Module AqEquil.MassTransfer
Expand source code
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
import pyCHNOSZ
from chemparse import parse_formula
import copy
import os
import shutil
from math import log10, isnan
import itertools
from operator import itemgetter
import re
import collections
from datetime import datetime
import numbers
import roman
from natsort import natsorted
from .AqSpeciation import Error_Handler, Speciation, AqEquil, chemlabel, check_balance, format_equation
FIXED_SPECIES = ["H2O", "H+", "O2(g)", "water", "Cl-", "e-", "OH-", "O2", "H2O(g)"]
def _format_pseudoelement_name(e):
Format a pseudoelement name
E.g., "Fejiip" -> "Fe+2"
if len(e) > 2:
e_split_list = e.split("j")
if e_split_list[1][-1] == "p":
charge_sign = "+"
elif e_split_list[1][-1] == "n":
charge_sign = "-"
elif e_split_list[1][-1] == "z":
charge_sign = ""
print("ERROR in format_pseudoelement_name(): charge sign is not recognized")
if charge_sign != "":
charge_magnitude_roman = e_split_list[1][:-1].upper()
charge_magnitude = 0
formatted_elem_name = "".join([e_split_list[0], charge_sign,
formatted_elem_name = e
return formatted_elem_name
def _get_ion_ratio_exponent(num, denom):
num_formula = parse_formula(num)
num_plus = num_formula.get("+", 0)
num_minus = num_formula.get("-", 0)
num_total_charge = num_plus - num_minus
denom_formula = parse_formula(denom)
denom_plus = denom_formula.get("+", 0)
denom_minus = denom_formula.get("-", 0)
denom_total_charge = denom_plus - denom_minus
if num_total_charge == 0 or denom_total_charge == 0:
return 0
return num_total_charge/denom_total_charge
def __delete_file(file):
if os.path.exists(file) and os.path.isfile(file):
def __delete_dir(d):
if os.path.exists(d) and os.path.isdir(d):
def __move_file(file, destination_dir, silent=False):
shutil.move(file, destination_dir+'/'+file)
if not silent:
print("Could not move", file, "to", destination_dir)
def react(speciation,
Calculate how speciated water reacts with minerals and/or gases.
speciation : Speciation object
The output of a speciation calculation produced by the
AqEquil.speciate function.
reaction_setup : str or Prepare_Reaction object
Defines how the reaction is to be set up. There are two ways to set up
a reaction. The first way is to prepare the reaction with
`Prepare_Reaction`. The second way is to prepare the first half of an
EQ6 6i file (the part without the contents of the pickup file) and then
pass the filename to `reaction_setup`.
chain_mt : bool, default False
Is the speciation the result of another mass transfer calculation?
Choosing True will allow mass transfer calculations to be chained
delete_generated_folders : bool, default False
Delete the 'rxn_6i', 'rxn_6o', 'rxn_6p', and 'eq6_extra_out' folders
containing raw EQ6 input, output, and pickup files once the
reaction calculation is complete?
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
data1_override : str, optional
The three letter code of a data1 file used to override the thermodynamic
database used to speciate the sample(s). This is useful for chaining
the results of one mass transfer calculation into another while
simultaneously changing the temperature and pressure regime of the
new system. See the description for the `chain_mt` parameter for more
about chaining.
format_element_names : bool, default True
Format the chemical symbols of redox-isolated elements generated when
elements are supplied to the `suppress_redox` parameter of
`AqEquil.speciate`? Context: when elements are redox-isolated, new
elements are designated representing different oxidations states in
order to prevent redox reactions from occuring during calculations. The
names of these elements appear like "Fejiip", where the first one or two
letters represent the element (e.g. "Fe"), "j" denotes that the
chemical symbol is finished, followed by roman numerals representing the
magnitude of the charge (e.g., "ii" representing 2), finally followed by
a letter that denotes the sign of the charge (e.g., "p" for positive).
By setting this parameter to True, the element "Fejiip" will be
converted into a more readable form, "Fe+2", in all figures and tables
generated from calculation results. It may be useful to set this
parameter to False if you are supplying your own data0 file containing
custom pseudoelements that do not follow the convention used by AqEquil.
eq36da : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA
Path to directory where data1 files are stored.
eq36co : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO
Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored.
An object of class `Speciation` modified with the results of the reaction
(if a thermodynamic database formatted as a WORM-style CSV was used during
speciation) or an unmodified speciation object (if a data0 or data1 file
was used during speciation).
if not isinstance(eq36da, str):
eq36da = os.environ.get('EQ36DA')
if not isinstance(eq36co, str):
eq36co = os.environ.get('EQ36CO')
prev_wd = os.getcwd()
ae = AqEquil(load_thermo=False, eq36co=eq36co, eq36da=eq36da, verbose=verbose)
speciation.join_6i_p(reaction_setup, chain_mt)
paths=['rxn_6o', 'rxn_6p', 'eq6_extra_out']
for path in paths:
if not os.path.exists(path):
for sample_name in list(speciation.sample_data.keys()):
filename_6i = speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["filename"][:-3]+".6i"
filename_6o = filename_6i[:-3]+".6o"
filename_6p = filename_6i[:-3]+".6p"
if data1_override != None:
with open("data1."+data1_override, mode='rb') as data1:
speciation.data1["all_samples"] =
speciation.thermo.thermo_db_filename = "data1."+data1_override
if "all_samples" not in speciation.data1.keys():
# each sample has a unique data1. e.g., with dynamic_db
with open("eq6_extra_out/data1.dyn", 'wb') as f:
# all samples use the same data1.
with open("eq6_extra_out/data1.dyn", 'wb') as f:
data1_path=os.getcwd()+"/eq6_extra_out", # ensuring data1 is read from a folder without spaces overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA
# get current working dir
cwd = os.getcwd()
cwdd = cwd + "/"
filename_6o = filename_6i[:-1] + 'o'
filename_6p = filename_6i[:-1] + 'p'
filename_6ba = filename_6i[:-1] + 'ba'
filename_6bb = filename_6i[:-1] + 'bb'
filename_6t = filename_6i[:-2] + 'csv'
filename_6tx = filename_6i[:-1] + 'tx'
# The new eq36 build truncates names, e.g., MLS.Source.3i creates MLS.3o
# Correct for this here:
files_6o = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-3:] == ".6o"]
files_6p = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-3:] == ".6p"]
files_6ba = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-4:] == ".6ba"]
files_6bb = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-4:] == ".6bb"]
files_6t = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-3:] == ".6t"]
files_6tx = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-4:] == ".6tx"]
if len(files_6o) == 0:
if ae.verbose > 0:
print('Error: EQ6 failed to produce output for ' + filename_6i)
elif len(files_6o) == 1:
file_6o = files_6o[0]
file_6ba = files_6ba[0]
file_6bb = files_6bb[0]
file_6t = files_6t[0]
file_6tx = files_6tx[0]
# report errors in output
with open(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6o) as file:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
EQ6_errors_found = ae._report_3o_6o_errors(lines, sample_name)
msg = ("Error: could not open "+path_6i+file_6o+" or there "
"is something wrong with EQ3/6 error reporting.")
# move output
shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6o, cwdd+path_6o+"/"+filename_6o)
shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6ba, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6ba)
shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6bb, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6bb)
shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6t, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6t)
shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6tx, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6tx)
ae.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: could not move", path_6i+"/"+file_6o, "to", path_6o+"/"+filename_6o))
ae.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: multiple output files detected for one mass transfer calculation.")
if len(files_6p) == 0:
if ae.verbose > 0:
print('Error: EQ6 failed to produce a pickup file for ' + filename_6i)
elif len(files_6p) == 1:
file_6p = files_6p[0]
# move output
shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6p, cwdd+path_6p+"/"+filename_6p)
ae.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: could not move", path_6i+"/"+file_6p, "to", path_6p+"/"+filename_6p))
ae.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: multiple pickup files detected for one mass transfer calculation.")
if not EQ6_errors_found:
m = Mass_Transfer(thermo=speciation.thermo,
tab_name="eq6_extra_out/"+filename_6i[:-2] + 'csv',
speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["mass_transfer"] = m
speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["mass_transfer"] = None
if ae.verbose > 0:
print(("Mass transfer results for sample '"+sample_name+"' "
"could not be saved because the calculation did not "
"finish due to error(s).\n"))
# store input, output, and pickup as dicts in speciation object
with open(path_6i + "/" + filename_6i, "r") as f:
speciation.raw_6_input_dict[sample_name] = lines
with open(path_6o + "/" + filename_6o, "r") as f:
speciation.raw_6_output_dict[sample_name] = lines
with open(path_6p + "/" + filename_6p, "r") as f:
# Unlike 3p files, 6p files include headers that need to be removed
bottom_half = []
capture = False
for line in lines:
if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line:
capture = True
if capture:
speciation.raw_6_pickup_dict[sample_name] = bottom_half
if delete_generated_folders:
return speciation
def join_mixes(m1, m2):
Join the results of two mixes, m1 and m2, so that results extend from
1:0 to 0:1 m1:m2.
m1, m2 : objects of class Mass_Transfer
The mass transfer results of two mixing calculations
An object of class `Mass_Transfer` with results joined for plotting.
# tables belonging to the Mass Transfer class that are used by its plotting functions
tabs = ["misc_params", "basis_logact", "dissolved_elements_molal", "dissolved_elements_ppm",
"aq_distribution_logact", "aq_distribution_molal", "aq_distribution_logmolal",
"moles_minerals", "moles_product_minerals"]
for tab in tabs:
m2_reverse_rows = getattr(m2, tab).iloc[::-1]
m2_reverse_rows["Xi"] = [1+(1-float(xi)) for xi in m2_reverse_rows["Xi"]]
m2_reverse_rows = m2_reverse_rows[1:]
m1_rows = getattr(m1, tab)
setattr(m1, tab, pd.concat([m1_rows, m2_reverse_rows]).reset_index(drop=True))
# do the same but for all EQ6 output tables
if != None and != None:
for tab in
if tab in
m2_reverse_rows =[tab].iloc[::-1]
m2_reverse_rows["Xi"] = [1+(1-float(xi)) for xi in m2_reverse_rows["Xi"]]
m2_reverse_rows = m2_reverse_rows[1:]
m1_rows =[tab][tab] = pd.concat([m1_rows, m2_reverse_rows]).reset_index(drop=True)
# do the same but for mass contribution tables
for tab in m1.mass_contribution_dict.keys():
if tab in m2.mass_contribution_dict.keys():
m2_reverse_rows = m2.mass_contribution_dict[tab].iloc[::-1]
m2_reverse_rows["Xi"] = [1+(1-float(xi)) for xi in m2_reverse_rows["Xi"]]
m2_reverse_rows = m2_reverse_rows[1:]
m1_rows = m1.mass_contribution_dict[tab]
m1.mass_contribution_dict[tab] = pd.concat([m1_rows, m2_reverse_rows]).reset_index(drop=True)
return m1
class Mass_Transfer:
Class containing functions to facilitate mass transfer and reaction path
calculations and visualize results.
six_o_file : str
Path name of the '6o' output file generated by EQ6.
thermo : an object of class Thermodata
The subclass containing thermodynamic data in a Speciation object.
thermodata_csv : str
Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the EQ6
tab_name : str
Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6.
format_element_names : bool, default True
Format the chemical symbols of redox-isolated elements generated when
elements are supplied to the `suppress_redox` parameter of
`AqEquil.speciate`? Context: when elements are redox-isolated, new
elements are designated representing different oxidations states in
order to prevent redox reactions from occuring during calculations. The
names of these elements appear like "Fejiip", where the first one or two
letters represent the element (e.g. "Fe"), "j" denotes that the
chemical symbol is finished, followed by roman numerals representing the
magnitude of the charge (e.g., "ii" representing 2), finally followed by
a letter that denotes the sign of the charge (e.g., "p" for positive).
By setting this parameter to True, the element "Fejiip" will be
converted into a more readable form, "Fe+2", in all figures and tables
generated from calculation results. It may be useful to set this
parameter to False if you are supplying your own data0 file containing
custom pseudoelements that do not follow the convention used by AqEquil.
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
def __init__(self, six_o_file, thermo=None, tab_name=None,
format_element_names=True, hide_traceback=True, verbose=1):
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
self.six_o_file = six_o_file
f=open(self.six_o_file, mode='r')
self.tab_name = tab_name
self.verbose = verbose
self.inactive_species = self.__get_inactive_species()
if isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame):
# these operations require a WORM-style thermodynamic database CSV
obigt = pyCHNOSZ.thermo().OBIGT
pyCHNOSZ.thermo(OBIGT = obigt.loc[, : ])
_ = pyCHNOSZ.add_OBIGT(self.thermo.csv_db, force=True, messages=False)
self.df = copy.deepcopy(self.thermo.csv_db)
try: = self.process_tab(tab_name, self.thermo.csv_db)
except: = None
# remove species that do not have Gibbs free energy values
self.df = self.df[~self.df["G"].isna()]
# remove inactive species from the database to prevent them from
# showing up as mineral fields or saturation lines
if len(self.inactive_species) > 0:
self.df = self.df[]
basis_df = self.df[self.df["tag"] == "basis"]
aux_df = self.df[self.df["tag"] == "aux"]
# remove basis or aux species with no formula ox state col
aux_df = aux_df[aux_df["formula_ox"] != ""]
aux_df = aux_df[~aux_df['formula_ox'].isnull()]
refstate_df = self.df[self.df["tag"] == "refstate"]
self.basis_df = pd.concat([basis_df])
self.basis_aux_df = pd.concat([basis_df, aux_df, refstate_df])
self.df_cr = self.df[self.df["state"] == 'cr']
self.df = None = None
self.basis_df = None
self.basis_aux_df = None
self.df_cr = None
self.misc_params = self.__get_misc_params()
self.dissolved_elements_molal = self.__get_dissolved_elements(unit="molality")
self.dissolved_elements_ppm = self.__get_dissolved_elements(unit="ppm")
self.aq_distribution_logact = self.__get_aq_distribution(unit="log activity")
self.aq_distribution_molal = self.__get_aq_distribution(unit="molality")
self.aq_distribution_logmolal = self.__get_aq_distribution(unit="log molality")
self.moles_minerals = self.__get_moles_minerals()
self.saturation_states_pure_solids_log_Q_over_K = self.__get_saturation_states(unit="logQ/K")
self.saturation_states_pure_solids_affinity = self.__get_saturation_states(unit="affinity")
self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_log_Q_over_K = self.__get_ss_saturation_states(unit="logQ/K")
self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity = self.__get_ss_saturation_states(unit="affinity")
self.solid_solution_names = [col for col in list(self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity.columns) if col != "Xi"] # required by a few things below
self.moles_product_minerals_and_solid_solutions = self.__get_moles_product_minerals(include_solid_solutions=True)
self.moles_product_minerals = self.__get_moles_product_minerals(include_solid_solutions=False) # relies on self.solid_solution_names
self.solid_solution_x_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="x") # relies on self.solid_solution_names
self.moles_solid_solutions = self.moles_product_minerals_and_solid_solutions.loc[:, ["Xi"] + list(self.solid_solution_x_dict.keys())]
self.solid_solution_log_x_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="log x") # relies on self.solid_solution_names
self.solid_solution_log_lambda_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="log lambda") # relies on self.solid_solution_names
self.solid_solution_log_lambda_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="log activity") # relies on self.solid_solution_names
self.basis_molality = self.__get_basis_species(unit="molality")
self.basis_ppm = self.__get_basis_species(unit="ppm")
self.basis_logact = self.__get_basis_species(unit="logact") # this one needs to be after __get_aq_distribution()
if format_element_names:
# format element names in case there are redox-isolated elements
self.dissolved_elements_molal.columns = ["Xi"]+[_format_pseudoelement_name(e) for e in self.dissolved_elements_molal.columns if e not in ["Xi", "t(days)"]]
self.dissolved_elements_ppm.columns = ["Xi"]+[_format_pseudoelement_name(e) for e in self.dissolved_elements_ppm.columns if e not in ["Xi", "t(days)"]]
self.err_handler.raise_exception("One of the following chemical symbols could not be formatted:" + str(self.dissolved_elements_molal.columns)+". Try setting the parameter format_element_names to False and try again.")
if self.moles_minerals.shape[0] == 0 and self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] > 0:
# in the case of special reactants, there is no grand summary table in the 6o file
# that combine reactant and product minerals (because there is no reactant mineral).
# In this case, just assume these tables are equal.
self.moles_minerals = self.moles_product_minerals
self.mass_contribution_dict = self.__get_mass_contribution()
def __get_misc_params(self):
recording = False
xi_vals = []
t_vals = []
p_vals = []
pH_vals = []
pmH_vals = []
logfO2_vals = []
Eh_vals = []
pe_vals = []
aw_vals = []
for line in self.six_o_file_lines:
if " Xi=" in line:
recording = True
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
xi = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Xi=']][0]
elif " Temperature=" in line and recording:
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
t = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Temperature=', 'C']][0]
elif " Pressure=" in line and recording:
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
p = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Pressure=', 'bars']][0]
elif "NBS pH scale " in line and recording:
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
multival = [v for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'NBS', 'pH', 'scale']]
multival = [float(v) if v != "********" else float('nan') for v in multival]
elif "Mesmer pH (pmH) scale " in line and recording:
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
pmH = [v for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Mesmer', 'pH', '(pmH)', 'scale']]
pmH = [float(v) if v != "********" else float('nan') for v in pmH][0]
elif " Log oxygen fugacity=" in line and recording:
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
logfO2 = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', "Log", "oxygen", "fugacity="]][0]
elif " Activity of water=" in line and recording:
splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ")
aw = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', "Activity", "of", "water="]][0]
if "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" in line:
recording = False
df = pd.DataFrame({
"t(days)":[0]*len(xi_vals), # TODO: make this actually reflect days, need an example output file
"log fO2":logfO2_vals,
return df
def __get_saturation_states(self, unit="logQ/K"):
if unit == "logQ/K":
col_index = 1
elif unit == "affinity":
col_index = 2
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_saturation_states()"
". Unit not recognized.")
return self.mine_6o_table(table_start="--- Saturation States of Pure Solids ---",
table_stop="--- Saturation States of Pure Liquids ---",
ignore = ["", "Phases", 'Phase', '---', '-'],
def __get_ss_saturation_states(self, unit="logQ/K"):
if unit == "logQ/K":
col_index = 1
elif unit == "affinity":
col_index = 2
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_ss_saturation_states()"
". Unit not recognized.")
return self.mine_6o_table(table_start="--- Saturation States of Solid Solutions ---",
table_stop="--- Summary of Saturated and Supersaturated Phases ---",
ignore = ["", "Phases", 'Phase', '---', '-'],
def __get_dissolved_elements(self, unit="molality"):
if unit == "molality":
col_index = -1
elif unit == "mg/kg.sol" or unit == "ppm":
col_index = 1
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_dissolved_elements()"
". Unit not recognized.")
return self.mine_6o_table(table_start="Elemental Composition of the Aqueous Solution",
table_stop="Numerical Composition of the Aqueous Solution",
ignore = ["", "Element", '---', '-'],
def __get_basis_species(self, unit="logact"):
if unit == "molality" or unit == "logact":
col_index = -1
elif unit == "mg/kg.sol" or unit == "ppm":
col_index = 1
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_basis_species()"
". Unit not recognized.")
basis_df = self.mine_6o_table(table_start="Numerical Composition of the Aqueous Solution",
table_stop="Sensible Composition of the Aqueous Solution",
ignore = ["", "Some", 'Species', '---', '-'],
if unit in ["molality", "ppm", 'mg/kg.sol']:
return basis_df
elif unit == "logact":
cols_to_harvest = [b for b in basis_df.columns if b not in ["O2(g)", "H2O"]]
return self.aq_distribution_logact[cols_to_harvest]
def __get_mass_contribution(self):
bases = [b for b in self.basis_logact.columns if b not in ['Xi', 't(days)', 'H2O', "O2(g)", "H+"]]
mass_contribution_dict = {}
for basis in bases:
df = self.mine_6o_table(
table_start="Species Accounting for 99% or More of Aqueous "+basis,
ignore = ["", "Species", '---', '-'],
df['Xi'] = df['Xi'].astype(str)
df['Other'] = 100 - df.sum(axis=1, numeric_only=True)
df['Xi'] = df['Xi'].astype(float)
df[df["Other"] < 0] = 0
df["basis"] = basis
df["factor"] = None
df["molality"] = None
mass_contribution_dict[basis] = df
return mass_contribution_dict
def mine_6o_table(self,
table_start="--- Distribution of Aqueous Solute Species ---",
table_stop="Species with molalities less than",
ignore = ["", "Species", '---'],
Mine a table in a '6o' EQ6 output file and consolidate results into a
table_start : str
A unique string that indicates the start of the table.
table_stop : str, optional
A unique string that indicates the end of the table.
ignore : list of str
A list of strings representing lines to ignore when mining a table.
For example, it is prudent to ignore blank lines, or lines
containing the table column headers.
A line will be skipped if line.strip().split(' ')[0] matches any
of the strings in the given list.
col_index : int, default -1
Integer representing the index of the table column to be mined.
The default is -1, which is the last column in the table.
df : Pandas dataframe
A dataframe with rows of the extent of reaction (Xi), and columns
containing the values of chemical species mined from the file.
lines = self.six_o_file_lines
species = []
collect_values = False
for i in lines:
if len(i.strip().split(' ')) > 1 and i.strip().split(' ')[0] == "Xi=":
this_xi_val = float(i.split(' ')[-1])
if table_stop in i:
collect_values = False
if table_start in i:
xi_vals.append(this_xi_val) # appending here prevents mismatch where there can be more Xi vals than tables to mine
collect_values = True
if collect_values:
if i.strip().split(' ')[0] not in ignore:
species.append(i.strip().split(' ')[0])
species = list(set(species))
species_dict = {"Xi":xi_vals}
if len(species) == 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(species_dict)
return df
for s in species:
collect_values = False
for i in lines:
if collect_values and table_stop in i:
# stop collecting
collect_values = False
if not got_value:
if table_start in i:
# start collecting
collect_values = True
got_value = False
if collect_values:
if len(i.strip().split(' ')) > 2 and i.strip().split(' ')[0] == s:
split_i = i.strip().split(' ')
split_i_clean = [v for v in split_i if v != '']
val = split_i_clean[col_index]
val = float(val)
# if a value is not a float, e.g., 3.1450-100
if "-" in val:
val_list = val.split("-")
val = "".join([val_list[0], "E-", val_list[1]])
val = float(val)
elif "+" in val:
val_list = val.split("+")
val = "".join([val_list[0], "E", val_list[1]])
val = float(val)
elif "SATD" in val:
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: "
"Encountered a non-numeric value when mining "
"a .6o file: "+val))
got_value = True
species_dict[s] = vals
df = pd.DataFrame(species_dict)
if 'None' in df.columns:
df = df.drop(['None'], axis=1)
return df
def __get_inactive_species(self):
table_start = "--- Inactive Species ---"
table_stop = "The activity coefficients of aqueous species"
for i in lines:
if collect_values and table_stop in i:
# stop collecting
if table_start in i:
# start collecting
collect_values = True
got_value = False
if collect_values:
if table_start not in i:
split_i = i.strip().split(' ')
split_i_clean = [v for v in split_i if v != '' and v != "None"]
if len(split_i_clean) > 0:
got_value = True
return vals
def __get_aq_distribution(self, unit="log activity"):
if unit == "log activity":
col_index = -1
elif unit == "molality":
col_index = 1
elif unit == "log molality":
col_index = 2
return self.mine_6o_table(
table_start="--- Distribution of Aqueous Solute Species ---",
table_stop="Species with molalities less than",
ignore = ["", "Species", '---'],
def __get_moles_minerals(self):
return self.mine_6o_table(
table_start="Grand Summary of Solid Phases",
table_stop="Mass, grams Volume, cm3",
ignore = ["", "Phase/End-member", '---'],
def __get_moles_product_minerals(self, include_solid_solutions=True):
if "Grand Summary of Solid Phases" in "\n".join(self.six_o_file_lines):
table_stop = "Grand Summary of Solid Phases"
table_stop = "Mass, grams Volume, cm3"
df = self.mine_6o_table(
table_start="--- Summary of Solid Phases (ES) ---",
ignore = ["", "Phase/End-member", '---'],
if not include_solid_solutions:
mineral_names_to_keep = []
minerals_in_solid_solutions = []
recording = True
for col in df.columns:
if col not in self.solid_solution_names:
df = df[mineral_names_to_keep]
return df
def __get_solid_solution_product_phases(self, unit="x"):
if unit == "x":
col_index = 1
elif unit == "log x":
col_index = 2
elif unit == "log lambda":
col_index = 3
elif unit == "log activity":
col_index = 4
ss_dict = {}
for ss in self.solid_solution_names:
df = self.mine_6o_table(
table_start="--- "+ss+" ---",
ignore = ["", "Component", "Ideal", '---'],
if not df.empty:
ss_dict[ss] = df
return ss_dict
def print_tabs(self):
Print the names of tables contained in a tab file processed by the
the Mass_Transfer class.
if != None:
[print(key) for key in]
print("A processed TAB file is not associated with this sample.")
def __is_all_same_value(s):
a = s.to_numpy()
return (a[0] == a).all()
def plot_reaction_paths(self,
path_line_type = "markers+lines",
path_line_color = "red",
path_point_fill_color = "red",
path_point_line_color = "red",
projected_point_fill_color = "white",
projected_point_line_color = "red",
Create interactive plots of reaction paths in geochemical variable
xyb : list of three str, default None
By default, this function will plot reaction paths in all possible
Optionally, if you want to produce only a specific plot,
you can provide a list containing the basis species to be used for
the x-axis and y-axis, followed by the basis species used for
balance. For example, ["Fe+2", "Fe+3", "Mg+2"] will have the log
activity of Fe+2 on the x-axis, the log activity of Fe+3 on the
y-axis, and will be balanced on Mg+2.
path_margin : float, default 0.25
Controls the spacing between the reaction path and the plot axes.
Increasing this value increases the spacing.
flip_xy : bool, default False
Transpose the plot so the x and y variables switch axes?
show_annotation : bool, default True
Show annotation in the bottom left of the figure? The annotation
includes the species used for balance, the temperature, and
the pressure.
annotation_coords : list, default [0,0]
List of two numeric values representing the X and Y coordinates of
the annotation, where 0,0 is the bottom left, 0.5,0 is the bottom
center, 1,0 is the bottom right, 1,1 is the top right, and so on.
The annotation includes the species used for balance, the
temperature and the pressure.
show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines : bool, default False
Depict lines for minerals even if those minerals do not participate
in the reaction? This does not affect the mineral field of the
diagram, only the mineral planes denoted as lines.
path_line_type : str, default "markers+lines"
Reaction path line type. Can be either "markers+lines", "lines", or
path_line_color, str, default "black"
Color of reaction path line.
path_point_fill_color : str, default "black"
Fill color of non-projected points along the reaction path. The
fill color of projected points is handled by
path_point_line_color : str, default "black"
Color of the outlines of non-projected points along the reaction
path. The outline color of projected points is handled by
projected_point_fill_color : str, default "white"
Fill color of projected points along the reaction path. The
fill color of non-projected points is handled by
projected_point_line_color : str, default "black"
Color of the outlines of projected points along the reaction path.
The outline color of non-projected points is handled by
h_line_color : str, default "black"
Color of horizontal lines representing minerals.
v_line_color : str, default "black"
Color of vertical lines representing minerals.
d_line_color : str, default "black"
Color of diagonal lines representing minerals.
res : int, default 300
Resolution, or number of calculations along each axis, for mineral
stability fields. A lower number will be faster but will make appear
boundaries blockier. A higher number takes longer to calculate, but
will result in smoother boundaries.
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
borders : float, default 0
Thickness of black lines forming boundaries between mineral
stability regions. No lines appear if equal to 0.
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
colormap : str, default "bw"
Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "bw"
or names of matplotlib colormaps. If set to "bw", the plot will be
set to black and white, except for the reaction path line itself.
The colors of the reaction path line and its points are controlled
by `path_line_color`, `path_point_fill_color`,
`path_point_line_color`, `projected_point_fill_color`,
and `projected_point_line_color`.
fig_list : a list of Plotly figure objects
A list of interactive Plotly figures. If xyb equals None
(the default), then the list will contain figures representing all
combinations of geochemical variables. Optionally, if xyb is
specified, fig_list will only contain the single figure of interest.
error_messages = []
# check that there is only one temperature and pressure
if not self.__is_all_same_value(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]):
error_messages.append("Reaction paths cannot be plotted when temperature changes with reaction progress.")
if not self.__is_all_same_value(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"]):
error_messages.append("Reaction paths cannot be plotted when pressure changes with reaction progress.")
if isinstance(xyb, list):
if len(xyb) != 3:
error_messages.append(("Error in xyb={}".format(xyb)+". "
"The xyb parameter must either be None or a list of "
"three basis species to serve as x, y, and balance variables."))
if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame):
error_messages.append(("The plot_reaction_paths() function requires "
"a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., "
"'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because "
"a data0 or data1 file was used."))
if len(error_messages)>0:
self.T = float(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"][0])
self.P = float(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"][0])
self.path_margin = path_margin
minerals_formed = [m for m in self.moles_minerals.columns if m != "Xi"]
all_elements_of_interest = []
for mineral in minerals_formed:
if mineral not in list(self.df["name"]):
if self.verbose > 0:
print("The mineral", mineral, "cannot be represented in a",
"reaction path diagram, likely because it is missing",
"a Gibbs free energy value in the thermodynamic",
"database. Continuing anyway, but be aware that",
"this mineral will not be represented in diagrams.")
all_elements_of_interest += self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral)
all_elements_of_interest_pre = list(set(all_elements_of_interest))
# filter out elements like Fe+0, which has no aqueous species representative
# for which to create an axis.
bad_elem = []
for elem in all_elements_of_interest_pre:
if len(list(self.thermo.csv_db.loc[self.thermo.csv_db['name'] == self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem), 'state'])) == 0:
elif list(self.thermo.csv_db.loc[self.thermo.csv_db['name'] == self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem), 'state'])[0] != 'aq':
all_elements_of_interest = [elem for elem in all_elements_of_interest_pre if elem not in bad_elem]
all_elements_of_interest = sorted(all_elements_of_interest)
self.all_elements_of_interest = all_elements_of_interest
fig_list = []
# if there are only 2 elements of interest, these become the axes, and there is no
# need to fuss with real vs projected points.
if len(all_elements_of_interest) == 2:
fig, _ , _ = self.__plot_reaction_path_main(
triad = all_elements_of_interest,
T=self.T, P=self.P,
fig_list = [fig]
elif len(all_elements_of_interest) >= 3:
# get a list of elem pairs for plotting
alist = self.all_elements_of_interest
element_plot_pairs = []
for result in itertools.combinations(alist, 2):
element_plot_triad = []
for pair in element_plot_pairs:
elem_not_in_pair = [e for e in self.all_elements_of_interest if e not in pair]
for e in elem_not_in_pair:
triad_to_append = pair + [e]
if colormap == "bw":
if borders == 0:
borders = 1
colormap = "none"
h_line_color = "black"
v_line_color = "black"
d_line_color = "black"
fig_list = []
pred_minerals_from_fields_list = []
pred_minerals_from_lines_list = []
if isinstance(xyb, list):
xyb_element_plot_triad = [[self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(v)[0] for v in xyb]]
err = ("Plot axes cannot accomodate desired variables. "
"Available variables include {}".format([self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem) for elem in alist]))
xyb_i = None
# get index of triad that matches xyb:
for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad):
if set(xyb_element_plot_triad[0][0:2]) == set(triad[0:2]) and xyb_element_plot_triad[0][2] == triad[2]:
xyb_i = i
if xyb_i == None:
err = ("Plot axes cannot accomodate desired variables. "
"Available variables include {}".format([self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem) for elem in alist]))
if not calculate_projected_points or path_line_type=="lines":
projected_points = ["real"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0]
fig_list_projected_points = [projected_points]*len(element_plot_triad)
if len(element_plot_triad) > 20:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Warning! There are {}".format(len(element_plot_triad)),
"different combinations of variables that must be considered",
"in order to plot markers.")
print("This might take a very long time or may not finish calculating at all.")
print("We recommend setting calculate_projected_points=False in",
"plot_reaction_paths() and then restarting the",
"calculation to avoid lengthy calculation times.")
for triad in element_plot_triad:
# do a quick first pass at making figures to see which points are projections.
fig, pred_minerals_from_fields, pred_minerals_from_lines = self.__plot_reaction_path_main(
triad, T=self.T, P=self.P,
show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=False, # no need for this in first pass
minerals_to_show=[], # no need for this in first pass
first_pass=True, # flag for skipping certain calculations/plotting
res=1) # low res first pass
if pred_minerals_from_fields == None:
# determine which line segments in the reaction path are projections
# and which are actually in the plane of the diagram.
# This is the "first pass"
fig_list_projected_points = []
for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad):
projected_points = ["projection"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0]
for irow in range(0, self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0]):
# get names of minerals formed at this xi
xirow = list(self.moles_product_minerals.iloc[irow])
formed_minerals = [self.moles_product_minerals.columns[1:][ii] for
ii,mineral in enumerate(xirow[1:]) if
available_pred_minerals_from_fields = [l[irow] for l in pred_minerals_from_fields_list]
for mineral in formed_minerals:
if mineral == pred_minerals_from_fields_list[i][irow]:
# if this mineral is in pred_minerals_from_fields_list,
# then it is NOT a projection.
projected_points[irow] = "real"
if mineral in available_pred_minerals_from_fields and mineral in pred_minerals_from_lines_list[i]:
# if this mineral is in the irowth location of any of the
# lists in pred_minerals_from_lines_list, it is NOT a
# projection.
projected_points[irow] = "real"
if isinstance(xyb, list):
# if xyb is defined, make element_plot_triad have a length of 1
element_plot_triad = xyb_element_plot_triad
# give the list of projected points lists a length of 1
fig_list_projected_points = [fig_list_projected_points[xyb_i]]
fig_list = []
for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad):
# re-run figure generation, passing in a list of which points are projected.
fig, _ , _ = self.__plot_reaction_path_main(
triad, T=self.T, P=self.P,
if not fig_list and self.verbose > 0:
print("Warning: a reaction path plot could not be generated for this system.")
