Module WORMutils.find_HKF
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import pandas as pd
def find_HKF(Gh=float('NaN'), V=float('NaN'), Cp=float('NaN'),
Gf=float('NaN'), Hf=float('NaN'), Saq=float('NaN'),
Z=float('NaN'), a1=float('NaN'), a2=float('NaN'), a3=float('NaN'),
a4=float('NaN'), c1=float('NaN'), c2=float('NaN'),
omega=float('NaN'), organic=False, organic_acid=False, volatile=False,
HKF_scale=True, DEW=False, phase_TrPr=None, aq_complex=False,
Estimate HKF parameters from standard state thermodynamic properties of an
aqueous organic molecule.
Gh : numeric
Standard state partial molal Gibbs free energy of hydration in cal/mol.
V : numeric
Standard state partial molal volume in cm3/mol.
Cp : numeric
Standard state partial molal heat capacity in cal/mol/K.
Gf : numeric
Standard state partial molal Gibbs free energy of formation in cal/mol.
Hf : numeric
Standard state partial molal enthalpy of formation in cal/mol.
Saq : numeric
Standard state partial molal third law entropy in cal/mol/K.
Z : numeric
The net charge of the molecule.
a1, a2, a3, a4, c1, c2, omega : numeric, optional
Parameters for the revised Helgeson Kirkham Flowers (HKF) equation of
state. If these are not provided, they will be estimated using published
correlation methods.
organic : bool, default False
Is this molecule organic? If so, correlations from Shock and Helgeson
1990 or Plyasunov and Shock 2001 will be used to estimate certain HKF
parameters. If the molecule is not organic, correlations from Shock and
Helgeson 1988 will be used to obtain parameters instead.
organic_acid : bool, default False
Is this molecule an organic acid or acid anion? If so, correlations
from Shock 1995 will be used to estimate certain HKF parameters, unless
a Gibbs free energy of hydration is provided, in which Plyasunov and
Shock 2001 will be used.
volatile : bool, default False
Is this molecule volatile? If volatile=True and organic=True,
equation 60 from Shock and Helgeson 1990 will be used to estimate the
HKF parameter omega. If volatile=False and organic=True, equation 61
will be used instead.
HKF_scale : bool, default True
Should the output contain scaled HKF parameters according to the common
DEW : bool, default False
Estimate HKF parameters according to Sverjensky et al. 2014? If
so, provides compatibility with the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model.
phase_TrPr : str, optional
Required for estimating HKF equation of state parameters for neutral
species using the DEW model. What is the phase of the species at 25 °C
and 1 bar when not dissolved in water? Can be "cr", "gas", or "liq".
aq_complex : bool, default False
Determines whether the estimated a1 parameter will be representative of
an aqueous complex for the sake of the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model. If
True, equation 129 from Sverjensky 2019 will be used. If False, equation
8 in Appendix 1 of Sverjensky et al. 2014 will be used.
print_eq : bool, default False
Print equations used in estimation? Equations are printed in the order
they are calculated.
out_dict : dict
A dictonary of properties and parameters.
eqs_used = [] # stores a list of strings that describes which equations were used in what order
Tr = 298.15 # K
theta = 228 # K
# Born constants
Y = -5.802E-05 # 1/K
Q = 5.903E-07 # (1/bar)
X = -3.09*10**-7 # 1/K**2
pfunk = 2601
conv = 41.8393
eta = 1.66027*10**5 # angstroms*cal/mol
eqs_used.append("eta = {} angstroms*cal/mol, Y = {} 1/K, Q = {} (1/bar), X = {} 1/K**2".format(eta, Y, Q, X))
# define abs_protonBorn, mentioned in text after Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988
abs_protonBorn = 0.5387 * 10**5
eqs_used.append("abs_protonBorn = 0.5387 * 10**5 cal/mol, mentioned in text after Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988")
# estimate omega if it isn't already supplied by the user
if pd.isnull(omega):
if not pd.isnull(Gh) and Z == 0:
eqs_used.append("Gh is provided and charge equals zero so estimate omega from Plyasunov and Shock 2001...")
Gh = Gh*4.184/1000 # convert Gh to kJ/mol temporarily due to the convention of using Joules in Plyasunov and Shock 2001
omega = (2.61+(324.1/(Gh-90.6)))/10**-5
eqs_used.append("omega = {} J/mol = (2.61+(324.1/(Gh-90.6)))/10**-5, Eq 8 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
omega = omega/4.184 # convert to calorie-based units
Gh = Gh*1000/4.184 # convert to calorie-based units
elif Z == 0 and not DEW:
eqs_used.append("Gh is not provided and charge equals zero so estimate omega for neutral solutes from Shock and Helgeson 1990...")
if organic_acid and Z==0:
omega = 661.98*Saq - 58740
eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = 661.98*Saq - 58740, Eq 60 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
elif organic:
if volatile:
omega = -1514.4*Saq
eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = -1514.4*Saq, Eq 60 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
omega = -1514.4*Saq + 0.34*10**5
eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = -1514.4*Saq + 0.34*10**5, Eq 61 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
# TODO: this assumption is for metal complexes. What about inorganic neutral species that are not complexes?
omega = -0.038E5
eqs_used.append("omega = -0.038E5 cal/mol, Eq 42 in Sverjensky et al 1997".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
elif DEW:
if Z == 0 and not isinstance(phase_TrPr, str):
msg = ("Warning: please specify the phase of this species at 25 "
"degrees C and 1 bar when not dissolved in water by "
"setting the phase_TrPr parameter to either 'cr',"
"'gas', or 'liq'. Assuming the phase is 'cr' for now...")
