
Expand source code
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from IPython.display import Image, display
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
import copy
import statistics
import pkg_resources
import decimal
import chemparse

import rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks
import logging
rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)   # will display errors, but not warnings

import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
from rpy2.robjects.lib import grdevices


CHNOSZ = importr("CHNOSZ")
grdev = importr('grDevices')

NumberTypes = (int, float, complex)

def __r_inline_plot(width=600, height=520, dpi=150, plot_it=True):
    Display R plots inline.

    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    dpi : numeric, default 150
        Resolution of the plot.

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Render the plot?
    with grdevices.render_to_bytesio(grdevices.png, 
                                     res=dpi) as b:


    data = b.getvalue()
    if plot_it:
        display(Image(data=data, format='png', embed=True))

class R_output(object):
    def capture_r_output(self):
        Capture and create a list of R console messages
        # Record output #
        self.stdout = []
        self.stderr = []
        # Dummy functions #
        def add_to_stdout(line): self.stdout.append(line)
        def add_to_stderr(line): self.stderr.append(line)
        # Keep the old functions #
        self.stdout_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print
        self.stderr_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror
        # Set the call backs #
        rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print     = add_to_stdout
        rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror = add_to_stderr

def __flatten_list(_2d_list):
    flat_list = []
    # Iterate through the outer list
    for element in _2d_list:
        if type(element) is list:
            # If the element is of type list, iterate through the sublist
            for item in element:
    return flat_list

def __save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale, plot_width, plot_height, ppi):
    if isinstance(save_format, str) and save_format not in ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', 'html']:
        raise Exception("{}".format(save_format)+" is an unrecognized "
                        "save format. Supported formats include 'png', "
                        "'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', "
                        "'json', or 'html'")

    if isinstance(save_format, str):
        if not isinstance(save_as, str):
            save_as = "newplot"
        if save_format=="html":
            print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+".html")
            save_format = 'png'
        elif save_format in ['pdf', 'eps', 'json']:
            pio.write_image(fig, save_as+"."+save_format, format=save_format, scale=save_scale,
                            width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi)
            print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+"."+save_format)
            save_format = "png"
            pio.write_image(fig, save_as+"."+save_format, format=save_format, scale=save_scale,
                            width=plot_width*ppi, height=plot_height*ppi)
            print("Saved figure as {}".format(save_as)+"."+save_format)
        save_format = "png"

    return save_as, save_format

def html_chemname_format(name):
    Format a chemical formula to display subscripts and superscripts in HTML
    (e.g., Plotly plots)
    Example, "CH3COO-" becomes "CH<sub>3</sub>COO<sup>-</sup>"
    name : str
        A chemical formula.
    A formatted chemical formula string.
    p = re.compile(r'(?P<sp>[-+]\d*?$)')
    name = p.sub(r'<sup>\g<sp></sup>', name)
    charge ='<.*$', name)

    name_no_charge = re.match(r'(?:(?!<|$).)*', name).group(0)
    mapping = {"0": "<sub>0</sub>", "1": "<sub>1</sub>", "2": "<sub>2</sub>", "3": "<sub>3</sub>", "4": "<sub>4</sub>", 
           "5": "<sub>5</sub>", "6": "<sub>6</sub>", "7": "<sub>7</sub>", "8": "<sub>8</sub>", "9": "<sub>9</sub>",
    name_no_charge_formatted = "".join([mapping.get(x) or x for x in list(name_no_charge)])

    if charge != None:
        name = name_no_charge_formatted +
        name = name_no_charge_formatted

    return name

def __seq(start, end, by=None, length_out=None):
    Mimic the seq() function in base R.
    len_provided = True if (length_out is not None) else False
    by_provided = True if (by is not None) else False
    if (not by_provided) & (not len_provided):
        raise ValueError('At least by or n_points must be provided')
    width = end - start
    eps = pow(10.0, -14)
    if by_provided:
        if (abs(by) < eps):
            raise ValueError('by must be non-zero.')
        absby = abs(by)
        if absby - width < eps: 
            length_out = int(width / absby)
            # by is too great, we assume by is actually length_out
            length_out = int(by)
            by = width / (by - 1)
        length_out = int(length_out)
        by = width / (length_out - 1) 
    out = [float(start)]*length_out
    for i in range(1, length_out):
        out[i] += by * i
    if abs(start + by * length_out - end) < eps:
    return out

def solubility(iaq=None, in_terms_of=None, dissociate=False, find_IS=False,
               messages=True, **kwargs):

    Python wrapper for the solubility() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate chemical activities of aqueous species in equilibrium with a mineral or gas.
    iaq : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name(s) of aqueous species (if str). If int, the index of the aqueous
        species in the OBIGT database.
    in_terms_of : str, optional
        Express the total solubility in terms of moles of this species.
    dissociate : bool, default False
        Does the mineral undergo a dissociation reaction?
    find_IS : bool, default False
        Find the equilibrium ionic strength by iteration?

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    **kwargs : named arguments
        Arguments for `affinity` or `mosaic` (i.e. plotting variables).
    s : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `solubility`.
    args = {'dissociate':dissociate, 'find_IS':find_IS}
    if in_terms_of != None: args["in_terms_of"] = in_terms_of
    args["iaq"] = _convert_to_RVector(iaq, force_Rvec=True)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if isinstance(value, list):
            value = ro.FloatVector(value)

    capture = R_output()

    s = CHNOSZ.solubility(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    return s

def retrieve(elements=None, ligands=None, state=None, T=None, P="Psat",
             add_charge=True, hide_groups=True, must_have=None, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the retrieve() function in CHNOSZ.
    Retrieve species in the database containing one or more chemical elements.
    elements : str, list of str, or tuple of str
        Elements in a chemical system. If `elements` is a string, retrieve
        species containing that element.
        E.g., `retrieve("Au")` will return all species containing Au.
        If `elements` is a list, retrieve species that have all of the elements
        in the list.
        E.g., `retrieve(["Au", "Cl"])` will return all species that have both
        Au and Cl.
        If `elements` is a tuple, retrieve species relevant to the system,
        including charged species.
        E.g., `retrieve(("Au", "Cl"))` will return species that have Au
        and/or Cl, including charged species, but no other elements.
    ligands : str, list of str, or tuple of str, optional
        Elements present in any ligands.
    state : str, list of str, or tuple of str, optional
        Filter the result on these state(s).
    T : float, optional
        Temperature where DeltaG0 of species must not be NA
    P : float or "Psat", default "Psat"
        Pressure where DeltaG0 of species must not be NA
    add_charge : bool, default True
        Add charge to the system?
    hide_groups : bool, default True
        Exclude groups from the result?
    must_have : str or list of str, optional
        Retrieved species must have the element(s).

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    out: list or dict
        A list of the OBIGT indices of retrieved chemical species

    if elements == None:
        elements = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(elements, list) or isinstance(elements, str):
        elements = _convert_to_RVector(elements, force_Rvec=True)
    elif isinstance(elements, tuple):
        elements = ro.ListVector({chr(ord('`')+i):l for i,l in zip(range(1, len(elements)+1), elements)})

    if ligands == None:
        ligands = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(ligands, list) or isinstance(ligands, str):
        ligands = _convert_to_RVector(ligands, force_Rvec=True)
    elif isinstance(ligands, tuple):
        ligands = ro.ListVector({chr(ord('`')+i):l for i,l in zip(range(1, len(ligands)+1), ligands)})

    if state == None:
        state = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(state, list) or isinstance(state, str):
        state = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=True)
    elif isinstance(state, tuple):
        state = ro.ListVector({chr(ord('`')+i):l for i,l in zip(range(1, len(state)+1), state)})

    if T == None:
        T = ro.r("NULL")
    if P == None:
        P = ro.r("NULL")
    args = {'elements':elements, 'ligands':ligands, 'state':state, 'T':T, 'P':P,
            'add_charge':add_charge, 'hide_groups':hide_groups}
    capture = R_output()

    out = CHNOSZ.retrieve(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    out = list(out)
    if isinstance(must_have, str):
        must_have = [must_have]
    if isinstance(must_have, list):
        df = info(out, messages=False)
        formulas = df["formula"].apply(chemparse.parse_formula)
        keep_ind = []
        for i,formula in enumerate(formulas):
            if all(elem in formula.keys()  for elem in must_have):
        keep_ind = list(set(keep_ind))
        out = [out[i] for i in keep_ind]

    return out

def animation(basis_args={}, species_args={}, affinity_args={},
              equilibrate_args=None, diagram_args={},
              anim_var="T", anim_range=[0, 350, 8],
    Produce an animated interactive affinity, activity, or predominance diagram.
    basis_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for defining basis species (see `basis`) in the
        animated diagram.
        Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}

    species_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for defining species (see `species`) in the
        animated diagram.
        Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}

    affinity_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for defining the affinity calculation (see
        Example: affinity_args={"pH":[2, 12, 100]}
        Example: affinity_args={"pH":[2, 12, 100], "P":[2000, 4000, 100]}
    equilibrate_args : dict or None, default None
        Dictionary of options for defining equilibration calculation
        (see `equilibrate`). If None, plots output from `affinity`.
        Example: equilibrate_args={"balance":1}
    diagram_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for diagramming (see `diagram`). Diagram option
        `interactive` is set to True.
        Example: diagram_args={"alpha":True}
    anim_var : str, default "T"
        Variable that changes with each frame of animation.
    anim_range : list of numeric, default [0, 350, 8]
        The first two numbers in the list are the starting and ending
        values for `anim_var`. The third number in the list is the desired
        number of animation frames.
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    An interactive animated plot.
    # cap number of frames in animation. Remove limitation after more testing.
    if isinstance(anim_range, list):
        if len(anim_range) == 3:
            if anim_range[2] > 30:
                raise Exception("anim_range is limited to 30 frames.")
            raise Exception("anim_range must be a list with three values: starting "
                            "value of anim_var, stopping value, and number of "
                            "frames in the animation")
        raise Exception("anim_range must be a list with three values: starting "
                        "value of anim_var, stopping value, and number of "
                        "frames in the animation")
    if isinstance(basis_args, dict):
        if "species" not in basis_args.keys():
            raise Exception("basis_args needs a list of basis species for 'species'. "
                            "Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}")
        raise Exception("basis_args needs to be a Python dictionary with a key "
                        "called 'species' (additional keys are optional). "
                        "Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}")
    if isinstance(species_args, dict):
        if "species" not in species_args.keys():
            raise Exception("species_args needs a list of species for 'species'. "
                            "Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}")
        raise Exception("species_args needs to be a Python dictionary with a key "
                        "called 'species' (additional keys are optional). "
                        "Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}")
    basis_sp = basis_args["species"]
    sp = species_args["species"]
    if isinstance(sp[0], (int, np.integer)):
        sp = [info(s, messages=False)["name"].values[0] for s in sp]
    basis_out = basis(**basis_args)
    if "logact" in species_args.keys():
        mod_species_logact = copy.copy(species_args['logact'])
        del species_args['logact']
        mod_species_logact = []
    species_out = species(**species_args)
    if len(mod_species_logact)>0:
        for i in range(0, len(mod_species_logact)) :
            species_out = species(species_args["species"][i], mod_species_logact[i])
    dfs = []
    dmaps = []
    dmaps_names = []
    if len(anim_range) == 2:
        anim_res = 8
        anim_range = anim_range + [anim_res]
    elif len(anim_range) == 3:
        anim_res = anim_range[2]
        anim_range = [anim_range[0], anim_range[1]]
    zvals = __seq(anim_range[0], anim_range[1], length_out=anim_res)
    if "messages" not in affinity_args.keys():
        affinity_args["messages"] = messages
    if "messages" not in diagram_args.keys():
        diagram_args["messages"] = messages
    if "plot_it" not in diagram_args.keys():
        diagram_args["plot_it"] = False
    diagram_args["interactive"] = True
    for z in zvals:

        if anim_var in basis_out.index:
            basis_out = basis(anim_var, z)
        elif anim_var in list(species_out["name"]):
            species_out = species(anim_var, z)
            affinity_args[anim_var] = z
        aeout = affinity(**affinity_args)
        if equilibrate_args != None:
            equilibrate_args["aout"] = aeout
            if "messages" not in equilibrate_args.keys():
                equilibrate_args["messages"] = messages
            aeout = equilibrate(**equilibrate_args)
        aeout_args = aeout.rx2("args")
        xvar = aeout_args.names[0]
        xrange = list(aeout_args[0])

        res_default = 256 # default affinity resolution
        if len(xrange) == 3:
            xres = int(xrange[2])
            xres = res_default
        diagram_args["eout"] = aeout
        df = diagram(**diagram_args)
        df[anim_var] = z

        if 'pred' not in df.columns:
            # affinity/activity plot
            is_predom_plot = False
            # predominance plot
            is_predom_plot = True
            yvar = aeout_args.names[1]
            yrange = list(aeout_args[1])
            if len(yrange) == 3:
                yres = int(yrange[2])
                yres = res_default

            data = np.array(df.pred)
            shape = (xres, yres)
            dmap = data.reshape(shape)

            data = np.array(df.prednames)
            shape = (xres, yres)
            dmap_names = data.reshape(shape)
    xvals = __seq(xrange[0], xrange[1], length_out=xres)
    if not is_predom_plot:

        if 'loga.equil' not in aeout.names:
            yvar = "A/(2.303RT)"
            yvar = "log a"
        if "alpha" in diagram_args.keys():
            if diagram_args["alpha"]:
                yvar = "alpha"
        df_c = pd.concat(dfs)

        fig = px.line(df_c, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
                      width=500,  height=400, animation_frame=anim_var,
                      labels=dict(value=yvar, x=xvar),
        if "annotation" in diagram_args.keys():
            if "annotation_coords" not in diagram_args.keys():
                diagram_args["annotation_coords"] = [0, 0]
                               bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
        if 'main' in diagram_args.keys():
            fig.update_layout(title={'text':diagram_args["main"], 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

        config = {'displaylogo': False,
                  'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines']}
        yvals = __seq(yrange[0], yrange[1], length_out=yres)

    unit_dict = {"P":"bar", "T":"°C", "pH":"", "Eh":"volts", "IS":"mol/kg"}
    if any([anim_var in basis_out.index, anim_var in list(species_out["name"])]) and anim_var not in unit_dict.keys():
        unit_dict[anim_var] = "logact "+anim_var

    for s in basis_sp:
        unit_dict[s] = "logact "+s

    xlab = xvar+", "+unit_dict[xvar]
    if xvar in basis_sp:
        xlab = unit_dict[xvar]
    if xvar == "pH":
        xlab = "pH"
    if is_predom_plot:
        ylab = yvar+", "+unit_dict[yvar]
        if yvar in basis_sp:
            ylab = unit_dict[yvar]
        if yvar == "pH":
            yvar = "pH"
    frames = []
    slider_steps = []
    annotations = []
    cst_data = []
    heatmaps = []
    # i is a frame in the animation
    for i in range(0, len(zvals)):

        annotations_i = []
        for s in sp:
            if s in set(dfs[i]["prednames"]):
                # if an annotation should appear, create one for this frame
                df_s = dfs[i].loc[dfs[i]["prednames"]==s,]
                namex = df_s[xvar].mean()
                namey = df_s[yvar].mean()
                a = go.layout.Annotation(
                    bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
                # if an annotation shouldn't appear, make an invisible annotation
                # (workaround for a plotly bug where annotations won't clear in an animation)
                namex = statistics.mean(xvals)
                namey = statistics.mean(yvals)
                a = go.layout.Annotation(
                    bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
        # allows adding a custom annotation; append to frame
        if "annotation" in diagram_args.keys():
            if "annotation_coords" not in diagram_args.keys():
                diagram_args["annotation_coords"] = [0, 0]
            custom_annotation = go.layout.Annotation(
                    bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",

        if 'ylab' in diagram_args.keys():
            ylab = diagram_args["ylab"]
            hover_ylab = ylab+': %{y} '
            ylab = html_chemname_format(ylab)
            hover_ylab = yvar+': %{y} '+unit_dict[yvar]

        if 'xlab' in diagram_args.keys():
            xlab = diagram_args["xlab"]
            hover_xlab = xlab+': %{x} '
            xlab = html_chemname_format(xlab)
            hover_xlab = xvar+': %{x} '+unit_dict[xvar]
        heatmaps_i = go.Heatmap(z=dmaps[i], x=xvals, y=yvals, zmin=0, zmax=len(sp)-1,
                                hovertemplate=hover_xlab+'<br>'+hover_ylab+'<br>Region: %{customdata}<extra></extra>')

        frame = go.Frame(data=[heatmaps_i],


        slider_step = dict(
                    frame=dict(duration=300, redraw=True),


    fig = go.Figure(
        data = heatmaps[0],
    #         title="Frame 0",
            width=500, height=500,
                    prefix='{}: '.format(anim_var),
                    suffix=' '+unit_dict[anim_var],
                transition=dict(duration=0, easing='cubic-in-out'),
                pad=dict(b=10, t=50),
                              args=[None, {"fromcurrent":True}]),
                                   {"frame": {"duration": 0, "redraw": True},
                                    "mode": "immediate",
                                    "transition": {"duration": 0}}],
                pad={"r": 10, "t": 87},


        xaxis={"range":[list(dfs[0][xvar])[0], list(dfs[0][xvar])[-1]]},
        yaxis={"range":[list(dfs[0][yvar])[0], list(dfs[0][yvar])[-1]]},
        margin={"t": 60, "r":60},

    if 'main' in diagram_args.keys():
        fig.update_layout(title={'text':diagram_args['main'], 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

    config = {'displaylogo': False,
              'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
                                         'autoScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines',
                                         'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian']}

def diagram_interactive(data, title=None,
                        annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0, 0],
                        balance=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, colormap="viridis",
                        width=600, height=520, alpha=False, messages=True,
                        plot_it=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1):
    Produce an interactive diagram.
    data : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `equilibrate` or `affinity`.
    title : str, optional
        Title of the plot.
    annotation : str, optional
        Annotation to add to the plot.
    annotation_coords : list of numeric, default [0, 0], optional
        Coordinates of annotation, where 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top
    balance : str or numeric, optional
        How to balance the transformations.
    xlab, ylab : str
        Custom x and y axes labels.
    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    alpha : bool or str (balance), default False
        For speciation diagrams, plot degree of formation instead of
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    plot_it : bool, default True
        Show the plot?