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
for i,fig in enumerate(fig_list):
if isinstance(xyb, list):
name_append = ""
name_append = "_{}".format(i+1)
_, _ = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as+name_append, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
return fig_list
def process_tab(tab_name, thermodata_csv):
Process a TAB file (from EQ6) into a dictionary of Pandas dataframes.
tab_name : str
Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6.
thermodata_csv : str or Pandas dataframe
Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the
EQ6 calculation. Alternately, the thermodynamic database itself as a
Pandas dataframe itself.
tab : a dict of Pandas dataframes
A dictionary of dataframes representing tables mined from the TAB
if isinstance(thermodata_csv, str):
thermo_db = pd.read_csv(thermodata_csv)
thermo_db = thermodata_csv
thermo_db_names = list(thermo_db["name"])
with open(tab_name, "r") as tabfile:
tab_lines = tabfile.readlines()
tab = {}
tables = ["B1", "B2", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4",
"D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "E1", "E2",
"E3", "J", "K", "P", "Q", "T", "W"]
record_lines = False
get_header = False
recorded_lines = []
for line in tab_lines:
split_line = line.split(",")
if True in [s in ["Table " + t for t in tables] for s in split_line]:
get_header = True
table_name = " ".join(split_line[1:-1])
if get_header:
header = split_line[1:-1]
# handle instances where the tab file creates extra columns for things like "albite,low"
if table_name in ["Table P Moles of product minerals",
"Table Q Saturation indices of potential product phases",
"Table J Moles of reactants destroyed/created",
"Table K Affinities of reactants (kcal)"]:
if table_name in ["Table P Moles of product minerals",
"Table J Moles of reactants destroyed/created"]:
new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)"] # table P and J
elif table_name == "Table Q Saturation indices of potential product phases":
new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)", "H2O", "Gas"] # table Q
elif table_name == "Table K Affinities of reactants (kcal)":
new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)", "Total"]
for i,h in enumerate(header):
if h != "Xi" and h != "t(days)" and h != "H2O" and h != "Gas" and h != "Total":
if h not in thermo_db_names:
if header[i-1]+","+h in thermo_db_names:
new_header = new_header[:-1]
header = new_header
record_lines = True
get_header = False
if "EndTable:" in split_line:
record_lines = False
if len(recorded_lines) > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(recorded_lines)
recorded_lines = []
df.columns = header
tab[table_name] = df
if record_lines:
return tab
def __get_mineral_elem_ox(self, mineral):
split_list = list(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral]["formula_ox"])[0].split()
split_list_clean = [s.replace(" ", "") for s in split_list]
elem_ox_list = [re.findall(r"^(?:\d+|)([A-Z].*$)", s)[0] for s in split_list_clean]
elem_ox_list = []
return elem_ox_list
def __get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(self, mineral_name):
mineral_elements = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox(mineral_name)
mineral_elements_of_interest = [e for e in mineral_elements if e not in ["H+", "O-2"]]
return mineral_elements_of_interest
def __get_mineral_elem_ox_dict(self, mineral):
split_list = list(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral]["formula_ox"])[0].split()
split_list_clean = [s.replace(" ", "") for s in split_list]
elem_ox_names = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox(mineral)
elem_ox_list = []
for s in split_list:
coeff = re.findall(r"(\d+)[A-Z]", s)
if len(coeff) == 0:
coeff = 1
coeff = float(coeff[0])
return {key:val for key,val in zip(elem_ox_names, elem_ox_list)}
def __get_mineral_elem_ox_dict_interest(self, mineral):
mineral_dict = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox_dict(mineral)
return {key:value for key,value in zip(mineral_dict.keys(), mineral_dict.values()) if key not in ["H+", "O-2"]}
def __get_basis_from_elem(self, elem):
basis_species_x = None
for s in list(self.basis_df["name"]):
if elem in self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(s):
basis_species_x = s
if basis_species_x == None:
for s in list(self.basis_aux_df["name"]):
if elem in self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(s):
basis_species_x = s
return basis_species_x
def __get_reaction_path(self, plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y, div_var_name):
assert len(proton_vals) == len(x_vals), f"number of proton values ({proton_vals}) should equal number of x values ({x_vals})"
assert len(proton_vals) == len(y_vals), f"number of proton values ({proton_vals}) should equal number of y values ({y_vals})"
x_vals = [log10((10**float(x))/(10**float(d))**_get_ion_ratio_exponent(plot_basis_x, "H+")) for x,d in zip(x_vals,proton_vals)]
y_vals = [log10((10**float(y))/(10**float(d))**_get_ion_ratio_exponent(plot_basis_y, "H+")) for y,d in zip(y_vals,proton_vals)]
return xi_vals, x_vals, y_vals
def __get_plot_range(self, x_vals, y_vals):
min_x_val = min(x_vals)
min_y_val = min(y_vals)
max_x_val = max(x_vals)
max_y_val = max(y_vals)
path_x_range = max_x_val - min_x_val
path_y_range = max_y_val - min_y_val
if len(list(set(x_vals))) == 1:
# x values form a vertical line
plot_x_range = [min_x_val-self.path_margin*(path_x_range+1), max_x_val+self.path_margin*(path_x_range+1)]
plot_x_range = [min_x_val-self.path_margin*path_x_range, max_x_val+self.path_margin*path_x_range]
if len(list(set(y_vals))) == 1:
# y values form a horizontal line
plot_y_range = [min_y_val-self.path_margin*(path_y_range+1), max_y_val+self.path_margin*(path_y_range+1)]
plot_y_range = [min_y_val-self.path_margin*path_y_range, max_y_val+self.path_margin*path_y_range]
return plot_x_range, plot_y_range
def __get_xy_labs(plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y):
xlab = pyCHNOSZ.ratlab(plot_basis_x)
xlab = "log a"+chemlabel(plot_basis_x)
ylab = pyCHNOSZ.ratlab(plot_basis_y)
ylab = "log a"+chemlabel(plot_basis_y)
return xlab, ylab
def __plot_reaction_path_background(self, plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y,
div_var_name, x_vals, y_vals,
colormap="viridis", borders=0,
field_minerals_exist=True, path_margin=0.25,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, res=300,
annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0, 0],
plot_x_range, plot_y_range = self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals)
xlab,ylab = self.__get_xy_labs(plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y)
args = {plot_basis_x:plot_x_range+[res],
"T":self.T, "P":self.P, "messages":messages}
if field_minerals_exist:
# check each value of Xi to see which mineral is most predominant
pred_minerals_from_fields = []
for i,val in enumerate(x_vals):
args_temp = {plot_basis_x:[x_vals[i], x_vals[i], 1],
plot_basis_y:[y_vals[i], y_vals[i], 1],
"T":self.T, "P":self.P, "messages":messages}
a = pyCHNOSZ.affinity(**args_temp)
e = pyCHNOSZ.equilibrate(a, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), messages=messages)
table = pyCHNOSZ.diagram(e, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), interactive=True, fig_out=False, plot_it=False, messages=messages)
a = pyCHNOSZ.affinity(**args)
e = pyCHNOSZ.equilibrate(a, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), messages=messages)
table,fig = pyCHNOSZ.diagram_interactive(e,
colormap=colormap, borders=borders,
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, annotation=annotation,
plot_it=False, messages=messages)
return table, fig, pred_minerals_from_fields
# empty plot upon
fig = go.Figure(go.Scatter(x=pd.Series(dtype=object),
bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
xaxis={"title": xlab},
yaxis={"title": ylab},
return None,fig,None # a table, diagram without regions, and a list of predicted minerals at each Xi
def __calc_dissrxn_logK(mineral, T, P):
logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt([mineral], coeff=[-1], property='logK', T=T, P=P,
show=False, messages=False)["out"]["logK"].item()
return logK
def __add_reaction_path_to_plot(self, x_vals, y_vals, xi_vals, fig,
basis_species_x, basis_species_y,
path_margin=0.25, projected_points=[],
path_line_type = "markers+lines",
path_line_color = "black",
path_point_fill_color = "black",
path_point_line_color = "black",
projected_point_fill_color = "white",
projected_point_line_color = "black"):
min_x_val = min(x_vals)
min_y_val = min(y_vals)
max_x_val = max(x_vals)
max_y_val = max(y_vals)
path_x_range = max_x_val - min_x_val
path_y_range = max_y_val - min_y_val
xlab,ylab = self.__get_xy_labs(basis_species_x, basis_species_y)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
log_xi_vals = [round(np.log10(val), 4) for val in xi_vals]
log_xi_vals = ["N/A" if np.isinf(val) else val for val in log_xi_vals]
if path_line_type in ["markers+lines", "lines"]:
name='reaction path',
customdata = np.stack((xi_vals, log_xi_vals), axis=-1),
hovertemplate = 'Xi: %{customdata[0]}<br>log Xi: %{customdata[1]}<br>'+xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<extra></extra>',
legendgroup='reaction path',
if len(projected_points) > 0 and path_line_type in ["markers+lines", "markers"]:
x_vals_real = []
x_vals_projected = []
y_vals_real = []
y_vals_projected = []
xi_vals_real = []
xi_vals_projected = []
for i,p in enumerate(projected_points):
if p == "real":
np.seterr(divide='ignore') # todo: reset np warnings
log_xi_vals_real = [round(np.log10(val), 4) for val in xi_vals_real]
log_xi_vals_real = ["N/A" if np.isinf(val) else val for val in log_xi_vals_real]
log_xi_vals_projected = [round(np.log10(val), 4) for val in xi_vals_projected]
log_xi_vals_projected = ["N/A" if np.isinf(val) else val for val in log_xi_vals_projected]
if len(x_vals_real) > 0:
name='reaction path',
customdata = np.stack((xi_vals_real, log_xi_vals_real), axis=-1),
hovertemplate = 'Xi: %{customdata[0]}<br>log Xi: %{customdata[1]}<br>'+xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<extra></extra>',
legendgroup='reaction path',
if len(x_vals_projected) > 0:
name='reaction path',
customdata = np.stack((xi_vals_projected, log_xi_vals_projected), axis=-1),
hovertemplate = 'Xi: %{customdata[0]}<br>log Xi: %{customdata[1]}<br>'+xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<extra></extra>',
legendgroup='reaction path',
fig.update_xaxes(range=self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals)[0], autorange=False)
fig.update_yaxes(range=self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals)[1], autorange=False)
return fig
def __plot_reaction_path_main(self,
triad, T=25, P=1, path_margin=0.25,
show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines = False,
path_line_type = "markers+lines",
path_line_color = "black",
path_point_fill_color = "black",
path_point_line_color = "black",
projected_point_color = "white",
projected_point_fill_color= "white",
projected_point_line_color = "black",
e_pair = triad[0:2]
if len(triad) == 3:
div_var_name = triad[2]
elif len(triad) == 2:
div_var_name = "None"
if flip_xy:
basis_species_x = self.__get_basis_from_elem(e_pair[0])
basis_species_y = self.__get_basis_from_elem(e_pair[1])
basis_sp_list = list(set([self.__get_basis_from_elem(e) for e in triad] + ["H+","H2O"]))
pyCHNOSZ.basis(basis_sp_list + ["H2"])
elems = []
for elem in triad:
mineral_names = []
for elem in triad:
elem = elem.split("+")[0].split("-")[0]
m_idx = pyCHNOSZ.retrieve((elem), list(set(["O", "H"]+elems)), state=["cr"], messages=False)
if len(m_idx) > 0:
mineral_names += list(, messages=False)["name"])
# exclude inactive minerals
mineral_names_active = [m for m in mineral_names if m in list(self.df["name"])]
mineral_names = list(set(mineral_names_active))
mineral_formula_ox = [self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(m) for m in mineral_names]
mineral_formula_ox_singles = [e if len(e)==1 else [] for e in mineral_formula_ox]
mineral_formula_ox_doubles = [e if len(e)==2 else [] for e in mineral_formula_ox]
mineral_formula_ox_triples = [e if len(e)==3 else [] for e in mineral_formula_ox]
retrieved_minerals = []
for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_singles):
if [e_pair[0]] == s:
x_minerals_to_plot = retrieved_minerals
retrieved_minerals = []
for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_singles):
if [e_pair[1]] == s:
y_minerals_to_plot = retrieved_minerals
xy_minerals_to_plot = []
for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_doubles):
if e_pair[0] in s and e_pair[1] in s:
if len(x_minerals_to_plot) > 1:
pyCHNOSZ.species(x_minerals_to_plot, add=True)
if len(y_minerals_to_plot) > 1:
pyCHNOSZ.species(y_minerals_to_plot, add=True)
if len(xy_minerals_to_plot) > 1:
pyCHNOSZ.species(xy_minerals_to_plot, add=True)
# print("x, y, xy")
# print(x_minerals_to_plot)
# print(y_minerals_to_plot)
# print(xy_minerals_to_plot)
field_minerals_to_plot = []
for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_triples):
if e_pair[0] in s and e_pair[1] in s and div_var_name in s:
for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_doubles):
if e_pair[0] in s and div_var_name in s:
elif e_pair[1] in s and div_var_name in s:
for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_singles):
if div_var_name in s:
field_minerals_exist = True
# get minerals relevant to plotted element pair
pyCHNOSZ.species(field_minerals_to_plot)#, add=True)
field_minerals_exist = False
# print("field minerals")
# print(field_minerals_to_plot)
xi_vals, x_vals, y_vals = self.__get_reaction_path(basis_species_x, basis_species_y, div_var_name)
if self.P <= 1:
bar_bars = "bar"
bar_bars = "bars"
if show_annotation and div_var_name != "None":
annotation = "Balanced on: "+chemlabel(self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name))+"<br>"+'%g'%(self.T)+" °C, "+'%g'%(self.P)+" "+bar_bars
elif show_annotation:
annotation = '%g'%(self.T)+" °C, "+'%g'%(self.P)+" "+bar_bars
annotation = None
table,fig,pred_minerals_from_fields = self.__plot_reaction_path_background(
basis_species_x, basis_species_y, div_var_name, x_vals, y_vals,
plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ppi=ppi, res=res,
colormap=colormap, borders=borders,
field_minerals_exist=field_minerals_exist, path_margin=self.path_margin,
annotation=annotation, messages=False)
# plot minerals with a single element of interest as a line
plot_x_range, plot_y_range = self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals)
line_styles = ['dot', 'dash', 'dashdot', 'longdash', 'longdashdot']
line_i = 0
line_width = 1
if first_pass:
fig = None
for mineral in x_minerals_to_plot + y_minerals_to_plot + xy_minerals_to_plot:
if not show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines and mineral not in list(self.moles_product_minerals.columns) and mineral not in minerals_to_show:
# deal with mineral line style (dot, dashed, etc.)
if line_i % 5 == 0:
if line_i != 0:
line_width += 0.5
line_i = 0
line_style = line_styles[line_i]
eoi = self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral)
logK = self.__calc_dissrxn_logK(mineral, T, P)
mineral_formula_dict = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox_dict_interest(mineral)
xlab,ylab = self.__get_xy_labs(basis_species_x, basis_species_y)
if len(eoi) == 1:
# if the element of interest is not in the current element pair, move on
if eoi[0] not in e_pair:
if self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral)[0] == e_pair[0]:
# vertical line
x0, x1 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[0]])*logK, (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[0]])*logK
y0 = min(plot_y_range)
y1 = max(plot_y_range)
color = v_line_color
hovertemplate=mineral+'<br>'+xlab+' = '+str(round(x0, 3))
elif self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral)[0] == e_pair[1]:
# horizontal line
y0, y1 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK, (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK
x0 = min(plot_x_range)
x1 = max(plot_x_range)
hovertemplate=mineral+'<br>'+ylab+' = '+str(round(y0))
if len(eoi) == 2:
line_slope = mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[0]]/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]]
x0 = min(plot_x_range)
x1 = max(plot_x_range)
y0 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK - line_slope*x0
y1 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK - line_slope*x1
intercept = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK
color = d_line_color
hovertemplate = mineral+'<br>slope = '+str(round(line_slope))+'<br>intercept = '+str(round(intercept))+'<extra></extra>'
go.Scatter(x=[x0, x1], y=[y0, y1], mode="lines",
line=dict(color=color, width=line_width, dash=line_style),
line_i += 1
fig = self.__add_reaction_path_to_plot(x_vals, y_vals, xi_vals, fig,
basis_species_x, basis_species_y,
pred_minerals_from_lines = x_minerals_to_plot+y_minerals_to_plot+xy_minerals_to_plot
return fig, pred_minerals_from_fields, pred_minerals_from_lines
def __get_xlab_xvar(self, x_type):
x_type_dict = {
"logxi" : ["log Xi", "log Xi"],
"xi" : ["Xi", "Xi"],
"temperature" : ["Temp(C)", "Temperature, °C"],
"pressure" : ["Press(bars)", "Pressure, bars"],
"pH" : ["pH", "pH"],
"pmH" : ["pmH", "pmH"],
"logfO2" : ["log fO2", "log <i>f</i>O<sub>2</sub>"],
"Eh" : ["Eh(v)", "Eh, volts"],
"pe" : ["pe", "pe"],
"aw" : ["aw", "aw"],
if x_type not in x_type_dict.keys():
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("x_type must be set to either "
"'logxi', 'xi', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'pH', 'pmH',"
"'log fO2', 'Eh(v)', 'pe', or 'aw'."))
xvar = x_type_dict[x_type][0]
xlab = x_type_dict[x_type][1]
return xlab, xvar
def plot_elements(self, plot_elements=None, units="molality", log=True,
x_type="logxi", plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122,
ylim=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False,
save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1):
Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a
function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi).
plot_elements : list of str, optional
A list of elements to plot. If undefined, every element will be
plotted at once.
units : str, default "molality"
Units of elemental abundance to plot. Can be "molality" or "ppm".
log : bool, default True
Display elemental abundances in log scale?
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
ylim : list of two numeric values, optional
Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
show_legend : bool, default True
Show the legend?
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
fig : Plotly figure object
A line plot.
title = "Concentrations of dissolved elements"
if units == "molality":
df = pd.concat([self.dissolved_elements_molal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "{}molality"
elif units == "ppm":
df = pd.concat([self.dissolved_elements_ppm, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "{}ppm"
# elif units == "molarity":
plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns]
if isinstance(plot_elements, list):
plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_elements]
plot_columns = plot_columns_temp
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns)
df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"]
df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"])
df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"])
df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0)
df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi'])
if log:
df['value'] = np.log10(df['value'])
ylab = ylab.format("log ")
if not log:
ylab = ylab.format("")
xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
yaxis={'showexponent': 'all',
'exponentformat': 'power'},
if isinstance(title, str):
fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})
if isinstance(ylim, list):
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
return fig
def plot_pH(self, x_type="logxi", show_neutrality=True, title=None,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, save_as=None,
save_format=None, save_scale=1):
Generate a line plot of pH as a function of the log of the extent of
reaction (log Xi) or some other variable.
x_type : str, default "logxi"
Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi",
"temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or
show_neutrality : bool, default True,
Display a reference line representing neutral pH? Setting this
option to True requires a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV
format, e.g., 'wrm_data.csv'.
title : str
Title of the plot to display.
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
ylim : list of two numeric values, optional
Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
fig : Plotly figure object
A line plot.
df = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_params)
xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
if x_type == "logxi":
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi'])
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="pH", template="simple_white",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
labels=dict(value="pH", x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
if isinstance(title, str):
fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})
if isinstance(ylim, list):
if show_neutrality and isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame):
_, df_pH = self.plot_energy(species=["H2O", "H+", "OH-"],
stoich=[-1, 1, 1],
name='neutral pH',
hovertemplate = xlab+': %{x}<br>pH: %{y}<extra></extra>',
fig['data'][1]['name']='neutral pH'
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
return fig
def plot_product_minerals(self, show_reactant_minerals=False,
plot_minerals=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="mole",
log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None,
show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None,
Generate a line plot of the log moles of product minerals as a
function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other
show_reactant_minerals : bool, default False
Include log moles of reactant minerals?
plot_minerals : list, optional
List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more
x_type : str, default "logxi"
Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi",
"temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or
y_type : str, default 'mole'
The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'mole' (for moles
of minerals), 'mass' (for masses of minerals), or 'volume' (for
volumes of minerals).
log_y : bool, default True
Should the y-axis be logarithmic?
df_out : bool, default False
Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if
`y_type` is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be
markers : bool, default True
Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps?
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
ylim : list of two numeric values, optional
Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
show_legend : bool, default True
Show the legend?
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
fig : Plotly figure object
A line plot.
df : a Pandas dataframe
A dataframe is only returned if `df_out` is set to True (it is
set to False by default).
xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
if show_reactant_minerals:
df = pd.concat([self.moles_minerals, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
title = "{}{} of reactant and product minerals"
df = pd.concat([self.moles_product_minerals, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
title = "{}{} of product minerals"
if log_y:
log_text = "log "
log_text = ""
# sort in order of appearance along Xi
sort_order = list(self.moles_minerals.columns)
sort_order = [v for v in sort_order if v not in self.misc_params.columns]
if y_type == "mole":
ylab = "{}moles".format(log_text)
title = title.format(log_text, "moles")
elif y_type == "mass": # not yet supported
y_lab = "{}grams".format(log_text)
title = title.format(log_text, "masses")
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Plotting mineral masses is not yet "
elif y_type == "volume":
if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Plotting mineral volume "
"requires a WORM-formatted CSV thermodynamic database. "
"You may be seeing this message because your speciation "
"used a data0-type thermodynamic database (e.g., 'wrm'), "
"which does not contain mineral volume data.")
ylab = "{}cm<sup>3</sup>".format(log_text)
title = title.format(log_text, "volumes")
temps = df["Temp(C)"]
minerals = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)]
for i,T in enumerate(temps):
for ii,mineral in enumerate(minerals):
mineral_df = copy.deepcopy(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral])
polymorph_idxs = []
for iii in range(0, mineral_df.shape[0]): # loop through mineral polymorphs
if float(T) < float(list(mineral_df["z.T"])[0]):
if len(polymorph_idxs)==0:
polymorph_idx = iii
polymorph_idx = polymorph_idxs[0]
partial_molal_volume = list(mineral_df["V"])[polymorph_idx][i, mineral] = df[mineral][i]*partial_molal_volume
self.err_handler.raise_exception("y_type must be either 'mole', "
"'mass', or 'volume'.")
plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)]
if isinstance(plot_minerals, list):
plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_minerals]
plot_columns = plot_columns_temp
plot_columns = sorted(plot_columns, key=sort_order.index)
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns)
df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"]
df = df[df["variable"] != "None"]
df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"])
df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"])
df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi'])
if log_y:
df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan)
df['value'] = np.log10(df['value'])
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers,
labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
df_to_return = copy.deepcopy(df)
# add lines that go to -9999 (representing -Inf) in log y plots
if log_y:
if not isinstance(ylim, list):
# grab the automatic y-axis range from the plot, above
full_fig = fig.full_figure_for_development(warn=False)
ylim = list(full_fig.layout.yaxis.range)
# add new rows
for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]):
if not isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow]) and irow != 0 and irow != df.shape[0]-1:
if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow-1]):
df_dict = {}
for col in list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi"]:
df_dict[col] = df.loc[irow-1, col]
df_dict["variable"] = df.loc[irow-1, "variable"]
df_dict["value"] = df.loc[irow-1, "value"]
new_row = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[irow-1])
df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:irow], new_row, df.iloc[irow:]]).reset_index(drop=True)
if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow+1]):
df_dict = {}
for col in list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi"]:
df_dict[col] = df.loc[irow+1, col]
df_dict["variable"] = df.loc[irow+1, "variable"]
df_dict["value"] = df.loc[irow+1, "value"]
new_row = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[irow+1])
df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:irow], new_row, df.iloc[irow:]]).reset_index(drop=True)
# fill new rows with -9999 value
for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]):
if not isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow]) and irow != 0 and irow != df.shape[0]-1:
if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow-1]):
df.loc[irow-1, "value"] = -9999
if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow+1]):
df.loc[irow+1, "value"] = -9999
# re-create the plot with log values down to -9999. This will screw up the
# automatic y-axis range, but we grabbed it from the first generated plot.
# We will reset the range in update_layout(yaxis_range) a little later.
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers,
labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
if isinstance(title, str):
fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})
if isinstance(ylim, list):
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
if df_out:
df_to_return = pd.pivot_table(df_to_return, index='log Xi', columns='variable', values='value').reset_index()
df_to_return.columns = [col for col in df_to_return.columns[:]] # make index column name blank
return df_to_return, fig
return fig
def plot_mineral_saturation(self, solid_solutions=False, plot_minerals=None,
x_type="logxi", y_type="affinity", log_y=True,
df_out=False, markers=False, title=None,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None,
show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None,
Generate a line plot of the saturation indices of minerals or solid
solutions as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or
some other variable.
plot_minerals : list, optional
List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more
x_type : str, default "logxi"
Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi",
"temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or
y_type : str, default 'affinity'
The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'affinity'
or 'logQ/K'.
df_out : bool, default False
Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if
`y_type` is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be
markers : bool, default True
Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps?
title : str, optional
Used to customize the title of the plot.
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
ylim : list of two numeric values, optional
Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
show_legend : bool, default True
Show the legend?
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
fig : Plotly figure object
A line plot.
df : a Pandas dataframe
A dataframe is only returned if `df_out` is set to True (it is
set to False by default).
xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
if not isinstance(title, str):
title = "Saturation indices of "
if not solid_solutions:
if y_type == "affinity":
df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_pure_solids_affinity,
self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "affinity, kcal/mol"
df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_pure_solids_log_Q_over_K,
self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "logQ/K"
title = title + "minerals"
if y_type == "affinity":
df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity,
self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "affinity, kcal/mol"
df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_log_Q_over_K,
self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "logQ/K"
title = title + "solid solutions"
plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)]
if isinstance(plot_minerals, list):
plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_minerals]
plot_columns = plot_columns_temp
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns)
df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"]
df = df[df["variable"] != "None"]
df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"])
df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"])
df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi'])
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers,
labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
if isinstance(title, str):
fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})
if isinstance(ylim, list):
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
return fig
def plot_aqueous_species(self, plot_basis=False, plot_species=None,
x_type="logxi", y_type="log activity",
initially_visible=None, show_legend=True,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None,
ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None,
Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a
function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other
plot_basis : bool, default False
Plot basis species only?
plot_species : list of str, optional
A list of aqueous species to plot. If undefined, every species at
will be plotted at once.
x_type : str, default "logxi"
Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi",
"temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or
y_type : str, default 'log activity'
The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'log activity',
'molality', or 'log molality'.
initially_visible : list of str, optional
A list of aqueous species that will be visible on the plot
initially. All other species will be hidden, but can still be
toggled back on in the legend.
show_legend : bool, default True
Show the legend?
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
xlim, ylim : list of two numeric values, optional
Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
fig : Plotly figure object
A line plot.
if plot_basis:
df = pd.concat([self.basis_logact, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
title = "Solute basis species"
ylab = "log activity"
if y_type == "log activity":
df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_logact, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "log activity"
elif y_type == "molality":
df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_molal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "molality"
elif y_type == "log molality":
df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_logmolal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
ylab = "log molality"
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The chosen 'y_type' parameter "
"is not recognized. 'y_type' can be 'log activity', "
"'molality', or 'log molality'")
title = "Solute species"
plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns]
if isinstance(plot_species, list):
plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_species]
plot_columns = plot_columns_temp
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns)
df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"]
df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end)
df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"])
df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"])
df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0)
df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi'])
xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
if isinstance(initially_visible, list):
initially_visible_html = [chemlabel(sp, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for sp in initially_visible]
for trace in fig['data']:
if (not trace['name'] in initially_visible_html):
trace['showlegend'] = True
trace['visible'] = 'legendonly'
if isinstance(title, str):
fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})
if isinstance(ylim, list):
if isinstance(xlim, list):
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
return fig
def plot_energy(self, species, stoich,
divisor=1, x_type="logxi", y_type="A", y_units="kcal",
show_zero_line=False, limiting=None, xlab=None, ylab=None,
title=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, log_y=False,
plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122,
xlim=None, ylim=None, df_out=False,
save_as=None, save_format=None,
save_scale=1, print_logK_messages=False):
Generate a line plot of the energy profile for a reaction as a
function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other
species : list of str
A list of species that match the order of the stoichiometric
reaction coefficients in the `stoich` parameter.
stoich : list of numeric
A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order
of the species in the `species` parameter.
divisor : float, default 1
Divide all values in the energy profile by this number. Useful for
calculating energy per electron transferred or similar.
x_type : str, default "logxi"
Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi",
"temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or
y_type : str, default 'A'
The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical
affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log
of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction
quotient), or 'E' for energy supply.
y_units : str, default 'kcal'
The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or
per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ).
Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'.
show_zero_line : bool, default False
If True, displays a dotted line where affinity or ΔG equals 0 (at
limiting : str, optional
Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating
energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a
limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on
concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless
`y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply).
xlab, ylab : str, optional
Custom x and y axis labels.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot to display.
charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False
Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2- instead of
SO4-2) in species names when the reaction is displayed in the plot
plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3
Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`.
ppi : numeric, default 122
Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`,
determines the size of interactive plots.
xlim, ylim : list of two numeric values, optional
Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
df_out = bool, default False
Return a pandas dataframe in addition to a figure?
save_as : str, optional
Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by `save_format`.
Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg',
'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html',
an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg',
and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the
toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving
the figure.
print_logK_messages : bool, default False
Print pyCHNOSZ messages while the logK of the reaction is
fig : Plotly figure object, optionally a Pandas Dataframe
A line plot. If `df_out` is True, also returns a dataframe.
# check that a thermodynamic CSV is being used
if not isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The plot_energy() function requires "
"a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., "
"'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because "
"a data0 or data1 file was used.")
# check that the divisor is valid
if isinstance(divisor, list) or isinstance(divisor, pd.Series):
if len(divisor) != len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The length of the divisor is "
"not equal to the number of reported xi steps.")
# check that the reaction is balanced
formulas = []
for s in species:
if s == "H+":
elif s == "H2O":
if s in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data "
"was not found for species "+str(s)+"")
missing_composition = check_balance(formulas, stoich)
# check that there are valid limiting reactants when calculating energy
# e.g., prevent issue when the only reactant is a mineral, etc.
reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich]
reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1]
invalid_limiting_reactants = []
for r in reactants:
if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]:
if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==r]["state"])[0] != "aq":
if reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E":
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Energy supply for this reaction "
"cannot be calculated because none of the reactants are "
"limiting. A limiting reactant must be aqueous and cannot be H+ "
"or OH-.")
if limiting != None:
# check that the limiting reactant is in the thermodynamic database
if limiting not in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]):
self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data was "
"not found for limiting reactant "+str(limiting)+"")
# check that the limiting reactant is aqueous or gaseous
if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==limiting]["state"])[0] != "aq":
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The limiting reactant must "
"be an aqueous species.")
# check that the limiting reactant is a reactant in the `species` parameter
if limiting not in reactants:
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species specified as a "
"limiting reactant, '"+str(limiting)+"', is not a "
"reactant in this reaction.")
# format reaction equation
equation_to_display = format_equation(
# create a dictionary of species logacts across xi
s_logact_dict = {}
s_molal_dict = {}
for s in species:
if s == "H+":
s_logact_dict[s] = [-pH for pH in list(self.misc_params["pH"])]
s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["pH"])
elif s == "H2O":
s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
elif list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]:
if s in self.aq_distribution_logact.columns:
# aqueous species
s_logact_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_logact[s])
s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s])
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species "+str(s)+" is "
"not among the distribution of aqueous species in "
"this calculation.")
# liq and cr species
s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])
xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ"]:
if y_units in ["cal", "kcal"]:
r_div = 4.184
elif y_units in ["J", "kJ"]:
r_div = 1
R = 8.314/r_div # gas constant, unit = [cal/mol/K]
if "k" in y_units:
k_div = 1000
k_div = 1
y_list = []
lr_name_list = []
for i,T in enumerate(list(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])):
if isinstance(divisor, list):
divisor_i = divisor[i]
divisor_i = divisor
if y_type != "logQ":
logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt(
logK = float(logK.iloc[0])
if y_type == "logK":
ylab_out = "log K"
if title == None:
title = "Equilibrium constant for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display
y_list.append(round(logK/divisor_i, 4))
df_y_name = "logK"
logQ = sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)])
if y_type == "logQ":
ylab_out = "log Q"
if title == None:
title = "Reaction quotient for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display
y_list.append(round(logQ/divisor_i, 4))
df_y_name = "logQ"
A = 2.303 * R * (273.15+T) * (logK - logQ) # affinity, unit = [cal/mol]
A = A/k_div
if title == None:
title = "Energy profile for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display
if y_type=="G":
G = -A # gibbs free energy, unit = [cal/mol]
ylab_out="ΔG, {}/mol".format(y_units)
y_units_out = y_units+"/mol"
elif y_type=="A":
y_list.append(round(A/divisor_i, 4))
ylab_out="A, {}/mol".format(y_units)
y_units_out = y_units+"/mol"
elif y_type=="E":
if not isinstance(limiting, str):
lrc_dict = {}
for i_s,s in enumerate(species):
# identify valid limiting reactants and record concentrations
# 1. negative coefficient (reactant)
# 2. can't be OH-, H+, H2O
# 3. can't be cr or liq
if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"] and list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]:
lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s])
if not isinstance(limiting, str):
lr_name = min(lrc_dict, key=lrc_dict.get)
lr_val = lrc_dict[lr_name]
# handle situations where there might be multiple limiting reactants
lr_list = []
for k,v in zip(lrc_dict.keys(), lrc_dict.values()):
if v == lr_val:
lr_list = [limiting]
lr_list_formatted = [chemlabel(lr_name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for lr_name in lr_list]
if len(lr_list_formatted) > 1:
lr_reported = ", ".join(lr_list_formatted)
lr_reported = lr_list[0]
lr_name = lr_list[0] # doesn't matter which lr is used to calculate
lr_concentration = s_molal_dict[lr_name][i]
lr_stoich = -stoich[species.index(lr_name)]
E = A * (lr_concentration/lr_stoich)
y_list.append(round(E/divisor_i, 4))
y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid"
ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid")
# else:
# lr_name_list.append("NA")
# y_list.append(float('NaN'))
# y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid"
# ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid")
df_y_name = y_type+", "+y_units_out
if xlab != None:
xlab_out = xlab
if ylab != None:
ylab_out = ylab
df = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_params)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi'])
df[df_y_name] = y_list
fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y=df_y_name, log_y=log_y,
width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi,
if y_type=="E":
customdata = lr_name_list,
hovertemplate = xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab_out+': %{y}<br>Limiting : %{customdata}<extra></extra>',
if isinstance(title, str):
fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})
if isinstance(ylim, list):
if isinstance(xlim, list):
if isinstance(save_as, str):
dummy_sp = Speciation({})
save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig,
save_as, save_format, save_scale,
plot_width, plot_height, ppi)
if show_zero_line:
fig.add_hline(y=0, line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color="black")
if df_out:
return fig, df
return fig
def plot_mass_contribution(self, *args, x_type="xi", x_decimals=3,
track_steps=True, keep_xi_order=False,
Generate a bar plot of mass contributions (in mole percent) of aqueous
species formed as a function of reaction progress Xi or some other
*args : iterable
Arguments to be passed to `Speciation.plot_mass_contribution`.
x_type : str, default "xi"
Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi",
"temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or
x_decimals : int
Number of decimals to display in the numeric values of the x-axis
variable defined by `x_type`.
track_steps : bool, default True
Show reported xi steps on x-axis ticks? Useful for plotting as a
function of an x-axis variable that can be out-of-order, like
Eh or temperature. This parameter will become True automatically
if it will prevent column stacking (which happens if there are
duplicate x-axis values).