phase_TrPr = "cr"
if Z == 0 and phase_TrPr in ["c", "cr"]:
omega = 0.3E5 # eq 125 in Sverjensky 2019
elif Z == 0 and phase_TrPr in ["g", "gas", "l", "liq"]:
omega = -0.3E5 # eq 126 in Sverjensky 2019
if Z > 0:
Bz = 0.544E5*Z # Eq 123 in Sverjensky 2019
Bz = 1.62E5*Z # Eq 124 in Sverjensky 2019
omega = -1514.4*Saq + Bz # Eq 122 in Sverjensky 2019, Eq 58 in Shock and Helgeson 1990
elif Z != 0 and not DEW:
# define alphaZ (described in text after Eq 59 in Shock and Helgeson 1990)
if (abs(Z) == 1):
alphaZ = 72
elif (abs(Z) == 2):
alphaZ = 141
elif (abs(Z) == 3):
alphaZ = 211
elif (abs(Z) == 4):
alphaZ = 286
alphaZ = float('NaN')
if print_eq and alphaZ != float('NaN'):
eqs_used.append("alphaZ = {} because charge = {}, described in text after Eq 59 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format(alphaZ, Z))
if organic:
eqs_used.append("Gh is not provided, charge does not equal zero, and species is organic so estimate omega for ionic species from Shock and Helgeson 1990...")
# define BZ
BZ = ((-alphaZ*eta)/(Y*eta - 100)) - Z * abs_protonBorn # Eq 55 in Shock and Helgeson 1990
eqs_used.append("BZ = {} = ((-alphaZ*eta)/(Y*eta - 100)) - Z * abs_protonBorn, Eq 55 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(BZ)))
omega = -1514.4*Saq + BZ # Eq 58 in Shock and Helgeson 1990
eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = -1514.4*Saq + BZ, Eq 58 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
eqs_used.append("Gh is not provided, charge does not equal zero, and species is inorganic so estimate omega for ionic species from Shock and Helgeson 1988...")
rej = (Z**2 *(eta * Y - 100)/(Saq - alphaZ)) # Eqs 46+56+57 in Shock and Helgeson 1988
eqs_used.append("rej = {} = (Z**2 *(eta * Y - 100)/(Saq - alphaZ)), Eqs 46+56+57 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(rej)))
#find ion absolute omega*10**-5
omega_abs_ion = (eta*(Z**2))/rej # Eq 45 in Shock and Helgeson 1988
eqs_used.append("omega_abs_ion = {} cal/mol = (eta*(charge**2))/rej, Eq 45 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega_abs_ion)))
#find ion omega
omega = omega_abs_ion-(Z*abs_protonBorn) # Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988
eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = omega_abs_ion-(Z*abs_protonBorn), Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega)))
omega = float('NaN')
# find delta V solvation (cm3/mol)
Vs = -omega*Q*conv
eqs_used.append("Vs = {} cm3/mol = -omega*Q*conv, Eq 5 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta V solvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vs)))
Vn = V - Vs
eqs_used.append("Vn cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = V - Vs, Eq 4 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta V nonsolvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vn)))
Cps = omega*Tr*X
eqs_used.append("Cps = {} cal/mol/K= omega*Tr*X, Eq 35 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta Cp solvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Cps)))
# find delta Cp nonsolvation (cal/mol*K)
Cpn = Cp - Cps # Eq 29 in Shock and Helgeson 1988
eqs_used.append("Cpn = {} cal/mol/K = Cp - Cps, Eq 29 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta Cp nonsolvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Cpn)))
# calculate a1-a4
if not pd.isnull(Gh) and Z == 0 and not DEW:
eqs_used.append("Gh is provided and charge is neutral, so estimate a1, a2, and a4 from Plysunov and Shock 2001")
sigma = float("NaN")
eqs_used.append("estimation of sigma is not required using this method from Plyasunov and Shock 2001...")
# temporarily convert Gh into units of kJ/mol as per the convention of Plyasunov and Shock 2001
Gh = Gh*4.184/1000
if pd.isnull(a1):
a1 = ((0.820-(1.858*10**-3*Gh))*V)/10
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} J/mol/bar = ((0.820-(1.858*10**-3*Gh))*V)/10, Eq 10 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
a1 = a1*4.184
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} J/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
if pd.isnull(a2):
a2 = ((0.648+((0.00481)*(Gh)))*V)/1E-2
eqs_used.append("a2 = {} J/mol = ((0.648+((0.00481)*(Gh)))*V)/1E-2, Eq 11 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2)))
a2 = a2*4.184
eqs_used.append("a2 = {} J/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2)))
if pd.isnull(a4):
a4 = (8.10-(0.746*a2*1E-2)+(0.219*Gh))/1E-4
eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (J*K)/mol = (8.10-(0.746*a2*1E-2)+(0.219*Gh))/1E-4, Eq 12 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4)))
a4 = a4*4.184
eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (J*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4)))
# convert Gh, a1, a2, and a4 into calorie-based units
Gh = Gh*1000/4.184
a1 = a1/4.184
a2 = a2/4.184
a4 = a4/4.184
eqs_used.append("Gh is unavailable and/or charge is not 0")
if DEW:
Vs = -omega*(0.05903*10**-5*conv)