    save_as : str, optional
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Provide a filename to
        save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by
        Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
        button in the plot's toolbar.

    save_format : str, default "png"
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Desired format of saved
        or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf',
        'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved.
        Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the
        'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.

    save_scale : numeric, default 1
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Multiply
        title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
    An interactive plot.
    basis_sp = list(data.rx2("basis").index)

    xyvars = list(data.rx2("vars"))
    xyvals = list(data.rx2("vals"))

    if 'loga.equil' not in data.names:
        calc_type = "a"
        calc_type = "e"

    data = equilibrate(data, balance=balance, messages=messages)

    if calc_type=="a":
        out_vals = data.rx2("values")
        out_units = "A/(2.303RT)"
        nsp = len(out_vals)
        lsp = out_vals[0].size
        flat_out_vals = np.concatenate(tuple(arr.transpose() for arr in out_vals), axis=0).reshape(nsp, lsp).tolist()
        df = pd.DataFrame(flat_out_vals)
        df["n.balance"] = list(data.rx2("n.balance"))
        # divide values by balance
        df = df.apply(lambda row: row/row["n.balance"], axis=1)
        df = df.drop(["n.balance"], axis=1)
        sp = list(info([int(val) for val in list(out_vals.names)], messages=False)["name"])
    elif calc_type=="e":
        out_vals = data.rx2("loga.equil")
        out_units = "log a"

        nsp = len(out_vals)
        lsp = out_vals[0].size
        flat_out_vals = np.concatenate(tuple(arr.transpose() for arr in out_vals), axis=0).reshape(nsp, lsp).tolist()
        df = pd.DataFrame(flat_out_vals)
        sp = list(info([int(val) for val in list(data.rx2("values").names)], messages=False)["name"])
    df.index = sp
    df = df.transpose()

    if alpha and len(xyvars) == 1:
        df = df.applymap(lambda x: 10**x)
        df = df[sp].div(df[sp].sum(axis=1), axis=0)
    xvar = xyvars[0]
    xvals = [float(val) for val in xyvals[0]]

    if len(xyvars) == 1:
        df[xvar] = xvals
        if not isinstance(ylab, str):
            if alpha:
                ylab = "alpha"
                ylab = out_units
            ylab = html_chemname_format(ylab)
        df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=xyvars, value_vars=sp)

    elif len(xyvars)==2:
        # predominance plot
        yvar = xyvars[1]
        yvals = [float(val) for val in xyvals[1]]
        df["pred"] = df.idxmax(axis=1)
        df["prednames"] = df["pred"]

        xvals_full = xvals*len(yvals)
        yvals_full = __flatten_list([[y]*len(xvals) for y in yvals])
        df[xvar] = xvals_full
        df[yvar] = yvals_full

    unit_dict = {"P":"bar", "T":"°C", "pH":"", "Eh":"volts", "IS":"mol/kg"}

    for s in basis_sp:
        unit_dict[s] = "logact "+s
    if not isinstance(xlab, str):
        xlab = xvar+", "+unit_dict[xvar]
        if xvar == "pH":
            xlab = "pH"
        if xvar in basis_sp:
            xlab = unit_dict[xvar]
        xlab = html_chemname_format(xlab)

    if len(xyvars) == 1:
        df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(html_chemname_format)
        fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
                      width=width,  height=height,
                      labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
        if isinstance(title, str):
            fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

        if isinstance(annotation, str):
                bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")

        save_as, save_format = __save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale,
                                             plot_width=width, plot_height=height, ppi=1)
        config = {'displaylogo': False,
                  'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'],
                  'toImageButtonOptions': {
                                             'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
                                             'filename': save_as,
                                             'height': height,
                                             'width': width,
                                             'scale': save_scale,

    if len(xyvars) == 2:
        mappings = {'pred': {s:lab for s,lab in zip(sp,range(0,len(sp)))}}
        df.replace(mappings, inplace=True)

        data = np.array(df.pred)
        shape = (len(xvals), len(yvals))
        dmap = data.reshape(shape)

        data = np.array(df.prednames)
        shape = (len(xvals), len(yvals))
        dmap_names = data.reshape(shape)
        if not isinstance(ylab, str):
            ylab = yvar+", "+unit_dict[yvar]
            if yvar in basis_sp:
                ylab = unit_dict[yvar]

            if yvar == "pH":
                ylab = "pH"
            ylab = html_chemname_format(ylab)
        fig = px.imshow(dmap, width=width, height=height, aspect="auto",
                        labels=dict(x=xlab, y=ylab, color="region"),
                        x=xvals, y=yvals, template="simple_white",

        fig.update(data=[{'customdata': dmap_names,
            'hovertemplate': xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<br>Region: %{customdata}<extra></extra>'}])

        if colormap == 'none':
            colormap = [[0, 'white'], [1, 'white']]

        if isinstance(title, str):
            fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

        for s in sp:
            if s in set(df["prednames"]):
                df_s = df.loc[df["prednames"]==s,]
                namex = df_s[xvar].mean()
                namey = df_s[yvar].mean()
                fig.add_annotation(x=namex, y=namey,
                                   bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",

        if isinstance(annotation, str):
                bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")
        save_as, save_format = __save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale,
                                             plot_width=width, plot_height=height, ppi=1)
        config = {'displaylogo': False,
                  'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
                                             'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines',
                                             'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian'],
                  'toImageButtonOptions': {
                                             'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
                                             'filename': save_as,
                                             'height': height,
                                             'width': width,
                                             'scale': save_scale,
    if plot_it:
    return df, fig

def _convert_to_RVector(value, force_Rvec=True):
    Convert a value or list into an R vector of the appropriate type.
    value : numeric or str, or list of numeric or str
        Value to be converted.
    force_Rvec : bool, default True
        If `value` is not a list, force conversion into a R vector?
        False will return an int, float, or str if value is non-list.
        True will always return an R vector.
    int, float, str, an rpy2 R vector
        A value or R vector of an appropriate data type.
    if not isinstance(value, list) and not force_Rvec:
        return value
    elif not isinstance(value, list) and force_Rvec:
        value = [value]
    if all(isinstance(x, bool) for x in value):
        return ro.BoolVector(value)
    elif all(isinstance(x, (int, np.integer)) for x in value):
        return ro.IntVector(value)
    elif all(isinstance(x, (int, np.integer, float, np.float)) for x in value):
        return ro.FloatVector(value)
        return ro.StrVector(value)


def water(property=None, T=298.15, P="Psat", P1=True, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the water() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of water.
    property : str or list of str, optional
        Computational setting or property(s) to calculate. To set a water model,
        use 'SUPCRT92' (default) or 'SUPCRT', 'IAPWS95' or 'IAPWS', or 'DEW'.
        To calculate a property, use 'A', 'G', 'S', 'U', etc. See for the complete catalog of
        properties that can be calculated, their units, and their availability
        in water models.

    T : numeric, default 298.15
        Temperature (K)

    P : numeric, default "Psat"
        Pressure (bar), or Psat for vapor-liquid saturation.

    P1 : bool, default True
        Output pressure of 1 bar below 100 °C instead of calculated values of Psat?

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    out : float or dict
        Calculated value of desired water property. If `property` is a list,
        returns a dictionary of calculated values.
    if property == None:
        property = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(property, list):
        property = _convert_to_RVector(property, force_Rvec=True)
    args = {'property':property, 'T':T, 'P':P, 'P1':P1}
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.water(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if property not in ["SUPCRT92", "SUPCRT", "IAPWS95", "IAPWS", "DEW"]:

        return ro.conversion.rpy2py(out)
def entropy(formula, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the entropy() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the standard molal entropy of elements in a compound.
    formula : str, int, or list of str or int
        Supply a chemical formula (e.g. "CH4"), a species index, or a list of
        formulas or indices.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : float or list of float
        Standard molal entropy of elements in the formula in cal/(mol K).
        Returns a list if `formula` is a list.
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.entropy(formula_R)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    out = list(out)
    if not isinstance(formula, list):
        out = out[0]
    return out

def mass(formula, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the mass() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the mass of the sum of elements in a formula.
    formula : str, int, or list of str or int
        Supply a chemical formula (e.g. "CH4"), a species index, or a list of
        formulas or indices.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : float or list of float
        Molar mass of the sum of elements in the formula, in g/mol.
        Returns a list if `formula` is a list.
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.mass(formula_R)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    out = list(out)
    if not isinstance(formula, list):
        out = out[0]
    return out

def zc(formula, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the ZC() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the average oxidation state of carbon (ZC) in a molecule.
    formula : str or list of str
        Chemical formula(s) of molecules.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : float or list of float
        The average oxidation state of carbon in the formula.
        Returns a list if `formula` is a list.
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.ZC(formula_R)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    out = list(out)
    if not isinstance(formula, list):
        out = out[0]
    return out

def makeup(formula, multiplier=1, sum=False, count_zero=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the makeup() function in CHNOSZ.
    Parse a formula into a dictionary of elements and their counts.
    formula : str or list of str
        Chemical formula or a list of chemical formulas.

    multiplier : numeric, default 1
        Multiplier for the elemental counts in each formula.
    sum : bool, default False
        Add together the elemental counts in all formulas?
        Ignored if `formula` is not a list.
    count_zero : bool, default False
        Include zero counts for an element if it is not in this formula, but is
        found in another formula in the list? Ensures that the dictionaries
        returned for each formula have the same length.
        Ignored if `formula` is not a list.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : dict
        Dictionary of elements and their counts in the formula(s).
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    args = {'formula':formula_R, "multiplier":multiplier,
            "sum":sum, "":count_zero}
    capture = R_output()
    out =**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if isinstance(out, ro.ListVector):
        out_dict = {}
        for i, molecule in enumerate(formula):
            molecule_dict = {}
            if not count_zero:
                out_names = out[i].names
                out_names = out[i].names[0]

            for ii, elem in enumerate(out_names):
                molecule_dict[elem] = out[i][ii]
            out_dict[molecule] = molecule_dict
        out_dict = {}
        if not sum or not isinstance(formula, list):
            out_names = out.names
            out_names = out.names[0]
        for i, elem in enumerate(out_names):
            out_dict[elem] = out[i]
    return out_dict

def seq2aa(protein, sequence, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the seq2aa() function in CHNOSZ.
    Returns a data frame of amino acid composition corresponding to the provided
    protein : str
        Protein name with an underscore, e.g., 'LYSC_CHICK'
    sequence : str
        Amino acid sequence of the protein.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    Pandas dataframe
        Amino acid composition of protein.
    args = {'protein':protein, 'sequence':sequence}

    capture = R_output()
    pout = CHNOSZ.seq2aa(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return ro.conversion.rpy2py(pout)

def add_protein(aa, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the add.protein() function in CHNOSZ.
    Add proteins to the OBIGT thermodynamic database.
    aa : Pandas dataframe
        Amino acid composition of protein(s) from `seq2aa`.
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    list of int
        List of protein indices, iprotein.
    aa = ro.conversion.py2rpy(aa)
    args = {'aa':aa}

    capture = R_output()
    apout = CHNOSZ.add_protein(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return list(apout)

def equilibrate(aout, balance=None, loga_balance=None, ispecies=None,
                normalize=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the equilibrate() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate equilibrium chemical activities of species from the affinities
    of formation of the species at unit activity.
    aout : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `affinity`.
    balance : str or numeric, optional
        How to balance the transformations.
    loga_balance : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Logarithm of total activity of balanced quantity.
    ispecies : numeric, optional
        Which species to include.
    normalize : bool, default False
        Normalize the molar formulas of species by the balancing coefficients?
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    eout : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `equilibrate`.
    # stay.normal is an unused argument in equilibrate()?
    args = {'aout':aout, 'normalize':normalize}
    if balance != None: args['balance'] = balance
    if loga_balance != None: args['loga.balance'] = loga_balance
    if ispecies != None: args['ispecies'] = _convert_to_RVector(ispecies)

    capture = R_output()
    eout = CHNOSZ.equilibrate(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return eout

def diagram(eout, ptype='auto', alpha=False, normalize=False,
            as_residue=False, balance=None, groups=None,
            xrange=None, mar=None, yline=None, side=[1,2,3,4],
            ylog=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None,
            cex=None, cex_names=None, cex_axis=None,
            lty=None, lwd=None, dotted=None,
            spline_method=None, contour_method=None, levels=None,
            col=None, col_names=None, fill=None,
            fill_NA="gray80", limit_water=None,
            names=None, format_names=True, bold=False, italic=False, 
            font=None, family=None, adj=0.5,
            dx=0, dy=0, srt=0, min_area=0,
            main=None, legend_x=None,
            add=False, plot_it=True, tplot=True,
            annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0,0],
            width=600, height=520, dpi=150,
            messages=True, interactive=False, save_as=None, save_format=None,
            save_scale=1, fig_out=False):
    Python wrapper for the diagram() function in CHNOSZ.
    Plot equilibrium chemical activity (1-D speciation) or equal-activity
    (2-D predominance) diagrams as a function of chemical activities of
    basis species, temperature and/or pressure.
    eout : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `equilibrate` or `affinity`.
    ptype : str, default 'auto'
        Type of plot, or name of basis species whose activity to plot.

    alpha : bool or str (balance), default False
        For speciation diagrams, plot degree of formation instead of

    normalize : bool, default False
        Divide chemical affinities by balance coefficients (rescale to whole

    as_residue : bool, default False
        Divide chemical affinities by balance coefficients (no rescaling)?

    balance : str or numeric, optional
        How to balance the transformations.

    groups : rpy2.ListVector of numeric, optional
        Groups of species to consider as a single effective species.

    xrange : numeric, optional
        Range of x-values between which predominance field boundaries are

    mar : numeric, optional
        Margins of plot frame.

    yline : numeric, optional
        Margin line on which to plot the y-axis name.

    side : numeric, optional
        Which sides of plot to draw axes.

    xlim : numeric, optional
        Limits of x-axis.

    ylim : numeric, optional
        Limits of y-axis.

    xlab : str, optional
        Label to use for x-axis.

    ylab : str, optional
        Label to use for y-axis.

    ylog : bool, optional
        Use a logarithmic y-axis (on 1D degree diagrams)?

    cex : numeric, optional
        Character expansion (scaling relative to current).

    cex_names : numeric, optional
        Character expansion factor to be used for names of species on plots.

    cex_axis : numeric, optional
        Character expansion factor for names of axes.

    lty : numeric, optional
        Line types to be used in plots.

    lwd : numeric, optional
        Line width.

    dotted : numeric, optional
        How often to skip plotting points on predominance field boundaries (to
        gain the effect of dotted or dashed boundary lines).

    spline_method : str, optional
        Method used in splinefun.

    contour_method : str, optional
        Labelling method used in contour (use None for no labels).

    levels : numeric, optional
        Levels at which to draw contour lines.

    col : str, optional
        Color of activity lines (1D diagram) or predominance field boundaries
        (2D diagram).

    col_names : str, optional
        Colors for labels of species.

    fill : str, optional
        Colors used to fill predominance fields.

    fill_NA : str, optional
        Color for grid points with NA values.

    limit_water : None or bool, optional
        Set NaN values beyond water stability limits?

    names : str, optional
        Names of species for activity lines or predominance fields.

    format_names : bool, default True
        Apply formatting to chemical formulas?

    bold : bool, default False
        Use bold formatting for names?

    italic : bool, default False
        Use italic formatting for names?

    font : str, optional
        Font type for names (has no effect if format.names is TRUE).

    family : str, optional
        Font family for names.

    adj : numeric or list, default 0.5
        Adjustment for line labels.

    dx : numeric or list, default 0
        X offset for line or field labels.

    dy : numeric or list, default 0
        Y offset for line or field labels.

    srt : numeric, default 0
        Rotation for line labels.

    min_area : numeric, default 0
        Minimum area of fields that should be labeled, expressed as a fraction
        of the total plot area.

    main : str, optional
        A main title for the plot; None means to plot no title.

    legend_x : str, optional
        Description of legend placement passed to legend.

    add : bool, default False
        Add to current plot?

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Make a plot?

    tplot : bool, default True
        Set up plot with

    annotation : str, optional
        Annotation to add to the plot. Interactive plots only (`interactive`
        is set to True).
    annotation_coords : list of numeric, default [0, 0], optional
        Coordinates of annotation, where 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top
        right. Interactive plots only (`interactive` is set to True).