**kargs : dict
Keyword arguments to be passed to `Speciation.plot_mass_contribution`.
fig : Plotly figure object
A mass contribution bar plot.
basis = args[0]
xlab, kwargs["sample_label"] = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type)
df_sp = pd.concat([self.mass_contribution_dict.get(basis, "error"),
self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
df_sp['log Xi'] = np.log10(df_sp['Xi'])
# handle display of the x axis variable
# if number of decimals to display is too low, columns will stack
# check to see if this happens, then increment x_decimals until the stacking problem is solved
if x_decimals < 0:
msg = "The parameter x_decimals must be greater than or equal to 0."
original_x_decimals = copy.copy(x_decimals)
len_unique_labels_rounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x)))
len_unique_labels_unrounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]]))
if len_unique_labels_rounded < len_unique_labels_unrounded:
x_decimals += 1
solved_decimals = False
for i in range(x_decimals, x_decimals+10):
len_unique_labels_rounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x)))
if len_unique_labels_rounded == len_unique_labels_unrounded:
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Number of decimals to display for x-axis variable",
"increased to", x_decimals, "to prevent column stacking.")
solved_decimals = True
x_decimals += 1
if not solved_decimals:
msg = ("X-axis value decimal formatting is resulting in column "
"stacking even after attempting 10 increments of x_decimals.")
if isinstance(df_sp, str):
msg = ("The basis species {} ".format(basis)+"could not be found "
"among available basis species: "
df_sp["position"] = list(range(0, df_sp.shape[0]))
df_sp_melt = df_sp.melt(
id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi", "basis", "factor", "molality", "position"])
df_sp_melt.rename(columns={kwargs["sample_label"] : "sample",
df_sp_melt.columns[-2] : "species",
df_sp_melt.columns[-1] : "percent",
}, inplace=True)
df_sp_melt = df_sp_melt[df_sp_melt['percent'].notna()]
if keep_xi_order:
sample_order = ["position", "species", "percent"]
sample_order = ["sample", "position", "species", "percent"]
df_sp_melt.sort_values(sample_order, axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=True)
if df_sp_melt.dtypes["sample"] != "O": # if the column isn't formatted as a string
if any(["e" in v2 for v2 in [str(v1) for v1 in df_sp_melt['sample']]]): # if value is in scientific notation
df_sp_melt['sample'] = df_sp_melt['sample'].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x) # converts numeric to string
df_sp_melt['sample'] = [('{0:.'+str(x_decimals)+'f}').format(v) for v in df_sp_melt['sample']]
if len(list(set(df_sp_melt["sample"]))) != len(list(set(df_sp_melt["position"]))) or track_steps:
# handle duplicate x-axis values to prevent stacking
temp_col = []
for i,v in enumerate(df_sp_melt["sample"]):
temp_col.append(" (step "+str(list(df_sp_melt["position"])[i])+")")
df_sp_melt["sample"] = [str(v)+a for v,a in zip(df_sp_melt["sample"], temp_col)]
if not track_steps and self.verbose > 0:
print("Reported Xi step tracking has been added to x-axis ticks to prevent column stacking.")
sp = Speciation(args={})
sp.mass_contribution = df_sp_melt
if not kwargs.get("plot_out", False):
plot_out = False
plot_out = True
kwargs["plot_out"] = True
fig = sp.plot_mass_contribution(*args, **kwargs)
xaxis_title=xlab, # add an x axis title
if plot_out:
return fig
template = """|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Main Title | (utitl1(n)) |
|Sample: {{sample_name}} |
|Date created: {date_created} |
|EQ6 input file generated by AqEquil |
| |
|Temperature option (jtemp): |
| [{t_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Constant temperature: |
| Value (C) |{tval1}| (tempcb) |
| [{t_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Linear tracking in Xi: |
| Base Value (C) |{tval2}| (tempcb) |
| Derivative |{tval3}| (ttk(1)) |
| [{t_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Linear tracking in time: |
| Base Value (C) |{tval4}| (tempcb) |
| Derivative |{tval5}| (ttk(1)) |
| [{t_checkbox_4}] ( 3) Fluid mixing tracking (fluid 2 = special reactant): |
| T of fluid 1 (C) |{tval6}| (tempcb) |
| T of fluid 2 (C) |{tval7}| (ttk(2)) |
| Mass ratio factor |{tval8}| (ttk(1)) |
|Pressure option (jpress): |
| [{p_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Follow the data file reference pressure curve |
| [{p_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Follow the 1.013-bar/steam-saturation curve |
| [{p_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Constant pressure: |
| Value (bars) |{pval1}| (pressb) |
| [{p_checkbox_4}] ( 3) Linear tracking in Xi: |
| Base Value (bars) |{pval2}| (pressb) |
| Derivative |{pval3}| (ptk(1)) |
| [{p_checkbox_5}] ( 4) Linear tracking in time: |
| Base Value (bars) |{pval4}| (pressb) |
| Derivative |{pval5}| (ptk(1)) |
|Reactants (Irreversible Reactions) | (nrct) |
* Valid reactant type strings (urcjco(jcode(n))) are: *
* Pure mineral Solid solution *
* Special reactant Aqueous species *
* Gas species Generic ion exchanger *
* Valid reactant status strings (urcjre(jreac(n))) are: *
* Saturated, reacting Reacting *
* Exhausted Saturated, not reacting *
* Valid forward rate law strings (urcnrk(nrk(1,n))) are: *
* Use backward rate law Relative rate equation *
* TST rate equation Linear rate equation *
* Valid backward rate law strings (urcnrk(nrk(2,n))) are: *
* Use forward rate law Partial equilibrium *
* Relative rate equation TST rate equation *
* Linear rate equation *
|Starting, minimum, and maximum values of key run parameters. |
|Starting Xi value |{start_xi}| (xistti) |
|Maximum Xi value |{max_xi}| (ximaxi) |
|Starting time (seconds) |{start_time}| (tistti) |
|Maximum time (seconds) |{max_time}| (timmxi) |
|Minimum value of pH |{min_pH}| (phmini) |
|Maximum value of pH |{max_pH}| (phmaxi) |
|Minimum value of Eh (v) |{min_Eh}| (ehmini) |
|Maximum value of Eh (v) |{max_Eh}| (ehmaxi) |
|Minimum value of log fO2 |{min_fO2}| (o2mini) |
|Maximum value of log fO2 |{max_fO2}| (o2maxi) |
|Minimum value of aw |{min_aw}| (awmini) |
|Maximum value of aw |{max_aw}| (awmaxi) |
|Maximum number of steps |{max_n_steps}| (kstpmx) |
|Print interval parameters. |
|Xi print interval |{xi_print_int}| (dlxprn) |
|Log Xi print interval |{log_xi_print_int}| (dlxprl) |
|Time print interval |{time_print_int}| (dltprn) |
|Log time print interval |{log_time_print_int}| (dltprl) |
|pH print interval |{pH_print_interval}| (dlhprn) |
|Eh (v) print interval |{Eh_print_interval}| (dleprn) |
|Log fO2 print interval |{logfO2_print_interval}| (dloprn) |
|aw print interval |{aw_print_interval}| (dlaprn) |
|Steps print interval |{n_steps_print_interval}| (ksppmx) |
|Plot interval parameters. |
|Xi plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dlxplo) |
|Log Xi plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dlxpll) |
|Time plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dltplo) |
|Log time plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dltpll) |
|pH plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dlhplo) |
|Eh (v) plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dleplo) |
|Log fO2 plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dloplo) |
|aw plot interval | 1.00000E+38| (dlaplo) |
|Steps plot interval | 10000| (ksplmx) |
|Iopt Model Option Switches ("( 0)" marks default choices) |
|iopt(1) - Physical System Model Selection: |
| [{i1_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Closed system |
| [{i1_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Titration system |
| [{i1_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Fluid-centered flow-through open system |
|iopt(2) - Kinetic Mode Selection: |
| [{i2_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Reaction progress mode (arbitrary kinetics) |
| [{i2_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Reaction progress/time mode (true kinetics) |
|iopt(3) - Phase Boundary Searches: |
| [{i3_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Search for phase boundaries and constrain the step size to match |
| [{i3_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Search for phase boundaries and print their locations |
| [{i3_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Don't search for phase boundaries |
|iopt(4) - Solid Solutions: |
| [{i4_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Ignore |
| [{i4_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Permit |
|iopt(5) - Clear the ES Solids Read from the INPUT File: |
| [{i5_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Don't do it |
| [{i5_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Do it |
|iopt(6) - Clear the ES Solids at the Initial Value of Reaction Progress: |
| [{i6_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Don't do it |
| [{i6_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Do it |
|iopt(7) - Clear the ES Solids at the End of the Run: |
| [{i7_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Don't do it |
| [{i7_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Do it |
|iopt(9) - Clear the PRS Solids Read from the INPUT file: |
| [{i9_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Don't do it |
| [{i9_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Do it |
|iopt(10) - Clear the PRS Solids at the End of the Run: |
| [{i10_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Don't do it |
| [{i10_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Do it, unless numerical problems cause early termination |
|iopt(11) - Auto Basis Switching in pre-N-R Optimization: |
| [{i11_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Turn off |
| [{i11_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Turn on |
|iopt(12) - Auto Basis Switching after Newton-Raphson Iteration: |
| [{i12_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Turn off |
| [{i12_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Turn on |
|iopt(13) - Calculational Mode Selection: |
| [{i13_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Normal path tracing |
| [{i13_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Economy mode (if permissible) |
| [{i13_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Super economy mode (if permissible) |
|iopt(14) - ODE Integrator Corrector Mode Selection: |
| [{i14_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Allow Stiff and Simple Correctors |
| [{i14_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Allow Only the Simple Corrector |
| [{i14_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Allow Only the Stiff Corrector |
| [{i14_checkbox_4}] ( 3) Allow No Correctors |
|iopt(15) - Force the Suppression of All Redox Reactions: |
| [{i15_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Don't do it |
| [{i15_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Do it |
|iopt(16) - BACKUP File Options: |
| [ ] (-1) Don't write a BACKUP file |
| [x] ( 0) Write BACKUP files |
| [ ] ( 1) Write a sequential BACKUP file |
|iopt(17) - PICKUP File Options: |
| [ ] (-1) Don't write a PICKUP file |
| [x] ( 0) Write a PICKUP file |
|iopt(18) - TAB File Options: |
| [{i18_checkbox_1}] (-1) Don't write a TAB file |
| [{i18_checkbox_2}] ( 0) Write a TAB file |
| [{i18_checkbox_3}] ( 1) Write a TAB file, prepending TABX file data from a previous run |
|iopt(20) - Advanced EQ6 PICKUP File Options: |
| [{i20_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Write a normal EQ6 PICKUP file |
| [{i20_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Write an EQ6 INPUT file with Fluid 1 set up for fluid mixing |
|Iopr Print Option Switches ("( 0)" marks default choices) |
|iopr(1) - Print All Species Read from the Data File: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print |
|iopr(2) - Print All Reactions: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print the reactions |
| [ ] ( 2) Print the reactions and log K values |
| [ ] ( 3) Print the reactions, log K values, and associated data |
|iopr(3) - Print the Aqueous Species Hard Core Diameters: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print |
|iopr(4) - Print a Table of Aqueous Species Concentrations, Activities, etc.: |
| [ ] (-3) Omit species with molalities < 1.e-8 |
| [ ] (-2) Omit species with molalities < 1.e-12 |
| [ ] (-1) Omit species with molalities < 1.e-20 |
| [x] ( 0) Omit species with molalities < 1.e-100 |
| [ ] ( 1) Include all species |
|iopr(5) - Print a Table of Aqueous Species/H+ Activity Ratios: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print cation/H+ activity ratios only |
| [ ] ( 2) Print cation/H+ and anion/H+ activity ratios |
| [ ] ( 3) Print ion/H+ activity ratios and neutral species activities |
|iopr(6) - Print a Table of Aqueous Mass Balance Percentages: |
| [ ] (-1) Don't print |
| [x] ( 0) Print those species comprising at least 99% of each mass balance |
| [ ] ( 1) Print all contributing species |
|iopr(7) - Print Tables of Saturation Indices and Affinities: |
| [ ] (-1) Don't print |
| [x] ( 0) Print, omitting those phases undersaturated by more than 10 kcal |
| [ ] ( 1) Print for all phases |
|iopr(8) - Print a Table of Fugacities: |
| [x] (-1) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 0) Print |
|iopr(9) - Print a Table of Mean Molal Activity Coefficients: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print |
|iopr(10) - Print a Tabulation of the Pitzer Interaction Coefficients: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print a summary tabulation |
| [ ] ( 2) Print a more detailed tabulation |
|iopr(17) - PICKUP file format ("W" or "D"): |
| [x] ( 0) Use the format of the INPUT file |
| [ ] ( 1) Use "W" format |
| [ ] ( 2) Use "D" format |
|Iodb Debugging Print Option Switches ("( 0)" marks default choices) |
|iodb(1) - Print General Diagnostic Messages: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print Level 1 diagnostic messages |
| [ ] ( 2) Print Level 1 and Level 2 diagnostic messages |
|iodb(2) - Kinetics Related Diagnostic Messages: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print Level 1 kinetics diagnostic messages |
| [ ] ( 2) Print Level 1 and Level 2 kinetics diagnostic messages |
|iodb(3) - Print Pre-Newton-Raphson Optimization Information: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print summary information |
| [ ] ( 2) Print detailed information (including the beta and del vectors) |
| [ ] ( 3) Print more detailed information (including matrix equations) |
| [ ] ( 4) Print most detailed information (including activity coefficients) |
|iodb(4) - Print Newton-Raphson Iteration Information: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print summary information |
| [ ] ( 2) Print detailed information (including the beta and del vectors) |
| [ ] ( 3) Print more detailed information (including the Jacobian) |
| [ ] ( 4) Print most detailed information (including activity coefficients) |
|iodb(5) - Print Step-Size and Order Selection: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print summary information |
| [ ] ( 2) Print detailed information |
|iodb(6) - Print Details of Hypothetical Affinity Calculations: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print summary information |
| [ ] ( 2) Print detailed information |
|iodb(7) - Print General Search (e.g., for a phase boundary) Information: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print summary information |
|iodb(8) - Print ODE Corrector Iteration Information: |
| [x] ( 0) Don't print |
| [ ] ( 1) Print summary information |
| [ ] ( 2) Print detailed information (including the betar and delvcr vectors)|
|Mineral Sub-Set Selection Suppression Options | (nxopt) |
|Option |Sub-Set Defining Species| (this is a table header) |
* Valid mineral sub-set selection suppression option strings (uxopt(n)) are: *
* None All Alwith Allwith *
|Exceptions to the Mineral Sub-Set Selection Suppression Options | (nxopex) |
|Mineral | (this is a table header) |
|None | (uxopex(n)) |
|Fixed Fugacity Options | (nffg) |
|Gas |Moles to Add |Log Fugacity | -- |
| (uffg(n)) | (moffg(n)) | (xlkffg(n)) | -- |
|Numerical Parameters |
|Max. finite-difference order |{max_finite_difference_order}| (nordmx) |
|Beta convergence tolerance |{beta_convergence_tolerance}| (tolbt) |
|Del convergence tolerance |{del_convergence_tolerance}| (toldl) |
|Max. No. of N-R iterations |{max_n_NR_iter}| (itermx) |
|Search/find convergence tolerance |{search_find_convergeance_tolerance}| (tolxsf) |
|Saturation tolerance |{saturation_tolerance}| (tolsat) |
|Max. No. of Phase Assemblage Tries |{max_n_phase_assemblage_tries}| (ntrymx) |
|Zero order step size (in Xi) |{zero_order_step_size}| (dlxmx0) |
|Max. interval in Xi between PRS transfers |{max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers}| (dlxdmp) |
rb_template = """
|Reactant |{reactant_name}| (ureac(n)) |
|->|Type |{reactant_type}| (urcjco(jcode(n))) |
|->|Status |{reactant_status}| (urcjre(jreac(n))) |
|->|Amount remaining (moles) |{amount_remaining}| (morr(n)) |
|->|Amount destroyed (moles) |{amount_destroyed}| (modr(n)) |
|->|Surface area option (nsk(n)): |
|->| [{sa_checkbox_1}] ( 0) Constant surface area: |
|->| Value (cm2) |{sa_val_1}| (sfcar(n)) |
|->| [{sa_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Constant specific surface area: |
|->| Value (cm2/g) |{sa_val_2}| (ssfcar(n)) |
|->| [{sa_checkbox_3}] ( 2) n**2/3 growth law- current surface area: |
|->| Value (cm2) |{sa_val_3}| (sfcar(n)) |
|->|Surface area factor |{sa_factor}| (fkrc(n)) |
|->|Forward rate law |{f_rate_law}| (urcnrk(nrk(1,n))) |
|->|Backward rate law |{b_rate_law}| (urcnrk(nrk(2,n))) |
relative_rate_equation_template = """
|--->|dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol) |{eq1}| (rkb(1,1,n)) |
|--->|d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2) |{eq2}| (rkb(2,1,n)) |
|--->|d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3) |{eq3}| (rkb(3,1,n)) |
# not yet supported
TST_equation_template = """
|--->|Mechanism 1 |
|----->|sigma(i,+,n) |{eq1}| csigma(i,1,n) |
|----->|k(i,+,n) (mol/cm2/sec) |{eq2}| rkb(i,1,n) |
|----->|Ref. Temperature (C) |{eq3}| trkb(i,1,n) |
|----->|Temperature dependence option (iact(i,1,n)): |
|----->| [{rate_checkbox_1}] ( 0) No temperature dependence |
|----->| [{rate_checkbox_2}] ( 1) Constant activation energy: |
|----->| Value (kcal/mol) |{eq4}| (eact(i,1,n)) |
|----->| [{rate_checkbox_3}] ( 2) Constant activation enthalpy: |
|----->| Value (kcal/mol) |{eq5}| (hact(i,1,n)) |
|----->|Kinetic activity product species (ndact(i,1,n)) |
|------->|Species |-N(j,i,+,n) |
|------->| (udac(j,i,1,n)) | (cdac(j,i,1,n)) |
# part of TST rate equation; not yet supported
k_act_prod_species_template = """
gl_template = """
|{gas_name}|{gas_moles}|{gas_log_fugacity}| -- |"""
mineral_suppress_template = """
|{mineral_suppress_option}| | (uxopt(n), uxcat(n)) |"""
srb_template = """
|->|Molar volume (cm3/mol) |{molar_volume}| (vreac(n)) |
|->|Composition |
|--->|Element |Stoich. Number | (this is a table header) |
|->|Reaction |
|--->|Species |Reaction Coefficient | (this is a table header)|
srb_stoich_template = """
|--->|{elem}|{elem_val}| (uesri(i,n), cesri(i,n)) |"""
class Mixing_Fluid:
def __init__(self,
Class used to define the fluid to be mixed with other fluids in
speciation : object of class Speciation
The speciation object containing the fluid to be mixed.
sample_name : str
The name of the fluid sample that will be mixed with all other
speciated fluids.
amount_remaining : float, default 1
Number of moles of the fluid to be mixed with all others.
amount_destroyed : float, default 0
Number of moles of the mixing fluid that has been destroyed.
molar_volume : float, default 1
Molar volume of the mixing fluid, in moles/cm3.
mass_ratio : float, default 1
Ratio of mass of the mixing fluid to all other fluids.
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this
class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short
and to the point.
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
# Prepare a special reactant to be used in a mixing calculation.
if isinstance(speciation, Speciation):
self.sample_name = sample_name
if not sample_name in speciation.sample_data.keys():
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The sample '"+str(sample_name)+"'"
" was not found amongst the samples in this speciation"
" calculation: "+str(list(speciation.sample_data.keys()))))
self.speciation_sample_data = speciation.sample_data[sample_name]
self.T = self.speciation_sample_data["temperature"]
self.mass_ratio = mass_ratio
elemental_composition_lines = []
capture = False
for i,line in enumerate(speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top[sample_name]):
if "|->|Composition" in line:
capture = True
i_start = i
if "|->|Reaction" in line:
capture = False
if capture and i > i_start + 3:
# ignore last line, which is a divider "|----------..."
elemental_composition_lines = elemental_composition_lines[:-1]
fluid_2_dict = {}
for line in elemental_composition_lines:
split_line = line.split("|")
element = split_line[2].strip()
value = float(split_line[3])
fluid_2_dict[element] = value
self.reactant = Reactant(reactant_name="Fluid 2",
reactant_type="Special reactant",
self.formatted_block = self.reactant.formatted_block
self.reactant_type = "Special reactant"
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The speciation parameter was"
" not given a Speciation object. A Speciation object is"
" produced by the AqEquil.speciate() function."))
# handle fluid mixing reaction block
lines_to_keep = self.formatted_block.split("\n")
raw_p_dict_top = speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top
# grab this fluid's reaction block
reaction_block_lines = []
capture = False
for line in raw_p_dict_top[sample_name]:
if "|->|Reaction" in line:
capture = True
if "|->|Surface area" in line:
capture = False
if capture:
# insert this fluid's reaction block
before_lines = []
after_lines = []
is_before = True
for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep):
if "|->|Reaction" in line:
if is_before:
# trim redundant lines
after_lines = after_lines[5:]
lines_to_keep = before_lines + reaction_block_lines + after_lines
self.formatted_block = "\n".join(lines_to_keep)
class Reactant:
def __init__(self,
reactant_type="Pure mineral",
f_rate_law="Relative rate equation",
b_rate_law="Partial equilibrium",
Class used to define reactants for `Prepare_Reaction`.
reactant_name : str
Name of the reactant.
reactant_type : str, default "Pure mineral"
Reactant type. Valid types include:
- Pure mineral
- Solid solution
- Special reactant
- Aqueous species
- Gas species
- Generic ion exchanger
reactant_status : str, default "Reacting"
Status of the reactant. Valid statuses include:
- Reacting
- Saturated, reacting
- Exhausted
- Saturated, not reacting
amount_remaining : float, default 1
Moles of reactant remaining.
amount_destroyed : float, default 0
Moles of reactant destroyed.
surface_area_option : int, default 0
Option for reactant surface area. Valid options include:
- 0, for Constant surface area (in cm2)
- 1, for Constant specific surface area (in cm2/g). Surface area
changes in proportion to the reactant mass.
- 2, for n**2/3 growth law- current surface area (in cm2)
surface_area_value : float, default 0
The value assigned to choice of surface area option according to:
- If `surface_area_option` is 0, value is in cm2.
- If `surface_area_option` is 1, value is in cm2/g.
- If `surface_area_option` is 2, value is in cm2.
surface_area_factor : float, default 0
Value assigned to surface area factor.
f_rate_law : str, default "Relative rate equation"
Type of forward rate law. Valid types include:
- Use backward rate law
- Relative rate equation
The TST rate equation is not yet supported.
f_eq1, f_eq2, f_eq3 : float, default 1, 0, 0, respectively
Coefficients of the forward rate law defined for `f_rate_law`.
If `f_rate_law` is "Relative rate equation", then:
- f_eq1 is dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol)
- f_eq2 is d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2)
- f_eq3 is d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3)
b_rate_law : str, default "Partial equilibrium"
Type of backward rate law. Valid types include:
- Use forward rate law
- Partial equilibrium
- Relative rate equation
The TST rate equation is not yet supported.
b_eq1, b_eq2, b_eq3 : float, default 1, 0, 0, respectively
Coefficients of the backward rate law defined for `b_rate_law`.
If `b_rate_law` is "Relative rate equation", then:
- the value of b_eq1 represents dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol)
- the value of b_eq2 represents d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2)
- the value of b_eq3 represents d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3)
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class?
When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to
the point.
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
if f_rate_law not in ["Use backward rate law", "Relative rate equation"]:
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("f_rate_law must be either "
"'Use backward rate law' or 'Relative rate equation'."))
if b_rate_law not in ["Use forward rate law", "Partial equilibrium", "Relative rate equation"]:
self.err_handler.raise_exception(("b_rate_law must be either "
"'Use forward rate law', 'Partial equilibrium', or 'Relative rate equation'."))
self.sa_checkbox_1= " "
self.sa_checkbox_2= " "
self.sa_checkbox_3= " "
if surface_area_option == 0:
self.sa_checkbox_1 = "x"
self.sa_val_1 = surface_area_value
elif surface_area_option == 1:
self.sa_checkbox_2 = "x"
self.sa_val_2 = surface_area_value
elif surface_area_option == 2:
self.sa_checkbox_3 = "x"
self.sa_val_3 = surface_area_value
def __format_block(self):
rb_dict_formatted = dict(
reactant_name = f"{self.reactant_name:<24}",
reactant_type = f"{self.reactant_type:<24}",
reactant_status = f"{self.reactant_status:<24}",
amount_remaining = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.amount_remaining):>12}",
amount_destroyed = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.amount_destroyed):>12}",
sa_checkbox_1 = self.sa_checkbox_1,
sa_checkbox_2 = self.sa_checkbox_2,
sa_checkbox_3 = self.sa_checkbox_3,
sa_val_1 = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_val_1):>12}",
sa_val_2 = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_val_2):>12}",
sa_val_3 = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_val_3):>12}",
sa_factor = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_factor):>12}",
f_rate_law = f"{self.f_rate_law:<24}",
b_rate_law = f"{self.b_rate_law:<24}",
f_rate_block = self.formatted_f_rate_block,
b_rate_block = self.formatted_b_rate_block,
if self.reactant_type.lower() == "special reactant":
elem_lines = []
for key in list(self.special_reactant_dict.keys()):
sp_elem_line = copy.copy(srb_stoich_template)
elem_name = f"{str(key):<8}"
elem_value = f"{'{:.15E}'.format(float(self.special_reactant_dict[key])):>22}"
sp_elem_line = sp_elem_line.format(**{"elem":elem_name, "elem_val":elem_value})
elem_lines = "".join(elem_lines)
srb_dict_formatted = dict(
molar_volume = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.molar_volume):>12}",
srb_stoich = elem_lines,
sp_reactant_block_template = copy.copy(srb_template)
sp_reactant_block_formatted = sp_reactant_block_template.format(**srb_dict_formatted)
rb_dict_formatted["sr_block"] = sp_reactant_block_formatted
rb_dict_formatted["sr_block"] = ""
reactant_block_template = copy.copy(rb_template)
self.formatted_block = reactant_block_template.format(**rb_dict_formatted)
def __format_rate_block(self, direction):
if direction == "forward":
eq1 = getattr(self, d+"_eq1")
eq2 = getattr(self, d+"_eq2")
eq3 = getattr(self, d+"_eq3")
if getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Relative rate equation":
rate_block = copy.deepcopy(relative_rate_equation_template)
rate_options_formatted = dict(
rate_block = rate_block.format(**rate_options_formatted)
setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", rate_block)
elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Linear rate equation":
# Note: "Linear rate equation" is valid in EQ6, but I cannot find any
# EQ6 input files formatted for this option. My guess is that linear
# rate equations can be imposed by only specifying the first parameter
# of a relative rate equation.
self.err_handler.raise_exception("The 'Linear rate equation' option is not supported at this time.")
elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "TST rate equation":
self.err_handler.raise_exception("TST rate equations are not supported at this time.")
elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Partial equilibrium":
setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", "")
elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Use backward rate law":
setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", "")
elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Use forward rate law":
setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", "")
msg = ("Valid rate laws for the "+direction+" rate law includes "
"'Relative rate equation', 'TST rate equation', "
"'Linear rate equation', or 'Use "+odirection+" rate law'")
class Gas:
def __init__(self,
Class used to define gases for `Prepare_Reaction`.
gas_name : str, default "None"
Name of the gas.
gas_moles : float, default 0
Moles of gas.
gas_log_fugacity : float, default 0
The log10 fugacity of the gas.
def __format_line(self):
gas_options_formatted = dict(
gas_name = f"{self.gas_name:<24}",
gas_moles = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.gas_moles):>13}",
gas_log_fugacity = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.gas_log_fugacity):>13}",
gas_line_template = copy.copy(gl_template)
self.formatted_line = gas_line_template.format(**gas_options_formatted)
class Prepare_Reaction:
def __init__(self,
t_value_1=None, # temp
t_value_2=None, # temp or deriv
t_value_3=None, # mass ratio factor
p_value_1=None, # pressure
p_value_2=0, # deriv
xi_range=[0, 1],
time_range=[0, 1e38],
pH_range=[-1e38, 1e38],
Eh_range=[-1e38, 1e38],
fO2_range=[-1e38, 1e38],
aw_range=[-1e38, 1e38],
write_tab=-1, # do not write a TAB file by default because EQ6 can encounter an access violation when writing a TAB file
Class used to set the parameters of a reaction between the results of a
speciation calculation and minerals, gases, etc.
reactants : list
List of reactants defined by the 'Reactant' class. Can be an empty
list if no reactants are desired.
gases : list, default []
List of gases defined by the 'Gas' class. Can be an empty
list if no gases are desired.
t_option : int, default 0
Desired option for handling temperature of the reaction. Valid
choices include:
- 0 for constant temperature
- 1 for linear tracking in Xi
- 2 for linear tracking in time
Fluid mixing tracking is not yet supported.
t_value_1, t_value_2, t_value_3 : default None, 0, 0, respectively
By default, the temperature of samples in the speciation
calculation will be used, so the user does not need to specify
temperature values here. However, if a user wishes, temperature
values can be defined here that will be applied to all samples in
the speciation. Note that doing so may result in incongruous
results. That said, the values specified here depend on which
option is selected for `t_option`:
- If 't_option' is 0, then t_value_1 is the value of the constant
temperature (in degrees C), and t_value_2 and t_value_3 are ignored.
- If 't_option' is 1, then t_value_1 is the base value
temperature (in degrees C), t_value_2 is the derivative, and
t_value_3 is ignored.
- If 't_option' is 2, then t_value_1 is the base value
temperature (in degrees C), t_value_2 is the derivative, and
t_value_3 is ignored.
p_option : int, default 0
Desired option for handling pressure of the reaction. Valid
choices include:
- 0 to follow the data file reference pressure curve
- 1 to follow the 1.013-bar/steam-saturation curve
- 2 for constant pressure
- 3 for linear tracking in Xi
- 4 for linear tracking in time
p_value_1, p_value_2 : float default None, 0
Values assigned to desired `p_option`.
- If `p_option` is 0 or 1, p_value_1 and p_value_2 are ignored.
- If `p_option` is 2, p_value_1 represents a constant pressure,
in bars, and p_value_2 is ignored.
- If `p_option` is 3 or 4, p_value_1 represents the base pressure
value, in bars, and p_value_2 is the derivative.
xi_range : list of two float, default [0, 1]
A list containing the starting and maximum value of Xi,
time_range : list of two float, default [0, 1e38]
A list containing the starting and maximum time, respectively.
pH_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38]
A list containing the minimum and maximum values of pH.
Eh_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38]
A list containing the minimum and maximum values of Eh.
fO2_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38]
A list containing the minimum and maximum values of the fugacity
of oxygen, fO2.
aw_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38]
A list containing the minimum and maximum values of water activity.
max_n_steps : int, default 900
Maximum number of steps of Xi allowed.
xi_print_int : int, default 1
Xi print interval.
log_xi_print_int : int, default 1
Log Xi print interval.
time_print_int : int, default 1e38
Time print interval.
log_time_print_int : int, default 1e38
Log time print interval.
pH_print_interval : int, default 1e38
pH print interval.
Eh_print_interval : int, default 1e38
Eh (v) print interval.
logfO2_print_interval : int, default 1e38
Log fO2 print interval.
aw_print_interval : int, default 1e38
Activity of water (aw) print interval.
n_steps_print_interval : int, default 100
Steps print interval.
physical_system_model : str, default "closed"
Selection for the physical system model. Valid options include:
- "closed"
- "titration"
- "fluid-centered flow-through open"
kinetic_mode : str, default "arbitrary"
Selection for kinetic mode. Valid options include:
- "arbitrary" for arbitrary kinetics, reaction progress mode
- "true" for true kinetics, reaction progress/time mode
phase_boundary_search : int, default 0
Selection for phase boundary searches. Valid options include:
- 0 to search for phase boundaries and constrain the step size to
- 1 to search for phase boundaries and print their locations.
- 2 to not search for phase boundaries.
permit_solid_solutions : bool, default False
Permit solid solutions? If False, solid solutions are ignored.
clear_es_solids_read : bool, default False
Clear the ES solids read from the input file?
clear_es_solids_initial : bool, default False
Clear the ES solids at the initial value of reaction progress?
clear_es_solids_end : bool, default False
Clear the ES solids at the end of the run?
clear_prs_solids_read : bool, default False
Clear the PRS solids read from the input file?
clear_prs_solids_end : bool, default False
Clear the PRS solids at the end of the run? If True, PRS solids will
be cleared unless numerical problems cause early termination.
auto_basis_switching_pre_NR : bool, default False
Turn on auto basis switching in pre-Newton-Raphson optimization?
auto_basis_switching_post_NR : bool, default False
Turn on auto basis switching after Newton-Raphson iteration?
calc_mode_selection : int, default 0
Calculational mode selection. Valid options include:
- 0 for normal path tracing
- 1 for economy mode (if permissible)
- 2 for super economy mode (if permissible)
ODE_corrector_mode : int, default 0
ODE integrator corrector mode selection. Valid options include:
- 0 to allow stiff and simple correctors
- 1 to allow only simple corrector
- 2 to allow only stiff corrector
- 3 to allow no correctors
mineral_suppression_option : str, default "None"
Option to suppress formation of minerals. Can be either "None" (no
minerals are suppressed) or "All" (all minerals are suppressed).
write_tab : int, default -1
Option to write a TAB file. Valid options include:
- -1 do not write a TAB file (default)
- 0 write a TAB file
- 1 write a TAB file prepending TABX file data from a previous run
fluid_mixing_setup : bool, default False
If True, will write an EQ6 input file with Fluid 1 set up for
fluid mixing. If False, a normal EQ6 pickup file will be written.
max_finite_difference_order : int, default 6
Maximum finite-difference order (numerical parameter).
beta_convergence_tolerance : float, default 0
Beta convergence tolerance (numerical parameter).
del_convergence_tolerance : float, default 0
Delta convergence tolerance (numerical parameter).
max_n_NR_iter : int, default 500
Maximum number of N-R iterations (numerical parameter).
search_find_convergeance_tolerance : float, default 0
Search/find convergence tolerance (numerical parameter).
saturation_tolerance : float, default 0
Saturation tolerance (numerical parameter).
max_n_phase_assemblage_tries : int, default 0
Maximum number of phase assemblage tries (numerical parameter).
zero_order_step_size : int, default 0
Zero order step size in Xi (numerical parameter).
max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers : int, default 0
Maximum interval in Xi between PRS transfers (numerical parameter).
filename : str, default None
Filename where the results of `Prepare_Reaction` will be written.
This is equivalent to the top half of an EQ3/6 6i file. If None,
no file will be written.
hide_traceback : bool, default True
Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this
class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short
and to the point.
self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback)
if len(reactants) == 1 and not isinstance(reactants, list):
reactants = list(reactants)
if len(gases) == 0:
gases = [Gas()]
elif len(gases) == 1 and not isinstance(gases, list):
gases = list(gases)
self.t_checkbox_1=" "
self.t_checkbox_2=" "
self.t_checkbox_3=" "
self.t_checkbox_4=" "
self.p_checkbox_1=" "
self.p_checkbox_2=" "
self.p_checkbox_3=" "
self.p_checkbox_4=" "
self.p_checkbox_5=" "
self.i1_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i1_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i1_checkbox_3 = " "
self.i2_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i2_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i3_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i3_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i3_checkbox_3 = " "
self.i4_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i4_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i5_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i5_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i6_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i6_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i7_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i7_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i9_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i9_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i10_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i10_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i11_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i11_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i12_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i12_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i13_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i13_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i13_checkbox_3 = " "
self.i14_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i14_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i14_checkbox_3 = " "
self.i14_checkbox_4 = " "
self.i15_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i15_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i18_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i18_checkbox_2 = " "
self.i18_checkbox_3 = " "
self.i20_checkbox_1 = " "
self.i20_checkbox_2 = " "
tval_var_to_format = None
pval_var_to_format = None
# set t_option and t_value defaults when there is a mixing calculation
for reactant in reactants:
if isinstance(reactant, Mixing_Fluid):
n_mixing_fluid_reactants += 1
if t_option == None:
t_option = 3
if t_value_1 == None:
t_value_1 = None # will be formatted with temp of fluid 1 later
if t_value_2 == None:
t_value_2 = float(reactant.T) # temp of fluid 2
if t_value_3 == None:
t_value_3 = reactant.mass_ratio # mass ratio factor
if n_mixing_fluid_reactants == 0:
# set t_option and t_value defaults when there is no mixing calculation
if t_option == None:
t_option = 0
self.t_option = 0
# if t_value_1 == None:
# t_value_1 = None
# self.t_value_1 = 0
# if t_value_2 == None:
# t_value_2 = 0
# self.t_value_2 = 0
# if t_value_3 == None:
# t_value_3 = 0
# self.t_value_3 = 0
elif n_mixing_fluid_reactants == 1:
"There are {} mixing fluids ".format(n_mixing_fluid_reactants)+""
"in the list of reactants. There may only be one."))
if t_option == 0:
if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number):
tval_var_to_format = 1
elif t_option == 1:
if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number):
tval_var_to_format = 2
elif t_option == 2:
if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number):
tval_var_to_format = 4
elif t_option == 3:
if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number):
tval_var_to_format = 6
raise Exception("t_option must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.")
if p_option == 0:
elif p_option == 1:
elif p_option == 2:
if isinstance(p_value_1, numbers.Number):
pval_var_to_format = 1
elif p_option == 3:
if isinstance(p_value_1, numbers.Number):
pval_var_to_format = 2
elif p_option == 4:
if isinstance(p_value_1, numbers.Number):
pval_var_to_format = 4
raise Exception("p_option must be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.")
if physical_system_model == "closed":
self.i1_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif physical_system_model == "titration":
self.i1_checkbox_2 = "x"
elif physical_system_model == "fluid-centered flow-through open":
self.i1_checkbox_3 = "x"
msg = ("physical_system_model must either be 'closed', 'titration',"
" or 'fluid-centered flow-through open'.")
if kinetic_mode == "arbitrary":
self.i2_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif kinetic_mode == "true":
self.i2_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "kinetic_mode must either be 'arbitrary' or 'true'."
if phase_boundary_search == 0:
self.i3_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif phase_boundary_search == 1:
self.i3_checkbox_2 = "x"
elif phase_boundary_search == 2:
self.i3_checkbox_3 = "x"
msg = "phase_boundary_search must be 0, 1, or 2."
if permit_solid_solutions == False:
self.i4_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif permit_solid_solutions == True:
self.i4_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "permit_solid_solutions must be True or False."
if clear_es_solids_read == False:
self.i5_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif clear_es_solids_read == True:
self.i5_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "clear_es_solids_read must be True or False."
if clear_es_solids_initial == False:
self.i6_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif clear_es_solids_initial == True:
self.i6_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "clear_es_solids_initial must be True or False."
if clear_es_solids_end == False:
self.i7_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif clear_es_solids_end == True:
self.i7_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "clear_es_solids_end must be True or False."