eqs_used.append("Vs = {} cm3/mol = -omega*(0.05903*10**-5*conv), Eq 120 in Sverjensky 2019".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vs)))
Vn = V - Vs
eqs_used.append("Vn = {} cm3/mol = V - Vs, nonsolvation contribution to volume".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vn)))
sigma = 1.11*Vn + 1.8
eqs_used.append("sigma = {} cm3/mol = 1.11*Vn + 1.8, Eq 130 in Sverjensky 2019 (Eq 87 in Shock and Helgeson 1988)".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma)))
if pd.isnull(a1):
if Z == 0 or aq_complex:
a1 = (0.1942*Vn + 1.5204)/10
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar = 0.1942*Vn + 1.5204, sign-corrected version of Eq 12 in Sverjensky 2019 (sign of y-intercept was flipped)".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
a1 = ((0.1304*abs(Z) - 0.0217)*Vn + (1.4567*abs(Z)+0.6187))/10
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar = ((0.1304*abs(Z) - 0.0217)*Vn + (1.4567*abs(Z)+0.6187))/10, Eq 8 in Appendix 1 of Sverjensky et al 2014".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
if pd.isnull(a1):
a1 = 1.3684E-2*Vn+0.1765
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar = 1.3684E-2*Vn+0.1765, Eq 85 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1)))
if pd.isnull(a2):
if organic_acid:
sigma = 1.07143*Vn + 3.0
eqs_used.append("sigma cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = 1.07143*Vn + 3.0, Eq 23 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma)))
elif organic and Z==0:
sigma = 1.0125*Vn
eqs_used.append("sigma cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = 1.0125*Vn, Eq 63 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma)))
sigma = 1.11*Vn + 1.8
eqs_used.append("sigma cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = 1.11*Vn + 1.8, Eq 87 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma)))
a2 = (sigma/conv-a1)*pfunk
eqs_used.append("a2 = {} cal/mol = (sigma/conv-a1)*pfunk, Eq 8 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, rearranged to solve for a2".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2)))
eqs_used.append("a2 = {} cal/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2)))
if pd.isnull(a4):
a4 = -4.134*a2-27790
eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (cal*K)/mol = -4.134*a2-27790, Eq 88 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4)))
eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (cal*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4)))
# calculate c2
if not pd.isnull(Gh) and Z == 0:
# temporarily convert Gh into kJ/mol
Gh = Gh*4.184/1000
if pd.isnull(c2):
c2 = (21.4 + 0.849*Gh)/1E-4
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (J*K)/mol = 21.4+(0.849*Gh), Eq 14 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
c2 = c2*4.184
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (J*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
# convert Gh and c2 into calorie-based units
Gh = Gh*1000/4.184
c2 = c2/4.184
if pd.isnull(c2):
if organic_acid and Z==0:
c2 = (0.0988*Cp - 4.961)/10**-4
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.0988*Cp - 4.961)/10**-4, Eq 28 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
elif organic_acid and Z != 0:
c2 = (0.01212*Cp - 4.106)/10**-4
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.01212*Cp - 4.106)/10**-4, Eq 29 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
elif organic and Z==0:
c2 = (0.0676*Cp - 4.054)/10**-4
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.0676*Cp - 4.054)/10**-4, Eq 64 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
c2 = (0.2037*Cp - 3.0346)/10**-4
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.2037*Cp - 3.0346)*10**-4, Eq 89 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2)))
if pd.isnull(c1):
c1 = Cpn-(c2*(1/(Tr-theta))**2)
eqs_used.append("c1 = {} cal/mol/K = Cpn-((c2*(1/(Tr-theta))**2), Eq 31 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, rearranged to solve for c1".format("{0:.5g}".format(c1)))
eqs_used.append("c1 = {} cal/mol/K, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(c1)))
if pd.isnull(a3):
a3 = ((Vn/conv)-a1-a2/pfunk)*(Tr-theta)-(a4/pfunk)
eqs_used.append("a3 = {} (cal*K)/mol/bar = ((Vn/conv)-a1-a2/pfunk)*(Tr-theta)-(a4/pfunk), after Eq 11 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, rearranged to solve for a3.".format("{0:.5g}".format(a3)))
eqs_used.append("a3 = {} (cal*K)/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a3)))
if HKF_scale:
a1 = a1*10
a2 = a2*10**-2
a3 = a3
a4 = a4*10**-4
c1 = c1
c2 = c2*10**-4
omega = omega*10**-5
out_dict = {
"G": Gf,
"H": Hf,
"S": Saq,
"Cp": Cp,
"V": V,
"a1": a1,
"a2": a2,
"a3": a3,
"a4": a4,
"c1": c1,
"c2": c2,
"omega": omega,
"Z": Z,
"Vs": Vs,
"Vn": Vn,
"sigma": sigma}
return out_dict, eqs_used
def find_HKF_test(print_eq=False):
Test the HKF estimation function by regenerating published values.
print_eq : bool, default False
Print equations used in estimation?
