input_processed.iloc[sample_row_index, self.df_input_processed.columns.get_loc("Sample")] filename_3i = self.df_input_processed.index[sample_row_index]+".3i" filename_3o = filename_3i[:-1] + 'o' filename_3p = filename_3i[:-1] + 'p' if dynamic_db: dynamic_db_name = self.thermo.thermo_db_filename else: dynamic_db_name = None self.runeq3(filename_3i=filename_3i, db=data0_lettercode, samplename=samplename, path_3i=input_dir, path_3o=output_dir, path_3p=pickup_dir, data1_path=data1_path, dynamic_db_name=dynamic_db_name) # store input, output, and pickup as dicts in AqEquil object try: with open(input_dir + "/" + filename_3i, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() self.raw_3_input_dict[samplename] = lines except: pass try: with open(output_dir + "/" + filename_3o, "r") as f: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines()] self.raw_3_output_dict[samplename] = lines EQ3_errors_found = self._report_3o_6o_errors(lines, samplename) except: pass try: with open(pickup_dir + "/" + filename_3p, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() # capture everything after "start of the bottom half" of 3p top_half = [] bottom_half = [] capture = False for line in lines: if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line: capture = True if capture: bottom_half.append(line) else: top_half.append(line) self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top[samplename] = top_half # top half of the 3p file, including header for mixing calcs self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom[samplename] = bottom_half # the bottom half except: pass if dynamic_db: shutil.move("data0.dyn", "rxn_data0/"+filename_3i[0:-3]+"_data0.dat") if self.thermo.custom_data0: # delete straggling data1 files generated after running eq3 if os.path.exists("data1") and os.path.isfile("data1"): os.remove("data1") files_3o = [file+".3o" for file in self.df_input_processed.index] df_input_processed_names = _convert_to_RVector(list(self.df_input_processed.columns)) # mine output self._capture_r_output() r_3o_mine = pkg_resources.resource_string( __name__, '3o_mine.r').decode("utf-8") ro.r(r_3o_mine) batch_3o = ro.r.main_3o_mine( files_3o=_convert_to_RVector(files_3o), input_filename=input_filename, input_pressures=_convert_to_RVector(list(input_processed_list.rx2("pressure_bar"))), get_aq_dist=get_aq_dist, aq_dist_type=aq_dist_type, get_mass_contribution=get_mass_contribution, mass_contribution_other=mass_contribution_other, get_mineral_sat=get_mineral_sat, mineral_sat_type=mineral_sat_type, get_redox=get_redox, redox_type=redox_type, get_charge_balance=get_charge_balance, get_ion_activity_ratios=get_ion_activity_ratios, get_fugacity=get_fugacity, get_basis_totals=get_basis_totals, get_solid_solutions=get_solid_solutions, batch_3o_filename=batch_3o_filename, df_input_processed=ro.conversion.py2rpy(self.df_input_processed), df_input_processed_names=df_input_processed_names, verbose=self.verbose, ) self._print_captured_r_output() if len(batch_3o) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Could not compile a speciation report. This is " "likely because errors occurred during " "the speciation calculation.") return if get_mass_contribution: mass_contribution = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('mass_contribution')) df_report = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('report')) #df_input = ro.conversion.rpy2py(batch_3o.rx2('input')) report_divs = batch_3o.rx2('report_divs') input_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('input')) df_input = df_report[input_cols].copy() # add a pressure column to df_input df_input["Pressure_bar"] = pd.Series(dtype='float') sample_data = batch_3o.rx2('sample_data') for sample in sample_data: df_input.loc[str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "Pressure_bar"] = float(sample.rx2('pressure')[0]) report_divs[0] = _convert_to_RVector(input_cols + ["Pressure_bar"]) # handle headers and subheaders of input section headers = [col.split("_")[0] for col in list(df_input.columns)] headers = ["pH" if header == "H+" else header for header in headers] headers = [header+"_(input)" if header not in ["Temperature", "logfO2", "Pressure"]+exclude else header for header in headers] report_divs[0] = _convert_to_RVector(headers) # modify headers in the 'input' section, report_divs[0] subheaders = [subheader[1] if len(subheader) > 1 else "" for subheader in [ col.split("_") for col in list(df_input.columns)]] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_input.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_input if get_aq_dist: aq_distribution_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('aq_distribution')) df_aq_distribution = df_report[aq_distribution_cols] df_aq_distribution = df_aq_distribution.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # create a pH column from H+ df_aq_distribution["pH"] = np.nan # pH values are assigned when sample data is assembled later # handle headers of aq_distribution section headers = df_aq_distribution.columns subheaders = [aq_dist_type]*(len(headers)-1) # -1 because the last column will have subheader pH (see next line) subheaders = subheaders + ["pH"] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_aq_distribution.columns = multicolumns # ensure final pH column is included in report_divs aq_distribution section aq_dist_indx = list(report_divs.names).index("aq_distribution") report_divs[aq_dist_indx] = _convert_to_RVector(list(headers)) df_join = df_join.join(df_aq_distribution) if get_mineral_sat: mineral_sat_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('mineral_sat')) mineral_sat_cols = [col for col in mineral_sat_cols if col != "df"] # TO DO: why is df appearing in mineral sat cols and redox sections? df_mineral_sat = df_report[mineral_sat_cols] df_mineral_sat = df_mineral_sat.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_mineral_sat section if mineral_sat_type == "affinity": mineral_sat_unit = "affinity_kcal" elif mineral_sat_type == "logQoverK": mineral_sat_unit = "logQ/K" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception( "mineral_sat_type must be either 'affinity' or 'logQoverK'") headers = df_mineral_sat.columns subheaders = [mineral_sat_unit]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_mineral_sat.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_mineral_sat) if get_redox: redox_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('redox')) redox_cols = [col for col in redox_cols if col != "df"] # TO DO: why is df appearing in mineral sat cols and redox sections? df_redox = df_report[redox_cols] df_redox = df_redox.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_redox section if redox_type == "Eh": redox_unit = "Eh_volts" elif redox_type == "pe": redox_unit = "pe" elif redox_type == "logfO2": redox_unit = "logfO2" elif redox_type == "Ah": redox_unit = "Ah_kcal" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception( "redox_type must be either 'Eh', 'pe', 'logfO2', or 'Ah'") headers = df_redox.columns subheaders = [redox_unit]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_redox.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_redox) if get_charge_balance: charge_balance_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('charge_balance')) df_charge_balance = df_report[charge_balance_cols] df_charge_balance = df_charge_balance.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_charge_balance section headers = df_charge_balance.columns subheaders = ["%"]*2 + ['eq/kg.H2O', 'molality'] + \ ['eq/kg.H2O']*4 + ['molality'] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_charge_balance.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_charge_balance) if get_ion_activity_ratios: if type(report_divs.rx2('ion_activity_ratios')) != rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType: ion_activity_ratio_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('ion_activity_ratios')) df_ion_activity_ratios = df_report[ion_activity_ratio_cols] df_ion_activity_ratios = df_ion_activity_ratios.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of df_ion_activity_ratios section headers = df_ion_activity_ratios.columns subheaders = ["Log ion-H+ activity ratio"]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_ion_activity_ratios.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_ion_activity_ratios) if get_fugacity: fugacity_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('fugacity')) df_fugacity = df_report[fugacity_cols] df_fugacity = df_fugacity.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of fugacity section headers = df_fugacity.columns subheaders = ["log_fugacity"]*len(headers) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_fugacity.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_fugacity) if get_basis_totals: sc_cols = list(report_divs.rx2('basis_totals')) df_sc = df_report[sc_cols] df_sc = df_sc.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') # handle headers of basis_totals section headers = df_sc.columns subheaders = ["molality"]*(len(headers)) multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_sc.columns = multicolumns df_join = df_join.join(df_sc) out_dict = {'sample_data': {}, 'report': df_join, 'input': df_input, 'report_divs': report_divs} if get_mass_contribution: out_dict['mass_contribution'] = mass_contribution sample_data = batch_3o.rx2('sample_data') # assemble sample data for i, sample in enumerate(sample_data): dict_sample_data = { "filename": str(sample.rx2('filename')[0]), "name": str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "temperature": float(sample.rx2('temperature')[0]), "pressure": float(sample.rx2('pressure')[0]), "logact_H2O": float(sample.rx2('logact_H2O')[0]), "H2O_density": float(sample.rx2('H2O_density')[0]), "H2O_molality": float(sample.rx2('H2O_molality')[0]), "H2O_log_molality": float(sample.rx2('H2O_log_molality')[0]), } if get_aq_dist: sample_aq_dist = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('aq_distribution')) sample_aq_dist = sample_aq_dist.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') sample_pH = -sample_aq_dist.loc["H+", "log_activity"] out_dict["report"].loc[str(sample.rx2('name')[0]), "pH"] = sample_pH dict_sample_data.update({"aq_distribution": sample_aq_dist}) if get_mass_contribution: sample_mass_contribution = mass_contribution[mass_contribution["sample"] == sample.rx2('name')[0]] dict_sample_data.update( {"mass_contribution": sample_mass_contribution}) if get_mineral_sat: dict_sample_data.update( {"mineral_sat": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('mineral_sat')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')}) # replace sample mineral_sat entry with None if there is no mineral saturation data. if(len(dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'].index) == 1 and dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'].index[0] == 'None'): dict_sample_data['mineral_sat'] = None if get_redox: dict_sample_data.update( {"redox": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('redox')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')}) if get_charge_balance: dict_sample_data.update({"charge_balance": df_charge_balance.loc[sample.rx2('name')[0], :]}) if get_ion_activity_ratios: try: dict_sample_data.update( {"ion_activity_ratios": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('ion_activity_ratios'))}) except: dict_sample_data['ion_activity_ratios'] = None if get_fugacity: dict_sample_data.update( {"fugacity": ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('fugacity')).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')}) # replace sample fugacity entry with None if there is no fugacity data. if(len(dict_sample_data['fugacity'].index) == 1 and dict_sample_data['fugacity'].index[0] == 'None'): dict_sample_data['fugacity'] = None else: dict_sample_data["fugacity"]["fugacity"] = 10**dict_sample_data["fugacity"]["log_fugacity"] if get_basis_totals: sc_dist = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample.rx2('basis_totals')) sc_dist = sc_dist.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') dict_sample_data.update({"basis_totals": sc_dist}) if get_solid_solutions: sample_solid_solutions = batch_3o.rx2["sample_data"].rx2[str(sample.rx2('name')[0])].rx2["solid_solutions"] if not type(sample_solid_solutions.names) == rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType: ss_df_list = [] for ss in list(sample_solid_solutions.names): df_ss_ideal = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample_solid_solutions.rx2[str(ss)].rx2["ideal solution"]) df_ss_mineral = ro.conversion.rpy2py(sample_solid_solutions.rx2[str(ss)].rx2["mineral"]) df_merged = pd.merge(df_ss_mineral, df_ss_ideal, left_on='mineral', right_on='component', how='left') df_merged.insert(0, 'solid solution', ss) del df_merged['component'] ss_df_list.append(df_merged) dict_sample_data.update( {"solid_solutions": pd.concat(ss_df_list)}) out_dict["sample_data"].update( {sample_data.names[i]: dict_sample_data}) out_dict.update({"batch_3o": batch_3o}) out_dict.update({"water_model":water_model, "grid_temps":grid_temps, "grid_press":grid_press}) speciation = Speciation(out_dict, hide_traceback=self.hide_traceback) speciation.half_cell_reactions = self.half_cell_reactions speciation._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy = self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy if report_filename != None: if ".csv" in report_filename[-4:]: out_dict["report"].to_csv(report_filename) else: out_dict["report"].to_csv(report_filename+".csv") if delete_generated_folders: self._delete_rxn_folders() try: # delete straggler data1 file os.remove("data1") except: pass if self.verbose > 0: print("Finished!") speciation.raw_3_input_dict = self.raw_3_input_dict speciation.raw_3_output_dict = self.raw_3_output_dict speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_top speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom speciation.raw_6_input_dict = {} speciation.raw_6_output_dict = {} speciation.raw_6_pickup_dict = {} speciation.thermo = self.thermo speciation.data1 = self.data1 speciation.verbose = self.verbose speciation.logK_models = self.logK_models speciation.batch_T = self.batch_T speciation.batch_P = self.batch_P return speciation
class Error_Handler (clean=True)
Handles how errors are printed in Jupyter notebooks. By default, errors that are handled by AqEquil are printed with an error message, but no traceback. Errors that are not handled by AqEquil, such as those thrown if the user encounters a bug, will display a full traceback.
If the error handler prints an error message without traceback, all future errors regardless of origin will be shown without traceback until the notebook kernel is restarted.
- Report exceptions without traceback? If True, only the error message is shown. If False, the entire error message, including traceback, is shown. Ignored if AqEquil is not being run in a Jupyter notebook.
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class Error_Handler: """ Handles how errors are printed in Jupyter notebooks. By default, errors that are handled by AqEquil are printed with an error message, but no traceback. Errors that are not handled by AqEquil, such as those thrown if the user encounters a bug, will display a full traceback. If the error handler prints an error message without traceback, all future errors regardless of origin will be shown without traceback until the notebook kernel is restarted. Parameters ---------- clean : bool Report exceptions without traceback? If True, only the error message is shown. If False, the entire error message, including traceback, is shown. Ignored if AqEquil is not being run in a Jupyter notebook. """ def __init__(self, clean=True): self.clean = clean # bool: hide traceback? pass @staticmethod def hide_traceback(exc_tuple=None, filename=None, tb_offset=None, exception_only=False, running_compiled_code=False): """ Return a modified ipython showtraceback function that does not display traceback when encountering an error. """ ipython = get_ipython() etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() value.__cause__ = None # suppress chained exceptions return ipython._showtraceback(etype, value, ipython.InteractiveTB.get_exception_only(etype, value)) def raise_exception(self, msg): """ Raise an exception that displays the error message without traceback. This happens only when the exception is predicted by the AqEquil package (e.g., for common user errors). """ if self.clean and _isnotebook(): ipython = get_ipython() ipython.showtraceback = self.hide_traceback raise Exception(msg)
Static methods
def hide_traceback(exc_tuple=None, filename=None, tb_offset=None, exception_only=False, running_compiled_code=False)
Return a modified ipython showtraceback function that does not display traceback when encountering an error.
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@staticmethod def hide_traceback(exc_tuple=None, filename=None, tb_offset=None, exception_only=False, running_compiled_code=False): """ Return a modified ipython showtraceback function that does not display traceback when encountering an error. """ ipython = get_ipython() etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() value.__cause__ = None # suppress chained exceptions return ipython._showtraceback(etype, value, ipython.InteractiveTB.get_exception_only(etype, value))
def raise_exception(self, msg)
Raise an exception that displays the error message without traceback. This happens only when the exception is predicted by the AqEquil package (e.g., for common user errors).
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def raise_exception(self, msg): """ Raise an exception that displays the error message without traceback. This happens only when the exception is predicted by the AqEquil package (e.g., for common user errors). """ if self.clean and _isnotebook(): ipython = get_ipython() ipython.showtraceback = self.hide_traceback raise Exception(msg)
class Speciation (args, hide_traceback=True)
Stores the output of a speciation calculation.
- Arguments inherited from class AqEquil.
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
- Pandas dataframe containing user-supplied sample chemistry data.
- Pandas dataframe containing basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species.
:rpy2 ListVector
- An rpy2 ListVector (R object) containing speciation results, in case analysis in R is preferred.
- Pandas dataframe reporting major results of speciation calculation in across all samples.
:rpy2 ListVector
- An rpy2 ListVector of column names within the different sections of the speciation report.
- Dictionary with sample names as keys and speciation results as values.
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class Speciation(object): """ Stores the output of a speciation calculation. Parameters ---------- args : dict Arguments inherited from class AqEquil. hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. Attributes ---------- input : pd.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing user-supplied sample chemistry data. mass_contribution : pd.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species. batch_3o : rpy2 ListVector An rpy2 ListVector (R object) containing speciation results, in case analysis in R is preferred. report : pd.DataFrame Pandas dataframe reporting major results of speciation calculation in across all samples. report_divs : rpy2 ListVector An rpy2 ListVector of column names within the different sections of the speciation report. sample_data : dict Dictionary with sample names as keys and speciation results as values. """ # get functions from the AqEquil class _interpolate_logK = AqEquil._interpolate_logK plot_logK_fit = AqEquil.plot_logK_fit def __init__(self, args, hide_traceback=True): self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback) self.reactions_for_plotting = None # stores formatted reactions for plotting results of affinity and energy supply calculations self.apply_redox_columns = None # stores a list of column names for output from apply_redox_reactions() self.redox_formatted_reactions = None # stores a dataframe of formatted affinity/energy supply reactions self.redox_reactions_table = None # stores a dictionary of speciation groups (e.g., "CO2", "HCO3-", "CO3-2"...) self.custom_grouping_filepath = None self.reactant_dict_scalar = None self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked = None for k in args: setattr(self, k, args[k]) if 'report_divs' in list(self.__dict__.keys()): # create a dict of report categories and their child columns self.report_category_dict = {} for cat in [str(s) for s in list(self.report_divs.names)]: self.report_category_dict[cat] = list(self.report_divs.rx2(cat)) if 'verbose' not in list(self.__dict__.keys()): self.verbose = 1 def __getitem__(self, item): return getattr(self, item) def _make_speciation_group_dict(self): if isinstance(self.custom_grouping_filepath, str): with open(self.custom_grouping_filepath) as file: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file] else: stream = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "speciation_groups_WORM.txt") with stream as s: content = content = content.split("\n") lines = [line.rstrip() for line in content] lines = [l for l in lines if l != ""] # remove blank lines # Creates a dictionary with this format: # # {... # "sulfide 1": ["H2S", "HS-"], # "sulfide 2": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"], # "sulfide 3": ["Pb(HS)3-"], # "iron(II) 1": [...], # ... # } # # Used by calculate_energy() to calculate concentrations of limiting reactants. try: reactant_dict_scalar = {l.split(":")[0]:l.split(":")[1].strip() for l in lines} except: bad_line_indices = [] bad_lines = [] for i,l in enumerate(lines): if ":" not in l: bad_line_indices.append(i) bad_lines.append(l) bad_line_indices = [i+1 for i in bad_line_indices] self.err_handler.raise_exception("Line(s) in the speciation group file do not contain a colon ':'. Fix the formatting on line(s):\n"+str(bad_line_indices)+"\nLines to blame:\n"+str(bad_lines)) self.reactant_dict_scalar = {k:v.split(" ") for k,v in zip(reactant_dict_scalar.keys(), reactant_dict_scalar.values())} # Creates a dictionary with this format: # {... # "H2S": ["H2S", "HS-"], # "HS-": ["H2S", "HS-"], # "Pb(HS)2": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"], # "Ag(HS)2-": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"], # "Au(HS)2-": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"], # ... # } # # Used to switch a user-specified limiting reactant to one within the same scalar group. speciation_group_dict = {} speciation_group_dict_all_like_categories = {} for i,line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip().split(":") assert len(line) == 2 # will fail if : in species names group_name = line[0].strip() group_species = line[1].strip().split(" ") group_species = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(group_species)) # remove duplicates speciation_group_dict[group_name] = group_species speciation_group_dict_unpacked = {} for key in list(speciation_group_dict.keys()): for sp in speciation_group_dict[key]: speciation_group_dict_unpacked[sp] = speciation_group_dict[key] self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked = speciation_group_dict_unpacked # Creates a dictionary with this format: # {... # "sulfate": ['SO4-2','HSO4-','PdSO4','RhSO4', ..., 'Ru(SO4)3-4'], # "formate": ['formic-acid', 'formate', 'Am(For)+2', ..., 'Zn(For)2'], # ... # } # Used when the user wants to exclude all organics except for acetate (e.g.) # and all species in the acetate speciation group group_categories = [] for group_name in self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys(): group_name_no_number = group_name.split(" ") group_name_no_number = " ".join(group_name_no_number[:-1]) group_categories.append(group_name_no_number) group_categories = list(set(group_categories)) sp_dict_groups = {} for g1 in group_categories: for i,g2 in enumerate(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys()): g2_cat_name = g2.split(" ") g2_cat_name = " ".join(g2_cat_name[:-1]) if g1 == g2_cat_name: if g1 not in sp_dict_groups.keys(): sp_dict_groups[g1] = copy.deepcopy(self.reactant_dict_scalar[list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys())[i]]) else: sp_dict_groups[g1] += copy.deepcopy(self.reactant_dict_scalar[list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys())[i]]) self.sp_dict_groups = sp_dict_groups def __switch_limiting(self, limiting, stoich, species, lenient=False): if limiting != None: reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich] reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1] if limiting not in reactants and limiting in list(self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked.keys()): # if the user specifies a limiting reactant like "HCO3-" but the # reaction has "CO2" as a reactant, check the dict that # contains speciated groups and switch the limiting reactant to # the relevant limiting reactant to appear in reports, # e.g., "HCO3-" -> "CO2" lim_species_group_list = self.speciation_group_dict_unpacked[limiting] for s in lim_species_group_list: if s in reactants: if self.verbose > 0: print("The specified limiting reactant", str(limiting), "has been switched to", str(s), "because the latter", "appears as a reactant in the reaction:") if _isnotebook(): _ = self.format_reaction(coeffs=stoich, names=species, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=True, show=True) else: l = stoich + species l[::2] = stoich l[1::2] = species l = [str(v) for v in l] print(" ".join(l)) limiting = s break if limiting not in reactants and lenient: # if the user specifies "CO2" as the limiting reactant during a # batch calculation of many different reactions, some reactions # won't actually have "CO2" as a reactant. In this case, set # limiting to None so that CO2 will be limiting when applicable. limiting = None return limiting def add_new_half_reaction(self, oxidant, reductant, redox_couple=None): """ Add a new half reaction to the bottom of the table of available half reactions that can be combined using `make_redox_reactions`. Parameters ---------- oxidant, reductant : str Names of the oxidant and reductant as they appear in the thermodynamic database. It does not matter what speciated form of an oxidant or reductant is chosen. For example, choosing "acetate" as the oxidant is the same as choosing "acetic-acid" because they belong to the same speciation group. redox_couple : str, optional Desired name of the half reaction. This name is arbitrary and can be anything you'd like. If no name is provided, a name will be automatically generated based on the oxidant and reductant. Result ---------- Appends a new row to the half_cell_reactions table. """ if not isinstance(self.thermo.thermo_db, pd.DataFrame): # check to see if user is using a thermodynamic database CSV if self.verbose > 0: print("Did not add a new half reaction because a WORM-style thermodynamic database CSV is not available " "to check the validity of the user-supplied oxidant and reductant or perform energy calculations. Perhaps you " "are getting this message because you are using a calibrated database or data0 file (e.g. db='wrm' in AqEquil() ) " "instead of a more complete CSV database (e.g. db='WORM' or db='wrm_data.csv' in AqEquil() ).") return else: # check to see if the oxidant and reductant are actually in the thermodynamic database if oxidant in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]) and reductant in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]): pass else: if oxidant not in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]): if self.verbose > 0: print("Did not add a new half reaction because the oxidant '"+str(oxidant)+"' " "was not found amongst the currently loaded chemical species.") else: print("Did not add a new half reaction because the reductant '"+str(reductant)+"' " "was not found amongst the currently loaded chemical species.") return # check to see if this half reaction already exists add_new_row = True dup_index = None for i in self.half_cell_reactions.index: if self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[i]["Oxidant"] == oxidant and self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[i]["Reductant"] == reductant: add_new_row = False dup_index = i break if add_new_row: if not isinstance(redox_couple, str): redox_couple = str(oxidant) + " to " + str(reductant) new_row = [redox_couple, oxidant, reductant] self.half_cell_reactions.loc[len(self.half_cell_reactions.index)] = new_row if self.verbose > 0: print("Added new half reaction to half_cell_reactions.") else: if self.verbose > 0: print("A row with this oxidant and reductant already exists with index", i) def delete_half_reaction(self, index): """ Delete a half reaction from the half_cell_reactions table. Useful for removing unwanted or mistaken half reactions. This will reset the indices in the table to prevent a gap from the deleted row. Parameters ---------- index : int or list of int Index or list of indices of the row in the half_cell_reactions table to be deleted. """ if not isinstance(index, list): index = [index] self.half_cell_reactions.drop(index, inplace=True) self.half_cell_reactions.