    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    dpi : numeric, default 150
        Resolution of the plot.
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    interactive : bool, default False
        Display an interactive plot?

    save_as : str, optional
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Provide a filename to
        save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by
        Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
        button in the plot's toolbar.

    save_format : str, default "png"
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Desired format of saved
        or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf',
        'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved.
        Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the
        'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.

    save_scale : numeric, default 1
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Multiply
        title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
    fig_out : bool, default False
        Function output is a plotly figure? Ignored if `interactive` is False.
    a : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `diagram`.
    args : dict
        Dictionary of arguments supplied to `diagram`.
    if interactive:
        df, fig = diagram_interactive(data=eout, title=main, annotation=annotation,
                                 xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
                                 width=width, height=height,
                                 alpha=alpha, plot_it=plot_it,
                                 save_as=save_as, save_format=save_format,
                                 save_scale=save_scale, messages=messages)
        if fig_out:
            return df, fig
            return df
    args = {'eout':eout, 'type':ptype, 'alpha':alpha, 'normalize':normalize,
            'as.residue':as_residue, 'ylog':ylog, 'fill.NA':fill_NA, 'format.names':format_names,
            'bold':bold, 'italic':italic, 'adj':adj, 'dx':dx, 'dy':dy, 'srt':srt,
            'min.area':min_area, '':plot_it, 'tplot':tplot}
    if balance != None: args["balance"] = balance
    if groups != None: args["groups"] = groups
    if xrange != None: args["xrange"] = _convert_to_RVector(xrange)
    if mar != None: args["mar"] = _convert_to_RVector(mar)
    if yline != None: args["yline"] = _convert_to_RVector(yline)
    if side != None: args["side"] = _convert_to_RVector(side)
    if xlim != None: args["xlim"] = _convert_to_RVector(xlim)
    if ylim != None: args["ylim"] = _convert_to_RVector(ylim)
    if xlab != None: args["xlab"] = xlab
    if ylab != None: args["ylab"] = ylab
    if cex != None: args["cex"] = _convert_to_RVector(cex)
    if cex_names != None: args["cex.names"] = _convert_to_RVector(cex_names)
    if cex_axis != None: args["cex.axis"] = _convert_to_RVector(cex_axis)
    if lty != None: args["lty"] = _convert_to_RVector(lty)
    if lwd != None: args["lwd"] = _convert_to_RVector(lwd)
    if dotted != None: args["dotted"] = convert_to_RVector(dotted)
    if spline_method != None: args["spline.method"] = spline_method
    if contour_method != None: args["contour.method"] = contour_method
    if levels != None: args["levels"] = _convert_to_RVector(levels)
    if col != None: args["col"] = _convert_to_RVector(col)
    if col_names != None: args["col.names"] = _convert_to_RVector(col_names)
    if fill != None: args["fill"] = _convert_to_RVector(fill)
    if limit_water != None: args["limit.water"] = limit_water
    if names != None: args["names"] = _convert_to_RVector(names)
    if font != None: args["font"] = _convert_to_RVector(font)
    if family != None: args["family"] = _convert_to_RVector(family)
    if isinstance(adj, list):
        args["adj"] = _convert_to_RVector(adj)
    if isinstance(dx, list):
        args["dx"] = _convert_to_RVector(dx)
    if isinstance(dy, list):
        args["dy"] = _convert_to_RVector(dy)
    if main != None: args["main"] = main
    if legend_x != None: args["legend.x"] = legend_x
    capture = R_output()
    with __r_inline_plot(width=width, height=height, dpi=dpi, plot_it=plot_it):
        if isinstance(add, bool):
            if add: # add='True' does not work with the current pyCHNOSZ framework
                raise Exception("The argument 'add' must be assigned the output of the previous diagram(s).")
                a = CHNOSZ.diagram(**args)
        elif isinstance(add, list):
            for to_add in add:
            a = CHNOSZ.diagram(**args)

            a = CHNOSZ.diagram(**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return a, args

def affinity(property=None, sout=None, exceed_Ttr=False,
             exceed_rhomin=False, return_buffer=False, return_sout=False,
             balance="PBB", iprotein=None, loga_protein=-3, transect=None,
             messages=True, **kwargs):

    Python wrapper for the affinity() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the chemical affinities of formation reactions of species.
    property : str, default 'A'
        The property to be calculated. Default is A, for chemical affinity of
        formation reactions of species of interest.

    sout : list
        Output from `subcrt`.

    exceed_Ttr : bool, default False
        Allow subcrt to compute properties for phases beyond their transition

    exceed_rhomin : bool, default False
        Allow subcrt to compute properties of species in the HKF model below
        0.35 g cm-3?

    return_buffer : bool, default False
        If TRUE, and a buffer has been associated with one or more basis
        species in the system, return the values of the activities of the basis
        species calculated using the buffer. Default is FALSE.

    return_sout : bool, default False
        Return only the values calculated with subcrt?

    balance : str, default 'PBB'
        This argument is used to identify a conserved basis species (or PBB) in
        a chemical activity buffer.

    iprotein : numeric, optional
        Indices of proteins in thermo$protein for which to calculate

    loga_protein : numeric, default -3
        Logarithms of activities of proteins identified in iprotein.

    transect : bool, optional
        Force a transect calculation, even for three or fewer values of the
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    **kwargs : numeric, zero or more named arguments
        Used to identify the variables of interest in the calculations. E.g.,
        pH, T, P, Eh, ...
    a : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `affinity`.
    args = {'exceed_Ttr':exceed_Ttr, 'exceed_rhomin':exceed_rhomin,
            'return_buffer':return_buffer, 'return_sout':return_sout,
            'balance':balance, 'loga_protein':loga_protein}
    if property != None: args["property"] = property
    if sout != None: args["sout"] = sout
    if iprotein != None: args["iprotein"] = _convert_to_RVector(iprotein)
    if transect != None: args["transect"] = transect
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if isinstance(value, list):
            value = ro.FloatVector(value)
    capture = R_output()
    a = CHNOSZ.affinity(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    return a

def species(species=None, state=None, delete=False, add=False,
            index_return=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the species() function in CHNOSZ.
    Define the species of interest in a system; modify their physical states
    and logarithms of activities.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Names or formulas of species to add to the species definition; int,
        rownumbers of species in OBIGT to modify or delete.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        physical states; numeric, logarithms of activities or fugacities.

    delete : bool, default False
        Delete the species identified by numeric values of species (or all
        species if that argument is missing)?

    add : bool, default False
        Delete a previous species definition instead of adding to it?

    index_return : bool, default False
        return the affected rownumbers of species in the OBIGT database instead
        of the normal output of `species`?
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
        Pandas dataframe containing a stoichometric matrix of reactions to form
        species from basis species defined by `basis`.
    if species != None:
        args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    args["add"] = add
    args["delete"] = delete
    args["index.return"] = index_return
    capture = R_output()
    sout = CHNOSZ.species(**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return ro.conversion.rpy2py(sout)

def basis(species=None, state=None, logact=None, delete=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the basis() function in CHNOSZ.
    Define the basis species of a chemical system.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Names or formulas of species, or numeric, indices of species.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        Physical states or names of buffers.

    logact : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Logarithms of activities or fugacities.

    delete : bool, default False
        Delete the current basis species definition?

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
        Pandas dataframe containing a stoichometric matrix of basis species'
        elemental composition.
    if species != None:
        args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    if logact != None: args["logact"] = _convert_to_RVector(logact)
    args["delete"] = delete
    capture = R_output()
    bout = CHNOSZ.basis(**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return ro.conversion.rpy2py(bout)

def reset(messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the reset() function in CHNOSZ.
    Reset all of the data used in CHNOSZ to default values. This includes the
    computational settings, thermodynamic database, and system settings
    (chemical species).
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    capture = R_output()
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

def add_OBIGT(file, species=None, force=True, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the add.OBIGT() function in CHNOSZ.
    Add or overwrite species in the OBIGT thermodynamic database by supplying
    a comma separated value (csv) file with custom data.
    file : str
        Path to a file.

    species : str, optional
        Names of species to load from file.

    force : bool, default True
        Force replacement of already existing species?
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    a : list of int
        A list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies) that have been added or

    add_obigt_builtins = ["SUPCRT92", "AS04", "DEW", "OldAA",
                          "AkDi", "SLOP98", "Berman_cr", "biotic_aq",
                          "H2O_aq", "inorganic_aq", "inorganic_cr",
                          "inorganic_gas", "organic_aq", "organic_cr",
                          "organic_gas", "organic_liq"]

    if isinstance(file, str):
        if file in add_obigt_builtins:
            capture = R_output()


            if species != None:
                if not isinstance(species, list):
                    args["species"] = species
                    args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species)

            ispecies = CHNOSZ.add_OBIGT(**args)

            if messages:
                for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

            return list(ispecies)
        elif ".csv" not in file[-4:] or ".CSV" in file[-4:]:
            raise Exception("File must be in .csv format")
            df = pd.read_csv(file, keep_default_na=False, na_values=['NA']) # keep_default_na=False keeps NA in data file instead of converting them to NaN. NaNs cause errors when converting to an R dataframe with rpy2 3.4.5.
            if df.shape[0] == 0:
                raise Exception("file is empty")
    elif isinstance(file, pd.DataFrame):
        df = file
        if df.shape[0] == 0:
            raise Exception("file is empty")
        raise Exception("file parameter must be either the name of a .csv file "
                        "to import, or a Pandas dataframe of thermodynamic data.")

    OBIGT_cols = ['name', 'abbrv', 'formula', 'state',
                  'ref1', 'ref2', 'date', 'E_units',
                  'G', 'H', 'S', 'Cp', 'V',
                  'a1.a', 'a2.b', 'a3.c', 'a4.d',
                  'c1.e', 'c2.f', 'omega.lambda', 'z.T']

    if all(col in df.columns for col in OBIGT_cols):

        df_mod_OBIGT = df[OBIGT_cols]

        if species != None:
            if isinstance(species, list):
                df_mod_OBIGT = df_mod_OBIGT[df_mod_OBIGT["name"].isin(species)]
                raise Exception("species must be a list of names of species to load from file.")

        if not force:
            t = thermo()
            df_mod_OBIGT = df_mod_OBIGT[~df_mod_OBIGT["name"].isin(]
            if df_mod_OBIGT.shape[0] == 0:
                raise Exception("No species to add while force=False")
        msg = "The file must contain all of the columns: {}".format(str(OBIGT_cols))
        raise Exception(msg)

    numeric_cols = ['G', 'H', 'S', 'Cp', 'V',
                  'a1.a', 'a2.b', 'a3.c', 'a4.d',
                  'c1.e', 'c2.f', 'omega.lambda', 'z.T']
    df_mod_OBIGT[numeric_cols] = df_mod_OBIGT[numeric_cols].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    return mod_OBIGT(df_mod_OBIGT, messages=messages)

def mod_OBIGT(*args, messages=True, **kwargs):
    Python wrapper for the mod.OBIGT() function in CHNOSZ.
    Modify species in the OBIGT thermodynamic database. Optionally, supply a
    Pandas dataframe containing custom data.
    *args : str, numeric, or Pandas dataframe
        Species names or thermodynamic database index numbers to modify. If a
        Pandas dataframe, database entries to add or modify.
    *kwargs : str or numeric
        Properties of species to modify in the thermodynamic database.
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    list of int
        A list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies) that have been added or

    capture = R_output()
    if isinstance(args[0], pd.DataFrame):
        arg_list = list(args)
        arg_list[0] = ro.conversion.py2rpy(arg_list[0])
        args = tuple(arg_list)

    ispecies = CHNOSZ.mod_OBIGT(*args, **kwargs)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return list(ispecies)
def info(species, state=None, check_it=True, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the info() function in CHNOSZ.
    Search for species by name or formula, retrieve their thermodynamic
    properties and parameters, and add proteins to the thermodynamic database.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    check_it : bool, default True
        Check GHS and EOS parameters for self-consistency?
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    pd.DataFrame or list of int
        Returns a Pandas dataframe if supplied a list of OBIGT database indices
        (ispecies), or a list of ispecies if given a list of species names or
    args = {}
    output_is_df = False
    args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    if not isinstance(species, list): species = [species]
    if all(isinstance(x, (int, np.integer)) for x in species):
        output_is_df = True
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    args[""] = check_it

    capture = R_output()
    a =**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if output_is_df:
        return ro.conversion.rpy2py(a)
        return list(a)

def subcrt(species, coeff=None, state=None,
           property=["logK", "G", "H", "S", "V", "Cp"],
           T=None, P=None, grid=None,
           convert=True, exceed_Ttr=False, exceed_rhomin=False,
           logact=None, autobalance=True, IS=None, messages=True,
    Python wrapper for the subcrt() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the standard molal thermodynamic properties of one or more
    species or a reaction between species as a function of temperature and
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Reaction coefficients on species.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    property : str or list of str, optional
        Property(s) to calculate.

    T : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Temperature(s) of the calculation.

    P : numeric, list of numeric, or str if 'Psat', default 'Psat'
        Pressure(s) of the calculation.

    grid : str, default None
        Type of PxT grid to produce (None, the default, means no gridding).

    exceed_Ttr : bool, default False
        Calculate Gibbs energies of mineral phases and other species beyond
        their transition temperatures?

    exceed_rhomin : bool, default False
        Return properties of species in the HKF model below 0.35 g cm-3?

    logact : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Logarithms of activities of species in reaction.

    convert : bool, default True
        Are input and output units of T and P those of the user (True) (see
        T_units), or are they Kelvin and bar (False)?

    autobalance : bool, default True
        Attempt to automatically balance reaction with basis species?

    IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties,
        mol kg^-1.
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    show : bool, default True
        Display CHNOSZ tables?
    out : object of class SubcrtOutput
        An object that stores the output of `subcrt`.
    single_species = False
    args = {'species': _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)}
    if coeff != None:
        args["coeff"] = _convert_to_RVector(coeff)
        single_species = True
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    args["property"] = _convert_to_RVector(property)
    if T != None:
        args['T'] = _convert_to_RVector(T, force_Rvec=False)

    if P != None:
        args['P'] = _convert_to_RVector(P, force_Rvec=False)
    if grid != None: args['grid'] = grid # grid is either 'T' or 'P'
    args['convert'] = convert
    args['exceed.Ttr'] = exceed_Ttr
    args['exceed.rhomin'] = exceed_rhomin
    if logact != None: args["logact"] = _convert_to_RVector(logact)
    args['autobalance'] = autobalance
    if IS != None:
        args["IS"] = _convert_to_RVector(IS, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    a = CHNOSZ.subcrt(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if "warnings" in a.names:
        warn = a.rx2("warnings")[0] # subcrt's list includes warnings only if they appear
        warn = None
    if "polymorphs" in a.names:
        poly = a.rx2("polymorphs") # subcrt's list includes polymorphs only if they appear
        poly = None
    if not single_species:
        out_dict = {"reaction":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[0]),
                    "out":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[1])} # the extra [0] is important
        out_dict = {"species":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[0]), "out":{}}
        for df in a[1]:
            out_dict["out"][out_dict["species"].name[i]] = ro.conversion.rpy2py(df)
            i += 1
    if isinstance(warn, str):
        out_dict["warnings"] = warn
    if isinstance(poly, pd.DataFrame):
        out_dict["polymorphs"] = poly
    out = SubcrtOutput(out_dict)
    if show:
        for table in out.__dict__.keys():
            if not isinstance(out[table], dict):
                for subtable in out[table].keys():
                    print("\n"+subtable+":") # species name
    return out

class SubcrtOutput(object):
    Stores the output of a `subcrt` calculation.
    reaction : pd.DataFrame
        Pandas dataframe summary of the reaction. Only present if a reaction is
    species : pd.Dataframe
        Pandas dataframe summary of species. Only present if a reaction is not
    out : pd.Dataframe
        Pandas dataframe of `subcrt` output.
    warnings : pd.Dataframe
        Pandas dataframe of calculation warnings. Only present if warnings were
    def __init__(self, args): 
        for k in args:
            setattr(self, k, args[k])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
         return getattr(self, item)

class thermo:
    Python wrapper for the thermo() object in CHNOSZ.
    See the original CHNOSZ documentation for in-depth descriptions of each
    OBIGT : pd.DataFrame
        A thermodynamic database of standard molal thermodynamic properties and
        equations of state parameters of species.
    basis : pd.DataFrame
        Initially `None`, reserved for a dataframe written by basis upon
        definition of the basis species.
    buffer : pd.DataFrame
        Contains definitions of buffers of chemical activity.
    element : pd.DataFrame
        Containins the thermodynamic properties of elements taken from Cox et
        al., 1989, Wagman et al., 1982, and (for Am, Pu, Np, Cm) Thoenen et al.,
    groups : pd.DataFrame
        A dataframe with 22 columns for the amino acid sidechain, backbone and
        protein backbone groups ([Ala]..[Tyr],[AABB],[UPBB]) whose rows
        correspond to the elements C, H, N, O, S. It is used to quickly
        calculate the chemical formulas of proteins that are selected using the
        iprotein argument in `affinity`.
    opar : dict
        Stores parameters of the last plot generated in pyCHNOSZ. If a plot has
        not yet been generated, `opar` is `None`.
    opt : dict
        Dictionary of computational settings.

    protein : pd.DataFrame
        Amino acid compositions of selected proteins.
    refs : pd.DataFrame
        References for thermodynamic data.
    stoich : pd.DataFrame
        A precalculated stoichiometric matrix for the default database.
    species : pd.DataFrame
        Initially `None`, reserved for a dataframe generated by species to
        define the species of interest.
    def __init__(self, messages=True, **kwargs):
        args = {}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, NumberTypes):
                value = _convert_to_RVector(value, force_Rvec=False)
            elif isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                value = ro.conversion.py2rpy(value)
        capture = R_output()
        t = CHNOSZ.thermo(**args)

        if messages:
            for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
        for i, name in enumerate(t.names):
            if isinstance(t[i], ro.DataFrame) or isinstance(t[i], ro.Matrix):
                attr = ro.conversion.rpy2py(t[i])
            elif isinstance(t[i], ro.ListVector):
                attr = {}
                for ii, subname in enumerate(t[i].names):
                    attr[subname] = list(t[i][ii])
            elif isinstance(t[i], ro.FloatVector) or isinstance(t[i], ro.IntVector) or isinstance(t[i], ro.StrVector):
                attr = list(t[i])
                if len(t[i]) == 1:
                    attr = attr[0]
            elif isinstance(t[i], rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType):
                attr = None
                attr = t[i]
            setattr(self, name, attr)
    def __getitem__(self, item):
         return getattr(self, item)

def unicurve(logK, species, coeff, state, pressures=1, temperatures=25, IS=0,
             minT=0.1, maxT=100, minP=1, maxP=500, tol=None,
             solve="T", width=600, height=520, dpi=90, plot_it=True,
             messages=True, show=True):
    Solve for temperatures or pressures of equilibration for a given logK
    value and produce a plot.
    logK : numeric
        Logarithm (base 10) of an equilibrium constant.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Reaction coefficients on species.
    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    pressures, temperatures : numeric or list of numeric
        Pressures (if solving for temperature) or temperatures (if solving for
        pressures) to resolve with `logK`. Pressures are in bars and
        temperatures are in degrees Celcius.

    IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties,
        mol kg^-1.
    minT, maxT : numeric
        Minimum and maximum temperatures (degrees Celcius) to search within for
        a solution for the given pressure(s) and logK. Ignored if solving for
    minP, maxP : numeric
        Minimum and maximum pressures (bars) to search within for
        a solution for the given temperatures(s) and logK. Ignored if solving
        for temperature.
    tol : float
        Tolerance for finding a temperature or pressure that converges on the
        given logK. Will attempt to find a solution that satisfies logK plus or
        minus `tol`. By default, tol is equal to 1/(10^(n+2)) where n is the
        number of decimal places in logK, with a maximum default tolerance of
    solve : "T" or "P"
        Solve for temperature or pressure?
    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    dpi : numeric, default 90
        Resolution of the plot.