print("SELECT ITEMS FROM SHOCK AND HELGESON 1988, TABLE 12\n---------------------------------------------\n")
print("Input parameters:")
print("find_HKF(Gf=-83500, Hf=-91500, Saq=-55.7, Cp=-1.3, V=-25.4, Z=2, organic=False)\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=-83500, Hf=-91500, Saq=-55.7, Cp=-1.3, V=-25.4, Z=2, organic=False)
pub = {"omega":"1.9007", "a1":"-1.0684", "a2":"-10.3901",
"a3":"9.8338", "a4":"-2.3495", "c1":"22.9152", "c2":"-3.2994"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4)))
for e in eq:
print("Input parameters:")
print("find_HKF(Gf=--231000, Hf=-280400, Saq=30, Cp=-46.5, V=43.3, Z=-2, organic=False)\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=--231000, Hf=-280400, Saq=30, Cp=-46.5, V=43.3, Z=-2, organic=False)
pub = {"omega":"2.7587", "a1":"8.6225", "a2":"13.2724",
"a3":"0.5334", "a4":"-3.3277", "c1":"4.3301", "c2":"-12.5066"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4)))
for e in eq:
print("SELECT ITEMS FROM SHOCK AND HELGESON 1990, TABLE 6\n---------------------------------------------\n")
print("Input parameters:")
print("find_HKF(Gf=14860, Hf=-46320, Saq=60.2, Cp=144, V=121.6, Z=0, organic=True)\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=14860, Hf=-46320, Saq=60.2, Cp=144, V=121.6, Z=0, organic=True)
pub = {"omega":"-0.5717", "a1":"18.2115", "a2":"28.2822",
"a3":"12.6611", "a4":"-3.9481", "c1":"127.1903", "c2":"5.6804"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4)))
for e in eq:
print("Input parameters:")
print("find_HKF(Gf=40390, Hf=-25590, Saq=76.2, Cp=208.4, V=177, Z=0, organic=True)\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=40390, Hf=-25590, Saq=76.2, Cp=208.4, V=177, Z=0, organic=True)
pub = {"omega":"-0.8140", "a1":"25.7106", "a2":"43.2732",
"a3":"13.8894", "a4":"-4.5678", "c1":"180.5115", "c2":"10.0338"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4)))
for e in eq:
print("SELECT ITEMS FROM SHOCK 1995, TABLE 4\n---------------------------------------------\n")
print("hexanoic acid\n---------")
print("Input parameters:")
print("find_HKF(Gf=-87120, Hf=-139290, Saq=69.5, Cp=125.0, V=116.55, Z=0, organic=True, organic_acid=True)\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=-87120, Hf=-139290, Saq=69.5, Cp=125.0, V=116.55, Z=0, organic=True, organic_acid=True)
pub = {"omega":"-0.1266", "a1":"17.6709", "a2":"33.3251",
"a3":"-2.9700", "a4":"-4.1566", "c1":"108.8183", "c2":"7.3890"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4)))
for e in eq:
print("Input parameters:")
print("ind_HKF(Gf=-80490, Hf=-139870, Saq=45.3, Cp=90, V=102.21, Z=-1, organic=True, organic_acid=True)\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=-80490, Hf=-139870, Saq=45.3, Cp=90, V=102.21, Z=-1, organic=True, organic_acid=True)
pub = {"omega":"0.9427", "a1":"16.0700", "a2":"29.6995",
"a3":"-2.1530", "a4":"-4.0067", "c1":"104.8115", "c2":"-3.0151"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4)))
for e in eq:
print("PLYASUNOV AND SHOCK 2001, TABLE 4\n---------------------------------------------")
print("Input parameters published in the table are converted from kJ or J into calorie-based units for find_HKF()\n")
print("Input parameters:")
print("Gh=-0.51/4.184*1000, V=39.0, Cp=146/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-0.51/4.184*1000, V=39.0, Cp=146/4.184, Z=0, organic=True)
pub = {"omega":"-0.95", "a1":"32.02", "a2":"25.17",
"a3":"18.71", "a4":"-10.79", "c1":"93.2", "c2":"20.97"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2)))
for e in eq:
print("Input parameters:")
print("Gh=-11.7/4.184*1000, V=77.1, Cp=306/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-11.7/4.184*1000, V=77.1, Cp=306/4.184, Z=0)
pub = {"omega":"-0.56", "a1":"64.89", "a2":"45.62",
"a3":"69.94", "a4":"-28.50", "c1":"278.1", "c2":"11.47"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2)))
for e in eq:
print("Input parameters:")
print("Gh=-37.7/4.184*1000, V=88.23, Cp=347/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-37.7/4.184*1000, V=88.23, Cp=347/4.184, Z=0, organic=True)
pub = {"omega":"0.08", "a1":"78.50", "a2":"41.17",
"a3":"76.32", "a4":"-30.87", "c1":"369.2", "c2":"-10.61"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2)))
for e in eq:
print("Input parameters:")
print("Gh=-74/4.184*1000, V=58.7, Cp=76/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n")
out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-74/4.184*1000, V=58.7, Cp=76/4.184, Z=0, organic=True)
pub = {"omega":"0.64", "a1":"56.17", "a2":"17.14",
"a3":"54.55", "a4":"-20.90", "c1":"165.5", "c2":"-41.43"}
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1)))
print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2)))
for e in eq:
def find_HKF(Gh=nan, V=nan, Cp=nan, Gf=nan, Hf=nan, Saq=nan, Z=nan, a1=nan, a2=nan, a3=nan, a4=nan, c1=nan, c2=nan, omega=nan, organic=False, organic_acid=False, volatile=False, HKF_scale=True, DEW=False, phase_TrPr=None, aq_complex=False, print_eq=False)
Estimate HKF parameters from standard state thermodynamic properties of an aqueous organic molecule.
- Standard state partial molal Gibbs free energy of hydration in cal/mol.
- Standard state partial molal volume in cm3/mol.
- Standard state partial molal heat capacity in cal/mol/K.
- Standard state partial molal Gibbs free energy of formation in cal/mol.
- Standard state partial molal enthalpy of formation in cal/mol.
- Standard state partial molal third law entropy in cal/mol/K.
- The net charge of the molecule.
, optional- Parameters for the revised Helgeson Kirkham Flowers (HKF) equation of state. If these are not provided, they will be estimated using published correlation methods.
, defaultFalse
- Is this molecule organic? If so, correlations from Shock and Helgeson 1990 or Plyasunov and Shock 2001 will be used to estimate certain HKF parameters. If the molecule is not organic, correlations from Shock and Helgeson 1988 will be used to obtain parameters instead.
, defaultFalse
- Is this molecule an organic acid or acid anion? If so, correlations from Shock 1995 will be used to estimate certain HKF parameters, unless a Gibbs free energy of hydration is provided, in which Plyasunov and Shock 2001 will be used.
, defaultFalse
- Is this molecule volatile? If volatile=True and organic=True, equation 60 from Shock and Helgeson 1990 will be used to estimate the HKF parameter omega. If volatile=False and organic=True, equation 61 will be used instead.