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) if self.verbose > 0: print("Rows", index, "have been deleted and indices have " "been reset in the half_cell_reactions table.") def reset_half_reactions(self): """ Reset the half_cell_reactions table back to its original default. Takes no parameters. """ self.half_cell_reactions = copy.deepcopy(self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy) if self.verbose > 0: print("The table of half reactions half_cell_reactions has been reset.") def apply_redox_reactions(self, y_type="E", y_units="cal", limiting=None, grams_minerals=0, negative_energy_supplies=False, custom_grouping_filepath=None, append_report=True): """ Calculate chemical affinities, energy supplies, and more in samples using the redox reactions generated by the function `make_redox_reactions`. Parameters ---------- grams_minerals : float or dict, default 0 Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This parameter is only used when `y_type="E"`. For example, in the reaction 4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O setting `grams_minerals = 0.001` would mean 0.001 grams of goethite is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can be provided. For example: `grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},` negative_energy_supplies : bool, default False Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is set to False by default. y_type : str, default "A" The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply. y_units : str, default "kcal" The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'. limiting : str, optional Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). append_report : bool, default True Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report dataframe? custom_grouping_filepath : str, optional Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use to override the built-in speciation group file. raise_nonlimiting_exception : bool, default True This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an exception when there are no available limiting reactants? The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message interruptions when this function is called by `apply_redox_reactions`, which can test many different reactions at once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would otherwise be interrupted by errors. Returns ---------- Pandas dataframe Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results. If `append_report` is True, then the report attribute of the speciation object will be appended/updated. """ self.custom_grouping_filepath = custom_grouping_filepath self._make_speciation_group_dict() y_name_list = [] val_list_list = [] result_dict = {} result_lim_dict = {} if not isinstance(self.redox_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Redox reactions cannot be applied " "because they have not yet been generated. Generate redox " "reactions with the function make_redox_reactions() and then " "try again.") coeff_colnames = [c for c in list(self.redox_reactions_table.columns) if "coeff_" in c] species_colnames = [c for c in list(self.redox_reactions_table.columns) if "species_" in c] # handle the progress bar max_count = len(list(self.redox_reactions_table.index)) f = IntProgress(min=0, max=max_count) # instantiate the bar display(f) # display the bar df_rxn_list = [] for i,rxn in enumerate(list(self.redox_reactions_table.index)): coeff_list = list(self.redox_reactions_table[coeff_colnames].loc[rxn]) coeff_list = [v for v in coeff_list if not math.isnan(v)] coeff_list = [float(v) for v in coeff_list] species_list = list(self.redox_reactions_table[species_colnames].loc[rxn]) species_list = [v for v in species_list if isinstance(v, str)] if len(coeff_list) != len(species_list): self.err_handler.raise_exception("There is a mismatch between " "the number of coefficients and number of species in " "the reaction. Coefficients: "+str(coeff_list)+" " "Species: "+str(species_list)) if y_type in ["A", "G"]: divisor = self.redox_reactions_table["mol_e-_transferred_per_mol_rxn"].loc[rxn] divisor = float(divisor) else: divisor = 1 redox_pair = self.redox_reactions_table["redox_pairs"].loc[rxn] if y_type == "E": limiting_input = self.__switch_limiting(limiting, stoich=coeff_list, species=species_list, lenient=True) else: limiting_input = None df_rxn = self.calculate_energy( species=species_list, stoich=coeff_list, divisor=divisor, per_electron=True, grams_minerals=grams_minerals, y_type=y_type, y_units=y_units, limiting=limiting_input, raise_nonlimiting_exception=False, rxn_name=rxn, append_report=append_report, negative_energy_supplies=negative_energy_supplies, ) df_rxn_list.append(df_rxn) f.value += 1 # tick the counter df = pd.concat(df_rxn_list, axis=1) return df def show_redox_reactions(self, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, show=True): """ Show a table of redox reactions generated with the function `make_redox_reactions`. Parameters ---------- formatted : bool, default True Should reactions be formatted for html output? charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if `formatted` is False. show : bool, default False Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter notebook. Returns ---------- A pandas dataframe containing balanced redox reactions written in full. """ if isinstance(self.redox_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame): self.redox_formatted_reactions = copy.copy(self.redox_reactions_table.iloc[:, 0:1]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("There are no redox reactions to display. " "Try running make_redox_reactions() first.") df = copy.copy(self.redox_reactions_table) reactions = [] for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]): redox_pair = df.loc[self.redox_reactions_table.index[irow], "redox_pairs"] oxidant = redox_pair[0] reductant = redox_pair[1] rxn_row = df.iloc[irow, 2:] rxn = rxn_row[rxn_row.notna()] coeffs = copy.copy(rxn[::2]).tolist() names = copy.copy(rxn[1::2]).tolist() reaction = self.format_reaction(coeffs=coeffs, names=names, formatted=formatted, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, show=False) reactions.append(reaction) self.redox_formatted_reactions["reaction"] = reactions df_out = copy.copy(self.redox_formatted_reactions) if _isnotebook() and show: display(HTML(df_out.to_html(escape=False))) return df_out @staticmethod def format_reaction(coeffs, names, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=True, show=True): react_grid = pd.DataFrame({"coeff":coeffs, "name":names}) react_grid["coeff"] = pd.to_numeric(react_grid["coeff"]) react_grid = react_grid.astype({'coeff': 'float'}) reactants = " + ".join([(str(-int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if react_grid["coeff"][i].is_integer() else -react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if -react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + react_grid["name"][i] for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0]) products = " + ".join([(str(int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if react_grid["coeff"][i].is_integer() else react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + react_grid["name"][i] for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0]) if formatted: reactants = " + ".join([_format_coeff(react_grid["coeff"][i]) + chemlabel(react_grid["name"][i], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0]) products = " + ".join([_format_coeff(react_grid["coeff"][i]) + chemlabel(react_grid["name"][i], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0]) reaction = reactants + " = " + products if _isnotebook() and show: display(HTML(reaction)) return reaction def make_redox_reactions(self, idx_list="all", show=True, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=False): """ Generate an organized collection of redox reactions for calculating chemical affinity and energy supply values during speciation. Parameters ---------- idx_list : list of int or "all", default "all" List of indices of half reactions in the half cell reaction table to be combined when generating full redox reactions. E.g. [0, 1, 4] will combine half reactions with indices 0, 1, and 4 in the table stored in the `half_cell_reactions` attribute of the `Speciation` class. If "all", generate all possible redox reactions from available half cell reactions. show : bool, default True Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter notebook. formatted : bool, default True Should reactions be formatted for html output? Ignored if `show` is False. charge_sign_at_end : bool, default True Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if `formatted` is False. Returns ---------- Output is stored in the `redox_reactions_table` and `redox_formatted_reactions` attributes of the `Speciation` class. """ # reset all redox variables stored in the AqEquil class self.redox_reactions_table = None self.redox_formatted_reactions = None if isinstance(idx_list, str): if idx_list == "all": pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter idx_list must " "either be a list of indices corresponding to desired " "half reactions in the half_cell_reactions table, or " "'all' for all half reaction combinations.") elif isinstance(idx_list, list): if len(idx_list) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The list of desired half " "reactions is empty. Please define the indices of at " "least two half reactions to combine into a full redox " "reaction. These indices correspond to rows in the " "half_cell_reactions table.") if len(idx_list) == 1: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Only one half reaction index " "was provided. At least two must be provided in order " "to create a full redox reaction.") else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter idx_list must " "either be a list of indices corresponding to desired " "half reactions in the half_cell_reactions table, or " "'all' for all half reaction combinations.") if self.verbose > 1: print("Generating redox reactions...") err_msg = ("redox_pairs can either be 'all' or a list of integers " "indicating the indices of half cell reactions in " "the half_cell_reactions table that should be combined into " "full redox reactions. For example, redox_pairs=[0, 1, 2, 6] " "will combine half cell reactions with indices 0, 1, 2, and 6 in " "the half_cell_reactions table. This table is an attribute in the " "class AqEquil.") if isinstance(idx_list, str): if idx_list == "all": idx_list = list(range(0, self.half_cell_reactions.shape[0])) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_msg) elif isinstance(idx_list, list): if not all([isinstance(i, int) for i in idx_list]): self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_msg) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_msg) self.idx_list = idx_list half_reaction_dict = {} bad_idx_list = [] for idx in idx_list: #print(idx) if idx not in self.half_cell_reactions.index: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The index " + str(idx) + " was not " "found in the half_cell_reactions table.") oxidant = self.half_cell_reactions["Oxidant"].iloc[idx] reductant = self.half_cell_reactions["Reductant"].iloc[idx] if oxidant == "O2" and reductant == "H2O": half_reaction_dict[idx] = {'O2': -1.0, 'e-': -4.0, 'H+': -4.0, 'H2O': 2.0} continue elif oxidant == "H2O" and reductant == "H2": half_reaction_dict[idx] = {'H2O': -2.0, 'e-': -2.0, 'H2': 1.0, 'OH-': 2.0} continue db_sp_names = list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]) if oxidant not in db_sp_names or reductant not in db_sp_names: if oxidant not in db_sp_names: problem_sp = oxidant else: problem_sp = reductant if self.verbose > 0: print("The species '"+str(problem_sp)+"' found in half cell reaction", self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[idx][0], "( index", idx, ")", "was not found in the thermodynamic database", "used by the speciation. Check whether this species has", "been excluded from the thermodynamic database prior to", "the speciation step. Skipping this half reaction...") bad_idx_list.append(idx) continue # comparing common elements # requires "formula" and not "formula_modded" columns of thermo_db ox_formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0]) ox_formula_ox = self.thermo.thermo_db["formula_ox"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0] ox_dissrxn = self.thermo.thermo_db["dissrxn"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0] red_formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0]) red_formula_ox = self.thermo.thermo_db["formula_ox"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0] red_dissrxn = self.thermo.thermo_db["dissrxn"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0] common_keys = [] for key in list(ox_formula_dict.keys()): if key in list(red_formula_dict.keys()): common_keys.append(key) ZOH_list = ["+", "-", "O", "H"] common_elems = [k for k in common_keys if k not in ZOH_list] elems_unique_to_oxidant = [k for k in list(ox_formula_dict.keys()) if k not in list(red_formula_dict.keys())+ZOH_list] elems_unique_to_reductant = [k for k in list(red_formula_dict.keys()) if k not in list(ox_formula_dict.keys())+ZOH_list] # print("common_elems") # print(common_elems) # print("unique to oxidant") # print(elems_unique_to_oxidant) # print("unique to reductant") # print(elems_unique_to_reductant) ox_red_formula_ox_dict = {} for i,ro in enumerate([ox_formula_ox, red_formula_ox]): ox_red_formula_ox_dict[[oxidant, reductant][i]] = self._formula_ox_to_dict(ro) common_elem_electron_dict = {} for ce in common_elems: ox_ce = ox_red_formula_ox_dict[list(ox_red_formula_ox_dict.keys())[0]][ce] red_ce = ox_red_formula_ox_dict[list(ox_red_formula_ox_dict.keys())[1]][ce] ox_ce_n = sum([v for v in list(ox_ce.values())]) red_ce_n = sum([v for v in list(red_ce.values())]) if ox_ce_n/red_ce_n < 1: ox_coeff = red_ce_n/ox_ce_n red_coeff = 1.0 elif ox_ce_n/red_ce_n > 1: ox_coeff = 1.0 red_coeff = ox_ce_n/red_ce_n else: # oxidant and reductant have the same number of common element ox_coeff = 1.0 red_coeff = 1.0 total_ox_ce_oxstate = sum([k*v for k,v in zip(list(ox_ce.keys()), list(ox_ce.values()))]) total_red_ce_oxstate = sum([k*v for k,v in zip(list(red_ce.keys()), list(red_ce.values()))]) electron_coeff = red_coeff*total_red_ce_oxstate - ox_coeff*total_ox_ce_oxstate if electron_coeff > 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The oxidant '"+oxidant+"' is more reduced than the " "reductant '"+reductant+"' in the half reaction corresponding to index " + str(idx) + " " "in the half_cell_reactions table. Please flip the species so that " "the oxidant is in the Oxidant column.") # TODO: automatically flip it for the user... else: # if e- transfer for this common elem is negative (e- is transferred) # or zero (e.g., if K, Na, or Ca is a common element) common_elem_electron_dict[ce] = { "electron_coeff":electron_coeff, "ox_coeff":-ox_coeff, "total_ox_ce_oxstate":total_ox_ce_oxstate, "red_coeff":red_coeff, "total_red_ce_oxstate":total_red_ce_oxstate, } # print("common_elem_electron_dict") # print(common_elem_electron_dict) if len(common_elem_electron_dict.keys()) > 1: # TODO: figure out what to do if there is more than one common element that # participates in electron transfer... pass if isinstance(ox_dissrxn, str): sp_diss_ox = ox_dissrxn.strip().split(" ")[1::2] sp_diss_ox = sp_diss_ox[1:] sp_diss_ox = [s if s != "O2(g)" else "O2" for s in sp_diss_ox] else: sp_diss_ox = [oxidant] sp_diss_ox = [s for s in sp_diss_ox if s not in ["H+", "H2O"]] basis_candidates = [] basis_candidate_elems = [] for f in sp_diss_ox: formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==f].values[0]) elems = [k for k in list(formula_dict.keys()) if k not in ["+", "-", "H", "O"]] if len(elems) == 1: if (elems[0] in common_elems or elems[0] in elems_unique_to_oxidant) and elems[0] not in basis_candidate_elems: basis_candidates.append(f) basis_candidate_elems.append(elems[0]) if isinstance(red_dissrxn, str): sp_diss_red = red_dissrxn.strip().split(" ")[1::2] sp_diss_red = sp_diss_red[1:] sp_diss_res = [s if s != "O2(g)" else "O2" for s in sp_diss_red] else: sp_diss_red = [reductant] sp_diss_red = [s for s in sp_diss_red if s not in ["H+", "H2O"]] for f in sp_diss_red: formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==f].values[0]) elems = [k for k in list(formula_dict.keys()) if k not in ["+", "-", "H", "O"]] if len(elems) == 1: if elems[0] in elems_unique_to_reductant and elems[0] not in basis_candidate_elems: basis_candidates.append(f) basis_candidate_elems.append(elems[0]) if len(common_elem_electron_dict) == 0: # no common elements between oxidant and reductant self.err_handler.raise_exception("A common element could not be found between " "the oxidant " + str(oxidant) + " and the reductant " + str(reductant)) unpacked_dict = common_elem_electron_dict[list(common_elem_electron_dict.keys())[0]] e_coeff = unpacked_dict["electron_coeff"] ox_coeff = unpacked_dict["ox_coeff"] red_coeff = unpacked_dict["red_coeff"] # print("BASIS CANDIDATES") # print(basis_candidates+["H2O", "e-", "H+"]) pyCHNOSZ.basis(basis_candidates+["H2O", "e-", "H+"], messages=False) sout = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt(species=[oxidant, reductant, "e-"], coeff=[ox_coeff, red_coeff, e_coeff], property="logK", T=25, messages=False, show=False).reaction half_reaction_dict[idx] = self._create_sp_dict(sout) # print("HALF REACTION DICT") # print(half_reaction_dict) # find all possible combinations of idx pairs (but not reverse rxns to save time) good_idx_list = [idx for idx in idx_list if idx not in bad_idx_list] redox_pair_list = [list(p) for p in list(itertools.combinations(good_idx_list, 2))] # Weed out redox pairs that would have the same # electron-donating/accepting species as a product and reactant. E.g. # 'CO2': -1.0, 'CH4': 1.0, 'e-': -8.0, 'H2O': 2.0, 'H+': -8.0 # 'CO': -1.0, 'CH4': 1.0, 'e-': -6.0, 'H2O': 1.0, 'H+': -6.0 # In this example, CH4 would be both a product and reactant in the resulting # full redox reaction. Get rid of these pairs because they cause erroneous # calculation of electrons transferred when half reactions are summed. bad_redox_pair_index_list = [] for i,p in enumerate(redox_pair_list): half_rxn_idx_1 = p[0] half_rxn_idx_2 = p[1] reactant_1 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].values()) if v<0] reactant_2 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].values()) if v<0] product_1 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].values()) if v>0] product_2 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].values()) if v>0] reactant_1 = [r for r in reactant_1 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] reactant_2 = [r for r in reactant_2 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] product_1 = [r for r in product_1 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] product_2 = [r for r in product_2 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] if len([ii for ii in reactant_1 if ii in reactant_2]) != 0: bad_redox_pair_index_list.append(i) if len([ii for ii in product_1 if ii in product_2]) != 0: bad_redox_pair_index_list.append(i) redox_pair_list = [i for j, i in enumerate(redox_pair_list) if j not in bad_redox_pair_index_list] if len(redox_pair_list) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: msg = ("No valid redox reactions could be made with these half reactions. " "This is likely because a species appears as both an oxidant and a " "reductant in the full redox reaction. For example, " "combining the half reactions 'CO2 to CH4' and 'CO to CH4' " "would produce a full redox reaction with CH4 as both a product " "and a reactant. If you would like to model a " "comproportionation or disproportionation reaction, be sure " "to select half reactions that do not share reactants and products. " "For example, 'CO2 to CO' and 'CO to CH4' is a valid combination that " "would represent the comproportionation or disproportionation of CO in " "the forward and backward redox reactions.") print(msg) return self.redox_pair_list = redox_pair_list # create 'reaction_dict': a dictionary of reactions keyed by their idx pairs reaction_dict = {} e_dict = {} for pair in redox_pair_list: # print("Pair:", str(pair)) half_reaction_dict_1 = copy.deepcopy(half_reaction_dict[pair[0]]) half_reaction_dict_2 = copy.deepcopy(half_reaction_dict[pair[1]]) # print("half reactions") # print(half_reaction_dict_1) # print(half_reaction_dict_2) # find the lowest common multiple of e- # ensure e- is an integer value or else lcm() won't work assert int(half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]) == half_reaction_dict_1["e-"] assert int(half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]) == half_reaction_dict_2["e-"] # find lowest common multiple (lcm) of the electrons in the two half reactions e_lcm = math.lcm(int(half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]), int(half_reaction_dict_2["e-"])) # use the lcm to multiply half reaction coefficients to get the # same number of electrons transferred in each half reaction mult_1 = abs(e_lcm/half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]) mult_2 = abs(e_lcm/half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]) for k in list(half_reaction_dict_1.keys()): half_reaction_dict_1[k] = half_reaction_dict_1[k]*mult_1 for k in list(half_reaction_dict_2.keys()): half_reaction_dict_2[k] = -half_reaction_dict_2[k]*mult_2 # print("lcm multiplied") # print(half_reaction_dict_1) # print(half_reaction_dict_2) # sum the half reaction dicts to write the full balanced redox reaction full_rxn_dict = {k: half_reaction_dict_1.get(k, 0) + half_reaction_dict_2.get(k, 0) for k in set(half_reaction_dict_1) | set(half_reaction_dict_2)} # sum H+ and OH- to make H2O, and modify the full rxn dict appropriately if "OH-" in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()) and "H+" in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()): if ((full_rxn_dict["H+"]== full_rxn_dict["OH-"]) & (full_rxn_dict["H+"]==0)) or (full_rxn_dict["H+"]*full_rxn_dict["OH-"]>0): # check if the coefficients of OH- and H+ have the same sign water_dict = {} if abs(full_rxn_dict["H+"]) == abs(full_rxn_dict["OH-"]): water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["H+"]} elif abs(full_rxn_dict["H+"]) > abs(full_rxn_dict["OH-"]): water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["OH-"], "H+":full_rxn_dict["H+"] - full_rxn_dict["OH-"]} else: water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["H+"], "OH-":full_rxn_dict["OH-"] - full_rxn_dict["H+"]} del full_rxn_dict["H+"] del full_rxn_dict["OH-"] # sum the full_rxn_dict and the water_dict to ensure OH- and H+ make H2O full_rxn_dict = {k: full_rxn_dict.get(k, 0) + water_dict.get(k, 0) for k in set(full_rxn_dict) | set(water_dict)} for k in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()): if full_rxn_dict[k] == 0: del full_rxn_dict[k] # print("full_rxn_dict before") # print(full_rxn_dict) # multiply all coefficients by their least common multiple denoms = [Fraction(x).limit_denominator().denominator for x in list(full_rxn_dict.values())] coeff_lcm = functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a*b//math.gcd(a,b), denoms) full_rxn_dict = {k:full_rxn_dict[k]*coeff_lcm for k in full_rxn_dict.keys()} # print("full_rxn_dict after") # print(full_rxn_dict) e_transferred = half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]*coeff_lcm e_dict[str(pair[0])+"_"+str(pair[1])] = abs(e_transferred) e_dict[str(pair[1])+"_"+str(pair[0])] = abs(e_transferred) # print("e_transferred") # print(e_transferred) reaction_dict[str(pair[0])+"_"+str(pair[1])] = full_rxn_dict reaction_dict[str(pair[1])+"_"+str(pair[0])] = {k:-v for k,v in zip(full_rxn_dict.keys(), full_rxn_dict.values())} # print("reaction_dict") # print(reaction_dict) for i,key in enumerate(list(reaction_dict.keys())): redox_pair = key.split("_") redox_pair = [int(v) for v in redox_pair] name = "rxn_"+str(key) species_dict_formatted = {"species_"+str(i+1):[k] for i,k in enumerate(reaction_dict[key].keys())} coeff_dict_formatted = {"coeff_"+str(i+1):[reaction_dict[key][k]] for i,k in enumerate(reaction_dict[key].keys())} reaction_dict[key] = {"reaction_name":[name], "redox_pairs":[redox_pair], "mol_e-_transferred_per_mol_rxn":[e_dict[key]]} reaction_dict[key].update(species_dict_formatted) reaction_dict[key].update(coeff_dict_formatted) self.reaction_dict = reaction_dict # make the affinity_energy_reactions_table for i,key in enumerate(list(self.reaction_dict.keys())): if i == 0: affinity_energy_reactions_table = pd.DataFrame(self.reaction_dict[key]) else: affinity_energy_reactions_table = pd.concat([affinity_energy_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame(self.reaction_dict[key])]) self.redox_reactions_table = affinity_energy_reactions_table.set_index("reaction_name") # rearrange column order non_coeff_non_sp_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "coeff_" not in c and "species_" not in c] coeff_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "coeff_" in c] species_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "species_" in c] coeff_sp_cols = [None]*(len(coeff_cols)+len(species_cols)) coeff_sp_cols[::2] = coeff_cols coeff_sp_cols[1::2] = species_cols new_col_order = non_coeff_non_sp_cols + coeff_sp_cols self.redox_reactions_table = self.redox_reactions_table[new_col_order] reverse_pair_list = [[v[1], v[0]] for v in self.redox_pair_list] pair_list_interleave = self.redox_pair_list + reverse_pair_list pair_list_interleave[::2] = self.redox_pair_list pair_list_interleave[1::2] = reverse_pair_list self.redox_pair_list = pair_list_interleave # sort by forward then backward reaction, e.g., [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0]... sort_order = ["rxn_"+str(v[0])+"_"+str(v[1]) for v in self.redox_pair_list] self.redox_reactions_table.reindex(sort_order) # # sort rows by ascending redox pairs # self.redox_reactions_table = self.redox_reactions_table.sort_values('redox_pairs', key=lambda col: x: [x[0], x[1]])) if isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): self.reactions_for_plotting = self.show_redox_reactions( formatted=formatted, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, show=show).combine_first(self.reactions_for_plotting) else: self.reactions_for_plotting = self.show_redox_reactions( formatted=formatted, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, show=show) @staticmethod def _create_sp_dict(sout): coeffs = list(sout["coeff"]) species = list(sout["name"]) species = [sp if sp != "water" else "H2O" for sp in species] # replace "water" with "H2O" sp_dict = {} for i,sp in enumerate(species): if sp in list(sp_dict.keys()): sp_dict[sp] = sp_dict[sp] + coeffs[i] else: sp_dict[sp] = coeffs[i] for sp in list(sp_dict.keys()): if sp_dict[sp] == 0: del sp_dict[sp] return sp_dict @staticmethod def _formula_ox_to_dict(f): f_split = f.strip().split(" ") out_dict = {} for f in f_split: num_elem_split = re.sub( r"([A-Z])", r" \1", f).split() if len(num_elem_split) == 1: # element has no coeff e.g., "S+6" n_elem = 1.0 elem_ox = num_elem_split[0] split_pos = elem_ox.strip().split("+") split_neg = elem_ox.strip().split("-") else: # element has a coeff e.g., "4O-2" n_elem = float(num_elem_split[0]) elem_ox = num_elem_split[1] split_pos = elem_ox.strip().split("+") split_neg = elem_ox.strip().split("-") if len(split_pos) != len([elem_ox]): # element has positive ox state elem = split_pos[0] if split_pos[1] == "": split_pos[1] = 1.0 ox_state = float(split_pos[1]) elif len(split_neg) != len([elem_ox]): # element has negative ox state elem = split_neg[0] if split_neg[1] == "": split_neg[1] = 1.0 ox_state = -float(split_neg[1]) else: # element has ox state of 0 elem = elem_ox ox_state = 0.0 # print("RESULTS") # print(f) # print(n_elem) # print(elem) # print(ox_state) if elem not in list(out_dict.keys()): out_dict[elem] = {ox_state:n_elem} else: out_dict[elem][ox_state] = n_elem return out_dict def __match_grouped_species(self, s): """ Match whether a species is in a speciation group, and get a list of relevant groups and their scalars. e.g., self.reactant_dict_scalar = {... "sulfides 1": ["H2S", "HS-"], "sulfides 2": ["Pb(HS)2", "Ag(HS)2-", "Au(HS)2-"], "sulfides 3": ["Pb(HS)3-"], "ferrous iron 1": [...], ... } If `s` = "Ag(HS)2-" then `scalars` = [1, 2, 3] and `groups` = ["sulfides 1", "sulfides 2", "sulfides 3"] """ scalars = [] groups = [] for i,grp_list in enumerate(list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.values())): if s in grp_list: s_key = list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys())[i] #e.g., s_key can be "sulfates 1" s_key_split = s_key.split(" ") s_key_grp = " ".join(s_key_split[:-1]) possible_scalars = [k.split(s_key_grp)[-1].strip() for k in list(self.reactant_dict_scalar.keys()) if s_key_grp in k] for k in possible_scalars: try: float(k) # test whether the scalar is a number. If so, append. scalars.append(k) except: continue groups = [s_key_grp+" "+str(s) for s in scalars] break scalars = [float(s) for s in scalars] # prevent duplicate groups and scalars from appearing scalars_final = [] groups_final = [] for i,group in enumerate(groups): if group not in groups_final: scalars_final.append(scalars[i]) groups_final.append(groups[i]) groups_final = [self.reactant_dict_scalar[g] for g in groups_final] return scalars_final, groups_final def calculate_energy(self, species, stoich, divisor=1, per_electron=False, grams_minerals=0, rxn_name="custom reaction", negative_energy_supplies=False, y_type="A", y_units="kcal", limiting=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, as_written=False, simple_df_output=False, append_report=True, custom_grouping_filepath=None, print_logK_messages=False, raise_nonlimiting_exception=True): """ Calculate Gibbs free energy, logK, logQ, chemical affinity, or energy supply for a user-defined reaction across all samples in a speciation. Parameters ---------- species : list of str List of species in the reaction stoich : list of numeric List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative) divisor : numeric, default 1, or list of numeric If a single numeric value is provided, divide all calculated values (Gibbs free energies, affinities, etc.) by that value. Synergizes with the parameter `per_electron` when normalizing calculated values to a per electron basis. See `per_electron` for more information. per_electron : bool, default False If False, values calculated by this function will be treated as 'per mole of reaction'. If set to True, then the calculation will assume that `divisor` is normalizing calculated values to a per electron basis. For example, sulfide oxidation to sulfate has the following reaction: [2 O2 + H2S = SO4-2 + 2 H+]. The oxidation state of sulfur changes from S-2 in sulfide to S+6 in sulfate, a difference of 8 electrons. If you use `calculate_energy` to calculate the Gibbs free energy per mole of electrons transferred, you would set `divisor` to 8 and `per_electron` to True. grams_minerals : float or dict, default 0 Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This parameter is only used when `y_type="E"`. For example, in the reaction 4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O setting `grams_minerals = 0.001` would mean 0.001 grams of goethite is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can be provided. For example: `grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},` rxn_name : str, default "custom reaction" Name for the reaction, e.g., "sulfide oxidation to sulfate". negative_energy_supplies : bool, default False Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is set to False by default. y_type : str, default "A" The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply. y_units : str, default "kcal" The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'. limiting : str, optional Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? as_written : bool, default False If `as_written` is False, then built-in speciation groups will be used to calculate limiting reactants. For example, if CaCO3 is a reactant, then the code tests whether the limiting reactant is the sum of CaCO3, CO2, HCO3-, CO3-2, NaCO3-... everything in the carbonate speciation group. If `as_written` is True, then speciation groups will not be used; only the species defined as reactants will be used to test whether a reactant is limiting (e.g., just CaCO3). This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). simple_df_output : bool, default False By default, the dataframe returned by this function is multiindexed; i.e., there is a header column, a subheader defining the units, and then columns of values. If `simple_df_output` is set to True, then the dataframe returned will not be multiindexed; there will only be one column header that includes units. append_report : bool, default True Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report dataframe? custom_grouping_filepath : str, optional Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use to override the built-in speciation group file. print_logK_messages : bool, default False Print additional messages related to calculating logK values for each sample? raise_nonlimiting_exception : bool, default True This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an exception when there are no available limiting reactants? The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message interruptions when this function is called by `apply_redox_reactions`, which can test many different reactions at once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would otherwise be interrupted by errors. Returns ---------- Pandas dataframe Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results. If `append_report` is True, then the report attribute of the speciation object will be appended/updated. If `simple_df_output` is set to True, then the dataframe will not be multiindexed. """ # check that y_type is recognized if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ", "G", "A", "E"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid options for y_type include " "'logK', 'logQ', 'G' (Gibbs free energy), 'A' " "(chemical affinity), and 'E' (energy suppy.") # check that a thermodynamic CSV is being used if not isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The plot_energy() function requires " "a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., " "'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because " "a data0 or data1 file was used.") # check that the divisor is valid if isinstance(divisor, list) or isinstance(divisor, pd.Series): if len(divisor) != len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The length of the divisor is " "not equal to the number of samples.") # set the custom grouping filepath if isinstance(custom_grouping_filepath, str): self.custom_grouping_filepath = custom_grouping_filepath # check that the reaction is balanced formulas = [] for s in species: if s == "H+": formulas.append("H+") elif s == "H2O": formulas.append("H2O") else: if s in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): formulas.append(list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data " "was not found for species "+str(s)+"") missing_composition = check_balance(formulas, stoich) if y_type == "E": if not isinstance(self.reactant_dict_scalar, dict): self._make_speciation_group_dict() # assign aq_distribution_logact table to Speciation sample_dict = {} for i,sample in enumerate(self.sample_data.keys()): sample_data = self.sample_data[sample]["aq_distribution"]["log_activity"] sample_dict[sample] = {name:logact for name, logact in zip(sample_data.index, sample_data)} df_aq_distribution_logact = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict) df_aq_distribution_logact = df_aq_distribution_logact.T df_aq_distribution_logact.insert(0, "Xi", 0) self.aq_distribution_logact = df_aq_distribution_logact # assign aq_distribution_molal table to Speciation sample_dict = {} for i,sample in enumerate(self.sample_data.keys()): sample_data = self.sample_data[sample]["aq_distribution"]["molality"] sample_dict[sample] = {name:molal for name, molal in zip(sample_data.index, sample_data)} df_aq_distribution_molal = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict) df_aq_distribution_molal = df_aq_distribution_molal.T df_aq_distribution_molal.insert(0, "Xi", 0) self.aq_distribution_molal = df_aq_distribution_molal # assign misc_params table to Speciation df_misc_param_row_list = [] for sample in self.sample_data.keys(): df_misc_param_row_list.append(pd.DataFrame({ "Temp(C)" : [self.sample_data[sample]['temperature']], "Press(bars)" : [self.sample_data[sample]['pressure']], "pH" : [-self.sample_data[sample]['aq_distribution']["log_activity"]['H+']], "logfO2" : [self.sample_data[sample]["fugacity"]["log_fugacity"]["O2(g)"]], })) df_misc_params = pd.concat(df_misc_param_row_list) df_misc_params.insert(0, "Xi", 0) df_misc_params.index = list(self.sample_data.keys()) self.misc_params = df_misc_params # check that there are valid limiting reactants when calculating energy # e.g., prevent issue when the only reactant is a mineral, etc. reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich] reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1] invalid_limiting_reactants = [] for r in reactants: if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]: if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==r]["state"])[0] != "aq" and not isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)): invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) else: invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) no_limiting_reactants = False if reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E" and raise_nonlimiting_exception: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Energy supply for this reaction " "cannot be calculated because none of the reactants are " "limiting. A limiting reactant must be aqueous and cannot be H+ " "or OH-.") elif reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E" and not raise_nonlimiting_exception: no_limiting_reactants = True if limiting != None and y_type == "E": limiting = self.__switch_limiting(limiting, stoich=stoich, species=species, lenient=False) # check that the limiting reactant is in the thermodynamic database if limiting not in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data was " "not found for limiting reactant "+str(limiting)+"") # check that the limiting reactant is aqueous or gaseous if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==limiting]["state"])[0] != "aq": self.err_handler.raise_exception("The limiting reactant must " "be an aqueous species.") # check that the limiting reactant is a reactant in the `species` parameter if limiting not in reactants: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species specified as a " "limiting reactant, '"+str(limiting)+"', is not a " "reactant in this reaction.") # format reaction equation equation_to_display = format_equation( species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, ) # create a dictionary of species logacts across samples s_logact_dict = {} s_molal_dict = {} for s in species: if s == "H+": s_logact_dict[s] = [v for v in list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"])] s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"])) elif s == "H2O": s_logact_dict[s] = [v for v in list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H2O"])] s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.aq_distribution_logact["H2O"]) elif list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: if s in self.aq_distribution_logact.columns: # aqueous species s_logact_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_logact[s]) if isinstance(self.reactant_dict_scalar, dict): # check whether the species matches any of the groups in reactant_dict_scalar and retrieve scalars and groups scalars, groups = self.__match_grouped_species(s) if as_written: # if energy supplies are to be calculated as written # with no grouping or limiting reactant switching, # then use the current species and its scalar for i, sc in enumerate(scalars): if s in groups[i]: scalars = [sc] groups = [[s]] break if len(scalars) > 0: total_summed_scaled = [0]*self.aq_distribution_molal.shape[0] for i,scalar in enumerate(scalars): col_subset = [col for col in groups[i] if col in self.aq_distribution_molal.columns] scaled_df = self.aq_distribution_molal[col_subset].apply(lambda x: x*scalar) summed_scaled = list(scaled_df.sum(axis=1, numeric_only=True)) total_summed_scaled = [ii+iii for ii,iii in zip(total_summed_scaled, summed_scaled)] s_molal_dict[s] = total_summed_scaled else: s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s]) else: s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s]) else: s_logact_dict[s] = [float('NaN')]*self.aq_distribution_logact.shape[0] s_molal_dict[s] = [float('NaN')]*self.aq_distribution_logact.shape[0] # self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species "+str(s)+" is " # "not among the distribution of aqueous species in " # "this calculation.") else: # liq and cr species s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) sp_formula = list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0] sp_mass = pyCHNOSZ.mass(sp_formula) if isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)): if isinstance(grams_minerals, pd.DataFrame): if s in grams_minerals.columns: sp_grams_list = list(grams_minerals[s]) s_molal_dict[s] = [sp_grams/sp_mass for sp_grams in sp_grams_list] else: s_molal_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) else: sp_grams = grams_minerals sp_moles = sp_grams/sp_mass s_molal_dict[s] = [sp_moles]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) else: s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) if y_type in ["logK", "logQ"]: y_type_plain = copy.copy(y_type) elif y_type == "A": if per_electron: y_type_plain = "affinity per mole e-" else: y_type_plain = "affinity per mole rxn" elif y_type == "G": y_type_plain = "Gibbs free energy" elif y_type == "E": y_type_plain = "energy supply" else: # this shouldn't happen and will be caught by the y_type check above pass if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ"]: if y_units in ["cal", "kcal"]: r_div = 4.184 elif y_units in ["J", "kJ"]: r_div = 1 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The specified y_unit '"+y_units+"' " "is not recognized. Try 'cal', 'kcal', 'J', or 'kJ'.") R = 8.314/r_div # gas constant, unit = [cal/mol/K] if "k" in y_units: k_div = 1000 else: k_div = 1 y_list = [] lr_name_list = [] for i,T in enumerate(list(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])): if isinstance(divisor, list): divisor_i = divisor[i] else: divisor_i = divisor if y_type != "logQ": logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt( species, stoich, T=T, P=list(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"])[i], show=False, messages=print_logK_messages).out["logK"] logK = float(logK.iloc[0]) if y_type == "logK": ylab_out = "log K" y_list.append(round(logK/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logK" continue # print("") # print("stoich") # print([st for st in stoich]) # print("species") # print([sp for sp in species]) # print("logact") # print([s_logact_dict[sp][i] for sp in species]) # print("result") # print(sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)])) logQ = sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)]) if y_type == "logQ": ylab_out = "log Q" y_list.append(round(logQ/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logQ" continue else: A = 2.303 * R * (273.15+T) * (logK - logQ) # affinity, unit = [cal/mol] A = A/k_div if y_type=="G": G = -A # gibbs free energy, unit = [cal/mol] y_list.append(G/divisor_i) ylab_out="ΔG, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" if per_electron: y_units_out = y_units_out+" e-" elif y_type=="A": y_list.append(round(A/divisor_i, 4)) ylab_out="A, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" if per_electron: y_units_out = y_units_out+" e-" elif y_type=="E": y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid" ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid") if no_limiting_reactants: df_y_name = y_type_plain+", "+y_units_out y_list.append(float('NaN')) lr_name_list.append("None") continue if not isinstance(limiting, str): lrc_dict = {} for i_s,s in enumerate(species): # identify valid limiting reactants and record concentrations # 1. negative coefficient (reactant) # 2. can't be OH-, H+, H2O # 3. can't be cr or liq if grams_minerals == None if not isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)): if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"] and list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s]) else: if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]: lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s]) if not isinstance(limiting, str): lr_name = min(lrc_dict, key=lrc_dict.get) lr_val = lrc_dict[lr_name] # handle situations where there might be multiple limiting reactants lr_list = [] for k,v in zip(lrc_dict.keys(), lrc_dict.values()): if v == lr_val: lr_list.append(str(k)) else: lrc_dict = {} lr_list = [limiting] if len(lr_list) > 0 and sum([math.isnan(v) for v in list(lrc_dict.values())]) == 0: # if there is a limiting reactant and no values of 'nan' for limiting reactant concentrations... lr_list_formatted = [chemlabel(lr_name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for lr_name in lr_list] if len(lr_list_formatted) > 1: lr_reported = ", ".join(lr_list_formatted) else: lr_reported = lr_list[0] lr_name = lr_list[0] # doesn't matter which lr is used to calculate lr_concentration = s_molal_dict[lr_name][i] lr_name_list.append(lr_reported) lr_stoich = -stoich[species.index(lr_name)] E = A * (lr_concentration/lr_stoich) y_list.append(E/divisor_i) else: y_list.append(float('NaN')) lr_name_list.append(float('NaN')) df_y_name = y_type_plain+", "+y_units_out if not negative_energy_supplies and y_type == "E": for i,v in enumerate(y_list): if v < 0: y_list[i] = 0.0 if y_type == "E": df_out = pd.DataFrame({df_y_name:y_list, "limiting reactant":lr_name_list}, index=self.misc_params.index) else: df_out = pd.DataFrame({df_y_name:y_list}, index=self.misc_params.index) df_out_simple = copy.deepcopy(df_out) if y_type in ["logK", "logQ"]: headers = [rxn_name+" "+y_type] subheaders = [y_type] elif y_type in ["A", "G"]: hs = df_out.columns[0].strip().split(", ") headers = [rxn_name+" "+hs[0]] subheaders = [hs[1]] else: # energy supplies have an extra 'limiting reactant' column to deal with hs = [h.strip().split(", ") for h in df_out.columns] hs = [[""]+h if len(h) == 1 else h for h in hs] hs = [[rxn_name+" "+h[0], h[1]] for h in hs] hs = [hs[0], [hs[1][0]+"limiting reactant", hs[1][1]]] headers = [hs[0][0], hs[1][0]] subheaders = [hs[0][1], hs[1][1]] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_out.columns = multicolumns if append_report: col_order = [c[0] for c in] + headers # get order of columns in report and affinity/energy df col_order = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(col_order)) # remove duplicates = df_out.combine_first( # update the report with affinity/energy results =, columns=col_order) # restore column order # update the report category dictionary so y_type_plain appears as a category with relevant columns if y_type_plain not in list(self.report_category_dict.keys()): self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain] = headers else: self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain] = self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]+headers self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]= list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain])) # create a formatted reaction to add to self.reactions_for_plotting # so that it can be invoked in a plot formatted_rxn = reaction = self.format_reaction( coeffs=stoich, names=species, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=True, show=False) calc_energy_df = pd.DataFrame({"reaction_name":[rxn_name], "redox_pairs":[float('NaN')], "reaction":[formatted_rxn], }).set_index("reaction_name") if isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): self.reactions_for_plotting = calc_energy_df.combine_first(self.reactions_for_plotting) else: self.reactions_for_plotting = calc_energy_df if simple_df_output: return df_out_simple # simple dataframe else: return df_out # multiindex @staticmethod def __unique(seq): """ Provide a sequence, get a list of non-repeating elements in the same order. """ seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))] def save(self, filename, messages=True): """ Save the speciation as a '.speciation' file to your current working directory. This file can be loaded with `AqEquil.load(filename)`. Parameters ---------- filename : str The desired name of the file. messages : str Print a message confirming the save? """ if filename[-11:] != '.speciation': filename = filename + '.speciation' with open(filename, 'wb') as handle: dill.dump(self, handle, protocol=dill.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if messages: print("Saved as '{}'".format(filename)) @staticmethod def _save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi): if isinstance(save_format, str) and save_format not in ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', 'html']: self.err_handler.raise_exception("{}".format(save_format)+" is an unrecognized " "save format. Supported formats include 'png', " "'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', " "'json', or 'html'") if isinstance(save_format, str): if not isinstance(save_as, str): save_as = "newplot" if save_format=="html": fig.write_html(save_as+".html") print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+".html") save_format = 'png' elif save_format in ['pdf', 'eps', 'json']: pio.full_figure_for_development(fig, warn=False) pio.write_image(fig, save_as+"."+save_format, format=save_format, scale=save_scale, width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi) print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+"."+save_format) save_format = "png" else: pio.write_image(fig, save_as+"."+save_format, format=save_format, scale=save_scale, width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi) print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+"."+save_format) else: save_format = "png" return save_as, save_format @staticmethod def __get_unit_info(subheader): unit_name_dict = { "pH" : ("", "pH"), "ppm" : ("", "ppm"), "ppb" : ("", "ppb"), "mg/L" : ("", "mg/L"), "degC" : ("temperature", "°C"), "log_molality" : ("log molality", "log(mol/kg)"), "Molality" : ("molality", "mol/kg"), "molality" : ("molality", "mol/kg"), "molal" : ("molality", "mol/kg"), "log_activity" : ("log activity", ""), "Log activity" : ("log activity", ""), "mg/kg.sol" : ("", "mg solute per kg solution"), "Alk., eq/kg.H2O" : ("alkalinity", "eq/kg"), "Alk., eq/L" : ("alkalinity", "eq/L"), "Alk., eq/kg.sol" : ("alkalinity", "eq/kg solution"), "Alk., mg/L CaCO3" : ("alkalinity", "mg/L CaCO3"), "Alk., mg/L HCO3-" : ("alkalinity", "mg/L HCO3-"), "pX" : ("-(log activity)", "-log(mol/kg)"), "activity" : ("activity", ""), "log_gamma" : ("log gamma", ""), "gamma" : ("gamma", ""), "%" : ("", "%"), "Eh_volts" : ("Eh", "volts"), "eq/kg.H2O" : ("charge", "eq/kg"), "logfO2" : ("", ""), "cal/mol e-" : ("affinity", "cal/mol e-"), "kcal/mol e-" : ("affinity", "kcal/mol e-"), "J/mol e-" : ("affinity", "J/mol e-"), "kJ/mol e-" : ("affinity", "kJ/mol e-"), "cal/mol" : ("affinity", "cal/mol"), "kcal/mol" : ("affinity", "kcal/mol"), "J/mol" : ("affinity", "J/mol"), "kJ/mol" : ("affinity", "kJ/mol"), "cal/kg.H2O" : ("energy supply", "cal/kg fluid"), # deprecated "cal/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "cal/kg fluid"), "kcal/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "kcal/kg fluid"), "J/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "J/kg fluid"), "kJ/kg fluid" : ("energy supply", "kJ/kg fluid"), "Log ion-H+ activity ratio" : ("Log ion-H+ activity ratio", ""), "log_fugacity" : ("log fugacity", "log(bar)"), "fugacity" : ("fugacity", "bar"), "bar" : ("", "bar"), } out = unit_name_dict.get(subheader) return out[0], out[1] def lookup(self, col=None): """ Look up desired columns in the speciation report. Parameters ---------- col : str or list of str Leave blank to get a list of section names in the report: ```speciation.lookup()``` Provide the name of a section to look up the names of columns in that section of the report: ```speciation.lookup("aq_distribution")``` Provide a column name (or a list of column names) to retrieve the column from the report: ```speciation.lookup(["Temperature", "O2"])``` Returns ---------- Pandas dataframe or list of str If a column name (or list of column names) is provided, returns the speciation report with only the desired column(s). Otherwise returns a list of section names (if no arguments are provided), or a list of columns in a section (if a section name is provided). """ names_length = len(self.report_category_dict.keys()) if col==None and names_length>0: return list(self.report_category_dict.keys()) if names_length>0: if col in list(self.report_category_dict.keys()): return list(self.report_category_dict[col]) if isinstance(col, str): col = [col] col = list(dict.fromkeys(col)) # remove duplicate search terms while preserving order df =[:,] l = [c for c in col if c in df.columns] nonexistant_col = [c for c in col if c not in df.columns] if self.verbose > 0 and len(nonexistant_col) > 0: print("Column(s) not found:", nonexistant_col) return df[l] def __convert_aq_units_to_log_friendly(self, species, rows): col_data = self.lookup(species) col_data = col_data.loc[rows] if col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_activity': y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()] out_unit = 'activity' elif col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_molality': y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()] out_unit = 'molality' elif col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_gamma': y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()] out_unit = 'gamma' elif col_data.columns.get_level_values(1) == 'log_fugacity': y = [10**float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()] out_unit = 'fugacity' else: y = [float(s[0]) if s[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for s in col_data.values.tolist()] out_unit = col_data.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] return y, out_unit def plot_mineral_saturation(self, sample_name, title=None, mineral_sat_type="affinity", plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colors=["blue", "orange"], save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Vizualize mineral saturation states in a sample as a bar plot. Parameters ---------- sample_name : str Name of the sample to plot. title : str, optional Title of the plot. mineral_sat_type : str, default "affinity" Metric for mineral saturation state to plot. Can be "affinity" or "logQoverK". colors : list of two str, default ["blue", "orange"] Sets the color of the bars representing supersaturated and undersaturated states, respectively. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. """ if sample_name not in msg = ("Could not find '{}'".format(sample_name)+" among sample " "names in the speciation report. Sample names include " "{}".format(list( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if isinstance(self.sample_data[sample_name].get('mineral_sat', None), pd.DataFrame): mineral_data = self.sample_data[sample_name]['mineral_sat'][mineral_sat_type].astype(float).sort_values(ascending=False) x = mineral_data.index else: msg = ("This sample does not have mineral saturation state data." "To generate this data, ensure get_mineral_sat=True when " "running speciate(), or ensure this sample has " "mineral-forming basis species.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) color_list = [colors[0] if m >= 0 else colors[1] for m in mineral_data] if mineral_sat_type == "affinity": ylabel = 'affinity, kcal/mol' if mineral_sat_type == "logQoverK": ylabel = 'logQ/K' if title==None: title = sample_name + " mineral saturation index" df = pd.DataFrame(mineral_data) fig =, x=df.index, y=mineral_sat_type, height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi, labels={mineral_sat_type: ylabel}, template="simple_white") fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}", marker_color=color_list) fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, margin={"t":40}, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True, 'exponentformat':'power'}) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else: def barplot(self, y="pH", title=None, convert_log=True, plot_zero=True, show_missing=True, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colormap="WORM", save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Show a bar plot to vizualize one or more variables across all samples. Parameters ---------- y : str or list of str, default "pH" Name (or list of names) of the variables to plot. Valid variables are columns in the speciation report. title : str, optional Title of the plot. convert_log : bool, default True Convert units "log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", and "log_fugacity" to "activity", "molality", "gamma", and "fugacity", respectively? plot_zero : bool, default True Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank) values in the legend? show_missing : bool, default True Show samples that do not have bars? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color plotted data. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ if not isinstance(y, list): y = [y] colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(y)) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)} # html format color dict key names dict_species_color = {chemlabel(k):v for k,v in dict_species_color.items()} y_cols = self.lookup(y) if not show_missing: y_cols = y_cols.dropna(how='all') # this df will keep subheaders x = y_cols.index # names of samples y = [yi for yi in y if "limiting reactant" not in yi] if len(y) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("There are no numeric variables to plot.") df = self.lookup(y).copy() if not show_missing: df = df.dropna(how='all') # this df will lose subheaders (flattened) df.loc[:, "name"] = df.index df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0) for i, yi in enumerate(y): y_col = y_cols.iloc[:, y_cols.columns.get_level_values(0)==yi] try: subheader = y_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] except: msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(yi)+"in the speciation " "report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list(set( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(subheader) except: unit_type = "" unit = "" try: y_vals = [float(y0[0]) if y0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for y0 in y_col.values.tolist()] except: msg = ("One or more the values belonging to " "'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(y_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if convert_log and [abs(y0) for y0 in y_vals] != y_vals: # convert to bar-friendly units if possible if subheader in ["log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", "log_fugacity"]: y_plot, out_unit = self.__convert_aq_units_to_log_friendly(yi, rows=x) unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(out_unit) else: y_plot = y_vals else: y_plot = y_vals if i == 0: subheader_previous = subheader unit_type_previous = unit_type if unit_type != unit_type_previous and i != 0: msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format(unit, yi_previous, unit_type_previous)+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "activity" in subheader.lower() and "molality" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("activity", yi_previous, "molality")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "molality" in subheader.lower() and "activity" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("molality", yi_previous, "activity")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) yi_previous = copy.deepcopy(yi) unit_type_previous = copy.deepcopy(unit_type) subheader_previous = copy.deepcopy(subheader) df.loc[:, yi] = y_plot if len(y) > 1: if unit != "": ylabel = "{} [{}]".format(unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = unit_type else: if 'pH' in y: ylabel = 'pH' elif 'Temperature' in y: ylabel = 'Temperature [°C]' else: if unit != "": ylabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y[0]), unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = "{} {}".format(chemlabel(y[0]), unit_type) df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["name"], value_vars=y) df = df.rename(columns={"Sample": "y_variable", "value": "y_value"}) df = df.rename(columns={"variable": "y_variable"}) df['y_variable'] = df['y_variable'].apply(chemlabel) if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): y_find = [yi.replace(" energy supply", "").replace(" affinity", "").replace(" Gibbs free energy", "") for yi in y] rxns = self.reactions_for_plotting.loc[y_find, :]["reaction"].tolist() # get the formatted reactions in the right order, then add as a # column in df formatted_rxn_list = [] for rxn in rxns: for i in range(0,len(x)): formatted_rxn_list.append(rxn) df["formatted_rxns"] = formatted_rxn_list if len(y) == 1: ylabel = "{}<br>{} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y_find[0]), unit_type, unit) if not plot_zero: df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value']) df = df[df.y_value != 0] # customdata for displaying reactions has to be here instead of in update_traces fig =, x="name", y="y_value", height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi, color='y_variable', barmode='group', labels={'y_value': ylabel}, template="simple_white", color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, custom_data=['formatted_rxns']) fig.update_traces( hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>%{customdata}") else: if not plot_zero: df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value']) df = df[df.y_value != 0] fig =, x="name", y="y_value", height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi, color='y_variable', barmode='group', labels={'y_value': ylabel}, template="simple_white", color_discrete_map=dict_species_color) fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}") fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, legend_title=None, margin={"t": 40}, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True, 'exponentformat':'power'}) if len(y) == 1: fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else: def scatterplot(self, x="pH", y="Temperature", samples=None, title=None, log_x=False, log_y=False, plot_zero=True, rxns_as_labels=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, fill_alpha=0.7, point_size=10, ylab=None, lineplot=False, linemarkers=True, colormap="WORM", save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Vizualize two or more sample variables with a scatterplot. Parameters ---------- x, y : str, default for x is "pH", default for y is "Temperature" Names of the variables to plot against each other. Valid variables are columns in the speciation report. `y` can be a list of of variable names for a multi-series scatterplot. samples : list, optional List of samples to plot. By default, all samples in the speciation are plotted at once. title : str, optional Title of the plot. log_x, log_y : bool, default False Display the x_axis or y_axis in log scale? plot_zero : bool, default True Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank) values in the legend? rxns_as_labels : bool, default True Display reactions as legend labels when plotting affinities and energy supplies? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. fill_alpha : numeric, default 0.7 Transparency of scatterpoint area fill. point_size : numeric, default 10 Size of scatterpoints. ylab : str, optional Custom label for the y-axis. lineplot : bool, default False Display a line plot instead of a scatterplot? linemarkers : bool, default True If `lineplot=True`, also plot markers? colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color the plotted data. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ if not isinstance(y, list): y = [y] if not isinstance(x, str): self.err_handler.raise_exception("x must be a string.") x_col = self.lookup(x) try: xsubheader = x_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] except: msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(x)+"in the speciation " "report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list(set( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: x_plot = [float(x0[0]) if x0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for x0 in x_col.values.tolist()] except: msg = ("One or more the values belonging to " "'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(x_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: xunit_type, xunit = self.__get_unit_info(xsubheader) except: xunit_type = "" xunit = "" for i, yi in enumerate(y): if "limiting reactant" in yi and len(y) > 1: continue y_col = self.lookup(yi) try: subheader = y_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] except: msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(yi)+"in the speciation " "report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list(set( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(subheader) except: unit_type = "" unit = "" try: y_plot = [float(y0[0]) if y0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for y0 in y_col.values.tolist()] except: msg = ("One or more the values belonging to " "'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(y_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if i == 0: subheader_previous = subheader unit_type_previous = unit_type if unit_type != unit_type_previous and i != 0: msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format(unit_type, yi_previous, unit_type_previous)+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "activity" in subheader.lower() and "molality" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("activity", yi_previous, "molality")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "molality" in subheader.lower() and "activity" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("molality", yi_previous, "activity")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) yi_previous = copy.deepcopy(yi) unit_type_previous = copy.deepcopy(unit_type) subheader_previous = copy.deepcopy(subheader) if len(y) > 1: if unit != "": ylabel = "{} [{}]".format(unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = unit_type else: if 'pH' in y: ylabel = 'pH' elif 'Temperature' in y: ylabel = 'Temperature [°C]' else: y_formatted = chemlabel(y[0], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if unit != "": ylabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(y_formatted, unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = "{} {}".format(y_formatted, unit_type) if x == 'pH': xlabel = 'pH' elif x == 'Temperature': xlabel = 'Temperature [°C]' else: x_formatted = chemlabel(x, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if xunit != "": xlabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(x_formatted, xunit_type, xunit) else: xlabel = "{} {}".format(x_formatted, xunit_type) y = [yi for yi in y if "limiting reactant" not in yi] df = self.lookup([x]+y).copy() # TODO: is this where the "can't find name" message comes from? df.loc[:, "name"] = df.index df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0) if x in y: df[str(x)+"_copy"] = df[str(x)] df = df.melt(id_vars=["name", str(x)+"_copy"], value_vars=y).rename(columns={str(x)+'_copy': str(x)}) else: df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["name", x], value_vars=y) df = df.rename(columns={"Sample": "y_variable", "value": "y_value"}) if not plot_zero: df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value']) df = df[df.y_value != 0] if isinstance(colormap, str): # get colors colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(y), alpha=fill_alpha) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)} # html format color dict key names dict_species_color = {chemlabel(k, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end):v for k,v in dict_species_color.items()} elif isinstance(colormap, list): colors = colormap dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)} else: dict_species_color = {} if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): y_find = [yi.replace(" energy supply", "").replace(" affinity per mole rxn", "").replace(" affinity per mole e-", "").replace(" Gibbs free energy", "") for yi in y] y_find = [yi for yi in y_find if "limiting reactant" not in yi] rxns = self.reactions_for_plotting.loc[y_find, :]["reaction"].tolist() rxn_dict = {rxn_name:rxn for rxn_name,rxn in zip(y, rxns)} if len(y) == 1: ylabel = "{}<br>{} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y_find[0], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end), unit_type, unit) df["formatted_rxn"] = df["y_variable"].map(rxn_dict) else: df["formatted_rxn"] = "" df['y_variable_original'] = df['y_variable'] df['y_variable'] = df['y_variable'].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if ylab != None: ylabel=ylab if "log" in xlabel and log_x and xlabel != "pH": log_x = False if "log" in ylabel and log_y and ylabel != "pH": log_y = False if isinstance(samples, list): df = df.loc[df['name'].isin(samples)] if lineplot: df = df.sort_values(x).reset_index(drop=True) fig = px.line(df, x=x, y="y_value", color="y_variable", log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, hover_data=[x, "y_value", "y_variable", "name", "formatted_rxn"], width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels={x: xlabel, "y_value": ylabel}, category_orders={"species": y}, color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, custom_data=['name', 'formatted_rxn', 'y_variable_original'], template="simple_white", markers=linemarkers) else: fig = px.scatter(df, x=x, y="y_value", color="y_variable", log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, hover_data=[x, "y_value", "y_variable", "name", "formatted_rxn"], width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels={x: xlabel, "y_value": ylabel}, category_orders={"species": y}, color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, opacity=fill_alpha, custom_data=['name', 'formatted_rxn', 'y_variable_original'], template="simple_white") if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): if rxns_as_labels: newnames = {y:r for y,r in zip(list(df["y_variable"]), list(df["formatted_rxn"]))} fig.for_each_trace(lambda t: t.update(name = newnames[], legendgroup = newnames[], hovertemplate = t.hovertemplate.replace(, newnames[]) )) fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=point_size), hovertemplate = "%{customdata[0]}<br>"+xlabel+": %{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>Reaction name: %{customdata[2]}<br>Reaction: %{customdata[1]}") else: fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=point_size), hovertemplate = "%{customdata[0]}<br>"+xlabel+": %{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>%{customdata[1]}") fig.update_layout(legend_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, margin={"t": 40}, yaxis={'exponentformat':'power'}) if len(y) == 1: fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) fig.update_xaxes(exponentformat = 'E') fig.update_yaxes(exponentformat = 'E') save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'scrollZoom': True, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['select2d', 'lasso2d', 'toggleSpikelines', 'resetScale2d'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else: def plot_mass_contribution(self, basis, title=None, sort_by=None, ascending=True, sort_y_by=None, width=0.9, colormap="WORM", sample_label="sample", colors=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Plot basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species across all samples. Parameters ---------- basis : str Name of the basis species. title : str, optional Title of the plot. sort_by : str, optional Name of the variable used to sort samples. Variable names must be taken from the speciation report column names. No sorting is done by default. ascending : bool, default True Should sample sorting be in ascending order? Descending if False. Ignored unless `sort_by` is defined. sort_y_by : list of str or 'alphabetical', optional List of species names in the order that they should be stacked, from the bottom of the plot to the top. 'alphabetical' will sort species alphabetically. width : float, default 0.9 Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0. colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). sample_label : str, default "sample" Name of the label that appears when hovering over an element in the interactive mass contribution plot. By default, this is "sample". However, other words might be more appropriate to describe the calculations you are performing. For instance, if you are comparing reaction progress, `sample_label = "Xi"` might be more appropriate. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ try: self.mass_contribution except: msg = ("Results for basis species contributions to aqueous mass " "balance could not be found. Ensure that " "get_mass_contribution = True when running speciate().") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if basis not in set(self.mass_contribution['basis']): msg = ("The basis species {} ".format(basis)+"could not be found " "among available basis species: " "{}".format(str(list(set(self.mass_contribution['basis']))))) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) df_sp = copy.deepcopy(self.mass_contribution.loc[self.mass_contribution['basis'] == basis]) if isinstance(sort_y_by, list): for species in sort_y_by: if species not in df_sp["species"]: for sample in set(df_sp["sample"]): df2 = pd.DataFrame({'sample':[sample], 'basis':[basis], 'species':[species], 'factor':[None], 'molality':[None], 'percent':[0]}) df_sp = pd.concat([df_sp, df2], ignore_index=True) if sort_by != None: if sort_by in sort_col = self.lookup(sort_by) sort_by_unit = sort_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] sort_index = sort_col.sort_values([(sort_by, sort_by_unit)], ascending=ascending).index df_list = [] for i in sort_index: df_list.append(df_sp[df_sp['sample']==i]) df_sp = pd.concat(df_list) else: msg = ("Could not find {}".format(sort_by)+" in the " "speciation report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) df_sp['percent'] = df_sp['percent'].astype(float) unique_species = self.__unique(df_sp["species"]) if "Other" in unique_species: unique_species.append(unique_species.pop(unique_species.index("Other"))) labels = self.__unique(df_sp["sample"]) bottom = np.array([0]*len(labels)) if sort_y_by != None: if isinstance(sort_y_by, list): if len(unique_species) == len(sort_y_by): if len([s for s in unique_species if s in sort_y_by]) == len(unique_species) and len([s for s in sort_y_by if s in unique_species]) == len(unique_species): unique_species = sort_y_by else: valid_needed = [s for s in unique_species if s not in sort_y_by] invalid = [s for s in sort_y_by if s not in unique_species] msg = ("sort_y_by is missing the following species: " "{}".format(valid_needed)+" and was provided " "these invalid species: {}".format(invalid)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif len(sort_y_by) < len(unique_species): msg = ("sort_y_by must have of all of the " "following species: {}".format(unique_species)+". " "You are missing {}".format([s for s in unique_species if s not in sort_y_by])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) # else: # msg = ("sort_y_by can only have the " # "following species: {}".format(unique_species)+".") # self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif sort_y_by == "alphabetical": if "Other" in unique_species: unique_species_no_other = [sp for sp in unique_species if sp != "Other"] unique_species_no_other = sorted(unique_species_no_other) unique_species = unique_species_no_other + ["Other"] else: unique_species = sorted(unique_species) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("sort_y_by must be either None, 'alphabetical', " "or a list of species names.") if isinstance(colors, list): pass else: # get colormap colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(unique_species)) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] df_sp["species"] = df_sp["species"].apply(chemlabel) unique_species = [chemlabel(sp) for sp in unique_species] if title == None: title = '<span style="font-size: 14px;">Species accounting for mass balance of {}</span>'.format(chemlabel(basis)) # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(unique_species, colors)} category_orders = {"species": unique_species, "sample": labels} fig =, x="sample", y="percent", color="species", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels={"sample": sample_label, "percent": "mole %", "species": "species"}, category_orders=category_orders, color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, template="simple_white", ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, legend_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, margin={"t": 40}, bargap=0, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True}) fig.update_traces(width=width, marker_line_width=0) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else: def plot_solid_solutions(self, sample, title=None, width=0.9, colormap="WORM", affinity_plot=True, affinity_plot_colors=["blue", "orange"], plot_width=4, plot_height=4, ppi=122, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Plot fractions of minerals of hypothetical solid solutions in a sample. Parameters ---------- sample : str Name of the sample. title : str, optional Title of the plot. width : float, default 0.9 Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0. colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). affinity_plot : bool, default True Include the affinity subplot? affinity_plot_colors : list of two str, default ["blue", "orange"] Colors indicating positive and negative values in the affinity subplot, respectively. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ if sample not in self.sample_data.keys(): msg = ("The sample "+sample+" was not found in this speciation dataset." " Samples with solid solutions in this dataset include:"+str([s for s in self.sample_data.keys() if "solid_solutions" in self.sample_data[s].keys()])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: self.sample_data[sample]["solid_solutions"] except: msg = ("Results for solid solutions could not be found for this " "sample. Samples with solid solutions in this speciation " "dataset include:"+str([s for s in self.sample_data.keys() if "solid_solutions" in self.sample_data[s].keys()])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if title == None: title = "Hypothetical solid solutions in " + sample df_full = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_data[sample]["solid_solutions"]) df = copy.deepcopy(df_full.dropna(subset=['x'])) df = df[df['x'] != 0] unique_minerals = self.__unique(df["mineral"]) # get colormap colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(unique_minerals)) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_minerals_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(unique_minerals, colors)} solid_solutions = list(dict.fromkeys(df["solid solution"])) df_ss_only = df_full[df_full["x"].isnull()] mineral_dict = {m:[] for m in unique_minerals} for ss in solid_solutions: for m in unique_minerals: df_sub = df.loc[df["solid solution"] == ss,] frac = df_sub.loc[df_sub["mineral"] == m, "x"] if len(frac) > 0: mineral_dict[m] = mineral_dict[m] + list(frac) else: mineral_dict[m].append(0) if affinity_plot: rows = 2 specs = [[{"type": "bar"}], [{"type": "bar"}]] else: rows = 1 specs = [[{"type": "bar"}]] fig = make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=1, specs=specs, vertical_spacing = 0.05 ) # subplot 1 for m in unique_minerals[::-1]: fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name=m, x=solid_solutions, y=mineral_dict[m], marker_color=dict_minerals_color[m]), row=1, col=1) # subplot 2 if affinity_plot: fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name="ss", x=solid_solutions, y=df_ss_only["Aff, kcal"], marker_color=[affinity_plot_colors[0] if val > 0 else affinity_plot_colors[1] for val in df_ss_only["Aff, kcal"]], showlegend=False), row=2, col=1) fig.update_layout(barmode='stack', xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, legend_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, autosize=False, width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, margin={"t": 40}, bargap=0, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True}, template="simple_white") fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=-45) fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']='Mole Fraction' if affinity_plot: fig['layout']['yaxis2']['title']='Affinity, kcal/mol' fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False) # hide all the xticks fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=2, col=1) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else: def join_6i_p(self, filepath_6i, chain_mt): path='rxn_6i' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) if chain_mt: raw_p_dict_bottom = self.raw_6_pickup_dict else: raw_p_dict_bottom = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom for sample_name in raw_p_dict_bottom.keys(): sample_filename = self.sample_data[sample_name]['filename'][:-3] if isinstance(filepath_6i, str): # if a string (filepath) is given with open(filepath_6i, "r") as f6i: lines_6i = f6i.readlines() else: # if a Prepare_Reaction object is given all_lines = filepath_6i.formatted_reaction.split("\n") lines_6i = [e+"\n" for e in all_lines if e] # trim away any extra newlines at end of pre.6i, then add one. while lines_6i[-1] == "\n": lines_6i = lines_6i[:-1] if lines_6i[-1][-1:] != "\n": # \n counts as 1 character, not 2 lines_6i[-1] = lines_6i[-1]+"\n" lines_3p = raw_p_dict_bottom[sample_name] lines_to_keep = [] for line in lines_6i: if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line: break else: lines_to_keep.append(line) lines_to_keep += lines_3p if "{tval}" in "".join(lines_to_keep): # grab temperature for line in lines_3p: if "Original temperature" in line: o_t = line.split("|")[2] for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep): if "{tval}" in line: lines_to_keep[i] = line.format(tval=o_t) if "{pval}" in "".join(lines_to_keep): # grab temperature for line in lines_3p: if "Original pressure" in line: o_p = line.split("|")[2] for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep): if "{pval}" in line: lines_to_keep[i] = line.format(tval=o_p) with open(path + "/" + sample_filename+".6i", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines_to_keep) def mt(self, sample): """ Retrieve mass transfer results for a sample. Parameters ---------- sample : str Name of the sample for which to retrieve mass transfer results. Returns ------- An object of class `AqEquil.MassTransfer.Mass_Transfer`. """ sample_data = getattr(self, "sample_data") if sample not in sample_data.keys(): self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The sample '"+str(sample)+"'" " was not found amongst samples with mass transfer" " results: "+str(list(sample_data.keys())))) if "mass_transfer" in list(sample_data[sample].keys()): if sample_data[sample]["mass_transfer"] != None: return sample_data[sample]["mass_transfer"] msg = ("Mass transfer results are not stored for sample '"+sample+"'. " "This might be because the reaction calculation did not " "finish successfully or because the thermodynamic database " "is a data0 or data1 file without a supporting CSV file.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg)
Static methods
def format_reaction(coeffs, names, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=True, show=True)
Expand source code
@staticmethod def format_reaction(coeffs, names, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=True, show=True): react_grid = pd.DataFrame({"coeff":coeffs, "name":names}) react_grid["coeff"] = pd.to_numeric(react_grid["coeff"]) react_grid = react_grid.astype({'coeff': 'float'}) reactants = " + ".join([(str(-int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if react_grid["coeff"][i].is_integer() else -react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if -react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + react_grid["name"][i] for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0]) products = " + ".join([(str(int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if react_grid["coeff"][i].is_integer() else react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + react_grid["name"][i] for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0]) if formatted: reactants = " + ".join([_format_coeff(react_grid["coeff"][i]) + chemlabel(react_grid["name"][i], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0]) products = " + ".join([_format_coeff(react_grid["coeff"][i]) + chemlabel(react_grid["name"][i], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0]) reaction = reactants + " = " + products if _isnotebook() and show: display(HTML(reaction)) return reaction
def add_new_half_reaction(self, oxidant, reductant, redox_couple=None)
Add a new half reaction to the bottom of the table of available half reactions that can be combined using
- Names of the oxidant and reductant as they appear in the thermodynamic database. It does not matter what speciated form of an oxidant or reductant is chosen. For example, choosing "acetate" as the oxidant is the same as choosing "acetic-acid" because they belong to the same speciation group.