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Show the plot?
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    show : bool, default True
        Display CHNOSZ tables?
    out : object of class SubcrtOutput
        An object that stores the output of `subcrt` along the univariant curve.

    if tol == None:
        d = decimal.Decimal(str(logK))
        n_decimals = abs(d.as_tuple().exponent)
        tol = float("0."+"".join(n_decimals*["0"])+"01")
        if tol > 0.00001:
            tol = 0.00001
    species = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    state = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    coeff = _convert_to_RVector(coeff, force_Rvec=False)
    pressures = _convert_to_RVector(pressures, force_Rvec=False)
    temperatures = _convert_to_RVector(temperatures, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()

    r_univariant = pkg_resources.resource_string(
        __name__, 'univariant.r').decode("utf-8")
    if solve=="T":
        a = ro.r.uc_solveT(logK=logK,
        if plot_it:
            with __r_inline_plot(width=width, height=height, dpi=dpi, plot_it=plot_it):
    elif solve=="P":
        a = ro.r.uc_solveP(logK=logK,
        if plot_it:
            with __r_inline_plot(width=width, height=height, dpi=dpi, plot_it=plot_it):
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    if len(a) == 3:
        warn = a[2][0] # subcrt's list includes warnings only if they appear
        warn = None
    out_dict = {"reaction":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[0]),
                "out":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[1])} # the extra [0] is important
    if warn != None:
        out_dict["warnings"] = warn
    out = SubcrtOutput(out_dict)
    if show:
        for table in out.__dict__.keys():
            if not isinstance(out[table], dict):
                for subtable in out[table].keys():
                    print("\n"+subtable+":") # species name
    return out

def univariant_TP(logK, species, coeff, state, Trange, Prange, IS=0,
                  tol=None, title=None, res=10, width=500, height=400,
                  show=False, messages=False, plot_it=True):

    Solve for temperatures or pressures of equilibration for a given logK
    value and produce a plot with temperature and pressure axes.
    logK : numeric
        Logarithm (base 10) of an equilibrium constant.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Reaction coefficients on species.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    Trange : list of two numeric
        List containing the minimum and maximum temperature, in degrees C, to
        solve for the specified logK value. Does not necessarily correspond to
        temperature axis range in the resulting plot.

    Prange : list of two numeric
        List containing the minimum and maximum pressure, in bars, to
        solve for the specified logK value. Does not necessarily correspond to
        pressure axis range in the resulting plot.

    IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties,
        mol kg^-1.
    tol : float
        Tolerance for finding a temperature or pressure that converges on the
        given logK. Will attempt to find a solution that satisfies logK plus or
        minus `tol`. By default, tol is equal to 1/(10^(n+2)) where n is the
        number of decimal places in logK, with a maximum default tolerance of
    width, height : numeric, default 500 by 400
        Width and height of the plot.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    show : bool, default True
        Display CHNOSZ tables?

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Show the plot?
    out : object of class SubcrtOutput
        An object that stores the output of `subcrt` along the univariant curve.
    if not isinstance(logK, list):
        logK = [logK]
    fig = go.Figure()
    output = []
    for this_logK in logK:
        if tol == None:
            d = decimal.Decimal(str(this_logK))
            n_decimals = abs(d.as_tuple().exponent)
            tol = float("0."+"".join(n_decimals*["0"])+"01")
            if tol > 0.00001:
                tol = 0.00001
        out = unicurve(solve="T",
                       pressures=list(np.linspace(start=Prange[0], stop=Prange[1], num=res)),
                       plot_it=False, messages=messages)
        if not out["out"]["T"].isnull().all():
                text = ["logK="+str(this_logK) for i in range(0, len(out["out"]["T"]))],
                hovertemplate = '%{text}<br>T, °C=%{x:.2f}<br>P, bar=%{y:.2f}<extra></extra>',
            print("Could not find any T or P values in this range that correspond to a logK value of {}".format(this_logK))
    if title == None:
        react_grid = output[0]["reaction"]
        react_grid["name"] = [name  if name != "water" else "H2O" for name in react_grid["name"]] # replace any "water" with "H2O" in the written reaction
        reactants = " + ".join([(str(-int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if isinstance(react_grid["coeff"][i], (int, np.integer)) else -react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if -react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + html_chemname_format(react_grid["name"][i]) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0])
        products = " + ".join([(str(int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if isinstance(react_grid["coeff"][i], (int, np.integer)) else react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + html_chemname_format(react_grid["name"][i]) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0])
        title = reactants + " = " + products
                      xaxis_title="T, °C",
                      yaxis_title="P, bar",
    config = {'displaylogo': False,
              'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines']}
    if plot_it:
    return output

def syslab(system=["K2O", "Al2O3", "SiO2", "H2O"], dash="-"):

    Python wrapper for the syslab() function in CHNOSZ.
    Formats the given thermodynamic components and adds intervening en dashes.
    system : list of str, default ["K2O", "Al2O3", "SiO2", "H2O"]
        Thermodynamic components.
    dash : str, default "-"
        Character to use for dash between components.

    A formatted string representing the thermodynamic system.
    return dash.join([html_chemname_format(sp)for sp in system])

def ratlab(top="K+", bottom="H+", molality=False):
    Python wrapper for the ratlab() function in CHNOSZ.
    Produces a expression for the activity ratio between the ions in the top and
    bottom arguments. The default is a ratio with H+, i.e.
    (activity of the ion) / [(activity of H+) ^ (charge of the ion)]
    top : str, default "K+"
        The ion in the numerator of the ratio.
    bottom : str, default "H+"
        The ion in the denominator of the ratio.
    molality : bool, default False
        Use molality (m) instead of activity (a) for aqueous species?

    A formatted string representing the activity ratio.
    top_formula = chemparse.parse_formula(top)
    if "+" in top_formula.keys():
        top_charge = top_formula["+"]
    elif "-" in top_formula.keys():
        top_charge = top_formula["-"]
        raise Exception("Cannot create an ion ratio involving one or more neutral species.")
    bottom_formula = chemparse.parse_formula(bottom)
    if "+" in bottom_formula.keys():
        bottom_charge = bottom_formula["+"]
    elif "-" in bottom_formula.keys():
        top_charge = bottom_formula["-"]
        raise Exception("Cannot create an ion ratio involving one or more neutral species.")
    if top_charge.is_integer():
        top_charge = int(top_charge)

    if bottom_charge.is_integer():
        bottom_charge = int(bottom_charge)
    if top_charge != 1:
        top_charge = "<sup>"+str(top_charge)+"</sup>"
        top_charge = ""
    if bottom_charge != 1:
        bottom_charge = "<sup>"+str(bottom_charge)+"</sup>"
        bottom_charge = ""
    if molality:
        sym = "m"
        sym = "a"
    return "log("+sym+bottom_charge+"<sub>"+html_chemname_format(top)+"</sub>/"+sym+top_charge+"<sub>"+html_chemname_format(bottom)+"</sub>)"


def add_OBIGT(file, species=None, force=True, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the add.OBIGT() function in CHNOSZ. Add or overwrite species in the OBIGT thermodynamic database by supplying a comma separated value (csv) file with custom data.


file : str
Path to a file.
species : str, optional
Names of species to load from file.
force : bool, default True
Force replacement of already existing species?
messages : bool, default True
Print messages from CHNOSZ?


a : list of int
A list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies) that have been added or modified.
Expand source code
def add_OBIGT(file, species=None, force=True, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the add.OBIGT() function in CHNOSZ.
    Add or overwrite species in the OBIGT thermodynamic database by supplying
    a comma separated value (csv) file with custom data.
    file : str
        Path to a file.

    species : str, optional
        Names of species to load from file.

    force : bool, default True
        Force replacement of already existing species?
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    a : list of int
        A list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies) that have been added or

    add_obigt_builtins = ["SUPCRT92", "AS04", "DEW", "OldAA",
                          "AkDi", "SLOP98", "Berman_cr", "biotic_aq",
                          "H2O_aq", "inorganic_aq", "inorganic_cr",
                          "inorganic_gas", "organic_aq", "organic_cr",
                          "organic_gas", "organic_liq"]

    if isinstance(file, str):
        if file in add_obigt_builtins:
            capture = R_output()


            if species != None:
                if not isinstance(species, list):
                    args["species"] = species
                    args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species)

            ispecies = CHNOSZ.add_OBIGT(**args)

            if messages:
                for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

            return list(ispecies)
        elif ".csv" not in file[-4:] or ".CSV" in file[-4:]:
            raise Exception("File must be in .csv format")
            df = pd.read_csv(file, keep_default_na=False, na_values=['NA']) # keep_default_na=False keeps NA in data file instead of converting them to NaN. NaNs cause errors when converting to an R dataframe with rpy2 3.4.5.
            if df.shape[0] == 0:
                raise Exception("file is empty")
    elif isinstance(file, pd.DataFrame):
        df = file
        if df.shape[0] == 0:
            raise Exception("file is empty")
        raise Exception("file parameter must be either the name of a .csv file "
                        "to import, or a Pandas dataframe of thermodynamic data.")

    OBIGT_cols = ['name', 'abbrv', 'formula', 'state',
                  'ref1', 'ref2', 'date', 'E_units',
                  'G', 'H', 'S', 'Cp', 'V',
                  'a1.a', 'a2.b', 'a3.c', 'a4.d',
                  'c1.e', 'c2.f', 'omega.lambda', 'z.T']

    if all(col in df.columns for col in OBIGT_cols):

        df_mod_OBIGT = df[OBIGT_cols]

        if species != None:
            if isinstance(species, list):
                df_mod_OBIGT = df_mod_OBIGT[df_mod_OBIGT["name"].isin(species)]
                raise Exception("species must be a list of names of species to load from file.")

        if not force:
            t = thermo()
            df_mod_OBIGT = df_mod_OBIGT[~df_mod_OBIGT["name"].isin(]
            if df_mod_OBIGT.shape[0] == 0:
                raise Exception("No species to add while force=False")
        msg = "The file must contain all of the columns: {}".format(str(OBIGT_cols))
        raise Exception(msg)

    numeric_cols = ['G', 'H', 'S', 'Cp', 'V',
                  'a1.a', 'a2.b', 'a3.c', 'a4.d',
                  'c1.e', 'c2.f', 'omega.lambda', 'z.T']
    df_mod_OBIGT[numeric_cols] = df_mod_OBIGT[numeric_cols].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    return mod_OBIGT(df_mod_OBIGT, messages=messages)
def add_protein(aa, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the add.protein() function in CHNOSZ. Add proteins to the OBIGT thermodynamic database.


aa : Pandas dataframe
Amino acid composition of protein(s) from seq2aa().
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


list of int
List of protein indices, iprotein.
Expand source code
def add_protein(aa, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the add.protein() function in CHNOSZ.
    Add proteins to the OBIGT thermodynamic database.
    aa : Pandas dataframe
        Amino acid composition of protein(s) from `seq2aa`.
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    list of int
        List of protein indices, iprotein.
    aa = ro.conversion.py2rpy(aa)
    args = {'aa':aa}

    capture = R_output()
    apout = CHNOSZ.add_protein(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return list(apout)
def affinity(property=None, sout=None, exceed_Ttr=False, exceed_rhomin=False, return_buffer=False, return_sout=False, balance='PBB', iprotein=None, loga_protein=-3, transect=None, messages=True, **kwargs)

Python wrapper for the affinity() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate the chemical affinities of formation reactions of species.


property : str, default 'A'
The property to be calculated. Default is A, for chemical affinity of formation reactions of species of interest.
sout : list
Output from subcrt().
exceed_Ttr : bool, default False
Allow subcrt to compute properties for phases beyond their transition temperature?
exceed_rhomin : bool, default False
Allow subcrt to compute properties of species in the HKF model below 0.35 g cm-3?
return_buffer : bool, default False
If TRUE, and a buffer has been associated with one or more basis species in the system, return the values of the activities of the basis species calculated using the buffer. Default is FALSE.
return_sout : bool, default False
Return only the values calculated with subcrt?
balance : str, default 'PBB'
This argument is used to identify a conserved basis species (or PBB) in a chemical activity buffer.
iprotein : numeric, optional
Indices of proteins in thermo$protein for which to calculate properties.
loga_protein : numeric, default -3
Logarithms of activities of proteins identified in iprotein.
transect : bool, optional
Force a transect calculation, even for three or fewer values of the variables?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?
**kwargs : numeric, zero or more named arguments
Used to identify the variables of interest in the calculations. E.g., pH, T, P, Eh, …


a : rpy2.ListVector
Output from affinity().
Expand source code
def affinity(property=None, sout=None, exceed_Ttr=False,
             exceed_rhomin=False, return_buffer=False, return_sout=False,
             balance="PBB", iprotein=None, loga_protein=-3, transect=None,
             messages=True, **kwargs):

    Python wrapper for the affinity() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the chemical affinities of formation reactions of species.
    property : str, default 'A'
        The property to be calculated. Default is A, for chemical affinity of
        formation reactions of species of interest.

    sout : list
        Output from `subcrt`.

    exceed_Ttr : bool, default False
        Allow subcrt to compute properties for phases beyond their transition

    exceed_rhomin : bool, default False
        Allow subcrt to compute properties of species in the HKF model below
        0.35 g cm-3?

    return_buffer : bool, default False
        If TRUE, and a buffer has been associated with one or more basis
        species in the system, return the values of the activities of the basis
        species calculated using the buffer. Default is FALSE.

    return_sout : bool, default False
        Return only the values calculated with subcrt?

    balance : str, default 'PBB'
        This argument is used to identify a conserved basis species (or PBB) in
        a chemical activity buffer.

    iprotein : numeric, optional
        Indices of proteins in thermo$protein for which to calculate

    loga_protein : numeric, default -3
        Logarithms of activities of proteins identified in iprotein.

    transect : bool, optional
        Force a transect calculation, even for three or fewer values of the
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    **kwargs : numeric, zero or more named arguments
        Used to identify the variables of interest in the calculations. E.g.,
        pH, T, P, Eh, ...
    a : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `affinity`.
    args = {'exceed_Ttr':exceed_Ttr, 'exceed_rhomin':exceed_rhomin,
            'return_buffer':return_buffer, 'return_sout':return_sout,
            'balance':balance, 'loga_protein':loga_protein}
    if property != None: args["property"] = property
    if sout != None: args["sout"] = sout
    if iprotein != None: args["iprotein"] = _convert_to_RVector(iprotein)
    if transect != None: args["transect"] = transect
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if isinstance(value, list):
            value = ro.FloatVector(value)
    capture = R_output()
    a = CHNOSZ.affinity(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    return a
def animation(basis_args={}, species_args={}, affinity_args={}, equilibrate_args=None, diagram_args={}, anim_var='T', anim_range=[0, 350, 8], messages=False)

Produce an animated interactive affinity, activity, or predominance diagram.


basis_args : dict
Dictionary of options for defining basis species (see basis()) in the animated diagram. Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}
species_args : dict
Dictionary of options for defining species (see species()) in the animated diagram. Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}
affinity_args : dict
Dictionary of options for defining the affinity calculation (see affinity()). Example: affinity_args={"pH":[2, 12, 100]} Example: affinity_args={"pH":[2, 12, 100], "P":[2000, 4000, 100]}
equilibrate_args : dict or None, default None
Dictionary of options for defining equilibration calculation (see equilibrate()). If None, plots output from affinity(). Example: equilibrate_args={"balance":1}
diagram_args : dict
Dictionary of options for diagramming (see diagram()). Diagram option interactive is set to True. Example: diagram_args={"alpha":True}
anim_var : str, default "T"
Variable that changes with each frame of animation.
anim_range : list of numeric, default [0, 350, 8]
The first two numbers in the list are the starting and ending values for anim_var. The third number in the list is the desired number of animation frames.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


An interactive animated plot.

Expand source code
def animation(basis_args={}, species_args={}, affinity_args={},
              equilibrate_args=None, diagram_args={},
              anim_var="T", anim_range=[0, 350, 8],
    Produce an animated interactive affinity, activity, or predominance diagram.
    basis_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for defining basis species (see `basis`) in the
        animated diagram.
        Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}

    species_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for defining species (see `species`) in the
        animated diagram.
        Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}

    affinity_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for defining the affinity calculation (see
        Example: affinity_args={"pH":[2, 12, 100]}
        Example: affinity_args={"pH":[2, 12, 100], "P":[2000, 4000, 100]}
    equilibrate_args : dict or None, default None
        Dictionary of options for defining equilibration calculation
        (see `equilibrate`). If None, plots output from `affinity`.
        Example: equilibrate_args={"balance":1}
    diagram_args : dict
        Dictionary of options for diagramming (see `diagram`). Diagram option
        `interactive` is set to True.
        Example: diagram_args={"alpha":True}
    anim_var : str, default "T"
        Variable that changes with each frame of animation.
    anim_range : list of numeric, default [0, 350, 8]
        The first two numbers in the list are the starting and ending
        values for `anim_var`. The third number in the list is the desired
        number of animation frames.
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    An interactive animated plot.
    # cap number of frames in animation. Remove limitation after more testing.
    if isinstance(anim_range, list):
        if len(anim_range) == 3:
            if anim_range[2] > 30:
                raise Exception("anim_range is limited to 30 frames.")
            raise Exception("anim_range must be a list with three values: starting "
                            "value of anim_var, stopping value, and number of "
                            "frames in the animation")
        raise Exception("anim_range must be a list with three values: starting "
                        "value of anim_var, stopping value, and number of "
                        "frames in the animation")
    if isinstance(basis_args, dict):
        if "species" not in basis_args.keys():
            raise Exception("basis_args needs a list of basis species for 'species'. "
                            "Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}")
        raise Exception("basis_args needs to be a Python dictionary with a key "
                        "called 'species' (additional keys are optional). "
                        "Example: basis_args={'species':['CO2', 'O2', 'H2O', 'H+']}")
    if isinstance(species_args, dict):
        if "species" not in species_args.keys():
            raise Exception("species_args needs a list of species for 'species'. "
                            "Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}")
        raise Exception("species_args needs to be a Python dictionary with a key "
                        "called 'species' (additional keys are optional). "
                        "Example: species_args={'species':['CO2', 'HCO3-', 'CO3-2']}")
    basis_sp = basis_args["species"]
    sp = species_args["species"]
    if isinstance(sp[0], (int, np.integer)):
        sp = [info(s, messages=False)["name"].values[0] for s in sp]
    basis_out = basis(**basis_args)
    if "logact" in species_args.keys():
        mod_species_logact = copy.copy(species_args['logact'])
        del species_args['logact']
        mod_species_logact = []
    species_out = species(**species_args)
    if len(mod_species_logact)>0:
        for i in range(0, len(mod_species_logact)) :
            species_out = species(species_args["species"][i], mod_species_logact[i])
    dfs = []
    dmaps = []
    dmaps_names = []
    if len(anim_range) == 2:
        anim_res = 8
        anim_range = anim_range + [anim_res]
    elif len(anim_range) == 3:
        anim_res = anim_range[2]
        anim_range = [anim_range[0], anim_range[1]]
    zvals = __seq(anim_range[0], anim_range[1], length_out=anim_res)
    if "messages" not in affinity_args.keys():
        affinity_args["messages"] = messages
    if "messages" not in diagram_args.keys():
        diagram_args["messages"] = messages
    if "plot_it" not in diagram_args.keys():
        diagram_args["plot_it"] = False
    diagram_args["interactive"] = True
    for z in zvals:

        if anim_var in basis_out.index:
            basis_out = basis(anim_var, z)
        elif anim_var in list(species_out["name"]):
            species_out = species(anim_var, z)
            affinity_args[anim_var] = z
        aeout = affinity(**affinity_args)
        if equilibrate_args != None:
            equilibrate_args["aout"] = aeout
            if "messages" not in equilibrate_args.keys():
                equilibrate_args["messages"] = messages
            aeout = equilibrate(**equilibrate_args)
        aeout_args = aeout.rx2("args")
        xvar = aeout_args.names[0]
        xrange = list(aeout_args[0])

        res_default = 256 # default affinity resolution
        if len(xrange) == 3:
            xres = int(xrange[2])
            xres = res_default
        diagram_args["eout"] = aeout
        df = diagram(**diagram_args)
        df[anim_var] = z

        if 'pred' not in df.columns:
            # affinity/activity plot
            is_predom_plot = False
            # predominance plot
            is_predom_plot = True
            yvar = aeout_args.names[1]
            yrange = list(aeout_args[1])
            if len(yrange) == 3:
                yres = int(yrange[2])
                yres = res_default

            data = np.array(df.pred)
            shape = (xres, yres)
            dmap = data.reshape(shape)

            data = np.array(df.prednames)
            shape = (xres, yres)
            dmap_names = data.reshape(shape)
    xvals = __seq(xrange[0], xrange[1], length_out=xres)
    if not is_predom_plot:

        if 'loga.equil' not in aeout.names:
            yvar = "A/(2.303RT)"
            yvar = "log a"
        if "alpha" in diagram_args.keys():
            if diagram_args["alpha"]:
                yvar = "alpha"
        df_c = pd.concat(dfs)

        fig = px.line(df_c, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
                      width=500,  height=400, animation_frame=anim_var,
                      labels=dict(value=yvar, x=xvar),
        if "annotation" in diagram_args.keys():
            if "annotation_coords" not in diagram_args.keys():
                diagram_args["annotation_coords"] = [0, 0]
                               bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
        if 'main' in diagram_args.keys():
            fig.update_layout(title={'text':diagram_args["main"], 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

        config = {'displaylogo': False,
                  'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines']}
        yvals = __seq(yrange[0], yrange[1], length_out=yres)

    unit_dict = {"P":"bar", "T":"°C", "pH":"", "Eh":"volts", "IS":"mol/kg"}
    if any([anim_var in basis_out.index, anim_var in list(species_out["name"])]) and anim_var not in unit_dict.keys():
        unit_dict[anim_var] = "logact "+anim_var

    for s in basis_sp:
        unit_dict[s] = "logact "+s

    xlab = xvar+", "+unit_dict[xvar]
    if xvar in basis_sp:
        xlab = unit_dict[xvar]
    if xvar == "pH":
        xlab = "pH"
    if is_predom_plot:
        ylab = yvar+", "+unit_dict[yvar]
        if yvar in basis_sp:
            ylab = unit_dict[yvar]
        if yvar == "pH":
            yvar = "pH"
    frames = []
    slider_steps = []
    annotations = []
    cst_data = []
    heatmaps = []
    # i is a frame in the animation
    for i in range(0, len(zvals)):

        annotations_i = []
        for s in sp:
            if s in set(dfs[i]["prednames"]):
                # if an annotation should appear, create one for this frame
                df_s = dfs[i].loc[dfs[i]["prednames"]==s,]
                namex = df_s[xvar].mean()
                namey = df_s[yvar].mean()
                a = go.layout.Annotation(
                    bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
                # if an annotation shouldn't appear, make an invisible annotation
                # (workaround for a plotly bug where annotations won't clear in an animation)
                namex = statistics.mean(xvals)
                namey = statistics.mean(yvals)
                a = go.layout.Annotation(
                    bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
        # allows adding a custom annotation; append to frame
        if "annotation" in diagram_args.keys():
            if "annotation_coords" not in diagram_args.keys():
                diagram_args["annotation_coords"] = [0, 0]
            custom_annotation = go.layout.Annotation(
                    bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",

        if 'ylab' in diagram_args.keys():
            ylab = diagram_args["ylab"]
            hover_ylab = ylab+': %{y} '
            ylab = html_chemname_format(ylab)
            hover_ylab = yvar+': %{y} '+unit_dict[yvar]

        if 'xlab' in diagram_args.keys():
            xlab = diagram_args["xlab"]
            hover_xlab = xlab+': %{x} '
            xlab = html_chemname_format(xlab)
            hover_xlab = xvar+': %{x} '+unit_dict[xvar]
        heatmaps_i = go.Heatmap(z=dmaps[i], x=xvals, y=yvals, zmin=0, zmax=len(sp)-1,
                                hovertemplate=hover_xlab+'<br>'+hover_ylab+'<br>Region: %{customdata}<extra></extra>')

        frame = go.Frame(data=[heatmaps_i],


        slider_step = dict(
                    frame=dict(duration=300, redraw=True),


    fig = go.Figure(
        data = heatmaps[0],
    #         title="Frame 0",
            width=500, height=500,
                    prefix='{}: '.format(anim_var),
                    suffix=' '+unit_dict[anim_var],
                transition=dict(duration=0, easing='cubic-in-out'),
                pad=dict(b=10, t=50),
                              args=[None, {"fromcurrent":True}]),
                                   {"frame": {"duration": 0, "redraw": True},
                                    "mode": "immediate",
                                    "transition": {"duration": 0}}],
                pad={"r": 10, "t": 87},


        xaxis={"range":[list(dfs[0][xvar])[0], list(dfs[0][xvar])[-1]]},
        yaxis={"range":[list(dfs[0][yvar])[0], list(dfs[0][yvar])[-1]]},
        margin={"t": 60, "r":60},

    if 'main' in diagram_args.keys():
        fig.update_layout(title={'text':diagram_args['main'], 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

    config = {'displaylogo': False,
              'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
                                         'autoScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines',
                                         'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian']}
def basis(species=None, state=None, logact=None, delete=False, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the basis() function in CHNOSZ. Define the basis species of a chemical system.


species : str, int, or list of str or int
Names or formulas of species, or numeric, indices of species.
state : str or list of str, optional
Physical states or names of buffers.
logact : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Logarithms of activities or fugacities.
delete : bool, default False
Delete the current basis species definition?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


Pandas dataframe containing a stoichometric matrix of basis species' elemental composition.
Expand source code
def basis(species=None, state=None, logact=None, delete=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the basis() function in CHNOSZ.
    Define the basis species of a chemical system.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Names or formulas of species, or numeric, indices of species.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        Physical states or names of buffers.

    logact : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Logarithms of activities or fugacities.

    delete : bool, default False
        Delete the current basis species definition?

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
        Pandas dataframe containing a stoichometric matrix of basis species'
        elemental composition.
    if species != None:
        args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    if logact != None: args["logact"] = _convert_to_RVector(logact)
    args["delete"] = delete
    capture = R_output()
    bout = CHNOSZ.basis(**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return ro.conversion.rpy2py(bout)
def diagram(eout, ptype='auto', alpha=False, normalize=False, as_residue=False, balance=None, groups=None, xrange=None, mar=None, yline=None, side=[1, 2, 3, 4], ylog=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, cex=None, cex_names=None, cex_axis=None, lty=None, lwd=None, dotted=None, spline_method=None, contour_method=None, levels=None, col=None, col_names=None, fill=None, fill_NA='gray80', limit_water=None, names=None, format_names=True, bold=False, italic=False, font=None, family=None, adj=0.5, dx=0, dy=0, srt=0, min_area=0, main=None, legend_x=None, add=False, plot_it=True, tplot=True, annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0, 0], width=600, height=520, dpi=150, messages=True, interactive=False, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1, fig_out=False)

Python wrapper for the diagram() function in CHNOSZ. Plot equilibrium chemical activity (1-D speciation) or equal-activity (2-D predominance) diagrams as a function of chemical activities of basis species, temperature and/or pressure.


eout : rpy2.ListVector
Output from equilibrate() or affinity().
ptype : str, default 'auto'
Type of plot, or name of basis species whose activity to plot.
alpha : bool or str (balance), default False
For speciation diagrams, plot degree of formation instead of activities?
normalize : bool, default False
Divide chemical affinities by balance coefficients (rescale to whole formulas)?
as_residue : bool, default False
Divide chemical affinities by balance coefficients (no rescaling)?
balance : str or numeric, optional
How to balance the transformations.
groups : rpy2.ListVector of numeric, optional
Groups of species to consider as a single effective species.
xrange : numeric, optional
Range of x-values between which predominance field boundaries are plotted.
mar : numeric, optional
Margins of plot frame.
yline : numeric, optional
Margin line on which to plot the y-axis name.
side : numeric, optional
Which sides of plot to draw axes.
xlim : numeric, optional
Limits of x-axis.
ylim : numeric, optional
Limits of y-axis.
xlab : str, optional
Label to use for x-axis.
ylab : str, optional
Label to use for y-axis.
ylog : bool, optional
Use a logarithmic y-axis (on 1D degree diagrams)?
cex : numeric, optional
Character expansion (scaling relative to current).
cex_names : numeric, optional
Character expansion factor to be used for names of species on plots.
cex_axis : numeric, optional
Character expansion factor for names of axes.
lty : numeric, optional
Line types to be used in plots.
lwd : numeric, optional
Line width.
dotted : numeric, optional
How often to skip plotting points on predominance field boundaries (to gain the effect of dotted or dashed boundary lines).
spline_method : str, optional
Method used in splinefun.
contour_method : str, optional
Labelling method used in contour (use None for no labels).
levels : numeric, optional
Levels at which to draw contour lines.
col : str, optional
Color of activity lines (1D diagram) or predominance field boundaries (2D diagram).
col_names : str, optional
Colors for labels of species.
fill : str, optional
Colors used to fill predominance fields.
fill_NA : str, optional
Color for grid points with NA values.
limit_water : None or bool, optional
Set NaN values beyond water stability limits?
names : str, optional
Names of species for activity lines or predominance fields.
format_names : bool, default True
Apply formatting to chemical formulas?
bold : bool, default False
Use bold formatting for names?
italic : bool, default False
Use italic formatting for names?
font : str, optional
Font type for names (has no effect if format.names is TRUE).
family : str, optional
Font family for names.
adj : numeric or list, default 0.5
Adjustment for line labels.
dx : numeric or list, default 0
X offset for line or field labels.
dy : numeric or list, default 0
Y offset for line or field labels.
srt : numeric, default 0
Rotation for line labels.
min_area : numeric, default 0
Minimum area of fields that should be labeled, expressed as a fraction of the total plot area.
main : str, optional
A main title for the plot; None means to plot no title.
legend_x : str, optional
Description of legend placement passed to legend.
add : bool, default False
Add to current plot?
plot_it : bool, default True
Make a plot?
tplot : bool, default True
Set up plot with
annotation : str, optional
Annotation to add to the plot. Interactive plots only (interactive is set to True).
annotation_coords : list of numeric, default [0, 0], optional
Coordinates of annotation, where 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top right. Interactive plots only (interactive is set to True).
width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
Width and height of the plot.
dpi : numeric, default 150
Resolution of the plot.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?
interactive : bool, default False
Display an interactive plot?
save_as : str, optional
For interactive plots only (interactive=True). Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by save_format. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
For interactive plots only (interactive=True). Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
For interactive plots only (interactive=True). Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
fig_out : bool, default False
Function output is a plotly figure? Ignored if interactive is False.


a : rpy2.ListVector
Output from diagram().
args : dict
Dictionary of arguments supplied to diagram().
Expand source code
def diagram(eout, ptype='auto', alpha=False, normalize=False,
            as_residue=False, balance=None, groups=None,
            xrange=None, mar=None, yline=None, side=[1,2,3,4],
            ylog=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, xlab=None, ylab=None,
            cex=None, cex_names=None, cex_axis=None,
            lty=None, lwd=None, dotted=None,
            spline_method=None, contour_method=None, levels=None,
            col=None, col_names=None, fill=None,
            fill_NA="gray80", limit_water=None,
            names=None, format_names=True, bold=False, italic=False, 
            font=None, family=None, adj=0.5,
            dx=0, dy=0, srt=0, min_area=0,
            main=None, legend_x=None,
            add=False, plot_it=True, tplot=True,
            annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0,0],
            width=600, height=520, dpi=150,
            messages=True, interactive=False, save_as=None, save_format=None,
            save_scale=1, fig_out=False):
    Python wrapper for the diagram() function in CHNOSZ.
    Plot equilibrium chemical activity (1-D speciation) or equal-activity
    (2-D predominance) diagrams as a function of chemical activities of
    basis species, temperature and/or pressure.
    eout : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `equilibrate` or `affinity`.
    ptype : str, default 'auto'
        Type of plot, or name of basis species whose activity to plot.

    alpha : bool or str (balance), default False
        For speciation diagrams, plot degree of formation instead of

    normalize : bool, default False
        Divide chemical affinities by balance coefficients (rescale to whole

    as_residue : bool, default False
        Divide chemical affinities by balance coefficients (no rescaling)?

    balance : str or numeric, optional
        How to balance the transformations.

    groups : rpy2.ListVector of numeric, optional
        Groups of species to consider as a single effective species.

    xrange : numeric, optional
        Range of x-values between which predominance field boundaries are

    mar : numeric, optional
        Margins of plot frame.

    yline : numeric, optional
        Margin line on which to plot the y-axis name.

    side : numeric, optional
        Which sides of plot to draw axes.

    xlim : numeric, optional
        Limits of x-axis.

    ylim : numeric, optional
        Limits of y-axis.

    xlab : str, optional
        Label to use for x-axis.

    ylab : str, optional
        Label to use for y-axis.

    ylog : bool, optional
        Use a logarithmic y-axis (on 1D degree diagrams)?

    cex : numeric, optional
        Character expansion (scaling relative to current).

    cex_names : numeric, optional
        Character expansion factor to be used for names of species on plots.

    cex_axis : numeric, optional
        Character expansion factor for names of axes.

    lty : numeric, optional
        Line types to be used in plots.

    lwd : numeric, optional
        Line width.

    dotted : numeric, optional
        How often to skip plotting points on predominance field boundaries (to
        gain the effect of dotted or dashed boundary lines).

    spline_method : str, optional
        Method used in splinefun.

    contour_method : str, optional
        Labelling method used in contour (use None for no labels).

    levels : numeric, optional
        Levels at which to draw contour lines.

    col : str, optional
        Color of activity lines (1D diagram) or predominance field boundaries
        (2D diagram).

    col_names : str, optional
        Colors for labels of species.

    fill : str, optional
        Colors used to fill predominance fields.

    fill_NA : str, optional
        Color for grid points with NA values.

    limit_water : None or bool, optional
        Set NaN values beyond water stability limits?

    names : str, optional
        Names of species for activity lines or predominance fields.

    format_names : bool, default True
        Apply formatting to chemical formulas?

    bold : bool, default False
        Use bold formatting for names?

    italic : bool, default False
        Use italic formatting for names?

    font : str, optional
        Font type for names (has no effect if format.names is TRUE).

    family : str, optional
        Font family for names.

    adj : numeric or list, default 0.5
        Adjustment for line labels.

    dx : numeric or list, default 0
        X offset for line or field labels.

    dy : numeric or list, default 0
        Y offset for line or field labels.

    srt : numeric, default 0
        Rotation for line labels.

    min_area : numeric, default 0
        Minimum area of fields that should be labeled, expressed as a fraction
        of the total plot area.

    main : str, optional
        A main title for the plot; None means to plot no title.

    legend_x : str, optional
        Description of legend placement passed to legend.

    add : bool, default False
        Add to current plot?

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Make a plot?

    tplot : bool, default True
        Set up plot with

    annotation : str, optional
        Annotation to add to the plot. Interactive plots only (`interactive`
        is set to True).
    annotation_coords : list of numeric, default [0, 0], optional
        Coordinates of annotation, where 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top
        right. Interactive plots only (`interactive` is set to True).