# there is no iopt8
if clear_prs_solids_read == False:
self.i9_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif clear_prs_solids_read == True:
self.i9_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "clear_prs_solids_read must be True or False."
if clear_prs_solids_end == False:
self.i10_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif clear_prs_solids_end == True:
self.i10_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "clear_prs_solids_end must be True or False."
if auto_basis_switching_pre_NR == False:
self.i11_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif auto_basis_switching_pre_NR == True:
self.i11_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "auto_basis_switching_pre_NR must be True or False."
if auto_basis_switching_post_NR == False:
self.i12_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif auto_basis_switching_post_NR == True:
self.i12_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "auto_basis_switching_post_NR must be True or False."
if calc_mode_selection == 0:
self.i13_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif calc_mode_selection == 1:
self.i13_checkbox_2 = "x"
elif calc_mode_selection == 2:
self.i13_checkbox_3 = "x"
msg = "calc_mode_selection must be 0, 1, or 2."
if ODE_corrector_mode == 0:
self.i14_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif ODE_corrector_mode == 1:
self.i14_checkbox_2 = "x"
elif ODE_corrector_mode == 2:
self.i14_checkbox_3 = "x"
elif ODE_corrector_mode == 3:
self.i14_checkbox_4 = "x"
msg = "ODE_corrector_mode must be 0, 1, or 2."
# The suppress redox option in EQ6 doesn't work with WORM data.
# Use redox-isolated elements from the redox suppression
# option in the AqEquil class instead.
self.i15_checkbox_1 = "x"
if write_tab == -1:
self.i18_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif write_tab == 0:
self.i18_checkbox_2 = "x"
elif write_tab == 1:
self.i18_checkbox_3 = "x"
self.err_handler.raise_exception("write_tab_option must be -1, 0, "
"or 1.")
if fluid_mixing_setup == False:
self.i20_checkbox_1 = "x"
elif fluid_mixing_setup == True:
self.i20_checkbox_2 = "x"
msg = "fluid_mixing_setup must be True or False."
now =
self.date_created = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p')
self.__format_reaction(tval_var_to_format, pval_var_to_format)
if filename != None:
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def __format_reaction(self, tval_var_to_format=None, pval_var_to_format=None):
reaction_options_formatted = dict(
# leave {tval1} (or {tval2}, {tval3}...) in pre_6i file so it can be updated after joining 3p
if tval_var_to_format != None:
reaction_options_formatted["tval"+str(tval_var_to_format)] = "{tval}"
for i in range(1, 9):
if i == tval_var_to_format:
reaction_options_formatted["tval"+str(i)]=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(getattr(self, 'tval'+str(i))):>12}"
# leave {pval1} (or {pval2}, {pval3}...) in pre_6i file so it can be updated after joining 3p
if pval_var_to_format != None:
reaction_options_formatted["pval"+str(pval_var_to_format)] = "{pval}"
for i in range(1, 6):
if i == pval_var_to_format:
reaction_options_formatted["pval"+str(i)]=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(getattr(self, 'pval'+str(i))):>12}"
reactant_blocks = "".join([r.formatted_block for r in self.reactants])
gas_lines = "".join([r.formatted_line for r in self.gases])
if self.mineral_suppression_option == "None":
mineral_suppress_option_value = "None "
elif self.mineral_suppression_option == "All":
mineral_suppress_option_value = "All "
msg = ("Error in Prepare_Reaction(): `mineral_suppression_option` "
"must be 'None' or 'All'.")
min_supp_temp = copy.copy(mineral_suppress_template)
min_supp_dict = dict(mineral_suppress_option=mineral_suppress_option_value)
min_supp_temp = min_supp_temp.format(**min_supp_dict)
reaction_template = copy.copy(template)
self.formatted_reaction = reaction_template.format(**reaction_options_formatted)
def join_mixes(m1, m2)
Join the results of two mixes, m1 and m2, so that results extend from 1:0 to 0:1 m1:m2.
ofclass Mass_Transfer
- The mass transfer results of two mixing calculations
An object of class
with results joined for plotting.Expand source code
def join_mixes(m1, m2): """ Join the results of two mixes, m1 and m2, so that results extend from 1:0 to 0:1 m1:m2. Parameters ---------- m1, m2 : objects of class Mass_Transfer The mass transfer results of two mixing calculations Returns ---------- An object of class `Mass_Transfer` with results joined for plotting. """ # tables belonging to the Mass Transfer class that are used by its plotting functions tabs = ["misc_params", "basis_logact", "dissolved_elements_molal", "dissolved_elements_ppm", "aq_distribution_logact", "aq_distribution_molal", "aq_distribution_logmolal", "moles_minerals", "moles_product_minerals"] for tab in tabs: m2_reverse_rows = getattr(m2, tab).iloc[::-1] m2_reverse_rows["Xi"] = [1+(1-float(xi)) for xi in m2_reverse_rows["Xi"]] m2_reverse_rows = m2_reverse_rows[1:] m1_rows = getattr(m1, tab) setattr(m1, tab, pd.concat([m1_rows, m2_reverse_rows]).reset_index(drop=True)) # do the same but for all EQ6 output tables if != None and != None: for tab in if tab in m2_reverse_rows =[tab].iloc[::-1] m2_reverse_rows["Xi"] = [1+(1-float(xi)) for xi in m2_reverse_rows["Xi"]] m2_reverse_rows = m2_reverse_rows[1:] m1_rows =[tab][tab] = pd.concat([m1_rows, m2_reverse_rows]).reset_index(drop=True) # do the same but for mass contribution tables for tab in m1.mass_contribution_dict.keys(): if tab in m2.mass_contribution_dict.keys(): m2_reverse_rows = m2.mass_contribution_dict[tab].iloc[::-1] m2_reverse_rows["Xi"] = [1+(1-float(xi)) for xi in m2_reverse_rows["Xi"]] m2_reverse_rows = m2_reverse_rows[1:] m1_rows = m1.mass_contribution_dict[tab] m1.mass_contribution_dict[tab] = pd.concat([m1_rows, m2_reverse_rows]).reset_index(drop=True) return m1
def react(speciation, reaction_setup, chain_mt=False, delete_generated_folders=False, hide_traceback=True, data1_override=None, format_element_names=True, eq36da=None, eq36co=None, verbose=1)
Calculate how speciated water reacts with minerals and/or gases.
:Speciation object
- The output of a speciation calculation produced by the AqEquil.speciate function.
orPrepare_Reaction object
- Defines how the reaction is to be set up. There are two ways to set up
a reaction. The first way is to prepare the reaction with
. The second way is to prepare the first half of an EQ6 6i file (the part without the contents of the pickup file) and then pass the filename toreaction_setup
. chain_mt
, defaultFalse
- Is the speciation the result of another mass transfer calculation? Choosing True will allow mass transfer calculations to be chained together.
, defaultFalse
- Delete the 'rxn_6i', 'rxn_6o', 'rxn_6p', and 'eq6_extra_out' folders containing raw EQ6 input, output, and pickup files once the reaction calculation is complete?
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
, optional- The three letter code of a data1 file used to override the thermodynamic
database used to speciate the sample(s). This is useful for chaining
the results of one mass transfer calculation into another while
simultaneously changing the temperature and pressure regime of the
new system. See the description for the
parameter for more about chaining. format_element_names
, defaultTrue
- Format the chemical symbols of redox-isolated elements generated when
elements are supplied to the
parameter ofAqEquil.speciate
? Context: when elements are redox-isolated, new elements are designated representing different oxidations states in order to prevent redox reactions from occuring during calculations. The names of these elements appear like "Fejiip", where the first one or two letters represent the element (e.g. "Fe"), "j" denotes that the chemical symbol is finished, followed by roman numerals representing the magnitude of the charge (e.g., "ii" representing 2), finally followed by a letter that denotes the sign of the charge (e.g., "p" for positive). By setting this parameter to True, the element "Fejiip" will be converted into a more readable form, "Fe+2", in all figures and tables generated from calculation results. It may be useful to set this parameter to False if you are supplying your own data0 file containing custom pseudoelements that do not follow the convention used by AqEquil. eq36da
:str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA
- Path to directory where data1 files are stored.
:str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO
- Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored.
- An object of class
modified with the results of the reaction - (if a thermodynamic database formatted as a WORM-style CSV was used during
oran unmodified speciation object (if a data0
ordata1 file
was used during speciation).
Expand source code
def react(speciation, reaction_setup, chain_mt=False, delete_generated_folders=False, hide_traceback=True, data1_override=None, format_element_names=True, eq36da=None, eq36co=None, verbose=1, ): """ Calculate how speciated water reacts with minerals and/or gases. Parameters ---------- speciation : Speciation object The output of a speciation calculation produced by the AqEquil.speciate function. reaction_setup : str or Prepare_Reaction object Defines how the reaction is to be set up. There are two ways to set up a reaction. The first way is to prepare the reaction with `Prepare_Reaction`. The second way is to prepare the first half of an EQ6 6i file (the part without the contents of the pickup file) and then pass the filename to `reaction_setup`. chain_mt : bool, default False Is the speciation the result of another mass transfer calculation? Choosing True will allow mass transfer calculations to be chained together. delete_generated_folders : bool, default False Delete the 'rxn_6i', 'rxn_6o', 'rxn_6p', and 'eq6_extra_out' folders containing raw EQ6 input, output, and pickup files once the reaction calculation is complete? hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. data1_override : str, optional The three letter code of a data1 file used to override the thermodynamic database used to speciate the sample(s). This is useful for chaining the results of one mass transfer calculation into another while simultaneously changing the temperature and pressure regime of the new system. See the description for the `chain_mt` parameter for more about chaining. format_element_names : bool, default True Format the chemical symbols of redox-isolated elements generated when elements are supplied to the `suppress_redox` parameter of `AqEquil.speciate`? Context: when elements are redox-isolated, new elements are designated representing different oxidations states in order to prevent redox reactions from occuring during calculations. The names of these elements appear like "Fejiip", where the first one or two letters represent the element (e.g. "Fe"), "j" denotes that the chemical symbol is finished, followed by roman numerals representing the magnitude of the charge (e.g., "ii" representing 2), finally followed by a letter that denotes the sign of the charge (e.g., "p" for positive). By setting this parameter to True, the element "Fejiip" will be converted into a more readable form, "Fe+2", in all figures and tables generated from calculation results. It may be useful to set this parameter to False if you are supplying your own data0 file containing custom pseudoelements that do not follow the convention used by AqEquil. eq36da : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36DA Path to directory where data1 files are stored. eq36co : str, defaults to path given by the environment variable EQ36CO Path to directory where EQ3 executables are stored. Returns ---------- An object of class `Speciation` modified with the results of the reaction (if a thermodynamic database formatted as a WORM-style CSV was used during speciation) or an unmodified speciation object (if a data0 or data1 file was used during speciation). """ if not isinstance(eq36da, str): eq36da = os.environ.get('EQ36DA') if not isinstance(eq36co, str): eq36co = os.environ.get('EQ36CO') prev_wd = os.getcwd() ae = AqEquil(load_thermo=False, eq36co=eq36co, eq36da=eq36da, verbose=verbose) speciation.join_6i_p(reaction_setup, chain_mt) __delete_file("data1.dyn") paths=['rxn_6o', 'rxn_6p', 'eq6_extra_out'] for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) for sample_name in list(speciation.sample_data.keys()): filename_6i = speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["filename"][:-3]+".6i" filename_6o = filename_6i[:-3]+".6o" filename_6p = filename_6i[:-3]+".6p" if data1_override != None: with open("data1."+data1_override, mode='rb') as data1: speciation.data1["all_samples"] = speciation.thermo.thermo_db_filename = "data1."+data1_override if "all_samples" not in speciation.data1.keys(): # each sample has a unique data1. e.g., with dynamic_db __delete_file("eq6_extra_out/data1.dyn") with open("eq6_extra_out/data1.dyn", 'wb') as f: f.write(speciation.data1[speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["filename"][:-3]]) else: # all samples use the same data1. with open("eq6_extra_out/data1.dyn", 'wb') as f: f.write(speciation.data1["all_samples"]) path_6i="rxn_6i/" path_6o="rxn_6o" path_6p="rxn_6p" path_extra_out="eq6_extra_out" ae.runeq6(filename_6i, db="dyn", path_6i=path_6i, data1_path=os.getcwd()+"/eq6_extra_out", # ensuring data1 is read from a folder without spaces overcomes the problem where environment variables with spaces do not work properly when assigned to EQ36DA dynamic_db_name=speciation.thermo.thermo_db_filename) # get current working dir cwd = os.getcwd() cwdd = cwd + "/" filename_6o = filename_6i[:-1] + 'o' filename_6p = filename_6i[:-1] + 'p' filename_6ba = filename_6i[:-1] + 'ba' filename_6bb = filename_6i[:-1] + 'bb' filename_6t = filename_6i[:-2] + 'csv' filename_6tx = filename_6i[:-1] + 'tx' # The new eq36 build truncates names, e.g., MLS.Source.3i creates MLS.3o # Correct for this here: files_6o = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-3:] == ".6o"] files_6p = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-3:] == ".6p"] files_6ba = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-4:] == ".6ba"] files_6bb = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-4:] == ".6bb"] files_6t = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-3:] == ".6t"] files_6tx = [file for file in os.listdir(cwdd+path_6i) if file[-4:] == ".6tx"] if len(files_6o) == 0: if ae.verbose > 0: print('Error: EQ6 failed to produce output for ' + filename_6i) elif len(files_6o) == 1: file_6o = files_6o[0] file_6ba = files_6ba[0] file_6bb = files_6bb[0] try: file_6t = files_6t[0] file_6tx = files_6tx[0] except: pass try: # report errors in output with open(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6o) as file: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file] EQ6_errors_found = ae._report_3o_6o_errors(lines, sample_name) except: msg = ("Error: could not open "+path_6i+file_6o+" or there " "is something wrong with EQ3/6 error reporting.") ae.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) try: # move output shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6o, cwdd+path_6o+"/"+filename_6o) shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6ba, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6ba) shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6bb, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6bb) try: shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6t, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6t) shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6tx, cwdd+path_extra_out+"/"+filename_6tx) except: pass except: ae.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: could not move", path_6i+"/"+file_6o, "to", path_6o+"/"+filename_6o)) else: ae.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: multiple output files detected for one mass transfer calculation.") if len(files_6p) == 0: if ae.verbose > 0: print('Error: EQ6 failed to produce a pickup file for ' + filename_6i) elif len(files_6p) == 1: file_6p = files_6p[0] try: # move output shutil.move(cwdd+path_6i+"/"+file_6p, cwdd+path_6p+"/"+filename_6p) except: ae.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: could not move", path_6i+"/"+file_6p, "to", path_6p+"/"+filename_6p)) else: ae.err_handler.raise_exception("Error: multiple pickup files detected for one mass transfer calculation.") if not EQ6_errors_found: m = Mass_Transfer(thermo=speciation.thermo, six_o_file='rxn_6o/'+filename_6o, format_element_names=format_element_names, tab_name="eq6_extra_out/"+filename_6i[:-2] + 'csv', hide_traceback=hide_traceback) speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["mass_transfer"] = m else: speciation.sample_data[sample_name]["mass_transfer"] = None if ae.verbose > 0: print(("Mass transfer results for sample '"+sample_name+"' " "could not be saved because the calculation did not " "finish due to error(s).\n")) # store input, output, and pickup as dicts in speciation object try: with open(path_6i + "/" + filename_6i, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() speciation.raw_6_input_dict[sample_name] = lines except: pass try: with open(path_6o + "/" + filename_6o, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() speciation.raw_6_output_dict[sample_name] = lines except: pass try: with open(path_6p + "/" + filename_6p, "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() # Unlike 3p files, 6p files include headers that need to be removed bottom_half = [] capture = False for line in lines: if "Start of the bottom half of the input file" in line: capture = True if capture: bottom_half.append(line) speciation.raw_6_pickup_dict[sample_name] = bottom_half except: pass if delete_generated_folders: __delete_dir("eq6_extra_out") __delete_dir("rxn_6i") __delete_dir("rxn_6p") __delete_dir("rxn_6o") return speciation
class Gas (gas_name='None', gas_moles=0, gas_log_fugacity=0)
Class used to define gases for
, default"None"
- Name of the gas.
, default0
- Moles of gas.
, default0
- The log10 fugacity of the gas.
Expand source code
class Gas: def __init__(self, gas_name="None", gas_moles=0, gas_log_fugacity=0, ): """ Class used to define gases for `Prepare_Reaction`. Parameters ---------- gas_name : str, default "None" Name of the gas. gas_moles : float, default 0 Moles of gas. gas_log_fugacity : float, default 0 The log10 fugacity of the gas. """ self.gas_name=gas_name self.gas_moles=gas_moles self.gas_log_fugacity=gas_log_fugacity self.__format_line() def __format_line(self): gas_options_formatted = dict( gas_name = f"{self.gas_name:<24}", gas_moles = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.gas_moles):>13}", gas_log_fugacity = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.gas_log_fugacity):>13}", ) gas_line_template = copy.copy(gl_template) self.formatted_line = gas_line_template.format(**gas_options_formatted)
class Mass_Transfer (six_o_file, thermo=None, tab_name=None, format_element_names=True, hide_traceback=True, verbose=1)
Class containing functions to facilitate mass transfer and reaction path calculations and visualize results.
- Path name of the '6o' output file generated by EQ6.
:an object
ofclass Thermodata
- The subclass containing thermodynamic data in a Speciation object.
- Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the EQ6 calculation.
- Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6.
, defaultTrue
- Format the chemical symbols of redox-isolated elements generated when
elements are supplied to the
parameter ofAqEquil.speciate
? Context: when elements are redox-isolated, new elements are designated representing different oxidations states in order to prevent redox reactions from occuring during calculations. The names of these elements appear like "Fejiip", where the first one or two letters represent the element (e.g. "Fe"), "j" denotes that the chemical symbol is finished, followed by roman numerals representing the magnitude of the charge (e.g., "ii" representing 2), finally followed by a letter that denotes the sign of the charge (e.g., "p" for positive). By setting this parameter to True, the element "Fejiip" will be converted into a more readable form, "Fe+2", in all figures and tables generated from calculation results. It may be useful to set this parameter to False if you are supplying your own data0 file containing custom pseudoelements that do not follow the convention used by AqEquil. hide_traceback
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
Expand source code
class Mass_Transfer: """ Class containing functions to facilitate mass transfer and reaction path calculations and visualize results. Parameters ---------- six_o_file : str Path name of the '6o' output file generated by EQ6. thermo : an object of class Thermodata The subclass containing thermodynamic data in a Speciation object. thermodata_csv : str Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the EQ6 calculation. tab_name : str Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6. format_element_names : bool, default True Format the chemical symbols of redox-isolated elements generated when elements are supplied to the `suppress_redox` parameter of `AqEquil.speciate`? Context: when elements are redox-isolated, new elements are designated representing different oxidations states in order to prevent redox reactions from occuring during calculations. The names of these elements appear like "Fejiip", where the first one or two letters represent the element (e.g. "Fe"), "j" denotes that the chemical symbol is finished, followed by roman numerals representing the magnitude of the charge (e.g., "ii" representing 2), finally followed by a letter that denotes the sign of the charge (e.g., "p" for positive). By setting this parameter to True, the element "Fejiip" will be converted into a more readable form, "Fe+2", in all figures and tables generated from calculation results. It may be useful to set this parameter to False if you are supplying your own data0 file containing custom pseudoelements that do not follow the convention used by AqEquil. hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. """ def __init__(self, six_o_file, thermo=None, tab_name=None, format_element_names=True, hide_traceback=True, verbose=1): self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback) self.six_o_file = six_o_file f=open(self.six_o_file, mode='r') self.six_o_file_lines=f.readlines() f.close() self.thermo=thermo self.tab_name = tab_name self.verbose = verbose self.inactive_species = self.__get_inactive_species() if isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): # these operations require a WORM-style thermodynamic database CSV obigt = pyCHNOSZ.thermo().OBIGT pyCHNOSZ.thermo(OBIGT = obigt.loc[, : ]) _ = pyCHNOSZ.add_OBIGT(self.thermo.csv_db, force=True, messages=False) self.df = copy.deepcopy(self.thermo.csv_db) try: = self.process_tab(tab_name, self.thermo.csv_db) except: = None # remove species that do not have Gibbs free energy values self.df = self.df[~self.df["G"].isna()] # remove inactive species from the database to prevent them from # showing up as mineral fields or saturation lines if len(self.inactive_species) > 0: self.df = self.df[] basis_df = self.df[self.df["tag"] == "basis"] aux_df = self.df[self.df["tag"] == "aux"] # remove basis or aux species with no formula ox state col aux_df = aux_df[aux_df["formula_ox"] != ""] aux_df = aux_df[~aux_df['formula_ox'].isnull()] refstate_df = self.df[self.df["tag"] == "refstate"] self.basis_df = pd.concat([basis_df]) self.basis_aux_df = pd.concat([basis_df, aux_df, refstate_df]) self.df_cr = self.df[self.df["state"] == 'cr'] else: self.df = None = None self.basis_df = None self.basis_aux_df = None self.df_cr = None self.misc_params = self.__get_misc_params() self.dissolved_elements_molal = self.__get_dissolved_elements(unit="molality") self.dissolved_elements_ppm = self.__get_dissolved_elements(unit="ppm") self.aq_distribution_logact = self.__get_aq_distribution(unit="log activity") self.aq_distribution_molal = self.__get_aq_distribution(unit="molality") self.aq_distribution_logmolal = self.__get_aq_distribution(unit="log molality") self.moles_minerals = self.__get_moles_minerals() self.saturation_states_pure_solids_log_Q_over_K = self.__get_saturation_states(unit="logQ/K") self.saturation_states_pure_solids_affinity = self.__get_saturation_states(unit="affinity") self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_log_Q_over_K = self.__get_ss_saturation_states(unit="logQ/K") self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity = self.__get_ss_saturation_states(unit="affinity") self.solid_solution_names = [col for col in list(self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity.columns) if col != "Xi"] # required by a few things below self.moles_product_minerals_and_solid_solutions = self.__get_moles_product_minerals(include_solid_solutions=True) self.moles_product_minerals = self.__get_moles_product_minerals(include_solid_solutions=False) # relies on self.solid_solution_names self.solid_solution_x_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="x") # relies on self.solid_solution_names self.moles_solid_solutions = self.moles_product_minerals_and_solid_solutions.loc[:, ["Xi"] + list(self.solid_solution_x_dict.keys())] self.solid_solution_log_x_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="log x") # relies on self.solid_solution_names self.solid_solution_log_lambda_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="log lambda") # relies on self.solid_solution_names self.solid_solution_log_lambda_dict = self.__get_solid_solution_product_phases(unit="log activity") # relies on self.solid_solution_names self.basis_molality = self.__get_basis_species(unit="molality") self.basis_ppm = self.__get_basis_species(unit="ppm") self.basis_logact = self.__get_basis_species(unit="logact") # this one needs to be after __get_aq_distribution() if format_element_names: try: # format element names in case there are redox-isolated elements self.dissolved_elements_molal.columns = ["Xi"]+[_format_pseudoelement_name(e) for e in self.dissolved_elements_molal.columns if e not in ["Xi", "t(days)"]] self.dissolved_elements_ppm.columns = ["Xi"]+[_format_pseudoelement_name(e) for e in self.dissolved_elements_ppm.columns if e not in ["Xi", "t(days)"]] except: self.err_handler.raise_exception("One of the following chemical symbols could not be formatted:" + str(self.dissolved_elements_molal.columns)+". Try setting the parameter format_element_names to False and try again.") if self.moles_minerals.shape[0] == 0 and self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] > 0: # in the case of special reactants, there is no grand summary table in the 6o file # that combine reactant and product minerals (because there is no reactant mineral). # In this case, just assume these tables are equal. self.moles_minerals = self.moles_product_minerals self.mass_contribution_dict = self.__get_mass_contribution() def __get_misc_params(self): recording = False xi_vals = [] t_vals = [] p_vals = [] pH_vals = [] pmH_vals = [] logfO2_vals = [] Eh_vals = [] pe_vals = [] aw_vals = [] for line in self.six_o_file_lines: if " Xi=" in line: recording = True splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") xi = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Xi=']][0] xi_vals.append(xi) elif " Temperature=" in line and recording: splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") t = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Temperature=', 'C']][0] t_vals.append(t) elif " Pressure=" in line and recording: splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") p = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Pressure=', 'bars']][0] p_vals.append(p) elif "NBS pH scale " in line and recording: splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") multival = [v for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'NBS', 'pH', 'scale']] multival = [float(v) if v != "********" else float('nan') for v in multival] pH_vals.append(multival[0]) Eh_vals.append(multival[1]) pe_vals.append(multival[2]) elif "Mesmer pH (pmH) scale " in line and recording: splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") pmH = [v for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', 'Mesmer', 'pH', '(pmH)', 'scale']] pmH = [float(v) if v != "********" else float('nan') for v in pmH][0] pmH_vals.append(pmH) elif " Log oxygen fugacity=" in line and recording: splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") logfO2 = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', "Log", "oxygen", "fugacity="]][0] logfO2_vals.append(logfO2) elif " Activity of water=" in line and recording: splitstrings = line.strip().split(" ") aw = [float(v) for v in splitstrings if v not in ['', "Activity", "of", "water="]][0] aw_vals.append(aw) if "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" in line: recording = False df = pd.DataFrame({ "Xi":xi_vals, "t(days)":[0]*len(xi_vals), # TODO: make this actually reflect days, need an example output file "Temp(C)":t_vals, "Press(bars)":p_vals, "pH":pH_vals, "pmH":pmH_vals, "log fO2":logfO2_vals, "Eh(v)":Eh_vals, "pe":pe_vals, "aw":aw_vals, }) return df def __get_saturation_states(self, unit="logQ/K"): if unit == "logQ/K": col_index = 1 elif unit == "affinity": col_index = 2 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_saturation_states()" ". Unit not recognized.") return self.mine_6o_table(table_start="--- Saturation States of Pure Solids ---", table_stop="--- Saturation States of Pure Liquids ---", ignore = ["", "Phases", 'Phase', '---', '-'], col_index=col_index) def __get_ss_saturation_states(self, unit="logQ/K"): if unit == "logQ/K": col_index = 1 elif unit == "affinity": col_index = 2 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_ss_saturation_states()" ". Unit not recognized.") return self.mine_6o_table(table_start="--- Saturation States of Solid Solutions ---", table_stop="--- Summary of Saturated and Supersaturated Phases ---", ignore = ["", "Phases", 'Phase', '---', '-'], col_index=col_index) def __get_dissolved_elements(self, unit="molality"): if unit == "molality": col_index = -1 elif unit == "mg/kg.sol" or unit == "ppm": col_index = 1 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_dissolved_elements()" ". Unit not recognized.") return self.mine_6o_table(table_start="Elemental Composition of the Aqueous Solution", table_stop="Numerical Composition of the Aqueous Solution", ignore = ["", "Element", '---', '-'], col_index=col_index) def __get_basis_species(self, unit="logact"): if unit == "molality" or unit == "logact": col_index = -1 elif unit == "mg/kg.sol" or unit == "ppm": col_index = 1 else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Error in get_basis_species()" ". Unit not recognized.") basis_df = self.mine_6o_table(table_start="Numerical Composition of the Aqueous Solution", table_stop="Sensible Composition of the Aqueous Solution", ignore = ["", "Some", 'Species', '---', '-'], col_index=col_index) if unit in ["molality", "ppm", 'mg/kg.sol']: return basis_df elif unit == "logact": cols_to_harvest = [b for b in basis_df.columns if b not in ["O2(g)", "H2O"]] return self.aq_distribution_logact[cols_to_harvest] def __get_mass_contribution(self): bases = [b for b in self.basis_logact.columns if b not in ['Xi', 't(days)', 'H2O', "O2(g)", "H+"]] mass_contribution_dict = {} for basis in bases: df = self.mine_6o_table( table_start="Species Accounting for 99% or More of Aqueous "+basis, table_stop="Subtotal", ignore = ["", "Species", '---', '-'], col_index=-1) df['Xi'] = df['Xi'].astype(str) df['Other'] = 100 - df.sum(axis=1, numeric_only=True) df['Xi'] = df['Xi'].astype(float) df[df["Other"] < 0] = 0 df["basis"] = basis df["factor"] = None df["molality"] = None mass_contribution_dict[basis] = df return mass_contribution_dict def mine_6o_table(self, table_start="--- Distribution of Aqueous Solute Species ---", table_stop="Species with molalities less than", ignore = ["", "Species", '---'], col_index=-1): """ Mine a table in a '6o' EQ6 output file and consolidate results into a dataframe. Parameters ---------- table_start : str A unique string that indicates the start of the table. table_stop : str, optional A unique string that indicates the end of the table. ignore : list of str A list of strings representing lines to ignore when mining a table. For example, it is prudent to ignore blank lines, or lines containing the table column headers. A line will be skipped if line.strip().split(' ')[0] matches any of the strings in the given list. col_index : int, default -1 Integer representing the index of the table column to be mined. The default is -1, which is the last column in the table. Returns ------- df : Pandas dataframe A dataframe with rows of the extent of reaction (Xi), and columns containing the values of chemical species mined from the file. """ lines = self.six_o_file_lines species = [] xi_vals=[] collect_values = False for i in lines: if len(i.strip().split(' ')) > 1 and i.strip().split(' ')[0] == "Xi=": this_xi_val = float(i.split(' ')[-1]) if table_stop in i: collect_values = False if table_start in i: xi_vals.append(this_xi_val) # appending here prevents mismatch where there can be more Xi vals than tables to mine collect_values = True if collect_values: if i.strip().split(' ')[0] not in ignore: species.append(i.strip().split(' ')[0]) species = list(set(species)) species_dict = {"Xi":xi_vals} if len(species) == 0: df = pd.DataFrame(species_dict) return df for s in species: vals=[] collect_values = False for i in lines: if collect_values and table_stop in i: # stop collecting collect_values = False if not got_value: vals.append(np.nan) if table_start in i: # start collecting collect_values = True got_value = False if collect_values: if len(i.strip().split(' ')) > 2 and i.strip().split(' ')[0] == s: split_i = i.strip().split(' ') split_i_clean = [v for v in split_i if v != ''] val = split_i_clean[col_index] try: val = float(val) except: # if a value is not a float, e.g., 3.1450-100 if "-" in val: val_list = val.split("-") val = "".join([val_list[0], "E-", val_list[1]]) val = float(val) elif "+" in val: val_list = val.split("+") val = "".join([val_list[0], "E", val_list[1]]) val = float(val) elif "SATD" in val: pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: " "Encountered a non-numeric value when mining " "a .6o file: "+val)) vals.append(val) got_value = True species_dict[s] = vals df = pd.DataFrame(species_dict) if 'None' in df.columns: df = df.drop(['None'], axis=1) return df def __get_inactive_species(self): lines=self.six_o_file_lines table_start = "--- Inactive Species ---" table_stop = "The activity coefficients of aqueous species" vals=[] collect_values=False for i in lines: if collect_values and table_stop in i: # stop collecting break if table_start in i: # start collecting collect_values = True got_value = False if collect_values: if table_start not in i: split_i = i.strip().split(' ') split_i_clean = [v for v in split_i if v != '' and v != "None"] if len(split_i_clean) > 0: vals.append(split_i_clean[0]) got_value = True return vals def __get_aq_distribution(self, unit="log activity"): if unit == "log activity": col_index = -1 elif unit == "molality": col_index = 1 elif unit == "log molality": col_index = 2 return self.mine_6o_table( table_start="--- Distribution of Aqueous Solute Species ---", table_stop="Species with molalities less than", ignore = ["", "Species", '---'], col_index=col_index) def __get_moles_minerals(self): return self.mine_6o_table( table_start="Grand Summary of Solid Phases", table_stop="Mass, grams Volume, cm3", ignore = ["", "Phase/End-member", '---'], col_index=2) def __get_moles_product_minerals(self, include_solid_solutions=True): if "Grand Summary of Solid Phases" in "\n".join(self.six_o_file_lines): table_stop = "Grand Summary of Solid Phases" else: table_stop = "Mass, grams Volume, cm3" df = self.mine_6o_table( table_start="--- Summary of Solid Phases (ES) ---", table_stop=table_stop, ignore = ["", "Phase/End-member", '---'], col_index=2) if not include_solid_solutions: mineral_names_to_keep = [] minerals_in_solid_solutions = [] recording = True for col in df.columns: if col not in self.solid_solution_names: mineral_names_to_keep.append(col) df = df[mineral_names_to_keep] return df def __get_solid_solution_product_phases(self, unit="x"): if unit == "x": col_index = 1 elif unit == "log x": col_index = 2 elif unit == "log lambda": col_index = 3 elif unit == "log activity": col_index = 4 ss_dict = {} for ss in self.solid_solution_names: df = self.mine_6o_table( table_start="--- "+ss+" ---", table_stop="Mineral", ignore = ["", "Component", "Ideal", '---'], col_index=col_index) if not df.empty: ss_dict[ss] = df return ss_dict def print_tabs(self): """ Print the names of tables contained in a tab file processed by the the Mass_Transfer class. """ if != None: [print(key) for key in] else: print("A processed TAB file is not associated with this sample.") @staticmethod def __is_all_same_value(s): a = s.to_numpy() return (a[0] == a).all() def plot_reaction_paths(self, xyb=None, path_margin=0.25, flip_xy=False, show_annotation=True, annotation_coords=[0,0], show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=False, minerals_to_show=[], calculate_projected_points=True, path_line_type = "markers+lines", path_line_color = "red", path_point_fill_color = "red", path_point_line_color = "red", projected_point_fill_color = "white", projected_point_line_color = "red", h_line_color="black", v_line_color="black", d_line_color="black", res=300, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, borders=0, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, colormap="bw"): """ Create interactive plots of reaction paths in geochemical variable space. Parameters ---------- xyb : list of three str, default None By default, this function will plot reaction paths in all possible dimensions. Optionally, if you want to produce only a specific plot, you can provide a list containing the basis species to be used for the x-axis and y-axis, followed by the basis species used for balance. For example, ["Fe+2", "Fe+3", "Mg+2"] will have the log activity of Fe+2 on the x-axis, the log activity of Fe+3 on the y-axis, and will be balanced on Mg+2. path_margin : float, default 0.25 Controls the spacing between the reaction path and the plot axes. Increasing this value increases the spacing. flip_xy : bool, default False Transpose the plot so the x and y variables switch axes? show_annotation : bool, default True Show annotation in the bottom left of the figure? The annotation includes the species used for balance, the temperature, and the pressure. annotation_coords : list, default [0,0] List of two numeric values representing the X and Y coordinates of the annotation, where 0,0 is the bottom left, 0.5,0 is the bottom center, 1,0 is the bottom right, 1,1 is the top right, and so on. The annotation includes the species used for balance, the temperature and the pressure. show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines : bool, default False Depict lines for minerals even if those minerals do not participate in the reaction? This does not affect the mineral field of the diagram, only the mineral planes denoted as lines. path_line_type : str, default "markers+lines" Reaction path line type. Can be either "markers+lines", "lines", or "markers". path_line_color, str, default "black" Color of reaction path line. path_point_fill_color : str, default "black" Fill color of non-projected points along the reaction path. The fill color of projected points is handled by `projected_point_fill_color`. path_point_line_color : str, default "black" Color of the outlines of non-projected points along the reaction path. The outline color of projected points is handled by `projected_point_line_color`. projected_point_fill_color : str, default "white" Fill color of projected points along the reaction path. The fill color of non-projected points is handled by `path_point_fill_color`. projected_point_line_color : str, default "black" Color of the outlines of projected points along the reaction path. The outline color of non-projected points is handled by `path_point_line_color`. h_line_color : str, default "black" Color of horizontal lines representing minerals. v_line_color : str, default "black" Color of vertical lines representing minerals. d_line_color : str, default "black" Color of diagonal lines representing minerals. res : int, default 300 Resolution, or number of calculations along each axis, for mineral stability fields. A lower number will be faster but will make appear boundaries blockier. A higher number takes longer to calculate, but will result in smoother boundaries. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. borders : float, default 0 Thickness of black lines forming boundaries between mineral stability regions. No lines appear if equal to 0. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. colormap : str, default "bw" Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "bw" or names of matplotlib colormaps. If set to "bw", the plot will be set to black and white, except for the reaction path line itself. The colors of the reaction path line and its points are controlled by `path_line_color`, `path_point_fill_color`, `path_point_line_color`, `projected_point_fill_color`, and `projected_point_line_color`. Returns ------- fig_list : a list of Plotly figure objects A list of interactive Plotly figures. If xyb equals None (the default), then the list will contain figures representing all combinations of geochemical variables. Optionally, if xyb is specified, fig_list will only contain the single figure of interest. """ error_messages = [] # check that there is only one temperature and pressure if not self.__is_all_same_value(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]): error_messages.append("Reaction paths cannot be plotted when temperature changes with reaction progress.") if not self.__is_all_same_value(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"]): error_messages.append("Reaction paths cannot be plotted when pressure changes with reaction progress.") if isinstance(xyb, list): if len(xyb) != 3: error_messages.append(("Error in xyb={}".format(xyb)+". " "The xyb parameter must either be None or a list of " "three basis species to serve as x, y, and balance variables.")) if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame): error_messages.append(("The plot_reaction_paths() function requires " "a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., " "'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because " "a data0 or data1 file was used.")) if len(error_messages)>0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("\n".join(error_messages)) self.T = float(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"][0]) self.P = float(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"][0]) self.path_margin = path_margin minerals_formed = [m for m in self.moles_minerals.columns if m != "Xi"] all_elements_of_interest = [] for mineral in minerals_formed: if mineral not in list(self.df["name"]): if self.verbose > 0: print("The mineral", mineral, "cannot be represented in a", "reaction path diagram, likely because it is missing", "a Gibbs free energy value in the thermodynamic", "database. Continuing anyway, but be aware that", "this mineral will not be represented in diagrams.") continue all_elements_of_interest += self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral) all_elements_of_interest_pre = list(set(all_elements_of_interest)) # filter out elements like Fe+0, which has no aqueous species representative # for which to create an axis. bad_elem = [] for elem in all_elements_of_interest_pre: if len(list(self.thermo.csv_db.loc[self.thermo.csv_db['name'] == self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem), 'state'])) == 0: bad_elem.append(elem) elif list(self.thermo.csv_db.loc[self.thermo.csv_db['name'] == self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem), 'state'])[0] != 'aq': bad_elem.append(elem) all_elements_of_interest = [elem for elem in all_elements_of_interest_pre if elem not in bad_elem] all_elements_of_interest = sorted(all_elements_of_interest) self.all_elements_of_interest = all_elements_of_interest fig_list = [] # if there are only 2 elements of interest, these become the axes, and there is no # need to fuss with real vs projected points. if len(all_elements_of_interest) == 2: fig, _ , _ = self.