, defaultTrue
- Should the output contain scaled HKF parameters according to the common convention?
, defaultFalse
- Estimate HKF parameters according to Sverjensky et al. 2014? If so, provides compatibility with the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model.
, optional- Required for estimating HKF equation of state parameters for neutral species using the DEW model. What is the phase of the species at 25 °C and 1 bar when not dissolved in water? Can be "cr", "gas", or "liq".
, defaultFalse
- Determines whether the estimated a1 parameter will be representative of an aqueous complex for the sake of the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model. If True, equation 129 from Sverjensky 2019 will be used. If False, equation 8 in Appendix 1 of Sverjensky et al. 2014 will be used.
, defaultFalse
- Print equations used in estimation? Equations are printed in the order they are calculated.
- A dictonary of properties and parameters.
Expand source code
def find_HKF(Gh=float('NaN'), V=float('NaN'), Cp=float('NaN'), Gf=float('NaN'), Hf=float('NaN'), Saq=float('NaN'), Z=float('NaN'), a1=float('NaN'), a2=float('NaN'), a3=float('NaN'), a4=float('NaN'), c1=float('NaN'), c2=float('NaN'), omega=float('NaN'), organic=False, organic_acid=False, volatile=False, HKF_scale=True, DEW=False, phase_TrPr=None, aq_complex=False, print_eq=False): """ Estimate HKF parameters from standard state thermodynamic properties of an aqueous organic molecule. Parameters ---------- Gh : numeric Standard state partial molal Gibbs free energy of hydration in cal/mol. V : numeric Standard state partial molal volume in cm3/mol. Cp : numeric Standard state partial molal heat capacity in cal/mol/K. Gf : numeric Standard state partial molal Gibbs free energy of formation in cal/mol. Hf : numeric Standard state partial molal enthalpy of formation in cal/mol. Saq : numeric Standard state partial molal third law entropy in cal/mol/K. Z : numeric The net charge of the molecule. a1, a2, a3, a4, c1, c2, omega : numeric, optional Parameters for the revised Helgeson Kirkham Flowers (HKF) equation of state. If these are not provided, they will be estimated using published correlation methods. organic : bool, default False Is this molecule organic? If so, correlations from Shock and Helgeson 1990 or Plyasunov and Shock 2001 will be used to estimate certain HKF parameters. If the molecule is not organic, correlations from Shock and Helgeson 1988 will be used to obtain parameters instead. organic_acid : bool, default False Is this molecule an organic acid or acid anion? If so, correlations from Shock 1995 will be used to estimate certain HKF parameters, unless a Gibbs free energy of hydration is provided, in which Plyasunov and Shock 2001 will be used. volatile : bool, default False Is this molecule volatile? If volatile=True and organic=True, equation 60 from Shock and Helgeson 1990 will be used to estimate the HKF parameter omega. If volatile=False and organic=True, equation 61 will be used instead. HKF_scale : bool, default True Should the output contain scaled HKF parameters according to the common convention? DEW : bool, default False Estimate HKF parameters according to Sverjensky et al. 2014? If so, provides compatibility with the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model. phase_TrPr : str, optional Required for estimating HKF equation of state parameters for neutral species using the DEW model. What is the phase of the species at 25 °C and 1 bar when not dissolved in water? Can be "cr", "gas", or "liq". aq_complex : bool, default False Determines whether the estimated a1 parameter will be representative of an aqueous complex for the sake of the Deep Earth Water (DEW) model. If True, equation 129 from Sverjensky 2019 will be used. If False, equation 8 in Appendix 1 of Sverjensky et al. 2014 will be used. print_eq : bool, default False Print equations used in estimation? Equations are printed in the order they are calculated. Returns ---------- out_dict : dict A dictonary of properties and parameters. """ eqs_used = [] # stores a list of strings that describes which equations were used in what order Tr = 298.15 # K theta = 228 # K # Born constants Y = -5.802E-05 # 1/K Q = 5.903E-07 # (1/bar) X = -3.09*10**-7 # 1/K**2 pfunk = 2601 conv = 41.8393 eta = 1.66027*10**5 # angstroms*cal/mol eqs_used.append("eta = {} angstroms*cal/mol, Y = {} 1/K, Q = {} (1/bar), X = {} 1/K**2".format(eta, Y, Q, X)) # define abs_protonBorn, mentioned in text after Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988 abs_protonBorn = 0.5387 * 10**5 eqs_used.append("abs_protonBorn = 0.5387 * 10**5 cal/mol, mentioned in text after Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988") # estimate omega if it isn't already supplied by the user if pd.isnull(omega): if not pd.isnull(Gh) and Z == 0: eqs_used.append("Gh is provided and charge equals zero so estimate omega from Plyasunov and Shock 2001...") Gh = Gh*4.184/1000 # convert Gh to kJ/mol temporarily due to the convention of using Joules in Plyasunov and Shock 2001 omega = (2.61+(324.1/(Gh-90.6)))/10**-5 eqs_used.append("omega = {} J/mol = (2.61+(324.1/(Gh-90.6)))/10**-5, Eq 8 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) omega = omega/4.184 # convert to calorie-based units Gh = Gh*1000/4.184 # convert to calorie-based units elif Z == 0 and not DEW: eqs_used.append("Gh is not provided and charge equals zero so estimate omega for neutral solutes from Shock and Helgeson 1990...") if organic_acid and Z==0: omega = 661.98*Saq - 58740 eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = 661.98*Saq - 58740, Eq 60 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) elif organic: if volatile: omega = -1514.4*Saq eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = -1514.4*Saq, Eq 60 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) else: omega = -1514.4*Saq + 0.34*10**5 eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = -1514.4*Saq + 0.34*10**5, Eq 61 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) else: # TODO: this assumption is for metal complexes. What about inorganic neutral species that are not complexes? omega = -0.038E5 eqs_used.append("omega = -0.038E5 cal/mol, Eq 42 in Sverjensky et al 1997".