, optional- Desired name of the half reaction. This name is arbitrary and can be anything you'd like. If no name is provided, a name will be automatically generated based on the oxidant and reductant.
Appends a new row to the half_cell_reactions table.
Expand source code
def add_new_half_reaction(self, oxidant, reductant, redox_couple=None): """ Add a new half reaction to the bottom of the table of available half reactions that can be combined using `make_redox_reactions`. Parameters ---------- oxidant, reductant : str Names of the oxidant and reductant as they appear in the thermodynamic database. It does not matter what speciated form of an oxidant or reductant is chosen. For example, choosing "acetate" as the oxidant is the same as choosing "acetic-acid" because they belong to the same speciation group. redox_couple : str, optional Desired name of the half reaction. This name is arbitrary and can be anything you'd like. If no name is provided, a name will be automatically generated based on the oxidant and reductant. Result ---------- Appends a new row to the half_cell_reactions table. """ if not isinstance(self.thermo.thermo_db, pd.DataFrame): # check to see if user is using a thermodynamic database CSV if self.verbose > 0: print("Did not add a new half reaction because a WORM-style thermodynamic database CSV is not available " "to check the validity of the user-supplied oxidant and reductant or perform energy calculations. Perhaps you " "are getting this message because you are using a calibrated database or data0 file (e.g. db='wrm' in AqEquil() ) " "instead of a more complete CSV database (e.g. db='WORM' or db='wrm_data.csv' in AqEquil() ).") return else: # check to see if the oxidant and reductant are actually in the thermodynamic database if oxidant in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]) and reductant in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]): pass else: if oxidant not in list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]): if self.verbose > 0: print("Did not add a new half reaction because the oxidant '"+str(oxidant)+"' " "was not found amongst the currently loaded chemical species.") else: print("Did not add a new half reaction because the reductant '"+str(reductant)+"' " "was not found amongst the currently loaded chemical species.") return # check to see if this half reaction already exists add_new_row = True dup_index = None for i in self.half_cell_reactions.index: if self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[i]["Oxidant"] == oxidant and self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[i]["Reductant"] == reductant: add_new_row = False dup_index = i break if add_new_row: if not isinstance(redox_couple, str): redox_couple = str(oxidant) + " to " + str(reductant) new_row = [redox_couple, oxidant, reductant] self.half_cell_reactions.loc[len(self.half_cell_reactions.index)] = new_row if self.verbose > 0: print("Added new half reaction to half_cell_reactions.") else: if self.verbose > 0: print("A row with this oxidant and reductant already exists with index", i)
def apply_redox_reactions(self, y_type='E', y_units='cal', limiting=None, grams_minerals=0, negative_energy_supplies=False, custom_grouping_filepath=None, append_report=True)
Calculate chemical affinities, energy supplies, and more in samples using the redox reactions generated by the function
, default0
- Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating
the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This
parameter is only used when
. For example, in the reaction 4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O settinggrams_minerals = 0.001
would mean 0.001 grams of goethite is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can be provided. For example:grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},
, defaultFalse
- Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is set to False by default.
, default"A"
- The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply.
, default"kcal"
- The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'.
, optional- Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating
energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a
limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on
concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless
is set to 'E' (energy supply). append_report
, defaultTrue
- Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report dataframe?
, optional- Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use to override the built-in speciation group file.
, defaultTrue
- This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an
exception when there are no available limiting reactants?
The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message
interruptions when this function is called by
, which can test many different reactions at once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would otherwise be interrupted by errors.
Pandas dataframe
- Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results.
is True, then the report attribute of the speciation object will be appended/updated.
Expand source code
def apply_redox_reactions(self, y_type="E", y_units="cal", limiting=None, grams_minerals=0, negative_energy_supplies=False, custom_grouping_filepath=None, append_report=True): """ Calculate chemical affinities, energy supplies, and more in samples using the redox reactions generated by the function `make_redox_reactions`. Parameters ---------- grams_minerals : float or dict, default 0 Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This parameter is only used when `y_type="E"`. For example, in the reaction 4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O setting `grams_minerals = 0.001` would mean 0.001 grams of goethite is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can be provided. For example: `grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},` negative_energy_supplies : bool, default False Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is set to False by default. y_type : str, default "A" The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply. y_units : str, default "kcal" The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'. limiting : str, optional Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). append_report : bool, default True Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report dataframe? custom_grouping_filepath : str, optional Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use to override the built-in speciation group file. raise_nonlimiting_exception : bool, default True This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an exception when there are no available limiting reactants? The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message interruptions when this function is called by `apply_redox_reactions`, which can test many different reactions at once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would otherwise be interrupted by errors. Returns ---------- Pandas dataframe Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results. If `append_report` is True, then the report attribute of the speciation object will be appended/updated. """ self.custom_grouping_filepath = custom_grouping_filepath self._make_speciation_group_dict() y_name_list = [] val_list_list = [] result_dict = {} result_lim_dict = {} if not isinstance(self.redox_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Redox reactions cannot be applied " "because they have not yet been generated. Generate redox " "reactions with the function make_redox_reactions() and then " "try again.") coeff_colnames = [c for c in list(self.redox_reactions_table.columns) if "coeff_" in c] species_colnames = [c for c in list(self.redox_reactions_table.columns) if "species_" in c] # handle the progress bar max_count = len(list(self.redox_reactions_table.index)) f = IntProgress(min=0, max=max_count) # instantiate the bar display(f) # display the bar df_rxn_list = [] for i,rxn in enumerate(list(self.redox_reactions_table.index)): coeff_list = list(self.redox_reactions_table[coeff_colnames].loc[rxn]) coeff_list = [v for v in coeff_list if not math.isnan(v)] coeff_list = [float(v) for v in coeff_list] species_list = list(self.redox_reactions_table[species_colnames].loc[rxn]) species_list = [v for v in species_list if isinstance(v, str)] if len(coeff_list) != len(species_list): self.err_handler.raise_exception("There is a mismatch between " "the number of coefficients and number of species in " "the reaction. Coefficients: "+str(coeff_list)+" " "Species: "+str(species_list)) if y_type in ["A", "G"]: divisor = self.redox_reactions_table["mol_e-_transferred_per_mol_rxn"].loc[rxn] divisor = float(divisor) else: divisor = 1 redox_pair = self.redox_reactions_table["redox_pairs"].loc[rxn] if y_type == "E": limiting_input = self.__switch_limiting(limiting, stoich=coeff_list, species=species_list, lenient=True) else: limiting_input = None df_rxn = self.calculate_energy( species=species_list, stoich=coeff_list, divisor=divisor, per_electron=True, grams_minerals=grams_minerals, y_type=y_type, y_units=y_units, limiting=limiting_input, raise_nonlimiting_exception=False, rxn_name=rxn, append_report=append_report, negative_energy_supplies=negative_energy_supplies, ) df_rxn_list.append(df_rxn) f.value += 1 # tick the counter df = pd.concat(df_rxn_list, axis=1) return df
def barplot(self, y='pH', title=None, convert_log=True, plot_zero=True, show_missing=True, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colormap='WORM', save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False)
Show a bar plot to vizualize one or more variables across all samples.
, default"pH"
- Name (or list of names) of the variables to plot. Valid variables are columns in the speciation report.
, optional- Title of the plot.
, defaultTrue
- Convert units "log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", and "log_fugacity" to "activity", "molality", "gamma", and "fugacity", respectively?
, defaultTrue
- Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank) values in the legend?
, defaultTrue
- Show samples that do not have bars?
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches.
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. colormap
, default"WORM"
- Name of the colormap to color plotted data. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, defaultTrue
- Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
, defaultFalse
- Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated.
:Plotly figure object
- A figure object is returned if
is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed.
Expand source code
def barplot(self, y="pH", title=None, convert_log=True, plot_zero=True, show_missing=True, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colormap="WORM", save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Show a bar plot to vizualize one or more variables across all samples. Parameters ---------- y : str or list of str, default "pH" Name (or list of names) of the variables to plot. Valid variables are columns in the speciation report. title : str, optional Title of the plot. convert_log : bool, default True Convert units "log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", and "log_fugacity" to "activity", "molality", "gamma", and "fugacity", respectively? plot_zero : bool, default True Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank) values in the legend? show_missing : bool, default True Show samples that do not have bars? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color plotted data. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ if not isinstance(y, list): y = [y] colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(y)) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)} # html format color dict key names dict_species_color = {chemlabel(k):v for k,v in dict_species_color.items()} y_cols = self.lookup(y) if not show_missing: y_cols = y_cols.dropna(how='all') # this df will keep subheaders x = y_cols.index # names of samples y = [yi for yi in y if "limiting reactant" not in yi] if len(y) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("There are no numeric variables to plot.") df = self.lookup(y).copy() if not show_missing: df = df.dropna(how='all') # this df will lose subheaders (flattened) df.loc[:, "name"] = df.index df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0) for i, yi in enumerate(y): y_col = y_cols.iloc[:, y_cols.columns.get_level_values(0)==yi] try: subheader = y_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] except: msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(yi)+"in the speciation " "report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list(set( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(subheader) except: unit_type = "" unit = "" try: y_vals = [float(y0[0]) if y0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for y0 in y_col.values.tolist()] except: msg = ("One or more the values belonging to " "'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(y_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if convert_log and [abs(y0) for y0 in y_vals] != y_vals: # convert to bar-friendly units if possible if subheader in ["log_activity", "log_molality", "log_gamma", "log_fugacity"]: y_plot, out_unit = self.__convert_aq_units_to_log_friendly(yi, rows=x) unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(out_unit) else: y_plot = y_vals else: y_plot = y_vals if i == 0: subheader_previous = subheader unit_type_previous = unit_type if unit_type != unit_type_previous and i != 0: msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format(unit, yi_previous, unit_type_previous)+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "activity" in subheader.lower() and "molality" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("activity", yi_previous, "molality")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "molality" in subheader.lower() and "activity" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("molality", yi_previous, "activity")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) yi_previous = copy.deepcopy(yi) unit_type_previous = copy.deepcopy(unit_type) subheader_previous = copy.deepcopy(subheader) df.loc[:, yi] = y_plot if len(y) > 1: if unit != "": ylabel = "{} [{}]".format(unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = unit_type else: if 'pH' in y: ylabel = 'pH' elif 'Temperature' in y: ylabel = 'Temperature [°C]' else: if unit != "": ylabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y[0]), unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = "{} {}".format(chemlabel(y[0]), unit_type) df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["name"], value_vars=y) df = df.rename(columns={"Sample": "y_variable", "value": "y_value"}) df = df.rename(columns={"variable": "y_variable"}) df['y_variable'] = df['y_variable'].apply(chemlabel) if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): y_find = [yi.replace(" energy supply", "").replace(" affinity", "").replace(" Gibbs free energy", "") for yi in y] rxns = self.reactions_for_plotting.loc[y_find, :]["reaction"].tolist() # get the formatted reactions in the right order, then add as a # column in df formatted_rxn_list = [] for rxn in rxns: for i in range(0,len(x)): formatted_rxn_list.append(rxn) df["formatted_rxns"] = formatted_rxn_list if len(y) == 1: ylabel = "{}<br>{} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y_find[0]), unit_type, unit) if not plot_zero: df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value']) df = df[df.y_value != 0] # customdata for displaying reactions has to be here instead of in update_traces fig =, x="name", y="y_value", height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi, color='y_variable', barmode='group', labels={'y_value': ylabel}, template="simple_white", color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, custom_data=['formatted_rxns']) fig.update_traces( hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>%{customdata}") else: if not plot_zero: df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value']) df = df[df.y_value != 0] fig =, x="name", y="y_value", height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi, color='y_variable', barmode='group', labels={'y_value': ylabel}, template="simple_white", color_discrete_map=dict_species_color) fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}") fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, legend_title=None, margin={"t": 40}, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True, 'exponentformat':'power'}) if len(y) == 1: fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else:
def calculate_energy(self, species, stoich, divisor=1, per_electron=False, grams_minerals=0, rxn_name='custom reaction', negative_energy_supplies=False, y_type='A', y_units='kcal', limiting=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, as_written=False, simple_df_output=False, append_report=True, custom_grouping_filepath=None, print_logK_messages=False, raise_nonlimiting_exception=True)
Calculate Gibbs free energy, logK, logQ, chemical affinity, or energy supply for a user-defined reaction across all samples in a speciation.
- List of species in the reaction
- List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative)
, default1,
- If a single numeric value is provided, divide all calculated values
(Gibbs free energies, affinities, etc.) by that value. Synergizes
with the parameter
when normalizing calculated values to a per electron basis. Seeper_electron
for more information. per_electron
, defaultFalse
- If False, values calculated by this function will be treated as
'per mole of reaction'. If set to True, then the calculation will
assume that
is normalizing calculated values to a per electron basis. For example, sulfide oxidation to sulfate has the following reaction: [2 O2 + H2S = SO4-2 + 2 H+]. The oxidation state of sulfur changes from S-2 in sulfide to S+6 in sulfate, a difference of 8 electrons. If you usecalculate_energy
to calculate the Gibbs free energy per mole of electrons transferred, you would setdivisor
to 8 andper_electron
to True. grams_minerals
, default0
- Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating
the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This
parameter is only used when
. For example, in the reaction 4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O settinggrams_minerals = 0.001
would mean 0.001 grams of goethite is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can be provided. For example:grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},
, default"custom reaction"
- Name for the reaction, e.g., "sulfide oxidation to sulfate".
, defaultFalse
- Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is set to False by default.
, default"A"
- The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply.
, default"kcal"
- The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'.
, optional- Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating
energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a
limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on
concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless
is set to 'E' (energy supply). charge_sign_at_end
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
, defaultFalse
- If
is False, then built-in speciation groups will be used to calculate limiting reactants. For example, if CaCO3 is a reactant, then the code tests whether the limiting reactant is the sum of CaCO3, CO2, HCO3-, CO3-2, NaCO3-… everything in the carbonate speciation group. Ifas_written
is True, then speciation groups will not be used; only the species defined as reactants will be used to test whether a reactant is limiting (e.g., just CaCO3). This parameter is ignored unlessy_type
is set to 'E' (energy supply). simple_df_output
, defaultFalse
- By default, the dataframe returned by this function is multiindexed;
i.e., there is a header column, a subheader defining the units,
and then columns of values. If
is set to True, then the dataframe returned will not be multiindexed; there will only be one column header that includes units. append_report
, defaultTrue
- Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report dataframe?
, optional- Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use to override the built-in speciation group file.
, defaultFalse
- Print additional messages related to calculating logK values for each sample?
, defaultTrue
- This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an
exception when there are no available limiting reactants?
The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message
interruptions when this function is called by
, which can test many different reactions at once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would otherwise be interrupted by errors.
Pandas dataframe
- Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results.
is True, then the report attribute of the speciation object will be appended/updated. Ifsimple_df_output
is set to True, then the dataframe will not be multiindexed.