    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    dpi : numeric, default 150
        Resolution of the plot.
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    interactive : bool, default False
        Display an interactive plot?

    save_as : str, optional
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Provide a filename to
        save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by
        Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
        button in the plot's toolbar.

    save_format : str, default "png"
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Desired format of saved
        or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf',
        'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved.
        Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the
        'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.

    save_scale : numeric, default 1
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Multiply
        title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
    fig_out : bool, default False
        Function output is a plotly figure? Ignored if `interactive` is False.
    a : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `diagram`.
    args : dict
        Dictionary of arguments supplied to `diagram`.
    if interactive:
        df, fig = diagram_interactive(data=eout, title=main, annotation=annotation,
                                 xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
                                 width=width, height=height,
                                 alpha=alpha, plot_it=plot_it,
                                 save_as=save_as, save_format=save_format,
                                 save_scale=save_scale, messages=messages)
        if fig_out:
            return df, fig
            return df
    args = {'eout':eout, 'type':ptype, 'alpha':alpha, 'normalize':normalize,
            'as.residue':as_residue, 'ylog':ylog, 'fill.NA':fill_NA, 'format.names':format_names,
            'bold':bold, 'italic':italic, 'adj':adj, 'dx':dx, 'dy':dy, 'srt':srt,
            'min.area':min_area, '':plot_it, 'tplot':tplot}
    if balance != None: args["balance"] = balance
    if groups != None: args["groups"] = groups
    if xrange != None: args["xrange"] = _convert_to_RVector(xrange)
    if mar != None: args["mar"] = _convert_to_RVector(mar)
    if yline != None: args["yline"] = _convert_to_RVector(yline)
    if side != None: args["side"] = _convert_to_RVector(side)
    if xlim != None: args["xlim"] = _convert_to_RVector(xlim)
    if ylim != None: args["ylim"] = _convert_to_RVector(ylim)
    if xlab != None: args["xlab"] = xlab
    if ylab != None: args["ylab"] = ylab
    if cex != None: args["cex"] = _convert_to_RVector(cex)
    if cex_names != None: args["cex.names"] = _convert_to_RVector(cex_names)
    if cex_axis != None: args["cex.axis"] = _convert_to_RVector(cex_axis)
    if lty != None: args["lty"] = _convert_to_RVector(lty)
    if lwd != None: args["lwd"] = _convert_to_RVector(lwd)
    if dotted != None: args["dotted"] = convert_to_RVector(dotted)
    if spline_method != None: args["spline.method"] = spline_method
    if contour_method != None: args["contour.method"] = contour_method
    if levels != None: args["levels"] = _convert_to_RVector(levels)
    if col != None: args["col"] = _convert_to_RVector(col)
    if col_names != None: args["col.names"] = _convert_to_RVector(col_names)
    if fill != None: args["fill"] = _convert_to_RVector(fill)
    if limit_water != None: args["limit.water"] = limit_water
    if names != None: args["names"] = _convert_to_RVector(names)
    if font != None: args["font"] = _convert_to_RVector(font)
    if family != None: args["family"] = _convert_to_RVector(family)
    if isinstance(adj, list):
        args["adj"] = _convert_to_RVector(adj)
    if isinstance(dx, list):
        args["dx"] = _convert_to_RVector(dx)
    if isinstance(dy, list):
        args["dy"] = _convert_to_RVector(dy)
    if main != None: args["main"] = main
    if legend_x != None: args["legend.x"] = legend_x
    capture = R_output()
    with __r_inline_plot(width=width, height=height, dpi=dpi, plot_it=plot_it):
        if isinstance(add, bool):
            if add: # add='True' does not work with the current pyCHNOSZ framework
                raise Exception("The argument 'add' must be assigned the output of the previous diagram(s).")
                a = CHNOSZ.diagram(**args)
        elif isinstance(add, list):
            for to_add in add:
            a = CHNOSZ.diagram(**args)

            a = CHNOSZ.diagram(**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return a, args
def diagram_interactive(data, title=None, annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0, 0], balance=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, colormap='viridis', width=600, height=520, alpha=False, messages=True, plot_it=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1)

Produce an interactive diagram.


data : rpy2.ListVector
Output from equilibrate() or affinity().
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
annotation : str, optional
Annotation to add to the plot.
annotation_coords : list of numeric, default [0, 0], optional
Coordinates of annotation, where 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top right.
balance : str or numeric, optional
How to balance the transformations.
xlab, ylab : str
Custom x and y axes labels.
width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
Width and height of the plot.
alpha : bool or str (balance), default False
For speciation diagrams, plot degree of formation instead of activities?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?
plot_it : bool, default True
Show the plot?
save_as : str, optional
For interactive plots only (interactive=True). Provide a filename to save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by save_format. Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot' button in the plot's toolbar.
save_format : str, default "png"
For interactive plots only (interactive=True). Desired format of saved or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved. Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the 'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.
save_scale : numeric, default 1
For interactive plots only (interactive=True). Multiply title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.


An interactive plot.

Expand source code
def diagram_interactive(data, title=None,
                        annotation=None, annotation_coords=[0, 0],
                        balance=None, xlab=None, ylab=None, colormap="viridis",
                        width=600, height=520, alpha=False, messages=True,
                        plot_it=True, save_as=None, save_format=None, save_scale=1):
    Produce an interactive diagram.
    data : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `equilibrate` or `affinity`.
    title : str, optional
        Title of the plot.
    annotation : str, optional
        Annotation to add to the plot.
    annotation_coords : list of numeric, default [0, 0], optional
        Coordinates of annotation, where 0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top
    balance : str or numeric, optional
        How to balance the transformations.
    xlab, ylab : str
        Custom x and y axes labels.
    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    alpha : bool or str (balance), default False
        For speciation diagrams, plot degree of formation instead of
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    plot_it : bool, default True
        Show the plot?

    save_as : str, optional
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Provide a filename to
        save this figure. Filetype of saved figure is determined by
        Note: interactive plots can be saved by clicking the 'Download plot'
        button in the plot's toolbar.

    save_format : str, default "png"
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Desired format of saved
        or downloaded figure. Can be 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf',
        'eps', 'json', or 'html'. If 'html', an interactive plot will be saved.
        Only 'png', 'svg', 'jpeg', and 'webp' can be downloaded with the
        'download as' button in the toolbar of an interactive plot.

    save_scale : numeric, default 1
        For interactive plots only (`interactive`=True). Multiply
        title/legend/axis/canvas sizes by this factor when saving the figure.
    An interactive plot.
    basis_sp = list(data.rx2("basis").index)

    xyvars = list(data.rx2("vars"))
    xyvals = list(data.rx2("vals"))

    if 'loga.equil' not in data.names:
        calc_type = "a"
        calc_type = "e"

    data = equilibrate(data, balance=balance, messages=messages)

    if calc_type=="a":
        out_vals = data.rx2("values")
        out_units = "A/(2.303RT)"
        nsp = len(out_vals)
        lsp = out_vals[0].size
        flat_out_vals = np.concatenate(tuple(arr.transpose() for arr in out_vals), axis=0).reshape(nsp, lsp).tolist()
        df = pd.DataFrame(flat_out_vals)
        df["n.balance"] = list(data.rx2("n.balance"))
        # divide values by balance
        df = df.apply(lambda row: row/row["n.balance"], axis=1)
        df = df.drop(["n.balance"], axis=1)
        sp = list(info([int(val) for val in list(out_vals.names)], messages=False)["name"])
    elif calc_type=="e":
        out_vals = data.rx2("loga.equil")
        out_units = "log a"

        nsp = len(out_vals)
        lsp = out_vals[0].size
        flat_out_vals = np.concatenate(tuple(arr.transpose() for arr in out_vals), axis=0).reshape(nsp, lsp).tolist()
        df = pd.DataFrame(flat_out_vals)
        sp = list(info([int(val) for val in list(data.rx2("values").names)], messages=False)["name"])
    df.index = sp
    df = df.transpose()

    if alpha and len(xyvars) == 1:
        df = df.applymap(lambda x: 10**x)
        df = df[sp].div(df[sp].sum(axis=1), axis=0)
    xvar = xyvars[0]
    xvals = [float(val) for val in xyvals[0]]

    if len(xyvars) == 1:
        df[xvar] = xvals
        if not isinstance(ylab, str):
            if alpha:
                ylab = "alpha"
                ylab = out_units
            ylab = html_chemname_format(ylab)
        df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=xyvars, value_vars=sp)

    elif len(xyvars)==2:
        # predominance plot
        yvar = xyvars[1]
        yvals = [float(val) for val in xyvals[1]]
        df["pred"] = df.idxmax(axis=1)
        df["prednames"] = df["pred"]

        xvals_full = xvals*len(yvals)
        yvals_full = __flatten_list([[y]*len(xvals) for y in yvals])
        df[xvar] = xvals_full
        df[yvar] = yvals_full

    unit_dict = {"P":"bar", "T":"°C", "pH":"", "Eh":"volts", "IS":"mol/kg"}

    for s in basis_sp:
        unit_dict[s] = "logact "+s
    if not isinstance(xlab, str):
        xlab = xvar+", "+unit_dict[xvar]
        if xvar == "pH":
            xlab = "pH"
        if xvar in basis_sp:
            xlab = unit_dict[xvar]
        xlab = html_chemname_format(xlab)

    if len(xyvars) == 1:
        df["variable"] = df["variable"].apply(html_chemname_format)
        fig = px.line(df, x=xvar, y="value", color='variable', template="simple_white",
                      width=width,  height=height,
                      labels=dict(value=ylab, x=xlab), render_mode='svg',
        if isinstance(title, str):
            fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

        if isinstance(annotation, str):
                bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")

        save_as, save_format = __save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale,
                                             plot_width=width, plot_height=height, ppi=1)
        config = {'displaylogo': False,
                  'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines'],
                  'toImageButtonOptions': {
                                             'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
                                             'filename': save_as,
                                             'height': height,
                                             'width': width,
                                             'scale': save_scale,

    if len(xyvars) == 2:
        mappings = {'pred': {s:lab for s,lab in zip(sp,range(0,len(sp)))}}
        df.replace(mappings, inplace=True)

        data = np.array(df.pred)
        shape = (len(xvals), len(yvals))
        dmap = data.reshape(shape)

        data = np.array(df.prednames)
        shape = (len(xvals), len(yvals))
        dmap_names = data.reshape(shape)
        if not isinstance(ylab, str):
            ylab = yvar+", "+unit_dict[yvar]
            if yvar in basis_sp:
                ylab = unit_dict[yvar]

            if yvar == "pH":
                ylab = "pH"
            ylab = html_chemname_format(ylab)
        fig = px.imshow(dmap, width=width, height=height, aspect="auto",
                        labels=dict(x=xlab, y=ylab, color="region"),
                        x=xvals, y=yvals, template="simple_white",

        fig.update(data=[{'customdata': dmap_names,
            'hovertemplate': xlab+': %{x}<br>'+ylab+': %{y}<br>Region: %{customdata}<extra></extra>'}])

        if colormap == 'none':
            colormap = [[0, 'white'], [1, 'white']]

        if isinstance(title, str):
            fig.update_layout(title={'text':title, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor':'center'})

        for s in sp:
            if s in set(df["prednames"]):
                df_s = df.loc[df["prednames"]==s,]
                namex = df_s[xvar].mean()
                namey = df_s[yvar].mean()
                fig.add_annotation(x=namex, y=namey,
                                   bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",

        if isinstance(annotation, str):
                bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")
        save_as, save_format = __save_figure(fig, save_as, save_format, save_scale,
                                             plot_width=width, plot_height=height, ppi=1)
        config = {'displaylogo': False,
                  'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['zoom2d', 'pan2d', 'zoomIn2d', 'zoomOut2d',
                                             'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines',
                                             'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian'],
                  'toImageButtonOptions': {
                                             'format': save_format, # one of png, svg, jpeg, webp
                                             'filename': save_as,
                                             'height': height,
                                             'width': width,
                                             'scale': save_scale,
    if plot_it:
    return df, fig
def entropy(formula, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the entropy() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate the standard molal entropy of elements in a compound.


formula : str, int, or list of str or int
Supply a chemical formula (e.g. "CH4"), a species index, or a list of formulas or indices.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


out : float or list of float
Standard molal entropy of elements in the formula in cal/(mol K). Returns a list if formula is a list.
Expand source code
def entropy(formula, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the entropy() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the standard molal entropy of elements in a compound.
    formula : str, int, or list of str or int
        Supply a chemical formula (e.g. "CH4"), a species index, or a list of
        formulas or indices.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : float or list of float
        Standard molal entropy of elements in the formula in cal/(mol K).
        Returns a list if `formula` is a list.
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.entropy(formula_R)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    out = list(out)
    if not isinstance(formula, list):
        out = out[0]
    return out
def equilibrate(aout, balance=None, loga_balance=None, ispecies=None, normalize=False, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the equilibrate() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate equilibrium chemical activities of species from the affinities of formation of the species at unit activity.


aout : rpy2.ListVector
Output from affinity().
balance : str or numeric, optional
How to balance the transformations.
loga_balance : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Logarithm of total activity of balanced quantity.
ispecies : numeric, optional
Which species to include.
normalize : bool, default False
Normalize the molar formulas of species by the balancing coefficients?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


eout : rpy2.ListVector
Output from equilibrate().
Expand source code
def equilibrate(aout, balance=None, loga_balance=None, ispecies=None,
                normalize=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the equilibrate() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate equilibrium chemical activities of species from the affinities
    of formation of the species at unit activity.
    aout : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `affinity`.
    balance : str or numeric, optional
        How to balance the transformations.
    loga_balance : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Logarithm of total activity of balanced quantity.
    ispecies : numeric, optional
        Which species to include.
    normalize : bool, default False
        Normalize the molar formulas of species by the balancing coefficients?
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    eout : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `equilibrate`.
    # stay.normal is an unused argument in equilibrate()?
    args = {'aout':aout, 'normalize':normalize}
    if balance != None: args['balance'] = balance
    if loga_balance != None: args['loga.balance'] = loga_balance
    if ispecies != None: args['ispecies'] = _convert_to_RVector(ispecies)

    capture = R_output()
    eout = CHNOSZ.equilibrate(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return eout
def html_chemname_format(name)

Format a chemical formula to display subscripts and superscripts in HTML (e.g., Plotly plots) Example, "CH3COO-" becomes "CH3COO-"


name : str
A chemical formula.


A formatted chemical formula string.

Expand source code
def html_chemname_format(name):
    Format a chemical formula to display subscripts and superscripts in HTML
    (e.g., Plotly plots)
    Example, "CH3COO-" becomes "CH<sub>3</sub>COO<sup>-</sup>"
    name : str
        A chemical formula.
    A formatted chemical formula string.
    p = re.compile(r'(?P<sp>[-+]\d*?$)')
    name = p.sub(r'<sup>\g<sp></sup>', name)
    charge ='<.*$', name)

    name_no_charge = re.match(r'(?:(?!<|$).)*', name).group(0)
    mapping = {"0": "<sub>0</sub>", "1": "<sub>1</sub>", "2": "<sub>2</sub>", "3": "<sub>3</sub>", "4": "<sub>4</sub>", 
           "5": "<sub>5</sub>", "6": "<sub>6</sub>", "7": "<sub>7</sub>", "8": "<sub>8</sub>", "9": "<sub>9</sub>",
    name_no_charge_formatted = "".join([mapping.get(x) or x for x in list(name_no_charge)])

    if charge != None:
        name = name_no_charge_formatted +
        name = name_no_charge_formatted

    return name
def info(species, state=None, check_it=True, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the info() function in CHNOSZ. Search for species by name or formula, retrieve their thermodynamic properties and parameters, and add proteins to the thermodynamic database.


species : str, int, or list of str or int
Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the OBIGT database.
state : str or list of str, optional
State(s) of species.
check_it : bool, default True
Check GHS and EOS parameters for self-consistency?
messages : bool, default True
Print messages from CHNOSZ?


pd.DataFrame or list of int
Returns a Pandas dataframe if supplied a list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies), or a list of ispecies if given a list of species names or formulas.
Expand source code
def info(species, state=None, check_it=True, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the info() function in CHNOSZ.
    Search for species by name or formula, retrieve their thermodynamic
    properties and parameters, and add proteins to the thermodynamic database.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    check_it : bool, default True
        Check GHS and EOS parameters for self-consistency?
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    pd.DataFrame or list of int
        Returns a Pandas dataframe if supplied a list of OBIGT database indices
        (ispecies), or a list of ispecies if given a list of species names or
    args = {}
    output_is_df = False
    args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    if not isinstance(species, list): species = [species]
    if all(isinstance(x, (int, np.integer)) for x in species):
        output_is_df = True
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    args[""] = check_it

    capture = R_output()
    a =**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if output_is_df:
        return ro.conversion.rpy2py(a)
        return list(a)
def makeup(formula, multiplier=1, sum=False, count_zero=False, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the makeup() function in CHNOSZ. Parse a formula into a dictionary of elements and their counts.


formula : str or list of str
Chemical formula or a list of chemical formulas.
multiplier : numeric, default 1
Multiplier for the elemental counts in each formula.
sum : bool, default False
Add together the elemental counts in all formulas? Ignored if formula is not a list.
count_zero : bool, default False
Include zero counts for an element if it is not in this formula, but is found in another formula in the list? Ensures that the dictionaries returned for each formula have the same length. Ignored if formula is not a list.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


out : dict
Dictionary of elements and their counts in the formula(s).
Expand source code
def makeup(formula, multiplier=1, sum=False, count_zero=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the makeup() function in CHNOSZ.
    Parse a formula into a dictionary of elements and their counts.
    formula : str or list of str
        Chemical formula or a list of chemical formulas.

    multiplier : numeric, default 1
        Multiplier for the elemental counts in each formula.
    sum : bool, default False
        Add together the elemental counts in all formulas?
        Ignored if `formula` is not a list.
    count_zero : bool, default False
        Include zero counts for an element if it is not in this formula, but is
        found in another formula in the list? Ensures that the dictionaries
        returned for each formula have the same length.
        Ignored if `formula` is not a list.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : dict
        Dictionary of elements and their counts in the formula(s).
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    args = {'formula':formula_R, "multiplier":multiplier,
            "sum":sum, "":count_zero}
    capture = R_output()
    out =**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if isinstance(out, ro.ListVector):
        out_dict = {}
        for i, molecule in enumerate(formula):
            molecule_dict = {}
            if not count_zero:
                out_names = out[i].names
                out_names = out[i].names[0]

            for ii, elem in enumerate(out_names):
                molecule_dict[elem] = out[i][ii]
            out_dict[molecule] = molecule_dict
        out_dict = {}
        if not sum or not isinstance(formula, list):
            out_names = out.names
            out_names = out.names[0]
        for i, elem in enumerate(out_names):
            out_dict[elem] = out[i]
    return out_dict
def mass(formula, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the mass() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate the mass of the sum of elements in a formula.


formula : str, int, or list of str or int
Supply a chemical formula (e.g. "CH4"), a species index, or a list of formulas or indices.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


out : float or list of float
Molar mass of the sum of elements in the formula, in g/mol. Returns a list if formula is a list.
Expand source code
def mass(formula, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the mass() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the mass of the sum of elements in a formula.
    formula : str, int, or list of str or int
        Supply a chemical formula (e.g. "CH4"), a species index, or a list of
        formulas or indices.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : float or list of float
        Molar mass of the sum of elements in the formula, in g/mol.
        Returns a list if `formula` is a list.
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.mass(formula_R)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    out = list(out)
    if not isinstance(formula, list):
        out = out[0]
    return out
def mod_OBIGT(*args, messages=True, **kwargs)

Python wrapper for the mod.OBIGT() function in CHNOSZ. Modify species in the OBIGT thermodynamic database. Optionally, supply a Pandas dataframe containing custom data.