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) elif DEW: if Z == 0 and not isinstance(phase_TrPr, str): msg = ("Warning: please specify the phase of this species at 25 " "degrees C and 1 bar when not dissolved in water by " "setting the phase_TrPr parameter to either 'cr'," "'gas', or 'liq'. Assuming the phase is 'cr' for now...") print(msg) phase_TrPr = "cr" if Z == 0 and phase_TrPr in ["c", "cr"]: omega = 0.3E5 # eq 125 in Sverjensky 2019 elif Z == 0 and phase_TrPr in ["g", "gas", "l", "liq"]: omega = -0.3E5 # eq 126 in Sverjensky 2019 else: if Z > 0: Bz = 0.544E5*Z # Eq 123 in Sverjensky 2019 else: Bz = 1.62E5*Z # Eq 124 in Sverjensky 2019 omega = -1514.4*Saq + Bz # Eq 122 in Sverjensky 2019, Eq 58 in Shock and Helgeson 1990 elif Z != 0 and not DEW: # define alphaZ (described in text after Eq 59 in Shock and Helgeson 1990) if (abs(Z) == 1): alphaZ = 72 elif (abs(Z) == 2): alphaZ = 141 elif (abs(Z) == 3): alphaZ = 211 elif (abs(Z) == 4): alphaZ = 286 else: alphaZ = float('NaN') if print_eq and alphaZ != float('NaN'): eqs_used.append("alphaZ = {} because charge = {}, described in text after Eq 59 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format(alphaZ, Z)) if organic: eqs_used.append("Gh is not provided, charge does not equal zero, and species is organic so estimate omega for ionic species from Shock and Helgeson 1990...") # define BZ BZ = ((-alphaZ*eta)/(Y*eta - 100)) - Z * abs_protonBorn # Eq 55 in Shock and Helgeson 1990 eqs_used.append("BZ = {} = ((-alphaZ*eta)/(Y*eta - 100)) - Z * abs_protonBorn, Eq 55 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(BZ))) omega = -1514.4*Saq + BZ # Eq 58 in Shock and Helgeson 1990 eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = -1514.4*Saq + BZ, Eq 58 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) else: eqs_used.append("Gh is not provided, charge does not equal zero, and species is inorganic so estimate omega for ionic species from Shock and Helgeson 1988...") ### METHOD FOR INORGANIC AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTES USING SHOCK AND HELGESON 1988: rej = (Z**2 *(eta * Y - 100)/(Saq - alphaZ)) # Eqs 46+56+57 in Shock and Helgeson 1988 eqs_used.append("rej = {} = (Z**2 *(eta * Y - 100)/(Saq - alphaZ)), Eqs 46+56+57 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(rej))) #find ion absolute omega*10**-5 omega_abs_ion = (eta*(Z**2))/rej # Eq 45 in Shock and Helgeson 1988 eqs_used.append("omega_abs_ion = {} cal/mol = (eta*(charge**2))/rej, Eq 45 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega_abs_ion))) #find ion omega omega = omega_abs_ion-(Z*abs_protonBorn) # Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988 eqs_used.append("omega = {} cal/mol = omega_abs_ion-(Z*abs_protonBorn), Eq 47 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(omega))) else: omega = float('NaN') # find delta V solvation (cm3/mol) Vs = -omega*Q*conv eqs_used.append("Vs = {} cm3/mol = -omega*Q*conv, Eq 5 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta V solvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vs))) Vn = V - Vs eqs_used.append("Vn cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = V - Vs, Eq 4 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta V nonsolvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vn))) Cps = omega*Tr*X eqs_used.append("Cps = {} cal/mol/K= omega*Tr*X, Eq 35 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta Cp solvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Cps))) # find delta Cp nonsolvation (cal/mol*K) Cpn = Cp - Cps # Eq 29 in Shock and Helgeson 1988 eqs_used.append("Cpn = {} cal/mol/K = Cp - Cps, Eq 29 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, delta Cp nonsolvation".format("{0:.5g}".format(Cpn))) # calculate a1-a4 if not pd.isnull(Gh) and Z == 0 and not DEW: eqs_used.append("Gh is provided and charge is neutral, so estimate a1, a2, and a4 from Plysunov and Shock 2001") sigma = float("NaN") eqs_used.append("estimation of sigma is not required using this method from Plyasunov and Shock 2001...") # temporarily convert Gh into units of kJ/mol as per the convention of Plyasunov and Shock 2001 Gh = Gh*4.184/1000 if pd.isnull(a1): a1 = ((0.820-(1.858*10**-3*Gh))*V)/10 eqs_used.append("a1 = {} J/mol/bar = ((0.820-(1.858*10**-3*Gh))*V)/10, Eq 10 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) else: a1 = a1*4.184 eqs_used.append("a1 = {} J/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) if pd.isnull(a2): a2 = ((0.648+((0.00481)*(Gh)))*V)/1E-2 eqs_used.append("a2 = {} J/mol = ((0.648+((0.00481)*(Gh)))*V)/1E-2, Eq 11 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2))) else: a2 = a2*4.184 eqs_used.append("a2 = {} J/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2))) if pd.isnull(a4): a4 = (8.10-(0.746*a2*1E-2)+(0.219*Gh))/1E-4 eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (J*K)/mol = (8.10-(0.746*a2*1E-2)+(0.219*Gh))/1E-4, Eq 12 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4))) else: a4 = a4*4.184 eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (J*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4))) # convert Gh, a1, a2, and a4 into calorie-based units Gh = Gh*1000/4.184 a1 = a1/4.184 a2 = a2/4.184 a4 = a4/4.184 else: eqs_used.append("Gh is unavailable and/or charge is not 0") if DEW: Vs = -omega*(0.05903*10**-5*conv) eqs_used.append("Vs = {} cm3/mol = -omega*(0.05903*10**-5*conv), Eq 120 in Sverjensky 2019".