Expand source code
def calculate_energy(self, species, stoich, divisor=1, per_electron=False, grams_minerals=0, rxn_name="custom reaction", negative_energy_supplies=False, y_type="A", y_units="kcal", limiting=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, as_written=False, simple_df_output=False, append_report=True, custom_grouping_filepath=None, print_logK_messages=False, raise_nonlimiting_exception=True): """ Calculate Gibbs free energy, logK, logQ, chemical affinity, or energy supply for a user-defined reaction across all samples in a speciation. Parameters ---------- species : list of str List of species in the reaction stoich : list of numeric List of stoichiometric reaction coefficients (reactants are negative) divisor : numeric, default 1, or list of numeric If a single numeric value is provided, divide all calculated values (Gibbs free energies, affinities, etc.) by that value. Synergizes with the parameter `per_electron` when normalizing calculated values to a per electron basis. See `per_electron` for more information. per_electron : bool, default False If False, values calculated by this function will be treated as 'per mole of reaction'. If set to True, then the calculation will assume that `divisor` is normalizing calculated values to a per electron basis. For example, sulfide oxidation to sulfate has the following reaction: [2 O2 + H2S = SO4-2 + 2 H+]. The oxidation state of sulfur changes from S-2 in sulfide to S+6 in sulfate, a difference of 8 electrons. If you use `calculate_energy` to calculate the Gibbs free energy per mole of electrons transferred, you would set `divisor` to 8 and `per_electron` to True. grams_minerals : float or dict, default 0 Number of grams belonging to each mineral reactant when calculating the limiting reactant during an energy supply calculation. This parameter is only used when `y_type="E"`. For example, in the reaction 4 goethite + 4 iron + 3 O2 = 4 magnetite + 2 H2O setting `grams_minerals = 0.001` would mean 0.001 grams of goethite is reacting with 0.001 grams of iron. If it is desirable to specify individual masses for each mineral reactant, then a dictionary can be provided. For example: `grams_minerals={"goethite": 0.001, "iron": 0.1},` rxn_name : str, default "custom reaction" Name for the reaction, e.g., "sulfide oxidation to sulfate". negative_energy_supplies : bool, default False Report negative energy supplies? If False, negative energy supplies are reported as 0. If True, negative energy supplies are reported. A 'negative energy supply' represents the energy cost of depleting the limiting reactant of a reaction. This metric is not always helpful when examing energy supply results, so this option is set to False by default. y_type : str, default "A" The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply. y_units : str, default "kcal" The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'. limiting : str, optional Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? as_written : bool, default False If `as_written` is False, then built-in speciation groups will be used to calculate limiting reactants. For example, if CaCO3 is a reactant, then the code tests whether the limiting reactant is the sum of CaCO3, CO2, HCO3-, CO3-2, NaCO3-... everything in the carbonate speciation group. If `as_written` is True, then speciation groups will not be used; only the species defined as reactants will be used to test whether a reactant is limiting (e.g., just CaCO3). This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). simple_df_output : bool, default False By default, the dataframe returned by this function is multiindexed; i.e., there is a header column, a subheader defining the units, and then columns of values. If `simple_df_output` is set to True, then the dataframe returned will not be multiindexed; there will only be one column header that includes units. append_report : bool, default True Add or update calculated values to the speciation object's report dataframe? custom_grouping_filepath : str, optional Filepath for a TXT file containing customized speciation groups. Use to override the built-in speciation group file. print_logK_messages : bool, default False Print additional messages related to calculating logK values for each sample? raise_nonlimiting_exception : bool, default True This parameter can be ignored in almost all cases. Raise an exception when there are no available limiting reactants? The purpose of this parameter is toggle off error message interruptions when this function is called by `apply_redox_reactions`, which can test many different reactions at once, some of which do not have valid limiting reactants and would otherwise be interrupted by errors. Returns ---------- Pandas dataframe Returns a multiindexed dataframe of samples and calculated results. If `append_report` is True, then the report attribute of the speciation object will be appended/updated. If `simple_df_output` is set to True, then the dataframe will not be multiindexed. """ # check that y_type is recognized if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ", "G", "A", "E"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid options for y_type include " "'logK', 'logQ', 'G' (Gibbs free energy), 'A' " "(chemical affinity), and 'E' (energy suppy.") # check that a thermodynamic CSV is being used if not isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The plot_energy() function requires " "a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., " "'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because " "a data0 or data1 file was used.") # check that the divisor is valid if isinstance(divisor, list) or isinstance(divisor, pd.Series): if len(divisor) != len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The length of the divisor is " "not equal to the number of samples.") # set the custom grouping filepath if isinstance(custom_grouping_filepath, str): self.custom_grouping_filepath = custom_grouping_filepath # check that the reaction is balanced formulas = [] for s in species: if s == "H+": formulas.append("H+") elif s == "H2O": formulas.append("H2O") else: if s in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): formulas.append(list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data " "was not found for species "+str(s)+"") missing_composition = check_balance(formulas, stoich) if y_type == "E": if not isinstance(self.reactant_dict_scalar, dict): self._make_speciation_group_dict() # assign aq_distribution_logact table to Speciation sample_dict = {} for i,sample in enumerate(self.sample_data.keys()): sample_data = self.sample_data[sample]["aq_distribution"]["log_activity"] sample_dict[sample] = {name:logact for name, logact in zip(sample_data.index, sample_data)} df_aq_distribution_logact = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict) df_aq_distribution_logact = df_aq_distribution_logact.T df_aq_distribution_logact.insert(0, "Xi", 0) self.aq_distribution_logact = df_aq_distribution_logact # assign aq_distribution_molal table to Speciation sample_dict = {} for i,sample in enumerate(self.sample_data.keys()): sample_data = self.sample_data[sample]["aq_distribution"]["molality"] sample_dict[sample] = {name:molal for name, molal in zip(sample_data.index, sample_data)} df_aq_distribution_molal = pd.DataFrame(sample_dict) df_aq_distribution_molal = df_aq_distribution_molal.T df_aq_distribution_molal.insert(0, "Xi", 0) self.aq_distribution_molal = df_aq_distribution_molal # assign misc_params table to Speciation df_misc_param_row_list = [] for sample in self.sample_data.keys(): df_misc_param_row_list.append(pd.DataFrame({ "Temp(C)" : [self.sample_data[sample]['temperature']], "Press(bars)" : [self.sample_data[sample]['pressure']], "pH" : [-self.sample_data[sample]['aq_distribution']["log_activity"]['H+']], "logfO2" : [self.sample_data[sample]["fugacity"]["log_fugacity"]["O2(g)"]], })) df_misc_params = pd.concat(df_misc_param_row_list) df_misc_params.insert(0, "Xi", 0) df_misc_params.index = list(self.sample_data.keys()) self.misc_params = df_misc_params # check that there are valid limiting reactants when calculating energy # e.g., prevent issue when the only reactant is a mineral, etc. reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich] reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1] invalid_limiting_reactants = [] for r in reactants: if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]: if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==r]["state"])[0] != "aq" and not isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)): invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) else: invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) no_limiting_reactants = False if reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E" and raise_nonlimiting_exception: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Energy supply for this reaction " "cannot be calculated because none of the reactants are " "limiting. A limiting reactant must be aqueous and cannot be H+ " "or OH-.") elif reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E" and not raise_nonlimiting_exception: no_limiting_reactants = True if limiting != None and y_type == "E": limiting = self.__switch_limiting(limiting, stoich=stoich, species=species, lenient=False) # check that the limiting reactant is in the thermodynamic database if limiting not in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data was " "not found for limiting reactant "+str(limiting)+"") # check that the limiting reactant is aqueous or gaseous if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==limiting]["state"])[0] != "aq": self.err_handler.raise_exception("The limiting reactant must " "be an aqueous species.") # check that the limiting reactant is a reactant in the `species` parameter if limiting not in reactants: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species specified as a " "limiting reactant, '"+str(limiting)+"', is not a " "reactant in this reaction.") # format reaction equation equation_to_display = format_equation( species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, ) # create a dictionary of species logacts across samples s_logact_dict = {} s_molal_dict = {} for s in species: if s == "H+": s_logact_dict[s] = [v for v in list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"])] s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"])) elif s == "H2O": s_logact_dict[s] = [v for v in list(self.aq_distribution_logact["H2O"])] s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.aq_distribution_logact["H2O"]) elif list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: if s in self.aq_distribution_logact.columns: # aqueous species s_logact_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_logact[s]) if isinstance(self.reactant_dict_scalar, dict): # check whether the species matches any of the groups in reactant_dict_scalar and retrieve scalars and groups scalars, groups = self.__match_grouped_species(s) if as_written: # if energy supplies are to be calculated as written # with no grouping or limiting reactant switching, # then use the current species and its scalar for i, sc in enumerate(scalars): if s in groups[i]: scalars = [sc] groups = [[s]] break if len(scalars) > 0: total_summed_scaled = [0]*self.aq_distribution_molal.shape[0] for i,scalar in enumerate(scalars): col_subset = [col for col in groups[i] if col in self.aq_distribution_molal.columns] scaled_df = self.aq_distribution_molal[col_subset].apply(lambda x: x*scalar) summed_scaled = list(scaled_df.sum(axis=1, numeric_only=True)) total_summed_scaled = [ii+iii for ii,iii in zip(total_summed_scaled, summed_scaled)] s_molal_dict[s] = total_summed_scaled else: s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s]) else: s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s]) else: s_logact_dict[s] = [float('NaN')]*self.aq_distribution_logact.shape[0] s_molal_dict[s] = [float('NaN')]*self.aq_distribution_logact.shape[0] # self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species "+str(s)+" is " # "not among the distribution of aqueous species in " # "this calculation.") else: # liq and cr species s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) sp_formula = list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0] sp_mass = pyCHNOSZ.mass(sp_formula) if isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)): if isinstance(grams_minerals, pd.DataFrame): if s in grams_minerals.columns: sp_grams_list = list(grams_minerals[s]) s_molal_dict[s] = [sp_grams/sp_mass for sp_grams in sp_grams_list] else: s_molal_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) else: sp_grams = grams_minerals sp_moles = sp_grams/sp_mass s_molal_dict[s] = [sp_moles]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) else: s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) if y_type in ["logK", "logQ"]: y_type_plain = copy.copy(y_type) elif y_type == "A": if per_electron: y_type_plain = "affinity per mole e-" else: y_type_plain = "affinity per mole rxn" elif y_type == "G": y_type_plain = "Gibbs free energy" elif y_type == "E": y_type_plain = "energy supply" else: # this shouldn't happen and will be caught by the y_type check above pass if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ"]: if y_units in ["cal", "kcal"]: r_div = 4.184 elif y_units in ["J", "kJ"]: r_div = 1 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The specified y_unit '"+y_units+"' " "is not recognized. Try 'cal', 'kcal', 'J', or 'kJ'.") R = 8.314/r_div # gas constant, unit = [cal/mol/K] if "k" in y_units: k_div = 1000 else: k_div = 1 y_list = [] lr_name_list = [] for i,T in enumerate(list(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])): if isinstance(divisor, list): divisor_i = divisor[i] else: divisor_i = divisor if y_type != "logQ": logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt( species, stoich, T=T, P=list(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"])[i], show=False, messages=print_logK_messages).out["logK"] logK = float(logK.iloc[0]) if y_type == "logK": ylab_out = "log K" y_list.append(round(logK/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logK" continue # print("") # print("stoich") # print([st for st in stoich]) # print("species") # print([sp for sp in species]) # print("logact") # print([s_logact_dict[sp][i] for sp in species]) # print("result") # print(sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)])) logQ = sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)]) if y_type == "logQ": ylab_out = "log Q" y_list.append(round(logQ/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logQ" continue else: A = 2.303 * R * (273.15+T) * (logK - logQ) # affinity, unit = [cal/mol] A = A/k_div if y_type=="G": G = -A # gibbs free energy, unit = [cal/mol] y_list.append(G/divisor_i) ylab_out="ΔG, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" if per_electron: y_units_out = y_units_out+" e-" elif y_type=="A": y_list.append(round(A/divisor_i, 4)) ylab_out="A, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" if per_electron: y_units_out = y_units_out+" e-" elif y_type=="E": y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid" ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid") if no_limiting_reactants: df_y_name = y_type_plain+", "+y_units_out y_list.append(float('NaN')) lr_name_list.append("None") continue if not isinstance(limiting, str): lrc_dict = {} for i_s,s in enumerate(species): # identify valid limiting reactants and record concentrations # 1. negative coefficient (reactant) # 2. can't be OH-, H+, H2O # 3. can't be cr or liq if grams_minerals == None if not isinstance(grams_minerals, (pd.DataFrame, float, int)): if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"] and list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s]) else: if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]: lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s]) if not isinstance(limiting, str): lr_name = min(lrc_dict, key=lrc_dict.get) lr_val = lrc_dict[lr_name] # handle situations where there might be multiple limiting reactants lr_list = [] for k,v in zip(lrc_dict.keys(), lrc_dict.values()): if v == lr_val: lr_list.append(str(k)) else: lrc_dict = {} lr_list = [limiting] if len(lr_list) > 0 and sum([math.isnan(v) for v in list(lrc_dict.values())]) == 0: # if there is a limiting reactant and no values of 'nan' for limiting reactant concentrations... lr_list_formatted = [chemlabel(lr_name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for lr_name in lr_list] if len(lr_list_formatted) > 1: lr_reported = ", ".join(lr_list_formatted) else: lr_reported = lr_list[0] lr_name = lr_list[0] # doesn't matter which lr is used to calculate lr_concentration = s_molal_dict[lr_name][i] lr_name_list.append(lr_reported) lr_stoich = -stoich[species.index(lr_name)] E = A * (lr_concentration/lr_stoich) y_list.append(E/divisor_i) else: y_list.append(float('NaN')) lr_name_list.append(float('NaN')) df_y_name = y_type_plain+", "+y_units_out if not negative_energy_supplies and y_type == "E": for i,v in enumerate(y_list): if v < 0: y_list[i] = 0.0 if y_type == "E": df_out = pd.DataFrame({df_y_name:y_list, "limiting reactant":lr_name_list}, index=self.misc_params.index) else: df_out = pd.DataFrame({df_y_name:y_list}, index=self.misc_params.index) df_out_simple = copy.deepcopy(df_out) if y_type in ["logK", "logQ"]: headers = [rxn_name+" "+y_type] subheaders = [y_type] elif y_type in ["A", "G"]: hs = df_out.columns[0].strip().split(", ") headers = [rxn_name+" "+hs[0]] subheaders = [hs[1]] else: # energy supplies have an extra 'limiting reactant' column to deal with hs = [h.strip().split(", ") for h in df_out.columns] hs = [[""]+h if len(h) == 1 else h for h in hs] hs = [[rxn_name+" "+h[0], h[1]] for h in hs] hs = [hs[0], [hs[1][0]+"limiting reactant", hs[1][1]]] headers = [hs[0][0], hs[1][0]] subheaders = [hs[0][1], hs[1][1]] multicolumns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [headers, subheaders], names=['Sample', '']) df_out.columns = multicolumns if append_report: col_order = [c[0] for c in] + headers # get order of columns in report and affinity/energy df col_order = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(col_order)) # remove duplicates = df_out.combine_first( # update the report with affinity/energy results =, columns=col_order) # restore column order # update the report category dictionary so y_type_plain appears as a category with relevant columns if y_type_plain not in list(self.report_category_dict.keys()): self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain] = headers else: self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain] = self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]+headers self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain]= list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.report_category_dict[y_type_plain])) # create a formatted reaction to add to self.reactions_for_plotting # so that it can be invoked in a plot formatted_rxn = reaction = self.format_reaction( coeffs=stoich, names=species, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=True, show=False) calc_energy_df = pd.DataFrame({"reaction_name":[rxn_name], "redox_pairs":[float('NaN')], "reaction":[formatted_rxn], }).set_index("reaction_name") if isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): self.reactions_for_plotting = calc_energy_df.combine_first(self.reactions_for_plotting) else: self.reactions_for_plotting = calc_energy_df if simple_df_output: return df_out_simple # simple dataframe else: return df_out # multiindex
def delete_half_reaction(self, index)
Delete a half reaction from the half_cell_reactions table. Useful for removing unwanted or mistaken half reactions. This will reset the indices in the table to prevent a gap from the deleted row.
- Index or list of indices of the row in the half_cell_reactions table to be deleted.
Expand source code
def delete_half_reaction(self, index): """ Delete a half reaction from the half_cell_reactions table. Useful for removing unwanted or mistaken half reactions. This will reset the indices in the table to prevent a gap from the deleted row. Parameters ---------- index : int or list of int Index or list of indices of the row in the half_cell_reactions table to be deleted. """ if not isinstance(index, list): index = [index] self.half_cell_reactions.drop(index, inplace=True) self.half_cell_reactions.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) if self.verbose > 0: print("Rows", index, "have been deleted and indices have " "been reset in the half_cell_reactions table.")
def join_6i_p(self, filepath_6i, chain_mt)
Expand source code
def join_6i_p(self, filepath_6i, chain_mt): path='rxn_6i' if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) if chain_mt: raw_p_dict_bottom = self.raw_6_pickup_dict else: raw_p_dict_bottom = self.raw_3_pickup_dict_bottom for sample_name in raw_p_dict_bottom.keys(): sample_filename = self.sample_data[sample_name]['filename'][:-3] if isinstance(filepath_6i, str): # if a string (filepath) is given with open(filepath_6i, "r") as f6i: lines_6i = f6i.readlines() else: # if a Prepare_Reaction object is given all_lines = filepath_6i.formatted_reaction.split("\n") lines_6i = [e+"\n" for e in all_lines if e] # trim away any extra newlines at end of pre.6i, then add one. while lines_6i[-1] == "\n": lines_6i = lines_6i[:-1] if lines_6i[-1][-1:] != "\n": # \n counts as 1 character, not 2 lines_6i[-1] = lines_6i[-1]+"\n" lines_3p = raw_p_dict_bottom[sample_name] lines_to_keep = [] for line in lines_6i: if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line: break else: lines_to_keep.append(line) lines_to_keep += lines_3p if "{tval}" in "".join(lines_to_keep): # grab temperature for line in lines_3p: if "Original temperature" in line: o_t = line.split("|")[2] for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep): if "{tval}" in line: lines_to_keep[i] = line.format(tval=o_t) if "{pval}" in "".join(lines_to_keep): # grab temperature for line in lines_3p: if "Original pressure" in line: o_p = line.split("|")[2] for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep): if "{pval}" in line: lines_to_keep[i] = line.format(tval=o_p) with open(path + "/" + sample_filename+".6i", "w") as f: f.writelines(lines_to_keep)
def lookup(self, col=None)
Look up desired columns in the speciation report.
- Leave blank to get a list of section names in the report:
Provide the name of a section to look up the names of columns in that section of the report:speciation.lookup("aq_distribution")
Provide a column name (or a list of column names) to retrieve the column from the report:speciation.lookup(["Temperature", "O2"])
Pandas dataframe
- If a column name (or list of column names) is provided, returns the speciation report with only the desired column(s). Otherwise returns a list of section names (if no arguments are provided), or a list of columns in a section (if a section name is provided).
Expand source code
def lookup(self, col=None): """ Look up desired columns in the speciation report. Parameters ---------- col : str or list of str Leave blank to get a list of section names in the report: ```speciation.lookup()``` Provide the name of a section to look up the names of columns in that section of the report: ```speciation.lookup("aq_distribution")``` Provide a column name (or a list of column names) to retrieve the column from the report: ```speciation.lookup(["Temperature", "O2"])``` Returns ---------- Pandas dataframe or list of str If a column name (or list of column names) is provided, returns the speciation report with only the desired column(s). Otherwise returns a list of section names (if no arguments are provided), or a list of columns in a section (if a section name is provided). """ names_length = len(self.report_category_dict.keys()) if col==None and names_length>0: return list(self.report_category_dict.keys()) if names_length>0: if col in list(self.report_category_dict.keys()): return list(self.report_category_dict[col]) if isinstance(col, str): col = [col] col = list(dict.fromkeys(col)) # remove duplicate search terms while preserving order df =[:,] l = [c for c in col if c in df.columns] nonexistant_col = [c for c in col if c not in df.columns] if self.verbose > 0 and len(nonexistant_col) > 0: print("Column(s) not found:", nonexistant_col) return df[l]
def make_redox_reactions(self, idx_list='all', show=True, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=False)
Generate an organized collection of redox reactions for calculating chemical affinity and energy supply values during speciation.
, default"all"
- List of indices of half reactions in the half cell reaction table
to be combined when generating full redox reactions.
E.g. [0, 1, 4] will combine half reactions with indices 0, 1, and 4
in the table stored in the
attribute of theSpeciation
class. If "all", generate all possible redox reactions from available half cell reactions. show
, defaultTrue
- Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter notebook.
, defaultTrue
- Should reactions be formatted for html output? Ignored if
is False. charge_sign_at_end
, defaultTrue
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if
is False.