__plot_reaction_path_main( triad = all_elements_of_interest, T=self.T, P=self.P, path_margin=self.path_margin, flip_xy=flip_xy, show_annotation=show_annotation, annotation_coords=annotation_coords, show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines, minerals_to_show=minerals_to_show, path_line_type=path_line_type, path_line_color=path_line_color, path_point_fill_color=path_point_fill_color, path_point_line_color=path_point_line_color, projected_point_fill_color=projected_point_fill_color, projected_point_line_color=projected_point_line_color, h_line_color=h_line_color, v_line_color=v_line_color, d_line_color=d_line_color, res=res, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ppi=ppi, colormap=colormap, borders=borders, projected_points=["real"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0], first_pass=False) fig_list = [fig] elif len(all_elements_of_interest) >= 3: # get a list of elem pairs for plotting alist = self.all_elements_of_interest element_plot_pairs = [] for result in itertools.combinations(alist, 2): element_plot_pairs.append(list(result)) element_plot_triad = [] for pair in element_plot_pairs: elem_not_in_pair = [e for e in self.all_elements_of_interest if e not in pair] for e in elem_not_in_pair: triad_to_append = pair + [e] element_plot_triad.append(triad_to_append) if colormap == "bw": if borders == 0: borders = 1 colormap = "none" h_line_color = "black" v_line_color = "black" d_line_color = "black" fig_list = [] pred_minerals_from_fields_list = [] pred_minerals_from_lines_list = [] if isinstance(xyb, list): try: xyb_element_plot_triad = [[self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(v)[0] for v in xyb]] except: err = ("Plot axes cannot accomodate desired variables. " "Available variables include {}".format([self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem) for elem in alist])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) xyb_i = None # get index of triad that matches xyb: for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad): if set(xyb_element_plot_triad[0][0:2]) == set(triad[0:2]) and xyb_element_plot_triad[0][2] == triad[2]: xyb_i = i if xyb_i == None: err = ("Plot axes cannot accomodate desired variables. " "Available variables include {}".format([self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem) for elem in alist])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) if not calculate_projected_points or path_line_type=="lines": projected_points = ["real"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] fig_list_projected_points = [projected_points]*len(element_plot_triad) else: if len(element_plot_triad) > 20: if self.verbose > 0: print("Warning! There are {}".format(len(element_plot_triad)), "different combinations of variables that must be considered", "in order to plot markers.") print("This might take a very long time or may not finish calculating at all.") print("We recommend setting calculate_projected_points=False in", "plot_reaction_paths() and then restarting the", "calculation to avoid lengthy calculation times.") for triad in element_plot_triad: # do a quick first pass at making figures to see which points are projections. fig, pred_minerals_from_fields, pred_minerals_from_lines = self.__plot_reaction_path_main( triad, T=self.T, P=self.P, show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=False, # no need for this in first pass minerals_to_show=[], # no need for this in first pass path_margin=self.path_margin, flip_xy=flip_xy, first_pass=True, # flag for skipping certain calculations/plotting res=1) # low res first pass if pred_minerals_from_fields == None: pred_minerals_from_fields=[None]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] fig_list.append(fig) pred_minerals_from_fields_list.append(pred_minerals_from_fields) pred_minerals_from_lines_list.append(pred_minerals_from_lines) # determine which line segments in the reaction path are projections # and which are actually in the plane of the diagram. # This is the "first pass" fig_list_projected_points = [] for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad): projected_points = ["projection"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] for irow in range(0, self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0]): # get names of minerals formed at this xi xirow = list(self.moles_product_minerals.iloc[irow]) formed_minerals = [self.moles_product_minerals.columns[1:][ii] for ii,mineral in enumerate(xirow[1:]) if mineral>0] available_pred_minerals_from_fields = [l[irow] for l in pred_minerals_from_fields_list] for mineral in formed_minerals: if mineral == pred_minerals_from_fields_list[i][irow]: # if this mineral is in pred_minerals_from_fields_list, # then it is NOT a projection. projected_points[irow] = "real" if mineral in available_pred_minerals_from_fields and mineral in pred_minerals_from_lines_list[i]: # if this mineral is in the irowth location of any of the # lists in pred_minerals_from_lines_list, it is NOT a # projection. projected_points[irow] = "real" fig_list_projected_points.append(projected_points) if isinstance(xyb, list): # if xyb is defined, make element_plot_triad have a length of 1 element_plot_triad = xyb_element_plot_triad # give the list of projected points lists a length of 1 fig_list_projected_points = [fig_list_projected_points[xyb_i]] fig_list = [] for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad): # re-run figure generation, passing in a list of which points are projected. fig, _ , _ = self.__plot_reaction_path_main( triad, T=self.T, P=self.P, path_margin=self.path_margin, flip_xy=flip_xy, show_annotation=show_annotation, annotation_coords=annotation_coords, show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines, minerals_to_show=minerals_to_show, path_line_type=path_line_type, path_line_color=path_line_color, path_point_fill_color=path_point_fill_color, path_point_line_color=path_point_line_color, projected_point_fill_color=projected_point_fill_color, projected_point_line_color=projected_point_line_color, h_line_color=h_line_color, v_line_color=v_line_color, d_line_color=d_line_color, res=res, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ppi=ppi, colormap=colormap, borders=borders, projected_points=fig_list_projected_points[i], first_pass=False) fig_list.append(fig) if not fig_list and self.verbose > 0: print("Warning: a reaction path plot could not be generated for this system.") if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) for i,fig in enumerate(fig_list): if isinstance(xyb, list): name_append = "" else: name_append = "_{}".format(i+1) _, _ = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as+name_append, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig_list @staticmethod def process_tab(tab_name, thermodata_csv): """ Process a TAB file (from EQ6) into a dictionary of Pandas dataframes. Parameters ---------- tab_name : str Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6. thermodata_csv : str or Pandas dataframe Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the EQ6 calculation. Alternately, the thermodynamic database itself as a Pandas dataframe itself. Returns ------- tab : a dict of Pandas dataframes A dictionary of dataframes representing tables mined from the TAB file. """ if isinstance(thermodata_csv, str): thermo_db = pd.read_csv(thermodata_csv) else: thermo_db = thermodata_csv thermo_db_names = list(thermo_db["name"]) with open(tab_name, "r") as tabfile: tab_lines = tabfile.readlines() tab = {} tables = ["B1", "B2", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "E1", "E2", "E3", "J", "K", "P", "Q", "T", "W"] record_lines = False get_header = False recorded_lines = [] for line in tab_lines: split_line = line.split(",") if True in [s in ["Table " + t for t in tables] for s in split_line]: get_header = True table_name = " ".join(split_line[1:-1]) continue if get_header: header = split_line[1:-1] # handle instances where the tab file creates extra columns for things like "albite,low" if table_name in ["Table P Moles of product minerals", "Table Q Saturation indices of potential product phases", "Table J Moles of reactants destroyed/created", "Table K Affinities of reactants (kcal)"]: if table_name in ["Table P Moles of product minerals", "Table J Moles of reactants destroyed/created"]: new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)"] # table P and J elif table_name == "Table Q Saturation indices of potential product phases": new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)", "H2O", "Gas"] # table Q elif table_name == "Table K Affinities of reactants (kcal)": new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)", "Total"] for i,h in enumerate(header): if h != "Xi" and h != "t(days)" and h != "H2O" and h != "Gas" and h != "Total": if h not in thermo_db_names: if header[i-1]+","+h in thermo_db_names: new_header = new_header[:-1] new_header.append(header[i-1]+","+h) else: new_header.append(h) else: new_header.append(h) header = new_header record_lines = True get_header = False continue if "EndTable:" in split_line: record_lines = False if len(recorded_lines) > 0: df = pd.DataFrame(recorded_lines) recorded_lines = [] df.columns = header tab[table_name] = df if record_lines: recorded_lines.append(split_line[1:-1]) return tab def __get_mineral_elem_ox(self, mineral): split_list = list(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral]["formula_ox"])[0].split() split_list_clean = [s.replace(" ", "") for s in split_list] try: elem_ox_list = [re.findall(r"^(?:\d+|)([A-Z].*$)", s)[0] for s in split_list_clean] except: elem_ox_list = [] return elem_ox_list def __get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(self, mineral_name): mineral_elements = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox(mineral_name) mineral_elements_of_interest = [e for e in mineral_elements if e not in ["H+", "O-2"]] return mineral_elements_of_interest def __get_mineral_elem_ox_dict(self, mineral): split_list = list(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral]["formula_ox"])[0].split() split_list_clean = [s.replace(" ", "") for s in split_list] elem_ox_names = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox(mineral) elem_ox_list = [] for s in split_list: coeff = re.findall(r"(\d+)[A-Z]", s) if len(coeff) == 0: coeff = 1 else: coeff = float(coeff[0]) elem_ox_list.append(coeff) return {key:val for key,val in zip(elem_ox_names, elem_ox_list)} def __get_mineral_elem_ox_dict_interest(self, mineral): mineral_dict = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox_dict(mineral) return {key:value for key,value in zip(mineral_dict.keys(), mineral_dict.values()) if key not in ["H+", "O-2"]} def __get_basis_from_elem(self, elem): basis_species_x = None for s in list(self.basis_df["name"]): if elem in self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(s): basis_species_x = s if basis_species_x == None: for s in list(self.basis_aux_df["name"]): if elem in self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(s): basis_species_x = s return basis_species_x def __get_reaction_path(self, plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y, div_var_name): xi_vals=self.aq_distribution_logact["Xi"] proton_vals=self.aq_distribution_logact["H+"] x_vals=self.aq_distribution_logact[plot_basis_x] y_vals=self.aq_distribution_logact[plot_basis_y] assert len(proton_vals) == len(x_vals), f"number of proton values ({proton_vals}) should equal number of x values ({x_vals})" assert len(proton_vals) == len(y_vals), f"number of proton values ({proton_vals}) should equal number of y values ({y_vals})" x_vals = [log10((10**float(x))/(10**float(d))**_get_ion_ratio_exponent(plot_basis_x, "H+")) for x,d in zip(x_vals,proton_vals)] y_vals = [log10((10**float(y))/(10**float(d))**_get_ion_ratio_exponent(plot_basis_y, "H+")) for y,d in zip(y_vals,proton_vals)] return xi_vals, x_vals, y_vals def __get_plot_range(self, x_vals, y_vals): min_x_val = min(x_vals) min_y_val = min(y_vals) max_x_val = max(x_vals) max_y_val = max(y_vals) path_x_range = max_x_val - min_x_val path_y_range = max_y_val - min_y_val if len(list(set(x_vals))) == 1: # x values form a vertical line plot_x_range = [min_x_val-self.path_margin*(path_x_range+1), max_x_val+self.path_margin*(path_x_range+1)] else: plot_x_range = [min_x_val-self.path_margin*path_x_range, max_x_val+self.path_margin*path_x_range] if len(list(set(y_vals))) == 1: # y values form a horizontal line plot_y_range = [min_y_val-self.path_margin*(path_y_range+1), max_y_val+self.path_margin*(path_y_range+1)] else: plot_y_range = [min_y_val-self.path_margin*path_y_range, max_y_val+self.path_margin*path_y_range] return plot_x_range, plot_y_range @staticmethod def __get_xy_labs(plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y): try: xlab = pyCHNOSZ.ratlab(plot_basis_x) except: xlab = "log a"+chemlabel(plot_basis_x) try: ylab = pyCHNOSZ.ratlab(plot_basis_y) except: ylab = "log a"+chemlabel(plot_basis_y) return xlab, ylab def __plot_reaction_path_background(self, plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y, div_var_name, x_vals, y_vals, colormap="viridis", borders=0, field_minerals_exist=True, path_margin=0.25, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, res=300, annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0, 0], messages=False): plot_x_range, plot_y_range = self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals) xlab,ylab = self.__get_xy_labs(plot_basis_x, plot_basis_y) args = {plot_basis_x:plot_x_range+[res], plot_basis_y:plot_y_range+[res], "T":self.T, "P":self.P, "messages":messages} if field_minerals_exist: # check each value of Xi to see which mineral is most predominant pred_minerals_from_fields = [] for i,val in enumerate(x_vals): args_temp = {plot_basis_x:[x_vals[i], x_vals[i], 1], plot_basis_y:[y_vals[i], y_vals[i], 1], "T":self.T, "P":self.P, "messages":messages} a = pyCHNOSZ.affinity(**args_temp) e = pyCHNOSZ.equilibrate(a, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), messages=messages) table = pyCHNOSZ.diagram(e, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), interactive=True, fig_out=False, plot_it=False, messages=messages) pred_minerals_from_fields.append(table["prednames"][0]) a = pyCHNOSZ.affinity(**args) e = pyCHNOSZ.equilibrate(a, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), messages=messages) table,fig = pyCHNOSZ.diagram_interactive(e, colormap=colormap, borders=borders, balance=self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name), width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, annotation=annotation, annotation_coords=annotation_coords, plot_it=False, messages=messages) return table, fig, pred_minerals_from_fields else: # empty plot upon fig = go.Figure(go.Scatter(x=pd.Series(dtype=object), y=pd.Series(dtype=object), mode="markers", ), layout_xaxis_range=plot_x_range, layout_yaxis_range=plot_y_range, ) fig.add_annotation(x=annotation_coords[0], y=annotation_coords[1], xref="paper", yref="paper", align='left', text=annotation, bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", showarrow=False) fig.update_layout( width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, xaxis={"title": xlab}, yaxis={"title": ylab}, template="simple_white", ) fig.update_yaxes(autorange=True) return None,fig,None # a table, diagram without regions, and a list of predicted minerals at each Xi @staticmethod def __calc_dissrxn_logK(mineral, T, P): logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt([mineral], coeff=[-1], property='logK', T=T, P=P, show=False, messages=False)["out"]["logK"].item() return logK def __add_reaction_path_to_plot(self, x_vals, y_vals, xi_vals, fig, basis_species_x, basis_species_y, path_margin=0.25, projected_points=[], path_line_type = "markers+lines", path_line_color = "black", path_point_fill_color = "black", path_point_line_color = "black", projected_point_fill_color = "white", projected_point_line_color = "black"): min_x_val = min(x_vals) min_y_val = min(y_vals) max_x_val = max(x_vals) max_y_val = max(y_vals) path_x_range = max_x_val - min_x_val path_y_range = max_y_val - min_y_val xlab,ylab = self.__get_xy_labs(basis_species_x, basis_species_y) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): log_xi_vals = [round(np.log10(val), 4) for val in xi_vals] log_xi_vals = ["N/A" if np.isinf(val) else val for val in log_xi_vals] if path_line_type in ["markers+lines", "lines"]: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x_vals, y=y_vals, line=go.scatter.Line(color=path_line_color), mode='lines', showlegend=True, name='reaction path', customdata = np.stack((xi_vals, log_xi_vals), axis=-1), hovertemplate = 'Xi: %{customdata[0]}<br>log Xi: %{customdata[1]}<br>'+xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<extra></extra>', legendgroup='reaction path', ) ) if len(projected_points) > 0 and path_line_type in ["markers+lines", "markers"]: x_vals_real = [] x_vals_projected = [] y_vals_real = [] y_vals_projected = [] xi_vals_real = [] xi_vals_projected = [] for i,p in enumerate(projected_points): if p == "real": x_vals_real.append(x_vals[i]) y_vals_real.append(y_vals[i]) xi_vals_real.append(xi_vals[i]) else: x_vals_projected.append(x_vals[i]) y_vals_projected.append(y_vals[i]) xi_vals_projected.append(xi_vals[i]) np.seterr(divide='ignore') # todo: reset np warnings log_xi_vals_real = [round(np.log10(val), 4) for val in xi_vals_real] log_xi_vals_real = ["N/A" if np.isinf(val) else val for val in log_xi_vals_real] log_xi_vals_projected = [round(np.log10(val), 4) for val in xi_vals_projected] log_xi_vals_projected = ["N/A" if np.isinf(val) else val for val in log_xi_vals_projected] if len(x_vals_real) > 0: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x_vals_real, y=y_vals_real, marker=dict( color=path_point_fill_color, line=dict( color=path_point_line_color, width=2 ) ), mode='markers', showlegend=False, name='reaction path', customdata = np.stack((xi_vals_real, log_xi_vals_real), axis=-1), hovertemplate = 'Xi: %{customdata[0]}<br>log Xi: %{customdata[1]}<br>'+xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<extra></extra>', legendgroup='reaction path', ) ) if len(x_vals_projected) > 0: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x_vals_projected, y=y_vals_projected, marker=dict( color=projected_point_fill_color, line=dict( color=projected_point_line_color, width=2 ) ), mode='markers', showlegend=False, name='reaction path', customdata = np.stack((xi_vals_projected, log_xi_vals_projected), axis=-1), hovertemplate = 'Xi: %{customdata[0]}<br>log Xi: %{customdata[1]}<br>'+xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<extra></extra>', legendgroup='reaction path', ) ) fig.update_xaxes(range=self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals)[0], autorange=False) fig.update_yaxes(range=self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals)[1], autorange=False) return fig def __plot_reaction_path_main(self, triad, T=25, P=1, path_margin=0.25, flip_xy=False, show_annotation=False, annotation_coords=[0,0], show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines = False, minerals_to_show=[], path_line_type = "markers+lines", path_line_color = "black", path_point_fill_color = "black", path_point_line_color = "black", projected_point_color = "white", projected_point_fill_color= "white", projected_point_line_color = "black", h_line_color="red", v_line_color="blue", d_line_color="orange", res=300, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, colormap="viridis", borders=0, projected_points=[], first_pass=False): e_pair = triad[0:2] if len(triad) == 3: div_var_name = triad[2] elif len(triad) == 2: div_var_name = "None" if flip_xy: e_pair.reverse() basis_species_x = self.__get_basis_from_elem(e_pair[0]) basis_species_y = self.__get_basis_from_elem(e_pair[1]) basis_sp_list = list(set([self.__get_basis_from_elem(e) for e in triad] + ["H+","H2O"])) try: pyCHNOSZ.basis(basis_sp_list) except: pyCHNOSZ.basis(basis_sp_list + ["H2"]) elems = [] for elem in triad: elems.append(elem.split("+")[0].split("-")[0]) mineral_names = [] for elem in triad: elem = elem.split("+")[0].split("-")[0] m_idx = pyCHNOSZ.retrieve((elem), list(set(["O", "H"]+elems)), state=["cr"], messages=False) if len(m_idx) > 0: mineral_names += list(, messages=False)["name"]) # exclude inactive minerals mineral_names_active = [m for m in mineral_names if m in list(self.df["name"])] mineral_names = list(set(mineral_names_active)) mineral_formula_ox = [self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(m) for m in mineral_names] mineral_formula_ox_singles = [e if len(e)==1 else [] for e in mineral_formula_ox] mineral_formula_ox_doubles = [e if len(e)==2 else [] for e in mineral_formula_ox] mineral_formula_ox_triples = [e if len(e)==3 else [] for e in mineral_formula_ox] retrieved_minerals = [] for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_singles): if [e_pair[0]] == s: retrieved_minerals.append(mineral_names[i]) x_minerals_to_plot = retrieved_minerals retrieved_minerals = [] for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_singles): if [e_pair[1]] == s: retrieved_minerals.append(mineral_names[i]) y_minerals_to_plot = retrieved_minerals xy_minerals_to_plot = [] for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_doubles): if e_pair[0] in s and e_pair[1] in s: xy_minerals_to_plot.append(mineral_names[i]) if len(x_minerals_to_plot) > 1: pyCHNOSZ.species(x_minerals_to_plot, add=True) if len(y_minerals_to_plot) > 1: pyCHNOSZ.species(y_minerals_to_plot, add=True) if len(xy_minerals_to_plot) > 1: pyCHNOSZ.species(xy_minerals_to_plot, add=True) # print("x, y, xy") # print(x_minerals_to_plot) # print(y_minerals_to_plot) # print(xy_minerals_to_plot) field_minerals_to_plot = [] for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_triples): if e_pair[0] in s and e_pair[1] in s and div_var_name in s: field_minerals_to_plot.append(mineral_names[i]) for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_doubles): if e_pair[0] in s and div_var_name in s: field_minerals_to_plot.append(mineral_names[i]) elif e_pair[1] in s and div_var_name in s: field_minerals_to_plot.append(mineral_names[i]) for i,s in enumerate(mineral_formula_ox_singles): if div_var_name in s: field_minerals_to_plot.append(mineral_names[i]) field_minerals_exist = True try: # get minerals relevant to plotted element pair pyCHNOSZ.species(field_minerals_to_plot)#, add=True) except: field_minerals_exist = False # print("field minerals") # print(field_minerals_to_plot) xi_vals, x_vals, y_vals = self.__get_reaction_path(basis_species_x, basis_species_y, div_var_name) if self.P <= 1: bar_bars = "bar" else: bar_bars = "bars" if show_annotation and div_var_name != "None": annotation = "Balanced on: "+chemlabel(self.__get_basis_from_elem(div_var_name))+"<br>"+'%g'%(self.T)+" °C, "+'%g'%(self.P)+" "+bar_bars elif show_annotation: annotation = '%g'%(self.T)+" °C, "+'%g'%(self.P)+" "+bar_bars else: annotation = None table,fig,pred_minerals_from_fields = self.__plot_reaction_path_background( basis_species_x, basis_species_y, div_var_name, x_vals, y_vals, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ppi=ppi, res=res, colormap=colormap, borders=borders, annotation_coords=annotation_coords, field_minerals_exist=field_minerals_exist, path_margin=self.path_margin, annotation=annotation, messages=False) # plot minerals with a single element of interest as a line plot_x_range, plot_y_range = self.__get_plot_range(x_vals, y_vals) line_styles = ['dot', 'dash', 'dashdot', 'longdash', 'longdashdot'] line_i = 0 line_width = 1 if first_pass: fig = None else: for mineral in x_minerals_to_plot + y_minerals_to_plot + xy_minerals_to_plot: if not show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines and mineral not in list(self.moles_product_minerals.columns) and mineral not in minerals_to_show: continue # deal with mineral line style (dot, dashed, etc.) if line_i % 5 == 0: if line_i != 0: line_width += 0.5 line_i = 0 line_style = line_styles[line_i] eoi = self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral) logK = self.__calc_dissrxn_logK(mineral, T, P) mineral_formula_dict = self.__get_mineral_elem_ox_dict_interest(mineral) xlab,ylab = self.__get_xy_labs(basis_species_x, basis_species_y) if len(eoi) == 1: # if the element of interest is not in the current element pair, move on if eoi[0] not in e_pair: continue if self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral)[0] == e_pair[0]: # vertical line x0, x1 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[0]])*logK, (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[0]])*logK y0 = min(plot_y_range) y1 = max(plot_y_range) color = v_line_color hovertemplate=mineral+'<br>'+xlab+' = '+str(round(x0, 3)) elif self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral)[0] == e_pair[1]: # horizontal line y0, y1 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK, (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK x0 = min(plot_x_range) x1 = max(plot_x_range) color=h_line_color hovertemplate=mineral+'<br>'+ylab+' = '+str(round(y0)) if len(eoi) == 2: line_slope = mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[0]]/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]] x0 = min(plot_x_range) x1 = max(plot_x_range) y0 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK - line_slope*x0 y1 = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK - line_slope*x1 intercept = (1/mineral_formula_dict[e_pair[1]])*logK color = d_line_color hovertemplate = mineral+'<br>slope = '+str(round(line_slope))+'<br>intercept = '+str(round(intercept))+'<extra></extra>' fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[x0, x1], y=[y0, y1], mode="lines", name=mineral, line=dict(color=color, width=line_width, dash=line_style), hovertemplate=hovertemplate, ), ) line_i += 1 fig = self.__add_reaction_path_to_plot(x_vals, y_vals, xi_vals, fig, basis_species_x, basis_species_y, path_margin=self.path_margin, projected_points=projected_points, path_line_type=path_line_type, path_line_color=path_line_color, path_point_fill_color=path_point_fill_color, path_point_line_color=path_point_line_color, projected_point_fill_color=projected_point_fill_color, projected_point_line_color=projected_point_line_color) pred_minerals_from_lines = x_minerals_to_plot+y_minerals_to_plot+xy_minerals_to_plot return fig, pred_minerals_from_fields, pred_minerals_from_lines def __get_xlab_xvar(self, x_type): x_type_dict = { "logxi" : ["log Xi", "log Xi"], "xi" : ["Xi", "Xi"], "temperature" : ["Temp(C)", "Temperature, °C"], "pressure" : ["Press(bars)", "Pressure, bars"], "pH" : ["pH", "pH"], "pmH" : ["pmH", "pmH"], "logfO2" : ["log fO2", "log <i>f</i>O<sub>2</sub>"], "Eh" : ["Eh(v)", "Eh, volts"], "pe" : ["pe", "pe"], "aw" : ["aw", "aw"], } if x_type not in x_type_dict.keys(): self.err_handler.raise_exception(("x_type must be set to either " "'logxi', 'xi', 'temperature', 'pressure', 'pH', 'pmH'," "'log fO2', 'Eh(v)', 'pe', or 'aw'.")) xvar = x_type_dict[x_type][0] xlab = x_type_dict[x_type][1] return xlab, xvar def plot_elements(self, plot_elements=None, units="molality", log=True, x_type="logxi", plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi). Parameters ---------- plot_elements : list of str, optional A list of elements to plot. If undefined, every element will be plotted at once. units : str, default "molality" Units of elemental abundance to plot. Can be "molality" or "ppm". log : bool, default True Display elemental abundances in log scale? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. """ title = "Concentrations of dissolved elements" if units == "molality": df = pd.concat([self.dissolved_elements_molal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "{}molality" elif units == "ppm": df = pd.concat([self.dissolved_elements_ppm, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "{}ppm" # elif units == "molarity": plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns] if isinstance(plot_elements, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_elements] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) if log: df['value'] = np.log10(df['value']) ylab = ylab.format("log ") if not log: ylab = ylab.format("") xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend, yaxis={'showexponent': 'all', 'exponentformat': 'power'}, ) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig def plot_pH(self, x_type="logxi", show_neutrality=True, title=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of pH as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". show_neutrality : bool, default True, Display a reference line representing neutral pH? Setting this option to True requires a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., 'wrm_data.csv'. title : str Title of the plot to display. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. """ df = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_params) xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if x_type == "logxi": with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="pH", template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels=dict(value="pH", x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title="pH", showlegend=False) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if show_neutrality and isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): _, df_pH = self.plot_energy(species=["H2O", "H+", "OH-"], stoich=[-1, 1, 1], divisor=-2, x_type=x_type, y_type="logK", df_out=True, ) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_pH[xvar], y=df_pH["logK"], mode='lines', name='neutral pH', showlegend=True, hovertemplate = xlab+': %{x}<br>pH: %{y}<extra></extra>', line=dict(color='silver', width=3, dash='dot') )) fig['data'][0]['showlegend']=True fig['data'][0]['name']='pH' fig['data'][1]['showlegend']=True fig['data'][1]['name']='neutral pH' fig.update_layout(showlegend=True) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig def plot_product_minerals(self, show_reactant_minerals=False, plot_minerals=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="mole", log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the log moles of product minerals as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- show_reactant_minerals : bool, default False Include log moles of reactant minerals? plot_minerals : list, optional List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more minerals. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'mole' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'mole' (for moles of minerals), 'mass' (for masses of minerals), or 'volume' (for volumes of minerals). log_y : bool, default True Should the y-axis be logarithmic? df_out : bool, default False Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if `y_type` is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be returned? markers : bool, default True Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. df : a Pandas dataframe A dataframe is only returned if `df_out` is set to True (it is set to False by default). """ xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if show_reactant_minerals: df = pd.concat([self.moles_minerals, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) title = "{}{} of reactant and product minerals" else: df = pd.concat([self.moles_product_minerals, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) title = "{}{} of product minerals" if log_y: log_text = "log " else: log_text = "" # sort in order of appearance along Xi sort_order = list(self.moles_minerals.columns) sort_order = [v for v in sort_order if v not in self.misc_params.columns] if y_type == "mole": ylab = "{}moles".format(log_text) title = title.format(log_text, "moles") elif y_type == "mass": # not yet supported y_lab = "{}grams".format(log_text) title = title.format(log_text, "masses") self.err_handler.raise_exception("Plotting mineral masses is not yet " "supported.") elif y_type == "volume": if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Plotting mineral volume " "requires a WORM-formatted CSV thermodynamic database. " "You may be seeing this message because your speciation " "used a data0-type thermodynamic database (e.g., 'wrm'), " "which does not contain mineral volume data.") ylab = "{}cm<sup>3</sup>".format(log_text) title = title.format(log_text, "volumes") temps = df["Temp(C)"] minerals = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)] for i,T in enumerate(temps): for ii,mineral in enumerate(minerals): mineral_df = copy.deepcopy(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral]) polymorph_idxs = [] for iii in range(0, mineral_df.shape[0]): # loop through mineral polymorphs if float(T) < float(list(mineral_df["z.T"])[0]): polymorph_idxs.append(iii) if len(polymorph_idxs)==0: polymorph_idx = iii else: polymorph_idx = polymorph_idxs[0] partial_molal_volume = list(mineral_df["V"])[polymorph_idx][i, mineral] = df[mineral][i]*partial_molal_volume else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("y_type must be either 'mole', " "'mass', or 'volume'.") plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)] if isinstance(plot_minerals, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_minerals] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp plot_columns = sorted(plot_columns, key=sort_order.index) df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df = df[df["variable"] != "None"] df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) if log_y: df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan) df['value'] = np.log10(df['value']) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) df_to_return = copy.deepcopy(df) # add lines that go to -9999 (representing -Inf) in log y plots if log_y: if not isinstance(ylim, list): # grab the automatic y-axis range from the plot, above full_fig = fig.full_figure_for_development(warn=False) ylim = list(full_fig.layout.yaxis.range) # add new rows for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]): if not isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow]) and irow != 0 and irow != df.shape[0]-1: if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow-1]): df_dict = {} for col in list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi"]: df_dict[col] = df.loc[irow-1, col] df_dict["variable"] = df.loc[irow-1, "variable"] df_dict["value"] = df.loc[irow-1, "value"] new_row = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[irow-1]) df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:irow], new_row, df.iloc[irow:]]).reset_index(drop=True) irow=0 if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow+1]): df_dict = {} for col in list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi"]: df_dict[col] = df.loc[irow+1, col] df_dict["variable"] = df.loc[irow+1, "variable"] df_dict["value"] = df.loc[irow+1, "value"] new_row = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[irow+1]) df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:irow], new_row, df.iloc[irow:]]).reset_index(drop=True) irow=0 # fill new rows with -9999 value for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]): if not isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow]) and irow != 0 and irow != df.shape[0]-1: if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow-1]): df.loc[irow-1, "value"] = -9999 if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow+1]): df.loc[irow+1, "value"] = -9999 # re-create the plot with log values down to -9999. This will screw up the # automatic y-axis range, but we grabbed it from the first generated plot. # We will reset the range in update_layout(yaxis_range) a little later. fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) if df_out: df_to_return = pd.pivot_table(df_to_return, index='log Xi', columns='variable', values='value').reset_index() df_to_return.columns = [col for col in df_to_return.columns[:]] # make index column name blank return df_to_return, fig else: return fig def plot_mineral_saturation(self, solid_solutions=False, plot_minerals=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="affinity", log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False, title=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the saturation indices of minerals or solid solutions as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- plot_minerals : list, optional List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more minerals. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'affinity' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'affinity' or 'logQ/K'. df_out : bool, default False Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if `y_type` is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be returned? markers : bool, default True Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps? title : str, optional Used to customize the title of the plot. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. df : a Pandas dataframe A dataframe is only returned if `df_out` is set to True (it is set to False by default). """ xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if not isinstance(title, str): title = "Saturation indices of " if not solid_solutions: if y_type == "affinity": df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_pure_solids_affinity, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "affinity, kcal/mol" else: df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_pure_solids_log_Q_over_K, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "logQ/K" title = title + "minerals" else: if y_type == "affinity": df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "affinity, kcal/mol" else: df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_log_Q_over_K, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "logQ/K" title = title + "solid solutions" plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)] if isinstance(plot_minerals, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_minerals] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df = df[df["variable"] != "None"] df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig def plot_aqueous_species(self, plot_basis=False, plot_species=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="log activity", initially_visible=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None, ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- plot_basis : bool, default False Plot basis species only? plot_species : list of str, optional A list of aqueous species to plot. If undefined, every species at will be plotted at once. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'log activity' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'log activity', 'molality', or 'log molality'. initially_visible : list of str, optional A list of aqueous species that will be visible on the plot initially. All other species will be hidden, but can still be toggled back on in the legend. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. xlim, ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. """ if plot_basis: df = pd.concat([self.basis_logact, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) title = "Solute basis species" ylab = "log activity" else: if y_type == "log activity": df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_logact, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "log activity" elif y_type == "molality": df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_molal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "molality" elif y_type == "log molality": df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_logmolal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "log molality" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The chosen 'y_type' parameter " "is not recognized. 'y_type' can be 'log activity', " "'molality', or 'log molality'") title = "Solute species" plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns] if isinstance(plot_species, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_species] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) if isinstance(initially_visible, list): initially_visible_html = [chemlabel(sp, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for sp in initially_visible] for trace in fig['data']: if (not trace['name'] in initially_visible_html): trace['showlegend'] = True trace['visible'] = 'legendonly' fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(xlim, list): fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=xlim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig def plot_energy(self, species, stoich, divisor=1, x_type="logxi", y_type="A", y_units="kcal", show_zero_line=False, limiting=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, log_y=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None, ylim=None, df_out=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, print_logK_messages=False): """ Generate a line plot of the energy profile for a reaction as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- species : list of str A list of species that match the order of the stoichiometric reaction coefficients in the `stoich` parameter. stoich : list of numeric A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order of the species in the `species` parameter. divisor : float, default 1 Divide all values in the energy profile by this number. Useful for calculating energy per electron transferred or similar. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'A' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply. y_units : str, default 'kcal' The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'. show_zero_line : bool, default False If True, displays a dotted line where affinity or ΔG equals 0 (at equilibrium). limiting : str, optional Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). xlab, ylab : str, optional Custom x and y axis labels. title : str, optional Title of the plot to display. charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2- instead of SO4-2) in species names when the reaction is displayed in the plot title? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. xlim, ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. df_out = bool, default False Return a pandas dataframe in addition to a figure? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. print_logK_messages : bool, default False Print pyCHNOSZ messages while the logK of the reaction is calculated? Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object, optionally a Pandas Dataframe A line plot. If `df_out` is True, also returns a dataframe. """ # check that a thermodynamic CSV is being used if not isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The plot_energy() function requires " "a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., " "'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because " "a data0 or data1 file was used.") # check that the divisor is valid if isinstance(divisor, list) or isinstance(divisor, pd.Series): if len(divisor) != len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The length of the divisor is " "not equal to the number of reported xi steps.") # check that the reaction is balanced formulas = [] for s in species: if s == "H+": formulas.append("H+") elif s == "H2O": formulas.append("H2O") else: if s in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): formulas.append(list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data " "was not found for species "+str(s)+"") missing_composition = check_balance(formulas, stoich) # check that there are valid limiting reactants when calculating energy # e.g., prevent issue when the only reactant is a mineral, etc. reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich] reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1] invalid_limiting_reactants = [] for r in reactants: if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]: if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==r]["state"])[0] != "aq": invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) else: invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) if reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E": self.err_handler.raise_exception("Energy supply for this reaction " "cannot be calculated because none of the reactants are " "limiting. A limiting reactant must be aqueous and cannot be H+ " "or OH-.") if limiting != None: # check that the limiting reactant is in the thermodynamic database if limiting not in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data was " "not found for limiting reactant "+str(limiting)+"") # check that the limiting reactant is aqueous or gaseous if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==limiting]["state"])[0] != "aq": self.err_handler.raise_exception("The limiting reactant must " "be an aqueous species.") # check that the limiting reactant is a reactant in the `species` parameter if limiting not in reactants: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species specified as a " "limiting reactant, '"+str(limiting)+"', is not a " "reactant in this reaction.") # format reaction equation equation_to_display = format_equation( species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, ) # create a dictionary of species logacts across xi s_logact_dict = {} s_molal_dict = {} for s in species: if s == "H+": s_logact_dict[s] = [-pH for pH in list(self.misc_params["pH"])] s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["pH"]) elif s == "H2O": s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) elif list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: if s in self.aq_distribution_logact.columns: # aqueous species s_logact_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_logact[s]) s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species "+str(s)+" is " "not among the distribution of aqueous species in " "this calculation.") else: # liq and cr species s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ"]: if y_units in ["cal", "kcal"]: r_div = 4.184 elif y_units in ["J", "kJ"]: r_div = 1 R = 8.314/r_div # gas constant, unit = [cal/mol/K] if "k" in y_units: k_div = 1000 else: k_div = 1 y_list = [] lr_name_list = [] for i,T in enumerate(list(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])): if isinstance(divisor, list): divisor_i = divisor[i] else: divisor_i = divisor if y_type != "logQ": logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt( species, stoich, T=T, P=list(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"])[i], show=False, messages=print_logK_messages).out["logK"] logK = float(logK.iloc[0]) if y_type == "logK": ylab_out = "log K" if title == None: title = "Equilibrium constant for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display y_list.append(round(logK/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logK" continue logQ = sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)]) if y_type == "logQ": ylab_out = "log Q" if title == None: title = "Reaction quotient for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display y_list.append(round(logQ/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logQ" continue else: A = 2.303 * R * (273.15+T) * (logK - logQ) # affinity, unit = [cal/mol] A = A/k_div if title == None: title = "Energy profile for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display if y_type=="G": G = -A # gibbs free energy, unit = [cal/mol] y_list.append(G/divisor_i) ylab_out="ΔG, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" elif y_type=="A": y_list.append(round(A/divisor_i, 4)) ylab_out="A, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" elif y_type=="E": if not isinstance(limiting, str): lrc_dict = {} for i_s,s in enumerate(species): # identify valid limiting reactants and record concentrations # 1. negative coefficient (reactant) # 2. can't be OH-, H+, H2O # 3. can't be cr or liq if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"] and list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s]) if not isinstance(limiting, str): lr_name = min(lrc_dict, key=lrc_dict.get) lr_val = lrc_dict[lr_name] # handle situations where there might be multiple limiting reactants lr_list = [] for k,v in zip(lrc_dict.keys(), lrc_dict.values()): if v == lr_val: lr_list.append(str(k)) else: lr_list = [limiting] lr_list_formatted = [chemlabel(lr_name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for lr_name in lr_list] if len(lr_list_formatted) > 1: lr_reported = ", ".join(lr_list_formatted) else: lr_reported = lr_list[0] lr_name = lr_list[0] # doesn't matter which lr is used to calculate lr_concentration = s_molal_dict[lr_name][i] lr_name_list.append(lr_reported) lr_stoich = -stoich[species.index(lr_name)] E = A * (lr_concentration/lr_stoich) y_list.append(round(E/divisor_i, 4)) y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid" ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid") # else: # lr_name_list.append("NA") # y_list.append(float('NaN')) # y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid" # ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid") df_y_name = y_type+", "+y_units_out if xlab != None: xlab_out = xlab if ylab != None: ylab_out = ylab df = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_params) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) df[df_y_name] = y_list fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y=df_y_name, log_y=log_y, width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, template="simple_white") if y_type=="E": fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df[xvar], y=df[df_y_name], mode='lines', customdata = lr_name_list, hovertemplate = xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab_out+': %{y}<br>Limiting : %{customdata}<extra></extra>', ) )[0].visible=False fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab_out, yaxis_title=ylab_out) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(xlim, list): fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=xlim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) if show_zero_line: fig.add_hline(y=0, line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color="black") if df_out: return fig, df else: return fig def plot_mass_contribution(self, *args, x_type="xi", x_decimals=3, track_steps=True, keep_xi_order=False, **kwargs): """ Generate a bar plot of mass contributions (in mole percent) of aqueous species formed as a function of reaction progress Xi or some other variable. Parameters ---------- *args : iterable Arguments to be passed to `Speciation.plot_mass_contribution`. x_type : str, default "xi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". x_decimals : int Number of decimals to display in the numeric values of the x-axis variable defined by `x_type`. track_steps : bool, default True Show reported xi steps on x-axis ticks? Useful for plotting as a function of an x-axis variable that can be out-of-order, like Eh or temperature. This parameter will become True automatically if it will prevent column stacking (which happens if there are duplicate x-axis values). **kargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to `Speciation.plot_mass_contribution`. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A mass contribution bar plot. """ basis = args[0] xlab, kwargs["sample_label"] = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) df_sp = pd.concat([self.mass_contribution_dict.get(basis, "error"), self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df_sp['log Xi'] = np.log10(df_sp['Xi']) # handle display of the x axis variable # if number of decimals to display is too low, columns will stack # check to see if this happens, then increment x_decimals until the stacking problem is solved if x_decimals < 0: msg = "The parameter x_decimals must be greater than or equal to 0." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) original_x_decimals = copy.copy(x_decimals) len_unique_labels_rounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x))) len_unique_labels_unrounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]])) if len_unique_labels_rounded < len_unique_labels_unrounded: x_decimals += 1 solved_decimals = False for i in range(x_decimals, x_decimals+10): len_unique_labels_rounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x))) if len_unique_labels_rounded == len_unique_labels_unrounded: if self.verbose > 0: print("Number of decimals to display for x-axis variable", "increased to", x_decimals, "to prevent column stacking.") solved_decimals = True break else: x_decimals += 1 if not solved_decimals: msg = ("X-axis value decimal formatting is resulting in column " "stacking even after attempting 10 increments of x_decimals.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if isinstance(df_sp, str): msg = ("The basis species {} ".format(basis)+"could not be found " "among available basis species: " "{}".format(str(list(self.mass_contribution_dict.keys())))) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) df_sp["position"] = list(range(0, df_sp.shape[0])) df_sp_melt = df_sp.melt( id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi", "basis", "factor", "molality", "position"]) df_sp_melt.rename(columns={kwargs["sample_label"] : "sample", df_sp_melt.columns[-2] : "species", df_sp_melt.columns[-1] : "percent", }, inplace=True) df_sp_melt = df_sp_melt[df_sp_melt['percent'].notna()] if keep_xi_order: sample_order = ["position", "species", "percent"] else: sample_order = ["sample", "position", "species", "percent"] df_sp_melt.sort_values(sample_order, axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=True) if df_sp_melt.dtypes["sample"] != "O": # if the column isn't formatted as a string if any(["e" in v2 for v2 in [str(v1) for v1 in df_sp_melt['sample']]]): # if value is in scientific notation df_sp_melt['sample'] = df_sp_melt['sample'].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x) # converts numeric to string else: df_sp_melt['sample'] = [('{0:.'+str(x_decimals)+'f}').format(v) for v in df_sp_melt['sample']] if len(list(set(df_sp_melt["sample"]))) != len(list(set(df_sp_melt["position"]))) or track_steps: # handle duplicate x-axis values to prevent stacking temp_col = [] for i,v in enumerate(df_sp_melt["sample"]): temp_col.append(" (step "+str(list(df_sp_melt["position"])[i])+")") df_sp_melt["sample"] = [str(v)+a for v,a in zip(df_sp_melt["sample"], temp_col)] if not track_steps and self.verbose > 0: print("Reported Xi step tracking has been added to x-axis ticks to prevent column stacking.") sp = Speciation(args={}) sp.mass_contribution = df_sp_melt if not kwargs.get("plot_out", False): plot_out = False else: plot_out = True kwargs["plot_out"] = True fig = sp.plot_mass_contribution(*args, **kwargs) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title=xlab, # add an x axis title ) if plot_out: return fig else:
Static methods
def process_tab(tab_name, thermodata_csv)
Process a TAB file (from EQ6) into a dictionary of Pandas dataframes.
- Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6.
orPandas dataframe
- Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the EQ6 calculation. Alternately, the thermodynamic database itself as a Pandas dataframe itself.
:a dict
ofPandas dataframes
- A dictionary of dataframes representing tables mined from the TAB file.
Expand source code
@staticmethod def process_tab(tab_name, thermodata_csv): """ Process a TAB file (from EQ6) into a dictionary of Pandas dataframes. Parameters ---------- tab_name : str Path name of the TAB file generated by EQ6. thermodata_csv : str or Pandas dataframe Path name of the WORM-styled thermodynamic database CSV used in the EQ6 calculation. Alternately, the thermodynamic database itself as a Pandas dataframe itself. Returns ------- tab : a dict of Pandas dataframes A dictionary of dataframes representing tables mined from the TAB file. """ if isinstance(thermodata_csv, str): thermo_db = pd.read_csv(thermodata_csv) else: thermo_db = thermodata_csv thermo_db_names = list(thermo_db["name"]) with open(tab_name, "r") as tabfile: tab_lines = tabfile.readlines() tab = {} tables = ["B1", "B2", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "E1", "E2", "E3", "J", "K", "P", "Q", "T", "W"] record_lines = False get_header = False recorded_lines = [] for line in tab_lines: split_line = line.split(",") if True in [s in ["Table " + t for t in tables] for s in split_line]: get_header = True table_name = " ".join(split_line[1:-1]) continue if get_header: header = split_line[1:-1] # handle instances where the tab file creates extra columns for things like "albite,low" if table_name in ["Table P Moles of product minerals", "Table Q Saturation indices of potential product phases", "Table J Moles of reactants destroyed/created", "Table K Affinities of reactants (kcal)"]: if table_name in ["Table P Moles of product minerals", "Table J Moles of reactants destroyed/created"]: new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)"] # table P and J elif table_name == "Table Q Saturation indices of potential product phases": new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)", "H2O", "Gas"] # table Q elif table_name == "Table K Affinities of reactants (kcal)": new_header = ["Xi", "t(days)", "Total"] for i,h in enumerate(header): if h != "Xi" and h != "t(days)" and h != "H2O" and h != "Gas" and h != "Total": if h not in thermo_db_names: if header[i-1]+","+h in thermo_db_names: new_header = new_header[:-1] new_header.append(header[i-1]+","+h) else: new_header.append(h) else: new_header.append(h) header = new_header record_lines = True get_header = False continue if "EndTable:" in split_line: record_lines = False if len(recorded_lines) > 0: df = pd.DataFrame(recorded_lines) recorded_lines = [] df.columns = header tab[table_name] = df if record_lines: recorded_lines.append(split_line[1:-1]) return tab
def mine_6o_table(self, table_start='--- Distribution of Aqueous Solute Species ---', table_stop='Species with molalities less than', ignore=['', 'Species', '---'], col_index=-1)
Mine a table in a '6o' EQ6 output file and consolidate results into a dataframe.
- A unique string that indicates the start of the table.
, optional- A unique string that indicates the end of the table.
- A list of strings representing lines to ignore when mining a table. For example, it is prudent to ignore blank lines, or lines containing the table column headers. A line will be skipped if line.strip().split(' ')[0] matches any of the strings in the given list.
, default-1
- Integer representing the index of the table column to be mined. The default is -1, which is the last column in the table.
:Pandas dataframe
- A dataframe with rows of the extent of reaction (Xi), and columns containing the values of chemical species mined from the file.
Expand source code
def mine_6o_table(self, table_start="--- Distribution of Aqueous Solute Species ---", table_stop="Species with molalities less than", ignore = ["", "Species", '---'], col_index=-1): """ Mine a table in a '6o' EQ6 output file and consolidate results into a dataframe. Parameters ---------- table_start : str A unique string that indicates the start of the table. table_stop : str, optional A unique string that indicates the end of the table. ignore : list of str A list of strings representing lines to ignore when mining a table. For example, it is prudent to ignore blank lines, or lines containing the table column headers. A line will be skipped if line.strip().split(' ')[0] matches any of the strings in the given list. col_index : int, default -1 Integer representing the index of the table column to be mined. The default is -1, which is the last column in the table. Returns ------- df : Pandas dataframe A dataframe with rows of the extent of reaction (Xi), and columns containing the values of chemical species mined from the file. """ lines = self.six_o_file_lines species = [] xi_vals=[] collect_values = False for i in lines: if len(i.strip().split(' ')) > 1 and i.strip().split(' ')[0] == "Xi=": this_xi_val = float(i.split(' ')[-1]) if table_stop in i: collect_values = False if table_start in i: xi_vals.append(this_xi_val) # appending here prevents mismatch where there can be more Xi vals than tables to mine collect_values = True if collect_values: if i.strip().split(' ')[0] not in ignore: species.append(i.strip().split(' ')[0]) species = list(set(species)) species_dict = {"Xi":xi_vals} if len(species) == 0: df = pd.DataFrame(species_dict) return df for s in species: vals=[] collect_values = False for i in lines: if collect_values and table_stop in i: # stop collecting collect_values = False if not got_value: vals.append(np.nan) if table_start in i: # start collecting collect_values = True got_value = False if collect_values: if len(i.strip().split(' ')) > 2 and i.strip().split(' ')[0] == s: split_i = i.strip().split(' ') split_i_clean = [v for v in split_i if v != ''] val = split_i_clean[col_index] try: val = float(val) except: # if a value is not a float, e.g., 3.1450-100 if "-" in val: val_list = val.split("-") val = "".join([val_list[0], "E-", val_list[1]]) val = float(val) elif "+" in val: val_list = val.split("+") val = "".join([val_list[0], "E", val_list[1]]) val = float(val) elif "SATD" in val: pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(("Error: " "Encountered a non-numeric value when mining " "a .6o file: "+val)) vals.append(val) got_value = True species_dict[s] = vals df = pd.DataFrame(species_dict) if 'None' in df.columns: df = df.drop(['None'], axis=1) return df
def plot_aqueous_species(self, plot_basis=False, plot_species=None, x_type='logxi', y_type='log activity', initially_visible=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None, ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1)
Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable.
, defaultFalse
- Plot basis species only?
, optional- A list of aqueous species to plot. If undefined, every species at will be plotted at once.
, default"logxi"
- Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw".
, default'log activity'
- The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'log activity', 'molality', or 'log molality'.
, optional- A list of aqueous species that will be visible on the plot initially. All other species will be hidden, but can still be toggled back on in the legend.
, defaultTrue
- Show the legend?
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. xlim
oftwo numeric values
, optional- Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
:Plotly figure object
- A line plot.
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def plot_aqueous_species(self, plot_basis=False, plot_species=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="log activity", initially_visible=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None, ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- plot_basis : bool, default False Plot basis species only? plot_species : list of str, optional A list of aqueous species to plot. If undefined, every species at will be plotted at once. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'log activity' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'log activity', 'molality', or 'log molality'. initially_visible : list of str, optional A list of aqueous species that will be visible on the plot initially. All other species will be hidden, but can still be toggled back on in the legend. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. xlim, ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. """ if plot_basis: df = pd.concat([self.basis_logact, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) title = "Solute basis species" ylab = "log activity" else: if y_type == "log activity": df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_logact, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "log activity" elif y_type == "molality": df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_molal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "molality" elif y_type == "log molality": df = pd.concat([self.aq_distribution_logmolal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "log molality" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The chosen 'y_type' parameter " "is not recognized. 'y_type' can be 'log activity', " "'molality', or 'log molality'") title = "Solute species" plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns] if isinstance(plot_species, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_species] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) if isinstance(initially_visible, list): initially_visible_html = [chemlabel(sp, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for sp in initially_visible] for trace in fig['data']: if (not trace['name'] in initially_visible_html): trace['showlegend'] = True trace['visible'] = 'legendonly' fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(xlim, list): fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=xlim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig
def plot_elements(self, plot_elements=None, units='molality', log=True, x_type='logxi', plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1)
Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi).
, optional- A list of elements to plot. If undefined, every element will be plotted at once.
, default"molality"
- Units of elemental abundance to plot. Can be "molality" or "ppm".
, defaultTrue
- Display elemental abundances in log scale?
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim
oftwo numeric values
, optional- Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
, defaultTrue
- Show the legend?
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)?
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
:Plotly figure object
- A line plot.
Expand source code
def plot_elements(self, plot_elements=None, units="molality", log=True, x_type="logxi", plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, charge_sign_at_end=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the log activities of aqueous species as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi). Parameters ---------- plot_elements : list of str, optional A list of elements to plot. If undefined, every element will be plotted at once. units : str, default "molality" Units of elemental abundance to plot. Can be "molality" or "ppm". log : bool, default True Display elemental abundances in log scale? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2-)? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. """ title = "Concentrations of dissolved elements" if units == "molality": df = pd.concat([self.dissolved_elements_molal, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "{}molality" elif units == "ppm": df = pd.concat([self.dissolved_elements_ppm, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "{}ppm" # elif units == "molarity": plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns] if isinstance(plot_elements, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_elements] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(chemlabel, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) if log: df['value'] = np.log10(df['value']) ylab = ylab.format("log ") if not log: ylab = ylab.format("") xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend, yaxis={'showexponent': 'all', 'exponentformat': 'power'}, ) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig
def plot_energy(self, species, stoich, divisor=1, x_type='logxi', y_type='A', y_units='kcal', show_zero_line=False, limiting=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, log_y=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None, ylim=None, df_out=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, print_logK_messages=False)
Generate a line plot of the energy profile for a reaction as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable.
- A list of species that match the order of the stoichiometric
reaction coefficients in the
parameter. stoich
- A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order
of the species in the
parameter. divisor
, default1
- Divide all values in the energy profile by this number. Useful for calculating energy per electron transferred or similar.
, default"logxi"
- Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw".
, default'A'
- The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply.
, default'kcal'
- The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'.
, defaultFalse
- If True, displays a dotted line where affinity or ΔG equals 0 (at equilibrium).
, optional- Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating
energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a
limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on
concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless
is set to 'E' (energy supply). xlab
, optional- Custom x and y axis labels.
, optional- Title of the plot to display.
, defaultFalse
- Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2- instead of SO4-2) in species names when the reaction is displayed in the plot title?
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. xlim
oftwo numeric values
, optional- Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
df_out = bool, default False Return a pandas dataframe in addition to a figure?
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, defaultFalse
- Print pyCHNOSZ messages while the logK of the reaction is calculated?
:Plotly figure object, optionally a Pandas Dataframe
- A line plot. If
is True, also returns a dataframe.
Expand source code
def plot_energy(self, species, stoich, divisor=1, x_type="logxi", y_type="A", y_units="kcal", show_zero_line=False, limiting=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, title=None, charge_sign_at_end=False, log_y=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, xlim=None, ylim=None, df_out=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, print_logK_messages=False): """ Generate a line plot of the energy profile for a reaction as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- species : list of str A list of species that match the order of the stoichiometric reaction coefficients in the `stoich` parameter. stoich : list of numeric A list of stoichiometric reaction coefficients that match the order of the species in the `species` parameter. divisor : float, default 1 Divide all values in the energy profile by this number. Useful for calculating energy per electron transferred or similar. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'A' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'A' (for chemical affinity), 'G' (for Gibbs free energy, ΔG), 'logK' (for the log of the equilibrium constant), 'logQ' (for the log of the reaction quotient), or 'E' for energy supply. y_units : str, default 'kcal' The unit that energy will be reported in (per mol for G and A, or per kg fluid for energy supply, or unitless for logK and logQ). Can be 'kcal', 'cal', 'J', or 'kJ'. show_zero_line : bool, default False If True, displays a dotted line where affinity or ΔG equals 0 (at equilibrium). limiting : str, optional Name of the species to act as the limiting reactant when calculating energy supply. If this parameter is left undefined, then a limiting reactant will be chosen automatically based on concentration and stoichiometry. This parameter is ignored unless `y_type` is set to 'E' (energy supply). xlab, ylab : str, optional Custom x and y axis labels. title : str, optional Title of the plot to display. charge_sign_at_end : bool, default False Display charge with sign after the number (e.g. SO4 2- instead of SO4-2) in species names when the reaction is displayed in the plot title? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. xlim, ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. df_out = bool, default False Return a pandas dataframe in addition to a figure? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. print_logK_messages : bool, default False Print pyCHNOSZ messages while the logK of the reaction is calculated? Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object, optionally a Pandas Dataframe A line plot. If `df_out` is True, also returns a dataframe. """ # check that a thermodynamic CSV is being used if not isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The plot_energy() function requires " "a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., " "'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because " "a data0 or data1 file was used.") # check that the divisor is valid if isinstance(divisor, list) or isinstance(divisor, pd.Series): if len(divisor) != len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("The length of the divisor is " "not equal to the number of reported xi steps.") # check that the reaction is balanced formulas = [] for s in species: if s == "H+": formulas.append("H+") elif s == "H2O": formulas.append("H2O") else: if s in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): formulas.append(list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["formula"])[0]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data " "was not found for species "+str(s)+"") missing_composition = check_balance(formulas, stoich) # check that there are valid limiting reactants when calculating energy # e.g., prevent issue when the only reactant is a mineral, etc. reactant_idx = [1 if i<0 else 0 for i in stoich] reactants = [species[i] for i,idx in enumerate(reactant_idx) if idx == 1] invalid_limiting_reactants = [] for r in reactants: if r not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"]: if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==r]["state"])[0] != "aq": invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) else: invalid_limiting_reactants.append(r) if reactants == invalid_limiting_reactants and y_type == "E": self.err_handler.raise_exception("Energy supply for this reaction " "cannot be calculated because none of the reactants are " "limiting. A limiting reactant must be aqueous and cannot be H+ " "or OH-.") if limiting != None: # check that the limiting reactant is in the thermodynamic database if limiting not in list(self.thermo.csv_db["name"]): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Valid thermodynamic data was " "not found for limiting reactant "+str(limiting)+"") # check that the limiting reactant is aqueous or gaseous if list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==limiting]["state"])[0] != "aq": self.err_handler.raise_exception("The limiting reactant must " "be an aqueous species.") # check that the limiting reactant is a reactant in the `species` parameter if limiting not in reactants: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species specified as a " "limiting reactant, '"+str(limiting)+"', is not a " "reactant in this reaction.") # format reaction equation equation_to_display = format_equation( species, stoich, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end, ) # create a dictionary of species logacts across xi s_logact_dict = {} s_molal_dict = {} for s in species: if s == "H+": s_logact_dict[s] = [-pH for pH in list(self.misc_params["pH"])] s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["pH"]) elif s == "H2O": s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) elif list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: if s in self.aq_distribution_logact.columns: # aqueous species s_logact_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_logact[s]) s_molal_dict[s] = list(self.aq_distribution_molal[s]) else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("The species "+str(s)+" is " "not among the distribution of aqueous species in " "this calculation.") else: # liq and cr species s_logact_dict[s] = [0]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) s_molal_dict[s] = [float("NaN")]*len(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]) xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if y_type not in ["logK", "logQ"]: if y_units in ["cal", "kcal"]: r_div = 4.184 elif y_units in ["J", "kJ"]: r_div = 1 R = 8.314/r_div # gas constant, unit = [cal/mol/K] if "k" in y_units: k_div = 1000 else: k_div = 1 y_list = [] lr_name_list = [] for i,T in enumerate(list(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"])): if isinstance(divisor, list): divisor_i = divisor[i] else: divisor_i = divisor if y_type != "logQ": logK = pyCHNOSZ.subcrt( species, stoich, T=T, P=list(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"])[i], show=False, messages=print_logK_messages).out["logK"] logK = float(logK.iloc[0]) if y_type == "logK": ylab_out = "log K" if title == None: title = "Equilibrium constant for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display y_list.append(round(logK/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logK" continue logQ = sum([st*s_logact_dict[sp][i] for st,sp in zip(stoich,species)]) if y_type == "logQ": ylab_out = "log Q" if title == None: title = "Reaction quotient for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display y_list.append(round(logQ/divisor_i, 4)) df_y_name = "logQ" continue else: A = 2.303 * R * (273.15+T) * (logK - logQ) # affinity, unit = [cal/mol] A = A/k_div if title == None: title = "Energy profile for the reaction<br>"+equation_to_display if y_type=="G": G = -A # gibbs free energy, unit = [cal/mol] y_list.append(G/divisor_i) ylab_out="ΔG, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" elif y_type=="A": y_list.append(round(A/divisor_i, 4)) ylab_out="A, {}/mol".format(y_units) y_units_out = y_units+"/mol" elif y_type=="E": if not isinstance(limiting, str): lrc_dict = {} for i_s,s in enumerate(species): # identify valid limiting reactants and record concentrations # 1. negative coefficient (reactant) # 2. can't be OH-, H+, H2O # 3. can't be cr or liq if stoich[i_s] < 0 and s not in ["H2O", "H+", "OH-"] and list(self.thermo.csv_db[self.thermo.csv_db["name"]==s]["state"])[0] not in ["cr", "liq"]: lrc_dict[s] = s_molal_dict[s][i]/abs(stoich[i_s]) if not isinstance(limiting, str): lr_name = min(lrc_dict, key=lrc_dict.get) lr_val = lrc_dict[lr_name] # handle situations where there might be multiple limiting reactants lr_list = [] for k,v in zip(lrc_dict.keys(), lrc_dict.values()): if v == lr_val: lr_list.append(str(k)) else: lr_list = [limiting] lr_list_formatted = [chemlabel(lr_name, charge_sign_at_end=charge_sign_at_end) for lr_name in lr_list] if len(lr_list_formatted) > 1: lr_reported = ", ".join(lr_list_formatted) else: lr_reported = lr_list[0] lr_name = lr_list[0] # doesn't matter which lr is used to calculate lr_concentration = s_molal_dict[lr_name][i] lr_name_list.append(lr_reported) lr_stoich = -stoich[species.index(lr_name)] E = A * (lr_concentration/lr_stoich) y_list.append(round(E/divisor_i, 4)) y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid" ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid") # else: # lr_name_list.append("NA") # y_list.append(float('NaN')) # y_units_out = y_units+"/kg fluid" # ylab_out="Energy Supply, {}".format(y_units+"/kg fluid") df_y_name = y_type+", "+y_units_out if xlab != None: xlab_out = xlab if ylab != None: ylab_out = ylab df = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_params) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) df[df_y_name] = y_list fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y=df_y_name, log_y=log_y, width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, template="simple_white") if y_type=="E": fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df[xvar], y=df[df_y_name], mode='lines', customdata = lr_name_list, hovertemplate = xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab_out+': %{y}<br>Limiting : %{customdata}<extra></extra>', ) )[0].visible=False fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab_out, yaxis_title=ylab_out) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(xlim, list): fig.update_layout(xaxis_range=xlim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) if show_zero_line: fig.add_hline(y=0, line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color="black") if df_out: return fig, df else: return fig
def plot_mass_contribution(self, *args, x_type='xi', x_decimals=3, track_steps=True, keep_xi_order=False, **kwargs)
Generate a bar plot of mass contributions (in mole percent) of aqueous species formed as a function of reaction progress Xi or some other variable.
- Arguments to be passed to
. x_type
, default"xi"
- Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw".
- Number of decimals to display in the numeric values of the x-axis
variable defined by
. track_steps
, defaultTrue
- Show reported xi steps on x-axis ticks? Useful for plotting as a function of an x-axis variable that can be out-of-order, like Eh or temperature. This parameter will become True automatically if it will prevent column stacking (which happens if there are duplicate x-axis values).
- Keyword arguments to be passed to
:Plotly figure object
- A mass contribution bar plot.
Expand source code
def plot_mass_contribution(self, *args, x_type="xi", x_decimals=3, track_steps=True, keep_xi_order=False, **kwargs): """ Generate a bar plot of mass contributions (in mole percent) of aqueous species formed as a function of reaction progress Xi or some other variable. Parameters ---------- *args : iterable Arguments to be passed to `Speciation.plot_mass_contribution`. x_type : str, default "xi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". x_decimals : int Number of decimals to display in the numeric values of the x-axis variable defined by `x_type`. track_steps : bool, default True Show reported xi steps on x-axis ticks? Useful for plotting as a function of an x-axis variable that can be out-of-order, like Eh or temperature. This parameter will become True automatically if it will prevent column stacking (which happens if there are duplicate x-axis values). **kargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to `Speciation.plot_mass_contribution`. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A mass contribution bar plot. """ basis = args[0] xlab, kwargs["sample_label"] = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) df_sp = pd.concat([self.mass_contribution_dict.get(basis, "error"), self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df_sp['log Xi'] = np.log10(df_sp['Xi']) # handle display of the x axis variable # if number of decimals to display is too low, columns will stack # check to see if this happens, then increment x_decimals until the stacking problem is solved if x_decimals < 0: msg = "The parameter x_decimals must be greater than or equal to 0." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) original_x_decimals = copy.copy(x_decimals) len_unique_labels_rounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x))) len_unique_labels_unrounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]])) if len_unique_labels_rounded < len_unique_labels_unrounded: x_decimals += 1 solved_decimals = False for i in range(x_decimals, x_decimals+10): len_unique_labels_rounded = len(set(df_sp[kwargs["sample_label"]].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x))) if len_unique_labels_rounded == len_unique_labels_unrounded: if self.verbose > 0: print("Number of decimals to display for x-axis variable", "increased to", x_decimals, "to prevent column stacking.") solved_decimals = True break else: x_decimals += 1 if not solved_decimals: msg = ("X-axis value decimal formatting is resulting in column " "stacking even after attempting 10 increments of x_decimals.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if isinstance(df_sp, str): msg = ("The basis species {} ".format(basis)+"could not be found " "among available basis species: " "{}".format(str(list(self.mass_contribution_dict.keys())))) self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) df_sp["position"] = list(range(0, df_sp.shape[0])) df_sp_melt = df_sp.melt( id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi", "basis", "factor", "molality", "position"]) df_sp_melt.rename(columns={kwargs["sample_label"] : "sample", df_sp_melt.columns[-2] : "species", df_sp_melt.columns[-1] : "percent", }, inplace=True) df_sp_melt = df_sp_melt[df_sp_melt['percent'].notna()] if keep_xi_order: sample_order = ["position", "species", "percent"] else: sample_order = ["sample", "position", "species", "percent"] df_sp_melt.sort_values(sample_order, axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=True) if df_sp_melt.dtypes["sample"] != "O": # if the column isn't formatted as a string if any(["e" in v2 for v2 in [str(v1) for v1 in df_sp_melt['sample']]]): # if value is in scientific notation df_sp_melt['sample'] = df_sp_melt['sample'].apply(lambda x: ('%.'+str(x_decimals)+'e') % x) # converts numeric to string else: df_sp_melt['sample'] = [('{0:.'+str(x_decimals)+'f}').format(v) for v in df_sp_melt['sample']] if len(list(set(df_sp_melt["sample"]))) != len(list(set(df_sp_melt["position"]))) or track_steps: # handle duplicate x-axis values to prevent stacking temp_col = [] for i,v in enumerate(df_sp_melt["sample"]): temp_col.append(" (step "+str(list(df_sp_melt["position"])[i])+")") df_sp_melt["sample"] = [str(v)+a for v,a in zip(df_sp_melt["sample"], temp_col)] if not track_steps and self.verbose > 0: print("Reported Xi step tracking has been added to x-axis ticks to prevent column stacking.") sp = Speciation(args={}) sp.mass_contribution = df_sp_melt if not kwargs.get("plot_out", False): plot_out = False else: plot_out = True kwargs["plot_out"] = True fig = sp.plot_mass_contribution(*args, **kwargs) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title=xlab, # add an x axis title ) if plot_out: return fig else:
def plot_mineral_saturation(self, solid_solutions=False, plot_minerals=None, x_type='logxi', y_type='affinity', log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False, title=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1)
Generate a line plot of the saturation indices of minerals or solid solutions as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable.