*args : str, numeric, or Pandas dataframe
Species names or thermodynamic database index numbers to modify. If a Pandas dataframe, database entries to add or modify.
*kwargs : str or numeric
Properties of species to modify in the thermodynamic database.
messages : bool, default True
Print messages from CHNOSZ?


list of int
A list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies) that have been added or modified.
Expand source code
def mod_OBIGT(*args, messages=True, **kwargs):
    Python wrapper for the mod.OBIGT() function in CHNOSZ.
    Modify species in the OBIGT thermodynamic database. Optionally, supply a
    Pandas dataframe containing custom data.
    *args : str, numeric, or Pandas dataframe
        Species names or thermodynamic database index numbers to modify. If a
        Pandas dataframe, database entries to add or modify.
    *kwargs : str or numeric
        Properties of species to modify in the thermodynamic database.
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    list of int
        A list of OBIGT database indices (ispecies) that have been added or

    capture = R_output()
    if isinstance(args[0], pd.DataFrame):
        arg_list = list(args)
        arg_list[0] = ro.conversion.py2rpy(arg_list[0])
        args = tuple(arg_list)

    ispecies = CHNOSZ.mod_OBIGT(*args, **kwargs)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return list(ispecies)
def ratlab(top='K+', bottom='H+', molality=False)

Python wrapper for the ratlab() function in CHNOSZ. Produces a expression for the activity ratio between the ions in the top and bottom arguments. The default is a ratio with H+, i.e. (activity of the ion) / [(activity of H+) ^ (charge of the ion)]


top : str, default "K+"
The ion in the numerator of the ratio.
bottom : str, default "H+"
The ion in the denominator of the ratio.
molality : bool, default False
Use molality (m) instead of activity (a) for aqueous species?


A formatted string representing the activity ratio.

Expand source code
def ratlab(top="K+", bottom="H+", molality=False):
    Python wrapper for the ratlab() function in CHNOSZ.
    Produces a expression for the activity ratio between the ions in the top and
    bottom arguments. The default is a ratio with H+, i.e.
    (activity of the ion) / [(activity of H+) ^ (charge of the ion)]
    top : str, default "K+"
        The ion in the numerator of the ratio.
    bottom : str, default "H+"
        The ion in the denominator of the ratio.
    molality : bool, default False
        Use molality (m) instead of activity (a) for aqueous species?

    A formatted string representing the activity ratio.
    top_formula = chemparse.parse_formula(top)
    if "+" in top_formula.keys():
        top_charge = top_formula["+"]
    elif "-" in top_formula.keys():
        top_charge = top_formula["-"]
        raise Exception("Cannot create an ion ratio involving one or more neutral species.")
    bottom_formula = chemparse.parse_formula(bottom)
    if "+" in bottom_formula.keys():
        bottom_charge = bottom_formula["+"]
    elif "-" in bottom_formula.keys():
        top_charge = bottom_formula["-"]
        raise Exception("Cannot create an ion ratio involving one or more neutral species.")
    if top_charge.is_integer():
        top_charge = int(top_charge)

    if bottom_charge.is_integer():
        bottom_charge = int(bottom_charge)
    if top_charge != 1:
        top_charge = "<sup>"+str(top_charge)+"</sup>"
        top_charge = ""
    if bottom_charge != 1:
        bottom_charge = "<sup>"+str(bottom_charge)+"</sup>"
        bottom_charge = ""
    if molality:
        sym = "m"
        sym = "a"
    return "log("+sym+bottom_charge+"<sub>"+html_chemname_format(top)+"</sub>/"+sym+top_charge+"<sub>"+html_chemname_format(bottom)+"</sub>)"
def reset(messages=True)

Python wrapper for the reset() function in CHNOSZ. Reset all of the data used in CHNOSZ to default values. This includes the computational settings, thermodynamic database, and system settings (chemical species).


messages : bool, default True
Print messages from CHNOSZ?
Expand source code
def reset(messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the reset() function in CHNOSZ.
    Reset all of the data used in CHNOSZ to default values. This includes the
    computational settings, thermodynamic database, and system settings
    (chemical species).
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    capture = R_output()
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
def retrieve(elements=None, ligands=None, state=None, T=None, P='Psat', add_charge=True, hide_groups=True, must_have=None, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the retrieve() function in CHNOSZ. Retrieve species in the database containing one or more chemical elements.


elements : str, list of str, or tuple of str

Elements in a chemical system. If elements is a string, retrieve species containing that element.

E.g., retrieve("Au") will return all species containing Au.

If elements is a list, retrieve species that have all of the elements in the list.

E.g., retrieve(["Au", "Cl"]) will return all species that have both Au and Cl.

If elements is a tuple, retrieve species relevant to the system, including charged species.

E.g., retrieve(("Au", "Cl")) will return species that have Au and/or Cl, including charged species, but no other elements.

ligands : str, list of str, or tuple of str, optional
Elements present in any ligands.
state : str, list of str, or tuple of str, optional
Filter the result on these state(s).
T : float, optional
Temperature where DeltaG0 of species must not be NA
P : float or "Psat", default "Psat"
Pressure where DeltaG0 of species must not be NA
add_charge : bool, default True
Add charge to the system?
hide_groups : bool, default True
Exclude groups from the result?
must_have : str or list of str, optional
Retrieved species must have the element(s).
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


out : list or dict
A list of the OBIGT indices of retrieved chemical species
Expand source code
def retrieve(elements=None, ligands=None, state=None, T=None, P="Psat",
             add_charge=True, hide_groups=True, must_have=None, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the retrieve() function in CHNOSZ.
    Retrieve species in the database containing one or more chemical elements.
    elements : str, list of str, or tuple of str
        Elements in a chemical system. If `elements` is a string, retrieve
        species containing that element.
        E.g., `retrieve("Au")` will return all species containing Au.
        If `elements` is a list, retrieve species that have all of the elements
        in the list.
        E.g., `retrieve(["Au", "Cl"])` will return all species that have both
        Au and Cl.
        If `elements` is a tuple, retrieve species relevant to the system,
        including charged species.
        E.g., `retrieve(("Au", "Cl"))` will return species that have Au
        and/or Cl, including charged species, but no other elements.
    ligands : str, list of str, or tuple of str, optional
        Elements present in any ligands.
    state : str, list of str, or tuple of str, optional
        Filter the result on these state(s).
    T : float, optional
        Temperature where DeltaG0 of species must not be NA
    P : float or "Psat", default "Psat"
        Pressure where DeltaG0 of species must not be NA
    add_charge : bool, default True
        Add charge to the system?
    hide_groups : bool, default True
        Exclude groups from the result?
    must_have : str or list of str, optional
        Retrieved species must have the element(s).

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    out: list or dict
        A list of the OBIGT indices of retrieved chemical species

    if elements == None:
        elements = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(elements, list) or isinstance(elements, str):
        elements = _convert_to_RVector(elements, force_Rvec=True)
    elif isinstance(elements, tuple):
        elements = ro.ListVector({chr(ord('`')+i):l for i,l in zip(range(1, len(elements)+1), elements)})

    if ligands == None:
        ligands = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(ligands, list) or isinstance(ligands, str):
        ligands = _convert_to_RVector(ligands, force_Rvec=True)
    elif isinstance(ligands, tuple):
        ligands = ro.ListVector({chr(ord('`')+i):l for i,l in zip(range(1, len(ligands)+1), ligands)})

    if state == None:
        state = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(state, list) or isinstance(state, str):
        state = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=True)
    elif isinstance(state, tuple):
        state = ro.ListVector({chr(ord('`')+i):l for i,l in zip(range(1, len(state)+1), state)})

    if T == None:
        T = ro.r("NULL")
    if P == None:
        P = ro.r("NULL")
    args = {'elements':elements, 'ligands':ligands, 'state':state, 'T':T, 'P':P,
            'add_charge':add_charge, 'hide_groups':hide_groups}
    capture = R_output()

    out = CHNOSZ.retrieve(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    out = list(out)
    if isinstance(must_have, str):
        must_have = [must_have]
    if isinstance(must_have, list):
        df = info(out, messages=False)
        formulas = df["formula"].apply(chemparse.parse_formula)
        keep_ind = []
        for i,formula in enumerate(formulas):
            if all(elem in formula.keys()  for elem in must_have):
        keep_ind = list(set(keep_ind))
        out = [out[i] for i in keep_ind]

    return out
def seq2aa(protein, sequence, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the seq2aa() function in CHNOSZ. Returns a data frame of amino acid composition corresponding to the provided sequence.


protein : str
Protein name with an underscore, e.g., 'LYSC_CHICK'
sequence : str
Amino acid sequence of the protein.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


Pandas dataframe
Amino acid composition of protein.
Expand source code
def seq2aa(protein, sequence, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the seq2aa() function in CHNOSZ.
    Returns a data frame of amino acid composition corresponding to the provided
    protein : str
        Protein name with an underscore, e.g., 'LYSC_CHICK'
    sequence : str
        Amino acid sequence of the protein.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    Pandas dataframe
        Amino acid composition of protein.
    args = {'protein':protein, 'sequence':sequence}

    capture = R_output()
    pout = CHNOSZ.seq2aa(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return ro.conversion.rpy2py(pout)
def solubility(iaq=None, in_terms_of=None, dissociate=False, find_IS=False, messages=True, **kwargs)

Python wrapper for the solubility() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate chemical activities of aqueous species in equilibrium with a mineral or gas.


iaq : str, int, or list of str or int
Name(s) of aqueous species (if str). If int, the index of the aqueous species in the OBIGT database.
in_terms_of : str, optional
Express the total solubility in terms of moles of this species.
dissociate : bool, default False
Does the mineral undergo a dissociation reaction?
find_IS : bool, default False
Find the equilibrium ionic strength by iteration?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?
**kwargs : named arguments
Arguments for affinity() or mosaic (i.e. plotting variables).


s : rpy2.ListVector
Output from solubility().
Expand source code
def solubility(iaq=None, in_terms_of=None, dissociate=False, find_IS=False,
               messages=True, **kwargs):

    Python wrapper for the solubility() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate chemical activities of aqueous species in equilibrium with a mineral or gas.
    iaq : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name(s) of aqueous species (if str). If int, the index of the aqueous
        species in the OBIGT database.
    in_terms_of : str, optional
        Express the total solubility in terms of moles of this species.
    dissociate : bool, default False
        Does the mineral undergo a dissociation reaction?
    find_IS : bool, default False
        Find the equilibrium ionic strength by iteration?

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    **kwargs : named arguments
        Arguments for `affinity` or `mosaic` (i.e. plotting variables).
    s : rpy2.ListVector
        Output from `solubility`.
    args = {'dissociate':dissociate, 'find_IS':find_IS}
    if in_terms_of != None: args["in_terms_of"] = in_terms_of
    args["iaq"] = _convert_to_RVector(iaq, force_Rvec=True)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if isinstance(value, list):
            value = ro.FloatVector(value)

    capture = R_output()

    s = CHNOSZ.solubility(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    return s
def species(species=None, state=None, delete=False, add=False, index_return=False, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the species() function in CHNOSZ. Define the species of interest in a system; modify their physical states and logarithms of activities.


species : str, int, or list of str or int
Names or formulas of species to add to the species definition; int, rownumbers of species in OBIGT to modify or delete.
state : str or list of str, optional
physical states; numeric, logarithms of activities or fugacities.
delete : bool, default False
Delete the species identified by numeric values of species (or all species if that argument is missing)?
add : bool, default False
Delete a previous species definition instead of adding to it?
index_return : bool, default False
return the affected rownumbers of species in the OBIGT database instead of the normal output of species()?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


Pandas dataframe containing a stoichometric matrix of reactions to form species from basis species defined by basis().
Expand source code
def species(species=None, state=None, delete=False, add=False,
            index_return=False, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the species() function in CHNOSZ.
    Define the species of interest in a system; modify their physical states
    and logarithms of activities.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Names or formulas of species to add to the species definition; int,
        rownumbers of species in OBIGT to modify or delete.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        physical states; numeric, logarithms of activities or fugacities.

    delete : bool, default False
        Delete the species identified by numeric values of species (or all
        species if that argument is missing)?

    add : bool, default False
        Delete a previous species definition instead of adding to it?

    index_return : bool, default False
        return the affected rownumbers of species in the OBIGT database instead
        of the normal output of `species`?
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
        Pandas dataframe containing a stoichometric matrix of reactions to form
        species from basis species defined by `basis`.
    if species != None:
        args["species"] = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    args["add"] = add
    args["delete"] = delete
    args["index.return"] = index_return
    capture = R_output()
    sout = CHNOSZ.species(**args)
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    return ro.conversion.rpy2py(sout)
def subcrt(species, coeff=None, state=None, property=['logK', 'G', 'H', 'S', 'V', 'Cp'], T=None, P=None, grid=None, convert=True, exceed_Ttr=False, exceed_rhomin=False, logact=None, autobalance=True, IS=None, messages=True, show=True)

Python wrapper for the subcrt() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate the standard molal thermodynamic properties of one or more species or a reaction between species as a function of temperature and pressure.


species : str, int, or list of str or int
Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the OBIGT database.
coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Reaction coefficients on species.
state : str or list of str, optional
State(s) of species.
property : str or list of str, optional
Property(s) to calculate.
T : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Temperature(s) of the calculation.
P : numeric, list of numeric, or str if 'Psat', default 'Psat'
Pressure(s) of the calculation.
grid : str, default None
Type of PxT grid to produce (None, the default, means no gridding).
exceed_Ttr : bool, default False
Calculate Gibbs energies of mineral phases and other species beyond their transition temperatures?
exceed_rhomin : bool, default False
Return properties of species in the HKF model below 0.35 g cm-3?
logact : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Logarithms of activities of species in reaction.
convert : bool, default True
Are input and output units of T and P those of the user (True) (see T_units), or are they Kelvin and bar (False)?
autobalance : bool, default True
Attempt to automatically balance reaction with basis species?
IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties, mol kg^-1.
messages : bool, default True
Print messages from CHNOSZ?
show : bool, default True
Display CHNOSZ tables?


out : object of class SubcrtOutput
An object that stores the output of subcrt().
Expand source code
def subcrt(species, coeff=None, state=None,
           property=["logK", "G", "H", "S", "V", "Cp"],
           T=None, P=None, grid=None,
           convert=True, exceed_Ttr=False, exceed_rhomin=False,
           logact=None, autobalance=True, IS=None, messages=True,
    Python wrapper for the subcrt() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the standard molal thermodynamic properties of one or more
    species or a reaction between species as a function of temperature and
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Reaction coefficients on species.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    property : str or list of str, optional
        Property(s) to calculate.

    T : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Temperature(s) of the calculation.

    P : numeric, list of numeric, or str if 'Psat', default 'Psat'
        Pressure(s) of the calculation.

    grid : str, default None
        Type of PxT grid to produce (None, the default, means no gridding).

    exceed_Ttr : bool, default False
        Calculate Gibbs energies of mineral phases and other species beyond
        their transition temperatures?

    exceed_rhomin : bool, default False
        Return properties of species in the HKF model below 0.35 g cm-3?

    logact : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Logarithms of activities of species in reaction.

    convert : bool, default True
        Are input and output units of T and P those of the user (True) (see
        T_units), or are they Kelvin and bar (False)?

    autobalance : bool, default True
        Attempt to automatically balance reaction with basis species?

    IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties,
        mol kg^-1.
    messages : bool, default True
        Print messages from CHNOSZ?
    show : bool, default True
        Display CHNOSZ tables?
    out : object of class SubcrtOutput
        An object that stores the output of `subcrt`.
    single_species = False
    args = {'species': _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)}
    if coeff != None:
        args["coeff"] = _convert_to_RVector(coeff)
        single_species = True
    if state != None:
        args["state"] = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    args["property"] = _convert_to_RVector(property)
    if T != None:
        args['T'] = _convert_to_RVector(T, force_Rvec=False)

    if P != None:
        args['P'] = _convert_to_RVector(P, force_Rvec=False)
    if grid != None: args['grid'] = grid # grid is either 'T' or 'P'
    args['convert'] = convert
    args['exceed.Ttr'] = exceed_Ttr
    args['exceed.rhomin'] = exceed_rhomin
    if logact != None: args["logact"] = _convert_to_RVector(logact)
    args['autobalance'] = autobalance
    if IS != None:
        args["IS"] = _convert_to_RVector(IS, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    a = CHNOSZ.subcrt(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if "warnings" in a.names:
        warn = a.rx2("warnings")[0] # subcrt's list includes warnings only if they appear
        warn = None
    if "polymorphs" in a.names:
        poly = a.rx2("polymorphs") # subcrt's list includes polymorphs only if they appear
        poly = None
    if not single_species:
        out_dict = {"reaction":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[0]),
                    "out":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[1])} # the extra [0] is important
        out_dict = {"species":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[0]), "out":{}}
        for df in a[1]:
            out_dict["out"][out_dict["species"].name[i]] = ro.conversion.rpy2py(df)
            i += 1
    if isinstance(warn, str):
        out_dict["warnings"] = warn
    if isinstance(poly, pd.DataFrame):
        out_dict["polymorphs"] = poly
    out = SubcrtOutput(out_dict)
    if show:
        for table in out.__dict__.keys():
            if not isinstance(out[table], dict):
                for subtable in out[table].keys():
                    print("\n"+subtable+":") # species name
    return out
def syslab(system=['K2O', 'Al2O3', 'SiO2', 'H2O'], dash='-')

Python wrapper for the syslab() function in CHNOSZ. Formats the given thermodynamic components and adds intervening en dashes.


system : list of str, default ["K2O", "Al2O3", "SiO2", "H2O"]
Thermodynamic components.
dash : str, default "-"
Character to use for dash between components.


A formatted string representing the thermodynamic system.

Expand source code
def syslab(system=["K2O", "Al2O3", "SiO2", "H2O"], dash="-"):

    Python wrapper for the syslab() function in CHNOSZ.
    Formats the given thermodynamic components and adds intervening en dashes.
    system : list of str, default ["K2O", "Al2O3", "SiO2", "H2O"]
        Thermodynamic components.
    dash : str, default "-"
        Character to use for dash between components.