Output is stored in the
attributes of theSpeciation
class.Expand source code
def make_redox_reactions(self, idx_list="all", show=True, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=False): """ Generate an organized collection of redox reactions for calculating chemical affinity and energy supply values during speciation. Parameters ---------- idx_list : list of int or "all", default "all" List of indices of half reactions in the half cell reaction table to be combined when generating full redox reactions. E.g. [0, 1, 4] will combine half reactions with indices 0, 1, and 4 in the table stored in the `half_cell_reactions` attribute of the `Speciation` class. If "all", generate all possible redox reactions from available half cell reactions. show : bool, default True Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter notebook. formatted : bool, default True Should reactions be formatted for html output? Ignored if `show` is False. charge_sign_at_end : bool, default True Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if `formatted` is False. Returns ---------- Output is stored in the `redox_reactions_table` and `redox_formatted_reactions` attributes of the `Speciation` class. """ # reset all redox variables stored in the AqEquil class self.redox_reactions_table = None self.redox_formatted_reactions = None if isinstance(idx_list, str): if idx_list == "all": pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter idx_list must " "either be a list of indices corresponding to desired " "half reactions in the half_cell_reactions table, or " "'all' for all half reaction combinations.") elif isinstance(idx_list, list): if len(idx_list) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The list of desired half " "reactions is empty. Please define the indices of at " "least two half reactions to combine into a full redox " "reaction. These indices correspond to rows in the " "half_cell_reactions table.") if len(idx_list) == 1: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Only one half reaction index " "was provided. At least two must be provided in order " "to create a full redox reaction.") else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The parameter idx_list must " "either be a list of indices corresponding to desired " "half reactions in the half_cell_reactions table, or " "'all' for all half reaction combinations.") if self.verbose > 1: print("Generating redox reactions...") err_msg = ("redox_pairs can either be 'all' or a list of integers " "indicating the indices of half cell reactions in " "the half_cell_reactions table that should be combined into " "full redox reactions. For example, redox_pairs=[0, 1, 2, 6] " "will combine half cell reactions with indices 0, 1, 2, and 6 in " "the half_cell_reactions table. This table is an attribute in the " "class AqEquil.") if isinstance(idx_list, str): if idx_list == "all": idx_list = list(range(0, self.half_cell_reactions.shape[0])) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_msg) elif isinstance(idx_list, list): if not all([isinstance(i, int) for i in idx_list]): self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_msg) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(err_msg) self.idx_list = idx_list half_reaction_dict = {} bad_idx_list = [] for idx in idx_list: #print(idx) if idx not in self.half_cell_reactions.index: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The index " + str(idx) + " was not " "found in the half_cell_reactions table.") oxidant = self.half_cell_reactions["Oxidant"].iloc[idx] reductant = self.half_cell_reactions["Reductant"].iloc[idx] if oxidant == "O2" and reductant == "H2O": half_reaction_dict[idx] = {'O2': -1.0, 'e-': -4.0, 'H+': -4.0, 'H2O': 2.0} continue elif oxidant == "H2O" and reductant == "H2": half_reaction_dict[idx] = {'H2O': -2.0, 'e-': -2.0, 'H2': 1.0, 'OH-': 2.0} continue db_sp_names = list(self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]) if oxidant not in db_sp_names or reductant not in db_sp_names: if oxidant not in db_sp_names: problem_sp = oxidant else: problem_sp = reductant if self.verbose > 0: print("The species '"+str(problem_sp)+"' found in half cell reaction", self.half_cell_reactions.iloc[idx][0], "( index", idx, ")", "was not found in the thermodynamic database", "used by the speciation. Check whether this species has", "been excluded from the thermodynamic database prior to", "the speciation step. Skipping this half reaction...") bad_idx_list.append(idx) continue # comparing common elements # requires "formula" and not "formula_modded" columns of thermo_db ox_formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0]) ox_formula_ox = self.thermo.thermo_db["formula_ox"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0] ox_dissrxn = self.thermo.thermo_db["dissrxn"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==oxidant].values[0] red_formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0]) red_formula_ox = self.thermo.thermo_db["formula_ox"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0] red_dissrxn = self.thermo.thermo_db["dissrxn"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==reductant].values[0] common_keys = [] for key in list(ox_formula_dict.keys()): if key in list(red_formula_dict.keys()): common_keys.append(key) ZOH_list = ["+", "-", "O", "H"] common_elems = [k for k in common_keys if k not in ZOH_list] elems_unique_to_oxidant = [k for k in list(ox_formula_dict.keys()) if k not in list(red_formula_dict.keys())+ZOH_list] elems_unique_to_reductant = [k for k in list(red_formula_dict.keys()) if k not in list(ox_formula_dict.keys())+ZOH_list] # print("common_elems") # print(common_elems) # print("unique to oxidant") # print(elems_unique_to_oxidant) # print("unique to reductant") # print(elems_unique_to_reductant) ox_red_formula_ox_dict = {} for i,ro in enumerate([ox_formula_ox, red_formula_ox]): ox_red_formula_ox_dict[[oxidant, reductant][i]] = self._formula_ox_to_dict(ro) common_elem_electron_dict = {} for ce in common_elems: ox_ce = ox_red_formula_ox_dict[list(ox_red_formula_ox_dict.keys())[0]][ce] red_ce = ox_red_formula_ox_dict[list(ox_red_formula_ox_dict.keys())[1]][ce] ox_ce_n = sum([v for v in list(ox_ce.values())]) red_ce_n = sum([v for v in list(red_ce.values())]) if ox_ce_n/red_ce_n < 1: ox_coeff = red_ce_n/ox_ce_n red_coeff = 1.0 elif ox_ce_n/red_ce_n > 1: ox_coeff = 1.0 red_coeff = ox_ce_n/red_ce_n else: # oxidant and reductant have the same number of common element ox_coeff = 1.0 red_coeff = 1.0 total_ox_ce_oxstate = sum([k*v for k,v in zip(list(ox_ce.keys()), list(ox_ce.values()))]) total_red_ce_oxstate = sum([k*v for k,v in zip(list(red_ce.keys()), list(red_ce.values()))]) electron_coeff = red_coeff*total_red_ce_oxstate - ox_coeff*total_ox_ce_oxstate if electron_coeff > 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The oxidant '"+oxidant+"' is more reduced than the " "reductant '"+reductant+"' in the half reaction corresponding to index " + str(idx) + " " "in the half_cell_reactions table. Please flip the species so that " "the oxidant is in the Oxidant column.") # TODO: automatically flip it for the user... else: # if e- transfer for this common elem is negative (e- is transferred) # or zero (e.g., if K, Na, or Ca is a common element) common_elem_electron_dict[ce] = { "electron_coeff":electron_coeff, "ox_coeff":-ox_coeff, "total_ox_ce_oxstate":total_ox_ce_oxstate, "red_coeff":red_coeff, "total_red_ce_oxstate":total_red_ce_oxstate, } # print("common_elem_electron_dict") # print(common_elem_electron_dict) if len(common_elem_electron_dict.keys()) > 1: # TODO: figure out what to do if there is more than one common element that # participates in electron transfer... pass if isinstance(ox_dissrxn, str): sp_diss_ox = ox_dissrxn.strip().split(" ")[1::2] sp_diss_ox = sp_diss_ox[1:] sp_diss_ox = [s if s != "O2(g)" else "O2" for s in sp_diss_ox] else: sp_diss_ox = [oxidant] sp_diss_ox = [s for s in sp_diss_ox if s not in ["H+", "H2O"]] basis_candidates = [] basis_candidate_elems = [] for f in sp_diss_ox: formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==f].values[0]) elems = [k for k in list(formula_dict.keys()) if k not in ["+", "-", "H", "O"]] if len(elems) == 1: if (elems[0] in common_elems or elems[0] in elems_unique_to_oxidant) and elems[0] not in basis_candidate_elems: basis_candidates.append(f) basis_candidate_elems.append(elems[0]) if isinstance(red_dissrxn, str): sp_diss_red = red_dissrxn.strip().split(" ")[1::2] sp_diss_red = sp_diss_red[1:] sp_diss_res = [s if s != "O2(g)" else "O2" for s in sp_diss_red] else: sp_diss_red = [reductant] sp_diss_red = [s for s in sp_diss_red if s not in ["H+", "H2O"]] for f in sp_diss_red: formula_dict = parse_formula(self.thermo.thermo_db["formula"].loc[self.thermo.thermo_db["name"]==f].values[0]) elems = [k for k in list(formula_dict.keys()) if k not in ["+", "-", "H", "O"]] if len(elems) == 1: if elems[0] in elems_unique_to_reductant and elems[0] not in basis_candidate_elems: basis_candidates.append(f) basis_candidate_elems.append(elems[0]) if len(common_elem_electron_dict) == 0: # no common elements between oxidant and reductant self.err_handler.raise_exception("A common element could not be found between " "the oxidant " + str(oxidant) + " and the reductant " + str(reductant)) unpacked_dict = common_elem_electron_dict[list(common_elem_electron_dict.keys())[0]] e_coeff = unpacked_dict["electron_coeff"] ox_coeff = unpacked_dict["ox_coeff"] red_coeff = unpacked_dict["red_coeff"] # print("BASIS CANDIDATES") # print(basis_candidates+["H2O", "e-", "H+"]) pyCHNOSZ.basis(basis_candidates+["H2O", "e-", "H+"], messages=False) sout = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt(species=[oxidant, reductant, "e-"], coeff=[ox_coeff, red_coeff, e_coeff], property="logK", T=25, messages=False, show=False).reaction half_reaction_dict[idx] = self._create_sp_dict(sout) # print("HALF REACTION DICT") # print(half_reaction_dict) # find all possible combinations of idx pairs (but not reverse rxns to save time) good_idx_list = [idx for idx in idx_list if idx not in bad_idx_list] redox_pair_list = [list(p) for p in list(itertools.combinations(good_idx_list, 2))] # Weed out redox pairs that would have the same # electron-donating/accepting species as a product and reactant. E.g. # 'CO2': -1.0, 'CH4': 1.0, 'e-': -8.0, 'H2O': 2.0, 'H+': -8.0 # 'CO': -1.0, 'CH4': 1.0, 'e-': -6.0, 'H2O': 1.0, 'H+': -6.0 # In this example, CH4 would be both a product and reactant in the resulting # full redox reaction. Get rid of these pairs because they cause erroneous # calculation of electrons transferred when half reactions are summed. bad_redox_pair_index_list = [] for i,p in enumerate(redox_pair_list): half_rxn_idx_1 = p[0] half_rxn_idx_2 = p[1] reactant_1 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].values()) if v<0] reactant_2 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].values()) if v<0] product_1 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_1].values()) if v>0] product_2 = [k for k,v in zip(half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].keys(), half_reaction_dict[half_rxn_idx_2].values()) if v>0] reactant_1 = [r for r in reactant_1 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] reactant_2 = [r for r in reactant_2 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] product_1 = [r for r in product_1 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] product_2 = [r for r in product_2 if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "e-"]] if len([ii for ii in reactant_1 if ii in reactant_2]) != 0: bad_redox_pair_index_list.append(i) if len([ii for ii in product_1 if ii in product_2]) != 0: bad_redox_pair_index_list.append(i) redox_pair_list = [i for j, i in enumerate(redox_pair_list) if j not in bad_redox_pair_index_list] if len(redox_pair_list) == 0: if self.verbose > 0: msg = ("No valid redox reactions could be made with these half reactions. " "This is likely because a species appears as both an oxidant and a " "reductant in the full redox reaction. For example, " "combining the half reactions 'CO2 to CH4' and 'CO to CH4' " "would produce a full redox reaction with CH4 as both a product " "and a reactant. If you would like to model a " "comproportionation or disproportionation reaction, be sure " "to select half reactions that do not share reactants and products. " "For example, 'CO2 to CO' and 'CO to CH4' is a valid combination that " "would represent the comproportionation or disproportionation of CO in " "the forward and backward redox reactions.") print(msg) return self.redox_pair_list = redox_pair_list # create 'reaction_dict': a dictionary of reactions keyed by their idx pairs reaction_dict = {} e_dict = {} for pair in redox_pair_list: # print("Pair:", str(pair)) half_reaction_dict_1 = copy.deepcopy(half_reaction_dict[pair[0]]) half_reaction_dict_2 = copy.deepcopy(half_reaction_dict[pair[1]]) # print("half reactions") # print(half_reaction_dict_1) # print(half_reaction_dict_2) # find the lowest common multiple of e- # ensure e- is an integer value or else lcm() won't work assert int(half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]) == half_reaction_dict_1["e-"] assert int(half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]) == half_reaction_dict_2["e-"] # find lowest common multiple (lcm) of the electrons in the two half reactions e_lcm = math.lcm(int(half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]), int(half_reaction_dict_2["e-"])) # use the lcm to multiply half reaction coefficients to get the # same number of electrons transferred in each half reaction mult_1 = abs(e_lcm/half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]) mult_2 = abs(e_lcm/half_reaction_dict_2["e-"]) for k in list(half_reaction_dict_1.keys()): half_reaction_dict_1[k] = half_reaction_dict_1[k]*mult_1 for k in list(half_reaction_dict_2.keys()): half_reaction_dict_2[k] = -half_reaction_dict_2[k]*mult_2 # print("lcm multiplied") # print(half_reaction_dict_1) # print(half_reaction_dict_2) # sum the half reaction dicts to write the full balanced redox reaction full_rxn_dict = {k: half_reaction_dict_1.get(k, 0) + half_reaction_dict_2.get(k, 0) for k in set(half_reaction_dict_1) | set(half_reaction_dict_2)} # sum H+ and OH- to make H2O, and modify the full rxn dict appropriately if "OH-" in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()) and "H+" in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()): if ((full_rxn_dict["H+"]== full_rxn_dict["OH-"]) & (full_rxn_dict["H+"]==0)) or (full_rxn_dict["H+"]*full_rxn_dict["OH-"]>0): # check if the coefficients of OH- and H+ have the same sign water_dict = {} if abs(full_rxn_dict["H+"]) == abs(full_rxn_dict["OH-"]): water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["H+"]} elif abs(full_rxn_dict["H+"]) > abs(full_rxn_dict["OH-"]): water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["OH-"], "H+":full_rxn_dict["H+"] - full_rxn_dict["OH-"]} else: water_dict = {"H2O": full_rxn_dict["H+"], "OH-":full_rxn_dict["OH-"] - full_rxn_dict["H+"]} del full_rxn_dict["H+"] del full_rxn_dict["OH-"] # sum the full_rxn_dict and the water_dict to ensure OH- and H+ make H2O full_rxn_dict = {k: full_rxn_dict.get(k, 0) + water_dict.get(k, 0) for k in set(full_rxn_dict) | set(water_dict)} for k in list(full_rxn_dict.keys()): if full_rxn_dict[k] == 0: del full_rxn_dict[k] # print("full_rxn_dict before") # print(full_rxn_dict) # multiply all coefficients by their least common multiple denoms = [Fraction(x).limit_denominator().denominator for x in list(full_rxn_dict.values())] coeff_lcm = functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a*b//math.gcd(a,b), denoms) full_rxn_dict = {k:full_rxn_dict[k]*coeff_lcm for k in full_rxn_dict.keys()} # print("full_rxn_dict after") # print(full_rxn_dict) e_transferred = half_reaction_dict_1["e-"]*coeff_lcm e_dict[str(pair[0])+"_"+str(pair[1])] = abs(e_transferred) e_dict[str(pair[1])+"_"+str(pair[0])] = abs(e_transferred) # print("e_transferred") # print(e_transferred) reaction_dict[str(pair[0])+"_"+str(pair[1])] = full_rxn_dict reaction_dict[str(pair[1])+"_"+str(pair[0])] = {k:-v for k,v in zip(full_rxn_dict.keys(), full_rxn_dict.values())} # print("reaction_dict") # print(reaction_dict) for i,key in enumerate(list(reaction_dict.keys())): redox_pair = key.split("_") redox_pair = [int(v) for v in redox_pair] name = "rxn_"+str(key) species_dict_formatted = {"species_"+str(i+1):[k] for i,k in enumerate(reaction_dict[key].keys())} coeff_dict_formatted = {"coeff_"+str(i+1):[reaction_dict[key][k]] for i,k in enumerate(reaction_dict[key].keys())} reaction_dict[key] = {"reaction_name":[name], "redox_pairs":[redox_pair], "mol_e-_transferred_per_mol_rxn":[e_dict[key]]} reaction_dict[key].update(species_dict_formatted) reaction_dict[key].update(coeff_dict_formatted) self.reaction_dict = reaction_dict # make the affinity_energy_reactions_table for i,key in enumerate(list(self.reaction_dict.keys())): if i == 0: affinity_energy_reactions_table = pd.DataFrame(self.reaction_dict[key]) else: affinity_energy_reactions_table = pd.concat([affinity_energy_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame(self.reaction_dict[key])]) self.redox_reactions_table = affinity_energy_reactions_table.set_index("reaction_name") # rearrange column order non_coeff_non_sp_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "coeff_" not in c and "species_" not in c] coeff_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "coeff_" in c] species_cols = [c for c in self.redox_reactions_table.columns if "species_" in c] coeff_sp_cols = [None]*(len(coeff_cols)+len(species_cols)) coeff_sp_cols[::2] = coeff_cols coeff_sp_cols[1::2] = species_cols new_col_order = non_coeff_non_sp_cols + coeff_sp_cols self.redox_reactions_table = self.redox_reactions_table[new_col_order] reverse_pair_list = [[v[1], v[0]] for v in self.redox_pair_list] pair_list_interleave = self.redox_pair_list + reverse_pair_list pair_list_interleave[::2] = self.redox_pair_list pair_list_interleave[1::2] = reverse_pair_list self.redox_pair_list = pair_list_interleave # sort by forward then backward reaction, e.g., [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0]... sort_order = ["rxn_"+str(v[0])+"_"+str(v[1]) for v in self.redox_pair_list] self.redox_reactions_table.reindex(sort_order) # # sort rows by ascending redox pairs # self.redox_reactions_table = self.redox_reactions_table.sort_values('redox_pairs', key=lambda col: x: [x[0], x[1]])) if isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): self.reactions_for_plotting = self.show_redox_reactions( formatted=formatted, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, show=show).combine_first(self.reactions_for_plotting) else: self.reactions_for_plotting = self.show_redox_reactions( formatted=formatted, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, show=show)
def mt(self, sample)
Retrieve mass transfer results for a sample.
- Name of the sample for which to retrieve mass transfer results.
An object of class
.Expand source code
def mt(self, sample): """ Retrieve mass transfer results for a sample. Parameters ---------- sample : str Name of the sample for which to retrieve mass transfer results. Returns ------- An object of class `AqEquil.MassTransfer.Mass_Transfer`. """ sample_data = getattr(self, "sample_data") if sample not in sample_data.keys(): self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The sample '"+str(sample)+"'" " was not found amongst samples with mass transfer" " results: "+str(list(sample_data.keys())))) if "mass_transfer" in list(sample_data[sample].keys()): if sample_data[sample]["mass_transfer"] != None: return sample_data[sample]["mass_transfer"] msg = ("Mass transfer results are not stored for sample '"+sample+"'. " "This might be because the reaction calculation did not " "finish successfully or because the thermodynamic database " "is a data0 or data1 file without a supporting CSV file.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg)
def plot_logK_fit(self, name, plot_out=False, res=200, internal=True, logK_extrapolate=None, T_vals=[])
Plot the fit of logK values used in the speciation.
- Name of the chemical species.
, defaultFalse
- Return a Plotly figure object? If False, a figure is simply shown. If True, the function returns a Plotly figure object and does not show the plot.
- Resolution of the fit line. Higher resolutions will be smoother.
, defaultTrue
- Reuse calculated fits if they already exist?
, optional- Option for extrapolating logK values in the plot. Possible values
for this parameter include 'poly', 'linear', 'flat', or 'none'.
This is for planning and visualization only and does not affect
results in
. Those functions have their own parameters for setting logK extrapolation options. T_vals
, optional- Option for visualizing how the fit of logK values will be
used to estimate the logK values at the temperatures specified in
the list given to this parameter. This is useful for visualizing
logK extrapolation options defined by
:a Plotly figure object
- Returned if
is True.
Expand source code
def plot_logK_fit(self, name, plot_out=False, res=200, internal=True, logK_extrapolate=None, T_vals=[]): """ Plot the fit of logK values used in the speciation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the chemical species. plot_out : bool, default False Return a Plotly figure object? If False, a figure is simply shown. If True, the function returns a Plotly figure object and does not show the plot. res : int Resolution of the fit line. Higher resolutions will be smoother. internal : bool, default True Reuse calculated fits if they already exist? logK_extrapolate : str, optional Option for extrapolating logK values in the plot. Possible values for this parameter include 'poly', 'linear', 'flat', or 'none'. This is for planning and visualization only and does not affect results in `speciate()` or `create_data0()`. Those functions have their own parameters for setting logK extrapolation options. T_vals : list, optional Option for visualizing how the fit of logK values will be used to estimate the logK values at the temperatures specified in the list given to this parameter. This is useful for visualizing logK extrapolation options defined by `logK_extrapolate`. Returns ---------- fig : a Plotly figure object Returned if `plot_out` is True. """ if internal and len(self.logK_models.keys()) > 0: # use internally calculated logK models already stored... if name not in self.logK_models.keys(): if name not in list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species["name"]): msg = "The chemical species " + str(name) + " is not recognized." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) else: reject_reason = list(self.thermo.df_rejected_species.loc[self.thermo.df_rejected_species['name'] == name, 'reason for rejection'])[0] msg = ("The chemical species " + str(name) + " cannot be " "plotted because it was rejected from the " "speciation:\n" + str(reject_reason)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) logK_grid = self.logK_models[name]["logK_grid"] T_grid = self.logK_models[name]["T_grid"] P_grid = self.logK_models[name]["P_grid"] else: # load logK models from Thermodata class's logK_db df_logK = self.thermo.logK_db i = list(df_logK["name"]).index(name) logK_grid = list(df_logK[["logK1", "logK2", "logK3", "logK4", "logK5", "logK6", "logK7", "logK8"]].iloc[i]) # logK at T and P in datasheet T_grid = list(df_logK[["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8"]].iloc[i]) # T for free logK grid P_grid = list(df_logK[["P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8"]].iloc[i]) # P for free logK grid if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str): logK_extrapolate = self.thermo.logK_extrapolate if not isinstance(logK_extrapolate, str): logK_extrapolate = self.logK_models[name]["logK_extrapolate"] if len(T_vals) == 0: grid_temps = self.batch_T else: grid_temps = T_vals grid_press = self.batch_P T_grid = [t for t in T_grid if not pd.isna(t)] P_grid = [p for p in P_grid if not pd.isna(p)] logK_grid = [k for k in logK_grid if not pd.isna(k)] if len(logK_grid) == 0 or len(T_grid) == 0 or len(P_grid) == 0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("This species has no valid logK " "values, temperature values, or pressure values. It is " "possible that this is a strict basis species with no " "dissociation reaction for which to calculate logK values.") fig = px.scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid) if len(grid_temps) > 0: if min(grid_temps) <= min(T_grid): plot_T_min = min(grid_temps) else: plot_T_min = min(T_grid) if max(grid_temps) >= max(T_grid): plot_T_max = max(grid_temps) else: plot_T_max = max(T_grid) else: plot_T_min = min(T_grid) plot_T_max = max(T_grid) plot_temps = np.linspace(plot_T_min, plot_T_max, res) pred_logK = [] pred_model = [] for t in plot_temps: logK, model = self._interpolate_logK(t, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) pred_logK.append(logK) pred_model.append(model) df_plot = pd.DataFrame({"T":plot_temps, "logK":pred_logK, "model":pred_model}) if logK_extrapolate != "no fit": fig = px.line(df_plot, x='T', y='logK', color='model', title=name, template="simple_white") else: fig = px.line(x=[0], y=[0], title=name, template="simple_white") # dummy figure fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>Predicted logK = %{y}<extra></extra>") fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=[min(plot_temps) - 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps)), max(plot_temps) + 0.15*(max(plot_temps) - min(plot_temps))], xaxis_title="T,°C", yaxis_title="logK") logK_label = "fitted logK value(s)" annotation = "" if len(grid_temps) > 0: for i,gt in enumerate(grid_temps): # make vertical lines representing batch temperatures if i==0: showlegend=True else: showlegend=False if isinstance(grid_press, str): ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = PSAT<extra></extra>" else: if len(grid_press) > 0: ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<br>P = " + str(grid_press[i]) + " bar(s)<extra></extra>" else: ht_samples= "T = "+str(gt) + " °C<extra></extra>" if len(T_grid) > 1: if logK_extrapolate == "none" and (gt > max(T_grid) or gt < min(T_grid)): viz_logK = max(logK_grid) else: viz_logK, _ = self._interpolate_logK(gt, logK_grid, T_grid, logK_extrapolate) vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), viz_logK] if logK_extrapolate == "no fit": vline_y_vals = [min(logK_grid)-0.15*(max(logK_grid)-min(logK_grid)), logK_grid[i]] logK_label = "calculated LogK value(s)" annotation = ("LogK values are calculated from<br>ΔG of dissociation into basis species" "<br>at the T and P of the speciated samples<br>and do not require a fit.") if _all_equal(logK_grid): # if a flat horizontal logK fit line... # then fix the y-axis range to prevent zoomed-in steppy wierdness fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=[logK_grid[0]-1,logK_grid[0]+1]) vline_y_vals = [logK_grid[0]-1, logK_grid[0]] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[gt, gt], y=vline_y_vals, mode="lines", line=dict(color='rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)', width=3, dash="dot"), legendgroup='batch temperatures', name='batch temperatures', showlegend=showlegend, hovertemplate=ht_samples, ), ) # add fitted logK points fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=T_grid, y=logK_grid, name=logK_label, mode='markers', marker=dict(color="black"), text = P_grid, hovertemplate="T = %{x} °C<br>P = %{text} bar(s)<br>logK = %{y}<extra></extra>", ), ) fig.add_annotation(x=0, y=0, xref="paper", yref="paper", align='left', text=annotation, bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", showarrow=False) if plot_out: return fig else:
def plot_mass_contribution(self, basis, title=None, sort_by=None, ascending=True, sort_y_by=None, width=0.9, colormap='WORM', sample_label='sample', colors=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False)
Plot basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species across all samples.
- Name of the basis species.
, optional- Title of the plot.
, optional- Name of the variable used to sort samples. Variable names must be taken from the speciation report column names. No sorting is done by default.
, defaultTrue
- Should sample sorting be in ascending order? Descending if False.
Ignored unless
is defined. sort_y_by
, optional- List of species names in the order that they should be stacked, from the bottom of the plot to the top. 'alphabetical' will sort species alphabetically.
, default0.9
- Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0.
, default"WORM"
- Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
, default"sample"
- Name of the label that appears when hovering over an element in the
interactive mass contribution plot. By default, this is "sample".
However, other words might be more appropriate to describe the
calculations you are performing. For instance, if you are comparing
reaction progress,
sample_label = "Xi"
might be more appropriate. plot_width
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. save_as
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, defaultTrue
- Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
, defaultFalse
- Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated.
:Plotly figure object
- A figure object is returned if
is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed.