, optional- List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more minerals.
, default"logxi"
- Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw".
, default'affinity'
- The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'affinity' or 'logQ/K'.
, defaultFalse
- Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if
is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be returned? markers
, defaultTrue
- Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps?
, optional- Used to customize the title of the plot.
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim
oftwo numeric values
, optional- Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
, defaultTrue
- Show the legend?
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
:Plotly figure object
- A line plot.
:a Pandas dataframe
- A dataframe is only returned if
is set to True (it is set to False by default).
Expand source code
def plot_mineral_saturation(self, solid_solutions=False, plot_minerals=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="affinity", log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False, title=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the saturation indices of minerals or solid solutions as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- plot_minerals : list, optional List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more minerals. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'affinity' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'affinity' or 'logQ/K'. df_out : bool, default False Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if `y_type` is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be returned? markers : bool, default True Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps? title : str, optional Used to customize the title of the plot. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. df : a Pandas dataframe A dataframe is only returned if `df_out` is set to True (it is set to False by default). """ xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if not isinstance(title, str): title = "Saturation indices of " if not solid_solutions: if y_type == "affinity": df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_pure_solids_affinity, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "affinity, kcal/mol" else: df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_pure_solids_log_Q_over_K, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "logQ/K" title = title + "minerals" else: if y_type == "affinity": df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_affinity, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "affinity, kcal/mol" else: df = pd.concat([self.saturation_states_solid_solutions_log_Q_over_K, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) ylab = "logQ/K" title = title + "solid solutions" plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)] if isinstance(plot_minerals, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_minerals] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df = df[df["variable"] != "None"] df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig
def plot_pH(self, x_type='logxi', show_neutrality=True, title=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1)
Generate a line plot of pH as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable.
, default"logxi"
- Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw".
, defaultTrue,
- Display a reference line representing neutral pH? Setting this option to True requires a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., 'wrm_data.csv'.
- Title of the plot to display.
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim
oftwo numeric values
, optional- Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
:Plotly figure object
- A line plot.
Expand source code
def plot_pH(self, x_type="logxi", show_neutrality=True, title=None, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of pH as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". show_neutrality : bool, default True, Display a reference line representing neutral pH? Setting this option to True requires a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., 'wrm_data.csv'. title : str Title of the plot to display. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. """ df = copy.deepcopy(self.misc_params) xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if x_type == "logxi": with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="pH", template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, labels=dict(value="pH", x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title="pH", showlegend=False) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if show_neutrality and isinstance(self.thermo.csv_db, pd.DataFrame): _, df_pH = self.plot_energy(species=["H2O", "H+", "OH-"], stoich=[-1, 1, 1], divisor=-2, x_type=x_type, y_type="logK", df_out=True, ) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_pH[xvar], y=df_pH["logK"], mode='lines', name='neutral pH', showlegend=True, hovertemplate = xlab+': %{x}<br>pH: %{y}<extra></extra>', line=dict(color='silver', width=3, dash='dot') )) fig['data'][0]['showlegend']=True fig['data'][0]['name']='pH' fig['data'][1]['showlegend']=True fig['data'][1]['name']='neutral pH' fig.update_layout(showlegend=True) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig
def plot_product_minerals(self, show_reactant_minerals=False, plot_minerals=None, x_type='logxi', y_type='mole', log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1)
Generate a line plot of the log moles of product minerals as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable.
, defaultFalse
- Include log moles of reactant minerals?
, optional- List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more minerals.
, default"logxi"
- Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw".
, default'mole'
- The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'mole' (for moles of minerals), 'mass' (for masses of minerals), or 'volume' (for volumes of minerals).
, defaultTrue
- Should the y-axis be logarithmic?
, defaultFalse
- Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if
is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be returned? markers
, defaultTrue
- Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps?
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots
is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter
. ppi
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim
oftwo numeric values
, optional- Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis.
, defaultTrue
- Show the legend?
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
:Plotly figure object
- A line plot.
:a Pandas dataframe
- A dataframe is only returned if
is set to True (it is set to False by default).
Expand source code
def plot_product_minerals(self, show_reactant_minerals=False, plot_minerals=None, x_type="logxi", y_type="mole", log_y=True, df_out=False, markers=False, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, ylim=None, show_legend=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1): """ Generate a line plot of the log moles of product minerals as a function of the log of the extent of reaction (log Xi) or some other variable. Parameters ---------- show_reactant_minerals : bool, default False Include log moles of reactant minerals? plot_minerals : list, optional List of minerals to plot. Useful for isolating one or more minerals. x_type : str, default "logxi" Variable to appear on the x-axis. Can be "logxi", "xi", "temperature", "pressure", "pH", "pmH", "logfO2", "Eh", "pe", or "aw". y_type : str, default 'mole' The variable to plot on the y-axis. Can be either 'mole' (for moles of minerals), 'mass' (for masses of minerals), or 'volume' (for volumes of minerals). log_y : bool, default True Should the y-axis be logarithmic? df_out : bool, default False Should a dataframe of values also be returned? For example, if `y_type` is set to 'volume', should a table of mineral volumes be returned? markers : bool, default True Add circular markers to lines to indicate calculation steps? plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. Size of interactive plots is also determined by pixels per inch, set by the parameter `ppi`. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. ylim : list of two numeric values, optional Minimum and maximum value of the y-axis. show_legend : bool, default True Show the legend? save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. Returns ------- fig : Plotly figure object A line plot. df : a Pandas dataframe A dataframe is only returned if `df_out` is set to True (it is set to False by default). """ xlab, xvar = self.__get_xlab_xvar(x_type) if show_reactant_minerals: df = pd.concat([self.moles_minerals, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) title = "{}{} of reactant and product minerals" else: df = pd.concat([self.moles_product_minerals, self.misc_params[self.misc_params.columns[1:]]], axis=1) title = "{}{} of product minerals" if log_y: log_text = "log " else: log_text = "" # sort in order of appearance along Xi sort_order = list(self.moles_minerals.columns) sort_order = [v for v in sort_order if v not in self.misc_params.columns] if y_type == "mole": ylab = "{}moles".format(log_text) title = title.format(log_text, "moles") elif y_type == "mass": # not yet supported y_lab = "{}grams".format(log_text) title = title.format(log_text, "masses") self.err_handler.raise_exception("Plotting mineral masses is not yet " "supported.") elif y_type == "volume": if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame): self.err_handler.raise_exception("Plotting mineral volume " "requires a WORM-formatted CSV thermodynamic database. " "You may be seeing this message because your speciation " "used a data0-type thermodynamic database (e.g., 'wrm'), " "which does not contain mineral volume data.") ylab = "{}cm<sup>3</sup>".format(log_text) title = title.format(log_text, "volumes") temps = df["Temp(C)"] minerals = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)] for i,T in enumerate(temps): for ii,mineral in enumerate(minerals): mineral_df = copy.deepcopy(self.df[self.df["name"]==mineral]) polymorph_idxs = [] for iii in range(0, mineral_df.shape[0]): # loop through mineral polymorphs if float(T) < float(list(mineral_df["z.T"])[0]): polymorph_idxs.append(iii) if len(polymorph_idxs)==0: polymorph_idx = iii else: polymorph_idx = polymorph_idxs[0] partial_molal_volume = list(mineral_df["V"])[polymorph_idx][i, mineral] = df[mineral][i]*partial_molal_volume else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("y_type must be either 'mole', " "'mass', or 'volume'.") plot_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col not in list(self.misc_params.columns)] if isinstance(plot_minerals, list): plot_columns_temp = [col for col in plot_columns if col in plot_minerals] plot_columns = plot_columns_temp plot_columns = sorted(plot_columns, key=sort_order.index) df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=list(self.misc_params.columns), value_vars=plot_columns) df.columns = list(self.misc_params.columns)+["variable", "value"] df = df[df["variable"] != "None"] df["Xi"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Xi"]) df["value"] = pd.to_numeric(df["value"]) df["value"] = df["value"].fillna(0) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): df['log Xi'] = np.log10(df['Xi']) if log_y: df["value"] = df["value"].replace(0, np.nan) df['value'] = np.log10(df['value']) fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) df_to_return = copy.deepcopy(df) # add lines that go to -9999 (representing -Inf) in log y plots if log_y: if not isinstance(ylim, list): # grab the automatic y-axis range from the plot, above full_fig = fig.full_figure_for_development(warn=False) ylim = list(full_fig.layout.yaxis.range) # add new rows for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]): if not isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow]) and irow != 0 and irow != df.shape[0]-1: if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow-1]): df_dict = {} for col in list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi"]: df_dict[col] = df.loc[irow-1, col] df_dict["variable"] = df.loc[irow-1, "variable"] df_dict["value"] = df.loc[irow-1, "value"] new_row = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[irow-1]) df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:irow], new_row, df.iloc[irow:]]).reset_index(drop=True) irow=0 if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow+1]): df_dict = {} for col in list(self.misc_params.columns)+["log Xi"]: df_dict[col] = df.loc[irow+1, col] df_dict["variable"] = df.loc[irow+1, "variable"] df_dict["value"] = df.loc[irow+1, "value"] new_row = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[irow+1]) df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:irow], new_row, df.iloc[irow:]]).reset_index(drop=True) irow=0 # fill new rows with -9999 value for irow in range(0, df.shape[0]): if not isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow]) and irow != 0 and irow != df.shape[0]-1: if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow-1]): df.loc[irow-1, "value"] = -9999 if isnan(df["value"].iloc[irow+1]): df.loc[irow+1, "value"] = -9999 # re-create the plot with log values down to -9999. This will screw up the # automatic y-axis range, but we grabbed it from the first generated plot. # We will reset the range in update_layout(yaxis_range) a little later. fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white", width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi, markers=markers, labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg', ) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=xlab, yaxis_title=ylab, legend_title=None, showlegend=show_legend) if isinstance(title, str): fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'}) if isinstance(ylim, list): fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=ylim) if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) save_as, save_format = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) if df_out: df_to_return = pd.pivot_table(df_to_return, index='log Xi', columns='variable', values='value').reset_index() df_to_return.columns = [col for col in df_to_return.columns[:]] # make index column name blank return df_to_return, fig else: return fig
def plot_reaction_paths(self, xyb=None, path_margin=0.25, flip_xy=False, show_annotation=True, annotation_coords=[0, 0], show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=False, minerals_to_show=[], calculate_projected_points=True, path_line_type='markers+lines', path_line_color='red', path_point_fill_color='red', path_point_line_color='red', projected_point_fill_color='white', projected_point_line_color='red', h_line_color='black', v_line_color='black', d_line_color='black', res=300, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, borders=0, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, colormap='bw')
Create interactive plots of reaction paths in geochemical variable space.
ofthree str
, defaultNone
By default, this function will plot reaction paths in all possible dimensions.
Optionally, if you want to produce only a specific plot, you can provide a list containing the basis species to be used for the x-axis and y-axis, followed by the basis species used for balance. For example, ["Fe+2", "Fe+3", "Mg+2"] will have the log activity of Fe+2 on the x-axis, the log activity of Fe+3 on the y-axis, and will be balanced on Mg+2.
, default0.25
- Controls the spacing between the reaction path and the plot axes. Increasing this value increases the spacing.
, defaultFalse
- Transpose the plot so the x and y variables switch axes?
, defaultTrue
- Show annotation in the bottom left of the figure? The annotation includes the species used for balance, the temperature, and the pressure.
, default[0,0]
- List of two numeric values representing the X and Y coordinates of the annotation, where 0,0 is the bottom left, 0.5,0 is the bottom center, 1,0 is the bottom right, 1,1 is the top right, and so on. The annotation includes the species used for balance, the temperature and the pressure.
, defaultFalse
- Depict lines for minerals even if those minerals do not participate in the reaction? This does not affect the mineral field of the diagram, only the mineral planes denoted as lines.
, default"markers+lines"
- Reaction path line type. Can be either "markers+lines", "lines", or "markers".
path_line_color, str, default "black" Color of reaction path line.
, default"black"
- Fill color of non-projected points along the reaction path. The
fill color of projected points is handled by
. path_point_line_color
, default"black"
- Color of the outlines of non-projected points along the reaction
path. The outline color of projected points is handled by
. projected_point_fill_color
, default"white"
- Fill color of projected points along the reaction path. The
fill color of non-projected points is handled by
. projected_point_line_color
, default"black"
- Color of the outlines of projected points along the reaction path.
The outline color of non-projected points is handled by
. h_line_color
, default"black"
- Color of horizontal lines representing minerals.
, default"black"
- Color of vertical lines representing minerals.
, default"black"
- Color of diagonal lines representing minerals.
, default300
- Resolution, or number of calculations along each axis, for mineral stability fields. A lower number will be faster but will make appear boundaries blockier. A higher number takes longer to calculate, but will result in smoother boundaries.
, default4 by 3
- Width and height of the plot, in inches.
, default122
- Pixels per inch. Along with
, determines the size of interactive plots. borders
, default0
- Thickness of black lines forming boundaries between mineral stability regions. No lines appear if equal to 0.
, optional- Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is
determined by
. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format
, default"png"
- Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
, default1
- Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
, default"bw"
- Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "bw"
or names of matplotlib colormaps. If set to "bw", the plot will be
set to black and white, except for the reaction path line itself.
The colors of the reaction path line and its points are controlled
, andprojected_point_line_color
:a list
ofPlotly figure objects
- A list of interactive Plotly figures. If xyb equals None (the default), then the list will contain figures representing all combinations of geochemical variables. Optionally, if xyb is specified, fig_list will only contain the single figure of interest.
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def plot_reaction_paths(self, xyb=None, path_margin=0.25, flip_xy=False, show_annotation=True, annotation_coords=[0,0], show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=False, minerals_to_show=[], calculate_projected_points=True, path_line_type = "markers+lines", path_line_color = "red", path_point_fill_color = "red", path_point_line_color = "red", projected_point_fill_color = "white", projected_point_line_color = "red", h_line_color="black", v_line_color="black", d_line_color="black", res=300, plot_width=4, plot_height=3, ppi=122, borders=0, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, colormap="bw"): """ Create interactive plots of reaction paths in geochemical variable space. Parameters ---------- xyb : list of three str, default None By default, this function will plot reaction paths in all possible dimensions. Optionally, if you want to produce only a specific plot, you can provide a list containing the basis species to be used for the x-axis and y-axis, followed by the basis species used for balance. For example, ["Fe+2", "Fe+3", "Mg+2"] will have the log activity of Fe+2 on the x-axis, the log activity of Fe+3 on the y-axis, and will be balanced on Mg+2. path_margin : float, default 0.25 Controls the spacing between the reaction path and the plot axes. Increasing this value increases the spacing. flip_xy : bool, default False Transpose the plot so the x and y variables switch axes? show_annotation : bool, default True Show annotation in the bottom left of the figure? The annotation includes the species used for balance, the temperature, and the pressure. annotation_coords : list, default [0,0] List of two numeric values representing the X and Y coordinates of the annotation, where 0,0 is the bottom left, 0.5,0 is the bottom center, 1,0 is the bottom right, 1,1 is the top right, and so on. The annotation includes the species used for balance, the temperature and the pressure. show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines : bool, default False Depict lines for minerals even if those minerals do not participate in the reaction? This does not affect the mineral field of the diagram, only the mineral planes denoted as lines. path_line_type : str, default "markers+lines" Reaction path line type. Can be either "markers+lines", "lines", or "markers". path_line_color, str, default "black" Color of reaction path line. path_point_fill_color : str, default "black" Fill color of non-projected points along the reaction path. The fill color of projected points is handled by `projected_point_fill_color`. path_point_line_color : str, default "black" Color of the outlines of non-projected points along the reaction path. The outline color of projected points is handled by `projected_point_line_color`. projected_point_fill_color : str, default "white" Fill color of projected points along the reaction path. The fill color of non-projected points is handled by `path_point_fill_color`. projected_point_line_color : str, default "black" Color of the outlines of projected points along the reaction path. The outline color of non-projected points is handled by `path_point_line_color`. h_line_color : str, default "black" Color of horizontal lines representing minerals. v_line_color : str, default "black" Color of vertical lines representing minerals. d_line_color : str, default "black" Color of diagonal lines representing minerals. res : int, default 300 Resolution, or number of calculations along each axis, for mineral stability fields. A lower number will be faster but will make appear boundaries blockier. A higher number takes longer to calculate, but will result in smoother boundaries. plot_width, plot_height : numeric, default 4 by 3 Width and height of the plot, in inches. ppi : numeric, default 122 Pixels per inch. Along with `plot_width` and `plot_height`, determines the size of interactive plots. borders : float, default 0 Thickness of black lines forming boundaries between mineral stability regions. No lines appear if equal to 0. save_as : str, optional Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by `save_format`. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar. save_format : str, default "png" Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot. save_scale : numeric, default 1 Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure. colormap : str, default "bw" Name of the colormap to color the scatterpoints. Accepts "bw" or names of matplotlib colormaps. If set to "bw", the plot will be set to black and white, except for the reaction path line itself. The colors of the reaction path line and its points are controlled by `path_line_color`, `path_point_fill_color`, `path_point_line_color`, `projected_point_fill_color`, and `projected_point_line_color`. Returns ------- fig_list : a list of Plotly figure objects A list of interactive Plotly figures. If xyb equals None (the default), then the list will contain figures representing all combinations of geochemical variables. Optionally, if xyb is specified, fig_list will only contain the single figure of interest. """ error_messages = [] # check that there is only one temperature and pressure if not self.__is_all_same_value(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"]): error_messages.append("Reaction paths cannot be plotted when temperature changes with reaction progress.") if not self.__is_all_same_value(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"]): error_messages.append("Reaction paths cannot be plotted when pressure changes with reaction progress.") if isinstance(xyb, list): if len(xyb) != 3: error_messages.append(("Error in xyb={}".format(xyb)+". " "The xyb parameter must either be None or a list of " "three basis species to serve as x, y, and balance variables.")) if not isinstance(self.df, pd.DataFrame): error_messages.append(("The plot_reaction_paths() function requires " "a thermodynamic database in a WORM-style CSV format, e.g., " "'wrm_data.csv'. You may be getting this message because " "a data0 or data1 file was used.")) if len(error_messages)>0: self.err_handler.raise_exception("\n".join(error_messages)) self.T = float(self.misc_params["Temp(C)"][0]) self.P = float(self.misc_params["Press(bars)"][0]) self.path_margin = path_margin minerals_formed = [m for m in self.moles_minerals.columns if m != "Xi"] all_elements_of_interest = [] for mineral in minerals_formed: if mineral not in list(self.df["name"]): if self.verbose > 0: print("The mineral", mineral, "cannot be represented in a", "reaction path diagram, likely because it is missing", "a Gibbs free energy value in the thermodynamic", "database. Continuing anyway, but be aware that", "this mineral will not be represented in diagrams.") continue all_elements_of_interest += self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(mineral) all_elements_of_interest_pre = list(set(all_elements_of_interest)) # filter out elements like Fe+0, which has no aqueous species representative # for which to create an axis. bad_elem = [] for elem in all_elements_of_interest_pre: if len(list(self.thermo.csv_db.loc[self.thermo.csv_db['name'] == self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem), 'state'])) == 0: bad_elem.append(elem) elif list(self.thermo.csv_db.loc[self.thermo.csv_db['name'] == self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem), 'state'])[0] != 'aq': bad_elem.append(elem) all_elements_of_interest = [elem for elem in all_elements_of_interest_pre if elem not in bad_elem] all_elements_of_interest = sorted(all_elements_of_interest) self.all_elements_of_interest = all_elements_of_interest fig_list = [] # if there are only 2 elements of interest, these become the axes, and there is no # need to fuss with real vs projected points. if len(all_elements_of_interest) == 2: fig, _ , _ = self.__plot_reaction_path_main( triad = all_elements_of_interest, T=self.T, P=self.P, path_margin=self.path_margin, flip_xy=flip_xy, show_annotation=show_annotation, annotation_coords=annotation_coords, show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines, minerals_to_show=minerals_to_show, path_line_type=path_line_type, path_line_color=path_line_color, path_point_fill_color=path_point_fill_color, path_point_line_color=path_point_line_color, projected_point_fill_color=projected_point_fill_color, projected_point_line_color=projected_point_line_color, h_line_color=h_line_color, v_line_color=v_line_color, d_line_color=d_line_color, res=res, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ppi=ppi, colormap=colormap, borders=borders, projected_points=["real"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0], first_pass=False) fig_list = [fig] elif len(all_elements_of_interest) >= 3: # get a list of elem pairs for plotting alist = self.all_elements_of_interest element_plot_pairs = [] for result in itertools.combinations(alist, 2): element_plot_pairs.append(list(result)) element_plot_triad = [] for pair in element_plot_pairs: elem_not_in_pair = [e for e in self.all_elements_of_interest if e not in pair] for e in elem_not_in_pair: triad_to_append = pair + [e] element_plot_triad.append(triad_to_append) if colormap == "bw": if borders == 0: borders = 1 colormap = "none" h_line_color = "black" v_line_color = "black" d_line_color = "black" fig_list = [] pred_minerals_from_fields_list = [] pred_minerals_from_lines_list = [] if isinstance(xyb, list): try: xyb_element_plot_triad = [[self.__get_elem_ox_of_interest_in_minerals(v)[0] for v in xyb]] except: err = ("Plot axes cannot accomodate desired variables. " "Available variables include {}".format([self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem) for elem in alist])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) xyb_i = None # get index of triad that matches xyb: for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad): if set(xyb_element_plot_triad[0][0:2]) == set(triad[0:2]) and xyb_element_plot_triad[0][2] == triad[2]: xyb_i = i if xyb_i == None: err = ("Plot axes cannot accomodate desired variables. " "Available variables include {}".format([self.__get_basis_from_elem(elem) for elem in alist])) self.err_handler.raise_exception(err) if not calculate_projected_points or path_line_type=="lines": projected_points = ["real"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] fig_list_projected_points = [projected_points]*len(element_plot_triad) else: if len(element_plot_triad) > 20: if self.verbose > 0: print("Warning! There are {}".format(len(element_plot_triad)), "different combinations of variables that must be considered", "in order to plot markers.") print("This might take a very long time or may not finish calculating at all.") print("We recommend setting calculate_projected_points=False in", "plot_reaction_paths() and then restarting the", "calculation to avoid lengthy calculation times.") for triad in element_plot_triad: # do a quick first pass at making figures to see which points are projections. fig, pred_minerals_from_fields, pred_minerals_from_lines = self.__plot_reaction_path_main( triad, T=self.T, P=self.P, show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=False, # no need for this in first pass minerals_to_show=[], # no need for this in first pass path_margin=self.path_margin, flip_xy=flip_xy, first_pass=True, # flag for skipping certain calculations/plotting res=1) # low res first pass if pred_minerals_from_fields == None: pred_minerals_from_fields=[None]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] fig_list.append(fig) pred_minerals_from_fields_list.append(pred_minerals_from_fields) pred_minerals_from_lines_list.append(pred_minerals_from_lines) # determine which line segments in the reaction path are projections # and which are actually in the plane of the diagram. # This is the "first pass" fig_list_projected_points = [] for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad): projected_points = ["projection"]*self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0] for irow in range(0, self.moles_product_minerals.shape[0]): # get names of minerals formed at this xi xirow = list(self.moles_product_minerals.iloc[irow]) formed_minerals = [self.moles_product_minerals.columns[1:][ii] for ii,mineral in enumerate(xirow[1:]) if mineral>0] available_pred_minerals_from_fields = [l[irow] for l in pred_minerals_from_fields_list] for mineral in formed_minerals: if mineral == pred_minerals_from_fields_list[i][irow]: # if this mineral is in pred_minerals_from_fields_list, # then it is NOT a projection. projected_points[irow] = "real" if mineral in available_pred_minerals_from_fields and mineral in pred_minerals_from_lines_list[i]: # if this mineral is in the irowth location of any of the # lists in pred_minerals_from_lines_list, it is NOT a # projection. projected_points[irow] = "real" fig_list_projected_points.append(projected_points) if isinstance(xyb, list): # if xyb is defined, make element_plot_triad have a length of 1 element_plot_triad = xyb_element_plot_triad # give the list of projected points lists a length of 1 fig_list_projected_points = [fig_list_projected_points[xyb_i]] fig_list = [] for i,triad in enumerate(element_plot_triad): # re-run figure generation, passing in a list of which points are projected. fig, _ , _ = self.__plot_reaction_path_main( triad, T=self.T, P=self.P, path_margin=self.path_margin, flip_xy=flip_xy, show_annotation=show_annotation, annotation_coords=annotation_coords, show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines=show_nonparticipating_mineral_lines, minerals_to_show=minerals_to_show, path_line_type=path_line_type, path_line_color=path_line_color, path_point_fill_color=path_point_fill_color, path_point_line_color=path_point_line_color, projected_point_fill_color=projected_point_fill_color, projected_point_line_color=projected_point_line_color, h_line_color=h_line_color, v_line_color=v_line_color, d_line_color=d_line_color, res=res, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, ppi=ppi, colormap=colormap, borders=borders, projected_points=fig_list_projected_points[i], first_pass=False) fig_list.append(fig) if not fig_list and self.verbose > 0: print("Warning: a reaction path plot could not be generated for this system.") if isinstance(save_as, str): dummy_sp = Speciation({}) for i,fig in enumerate(fig_list): if isinstance(xyb, list): name_append = "" else: name_append = "_{}".format(i+1) _, _ = dummy_sp._save_figure(fig, save_as+name_append, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi) return fig_list
def print_tabs(self)
Print the names of tables contained in a tab file processed by the the Mass_Transfer class.
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def print_tabs(self): """ Print the names of tables contained in a tab file processed by the the Mass_Transfer class. """ if != None: [print(key) for key in] else: print("A processed TAB file is not associated with this sample.")
class Mixing_Fluid (speciation, sample_name, amount_remaining=1, amount_destroyed=0, molar_volume=1, mass_ratio=1, hide_traceback=True)
Class used to define the fluid to be mixed with other fluids in
ofclass Speciation
- The speciation object containing the fluid to be mixed.
- The name of the fluid sample that will be mixed with all other speciated fluids.
, default1
- Number of moles of the fluid to be mixed with all others.
, default0
- Number of moles of the mixing fluid that has been destroyed.
, default1
- Molar volume of the mixing fluid, in moles/cm3.
, default1
- Ratio of mass of the mixing fluid to all other fluids.
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
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class Mixing_Fluid: def __init__(self, speciation, sample_name, amount_remaining=1, amount_destroyed=0, molar_volume=1, mass_ratio=1, hide_traceback=True, ): """ Class used to define the fluid to be mixed with other fluids in `Prepare_Reaction`. Parameters ---------- speciation : object of class Speciation The speciation object containing the fluid to be mixed. sample_name : str The name of the fluid sample that will be mixed with all other speciated fluids. amount_remaining : float, default 1 Number of moles of the fluid to be mixed with all others. amount_destroyed : float, default 0 Number of moles of the mixing fluid that has been destroyed. molar_volume : float, default 1 Molar volume of the mixing fluid, in moles/cm3. mass_ratio : float, default 1 Ratio of mass of the mixing fluid to all other fluids. hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. """ self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback) # Prepare a special reactant to be used in a mixing calculation. if isinstance(speciation, Speciation): self.sample_name = sample_name if not sample_name in speciation.sample_data.keys(): self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The sample '"+str(sample_name)+"'" " was not found amongst the samples in this speciation" " calculation: "+str(list(speciation.sample_data.keys())))) self.speciation_sample_data = speciation.sample_data[sample_name] self.T = self.speciation_sample_data["temperature"] self.mass_ratio = mass_ratio elemental_composition_lines = [] capture = False for i,line in enumerate(speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top[sample_name]): if "|->|Composition" in line: capture = True i_start = i if "|->|Reaction" in line: capture = False if capture and i > i_start + 3: elemental_composition_lines.append(line) # ignore last line, which is a divider "|----------..." elemental_composition_lines = elemental_composition_lines[:-1] fluid_2_dict = {} for line in elemental_composition_lines: split_line = line.split("|") element = split_line[2].strip() value = float(split_line[3]) fluid_2_dict[element] = value self.reactant = Reactant(reactant_name="Fluid 2", reactant_type="Special reactant", special_reactant_dict=fluid_2_dict, amount_remaining=amount_remaining, amount_destroyed=amount_destroyed, molar_volume=molar_volume, hide_traceback=hide_traceback) self.formatted_block = self.reactant.formatted_block self.reactant_type = "Special reactant" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(("The speciation parameter was" " not given a Speciation object. A Speciation object is" " produced by the AqEquil.speciate() function.")) # handle fluid mixing reaction block lines_to_keep = self.formatted_block.split("\n") raw_p_dict_top = speciation.raw_3_pickup_dict_top # grab this fluid's reaction block reaction_block_lines = [] capture = False for line in raw_p_dict_top[sample_name]: if "|->|Reaction" in line: capture = True if "|->|Surface area" in line: capture = False if capture: reaction_block_lines.append(line) # insert this fluid's reaction block before_lines = [] after_lines = [] is_before = True for i,line in enumerate(lines_to_keep): if "|->|Reaction" in line: is_before=False if is_before: before_lines.append(line) else: after_lines.append(line) # trim redundant lines after_lines = after_lines[5:] lines_to_keep = before_lines + reaction_block_lines + after_lines self.formatted_block = "\n".join(lines_to_keep)
class Prepare_Reaction (reactants, gases=[], t_option=None, t_value_1=None, t_value_2=None, t_value_3=None, p_option=0, p_value_1=None, p_value_2=0, xi_range=[0, 1], time_range=[0, 1e+38], pH_range=[-1e+38, 1e+38], Eh_range=[-1e+38, 1e+38], fO2_range=[-1e+38, 1e+38], aw_range=[-1e+38, 1e+38], max_n_steps=900, xi_print_int=1, log_xi_print_int=1, time_print_int=1e+38, log_time_print_int=1e+38, pH_print_interval=1e+38, Eh_print_interval=1e+38, logfO2_print_interval=1e+38, aw_print_interval=1e+38, n_steps_print_interval=100, physical_system_model='closed', kinetic_mode='arbitrary', phase_boundary_search=0, permit_solid_solutions=False, clear_es_solids_read=False, clear_es_solids_initial=False, clear_es_solids_end=False, clear_prs_solids_read=False, clear_prs_solids_end=False, auto_basis_switching_pre_NR=False, auto_basis_switching_post_NR=False, calc_mode_selection=0, ODE_corrector_mode=0, mineral_suppression_option='None', write_tab=-1, fluid_mixing_setup=False, max_finite_difference_order=6, beta_convergence_tolerance=0, del_convergence_tolerance=0, max_n_NR_iter=500, search_find_convergeance_tolerance=0, saturation_tolerance=0, max_n_phase_assemblage_tries=0, zero_order_step_size=0, max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers=0, filename=None, hide_traceback=True)
Class used to set the parameters of a reaction between the results of a speciation calculation and minerals, gases, etc.
- List of reactants defined by the 'Reactant' class. Can be an empty list if no reactants are desired.
, default[]
- List of gases defined by the 'Gas' class. Can be an empty list if no gases are desired.
, default0
Desired option for handling temperature of the reaction. Valid choices include:
- 0 for constant temperature
- 1 for linear tracking in Xi
- 2 for linear tracking in time
Fluid mixing tracking is not yet supported.
:default None, 0, 0, respectively
By default, the temperature of samples in the speciation calculation will be used, so the user does not need to specify temperature values here. However, if a user wishes, temperature values can be defined here that will be applied to all samples in the speciation. Note that doing so may result in incongruous results. That said, the values specified here depend on which option is selected for
:- If 't_option' is 0, then t_value_1 is the value of the constant temperature (in degrees C), and t_value_2 and t_value_3 are ignored.
- If 't_option' is 1, then t_value_1 is the base value temperature (in degrees C), t_value_2 is the derivative, and t_value_3 is ignored.
- If 't_option' is 2, then t_value_1 is the base value temperature (in degrees C), t_value_2 is the derivative, and t_value_3 is ignored.
, default0
Desired option for handling pressure of the reaction. Valid choices include:
- 0 to follow the data file reference pressure curve
- 1 to follow the 1.013-bar/steam-saturation curve
- 2 for constant pressure
- 3 for linear tracking in Xi
- 4 for linear tracking in time
:float default None, 0
Values assigned to desired
.- If
is 0 or 1, p_value_1 and p_value_2 are ignored. - If
is 2, p_value_1 represents a constant pressure, in bars, and p_value_2 is ignored. - If
is 3 or 4, p_value_1 represents the base pressure value, in bars, and p_value_2 is the derivative.
- If
oftwo float
, default[0, 1]
- A list containing the starting and maximum value of Xi, respectively.
oftwo float
, default[0, 1e38]
- A list containing the starting and maximum time, respectively.
oftwo float
, default[-1e38, 1e38]
- A list containing the minimum and maximum values of pH.
oftwo float
, default[-1e38, 1e38]
- A list containing the minimum and maximum values of Eh.
oftwo float
, default[-1e38, 1e38]
- A list containing the minimum and maximum values of the fugacity of oxygen, fO2.
oftwo float
, default[-1e38, 1e38]
- A list containing the minimum and maximum values of water activity.
, default900
- Maximum number of steps of Xi allowed.
, default1
- Xi print interval.
, default1
- Log Xi print interval.
, default1e38
- Time print interval.
, default1e38
- Log time print interval.
, default1e38
- pH print interval.
, default1e38
- Eh (v) print interval.
, default1e38
- Log fO2 print interval.
, default1e38
- Activity of water (aw) print interval.
, default100
- Steps print interval.
, default"closed"
Selection for the physical system model. Valid options include:
- "closed"
- "titration"
- "fluid-centered flow-through open"
, default"arbitrary"
- Selection for kinetic mode. Valid options include: - "arbitrary" for arbitrary kinetics, reaction progress mode - "true" for true kinetics, reaction progress/time mode
, default0
Selection for phase boundary searches. Valid options include:
- 0 to search for phase boundaries and constrain the step size to match.
- 1 to search for phase boundaries and print their locations.
- 2 to not search for phase boundaries.
, defaultFalse
- Permit solid solutions? If False, solid solutions are ignored.
, defaultFalse
- Clear the ES solids read from the input file?
, defaultFalse
- Clear the ES solids at the initial value of reaction progress?
, defaultFalse
- Clear the ES solids at the end of the run?
, defaultFalse
- Clear the PRS solids read from the input file?
, defaultFalse
- Clear the PRS solids at the end of the run? If True, PRS solids will be cleared unless numerical problems cause early termination.