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vs))) Vn = V - Vs eqs_used.append("Vn = {} cm3/mol = V - Vs, nonsolvation contribution to volume".format("{0:.5g}".format(Vn))) sigma = 1.11*Vn + 1.8 eqs_used.append("sigma = {} cm3/mol = 1.11*Vn + 1.8, Eq 130 in Sverjensky 2019 (Eq 87 in Shock and Helgeson 1988)".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma))) if pd.isnull(a1): if Z == 0 or aq_complex: a1 = (0.1942*Vn + 1.5204)/10 eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar = 0.1942*Vn + 1.5204, sign-corrected version of Eq 12 in Sverjensky 2019 (sign of y-intercept was flipped)".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) else: a1 = ((0.1304*abs(Z) - 0.0217)*Vn + (1.4567*abs(Z)+0.6187))/10 eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar = ((0.1304*abs(Z) - 0.0217)*Vn + (1.4567*abs(Z)+0.6187))/10, Eq 8 in Appendix 1 of Sverjensky et al 2014".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) else: eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) else: if pd.isnull(a1): a1 = 1.3684E-2*Vn+0.1765 eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar = 1.3684E-2*Vn+0.1765, Eq 85 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) else: eqs_used.append("a1 = {} cal/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a1))) if pd.isnull(a2): if organic_acid: sigma = 1.07143*Vn + 3.0 eqs_used.append("sigma cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = 1.07143*Vn + 3.0, Eq 23 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma))) elif organic and Z==0: sigma = 1.0125*Vn eqs_used.append("sigma cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = 1.0125*Vn, Eq 63 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma))) else: sigma = 1.11*Vn + 1.8 eqs_used.append("sigma cm3/mol = {} cm3/mol = 1.11*Vn + 1.8, Eq 87 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(sigma))) a2 = (sigma/conv-a1)*pfunk eqs_used.append("a2 = {} cal/mol = (sigma/conv-a1)*pfunk, Eq 8 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, rearranged to solve for a2".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2))) else: eqs_used.append("a2 = {} cal/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a2))) if pd.isnull(a4): a4 = -4.134*a2-27790 eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (cal*K)/mol = -4.134*a2-27790, Eq 88 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4))) else: eqs_used.append("a4 = {} (cal*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a4))) # calculate c2 if not pd.isnull(Gh) and Z == 0: # temporarily convert Gh into kJ/mol Gh = Gh*4.184/1000 if pd.isnull(c2): c2 = (21.4 + 0.849*Gh)/1E-4 eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (J*K)/mol = 21.4+(0.849*Gh), Eq 14 in Plyasunov and Shock 2001".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) else: c2 = c2*4.184 eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (J*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) # convert Gh and c2 into calorie-based units Gh = Gh*1000/4.184 c2 = c2/4.184 else: if pd.isnull(c2): if organic_acid and Z==0: c2 = (0.0988*Cp - 4.961)/10**-4 eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.0988*Cp - 4.961)/10**-4, Eq 28 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) elif organic_acid and Z != 0: c2 = (0.01212*Cp - 4.106)/10**-4 eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.01212*Cp - 4.106)/10**-4, Eq 29 in Shock 1995".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) elif organic and Z==0: c2 = (0.0676*Cp - 4.054)/10**-4 eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.0676*Cp - 4.054)/10**-4, Eq 64 in Shock and Helgeson 1990".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) else: c2 = (0.2037*Cp - 3.0346)/10**-4 eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol = (0.2037*Cp - 3.0346)*10**-4, Eq 89 in Shock and Helgeson 1988".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) else: eqs_used.append("c2 = {} (cal*K)/mol, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(c2))) if pd.isnull(c1): c1 = Cpn-(c2*(1/(Tr-theta))**2) eqs_used.append("c1 = {} cal/mol/K = Cpn-((c2*(1/(Tr-theta))**2), Eq 31 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, rearranged to solve for c1".format("{0:.5g}".format(c1))) else: eqs_used.append("c1 = {} cal/mol/K, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(c1))) if pd.isnull(a3): a3 = ((Vn/conv)-a1-a2/pfunk)*(Tr-theta)-(a4/pfunk) eqs_used.append("a3 = {} (cal*K)/mol/bar = ((Vn/conv)-a1-a2/pfunk)*(Tr-theta)-(a4/pfunk), after Eq 11 in Shock and Helgeson 1988, rearranged to solve for a3.".format("{0:.5g}".format(a3))) else: eqs_used.append("a3 = {} (cal*K)/mol/bar, supplied by user".format("{0:.5g}".format(a3))) if HKF_scale: a1 = a1*10 a2 = a2*10**-2 a3 = a3 a4 = a4*10**-4 c1 = c1 c2 = c2*10**-4 omega = omega*10**-5 out_dict = { "G": Gf, "H": Hf, "S": Saq, "Cp": Cp, "V": V, "a1": a1, "a2": a2, "a3": a3, "a4": a4, "c1": c1, "c2": c2, "omega": omega, "Z": Z, "Vs": Vs, "Vn": Vn, "sigma": sigma} return out_dict, eqs_used
def find_HKF_test(print_eq=False)
Test the HKF estimation function by regenerating published values.
, defaultFalse
- Print equations used in estimation?