Expand source code
def plot_mass_contribution(self, basis, title=None, sort_by=None, ascending=True, sort_y_by=None, width=0.9, colormap="WORM", sample_label="sample", colors=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Plot basis species contributions to mass balance of aqueous species across all samples. Parameters ---------- basis : str Name of the basis species. title : str, optional Title of the plot. sort_by : str, optional Name of the variable used to sort samples. Variable names must be taken from the speciation report column names. No sorting is done by default. ascending : bool, default True Should sample sorting be in ascending order? Descending if False. Ignored unless `sort_by` is defined. sort_y_by : list of str or 'alphabetical', optional List of species names in the order that they should be stacked, from the bottom of the plot to the top. 'alphabetical' will sort species alphabetically. width : float, default 0.9 Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0. colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). sample_label : str, default "sample" Name of the label that appears when hovering over an element in the interactive mass contribution plot. By default, this is "sample". However, other words might be more appropriate to describe the calculations you are performing. For instance, if you are comparing reaction progress, `sample_label = "Xi"` might be more appropriate. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ try: self.mass_contribution except: msg = ("Results for basis species contributions to aqueous mass " "balance could not be found. Ensure that " "get_mass_contribution = True when running speciate().") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if basis not in set(self.mass_contribution['basis']): msg = ("The basis species {} ".format(basis)+"could not be found " "among available basis species: " "{}".format(str(list(set(self.mass_contribution['basis']))))) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) df_sp = copy.deepcopy(self.mass_contribution.loc[self.mass_contribution['basis'] == basis]) if isinstance(sort_y_by, list): for species in sort_y_by: if species not in df_sp["species"]: for sample in set(df_sp["sample"]): df2 = pd.DataFrame({'sample':[sample], 'basis':[basis], 'species':[species], 'factor':[None], 'molality':[None], 'percent':[0]}) df_sp = pd.concat([df_sp, df2], ignore_index=True) if sort_by != None: if sort_by in sort_col = self.lookup(sort_by) sort_by_unit = sort_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] sort_index = sort_col.sort_values([(sort_by, sort_by_unit)], ascending=ascending).index df_list = [] for i in sort_index: df_list.append(df_sp[df_sp['sample']==i]) df_sp = pd.concat(df_list) else: msg = ("Could not find {}".format(sort_by)+" in the " "speciation report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) df_sp['percent'] = df_sp['percent'].astype(float) unique_species = self.__unique(df_sp["species"]) if "Other" in unique_species: unique_species.append(unique_species.pop(unique_species.index("Other"))) labels = self.__unique(df_sp["sample"]) bottom = np.array([0]*len(labels)) if sort_y_by != None: if isinstance(sort_y_by, list): if len(unique_species) == len(sort_y_by): if len([s for s in unique_species if s in sort_y_by]) == len(unique_species) and len([s for s in sort_y_by if s in unique_species]) == len(unique_species): unique_species = sort_y_by else: valid_needed = [s for s in unique_species if s not in sort_y_by] invalid = [s for s in sort_y_by if s not in unique_species] msg = ("sort_y_by is missing the following species: " "{}".format(valid_needed)+" and was provided " "these invalid species: {}".format(invalid)) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif len(sort_y_by) < len(unique_species): msg = ("sort_y_by must have of all of the " "following species: {}".format(unique_species)+". " "You are missing {}".format([s for s in unique_species if s not in sort_y_by])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) # else: # msg = ("sort_y_by can only have the " # "following species: {}".format(unique_species)+".") # self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif sort_y_by == "alphabetical": if "Other" in unique_species: unique_species_no_other = [sp for sp in unique_species if sp != "Other"] unique_species_no_other = sorted(unique_species_no_other) unique_species = unique_species_no_other + ["Other"] else: unique_species = sorted(unique_species) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("sort_y_by must be either None, 'alphabetical', " "or a list of species names.") if isinstance(colors, list): pass else: # get colormap colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(unique_species)) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] df_sp["species"] = df_sp["species"].apply(chemlabel) unique_species = [chemlabel(sp) for sp in unique_species] if title == None: title = '<span style="font-size: 14px;">Species accounting for mass balance of {}</span>'.format(chemlabel(basis)) # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(unique_species, colors)} category_orders = {"species": unique_species, "sample": labels} fig =, x="sample", y="percent", color="species", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels={"sample": sample_label, "percent": "mole %", "species": "species"}, category_orders=category_orders, color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, template="simple_white", ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, legend_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, margin={"t": 40}, bargap=0, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True}) fig.update_traces(width=width, marker_line_width=0) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else:
def plot_mineral_saturation(self, sample_name, title=None, mineral_sat_type='affinity', plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colors=['blue', 'orange'], save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False)
Vizualize mineral saturation states in a sample as a bar plot.
- Name of the sample to plot.
, optional- Title of the plot.
, default"affinity"
- Metric for mineral saturation state to plot. Can be "affinity" or "logQoverK".
oftwo str
, default["blue", "orange"]
- Sets the color of the bars representing supersaturated and undersaturated states, respectively.
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, defaultTrue
- Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
, defaultFalse
- Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated.
Expand source code
def plot_mineral_saturation(self, sample_name, title=None, mineral_sat_type="affinity", plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colors=["blue", "orange"], save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Vizualize mineral saturation states in a sample as a bar plot. Parameters ---------- sample_name : str Name of the sample to plot. title : str, optional Title of the plot. mineral_sat_type : str, default "affinity" Metric for mineral saturation state to plot. Can be "affinity" or "logQoverK". colors : list of two str, default ["blue", "orange"] Sets the color of the bars representing supersaturated and undersaturated states, respectively. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. """ if sample_name not in msg = ("Could not find '{}'".format(sample_name)+" among sample " "names in the speciation report. Sample names include " "{}".format(list( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if isinstance(self.sample_data[sample_name].get('mineral_sat', None), pd.DataFrame): mineral_data = self.sample_data[sample_name]['mineral_sat'][mineral_sat_type].astype(float).sort_values(ascending=False) x = mineral_data.index else: msg = ("This sample does not have mineral saturation state data." "To generate this data, ensure get_mineral_sat=True when " "running speciate(), or ensure this sample has " "mineral-forming basis species.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) color_list = [colors[0] if m >= 0 else colors[1] for m in mineral_data] if mineral_sat_type == "affinity": ylabel = 'affinity, kcal/mol' if mineral_sat_type == "logQoverK": ylabel = 'logQ/K' if title==None: title = sample_name + " mineral saturation index" df = pd.DataFrame(mineral_data) fig =, x=df.index, y=mineral_sat_type, height=plot_height*ppi, width=plot_width*ppi, labels={mineral_sat_type: ylabel}, template="simple_white") fig.update_traces(hovertemplate = "%{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}", marker_color=color_list) fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, margin={"t":40}, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True, 'exponentformat':'power'}) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else:
def plot_solid_solutions(self, sample, title=None, width=0.9, colormap='WORM', affinity_plot=True, affinity_plot_colors=['blue', 'orange'], plot_width=4, plot_height=4, ppi=122, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False)
Plot fractions of minerals of hypothetical solid solutions in a sample.
- Name of the sample.
, optional- Title of the plot.
, default0.9
- Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0.
, default"WORM"
- Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
, defaultTrue
- Include the affinity subplot?
oftwo str
, default["blue", "orange"]
- Colors indicating positive and negative values in the affinity subplot, respectively.
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. save_as
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, defaultTrue
- Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
, defaultFalse
- Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated.
:Plotly figure object
- A figure object is returned if
is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed.
Expand source code
def plot_solid_solutions(self, sample, title=None, width=0.9, colormap="WORM", affinity_plot=True, affinity_plot_colors=["blue", "orange"], plot_width=4, plot_height=4, ppi=122, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Plot fractions of minerals of hypothetical solid solutions in a sample. Parameters ---------- sample : str Name of the sample. title : str, optional Title of the plot. width : float, default 0.9 Width of bars. No space between bars if width=1.0. colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). affinity_plot : bool, default True Include the affinity subplot? affinity_plot_colors : list of two str, default ["blue", "orange"] Colors indicating positive and negative values in the affinity subplot, respectively. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ if sample not in self.sample_data.keys(): msg = ("The sample "+sample+" was not found in this speciation dataset." " Samples with solid solutions in this dataset include:"+str([s for s in self.sample_data.keys() if "solid_solutions" in self.sample_data[s].keys()])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: self.sample_data[sample]["solid_solutions"] except: msg = ("Results for solid solutions could not be found for this " "sample. Samples with solid solutions in this speciation " "dataset include:"+str([s for s in self.sample_data.keys() if "solid_solutions" in self.sample_data[s].keys()])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if title == None: title = "Hypothetical solid solutions in " + sample df_full = copy.deepcopy(self.sample_data[sample]["solid_solutions"]) df = copy.deepcopy(df_full.dropna(subset=['x'])) df = df[df['x'] != 0] unique_minerals = self.__unique(df["mineral"]) # get colormap colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(unique_minerals)) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_minerals_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(unique_minerals, colors)} solid_solutions = list(dict.fromkeys(df["solid solution"])) df_ss_only = df_full[df_full["x"].isnull()] mineral_dict = {m:[] for m in unique_minerals} for ss in solid_solutions: for m in unique_minerals: df_sub = df.loc[df["solid solution"] == ss,] frac = df_sub.loc[df_sub["mineral"] == m, "x"] if len(frac) > 0: mineral_dict[m] = mineral_dict[m] + list(frac) else: mineral_dict[m].append(0) if affinity_plot: rows = 2 specs = [[{"type": "bar"}], [{"type": "bar"}]] else: rows = 1 specs = [[{"type": "bar"}]] fig = make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=1, specs=specs, vertical_spacing = 0.05 ) # subplot 1 for m in unique_minerals[::-1]: fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name=m, x=solid_solutions, y=mineral_dict[m], marker_color=dict_minerals_color[m]), row=1, col=1) # subplot 2 if affinity_plot: fig.add_trace(go.Bar(name="ss", x=solid_solutions, y=df_ss_only["Aff, kcal"], marker_color=[affinity_plot_colors[0] if val > 0 else affinity_plot_colors[1] for val in df_ss_only["Aff, kcal"]], showlegend=False), row=2, col=1) fig.update_layout(barmode='stack', xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis_title=None, legend_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, autosize=False, width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, margin={"t": 40}, bargap=0, xaxis={'fixedrange':True}, yaxis={'fixedrange':True}, template="simple_white") fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=-45) fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']='Mole Fraction' if affinity_plot: fig['layout']['yaxis2']['title']='Affinity, kcal/mol' fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False) # hide all the xticks fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=True, row=2, col=1) save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else:
def reset_half_reactions(self)
Reset the half_cell_reactions table back to its original default. Takes no parameters.
Expand source code
def reset_half_reactions(self): """ Reset the half_cell_reactions table back to its original default. Takes no parameters. """ self.half_cell_reactions = copy.deepcopy(self._half_cell_reactions_originalcopy) if self.verbose > 0: print("The table of half reactions half_cell_reactions has been reset.")
def save(self, filename, messages=True)
Save the speciation as a '.speciation' file to your current working directory. This file can be loaded with
- The desired name of the file.
- Print a message confirming the save?
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def save(self, filename, messages=True): """ Save the speciation as a '.speciation' file to your current working directory. This file can be loaded with `AqEquil.load(filename)`. Parameters ---------- filename : str The desired name of the file. messages : str Print a message confirming the save? """ if filename[-11:] != '.speciation': filename = filename + '.speciation' with open(filename, 'wb') as handle: dill.dump(self, handle, protocol=dill.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if messages: print("Saved as '{}'".format(filename))
def scatterplot(self, x='pH', y='Temperature', samples=None, title=None, log_x=False, log_y=False, plot_zero=True, rxns_as_labels=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, fill_alpha=0.7, point_size=10, ylab=None, lineplot=False, linemarkers=True, colormap='WORM', save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False)
Vizualize two or more sample variables with a scatterplot.
, defaultfor x is "pH"
, defaultfor y is "Temperature"
- Names of the variables to plot against each other. Valid variables
are columns in the speciation report.
can be a list of of variable names for a multi-series scatterplot. samples
, optional- List of samples to plot. By default, all samples in the speciation are plotted at once.
, optional- Title of the plot.
, defaultFalse
- Display the x_axis or y_axis in log scale?
, defaultTrue
- Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank) values in the legend?
, defaultTrue
- Display reactions as legend labels when plotting affinities and energy supplies?
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. fill_alpha
, default0.7
- Transparency of scatterpoint area fill.
, default10
- Size of scatterpoints.
, optional- Custom label for the y-axis.
, defaultFalse
- Display a line plot instead of a scatterplot?
, defaultTrue
- If
, also plot markers? colormap
, default"WORM"
- Name of the colormap to color the plotted data. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011).
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, defaultTrue
- Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False.
, defaultFalse
- Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated.
:Plotly figure object
- A figure object is returned if
is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed.
Expand source code
def scatterplot(self, x="pH", y="Temperature", samples=None, title=None, log_x=False, log_y=False, plot_zero=True, rxns_as_labels=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, fill_alpha=0.7, point_size=10, ylab=None, lineplot=False, linemarkers=True, colormap="WORM", save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, interactive=True, plot_out=False): """ Vizualize two or more sample variables with a scatterplot. Parameters ---------- x, y : str, default for x is "pH", default for y is "Temperature" Names of the variables to plot against each other. Valid variables are columns in the speciation report. `y` can be a list of of variable names for a multi-series scatterplot. samples : list, optional List of samples to plot. By default, all samples in the speciation are plotted at once. title : str, optional Title of the plot. log_x, log_y : bool, default False Display the x_axis or y_axis in log scale? plot_zero : bool, default True Plot zero values? Additionally, include series with all NaN (blank) values in the legend? rxns_as_labels : bool, default True Display reactions as legend labels when plotting affinities and energy supplies? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. fill_alpha : numeric, default 0.7 Transparency of scatterpoint area fill. point_size : numeric, default 10 Size of scatterpoints. ylab : str, optional Custom label for the y-axis. lineplot : bool, default False Display a line plot instead of a scatterplot? linemarkers : bool, default True If `lineplot=True`, also plot markers? colormap : str, default "WORM" Name of the colormap to color the plotted data. Accepts "WORM", "colorblind", or matplotlib colormaps. See The "colorblind" colormap is referenced from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. interactive : bool, default True Return an interactive plot if True or a static plot if False. plot_out : bool, default False Return a plotly figure object? If True, a plot is not displayed as it is generated. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A figure object is returned if `plot_out` is true. Otherwise, a figure is simply displayed. """ if not isinstance(y, list): y = [y] if not isinstance(x, str): self.err_handler.raise_exception("x must be a string.") x_col = self.lookup(x) try: xsubheader = x_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] except: msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(x)+"in the speciation " "report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list(set( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: x_plot = [float(x0[0]) if x0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for x0 in x_col.values.tolist()] except: msg = ("One or more the values belonging to " "'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(x_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: xunit_type, xunit = self.__get_unit_info(xsubheader) except: xunit_type = "" xunit = "" for i, yi in enumerate(y): if "limiting reactant" in yi and len(y) > 1: continue y_col = self.lookup(yi) try: subheader = y_col.columns.get_level_values(1)[0] except: msg = ("Could not find '{}' ".format(yi)+"in the speciation " "report. Available variables include " "{}".format(list(set( self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: unit_type, unit = self.__get_unit_info(subheader) except: unit_type = "" unit = "" try: y_plot = [float(y0[0]) if y0[0] != 'NA' else float("nan") for y0 in y_col.values.tolist()] except: msg = ("One or more the values belonging to " "'{}' are non-numeric and cannot be plotted.".format(y_col.columns.get_level_values(0)[0])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if i == 0: subheader_previous = subheader unit_type_previous = unit_type if unit_type != unit_type_previous and i != 0: msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format(unit_type, yi_previous, unit_type_previous)+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "activity" in subheader.lower() and "molality" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("activity", yi_previous, "molality")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) elif "molality" in subheader.lower() and "activity" in subheader_previous.lower(): msg = ("{} has a different unit of measurement ".format(yi)+"" "({}) than {} ({}). ".format("molality", yi_previous, "activity")+"" "Plotted variables must share units.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) yi_previous = copy.deepcopy(yi) unit_type_previous = copy.deepcopy(unit_type) subheader_previous = copy.deepcopy(subheader) if len(y) > 1: if unit != "": ylabel = "{} [{}]".format(unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = unit_type else: if 'pH' in y: ylabel = 'pH' elif 'Temperature' in y: ylabel = 'Temperature [°C]' else: y_formatted = chemlabel(y[0], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if unit != "": ylabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(y_formatted, unit_type, unit) else: ylabel = "{} {}".format(y_formatted, unit_type) if x == 'pH': xlabel = 'pH' elif x == 'Temperature': xlabel = 'Temperature [°C]' else: x_formatted = chemlabel(x, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if xunit != "": xlabel = "{} {} [{}]".format(x_formatted, xunit_type, xunit) else: xlabel = "{} {}".format(x_formatted, xunit_type) y = [yi for yi in y if "limiting reactant" not in yi] df = self.lookup([x]+y).copy() # TODO: is this where the "can't find name" message comes from? df.loc[:, "name"] = df.index df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0) if x in y: df[str(x)+"_copy"] = df[str(x)] df = df.melt(id_vars=["name", str(x)+"_copy"], value_vars=y).rename(columns={str(x)+'_copy': str(x)}) else: df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["name", x], value_vars=y) df = df.rename(columns={"Sample": "y_variable", "value": "y_value"}) if not plot_zero: df = df.dropna(subset=['y_value']) df = df[df.y_value != 0] if isinstance(colormap, str): # get colors colors = _get_colors(colormap, len(y), alpha=fill_alpha) # convert rgba to hex colors = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(c) for c in colors] # map each species to its color, e.g., # {'CO2': '#000000', 'HCO3-': '#1699d3', 'Other': '#736ca8'} dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)} # html format color dict key names dict_species_color = {chemlabel(k, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end):v for k,v in dict_species_color.items()} elif isinstance(colormap, list): colors = colormap dict_species_color = {sp:color for sp,color in zip(y, colors)} else: dict_species_color = {} if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): y_find = [yi.replace(" energy supply", "").replace(" affinity per mole rxn", "").replace(" affinity per mole e-", "").replace(" Gibbs free energy", "") for yi in y] y_find = [yi for yi in y_find if "limiting reactant" not in yi] rxns = self.reactions_for_plotting.loc[y_find, :]["reaction"].tolist() rxn_dict = {rxn_name:rxn for rxn_name,rxn in zip(y, rxns)} if len(y) == 1: ylabel = "{}<br>{} [{}]".format(chemlabel(y_find[0], charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end), unit_type, unit) df["formatted_rxn"] = df["y_variable"].map(rxn_dict) else: df["formatted_rxn"] = "" df['y_variable_original'] = df['y_variable'] df['y_variable'] = df['y_variable'].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) if ylab != None: ylabel=ylab if "log" in xlabel and log_x and xlabel != "pH": log_x = False if "log" in ylabel and log_y and ylabel != "pH": log_y = False if isinstance(samples, list): df = df.loc[df['name'].isin(samples)] if lineplot: df = df.sort_values(x).reset_index(drop=True) fig = px.line(df, x=x, y="y_value", color="y_variable", log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, hover_data=[x, "y_value", "y_variable", "name", "formatted_rxn"], width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels={x: xlabel, "y_value": ylabel}, category_orders={"species": y}, color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, custom_data=['name', 'formatted_rxn', 'y_variable_original'], template="simple_white", markers=linemarkers) else: fig = px.scatter(df, x=x, y="y_value", color="y_variable", log_x=log_x, log_y=log_y, hover_data=[x, "y_value", "y_variable", "name", "formatted_rxn"], width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels={x: xlabel, "y_value": ylabel}, category_orders={"species": y}, color_discrete_map=dict_species_color, opacity=fill_alpha, custom_data=['name', 'formatted_rxn', 'y_variable_original'], template="simple_white") if (unit_type == "energy supply" or unit_type == "affinity") and isinstance(self.reactions_for_plotting, pd.DataFrame): if rxns_as_labels: newnames = {y:r for y,r in zip(list(df["y_variable"]), list(df["formatted_rxn"]))} fig.for_each_trace(lambda t: t.update(name = newnames[], legendgroup = newnames[], hovertemplate = t.hovertemplate.replace(, newnames[]) )) fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=point_size), hovertemplate = "%{customdata[0]}<br>"+xlabel+": %{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>Reaction name: %{customdata[2]}<br>Reaction: %{customdata[1]}") else: fig.update_traces(marker=dict(size=point_size), hovertemplate = "%{customdata[0]}<br>"+xlabel+": %{x} <br>"+ylabel+": %{y}<br>%{customdata[1]}") fig.update_layout(legend_title=None, title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}, margin={"t": 40}, yaxis={'exponentformat':'power'}) if len(y) == 1: fig.update_layout(showlegend=False) fig.update_xaxes(exponentformat = 'E') fig.update_yaxes(exponentformat = 'E') save_as, save_format = self._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) config = {'displaylogo': False, 'scrollZoom': True, 'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['select2d', 'lasso2d', 'toggleSpikelines', 'resetScale2d'], 'toImageButtonOptions': { 'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp 'filename': save_as, 'height': plot_height*ppi, 'width': plot_width*ppi, 'scale': save_scale, }, } if not interactive: config['staticPlot'] = True if plot_out: return fig else:
def show_redox_reactions(self, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, show=True)
Show a table of redox reactions generated with the function
, defaultTrue
- Should reactions be formatted for html output?
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if
is False. show
, defaultFalse
- Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter notebook.
A pandas dataframe containing balanced redox reactions written in full.
Expand source code
def show_redox_reactions(self, formatted=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, show=True): """ Show a table of redox reactions generated with the function `make_redox_reactions`. Parameters ---------- formatted : bool, default True Should reactions be formatted for html output? charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? Ignored if `formatted` is False. show : bool, default False Show the table of reactions? Ignored if not run in a Jupyter notebook. Returns ---------- A pandas dataframe containing balanced redox reactions written in full. """ if isinstance(self.redox_reactions_table, pd.DataFrame): self.redox_formatted_reactions = copy.copy(self.redox_reactions_table.iloc[:, 0:1]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("There are no redox reactions to display. " "Try running make_redox_reactions() first.") df = copy.copy(self.redox_reactions_table) reactions = [] for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]): redox_pair = df.loc[self.redox_reactions_table.index[irow], "redox_pairs"] oxidant = redox_pair[0] reductant = redox_pair[1] rxn_row = df.iloc[irow, 2:] rxn = rxn_row[rxn_row.notna()] coeffs = copy.copy(rxn[::2]).tolist() names = copy.copy(rxn[1::2]).tolist() reaction = self.format_reaction(coeffs=coeffs, names=names, formatted=formatted, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, show=False) reactions.append(reaction) self.redox_formatted_reactions["reaction"] = reactions df_out = copy.copy(self.redox_formatted_reactions) if _isnotebook() and show: display(HTML(df_out.to_html(escape=False))) return df_out