, defaultFalse
- Turn on auto basis switching in pre-Newton-Raphson optimization?
, defaultFalse
- Turn on auto basis switching after Newton-Raphson iteration?
, default0
Calculational mode selection. Valid options include:
- 0 for normal path tracing
- 1 for economy mode (if permissible)
- 2 for super economy mode (if permissible)
, default0
ODE integrator corrector mode selection. Valid options include:
- 0 to allow stiff and simple correctors
- 1 to allow only simple corrector
- 2 to allow only stiff corrector
- 3 to allow no correctors
, default"None"
- Option to suppress formation of minerals. Can be either "None" (no minerals are suppressed) or "All" (all minerals are suppressed).
, default-1
Option to write a TAB file. Valid options include:
- -1 do not write a TAB file (default)
- 0 write a TAB file
- 1 write a TAB file prepending TABX file data from a previous run
, defaultFalse
- If True, will write an EQ6 input file with Fluid 1 set up for fluid mixing. If False, a normal EQ6 pickup file will be written.
, default6
- Maximum finite-difference order (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Beta convergence tolerance (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Delta convergence tolerance (numerical parameter).
, default500
- Maximum number of N-R iterations (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Search/find convergence tolerance (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Saturation tolerance (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Maximum number of phase assemblage tries (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Zero order step size in Xi (numerical parameter).
, default0
- Maximum interval in Xi between PRS transfers (numerical parameter).
, defaultNone
- Filename where the results of
will be written. This is equivalent to the top half of an EQ3/6 6i file. If None, no file will be written. hide_traceback
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
Expand source code
class Prepare_Reaction: def __init__(self, reactants, gases=[], t_option=None, t_value_1=None, # temp t_value_2=None, # temp or deriv t_value_3=None, # mass ratio factor p_option=0, p_value_1=None, # pressure p_value_2=0, # deriv xi_range=[0, 1], time_range=[0, 1e38], pH_range=[-1e38, 1e38], Eh_range=[-1e38, 1e38], fO2_range=[-1e38, 1e38], aw_range=[-1e38, 1e38], max_n_steps=900, xi_print_int=1, log_xi_print_int=1, time_print_int=1e38, log_time_print_int=1e38, pH_print_interval=1e38, Eh_print_interval=1e38, logfO2_print_interval=1e38, aw_print_interval=1e38, n_steps_print_interval=100, physical_system_model="closed", kinetic_mode="arbitrary", phase_boundary_search=0, permit_solid_solutions=False, clear_es_solids_read=False, clear_es_solids_initial=False, clear_es_solids_end=False, clear_prs_solids_read=False, clear_prs_solids_end=False, auto_basis_switching_pre_NR=False, auto_basis_switching_post_NR=False, calc_mode_selection=0, ODE_corrector_mode=0, mineral_suppression_option="None", write_tab=-1, # do not write a TAB file by default because EQ6 can encounter an access violation when writing a TAB file fluid_mixing_setup=False, max_finite_difference_order=6, beta_convergence_tolerance=0, del_convergence_tolerance=0, max_n_NR_iter=500, search_find_convergeance_tolerance=0, saturation_tolerance=0, max_n_phase_assemblage_tries=0, zero_order_step_size=0, max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers=0, filename=None, hide_traceback=True, ): """ Class used to set the parameters of a reaction between the results of a speciation calculation and minerals, gases, etc. Parameters ---------- reactants : list List of reactants defined by the 'Reactant' class. Can be an empty list if no reactants are desired. gases : list, default [] List of gases defined by the 'Gas' class. Can be an empty list if no gases are desired. t_option : int, default 0 Desired option for handling temperature of the reaction. Valid choices include: - 0 for constant temperature - 1 for linear tracking in Xi - 2 for linear tracking in time Fluid mixing tracking is not yet supported. t_value_1, t_value_2, t_value_3 : default None, 0, 0, respectively By default, the temperature of samples in the speciation calculation will be used, so the user does not need to specify temperature values here. However, if a user wishes, temperature values can be defined here that will be applied to all samples in the speciation. Note that doing so may result in incongruous results. That said, the values specified here depend on which option is selected for `t_option`: - If 't_option' is 0, then t_value_1 is the value of the constant temperature (in degrees C), and t_value_2 and t_value_3 are ignored. - If 't_option' is 1, then t_value_1 is the base value temperature (in degrees C), t_value_2 is the derivative, and t_value_3 is ignored. - If 't_option' is 2, then t_value_1 is the base value temperature (in degrees C), t_value_2 is the derivative, and t_value_3 is ignored. p_option : int, default 0 Desired option for handling pressure of the reaction. Valid choices include: - 0 to follow the data file reference pressure curve - 1 to follow the 1.013-bar/steam-saturation curve - 2 for constant pressure - 3 for linear tracking in Xi - 4 for linear tracking in time p_value_1, p_value_2 : float default None, 0 Values assigned to desired `p_option`. - If `p_option` is 0 or 1, p_value_1 and p_value_2 are ignored. - If `p_option` is 2, p_value_1 represents a constant pressure, in bars, and p_value_2 is ignored. - If `p_option` is 3 or 4, p_value_1 represents the base pressure value, in bars, and p_value_2 is the derivative. xi_range : list of two float, default [0, 1] A list containing the starting and maximum value of Xi, respectively. time_range : list of two float, default [0, 1e38] A list containing the starting and maximum time, respectively. pH_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38] A list containing the minimum and maximum values of pH. Eh_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38] A list containing the minimum and maximum values of Eh. fO2_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38] A list containing the minimum and maximum values of the fugacity of oxygen, fO2. aw_range : list of two float, default [-1e38, 1e38] A list containing the minimum and maximum values of water activity. max_n_steps : int, default 900 Maximum number of steps of Xi allowed. xi_print_int : int, default 1 Xi print interval. log_xi_print_int : int, default 1 Log Xi print interval. time_print_int : int, default 1e38 Time print interval. log_time_print_int : int, default 1e38 Log time print interval. pH_print_interval : int, default 1e38 pH print interval. Eh_print_interval : int, default 1e38 Eh (v) print interval. logfO2_print_interval : int, default 1e38 Log fO2 print interval. aw_print_interval : int, default 1e38 Activity of water (aw) print interval. n_steps_print_interval : int, default 100 Steps print interval. physical_system_model : str, default "closed" Selection for the physical system model. Valid options include: - "closed" - "titration" - "fluid-centered flow-through open" kinetic_mode : str, default "arbitrary" Selection for kinetic mode. Valid options include: - "arbitrary" for arbitrary kinetics, reaction progress mode - "true" for true kinetics, reaction progress/time mode phase_boundary_search : int, default 0 Selection for phase boundary searches. Valid options include: - 0 to search for phase boundaries and constrain the step size to match. - 1 to search for phase boundaries and print their locations. - 2 to not search for phase boundaries. permit_solid_solutions : bool, default False Permit solid solutions? If False, solid solutions are ignored. clear_es_solids_read : bool, default False Clear the ES solids read from the input file? clear_es_solids_initial : bool, default False Clear the ES solids at the initial value of reaction progress? clear_es_solids_end : bool, default False Clear the ES solids at the end of the run? clear_prs_solids_read : bool, default False Clear the PRS solids read from the input file? clear_prs_solids_end : bool, default False Clear the PRS solids at the end of the run? If True, PRS solids will be cleared unless numerical problems cause early termination. auto_basis_switching_pre_NR : bool, default False Turn on auto basis switching in pre-Newton-Raphson optimization? auto_basis_switching_post_NR : bool, default False Turn on auto basis switching after Newton-Raphson iteration? calc_mode_selection : int, default 0 Calculational mode selection. Valid options include: - 0 for normal path tracing - 1 for economy mode (if permissible) - 2 for super economy mode (if permissible) ODE_corrector_mode : int, default 0 ODE integrator corrector mode selection. Valid options include: - 0 to allow stiff and simple correctors - 1 to allow only simple corrector - 2 to allow only stiff corrector - 3 to allow no correctors mineral_suppression_option : str, default "None" Option to suppress formation of minerals. Can be either "None" (no minerals are suppressed) or "All" (all minerals are suppressed). write_tab : int, default -1 Option to write a TAB file. Valid options include: - -1 do not write a TAB file (default) - 0 write a TAB file - 1 write a TAB file prepending TABX file data from a previous run fluid_mixing_setup : bool, default False If True, will write an EQ6 input file with Fluid 1 set up for fluid mixing. If False, a normal EQ6 pickup file will be written. max_finite_difference_order : int, default 6 Maximum finite-difference order (numerical parameter). beta_convergence_tolerance : float, default 0 Beta convergence tolerance (numerical parameter). del_convergence_tolerance : float, default 0 Delta convergence tolerance (numerical parameter). max_n_NR_iter : int, default 500 Maximum number of N-R iterations (numerical parameter). search_find_convergeance_tolerance : float, default 0 Search/find convergence tolerance (numerical parameter). saturation_tolerance : float, default 0 Saturation tolerance (numerical parameter). max_n_phase_assemblage_tries : int, default 0 Maximum number of phase assemblage tries (numerical parameter). zero_order_step_size : int, default 0 Zero order step size in Xi (numerical parameter). max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers : int, default 0 Maximum interval in Xi between PRS transfers (numerical parameter). filename : str, default None Filename where the results of `Prepare_Reaction` will be written. This is equivalent to the top half of an EQ3/6 6i file. If None, no file will be written. hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. """ self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback) if len(reactants) == 1 and not isinstance(reactants, list): reactants = list(reactants) if len(gases) == 0: gases = [Gas()] elif len(gases) == 1 and not isinstance(gases, list): gases = list(gases) self.reactants=reactants self.gases=gases self.t_option=t_option self.t_value_1=t_value_1 self.t_value_2=t_value_2 self.t_value_3=t_value_3 self.p_option=p_option self.p_value_1=p_value_1 self.p_value_2=p_value_2 self.start_xi=xi_range[0] self.max_xi=xi_range[1] self.start_time=time_range[0] self.max_time=time_range[1] self.min_pH=pH_range[0] self.max_pH=pH_range[1] self.min_Eh=Eh_range[0] self.max_Eh=Eh_range[1] self.min_fO2=fO2_range[0] self.max_fO2=fO2_range[1] self.min_aw=aw_range[0] self.max_aw=aw_range[1] self.max_n_steps=max_n_steps self.xi_print_int=xi_print_int self.log_xi_print_int=log_xi_print_int self.time_print_int=time_print_int self.log_time_print_int=log_time_print_int self.pH_print_interval=pH_print_interval self.Eh_print_interval=Eh_print_interval self.logfO2_print_interval=logfO2_print_interval self.aw_print_interval=aw_print_interval self.n_steps_print_interval=n_steps_print_interval self.max_finite_difference_order=max_finite_difference_order self.beta_convergence_tolerance=beta_convergence_tolerance self.del_convergence_tolerance=del_convergence_tolerance self.max_n_NR_iter=max_n_NR_iter self.search_find_convergeance_tolerance=search_find_convergeance_tolerance self.saturation_tolerance=saturation_tolerance self.max_n_phase_assemblage_tries=max_n_phase_assemblage_tries self.zero_order_step_size=zero_order_step_size self.max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers=max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers self.mineral_suppression_option=mineral_suppression_option self.t_checkbox_1=" " self.t_checkbox_2=" " self.t_checkbox_3=" " self.t_checkbox_4=" " self.tval1=0 self.tval2=0 self.tval3=0 self.tval4=0 self.tval5=0 self.tval6=0 self.tval7=0 self.tval8=0 self.p_checkbox_1=" " self.p_checkbox_2=" " self.p_checkbox_3=" " self.p_checkbox_4=" " self.p_checkbox_5=" " self.pval1=0 self.pval2=0 self.pval3=0 self.pval4=0 self.pval5=0 self.i1_checkbox_1 = " " self.i1_checkbox_2 = " " self.i1_checkbox_3 = " " self.i2_checkbox_1 = " " self.i2_checkbox_2 = " " self.i3_checkbox_1 = " " self.i3_checkbox_2 = " " self.i3_checkbox_3 = " " self.i4_checkbox_1 = " " self.i4_checkbox_2 = " " self.i5_checkbox_1 = " " self.i5_checkbox_2 = " " self.i6_checkbox_1 = " " self.i6_checkbox_2 = " " self.i7_checkbox_1 = " " self.i7_checkbox_2 = " " self.i9_checkbox_1 = " " self.i9_checkbox_2 = " " self.i10_checkbox_1 = " " self.i10_checkbox_2 = " " self.i11_checkbox_1 = " " self.i11_checkbox_2 = " " self.i12_checkbox_1 = " " self.i12_checkbox_2 = " " self.i13_checkbox_1 = " " self.i13_checkbox_2 = " " self.i13_checkbox_3 = " " self.i14_checkbox_1 = " " self.i14_checkbox_2 = " " self.i14_checkbox_3 = " " self.i14_checkbox_4 = " " self.i15_checkbox_1 = " " self.i15_checkbox_2 = " " self.i18_checkbox_1 = " " self.i18_checkbox_2 = " " self.i18_checkbox_3 = " " self.i20_checkbox_1 = " " self.i20_checkbox_2 = " " tval_var_to_format = None pval_var_to_format = None # set t_option and t_value defaults when there is a mixing calculation n_mixing_fluid_reactants=0 for reactant in reactants: if isinstance(reactant, Mixing_Fluid): n_mixing_fluid_reactants += 1 if t_option == None: t_option = 3 self.t_option=t_option if t_value_1 == None: t_value_1 = None # will be formatted with temp of fluid 1 later self.t_value_1=t_value_1 if t_value_2 == None: t_value_2 = float(reactant.T) # temp of fluid 2 self.t_value_2=t_value_2 if t_value_3 == None: t_value_3 = reactant.mass_ratio # mass ratio factor self.t_value_3=t_value_3 if n_mixing_fluid_reactants == 0: # set t_option and t_value defaults when there is no mixing calculation if t_option == None: t_option = 0 self.t_option = 0 # if t_value_1 == None: # t_value_1 = None # self.t_value_1 = 0 # if t_value_2 == None: # t_value_2 = 0 # self.t_value_2 = 0 # if t_value_3 == None: # t_value_3 = 0 # self.t_value_3 = 0 elif n_mixing_fluid_reactants == 1: pass else: self.err_handler.raise_exception(("" "There are {} mixing fluids ".format(n_mixing_fluid_reactants)+"" "in the list of reactants. There may only be one.")) if t_option == 0: self.t_checkbox_1="x" if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number): self.tval1=t_value_1 else: tval_var_to_format = 1 elif t_option == 1: self.t_checkbox_2="x" if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number): self.tval2=t_value_1 self.tval3=t_value_2 else: tval_var_to_format = 2 elif t_option == 2: self.t_checkbox_3="x" if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number): self.tval4=t_value_1 self.tval5=t_value_2 else: tval_var_to_format = 4 elif t_option == 3: self.t_checkbox_4="x" if isinstance(t_value_1, numbers.Number): self.tval6=t_value_1 self.tval7=t_value_2 self.tval8=t_value_3 else: self.tval7=t_value_2 self.tval8=t_value_3 tval_var_to_format = 6 else: raise Exception("t_option must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.") if p_option == 0: self.p_checkbox_1="x" elif p_option == 1: self.p_checkbox_2="x" elif p_option == 2: self.p_checkbox_3="x" if isinstance(p_value_1, numbers.Number): self.pval1=p_value_1 else: pval_var_to_format = 1 elif p_option == 3: self.p_checkbox_4="x" if isinstance(p_value_1, numbers.Number): self.pval2=p_value_1 self.pval3=p_value_2 else: pval_var_to_format = 2 elif p_option == 4: self.p_checkbox_5="x" if isinstance(p_value_1, numbers.Number): self.pval4=p_value_1 self.pval5=p_value_2 else: pval_var_to_format = 4 else: raise Exception("p_option must be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.") if physical_system_model == "closed": self.i1_checkbox_1 = "x" elif physical_system_model == "titration": self.i1_checkbox_2 = "x" elif physical_system_model == "fluid-centered flow-through open": self.i1_checkbox_3 = "x" else: msg = ("physical_system_model must either be 'closed', 'titration'," " or 'fluid-centered flow-through open'.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if kinetic_mode == "arbitrary": self.i2_checkbox_1 = "x" elif kinetic_mode == "true": self.i2_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "kinetic_mode must either be 'arbitrary' or 'true'." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if phase_boundary_search == 0: self.i3_checkbox_1 = "x" elif phase_boundary_search == 1: self.i3_checkbox_2 = "x" elif phase_boundary_search == 2: self.i3_checkbox_3 = "x" else: msg = "phase_boundary_search must be 0, 1, or 2." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if permit_solid_solutions == False: self.i4_checkbox_1 = "x" elif permit_solid_solutions == True: self.i4_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "permit_solid_solutions must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if clear_es_solids_read == False: self.i5_checkbox_1 = "x" elif clear_es_solids_read == True: self.i5_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "clear_es_solids_read must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if clear_es_solids_initial == False: self.i6_checkbox_1 = "x" elif clear_es_solids_initial == True: self.i6_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "clear_es_solids_initial must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if clear_es_solids_end == False: self.i7_checkbox_1 = "x" elif clear_es_solids_end == True: self.i7_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "clear_es_solids_end must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) # there is no iopt8 if clear_prs_solids_read == False: self.i9_checkbox_1 = "x" elif clear_prs_solids_read == True: self.i9_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "clear_prs_solids_read must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if clear_prs_solids_end == False: self.i10_checkbox_1 = "x" elif clear_prs_solids_end == True: self.i10_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "clear_prs_solids_end must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if auto_basis_switching_pre_NR == False: self.i11_checkbox_1 = "x" elif auto_basis_switching_pre_NR == True: self.i11_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "auto_basis_switching_pre_NR must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if auto_basis_switching_post_NR == False: self.i12_checkbox_1 = "x" elif auto_basis_switching_post_NR == True: self.i12_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "auto_basis_switching_post_NR must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if calc_mode_selection == 0: self.i13_checkbox_1 = "x" elif calc_mode_selection == 1: self.i13_checkbox_2 = "x" elif calc_mode_selection == 2: self.i13_checkbox_3 = "x" else: msg = "calc_mode_selection must be 0, 1, or 2." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) if ODE_corrector_mode == 0: self.i14_checkbox_1 = "x" elif ODE_corrector_mode == 1: self.i14_checkbox_2 = "x" elif ODE_corrector_mode == 2: self.i14_checkbox_3 = "x" elif ODE_corrector_mode == 3: self.i14_checkbox_4 = "x" else: msg = "ODE_corrector_mode must be 0, 1, or 2." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) # The suppress redox option in EQ6 doesn't work with WORM data. # Use redox-isolated elements from the redox suppression # option in the AqEquil class instead. self.i15_checkbox_1 = "x" if write_tab == -1: self.i18_checkbox_1 = "x" elif write_tab == 0: self.i18_checkbox_2 = "x" elif write_tab == 1: self.i18_checkbox_3 = "x" else: self.err_handler.raise_exception("write_tab_option must be -1, 0, " "or 1.") if fluid_mixing_setup == False: self.i20_checkbox_1 = "x" elif fluid_mixing_setup == True: self.i20_checkbox_2 = "x" else: msg = "fluid_mixing_setup must be True or False." self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) now = self.date_created = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p') self.__format_reaction(tval_var_to_format, pval_var_to_format) if filename != None: with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(pr.formatted_reaction) def __format_reaction(self, tval_var_to_format=None, pval_var_to_format=None): reaction_options_formatted = dict( date_created=f"{self.date_created:<24}", start_xi=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.start_xi):>12}", max_xi=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.max_xi):>12}", start_time=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.start_time):>12}", max_time=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.max_time):>12}", min_pH=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.min_pH):>12}", max_pH=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.max_pH):>12}", min_Eh=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.min_Eh):>12}", max_Eh=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.max_Eh):>12}", min_fO2=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.min_fO2):>12}", max_fO2=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.max_fO2):>12}", min_aw=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.min_aw):>12}", max_aw=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.max_aw):>12}", max_n_steps=f"{self.max_n_steps:>12}", xi_print_int=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.xi_print_int):>12}", log_xi_print_int=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.log_xi_print_int):>12}", time_print_int=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.time_print_int):>12}", log_time_print_int=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.log_time_print_int):>12}", pH_print_interval=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.pH_print_interval):>12}", Eh_print_interval=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.Eh_print_interval):>12}", logfO2_print_interval=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.logfO2_print_interval):>12}", aw_print_interval=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.aw_print_interval):>12}", n_steps_print_interval=f"{self.n_steps_print_interval:>12}", max_finite_difference_order=f"{self.max_finite_difference_order:>12}", beta_convergence_tolerance=f"{self.beta_convergence_tolerance:>12}", del_convergence_tolerance=f"{self.del_convergence_tolerance:>12}", max_n_NR_iter=f"{self.max_n_NR_iter:>12}", search_find_convergeance_tolerance=f"{self.search_find_convergeance_tolerance:>12}", saturation_tolerance=f"{self.saturation_tolerance:>12}", max_n_phase_assemblage_tries=f"{self.max_n_phase_assemblage_tries:>12}", zero_order_step_size=f"{self.zero_order_step_size:>12}", max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers=f"{self.max_interval_in_xi_between_PRS_transfers:>12}", t_checkbox_1=self.t_checkbox_1, t_checkbox_2=self.t_checkbox_2, t_checkbox_3=self.t_checkbox_3, t_checkbox_4=self.t_checkbox_4, p_checkbox_1=self.p_checkbox_1, p_checkbox_2=self.p_checkbox_2, p_checkbox_3=self.p_checkbox_3, p_checkbox_4=self.p_checkbox_4, p_checkbox_5=self.p_checkbox_5, i1_checkbox_1=self.i1_checkbox_1, i1_checkbox_2=self.i1_checkbox_2, i1_checkbox_3=self.i1_checkbox_3, i2_checkbox_1=self.i2_checkbox_1, i2_checkbox_2=self.i2_checkbox_2, i3_checkbox_1=self.i3_checkbox_1, i3_checkbox_2=self.i3_checkbox_2, i3_checkbox_3=self.i3_checkbox_3, i4_checkbox_1=self.i4_checkbox_1, i4_checkbox_2=self.i4_checkbox_2, i5_checkbox_1=self.i5_checkbox_1, i5_checkbox_2=self.i5_checkbox_2, i6_checkbox_1=self.i6_checkbox_1, i6_checkbox_2=self.i6_checkbox_2, i7_checkbox_1=self.i7_checkbox_1, i7_checkbox_2=self.i7_checkbox_2, i9_checkbox_1=self.i9_checkbox_1, i9_checkbox_2=self.i9_checkbox_2, i10_checkbox_1=self.i10_checkbox_1, i10_checkbox_2=self.i10_checkbox_2, i11_checkbox_1=self.i11_checkbox_1, i11_checkbox_2=self.i11_checkbox_2, i12_checkbox_1=self.i12_checkbox_1, i12_checkbox_2=self.i12_checkbox_2, i13_checkbox_1=self.i13_checkbox_1, i13_checkbox_2=self.i13_checkbox_2, i13_checkbox_3=self.i13_checkbox_3, i14_checkbox_1=self.i14_checkbox_1, i14_checkbox_2=self.i14_checkbox_2, i14_checkbox_3=self.i14_checkbox_3, i14_checkbox_4=self.i14_checkbox_4, i15_checkbox_1=self.i15_checkbox_1, i15_checkbox_2=self.i15_checkbox_2, i18_checkbox_1=self.i18_checkbox_1, i18_checkbox_2=self.i18_checkbox_2, i18_checkbox_3=self.i18_checkbox_3, i20_checkbox_1=self.i20_checkbox_1, i20_checkbox_2=self.i20_checkbox_2, ) # leave {tval1} (or {tval2}, {tval3}...) in pre_6i file so it can be updated after joining 3p if tval_var_to_format != None: reaction_options_formatted["tval"+str(tval_var_to_format)] = "{tval}" for i in range(1, 9): if i == tval_var_to_format: continue else: reaction_options_formatted["tval"+str(i)]=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(getattr(self, 'tval'+str(i))):>12}" else: reaction_options_formatted.update(dict( tval1=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval1):>12}", tval2=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval2):>12}", tval3=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval3):>12}", tval4=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval4):>12}", tval5=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval5):>12}", tval6=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval6):>12}", tval7=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval7):>12}", tval8=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.tval8):>12}", )) # leave {pval1} (or {pval2}, {pval3}...) in pre_6i file so it can be updated after joining 3p if pval_var_to_format != None: reaction_options_formatted["pval"+str(pval_var_to_format)] = "{pval}" for i in range(1, 6): if i == pval_var_to_format: continue else: reaction_options_formatted["pval"+str(i)]=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(getattr(self, 'pval'+str(i))):>12}" else: reaction_options_formatted.update(dict( pval1=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.pval1):>12}", pval2=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.pval2):>12}", pval3=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.pval3):>12}", pval4=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.pval4):>12}", pval5=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.pval5):>12}", )) reactant_blocks = "".join([r.formatted_block for r in self.reactants]) gas_lines = "".join([r.formatted_line for r in self.gases]) reaction_options_formatted.update(dict(reactant_blocks=reactant_blocks)) reaction_options_formatted.update(dict(gas_lines=gas_lines)) if self.mineral_suppression_option == "None": mineral_suppress_option_value = "None " elif self.mineral_suppression_option == "All": mineral_suppress_option_value = "All " else: msg = ("Error in Prepare_Reaction(): `mineral_suppression_option` " "must be 'None' or 'All'.") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg) min_supp_temp = copy.copy(mineral_suppress_template) min_supp_dict = dict(mineral_suppress_option=mineral_suppress_option_value) min_supp_temp = min_supp_temp.format(**min_supp_dict) reaction_options_formatted.update( dict(mineral_suppress_lines=min_supp_temp) ) reaction_template = copy.copy(template) self.formatted_reaction = reaction_template.format(**reaction_options_formatted)
class Reactant (reactant_name, reactant_type='Pure mineral', reactant_status='Reacting', amount_remaining=1, amount_destroyed=0, molar_volume=0, surface_area_option=0, surface_area_value=0, surface_area_factor=0, f_rate_law='Relative rate equation', f_eq1=1, f_eq2=0, f_eq3=0, b_rate_law='Partial equilibrium', b_eq1=1, b_eq2=0, b_eq3=0, special_reactant_dict={}, hide_traceback=True)
Class used to define reactants for
- Name of the reactant.
, default"Pure mineral"
Reactant type. Valid types include:
- Pure mineral
- Solid solution
- Special reactant
- Aqueous species
- Gas species
- Generic ion exchanger
, default"Reacting"
Status of the reactant. Valid statuses include:
- Reacting
- Saturated, reacting
- Exhausted
- Saturated, not reacting
, default1
- Moles of reactant remaining.
, default0
- Moles of reactant destroyed.
, default0
Option for reactant surface area. Valid options include:
- 0, for Constant surface area (in cm2)
- 1, for Constant specific surface area (in cm2/g). Surface area changes in proportion to the reactant mass.
- 2, for n**2/3 growth law- current surface area (in cm2)
, default0
The value assigned to choice of surface area option according to:
- If
is 0, value is in cm2. - If
is 1, value is in cm2/g. - If
is 2, value is in cm2.
- If
, default0
- Value assigned to surface area factor.
, default"Relative rate equation"
Type of forward rate law. Valid types include:
- Use backward rate law
- Relative rate equation The TST rate equation is not yet supported.
, default1, 0, 0, respectively
Coefficients of the forward rate law defined for
. Iff_rate_law
is "Relative rate equation", then:- f_eq1 is dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol)
- f_eq2 is d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2)
- f_eq3 is d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3)
, default"Partial equilibrium"
Type of backward rate law. Valid types include:
- Use forward rate law
- Partial equilibrium
- Relative rate equation The TST rate equation is not yet supported.
, default1, 0, 0, respectively
Coefficients of the backward rate law defined for
. Ifb_rate_law
is "Relative rate equation", then:- the value of b_eq1 represents dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol)
- the value of b_eq2 represents d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2)
- the value of b_eq3 represents d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3)
, defaultTrue
- Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point.
Expand source code
class Reactant: def __init__(self, reactant_name, reactant_type="Pure mineral", reactant_status="Reacting", amount_remaining=1, amount_destroyed=0, molar_volume=0, surface_area_option=0, surface_area_value=0, surface_area_factor=0, f_rate_law="Relative rate equation", f_eq1=1, f_eq2=0, f_eq3=0, b_rate_law="Partial equilibrium", b_eq1=1, b_eq2=0, b_eq3=0, special_reactant_dict={}, hide_traceback=True, ): """ Class used to define reactants for `Prepare_Reaction`. Parameters ---------- reactant_name : str Name of the reactant. reactant_type : str, default "Pure mineral" Reactant type. Valid types include: - Pure mineral - Solid solution - Special reactant - Aqueous species - Gas species - Generic ion exchanger reactant_status : str, default "Reacting" Status of the reactant. Valid statuses include: - Reacting - Saturated, reacting - Exhausted - Saturated, not reacting amount_remaining : float, default 1 Moles of reactant remaining. amount_destroyed : float, default 0 Moles of reactant destroyed. surface_area_option : int, default 0 Option for reactant surface area. Valid options include: - 0, for Constant surface area (in cm2) - 1, for Constant specific surface area (in cm2/g). Surface area changes in proportion to the reactant mass. - 2, for n**2/3 growth law- current surface area (in cm2) surface_area_value : float, default 0 The value assigned to choice of surface area option according to: - If `surface_area_option` is 0, value is in cm2. - If `surface_area_option` is 1, value is in cm2/g. - If `surface_area_option` is 2, value is in cm2. surface_area_factor : float, default 0 Value assigned to surface area factor. f_rate_law : str, default "Relative rate equation" Type of forward rate law. Valid types include: - Use backward rate law - Relative rate equation The TST rate equation is not yet supported. f_eq1, f_eq2, f_eq3 : float, default 1, 0, 0, respectively Coefficients of the forward rate law defined for `f_rate_law`. If `f_rate_law` is "Relative rate equation", then: - f_eq1 is dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol) - f_eq2 is d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2) - f_eq3 is d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3) b_rate_law : str, default "Partial equilibrium" Type of backward rate law. Valid types include: - Use forward rate law - Partial equilibrium - Relative rate equation The TST rate equation is not yet supported. b_eq1, b_eq2, b_eq3 : float, default 1, 0, 0, respectively Coefficients of the backward rate law defined for `b_rate_law`. If `b_rate_law` is "Relative rate equation", then: - the value of b_eq1 represents dXi(n)/dXi (mol/mol) - the value of b_eq2 represents d2Xi(n)/dXi2 (mol/mol2) - the value of b_eq3 represents d3Xi(n)/dXi3 (mol/mol3) hide_traceback : bool, default True Hide traceback message when encountering errors handled by this class? When True, error messages handled by this class will be short and to the point. """ self.err_handler = Error_Handler(clean=hide_traceback) if f_rate_law not in ["Use backward rate law", "Relative rate equation"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception(("f_rate_law must be either " "'Use backward rate law' or 'Relative rate equation'.")) if b_rate_law not in ["Use forward rate law", "Partial equilibrium", "Relative rate equation"]: self.err_handler.raise_exception(("b_rate_law must be either " "'Use forward rate law', 'Partial equilibrium', or 'Relative rate equation'.")) self.reactant_name=reactant_name self.reactant_type=reactant_type self.reactant_status=reactant_status self.amount_remaining=amount_remaining self.amount_destroyed=amount_destroyed self.molar_volume=molar_volume self.sa_val_1=0 self.sa_val_2=0 self.sa_val_3=0 self.sa_checkbox_1= " " self.sa_checkbox_2= " " self.sa_checkbox_3= " " self.special_reactant_dict=special_reactant_dict if surface_area_option == 0: self.sa_checkbox_1 = "x" self.sa_val_1 = surface_area_value elif surface_area_option == 1: self.sa_checkbox_2 = "x" self.sa_val_2 = surface_area_value elif surface_area_option == 2: self.sa_checkbox_3 = "x" self.sa_val_3 = surface_area_value self.sa_factor=surface_area_factor self.f_rate_law=f_rate_law self.f_eq1=f_eq1 self.f_eq2=f_eq2 self.f_eq3=f_eq3 self.b_rate_law=b_rate_law self.b_eq1=b_eq1 self.b_eq2=b_eq2 self.b_eq3=b_eq3 self.__format_rate_block("forward") self.__format_rate_block("backward") self.__format_block() def __format_block(self): rb_dict_formatted = dict( reactant_name = f"{self.reactant_name:<24}", reactant_type = f"{self.reactant_type:<24}", reactant_status = f"{self.reactant_status:<24}", amount_remaining = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.amount_remaining):>12}", amount_destroyed = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.amount_destroyed):>12}", sa_checkbox_1 = self.sa_checkbox_1, sa_checkbox_2 = self.sa_checkbox_2, sa_checkbox_3 = self.sa_checkbox_3, sa_val_1 = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_val_1):>12}", sa_val_2 = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_val_2):>12}", sa_val_3 = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_val_3):>12}", sa_factor = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.sa_factor):>12}", f_rate_law = f"{self.f_rate_law:<24}", b_rate_law = f"{self.b_rate_law:<24}", f_rate_block = self.formatted_f_rate_block, b_rate_block = self.formatted_b_rate_block, ) if self.reactant_type.lower() == "special reactant": elem_lines = [] for key in list(self.special_reactant_dict.keys()): sp_elem_line = copy.copy(srb_stoich_template) elem_name = f"{str(key):<8}" elem_value = f"{'{:.15E}'.format(float(self.special_reactant_dict[key])):>22}" sp_elem_line = sp_elem_line.format(**{"elem":elem_name, "elem_val":elem_value}) elem_lines.append(sp_elem_line) elem_lines = "".join(elem_lines) srb_dict_formatted = dict( molar_volume = f"{'{:.5E}'.format(self.molar_volume):>12}", srb_stoich = elem_lines, ) sp_reactant_block_template = copy.copy(srb_template) sp_reactant_block_formatted = sp_reactant_block_template.format(**srb_dict_formatted) rb_dict_formatted["sr_block"] = sp_reactant_block_formatted else: rb_dict_formatted["sr_block"] = "" reactant_block_template = copy.copy(rb_template) self.formatted_block = reactant_block_template.format(**rb_dict_formatted) def __format_rate_block(self, direction): if direction == "forward": d="f" od="b" odirection="backward" else: d="b" od="f" odirection="forward" eq1 = getattr(self, d+"_eq1") eq2 = getattr(self, d+"_eq2") eq3 = getattr(self, d+"_eq3") if getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Relative rate equation": rate_block = copy.deepcopy(relative_rate_equation_template) rate_options_formatted = dict( eq1=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(eq1):>12}", eq2=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(eq2):>12}", eq3=f"{'{:.5E}'.format(eq3):>12}", ) rate_block = rate_block.format(**rate_options_formatted) setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", rate_block) elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Linear rate equation": # Note: "Linear rate equation" is valid in EQ6, but I cannot find any # EQ6 input files formatted for this option. My guess is that linear # rate equations can be imposed by only specifying the first parameter # of a relative rate equation. self.err_handler.raise_exception("The 'Linear rate equation' option is not supported at this time.") elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "TST rate equation": self.err_handler.raise_exception("TST rate equations are not supported at this time.") elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Partial equilibrium": setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", "") elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Use backward rate law": setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", "") elif getattr(self, d+"_rate_law") == "Use forward rate law": setattr(self, "formatted_"+d+"_rate_block", "") else: msg = ("Valid rate laws for the "+direction+" rate law includes " "'Relative rate equation', 'TST rate equation', " "'Linear rate equation', or 'Use "+odirection+" rate law'") self.err_handler.raise_exception(msg)