    A formatted string representing the thermodynamic system.
    return dash.join([html_chemname_format(sp)for sp in system])
def unicurve(logK, species, coeff, state, pressures=1, temperatures=25, IS=0, minT=0.1, maxT=100, minP=1, maxP=500, tol=None, solve='T', width=600, height=520, dpi=90, plot_it=True, messages=True, show=True)

Solve for temperatures or pressures of equilibration for a given logK value and produce a plot.


logK : numeric
Logarithm (base 10) of an equilibrium constant.
species : str, int, or list of str or int
Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the OBIGT database.
coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Reaction coefficients on species.
state : str or list of str, optional
State(s) of species.
pressures, temperatures : numeric or list of numeric
Pressures (if solving for temperature) or temperatures (if solving for pressures) to resolve with logK. Pressures are in bars and temperatures are in degrees Celcius.
IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties, mol kg^-1.
minT, maxT : numeric
Minimum and maximum temperatures (degrees Celcius) to search within for a solution for the given pressure(s) and logK. Ignored if solving for pressure.
minP, maxP : numeric
Minimum and maximum pressures (bars) to search within for a solution for the given temperatures(s) and logK. Ignored if solving for temperature.
tol : float
Tolerance for finding a temperature or pressure that converges on the given logK. Will attempt to find a solution that satisfies logK plus or minus tol. By default, tol is equal to 1/(10^(n+2)) where n is the number of decimal places in logK, with a maximum default tolerance of 1e-5.
solve : "T" or "P"
Solve for temperature or pressure?
width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
Width and height of the plot.
dpi : numeric, default 90
Resolution of the plot.
plot_it : bool, default True
Show the plot?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?
show : bool, default True
Display CHNOSZ tables?


out : object of class SubcrtOutput
An object that stores the output of subcrt() along the univariant curve.
Expand source code
def unicurve(logK, species, coeff, state, pressures=1, temperatures=25, IS=0,
             minT=0.1, maxT=100, minP=1, maxP=500, tol=None,
             solve="T", width=600, height=520, dpi=90, plot_it=True,
             messages=True, show=True):
    Solve for temperatures or pressures of equilibration for a given logK
    value and produce a plot.
    logK : numeric
        Logarithm (base 10) of an equilibrium constant.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Reaction coefficients on species.
    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    pressures, temperatures : numeric or list of numeric
        Pressures (if solving for temperature) or temperatures (if solving for
        pressures) to resolve with `logK`. Pressures are in bars and
        temperatures are in degrees Celcius.

    IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties,
        mol kg^-1.
    minT, maxT : numeric
        Minimum and maximum temperatures (degrees Celcius) to search within for
        a solution for the given pressure(s) and logK. Ignored if solving for
    minP, maxP : numeric
        Minimum and maximum pressures (bars) to search within for
        a solution for the given temperatures(s) and logK. Ignored if solving
        for temperature.
    tol : float
        Tolerance for finding a temperature or pressure that converges on the
        given logK. Will attempt to find a solution that satisfies logK plus or
        minus `tol`. By default, tol is equal to 1/(10^(n+2)) where n is the
        number of decimal places in logK, with a maximum default tolerance of
    solve : "T" or "P"
        Solve for temperature or pressure?
    width, height : numeric, default 600 by 520
        Width and height of the plot.
    dpi : numeric, default 90
        Resolution of the plot.

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Show the plot?
    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    show : bool, default True
        Display CHNOSZ tables?
    out : object of class SubcrtOutput
        An object that stores the output of `subcrt` along the univariant curve.

    if tol == None:
        d = decimal.Decimal(str(logK))
        n_decimals = abs(d.as_tuple().exponent)
        tol = float("0."+"".join(n_decimals*["0"])+"01")
        if tol > 0.00001:
            tol = 0.00001
    species = _convert_to_RVector(species, force_Rvec=False)
    state = _convert_to_RVector(state, force_Rvec=False)
    coeff = _convert_to_RVector(coeff, force_Rvec=False)
    pressures = _convert_to_RVector(pressures, force_Rvec=False)
    temperatures = _convert_to_RVector(temperatures, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()

    r_univariant = pkg_resources.resource_string(
        __name__, 'univariant.r').decode("utf-8")
    if solve=="T":
        a = ro.r.uc_solveT(logK=logK,
        if plot_it:
            with __r_inline_plot(width=width, height=height, dpi=dpi, plot_it=plot_it):
    elif solve=="P":
        a = ro.r.uc_solveP(logK=logK,
        if plot_it:
            with __r_inline_plot(width=width, height=height, dpi=dpi, plot_it=plot_it):
    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)

    if len(a) == 3:
        warn = a[2][0] # subcrt's list includes warnings only if they appear
        warn = None
    out_dict = {"reaction":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[0]),
                "out":ro.conversion.rpy2py(a[1])} # the extra [0] is important
    if warn != None:
        out_dict["warnings"] = warn
    out = SubcrtOutput(out_dict)
    if show:
        for table in out.__dict__.keys():
            if not isinstance(out[table], dict):
                for subtable in out[table].keys():
                    print("\n"+subtable+":") # species name
    return out
def univariant_TP(logK, species, coeff, state, Trange, Prange, IS=0, tol=None, title=None, res=10, width=500, height=400, show=False, messages=False, plot_it=True)

Solve for temperatures or pressures of equilibration for a given logK value and produce a plot with temperature and pressure axes.


logK : numeric
Logarithm (base 10) of an equilibrium constant.
species : str, int, or list of str or int
Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the OBIGT database.
coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Reaction coefficients on species.
state : str or list of str, optional
State(s) of species.
Trange : list of two numeric
List containing the minimum and maximum temperature, in degrees C, to solve for the specified logK value. Does not necessarily correspond to temperature axis range in the resulting plot.
Prange : list of two numeric
List containing the minimum and maximum pressure, in bars, to solve for the specified logK value. Does not necessarily correspond to pressure axis range in the resulting plot.
IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties, mol kg^-1.
tol : float
Tolerance for finding a temperature or pressure that converges on the given logK. Will attempt to find a solution that satisfies logK plus or minus tol. By default, tol is equal to 1/(10^(n+2)) where n is the number of decimal places in logK, with a maximum default tolerance of 1e-5.
width, height : numeric, default 500 by 400
Width and height of the plot.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?
show : bool, default True
Display CHNOSZ tables?
plot_it : bool, default True
Show the plot?


out : object of class SubcrtOutput
An object that stores the output of subcrt() along the univariant curve.
Expand source code
def univariant_TP(logK, species, coeff, state, Trange, Prange, IS=0,
                  tol=None, title=None, res=10, width=500, height=400,
                  show=False, messages=False, plot_it=True):

    Solve for temperatures or pressures of equilibration for a given logK
    value and produce a plot with temperature and pressure axes.
    logK : numeric
        Logarithm (base 10) of an equilibrium constant.
    species : str, int, or list of str or int
        Name or formula of species, or numeric, rownumber of species in the
        OBIGT database.

    coeff : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Reaction coefficients on species.

    state : str or list of str, optional
        State(s) of species.

    Trange : list of two numeric
        List containing the minimum and maximum temperature, in degrees C, to
        solve for the specified logK value. Does not necessarily correspond to
        temperature axis range in the resulting plot.

    Prange : list of two numeric
        List containing the minimum and maximum pressure, in bars, to
        solve for the specified logK value. Does not necessarily correspond to
        pressure axis range in the resulting plot.

    IS : numeric or list of numeric, optional
        Ionic strength(s) at which to calculate adjusted molal properties,
        mol kg^-1.
    tol : float
        Tolerance for finding a temperature or pressure that converges on the
        given logK. Will attempt to find a solution that satisfies logK plus or
        minus `tol`. By default, tol is equal to 1/(10^(n+2)) where n is the
        number of decimal places in logK, with a maximum default tolerance of
    width, height : numeric, default 500 by 400
        Width and height of the plot.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    show : bool, default True
        Display CHNOSZ tables?

    plot_it : bool, default True
        Show the plot?
    out : object of class SubcrtOutput
        An object that stores the output of `subcrt` along the univariant curve.
    if not isinstance(logK, list):
        logK = [logK]
    fig = go.Figure()
    output = []
    for this_logK in logK:
        if tol == None:
            d = decimal.Decimal(str(this_logK))
            n_decimals = abs(d.as_tuple().exponent)
            tol = float("0."+"".join(n_decimals*["0"])+"01")
            if tol > 0.00001:
                tol = 0.00001
        out = unicurve(solve="T",
                       pressures=list(np.linspace(start=Prange[0], stop=Prange[1], num=res)),
                       plot_it=False, messages=messages)
        if not out["out"]["T"].isnull().all():
                text = ["logK="+str(this_logK) for i in range(0, len(out["out"]["T"]))],
                hovertemplate = '%{text}<br>T, °C=%{x:.2f}<br>P, bar=%{y:.2f}<extra></extra>',
            print("Could not find any T or P values in this range that correspond to a logK value of {}".format(this_logK))
    if title == None:
        react_grid = output[0]["reaction"]
        react_grid["name"] = [name  if name != "water" else "H2O" for name in react_grid["name"]] # replace any "water" with "H2O" in the written reaction
        reactants = " + ".join([(str(-int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if isinstance(react_grid["coeff"][i], (int, np.integer)) else -react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if -react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + html_chemname_format(react_grid["name"][i]) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] < 0])
        products = " + ".join([(str(int(react_grid["coeff"][i]) if isinstance(react_grid["coeff"][i], (int, np.integer)) else react_grid["coeff"][i])+" " if react_grid["coeff"][i] != 1 else "") + html_chemname_format(react_grid["name"][i]) for i in range(0, len(react_grid["name"])) if react_grid["coeff"][i] > 0])
        title = reactants + " = " + products
                      xaxis_title="T, °C",
                      yaxis_title="P, bar",
    config = {'displaylogo': False,
              'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['resetScale2d', 'toggleSpikelines']}
    if plot_it:
    return output
def water(property=None, T=298.15, P='Psat', P1=True, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the water() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of water.


property : str or list of str, optional
Computational setting or property(s) to calculate. To set a water model, use 'SUPCRT92' (default) or 'SUPCRT', 'IAPWS95' or 'IAPWS', or 'DEW'. To calculate a property, use 'A', 'G', 'S', 'U', etc. See for the complete catalog of properties that can be calculated, their units, and their availability in water models.
T : numeric, default 298.15
Temperature (K)
P : numeric, default "Psat"
Pressure (bar), or Psat for vapor-liquid saturation.
P1 : bool, default True
Output pressure of 1 bar below 100 °C instead of calculated values of Psat?
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


out : float or dict
Calculated value of desired water property. If property is a list, returns a dictionary of calculated values.
Expand source code
def water(property=None, T=298.15, P="Psat", P1=True, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the water() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of water.
    property : str or list of str, optional
        Computational setting or property(s) to calculate. To set a water model,
        use 'SUPCRT92' (default) or 'SUPCRT', 'IAPWS95' or 'IAPWS', or 'DEW'.
        To calculate a property, use 'A', 'G', 'S', 'U', etc. See for the complete catalog of
        properties that can be calculated, their units, and their availability
        in water models.

    T : numeric, default 298.15
        Temperature (K)

    P : numeric, default "Psat"
        Pressure (bar), or Psat for vapor-liquid saturation.

    P1 : bool, default True
        Output pressure of 1 bar below 100 °C instead of calculated values of Psat?

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?

    out : float or dict
        Calculated value of desired water property. If `property` is a list,
        returns a dictionary of calculated values.
    if property == None:
        property = ro.r("NULL")
    elif isinstance(property, list):
        property = _convert_to_RVector(property, force_Rvec=True)
    args = {'property':property, 'T':T, 'P':P, 'P1':P1}
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.water(**args)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    if property not in ["SUPCRT92", "SUPCRT", "IAPWS95", "IAPWS", "DEW"]:

        return ro.conversion.rpy2py(out)
def zc(formula, messages=True)

Python wrapper for the ZC() function in CHNOSZ. Calculate the average oxidation state of carbon (ZC) in a molecule.


formula : str or list of str
Chemical formula(s) of molecules.
messages : bool, default True
Display messages from CHNOSZ?


out : float or list of float
The average oxidation state of carbon in the formula. Returns a list if formula is a list.
Expand source code
def zc(formula, messages=True):
    Python wrapper for the ZC() function in CHNOSZ.
    Calculate the average oxidation state of carbon (ZC) in a molecule.
    formula : str or list of str
        Chemical formula(s) of molecules.

    messages : bool, default True
        Display messages from CHNOSZ?
    out : float or list of float
        The average oxidation state of carbon in the formula.
        Returns a list if `formula` is a list.
    formula_R = _convert_to_RVector(formula, force_Rvec=False)
    capture = R_output()
    out = CHNOSZ.ZC(formula_R)

    if messages:
        for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
    out = list(out)
    if not isinstance(formula, list):
        out = out[0]
    return out


class R_output
Expand source code
class R_output(object):
    def capture_r_output(self):
        Capture and create a list of R console messages
        # Record output #
        self.stdout = []
        self.stderr = []
        # Dummy functions #
        def add_to_stdout(line): self.stdout.append(line)
        def add_to_stderr(line): self.stderr.append(line)
        # Keep the old functions #
        self.stdout_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print
        self.stderr_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror
        # Set the call backs #
        rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print     = add_to_stdout
        rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror = add_to_stderr


def capture_r_output(self)

Capture and create a list of R console messages

Expand source code
def capture_r_output(self):
    Capture and create a list of R console messages
    # Record output #
    self.stdout = []
    self.stderr = []
    # Dummy functions #
    def add_to_stdout(line): self.stdout.append(line)
    def add_to_stderr(line): self.stderr.append(line)
    # Keep the old functions #
    self.stdout_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print
    self.stderr_orig = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror
    # Set the call backs #
    rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_print     = add_to_stdout
    rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror = add_to_stderr
class SubcrtOutput (args)

Stores the output of a subcrt() calculation.


reaction : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe summary of the reaction. Only present if a reaction is specified.
species : pd.Dataframe
Pandas dataframe summary of species. Only present if a reaction is not specified.
out : pd.Dataframe
Pandas dataframe of subcrt() output.
warnings : pd.Dataframe
Pandas dataframe of calculation warnings. Only present if warnings were generated.
Expand source code
class SubcrtOutput(object):
    Stores the output of a `subcrt` calculation.
    reaction : pd.DataFrame
        Pandas dataframe summary of the reaction. Only present if a reaction is
    species : pd.Dataframe
        Pandas dataframe summary of species. Only present if a reaction is not
    out : pd.Dataframe
        Pandas dataframe of `subcrt` output.
    warnings : pd.Dataframe
        Pandas dataframe of calculation warnings. Only present if warnings were
    def __init__(self, args): 
        for k in args:
            setattr(self, k, args[k])

    def __getitem__(self, item):
         return getattr(self, item)
class thermo (messages=True, **kwargs)

Python wrapper for the thermo() object in CHNOSZ. See the original CHNOSZ documentation for in-depth descriptions of each attribute:


OBIGT : pd.DataFrame
A thermodynamic database of standard molal thermodynamic properties and equations of state parameters of species.
basis : pd.DataFrame
Initially None, reserved for a dataframe written by basis upon definition of the basis species.
buffer : pd.DataFrame
Contains definitions of buffers of chemical activity.
element : pd.DataFrame
Containins the thermodynamic properties of elements taken from Cox et al., 1989, Wagman et al., 1982, and (for Am, Pu, Np, Cm) Thoenen et al., 2014.
groups : pd.DataFrame
A dataframe with 22 columns for the amino acid sidechain, backbone and protein backbone groups ([Ala]..[Tyr],[AABB],[UPBB]) whose rows correspond to the elements C, H, N, O, S. It is used to quickly calculate the chemical formulas of proteins that are selected using the iprotein argument in affinity().
opar : dict
Stores parameters of the last plot generated in pyCHNOSZ. If a plot has not yet been generated, opar is None.
opt : dict
Dictionary of computational settings.
protein : pd.DataFrame
Amino acid compositions of selected proteins.
refs : pd.DataFrame
References for thermodynamic data.
stoich : pd.DataFrame
A precalculated stoichiometric matrix for the default database.
species : pd.DataFrame
Initially None, reserved for a dataframe generated by species to define the species of interest.
Expand source code
class thermo:
    Python wrapper for the thermo() object in CHNOSZ.
    See the original CHNOSZ documentation for in-depth descriptions of each
    OBIGT : pd.DataFrame
        A thermodynamic database of standard molal thermodynamic properties and
        equations of state parameters of species.
    basis : pd.DataFrame
        Initially `None`, reserved for a dataframe written by basis upon
        definition of the basis species.
    buffer : pd.DataFrame
        Contains definitions of buffers of chemical activity.
    element : pd.DataFrame
        Containins the thermodynamic properties of elements taken from Cox et
        al., 1989, Wagman et al., 1982, and (for Am, Pu, Np, Cm) Thoenen et al.,
    groups : pd.DataFrame
        A dataframe with 22 columns for the amino acid sidechain, backbone and
        protein backbone groups ([Ala]..[Tyr],[AABB],[UPBB]) whose rows
        correspond to the elements C, H, N, O, S. It is used to quickly
        calculate the chemical formulas of proteins that are selected using the
        iprotein argument in `affinity`.
    opar : dict
        Stores parameters of the last plot generated in pyCHNOSZ. If a plot has
        not yet been generated, `opar` is `None`.
    opt : dict
        Dictionary of computational settings.

    protein : pd.DataFrame
        Amino acid compositions of selected proteins.
    refs : pd.DataFrame
        References for thermodynamic data.
    stoich : pd.DataFrame
        A precalculated stoichiometric matrix for the default database.
    species : pd.DataFrame
        Initially `None`, reserved for a dataframe generated by species to
        define the species of interest.
    def __init__(self, messages=True, **kwargs):
        args = {}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, NumberTypes):
                value = _convert_to_RVector(value, force_Rvec=False)
            elif isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                value = ro.conversion.py2rpy(value)
        capture = R_output()
        t = CHNOSZ.thermo(**args)

        if messages:
            for line in capture.stderr: print(line)
        for i, name in enumerate(t.names):
            if isinstance(t[i], ro.DataFrame) or isinstance(t[i], ro.Matrix):
                attr = ro.conversion.rpy2py(t[i])
            elif isinstance(t[i], ro.ListVector):
                attr = {}
                for ii, subname in enumerate(t[i].names):
                    attr[subname] = list(t[i][ii])
            elif isinstance(t[i], ro.FloatVector) or isinstance(t[i], ro.IntVector) or isinstance(t[i], ro.StrVector):
                attr = list(t[i])
                if len(t[i]) == 1:
                    attr = attr[0]
            elif isinstance(t[i], rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.NULLType):
                attr = None
                attr = t[i]
            setattr(self, name, attr)
    def __getitem__(self, item):
         return getattr(self, item)