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def find_HKF_test(print_eq=False): """ Test the HKF estimation function by regenerating published values. Parameters ---------- print_eq : bool, default False Print equations used in estimation? """ print("SELECT ITEMS FROM SHOCK AND HELGESON 1988, TABLE 12\n---------------------------------------------\n") print("Be+2\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("find_HKF(Gf=-83500, Hf=-91500, Saq=-55.7, Cp=-1.3, V=-25.4, Z=2, organic=False)\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=-83500, Hf=-91500, Saq=-55.7, Cp=-1.3, V=-25.4, Z=2, organic=False) pub = {"omega":"1.9007", "a1":"-1.0684", "a2":"-10.3901", "a3":"9.8338", "a4":"-2.3495", "c1":"22.9152", "c2":"-3.2994"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("S2O6-2\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("find_HKF(Gf=--231000, Hf=-280400, Saq=30, Cp=-46.5, V=43.3, Z=-2, organic=False)\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=--231000, Hf=-280400, Saq=30, Cp=-46.5, V=43.3, Z=-2, organic=False) pub = {"omega":"2.7587", "a1":"8.6225", "a2":"13.2724", "a3":"0.5334", "a4":"-3.3277", "c1":"4.3301", "c2":"-12.5066"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("SELECT ITEMS FROM SHOCK AND HELGESON 1990, TABLE 6\n---------------------------------------------\n") print("1-hexanamine\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("find_HKF(Gf=14860, Hf=-46320, Saq=60.2, Cp=144, V=121.6, Z=0, organic=True)\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=14860, Hf=-46320, Saq=60.2, Cp=144, V=121.6, Z=0, organic=True) pub = {"omega":"-0.5717", "a1":"18.2115", "a2":"28.2822", "a3":"12.6611", "a4":"-3.9481", "c1":"127.1903", "c2":"5.6804"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("n-hexylbenzene\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("find_HKF(Gf=40390, Hf=-25590, Saq=76.2, Cp=208.4, V=177, Z=0, organic=True)\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=40390, Hf=-25590, Saq=76.2, Cp=208.4, V=177, Z=0, organic=True) pub = {"omega":"-0.8140", "a1":"25.7106", "a2":"43.2732", "a3":"13.8894", "a4":"-4.5678", "c1":"180.5115", "c2":"10.0338"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("SELECT ITEMS FROM SHOCK 1995, TABLE 4\n---------------------------------------------\n") print("hexanoic acid\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("find_HKF(Gf=-87120, Hf=-139290, Saq=69.5, Cp=125.0, V=116.55, Z=0, organic=True, organic_acid=True)\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=-87120, Hf=-139290, Saq=69.5, Cp=125.0, V=116.55, Z=0, organic=True, organic_acid=True) pub = {"omega":"-0.1266", "a1":"17.6709", "a2":"33.3251", "a3":"-2.9700", "a4":"-4.1566", "c1":"108.8183", "c2":"7.3890"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("hexanoate\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("ind_HKF(Gf=-80490, Hf=-139870, Saq=45.3, Cp=90, V=102.21, Z=-1, organic=True, organic_acid=True)\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gf=-80490, Hf=-139870, Saq=45.3, Cp=90, V=102.21, Z=-1, organic=True, organic_acid=True) pub = {"omega":"0.9427", "a1":"16.0700", "a2":"29.6995", "a3":"-2.1530", "a4":"-4.0067", "c1":"104.8115", "c2":"-3.0151"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"], 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"], 4))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"], 4))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("PLYASUNOV AND SHOCK 2001, TABLE 4\n---------------------------------------------") print("Input parameters published in the table are converted from kJ or J into calorie-based units for find_HKF()\n") print("SO2\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("Gh=-0.51/4.184*1000, V=39.0, Cp=146/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-0.51/4.184*1000, V=39.0, Cp=146/4.184, Z=0, organic=True) pub = {"omega":"-0.95", "a1":"32.02", "a2":"25.17", "a3":"18.71", "a4":"-10.79", "c1":"93.2", "c2":"20.97"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("Pyridine\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("Gh=-11.7/4.184*1000, V=77.1, Cp=306/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-11.7/4.184*1000, V=77.1, Cp=306/4.184, Z=0) pub = {"omega":"-0.56", "a1":"64.89", "a2":"45.62", "a3":"69.94", "a4":"-28.50", "c1":"278.1", "c2":"11.47"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"], 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("1,4-Butanediol\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("Gh=-37.7/4.184*1000, V=88.23, Cp=347/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-37.7/4.184*1000, V=88.23, Cp=347/4.184, Z=0, organic=True) pub = {"omega":"0.08", "a1":"78.50", "a2":"41.17", "a3":"76.32", "a4":"-30.87", "c1":"369.2", "c2":"-10.61"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("") print("beta-alanine\n---------") print("Input parameters:") print("Gh=-74/4.184*1000, V=58.7, Cp=76/4.184, Z=0, organic=True\n") out, eq = find_HKF(Gh=-74/4.184*1000, V=58.7, Cp=76/4.184, Z=0, organic=True) pub = {"omega":"0.64", "a1":"56.17", "a2":"17.14", "a3":"54.55", "a4":"-20.90", "c1":"165.5", "c2":"-41.43"} print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tomega*10**-5".format(pub["omega"], round(out["omega"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta1*10".format(pub["a1"], round(out["a1"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta2*10**-2".format(pub["a2"], round(out["a2"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta3".format(pub["a3"], round(out["a3"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \ta4*10**-4".format(pub["a4"], round(out["a4"]*4.184, 2))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc1".format(pub["c1"], round(out["c1"]*4.184, 1))) print("Published: {}, \tCalculated: {}, \tc2*10**-4".format(pub["c2"], round(out["c2"]*4.184, 2))) print("") for e in eq: print(e) print("")